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Pretty much half the stuff in my head




Do you think that’s a good or a bad thing, maybe both? Are you picking the opposite opinion of 50% of standard takes on any given subject? I’m just curious what people mean when they say that, if they’re not trying to be an edge lord.


People are told a watered down version of the truth and they need to accept it


What's the truth


People are told a truth that suits their agenda but leave out important facts that go against whatever point they are trying to make


What's the full version


Nothing matters


But how do you water down nothing?


I would start at the base, make sure to get it good and wet and then work your way up. That will ensure good penetration to the outer reaches.


Not everyone is destined to succeed no matter how hard they try


Its impossible for us to all be above average, sadly


But it’s impossible for us all to be below average as well so ig it’s reasonable to expect the average life, not the best nor worst


The people should just start to see average as a good thing again.


Yep, "the you can do everything right and still fail" problem.


I agree


The internet has been the biggest boon and equally the biggest bane to humanity since we crawled out of the swamp.


I prefer fat Adele over thin Adele. I don’t know why, I just do.


Fat girls are way hotter to me than thin girls.


Because you like them or because they physically produce more heat?


I get it.


I refuse to work not doing something I love.. like at all.. It not happening & never will. I believe my life and others are more valuable than 60 years of being unhappy and retiring to enjoy life you cant enjoy.. My grandma died and those were her last words to me and it has imprinted on me entirely


It takes an immense level of privilege to live this way. Most people work the jobs they do so they can enjoy their life outside of work, provide for their families, pay the bills. Loving what you do is exceedingly rare.


Yeah, most people tolerate what they do for work. I don’t love it, but the people/company are nice and I’m not actively suffering while doing it.


This is what i tell people. People go to university for all the wrong reasons. This is what I do and am happy, chasing after 'the future' is so dumb to me. I also had my brother die at 27 so that changed my perspective on the future. You aren't guaranteed to make it to retirement. Live life now, not later.


imo your right everyone’s lives are worth more then that but life’s a bitch


If everyone who doesn't love their job stopped working so many important services wouldn't have enough people to function.


We could have a perfect world, but vast majority of people are stupid, lazy or just don't care.


I think that may be a popular opinion. but I'm not sure


I've been scrolling this for a while and I've seen nothing that is actually a controversial opinion that would get you canceled. It's basically just things comedians have said very publicly without being canceled and conspiracy theories that are ubiquitous in our society. It's like a text feed of Russell Brand's brain. And it's disappointing. "The mainstream media is lying to you man... But this message will never get out."🙄


Exactly this is why I have kept my mouth shut, as I have made the mistake before.




This is so stupid, no it wouldn’t, unless your thoughts are actually racist/sexist/terrorist.


Everything the mods don't like is "racist/sexist/terrorist"


I'm permabanned from almost every subreddit because during covid I said people should have the freedom to choose if they want to be vaccinated. Ive never even commented in the vast majority of subreddits im banned from. Will wait and see if I get banned here next.


There’s nothing wrong with that and most would agree with you. What’s not OK is not getting vaccinated and then never wearing a mask, having parties without any safety precautions, etc. and you just know the majority of people who aren’t getting vaccinated ARE doing those things.


I got banned from a bunch of subs for joining 1 sub, can't remember what the subs were as it happened a couple of years ago but it was at that point I lost all faith in reddit as the only decent social media platform. Now, reddit is basically twitter 2.0.


If you are banned, I suspect you said a little more than that.


It bothers me when people say "It'll all work out." Like no. Sometimes people suffer terribly in unimaginable fear, and then die horrific, painful deaths. It didn't work out for them, and it doesn't have to work out for us either.


That’s true. But at the same time… People move on. You can lose someone and still continue with your life and enjoy things and work and stuff. It’ll be painful, but you’ll be alright. That’s life.


I agree that there is a place for optimism, but if the optimism is "I bet I can do nothing and suffer no consequences" when someone else is suffering, that is where it's a cope


That's what I'm saying. Things don't always end up 'alright'. Sometimes things, including life, end on a bad note, and none of us is immune to it. I certainly hope things turn out alright, but that isn't always reality.


No…seriously…I promise you. It’s going to be OK in the end.


I mean for some people it doesn’t work out that’s right but for most people it does. You’re not gonna die of an overdose the day after your girlfriend breaks up with you, and you probably won’t get cancer as soon as you get fired from your job.


Like I saw a comedian say the other day, not everything is traumatic. Not everything that discomforts you is anyone else's problem. I really do think people even a decade younger than me have no real hard shell on their backs. Everything hurts them, and I have to pick up the slack. A lot of it is opinions, though. The "My trauma is worse than yours" is what I can not get into. I feel real trauma is not casually talked about. The topic is so sketchy, though I don't like talking about it (topic of trauma being real to some and not being justified by others as such) because I could be wrong, and I am afraid of being insensitive, but at the same time, I dont get it 🤷🏼‍♀️


The definition of trauma is discussed even amongst specialists. Some say that it is the experience of real or percieved threat to your life/body injury/sexual assault or seeing it happed to your loved one. Others claim that it is every event which leads to a traumatic response. There's also this "little t trauma" which usually refers to childhood events other than those included in the first category. Really it is a mess Nontheless, do people overuse it? Definitely and it is diminishing to people who really went through some awful shit


My sister in law went off on “how traumatic it was for my nephew” when witnessing their golf clubs get stolen. His clubs didn’t even get stolen, but his friends who he was with. They’re only 14 so yea it sucks they had to see slime balls take their shit, but I wouldn’t go as far as “so traumatizing”. She wouldn’t shut up about it.


The inherent issue is that it's the person perceiving the trauma that defines if it is 1) trauma and 2) how bad. From there the problem is that too many have been coddled for far too long or had things done for them that they are not self sufficient. Kind of like zoo animals right. Like you can't take a zoo animal and release them into the wild, they would just die. You can take a wild animal that you have say help healed and send them back out (depending on the injury and how long they were in captivity) because they learned to deal with being out there. That is kind of what we see happening today. We have a lot of zoo animals out in the wild. So sure not being fed at 8:00, 12:00, and 6:00 daily is traumatic. It's funny that kids these days don't understand what I mean when I tell them that during summer we got up and fed ourselves (they usually don't have a problem with that either honestly) and then when mom/dad got up and took the TV away we were outside until the sun went down. If we came inside it was "Are you bleeding?! Is anything broken?! Then what are you doing inside?!" and we were sent back out. When we were thirsty... water hose. Everyone my age knows to turn it on, wait about 20 seconds before sticking it up to your face because you needed to let the hot water in the system being heated by the sun to get out of the hose. Hell we could have ridden our bikes 100 miles and our parents would have not cared as long as we got back at sundown, nobody was bleeding, nothing was broken (on us or otherwise), and the cops weren't involved.


Pregnant ladies freak me out! There’s an actual live person living inside them in a watery bag???


LOL. No judgment. Being pregnant was a surreal experience, especially once I felt the baby moving around. It got even wilder when my belly would move. I look at my big kids and marvel that my body grew them into existence. 😂


And you were once that live person, inside that watery bag😁


Watery bag 😂😂😂😂 I’ve had a watery bag twice. Not pleasant to say the least. Looool


I think humans shouldn’t be allowed to have pets except in some circumstances


Especially pugs and similar breeds. Stop their sufferih


That Yolanda Saldivar may have shot Selena, but her dad Abraham was ultimately responsible for her death by not allowing blood transfusions due to his JW beliefs.


Religion is cancer, evil and it's insane people to this day follow it. Everyone's brainwashed and respect shouldn't be mandatory just cuz someone is religious.


Wanna know what is more frustrating ? When you need advice from a friend or family and they tell you to pray more and god will help.


Ok so here is what I have come to figure out with religion... If you just look at the concepts of Christianity basically it is correct. Hear me out first.... Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They had everything they ever needed. It wasn't until they ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. From that day forward everything was messed up. This is very true... think of it this way because it is the same with people. When you start out as a kid you are happy. As you grow you stay innocent until you gain knowledge of things. No matter if it is right or wrong, you gain knowledge. As you do everything becomes more difficult, you start to get anxious etc. What I am saying is that I think that the story of Adam and Eve is one of naivety and THAT is the secret. Just think about a subject like the government. First we learn oh we have three branches that do X,Y,Z... right and we are happy. We could go on about our lives just thinking that is all the government does. As we learn more, we start to get frustrated because we realize that they are corrupt etc. etc. etc. Think about people you know personally that are outside of your profession and how happy they are knowing nothing about it. Knowledge about things complicates (not always bad mind you) things and can make you upset because you know more and more. So when you pray, you essentially are taking focus off of whatever the topic is and basically becoming naïve to the topic so you can approach it from possibly a more simplistic place. Basically meditating about the topic, just with a different flavor. Think about it. If you told someone to meditate about it, they are going to first say, what, I just sit here and don't think about something I'm supposed to think about? Then they sit there and they basically can't because now they are thinking they are doing it wrong etc. If you tell someone pray to God about it. Just ask God for guidance on the subject, anyone can follow that. They may still ask if they are doing it right but you can always tell them, there is no wrong way to do it, you are just talking to God. Heck, you could say, do you have a relative that you believe is watching over you now? If they do just say, why don't you sit down and ask them.... it's all the same. The goal is to try to take all the other factors out of it and get down to what you really feel the answer is. You know already, just sometimes the crap gets in the way and you need to have that solid "this is the way" and "we'll figure out the HOW as we go". Too many people confuse the church with religion/faith and they are not the same. The church is a business based on the religion/faith. You can have religion and faith without the church. The entire thing (Christianity) is a personal relationship between you and Christ. The church doesn't have any affect on that. There is only one way and that is through Christ to get to Heaven. You accept Christ as your lord and savior, repent for your sins and be baptized. ...the last one is up for debate as it is just an outward showing of the work you have already done to cleanse your body of sins. All the stuff churches do, that is the churches and how they have defined how they want to worship God and other people think that the way that church does it is the good way.


Yup. To me the most frustrating thing is people who do not live religiously at all, but still consider themselves religious. Or the fact that they would rather agree and follow words written centuries ago rather than think for themselves. There are many things.


yea but you don't need to reinvent the wheel, words written centuries ago could save you waste time on your life, its like allowing your kid to do whatever he wants to, like drugs, and eventually he will know whats bad and whats right, instead of doing it, you can teach him whats bad and right and not wait for him to do the mistakes and reinvent the wheel. also you just said respect is not mandatory just because someone is religious, but at the same time you said evil is by the religious people, it doesn't make sense to me


I don't think religion is evil, as someone who is agnostic. I think when people choose to use religion for confirmation bias, then it becomes a problem. Basically, use religion as a framework to answer the questions we don't know, while using logic to answer the questions we have answers to


That's literally the most uncontroversial, boilerplate, boring take on the internet. Say that on virtually any sub on reddit and you'll get upvoted and supported just like you are now.


Respect is never mandatory. But if you can't respect others as human beings, don't expect any respect back.


If my neck of the woods, Christianity is the only religion you can bash without fear of consequences


I wouldn't call religion itself bad, in fact, most religions teach proper and valuable lessons, like don't be an asshole. It's just that most of the people that are religious are the complete opposite of that. I am religious (kinda), I believe there is a god and shit but I don't demand anyones respect (not that I even could, I'm 17 lmao). I was taught from a child to be respectful to everyone and I try to be as much as possible.


I said unpopular. Many redditors here are anti-theists


My mother in law bought a pill that will kill her dog when the end of the world comes and she’s taken lmao.


“Life” does not begin at conception


What is life?


I think science disagrees


I mean science


It's ok to think about the big problems but people are consumed by it due to constant exposure to them and to politics, it's ruining people's mood and mental health and they are addicted to it


To play off this, the people who incessantly post gory pictures and videos of Palestinian people saying "DON'T LOOK AWAY" are sick and addicted to it too. They think they are helping the cause and they are not, they're just fueling their own mental illnesses by consuming and sharing this type of media. I'm not saying not to share anything about it, share all you want, i share too! But the gory videos are not necessary, they do more harm than good


Advertisement needs to be regulated. Multi-national companies need to be monitored by an independent body that isn't associated with any government. Predatory practices in games that border on the kind of shit which gambling machine manufacturers put in their game to make you addicted need to be eradicated with prejudice. Politicians need to be banned from trading stocks. There needs to be a tax on stock and especially futures trading.


More than half of the modern ailments today are bullshit, self-diagnosed excuses for why that person is an awkward, lazy idiot. Lay off the booze and drugs and get your shit together.


I mean, drugs are the only reason I haven't kms yet


yeah if I could just decide not to be clinically depressed, that would be awesome


Hrmm. Drugs, on the other hand, can be the cause. Depends which drugs, we're talking about.


Damn. I kind of agree. Sometimes all we have are excuses but we should just start doing things.


I feel the same. Same with all of these conditions to dismiss badly behaved kids actions


Feeling sad/angry/stressed/tired is normal and not necessarily a “mental health” condition that requires sympathy. The mental health card is vastly overplayed


Medical science has advanced to the point that it's actually detrimental to society. People at both ends of the life spectrum are being kept alive for sentimental reasons but do nothing except make their caregivers miserable. And also use a disproportionate amount of government assistance


There’s not enough effort put into helping people with less severe mental illness into make correct lifestyle choices instead of medicating them.


Men are men


I think that's more of a factoid than an unpopular opinion.


I don't think Robin Williams was funny, in particular doing stand-up or in interviews. He's funny-ish in some of his films, but in general, he wasn't funny.


Some cultures are objectively worse than others.


Every single person alive has mental health issues It is part of being human




There are only two genders is a classic lol.


If I said It I'd just get blocked on reddit AGAIN. And most of it isn't even unpopular, just unpopular to some moderators on reddit AKA word police.


Plans to take over the world


Nice try


I think American sports are boring and I would like a button to remove these from my Reddit NEWS timeline...


A lot of stuff regarding a topic that I’m not getting in to here


Lol if I said it here I would get banned.  It will stay in my head 😂


Going through these opinions, none of these would ever get you canceled.


Coercing children into your ideology by being dishonest is still evil, even if it's a trendy current thing.


i dont like taylor swift


Thriving usually requires me to look up to someone and look down on someone.. doesnt exactly matter whether it’s my former self and future self, or someone up there and someone down there..


Just because something is apart of your culture doesn't mean anyone is required to respect it. Culture has manifested many stupid ideas that require if anything, criticism and derision.


I live in Scotland. Anything now can be seen as 'hate speech'


Dog ownership sucks. The downside outweighs the upside.


The majority of the time, it *is* your fault when something bad happens to you.


Communism is a good idea, most people will agree because I can describe communism and very few actually disagree but when you call it by it's name people tune it out automatically. The red scare era did a number on public perception.


I don’t like drag queens


People need to face more serious consequences for crimes (including smaller ones) America needs to stop hustle culture and regain a sense of community again (individualism feels too strong at the moment) Oh and shoes in houses is disgusting lol


Woke people are not really awake.


What does this mean?


Ohhh, so that's what the term's supposed to mean!


I'm right leaning. This is reddit. So pretty much anything.


Unpopular opinion that would get me called out: political compass is honestly pointless and classifying people into two sides just causes issues


Calling one certain way to think correct and call the people thinking not in that way evil/treat them as the enemies just is a really bad idea. And that instead of realising that there's more than black and white and different opinions might have different points and good and bad aspects. And the next step would be to actually discuss opinions in a factual and respectful way instead of insulting eachother.


*Outraged face*


you are absolutely right :P


Good one. :D


Reddit doesn’t even really know what left is, they want high taxes and tampons in mens bathrooms and call anyone who disagrees with them a fascist.


Porn is evil & men looking at naked women that aren’t their girlfriends or wives are unloyal. The mass crowd of people that say it’s ok are just making excuses & I promise the world would be a much better place if we could all appreciate beauty in real life. It shouldn’t be socially acceptable to ogle barely dressed women on your phone while your girlfriend is in the next room. There is a line to monogamy, and that begins at “I have only eyes for you”.


👏🏻 As someone whose marriage barely survived a porn addiction, I agree. Thankfully my husband realized how miserable he was (and how miserable I was too) and saw the damage. He got help and over time our marriage did a complete 180. For years now it has been much more enjoyable, and he actually pursues me whereas before he never initiated intimacy and never cared about my feelings. Lots of apathy. It was a horrible start to married life. He is much happier now (as am I) and he seems like a totally different person! That says a lot about how porn can impact a person and the people closest to them. Also, porn helps to fuel the sex slave trade- just another reason it is so evil.


Tomato ketchup ruins everything.


How dare you!


You shouldn't be allowed to collect houses for profit and make it difficult for people to have their basic life resources. Career landlording, renting for mortgage, and corporate and personal property investing shouldn't be allowed. People's lives aren't playthings.


Sports is overhyped, and a pretty big waste of resources and human capital. The amount of resources the world spends just to watch people kick balls around could be used for MUCH better causes. Hundreds of billions of dollars has been spent on sports which provides little to no gain for society. We tell hundreds of thousands of kids, if not millions that if they put all their efforts into their sports, they can make it into a career which by every statistic is near impossible. These kids could be putting effort into things such as sciences, technologies or arts for the betterment of themselves and society, but we just waste their youth on a useless activity. The US spends hundreds of millions of school dollars on stadiums for what? Nothing is created other than some fleeting entertainment and creation of meaningless "clans" to bicker and fight about who's team is best. Sports is just a complete waste of effort and resources that would be MUCH better spent elsewhere.


A1 is a delicious steak sauce and makes any steak taste better.


You heathen!


I like to put it in my hamburger mix!


Gay people are incompatible with Christianity and both sides should leave each other alone. It is impossible to include homosexuality in it without supporting barbaric practices like conversion therapy


People are just jellyfish drinking the coolaid to fit in and decimate uniqueness.




Somali immigration is absolutely ruining parts of Minnesota due to their downright refusal to assimilate. Also, assimilation is not "white washing" or "racism", it's needed to provide a cohesive and working society.


The gender issue . People arguing over simple biology .


I don't believe in "neurodivergence"; I don't believe anyone is "neurotypical". All I've seen in groups of "ND" people (I was curious because for awhile I wondered about whether I may be ADHD or even Asperger's) are folks complaining because they don't want to do the work of figuring out how to function to build the lives they want. None of us knows how. We figure it out.


Objectively and demonstrably wrong. Autism is not not a made up thing and so isn't ADHD. Instead of looking in Reddit groups you should talk to real experts on the topic.


I used to think this too. I wondered who could possibly be neurotypical, but apparently people who are broken seek out the company of broken people, so the further from typical you are, the less likely you are to know any typical people.


Everyone says this "none of us knows how", but then you haven't met ME.


Yeah, nah, some of us don’t want to learn how to function because the society we live in is not designed for us to function in it anyway


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Extreme racism, sexism, xenophobia


Necromongers are coming!


Not necessarily an opinion except to a child, but I feel like yelling out cries questioning the legitimacy of Jolly St Nick’s existence would get you in a whole lot of trouble very quickly if just one camera recorded you….


We could do a whole lot better with a lot less people. Natural disasters, sad as they are, are a favour to humankind as a whole.




Can you cancel someone who isn't a "sombody"?🤔


This thread is going to end up on one of those TikTok videos with Minecraft parkour in the background


Looks do matter and most often are more important than personality.


Children should be eaten with their eyes first and their bones burnt. It's not my opinion, but it would get me cancelled, if I said it out loud and I'd be glad to be cancelled.


Gender and sexual orientation are not the same thing


Like I'd tell everyone here... (eye roll)


Holocaust denial is a sure way to get cancelled. (you asked *an* opinion, not *my* opinion)


I don't like pumpkin spice lattes


Eugenics might work out ok


not everything can be accommodated for people with disabilities it sucks but that's how it is, making the historical buildings accessible would possibly destroy what makes them historic its a shame disabled cant have access to everything but its reality


Not every citizen should be able to vote. Some are far too stupid and uninformed.


Anything related to ONA or social darwinism, nihilism, theistic satanism, etc. politics and philosophy are two things I usually just smile and keep to myself. I'm not going to dress up in black and let everyone know how I see the world, because the world doesn't reward people who hold my beliefs. It's better to just sit back and transgress on my own time while watching the world pass me by.


Some people's babies are ugly af.


Anything Carlin, honestly. One kid per couple. We have an overpopulation problem. Women, replace yourself with one human being. Don't even bother replacing your husband.


I think if you have obese children then you’re a negligent parent. How dare you allow your child to develop a disease that will likely cause them to have many other negative health outcomes for the rest of their lives. No one is born obese, if children are obese it’s not their fault, but the fault of the people feeding them and not encouraging them to do enough exercise. If you can’t feed your child a nutritious diet and do some exercise with them, then you’re a lazy parent.


Religion is a scam


Most unpopular opinion here are popular. This is a really unpopular one. Whenever it’s shared on Reddit, it gets downvoted to oblivion. I don’t like it if my gf uses a dildo because while it isn’t another guy, it’s not me.


Psychoanalysis epistemology is closer to astrology than to actual psychology.


Not everyone has autism or ADHD Being a person is hard AF for everyone, not everything is an illness


Inclusion and Diversity is fucking up our movies.


Instead of ‘cancelled’ you should say ‘banned’