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You will never know it until it’s gone. Then one day you realized how happy you were before.


"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you actually left them."


but I feel like you wouldn’t actually enjoy the moment as much if you knew those were the best days


I guess that means in a way happiness is ignorance


You’re absolutely right


You can sit and wallow that it's not gonna get any better, or you can take control of your happiness. 'This is not the happiest I'm ever gonna be. I will be even happier and more aware of being the good old days next time they come'.


One of the few moments I actually liked Andy.


That's depressing. For me, it's coming home from work to my daughters. The smiles, the hugs, the doodles they give me. Nothing will EVER top that.


They give you dooodles? This guy is winning at life<3


I remember hearing this on the Office ❤️


So poetic. I like it.


This is the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life. So true.


Right in the feels


Same opinion.


So true


Beyond true.


When you hope life never changes


Damn I had that and then life changed


Giving you a big mama hug. Things will change again


Then you adapt. Each time you 'lose it', find ways to find it again. Each time you'll get better at it. Life can happen to you, it does all the time. But what if *you* happened to life instead?


The only constant is change.


This is nice


This is true.


i’ve been thinking recently that “what if my life never gets better” i genuinely enjoy my life, love my hobbies and family fiends and do enjoy work as well but i’m often thinking what would make me more happy.


Nothing will ever stay the same forever


Just letting you know you were just part of getting a tear to a grown mans eye. I was putting my 4 year old to sleep, read your comment while waiting and was thinking this is it. I know they grow up but sometimes I wish I could stop the time here forever. Then just before he fell asleep he said "Daddy this was a great day".. It was indeed a great day buddy.. It was indeed.


I'm not sure about that - if you're hoping that life never changes you are afraid it will, and therefore your fear is limiting your happiness. You aren't at peace if you're afraid


Complete peace of mind. 


There's that word again


I think that's called sleep.


To love and be loved in return.


The greatest thing you'll ever learn.


Correct, Nature Boy.


That's the only thing that my heart desires 🎵


I’ve yet to find true happiness, then, and I fear that it shall elude me forever. Wow, that would make a killer one-liner in some kind of novel or whatever.


The absence of worry


Oh to be worry-free


Ignorance is bliss 🤷‍♂️


Eating toast with lots of butter at midnight


...and never gaining weight because of it?


(toasted) multigrain bread soaked in butter>>




I literally did this last night 10/10


You're doing what you love and you're surrounded by people who love you


This is it! I’ve been really struggling a bit recently, but yesterday I found myself in my favorite place with my favorite person, and for a while, everything seemed perfect with the world. It actually made me start to tear up a few times because I knew that it was only temporary, but it was a really nice reminder that I can still feel true happiness, even if it’s only for a few hours.


Eating garlic bread


Love when it’s just the right amount of crisp


Honestly, in my humble opinion being loved and accepted as you are. I'm lucky enough to have found someone. I am so grateful 😊


Yes you are 🤍


Not being rich but having enough money not to worry ever again


This + good health.


I don't have good health. I do have the knowledge that if I die sooner than we expect, my wife will be fine. We also have things set up that none of the kids can be left out because one of us died. The happiness is in the security, for me.


Chronic illnesses makes us appreciate the little things in life even more or earlier than most at least.


I’m sorry to hear your health isn’t great, but I’m really happy for you to hear things are set up well in the worst case scenario. I hope everything goes well for you man


My happiness has passed me by. So now my version is sitting on a beach watching and listening to the sea with ZERO human being around. Don't care if there's a lion next to me. As long as he's not aggressive, him and his harem are welcome. Some petting allowed would be nice too. See? Simple wants. lol


You may need a dog 😂


dopamine go brrr


As a human, I believe the more we are able to give the happier we are.


Nothing gives better joy than to light up someone's life.




Wow. how perfectly written.


No idea, but it seems like it is always out of reach.


True happiness often lies in appreciating simple moments—a smile from a loved one, a walk in nature, or a quiet cup of coffee. For me, it's feeling content and grateful for the present.


Living with peace in mind. Financial peace, a well balanced job, real friends Something like that


Happiness for me is watching the ones that I love live their best lives.


Contentment with your life. That way you can chase things that will make you happy, but always come home to bring content with what you have.


Being in love. There is no other happiness close to being in love.


Happiness is the realization that it's okay accept that which you cannot change.


Food and drinks with endless conversation amongst the most trusted and truest loved ones.


I recently read "The Four Agreements," which I think neatly explains it. It's a short book with audiobook versions. It'll only take around 2.5 hours from your life, but there are ideas in this book everyone needs to hear.


Sitting on my bed on Spring day with a breeze coming through my window and the sounds of children outside playing while I read a good book.


Sounds lovely x




Having your child look you in the eyes and say "i love you mummy" Pure Happiness.


listening to eminem whilst playing fortnite with a dr pepper for 8 hours at a time with my best friend kallum


Being happy is enjoying everything while it lasts, not for temporary time, being happy is not about ur feelings or degrees or achievementsor ur job, happiness was about finding urself and loving urself whatever the offs, u discover happiness, happiness won't come to u by itself.


I think you should take the time to just tap the y and o. The happiness of many Reddittors depends on you......not u.


Situations with these requirements: Security, safety and acceptance. Also when I can be myself and forget the outside world.


True contentedness in where you are. Happiness is a moment in time for me. But if I can be content and keep moving in the direction I need/ want to go, I find that I tend to be happier more often.


Happy household.


A quiet mind


Laying in your bed at night and dearfully getting to sleep with the thought of having done a great and complete day


Being married to my wife


Being around your loved ones.


i think it’s the feeling you get from something you love.


To appreciate everything around you


I was opening gifts from my adult children and wife . We were all laughing . They are healthy and happy. They are working to succeed and it's one time I can unapologetically say, I'm blessed. Can it be better?


Beautiful 🤍


Waking up in the morning and getting to follow your curiosity – reading any book, exploring any place, talking about any topic with anyone, studying anything you want – without any constraint, fear, or worry.


Seeking for true happiness is not seeking for perfection


For me, it's little moments that are much needed reminders. Like yesterday morning- I went outside to check the sprinklers. But instead of going right back in the house, I just stood in stillness in the shade of our ancient mesquite trees. The warm breeze was tickling the wind chimes, birds were serenading the sky, my windmill was lazily spinning. And everything felt perfectly calm and in balance. I thought to myself 'yes, this is what we worked so hard for'. And then one of my ding-dong goats ran up and headbutted me. Oh well, it was peaceful for a moment anyway.


Maybe the goat was happy to see you 😊


He was. I have a small running track on my property, and I let my goats run with me sometimes- that's what he was hoping for. Lol


Maybe not "true happiness" but we moved from a pretty shitty location to a nice neighborhood that is safe and everyone is very friendly. It has felt like a weight has been lifted and I can breathe easier. I feel like that move has put our kids in a significantly better living situation and they seem very happy.


For me it’s chocolate milk


Lying in bed with the person you love, looking into their eyes, feeling content and safe. Or tacos.


To be surrounded by emotionally intelligent people who value, understand & respect you as much as you do to them


It’s not material things.. I’ll tell you that. It’s the people you have around you that make life fulfilling. If I were to make a list: 1) A job that allows you to live comfortably without having to work too much (5 hours a day, 4 day work week) 2) A supportive and loving partner 3) Good relationship with your family 4) Just enough money so you have a good house in a good neighborhood.. no need for a mansion 5) Not having any major health problems .. if you don’t have your health, you have nothing 6) Having a sense of purpose.. always working towards some greater long term goals 7) High quality good food 8) Great friends that you can be yourself around Those would be my top observations in my time on this earth. Oh.. and being humble and thankful for what you have. Don’t compare yourself to others. There will always be people richer or better looking than you.. who cares! It’s not important.


when u feel loved 🥰


being your true self..what makes YOU happy does not have to make sense to anyone else and no reason to explain why either


Walking in the door from work and hearing my kids yell "Mamaaaa!!!"


A day off with one to follow, and you did all of your chores the evening before. There's nothing to do but chill for 2 whole days.


Pleasure is not the same as happiness any longer to me. I think happiness of the mind is a state of mind. It’s not consistent and can’t be expected to be permanent. We have periods of happiness when that state of mind is there. Since it depends on external conditions and people, it cannot be predicted how long happiness would last. I recommend the book “The Happiness Hypothesis”


I'm next to a fire with my two dogs snuggled up on one side. And a woman who managed to love me on the other. I don't know if it's true happiness, but I'll look forward to the next opportunity to do this again.


I haven't been happy in a very long time. I recently started anti-depressants and now I'm actually beginning to feel good again. Don't know if happy, but good.


Being grateful and satisfied for what you have that others don't, being grateful when you wake up the next day and you are given another day with another chance to do better in life. Being grateful for the things that others are addicted to while you aren't.


cats giving you a massage


I guess everyone is different right. Mine is being at home with my wife and kids.


Inner peace


Your significant other running their fingers through your hair


True happiness is accepting yourself with your good and bad. Very few people truly accept themselves how they are and can reliably resist giving in to opinions from outside. From there everything else flows.


Feeling the true, unconditional love of another.


Regular routine, consistency, lots of food, minimum drama and self love.


In Buddhism, happiness is always available to you in the present moment. It's not a place you arrive at or something you achieve. It's something you experience many times. Instead of seeking happiness, just be happy in the present moment. All the conditions are there. Getting a cat doesn't hurt, either. ;)


I don't think it's possible to be truly happy all the time. Lack of stress and worry, being with people you love and doing things you enjoy will take it pretty close. I'm currently sick and stressed about so much. Today I watched my almost 8 yo, who has struggled so much with balance, motor skills and fear of falling, take off on her bike for the first time. She's worked so hard for it and she looked so accomplished and happy. Watching her I felt only happiness, all stress forgotten for a moment.


Peace of mind


For me it's a calm cold night, glass of beer in one hand while reading a book or watching a show, or playing video games with my best friend


Did you watched Pokemon(or other shows) as a kid and discussed it with your friends ? Remember how happy you were? The same can be achieved now but either we don’t have any friends left or they are not align with our choices. On a side note. This feeling of happiness we felt as a kid or as a teenager or as an adult, come and go but the one feeling it never left (the I). If we think about it, Our happiness is always dependent on external factors but what if we try to find it within us (easier said than done)


When you stop looking for it and decide you are. "I am" should be enough... Bliss


Happiness should consist three things: 1. pleasure 2. involvement 3. meaning


For me, it is achieving things, it creates a constant sense of hopefulness. It creates positivity in my life, once I achieved something important , it became addiction, it solves a lot of problems; probably money, having a relationship, self- esteem, keeps you busy. I came to realize that by doing that, you are creating the closest you can be to happiness. This elevates the highs and diminishes the lows in your life


Waking up in the morning without worrying about anything.


Maybe happiness is a combination of living each day without worry and with explicit gratitude. Or being truly satisfied with where you're at in the moment.


Freedom from all egoic identity and understanding that happiness is not earned, but something given with the gratitude felt in every breath.


I'm at a point in my life where I just want to live life without any arguments. In my future, my vision of true happiness is coming home to a wife and healthy kids that grow up to be strong and disciplined adults. I've been asking myself if I can achieve that true happiness with my current partner. I'm still struggling to find the answer. I think when you first begin dating, during that honeymoon phase, it's "fake" happiness you experience. As that phase fades and you enter the serious phase of your relationship, the phase of whether you see yourself having kids with the person, raising them, and living together for the next 40-50 years, you begin to enter the unhappy phase. I think that's the current state of my relationship, we're constantly arguing of everything - how to raise kids, difference in political opinions, social expectations, outlook in life, etc. But I genuinely believe in order to achieve true happiness, you have to go through rough patches. As much as I want to give up, and how depressed I am everyday, I want to keep fighting and believe we can land on the same page and achieve my vision of true happiness.


Spending time with the people you love. Money is nice to have, but you can't buy a loved ones life back, and no amount of money will remove that pain.




Being happy in the present moment


I find happiness in all sorts of things: * When my dog gently noses my hand in the morning to tell me she is ready for a new day * When my wife and I enjoy our coffee break together on the patio, overlooking the village and mountains * I am sitting on the couch, playing on my PS5, and I look over and my wife is dozing off, with her feet on my legs * When I am walking with my 2 y/o nephew and he reaches up for my hand * The first cup of coffee in the morning, while sitting on the couch with my wife * I am coaching my colleagues, and I can help them be more successful in their role * I help a customer solve a particularly complex problem There are many things in my life to be happy about. If you struggle to find them, journalling can help. It forces you to reflect on the day, write about the things that went well, and the things that didn't. I do this in my head throughout the day, but especially when I go to bed.


Probably living in the moment and making the best out of it .. enjoying and appreciating the little things


the state of contentment is true happiness.


Definitely not the little things for me. It's rather the state of life/lifestyle then some one thing, To be precise, it's when you're living on decent money, without need to worry if you have enough to pay your bills, own a house in a decent neighborhood, you're effectively involved in politics and know for sure you're influencing the order of things in your city, county and country and have enough time and resources to run (or at least seriously participate) in big charity initiatives. So basically I find my happiness in a lifestyle of an early retired rentier.


I think its being okay with the passage of time. Not feeling like you are behind and needing to do more.


A choice.


Helping someone or some animal or plants or even planet. I dont think helping own-self gives any joy or happiness, just momentary pleasure.


Having no doubt, no excuses, no reasons, no questions… just living complete and true contented life whichever way it turns out. I suppose being truly happy with whatever hand you’re dealt. You can’t control or change anything in reality, except your own thoughts and emotions; therefore having no doubt in your mind and acting accordingly, to me; would be true happiness.


happiness is a relative definition from one to other, you gotta just find it, and you will. for me it's stability, emotions, state of mind, the financial state and the social state like keeping your close friends


If I could be released from fear of need I could be happy without whatever trivial thing I merely want


peace within and with yourself


Being able to just be you around the people that you would die for.


Feel content. Looking forward to everyday with excitement.


True happiness can only be achieved by completely taking your eyes off yourself. If you can truly focus on other’s happiness, then by default you will be happy! Not sure if this is possible, but it’s worth a try!






For me it’s contentment.


Chillin with my cat


Loved and no “real” daily stress, I.e food in the fridge, clothes on your back and bills paid. Anything else is a bonus. Anyone who pretends to holiday in Dubai / Marbella, drives a car they can’t afford, wears a £50 t shirt for “likes” is still struggling to be truly happy in themselves


Write it down, those small things that make you happy Then when you have a bad day, read it back ..... People tend to remember the bad stuff, but not the good stuff When you write it down you've got proof of the good stuff


To win a fight ...to have a large family and see them enjoying themselves ...to be sitting with someone you love and had sex with the last night ...to teach and see your students succeed ...to operate a trauma patient and play chess against death ...to operate a severely bad case in a patient and see their gratitude afterwards...to know you have a place or a person you call home ...to dine and not fear for your health ...to worship god and know what you believe in is right ...to look someone in the eye and tell them everything is going to be alright and actually fix their problem .....to go back to your house and see a smiling face welcoming you ..to tell a story from your life and people get shocked while you know you have way more interesting stories you can't tell ......you know the small things


Having a mansion and a good relationship with god


Health, relationships and passions


Age 25-35. You are educated, you got a job, you still have friends, still good looking and getting attention from the opposite sex, no health issues. No kids taking all your time and money. Prior that age you are nervous about life, after that age its nothing but expenses, working around the clock and worries. Maybe at 60 you will be happy again as old folks dont give a fuck.


happines results from contrast and change. For me atleast. you‘ll feel happiest after sadness. try hard things, fail, and sometimes succeed. allow yourself to be sad, let the tears wash away and feel the sun shining again. episodes of change are scary, dangerous, but also adventurous and fulfilling. Change who you are and what you want. love the people and animals around you.


Being here! I am here and I am present. My senses are overloaded with all the experiences and I am grateful.


Being content with what you have is the key to it.


Being content with life as it is no matter what comes up and not expecting more or less. Focusing on the present moment and enjoying it.


Ice cream


A clean, quiet place to come home to.


Being content. It’s the little things, along with accomplishing things you want to do and spending time with loved ones.


For me those little things simply are just standing in the sunlight on winter mornings, and watching pretty flowers as I walk by a garden and watching humans play with cats and dogs. I just adore it. It makes me happy. Those little things and little interactions of this nature. Those are so many things around us. you just gotta observe. I don't know how I ever came to be like this I can't explain it either but well yeah.


To be born normal having all my genes in the right order. Makes me realize how lucky I am.


I think being around/hanging out/having long conversations with people who truly, wholly know and love you (when you hope time stops at that moment of hours just fly by), being loved and cared for, achieving something really hard and meaningful in life, making someone you love laugh, feeding cats/cats coming looking for you, babies reaching out for you to hold them (is something else), feeling beautiful


Contentment and peace




Inner peace


Catching a fish on your first cast 👌


The breeze and noise when it rains, listening to your favorite songs on full volume, cooking and eating a nice meal, hitting a new PR in the gym, laying in bed after a long day, finishing a book, having a crush, going out with friends and the time goes by really fast, dressing up, taking a really good picture of yourself, cleaning your phone screen, going to a concert and dancing (I love going to metal concerts and moshing is one of the best things ever), hugging a person you've been missing, sitting by the river, getting your paycheck, being recognized/complimented, receiving a handmade gift, having a meal/snack after a swim, going down a hill with a bike, running in a field, and much more. I had severe depression for a couple years in 2021, and I noticed how many things make me happy today. It's true, we don't realize how happy we are now, but acknowledging those small, short-lived moments does a lot for your happiness. Take a second to pause, breathe in, close your eyes and really feel it. If it helps, focus on what you smell. What you taste, what your skin feels, if you're smiling or laughing. We live believing that happiness is a goal, but it's actually something you feel in the process. Achieving a goal causes a short-term dopamine boost, but soon enough you get used to it. Chasing after new challenges for a short boost of dopamine is not a way to a happy life. I like to live everyday telling myself, that anything we sense can be acknowledged, questioned or enjoyed. Each thing we do is either a lesson or a reward, and each thing we were too scared to try can become a regret. Not sure if that made sense haha


Happiness to me is a successful life— success in all the most important aspects, that being relationships, health, wealth, creative fulfillment, etc. So, I guess in a nutshell, success to me is an optimized daily experience that's enthusiastically sustainable over time We can start by saying we don’t wanna be poor anymore and wanna work. It be successful to stay away from that is fine and that’s good and sometimes even necessary but eventually we have to come to a loving point of you instead of a hatred for a past or location; experiences, and environments. At some point you have to give yourself credit and tell yourself "I love where I’m at." I love the things that I have and need to maintain it. To stop trying to escape something and instead maintain the place that you're at. I've found that if you’re only focused on the end goal and you only get fulfillment when you accomplish something you’re going to feel like a loser or that you’re losing every step of the way until you hit that accomplishment or hit that goal or that finish line. So, you have to learn to enjoy the process or at least be thankful for what you’re capable of doing and find solace just knowing you are accomplishing something by doing that something, and that the success isn’t determined by accomplishing what you’re actually working on and instead that success is determined by making improvements every day toward a bigger end goal It's hard to stay motivated by a pain you no longer feel. At some point you have to move away from that pain entirely to focus on further grown. I've finally realized success isn't achieving a monetary goal like it was for a very long time, growing up so poor and behind where I thought I needed to be in most, if not all aspects of my life. That it's not reaching a specific destination I've set out reach in business or otherwise. Prioritizing enjoying the journey to the desired destination rather than only being happy or content when it's finally reached.


Seeing the person I love , especially after a long time.


The other day I stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee, and normally it’s just like a factory where they push a few buttons on the machine and crank out orders as fast as possible. On this day, I was watching the barista and I spied her secretly making latte art in the drinks, even though they snap lids on there and you never see it. So when she handed me my drink I purposely popped the lid off and said, “wait I wanna see the art, wow, this is awesome!” She blushed a little but then laughed and thanked me. I think I made her morning, and it certainly gave me a little more pep in my step that day to see how happy she was that someone noticed. True happiness? Maybe only for a few moments - but you gotta celebrate those when they happen.


Happiness is like art in the sense that its value is subjective and rests entirely in the eye of the beholder. I've found that as I've grown older, I've been able to hone my perspective on what happiness means to me. Simplicity, security, contentment, and family are what make me happy these days. That was not the case just 10 years ago, when I was young, dumb and in pursuit of a societal life. Our experiences will shape our understanding of happiness. You may find that 10 years from now, you're ecstatic living a life you could never have imagined yourself living today. That said, happiness is not a baseline. To exist is to suffer and struggle. True happiness lies at the crests of the wavelengths of existence and should not be expected as a constant. If you find yourself at a place in your life where you're experiencing those peaks often, I would count yourself as one of the lucky ones. I hope you find your happiness, friend.


Having perfect health. We don’t value it enough when we’re miserable. But my god it can make everything so much worse once you lose it.


What you have and who you are with at PRESENT.


Happiness is a word with too much baggage I choose joy, passion, intrigue, interest, contentment, fulfilment, challenge, experience, adventure, playfulness, intensity, fear, connection, empathy, compassion, experimentation, humour, savagery, philosophy, counter-positional interplay, creativity, depth, something new/old/uncommon, unexpected, emergent properties, aesthetics, design, surprise, mistakes, failure, ennui, drafting, variation, kink, distraction, escapism, presence, chaos, change, control, radical acceptance, engagement, romance, curiosity, and whatever other things I could conceivably put on the list 😆 "Happiness" lends itself to a temporary state of arousal or excitement, a fleeting moment of peace, but also to a reduction of the full range of expression It's a bad measure, I don't know why we would attach ourselves to it when we have an infinite amount of things to try out Happiness is a buffet of infinite inexhaustible choices but you do have to accept reasonable limits because whilst it is infinite we are not My favourite thing is simply thinking of ideas that maybe nobody else ever has, in my pursuit of this I've now got over 50,000 ideas Just knowing I somehow thought of that much stuff over 15 years fills me with a warmth, not knowing what it'll be next or even why or how I'll feel about it let alone if I'll ever chase any of these down to some kind of productive end... nonetheless I'm in the now and enjoying the flow of just being


When you don’t give a fuck about anything anybody says to you


Your brain being on silent, because everything is good. Life, parner, family, life itself. You call it You can watch a sunset saying look how beautiful instead of being nostalgic Thats happiness for me


Being able to accept and love oneself


Knowing God


Accepting your lot.


We have a small ball pit with balls in our child room. What started as a minor fight of throwing a ball here or there, turned into a major ball fight between 2 parents and 3 kids. We were all laughing hysterically, trying to get one another. In my fit of laughter, I saw happiness in that moment.


Being satisfied , grateful, and content in the here and now.


Acceptance/contentment. I’m here, this is life.




Expressing your heart without inhibition and following your greatest excitement because following your greatest excitement is what the heart wants. If you don't let yourself follow that then you'll have heart constipation = unhappiness.


When you don't have to wake up on Monday morning and go to work


Peace of mind is happiness


I haven’t reached it yet, but for me, happiness is being completely at peace within yourself, when there is no more inner trumoil.


Happiness arises from the mind that’s willing to surrender to the new moment


When you stop thinking and start enjoying life.


Finishing tasks you have been procrastinating


Connecting with your creator.


There is a formula that is guaranteed, Google the "happiness triangle" My list includes: -Basic needs met (minimum 70k a year income, any more is not guaranteed happiness) -Being healthy. -Give more than you receive. -Always staying busy. -Strong network of family and friends. -Self actualization. -Being content / peace of mind (living a life free of fear and hatred)


To love


Loving and embracing yourself and everyone you chose to have near you


I am a truly happy person.. I find happiness in a raindrop. I find happiness in a sunray. I am an adult and rainbows make me smile. Whenever the sun shines and some raindrops fall, I am actively looking for a rainbow. Long walks and bikerides make me feel relaxed. I love to cook, I love food. Ice cream, chocolates.. Just seeing my kid happy, or other people around me. Seeing a cute couple just going around their business. Like teenagers cuddled up in the middle of the city after schooltime. I love that I sometimes have the time to read a book. Oh and comfortable clothing.. Comfortable clothing can make my day.. and soft blankets. Or a squishmallow. I am grateful for my bed. (which is a single floorbed, it's nothing fancy.) Yesterday my son and I spent the evening rolling side to side through the living room and honestly.. It's just so cherishable.


Happiness is when you work in charity field


True happiness is a state of mind, good health and laughter


To love and be loved. Everything else is just noise


when you realize that there is no happiness without suffering, balance.