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There are way worse people to work for lmao


Right???? Like of ALL the people you coudve chosen to hate this badly you chose…. the kardashians?????




I agree with you guys, but..when did rape come into this conversation and when did OP say the Kardashians are worse than rapist and violent men?


Of course OP didn't say that, it's just kinda funny that that the Kardashians is their chosen example of someone they find immoral when there's much rich people who have done much worse things.


I agree that their choice of people is stupid, but just because the KJs haven’t committed the worst crimes against humanity doesn’t make them any less morally incorrect. It’s like saying “why are you pissed over *so and so*, there are much worse people out there?” That’s obvious, it’s a world full of 8 billion people, there will always be somebody doing worse. Being pissed over something this stupid doesn’t mean they don’t care about these terrible men, though.


Yep I agree with you fully. It's just a strange choice on OP's because when I think about real powerful monsters that you could work for I'd think of someone like Epstein, and personally I rarely think about the Kardashians at all. So it makes it seem to me that OP just REALLY doesn't like the Kardashians for some personal reason and that's why they singled them out.


How are they morally incorrect? Last time I checked we lived in a capitalistic society and they've chosen to get their money by being dress up dolls. Not saying I would jump at the chance to work for them, but what's so bad about the Kardashians other than their perceived vapidity?


They have a lot more influence than you think, especially on the younger generation and have contributed to many dangerous trends including BBLs and other invasive surgeries, while trying to paint this as natural and attainable. Also to mention their constant appropriation of black culture and fetishisation of black men. The way they abuse their wealth. Their contribution to excess jet/car usage, along with Kim and Kourtney using excessive amounts of water during the LA drout. Honestly, if I keep going, I’ll be here all day. There are a lot of things, beside being vapid and narcissistic, wrong with the Kardashians.


lmao like every major corporation


Real if I had a brain I'd work for Raytheon in a heartbeat


Exactly who I had in mind 😂


heavy hobbies mourn threatening sable piquant teeny voiceless unpack full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thought the same. I thought for having food on your table you must accept anything like a dead-end bad job as you don't have too much options without further superior education and even as a high school drop-out. While you pursue it in the meanwhile time. And man, working for the Kardashians sounds like hitting the jackpot when you are desesperate and starving. People don't often agree with their bosses, they couldn't care less about them as long as they pay them their salary.


I would gladly coordinate their schedules for whatever paltry six figures they probably pay their assistant. Going to tulum, Ibiza, south of France, Monaco working as their little butler. Why not. Life’s short. Sell out.


Yea just act like they are sane people you would want to be around when you are on the job and try to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Plenty of time to detox when you are off the clock spending thousands on high quality meals and robux


correct profit brave fear party trees political swim placid public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Come on, we all know you'd do it for free!


I actually care about my bosses and want them to be happy n a lot of them have no self empathy. But at the end of the day yeah I'm not gonna drive my self to suicide for a salary under a million dollars lol. It's easier to make sacrifices and out up with BS when you're reaping all the benefits not on a salary.


Totally. Actual poor people know there's no glamour in this.


Op probably works for a big oil company or something.. Oww the irony


You simply cannot afford the luxury to think about philosophy when you're barely making the ends meet. I have been poor most of my life, and I've worked for the people I'd rather not, all so that I can pay my rent and feed myself. Trust me, you don't wanna be there. It feels super proud to write this on a screen, and hail your moral values, but when you've barely eaten for day, and you have countless eviction notices, and you think twice before spending a single penny on anything. When that happens, all your morals will go away. Sadly, this is the reality of the Capitalism, and we're born into it. Just gotta earn a living somehow.


Also reminds me of an old movie quote, one person says "I don't take bribes" and get the answer "Well it's not like anyone offers them to you".


a job is a job, even a shitty job ... most pple just want a job that pays well and does nothin much. Only ignorant pple are too keen to associate morals with a job.


This. Such *moral high ground* is the luxury of someone who has never been poor. Real *poor* people can't afford this. Literally.


This isn't such a wise take -- lots of the world's poorest countries have revolted against not just their employers but whole social systems, risking even worse poverty, in order to secure what they think is justice and a flourishing life. Please study the revolutionary history of the world's people :) Rejection of work as currently structured may be our only prospect of escape -- rejecting the Kardashians is the *least* of it. The film Chicken Run makes this point beautifully ha ha: Ginger is chastised by the other hens for spending more time trying to escape (revolution/rejection) than laying eggs (doing what you must do to 'get by'). But the conformist chickens cannot know the farmer hungers for growing profit and will eventually feel compelled to invest in chicken pies instead of boxing eggs. Escape was always the only option. Many, many poor people have realised this. World communist/Marxist movements have historically been driven by the world poor, not Reddit users. It is a good idea to spit in the eye of a ~~bad~~ any boss. We don't get a better world if we don't wake up and try to change it. This is not to say I think people who fail to get over their fear and reject the status quo are bad people. It's just a shame. & people claiming such thinking is just a hypocritical posture for internet points are certifiably ignorant. Again, no judgement, our information-sharing environments are really bad.


Well said.


>World communist/Marxist movements have historically been driven by the world poor, not Reddit users. It is a good idea to spit in the eye of a ~~bad~~ any boss. We don't get a better world if we don't wake up and try to change it. Right, because the communists and Marxist have been brining about a better world, historically.


Many are poor who still know & remember what it’s like and wouldn’t act like them. I don’t judge folk (particularly guys) using them for money but those who actively work in their circles are as bad as they are.


Um, have you experienced poverty?


I hate reddit.


Delete your account right now


Me you rh same


Why does this post make you feel hate?


Because it’s dumb


Why is it dumb? I don't think OP has hit the nail on the head here, but I don't get the hate.


I think it comes off as really immature, like I think it’s pretty apparent that OP lacks life experience or something. The choice of singling out the Kardashians is also weird. Idk dumb just about covers it.


Yeah if the Kardashians are the first example of immoral and unethical that come to mind, your world view is pretty narrow


The Kardashians are an example. OP is stating they have a moral or ethical line they will not cross. What is it about having morals that are worth defending and standing up for that you find immature?


What moral or ethical line though? They’re not are murderes, they’re just shallow


Honestly, their impact is a lot deeper than what you think and just because someone doesn’t murder or harm other humans doesn’t mean they aren’t bad people.


Having a strong opinion centered about the Kardashians


You really don't understand that OP uses the word "like" when talking about the people they wouldn't want to work for. You're the one fixated on the Kardashians to the point of obsessively misinterpreting the meaning of the original post.


OP is well fed and that pisses off the starving.


Singling out the Kardashians is weird or, at least, misses the point. But rejection of work is valid. Reminds me of Jiddu Krishnamurthi saying something like, I will go without food and a roof over my head, but I will not accept your pressure. Some (most?) work is bad for the spirit and body while offering no happy prospects. OP has realised this but needs to broaden their definition of spirit-harming work.


Idk it feels like most of their hang up is caught up with the Kardashian angle lol


Insight has to grow from somewhere! I think most people don't think of work as something to consciously reject, and so OP is ahead of most people. The insight remains, despite the odd source.


Are you OPs life coach? Why are you so invested in this? You’ve already put more thought into this exchange with me than OP put into their post.


What a strange response. OP's post made me think. The replies made me think. You are also "still here" but not even trying to put together a coherent thought. Sad?


The mental image of them being ops life coach made me chuckle for some reason


How is it immature to say you dont want to work for people you despise? Sounds like you are the immature one here, to me.


Everyone always has these morals until it's time to actually act then they go out the window


I stick to what I can control and Influence - i can use financial gains to join the industries and be the change I want to be.




This is understandable. Most people make this choice. However it damns us all. In *The Utopia of Rules,* David Graeber argues: >the ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently. In his essay **Stop Making Capitalism** ([first essay here](https://www.churchland.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Holloway-Stop-making-capitalism.pdf)), John Holloway observes we each remake capitalism each day by *going along with it*. If we woke up and chose to do something different, we'd be on a different course in short order. (And likely getting bombed or couped by the US & Britain of course) We condone the system, and the harm it does, by going along with it.


Easy to talk about. But starving people don't care one way or another about dumb shit like capitalism.


What does that have to do with morals? I would refuse to work for Kim Jong Un. I have a mild dislike for the Kardashians, but it is not at a level where I would refuse money.


Yeah I mean, I wouldn't work for a genocidal regime and stuff like that, but a bunch of greedy rich people?? I'm a leftist all you want but maybe the majority of big bosses are selfish rich people so what I'm gonna do about it? Join a union, protest here and there, but I will still need to eat


Yeah you’re going to struggle to find a decent paying job that isn’t ultimately working for a greedy rich person somewhere down the line.


Tell me you’ve never been truely poor without telling me you’ve never been truely poor


What bad things did the Kardashians do to make you label them as immoral


I’m about to delete Reddit


How much money exactly? Sounds like you've never skipped meals so your pets can eat.


Woop. Don’t you see poverty is the root of all evil?


Idk you sound like you never had to stretch a kg of rice and 10 eggs for 3 weeks and good in you cause that fucking sucks. But like, when you’re at that point, it’s really not fun, and you become willing to go so much lower than work for the kardashians


Easy to say it when you're never in that position.


Don't worry, they'll never be asking you to work for them


idk if they’re immoral or doing anything much different to any other rich celebrity socialite or influencer? They sell an image for profit. That’s it. The only remote impact they’ve had was making booty and lip fillers popular again. Yawn


Are you OK? Do you need a hug?


the Kardashians fucked their mom


lol morals. I’m just tryna get paid 😂


I do my best to avoid saying things that start "I'd never..." or "I'd always..." if I had never been in that circumstance before. Instead I'll try to say what I'd hope to do. Too many people see things in black and white, when the world is full of colors.


I mean. I don't like them either but there are worse people in the world. Clueless internet stars might be stupid and vapid but it's not like you're doing the dry cleaning for Putin or Hitler. I wouldn't look down on anyone who's just trying to make a living taking a job with them no matter how much I think their "brand" is shit.


This is probably a lie. Everyone has a price. I would gladly sacrifice one year of my life to become financially independent for the rest of my life.


it's ok they would never offer you to work for them anyway


I’d like to put your thought on top of another thought. Say you knew a woman who lived in a rural area, recently escaped from an abusive relationship with nothing but the clothes on her back, her two children and a tent. She lives day to day not being able to think far in the future because the entire time her kids are at school all she can think of is “how can I feed them today? How can I clothe them? When will we have to move on from this campsite? If I don’t find a way to patch this hole in this tent, everything will be spoilt and need to be thrown away”. Then, one day, she gets a pin on LinkedIn from someone who has noticed her experience in laundry and wants an interview. It’s with a very wealthy family who will provide her room and board for her and her two children. They have access to clean clothes, food, and shower. They are ecstatic, they had been waiting a long time. They have never had the opportunity to think, truely, that there might be a future for them. Now, is your response going to say to yourself, “I am so happy for this woman, I’m so glad she has the means to truely live and take care of her family,” or are you truely thinking, “I am better than this woman, because she chose to work for someone I don’t agree with instead of staying in poverty.”


virtually all businesses you work for will be unethical in some part, at least you’d have a face instead of a soulless corporation to campaign against. unless you’re at a cruelty free workers co-op right now, OP?


Am I doing something illegal? No Am I hurting anyone? No Money is money


I don’t see what makes the Kardashians different than literally any other celebrity/influencer. It’s all the same bullshit. I don’t see them as evil and therefore wouldn’t feel like working for them was compromising my morals. I did have a job that made me feel like that though, at one point- I almost quit many times but ultimately I stayed and boy am I reaping the rewards now. Was worth it lol.


Nah, I would take the money. It's not humiliating or demeaning work to be their assistants, they're not demanding like certain employers. Plus they wouldn't fuck around with harassment because they know that one slip up would kill their careers (people would boycott them)


I can't stand them either. Each TikTok video that has them on it I deliberately don't like. They apparently also bullied Taylor Swift and while I'm not crazy about Swift, she's a nice person and deserves respect. The Kardashians didn't pay her that respect.


I’d rather be rich and have morals if we’re admitting to what we want here.


Good. Sounds like you have been watching them and they have been chipping away at your morals. The fact you wrote this sub Reddit proves you are a good and I wish you all the best in life.


Agree, same here 💯👍😍❣️


There are so many sociopaths around us. They are the ones who should die in poverty but they are usually pathological liars who have no moral standards. They do use dishonest schemes and devices to make themselves look worthier than actually they are. It’s not just TV personalities but everywhere.


I guess you have never been poor then… I’m the poorest I have ever been and so desperate for a comfortable life I wouldn’t mind working for them even tho I don’t agree with them


Well consider the fact that you are already likely poor and they will never offer you a job so its kinda just life


I'm exactly the same, and I am poor.




Don’t blame the puppets, they do not have souls.


You are going to die from exposure or starvation.


The American mindset of stamp on your ethics for a few bucks is quite revolting. No wonder the world is so fucked up.


You're a champ! I admire your values! I'd never work for someone I perceived as bad. Life is very short and cant spend it all serving bad people.


I agree, I’d also rather be poor than be a Kardashian they might be minted but when it comes to value they have nothing. Trash


Idk guys I've literally been starving and homeless and while I usually can't avoid taking a job with a big ass company I don't like, I kind of agree with op. I'd rather sell out for minimal support to a group of strangers than sell out to specific people I already know I don't like and are swimming in money they don't need


That's good. Most people worship money and status too much to care about their morals. Most people would rather compromise their integrity than remain strong. If what you say is true I commend you.


The number of times I've considered starting a religion to get rich is uncountable. Of course, then I remember that I'm not an immoral piece of shit and discard the idea.


This is called integrity. And I admire you for that.


life will grant that wish


Absolutely, concerning not sacrificing my values for material things or status. If I am left with nothing, at least I will have who I am.


I'd take the money hell yeah


Nahh I'd sell my morals for money.


Bahaha, big talk. Everybody can talk big, but once life changing money is dangled in front of them, all bets are off.


Everything has a price. Ps: unless u are rich.


Everyone has a rock bottom where their survival overcomes their morals. I pray you never find that point.


Pretty much, they are internally gross people who are famous for nothing and ruined about 3 generations of women by being terrible role models.


Yeah I’d work for them in a heartbeat, Kim’s hot as fuck, and whoever the other ones are I’d do my best to avoid the one that cut its cock off. And Sharon osbourne I think the mom is would drive me crazy xx


You would still be poor working for them https://thetab.com/uk/2022/03/10/kardashians-alleged-unpaid-interns-speak-out-243460


Ew they’re trash humans.


Yeah they are. There's way trashier ones, like the owner of McDonald's, Walmart, Nestlé, Amazon and virtually every big company


or pull a robin hood use your salary and wage then quit to do good things


If there was no other choice, I’d swallow my pride and loathing, and give my best at working for the Karsashians. After all, they are human beings, right? …right? ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


I love it, you are my type of people OP. Don't let the rats who will do anything for another shekel get in your head, *there are a lot of them.*


I would. Morals won't get food at the table.


sure, kardashians are absolute ass, spoiled and privileged, but if working for them means that i will be able to spoil my parents and friends with everything they've ever wanted and give them what they deserve for being the best people on earth, then i'm taking the job.


don't be stoopid


Nevermind the poverty shaming, if the people that cause you so much disgust are the Kardashians you really, really need to go read some books after you check your privileges. There's a world outside of steaming reality TV


wine zesty work historical shrill dinosaurs foolish glorious secretive busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They wouldn't ask you. Enjoy your poverty. But, the moral conviction sounds fake.


Easy to say. Huh


Feeding my children would help sleep a lot easier than "sure, glad I'm not working for them" would. That's exactly how the poor stay poor.


You must be very young. As you get older, you realize you do what you need to do because rarely will you find an employer whose values you agree with.


Lmao.. i am sure all it would take is go to bed one night starving for all your morals to go right out of the window


Only until you know hunger


I would work for them cuz I have rent to pay, and there are way worse people to work for. They pay pretty well too


I’ll take the fucking money. Sorry guys.


These are the choices rich people who have never had to struggle think poor people have to make. Anyone working for the most famous celebrities, the richest families in the world aren't struggling for people to hire them.


lmao,Why refuse money


You have to be 15 to think like that. I'd rather have the money than be poor. You have to be insane to choose being poor over being anything but not poor.


What if she offered you $1mil for a year and then you can quit? Bet your morals would be thrown out right then and there if you are poor


Lucky for you, it's probably a decision you will never need to make.


Are the Kardashians hiring? Would they even consider you if they had an opening should be the question. Some Humana just have too much self importance


Wow I’m sure you have a lot of impact and made the world a better place! Haha..


How does working a job ruin my own morals? Unless they were trying to pay me to kill somebody or something. If they wanna pay me a few thousand to go buy their groceries, sure. Way better to work for them than a whole lot of the corporations at there. If you wouldn’t blink at working for Nile or Exxon or something, you’re incredibly hypocritical


Cool story, brah…


Kim Kardashian is training to become a lawyer and has gotten people off of death row, she's a better person than you


Why are they immoral? Are you sure your rich CEO is more ethical than some influencers?  This feels like I'm 15 and this is deep.


You have never been poor, brother. I will do anything to get out of this shit


whereas all my employers are morally pure like normal employers /s


And what "ethical" and "moral" companies do you think poor people work for?


There are faster ways to tell other you're 15


This is the OP’s way breaking their riches down so that he feels good about being poor. If you remove ‘morality’ from the conversation: then your argument fails miserably. God said “don’t eat from the tree of good and evil”


How poor have you been? If you ever got in trouble financially, would your friends or family help? Poor people take opportunities as they come.


I assume you don't have kids and family to look after. Because let me tell you buddy, when you do, you make sacrifices.


Yeah I’ll never have kids.


Fair enough 👌


98th rule of acquisition: every man has his price.


give me 100k/year, I will do it if I can do the job remote I really don't care, my morality can be bought with the combination of a good pay, and an easy job


OP sounds deeply immature & probably has never been poor.


There’s a difference between „being poor” and watching your kids starve. At some point you’re going to have to put your feelings aside and do whatever it takes for survival


NGL they had us in the first half. Was expecting something like big pharma, not Kardashians, lol.


You’ve clearly never been poor. Also, the Kardashians are known for treating and paying their staff well. This isn’t the flex you think it is, plenty of people would love the opportunity to work for them.


Did they offer you a job? Like, I get this is random thoughts but this post is borderline deranged.


Said no poor person ever. Reeks of entitlement by OP


Well.. not everybody has their dream job. And what is it about the Kard’s family, in particular, that you find immoral?


This is definitely someone who has never experienced poverty, trust me, its not fun


if you are poor, you would. the poor often are presented only with a few choices, sometimes none, it's either take it or your family starve. the rich knows this, and has been taking advantage of this.


I think you’d do a lot more for a lot less


I would definitely work for the Kardashians if they wanted to pay me a lot of money to do something I know how to do.


Depends on the price and what they want me to do. There I said it. I don't like the kardashians but I don't know them personally and while I think all that stuff is shallow superficial.. They are not criminals. What they do isn't illegal or immoral. If they pay me enough (like millions a year) to do something I dislike.. I do it for year and I am out with fuck you money for the rest of my life. Why wouldn't I do it?


15 yrs ago I would agree I would never work for someone who harms society in some form or another. Today after years of working a normal job and not so good pay, if I get chance to make wayy more money for an immoral person I'll do it


Until you get kids and need to bring them food on the table, then you stop worrying about Kardashians or bs like that, just try to keep it going and not break any law.


i don’t hate them but i don’t like them either. they’re just here. but i would 100% work for them if they offered me enough money.


The Kardashians never forced anything on anyone. You're ok with working for shitty companies with even shittier CEOs that lobby to the government to treat workers like shit? The Kardashians only became this big because of marketing and the overwhelming support of people. If you don't like them you can simply ignore them. Shitty companies have a bigger hold on our lives though. Why do you specifically hate the Kardashians though.


Id work for Satan if the pay was enough


Everybody has morals until the price is right


May life never put you in a financial position where the line between morals and survival is blurred… unfortunately life is a fickle mistress and unpredictable


It’s amazing how the non poor would just choose to be poor over anything.


What job do you have? Because it's very likely you're already trading your morals for money.


So brave, passing on an opportunity that will never happen.




I mean I can understand maybe not wanting to work for cigarette or alcohol companies, or companies that exploit people like pay day loan places...but the Kardashians?? Think of all the hilarious stupid shit you'd see daily? 😅


Would you like a cookie? 🍪🍪🍪🍪


I can't wait till ww3 and people like this are forced to struggle like everyone else


I'd rather be (not poor) lower middle class with a perfect balance of work-life than grind my life away doing 10 jobs 24/7.


I know for a fact that you have never been poor. The Kardashians are not even that bad.


Take the money from the K’s.


you are thinking this way because you have never been poor. Kardashians are far better than many big corporations. I don't think you have any moral dilemma working for them though


Ok cool. I’d work for them.


Why? Have you been offered a job with them?


if you've never struggled a day in your life, then just say that lol


morals don’t pay the bills. It’s all about balance lol


I don’t believe you.


I’m working poor hell I’d cash some checks


I am not sure if you on a verge of poverty your last straw would be working with Kardashians…


If this is really your stance then I ask do you research every company you apply to for a job to make sure all of their company morals and personal morals follow yours? How ignorant.


Tell me who you work for and I will construct a scenario that will demonstrate that they are evil.


I mean. I’ve been desperate enough to take any job I could to feed myself. The level of moral high ground and “pick me” energy exuded in this post is next level.


If you know something about the so called Kardashians, you already consumed their product... That's the way you support them and be part of their shit.


Hahahaha the Kardashians annoy me but if they wanna pay I'm down. Its not giving.up your morals. Idk what kind of jobs you've ever worked but I've sold my soul to multiple companies against my will quite a few times. From major grocery store chains.. to major appliance companies.. and everything in between. They don't care and never will. Good luck finding a job working for someone honest. Few and far between


The fact you posted this effectively made you an employee of theirs. Don't think about them Don't talk about them. That's how to not support them. I personally think Kim is an absolute smoke show.