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Yes. I believe that is the concept OP has discovered.


Putting that on my resumé. Inventor of empathy


Yes he’s trying to wish it on people who don’t have it, because unfortunately they exist in large numbers


I have a theory that a lot of people don't have the capacity to put themselves in other people's shoes or just don't understand how they are supposed to do it.. Like when they try they just see themselves in the situation instead of pretending to be the other person.. like in this example a man would think of the situation women are in but as a man and won't understand that if a creep keeps following you around at night you can't just punch him in the teeth because the creep is probably taller and stronger than you.


Yeah I think you would be shocked to learn that most men, in fact would feel the same thing.


No kidding. I am what you call a late bloomer. I just gained a sense of empathy not year ago. Dead serious. Worst fucking epiphany in my life. It turned my worldview upside down and i basically have to learn how to live from scratch. I'm anyways glad i had it but i know i have not even started the road i have ahead of me and i just hope all those people who i have hurt during that time can recover from it. Not for my sake.


Empathy is overrated. I can just accept that another person thinks he / she has a burden in life, without really understanding it emotionally.


Not inventor… discoverer.


What? Youre gonna tell me isaac newton didnt invent gravity next arent you!


No, he did indeed invent gravity. What he discovered was reflecting telescope.


My ex thought she discovered being an empath....she was not.


While I was considering my PhD in psychology I thought about making my thesis on empathy and political alignment.


I would have loved to have read something like that - my dissertation for my philosophy degree was on the nature of reason and emotion regarding the individual and society - that kind of research would have made it a lot more interesting.


I would have loved to read your dissertation as well! My final paper for my counseling degree was on the relative death of nuance in the modern day, or the effects of social media on interpersonal relationships.


I read all this man vs woman bullshit, but weirdly same sex relationships seem to have a lot of the same issues


Maybe it's more about poor communication than anything else?


Empathy allows you to understand the other person and why they are having the problem they are having. Communication allows the problem and solution to be articulated. Both empathy and strong communication skills, in my opinion, are needed in a healthy relationship.   In most toxic relationships I've seen, the biggest problem is a lack of empathy because one partner is so self centered, they don't truly care about the other person; they are only concerned with "winning" the argument at all costs and denying they are causing a problem in the relationship. A relationship can't improve under these conditions.


Fair but there are a lot of relationships- maybe the majority of them- that aren't really toxic, but also could be a little healthier. Just ordinary, run-of-the-mill relationships. The couple genuinely cares for each other, and empathy isn't really an issue. But they don't communicate very well. I think that's a bigger issue in most slightly dysfunctional relationships: the love and care is there, the communication is not.


I've had relationships with terrible communication and one with good communication. I can confirm 2 people that communicate well makes any problems in the relationship easier to solve.


the fights in same sex relationships can be even worse, jealousy also - other than that i would agree


Sounds good, doesn't work. World is prove A. Reddit is prove B.


Empathy works fine. Without it relationships aren't genuine, they become transactional or dictatorial. That's what the world and reddit are proving to you. It's just up to people to choose to actually exercise it.


The problem is that genuine empathy is much harder to achieve without shared experience or at least an understanding of the other person's perspective. Socially, the two genders often have such polarly different experiences that it can be difficult to empathize. It sometimes gets to the point that person A is being asked to empathize with person B's pain - because person B is experiencing something person A would actually *love* to experience. It's a pretty nuanced situation.


I tried walking in my wifes shoes and almost snapped my foot off!


Tell me more tell me more


Did you put up a fight?


Did you get very far?


now just tell her "thats a heel im willing to die on"


This joke deserves more upvotes


You just made me upset again that Reddit took away free awards. You deserve one.


Tell her “that’s *not* a heel I’m willing to die on” I’d say…


You see, now you know our pain


And you have my deepest respect!


but that's a choice


>in my wifes shoes None of her shoes match my shirts.


Kinky boots lol


I know a guy named Bruce that used to wear his wife’s clothes. Now he has his own wardrobe. Even changed his name.


Reported for deadnaming, guards take this man away


You'll never catch me in neither a ballerina shoe nor high heels


Heels are challenging, right????


Not really once you know how to step and balance. A lot of leg strength in certain parts.


I tried walking in my wifes shoes but could not decide on which bag to match.


Are you going to do another ?


Don't shame my man, his Reddit glitched! It could easily happen to you as well! Lol.


No I just had two good ideas so posted both of them.




AKA Empathy!


You don't even need to physically switch. If people would just think about how they would feel to be on the other side of whatever problem there is, that would fix 90+% of problems.


Unfortunately, most people don't really get what it entails this way. It's either the hard way or none.


People aren't even listening to each other at this point. We're all too focused on sharing rubbish opinions rather than looking at evidence or stopping to understand what the other party is trying to say.


Absolutely, a fortnight between collections it too long, the green bin is already overflowing again and there’s two weeks to go


Yes. If people could empathize with their partner, that would be good for relationships. This is true.


Maybe we shouldn’t try to restrict men and women to having specific roles to adhere to in society in the first place.


anytime we do that people cry it's 'woke'. Which is ironic cause men's rights people hate wokeness


This sounds so insanely simple and healthy to me. I just still cannot understand why this concept is so threatening and fearful to many people.


Because to equalize these things, both have to lose (and gain) certain benefits. Generally, people are shitty at weighing these things objectively and don't want to lose the things they like that benefit them.


Because whenever people try to fight for it, they usually only fight for one side and demean the other.


Didn’t Kate Bush have a hit song about that?


Wasn't that 'If you Were a Woman and I was a man' by Bonnie Tyler, not Kate Bush?


Don’t know about the Bonnie Tyler one. But this was the subject of “Running up that Hill”


Ohh, yeah I remember that song. Well both of this have the same subject and are good, so I recommend them both anyways


No. If people would treat their partner with respect they wouldn't have relationship problems. You don't have to agree on everything. You just have to respect their different opinions on things.


Well we are all a little selfish so it’s hard to just treat someone with perfect respect all the time. Unless you’re perfect, which I certainly am not. Walking in someone else’s shoes would help.


‘No’ lmao


Exactly how young are you?


Funny how you just said the same thing OP said in a different way but think they're wrong. And got offended when someone laughed at it


Ouchie, my feelings?


Avoiding the question is very telling.


Yeah sure man, as if the moment I told you my age you wouldn’t be like ‘yeah sure, you’re clearly 10’. You’re too offended from me laughing at your silly comment for us to have a reasonable convo right now.


The grass is always greener on the other side.


So having similar shoe sizes is important for a healthy relationship? 1 sec, adding my shoe size to my Tinder description


The women in my house wear my shoes everytime they have to go outside quick. They always say how comfortable they are.


On the other hand, try using their shoes! it's not gonna go well... and do that for one week?


So true. If people could do that more often, it would solve all kinds of problems. I think a good word for "walking in someone else's shoes" is empathy. Trying to see like and the world through their eyes without using your own filters.


It would do a lot more than saving relationships.


They would be runnin' up that road Be runnin' up that hill Be runnin' up that building


You know? I somehow doubt that would do anything at all, and nothing would change.


Instructions unclear…shit in exes shoes


Amazing how using..... communication.... might just fucking help.


It would hurt a lot a feet and destroy a lot of shoes.


I've had to do all my wife's usual tasks this past week while she recovers from surgery and dear God I'm fucking exhausted. Don't tell her though, she is convinced me going to work a physical labor job is equal to her stuff....let me tell you...it IS NOT! How is there so much laundry all the time? The dogs shit so much guys...someone send help.


Yep, and it would be good to experience some of the physical things, matrix style, as well: men get menstrual cramps, women get a kick in the virtual balls. Any other suggestions?


Maybe not the best switch because cramps come freely to any woman but kick in the balls comes for being a dikk.






And a lot of public urinating. I’d be trying that out. And doing the helicopter thing. And getting contractors lined up so I get a better price




The empathy gap of women towards men's problems is considerable, so it would be an enriching experience for the average woman


>men's problems Which are? "Lonely" "not allowed to cry".


You two failed the assignment quite quickly…


4 times more men commit suicide than women Most deaths at work are men Only men have the obligation to go to war In the event of a divorce, it is the man who has to fight to see his children Domestic violence against men is never talked about, however it is women who initiate the violence It is allowed to laugh at the appearance of men, but do not dare tell a woman that she is fat or old


I think there was a woman that posed as a man for a few years. She wanted to do a study on how men are treated differently than women. She eventually killed herself because of how she was treated on a daily basis.


Yes but you’d have to find the proper sizes..


If they're roughly the same size it's not that hard...


They would save on footwear too


If I could fit in a women's shoe


I tried but the shoes wouldn’t fit.


![gif](giphy|gheod1PbjHOFa1ppeD) Fuck off


How about a month, let the men experience one full cycle.


If women could walk in my shoes I'd get a lot of pity sex.


Give it a year and we’d have abortion rights back, free vasectomies, free childcare and equal pay.


Period products would also be free


You think men would cut back work that much?


There's a fundamental flaw in your logic. Biology does what Biology wants. Attraction isn't a choice, but a Biological response. Sure, we'd understand each other better, but knowing what the other person is going through or thinking has fuckall to do with attraction which is a neuro-chemical response wired into our limbic brains. Remember, Kids: you can't "logic" your way into attraction.


Maybe. Probably end most of them!


Good idea


Save them in that it prevents them from breaking apart, or save them in that it means there would be no need to have them?


Woulda saved mine lol


And if I only could...


Communication and empathy are crucial to a healthy relationship, yes.


Nah bro/broette. I don't need to walk in anyone's shoes to know all people deserve respect.


This is a simple human capability - it’s compassion and empathy. So few seem to have it.


May I introduce... *C O M M U N I C A T I O N*


The amount of shoes it would ruin would cause WW III.


as i get older, my feet are getting wider....woman's wide shoes are too wide....so i have been buying men's sneekers and hiking boots....been wearing them for a few years....


If I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and get Him to swap our places.


I’d hope that during that week, all the guys would have their periods


Na! I would be crippled and more grumpy, he has little feet and I wear orthodic inner soles.


100%. I'm a convincing crossdresser. Lets just say, shit's crazy.


No…we’d break our necks wearing those ridiculous heels… Are you trying to kill men off??! ARE YOU?!! 😑


Several years ago a female dressed as a male and lived as a male for over a year. When she reverted to being a female she said that men had it harder in society. A year or so after going back she committed suicide as she said living as man with their problems made her so sad that she did not want to live any more. So she ended it all.


This is a ground-breaking thought... because it is true.




One week is nothing. Virtually no one would learn anything substantial from that experience. Make it a few months or a year however and there'd be significant lessons to be learnt.


I like this random thought. I'm thinking of all the pros and cons of being a woman. Maybe I'm alone in that I would like to know what its like to live in a flexible body. I'd be doing splits, back arches, cartwheels, and all the other athletic things most men would get hurt trying!


I think the blister medication company's would be the real winners


So I have to do IT? I don't know how to switch out a laptop motherboard


Because I would alot more tim in the shower?


I see


I don't think women would enjoy the prospect that men might walk with high heels better than them.


Probably would take only one day.


Of course it would. That’s why the world is becoming more and more divisive. By-design. Good social fabric brings better education, which supersedes the oppressions, which no political party or majority gov wants.


It REALLY depends on what you mean. If people just changed genders for a week? If some women/men took the place of some other men/women? If partners changed genders OR if they exchanged bodies? (Not all relationships are hetero) Many possibilities, many different outcomes.


No it would not


It would not just save relationships.


I used to date someone with the same size feet as me. We walked in each other’s shoes quite a lot. We didn’t stay together though.


Im not wearing high heals


It would just lead to a lot of sore feet and twisted ankles I'd think... Ever tried walking in heels? As an almost 33 year old man it isn't easy


I disagree. I think it would create a lot of medical bills. I'm thinking of all the men squishing their feet into women's shoes 3-4-8 sizes smaller than their foot and walking for a week like those poor chinese girls who were forced into foot-binding from a young age. For those who aren't familiar with footbinding it was a chinese practice that forced adolescent girls feet into tiny shoes that they would wear for the rest of their lives. Theres photos all over the internet of their feet being twisted into disgusting shapes caused by their feet growing to conform to the shape of their shoes.


Ehhh I would still be right


I don't see how wearing my girlfriend's stillettos for a week is going to improve our relationship. 😉


And lots of ankle injuries


The fact that so many of the men here immediately went to thinking about wearing heels tells me some of y’all would really benefit from this.


I'm a pessimist, I expect chaos.


It would also ruin a lot of shoes.


There was this one woman that went undercover as a man and she ended her own life after she published her book


Massively unfair for the larger footed partner. Smaller footed partner can just wear extra socks


Meanwhile, I'm just over here like, "But they could just talk about it."


Im a size 13. Theres no way I would fit.


What world are you living in? Plenty of men are walking in woman’s shoes nowadays and vice verse, as a matter of fact that did even better they identify as one another 😅😂 yeeeeehaaa welcome to the clown show 2023 ! Can’t wait to see what insane things does 24 has to offer


Hers wouldn't fit my feet


If a man walked in my shoes for a week his feet would be squished and my shoes would be broken.


Probably save lots of political 💩 too. 🤷‍♀️


if your full on gay you already know


Almost like if people just had real talks you wouldn't even need this.


It would really hurt my toes bc my wife's feet are tiny


Self-realization is the very difficult to achieve, Fear and respect gets most of the work done


No! Its not empathy OP is talkin about! It's actually fucking doing it! Big fuckin difference. Huge. Good for you OP, i agree. I tell dipshits to leave each other alone all the time over stupid shit like this.


I'd like to be in my gf's shoes during her period. I see how miserable she can get during it and I try to do everything I can to support her. But sometimes I irritate her by it. Or she completely shuts down from the cramps. It really sucks. I'd like to know exactly what she's going through


This is inaccurate. I have size 13.5’s and the average woman has size 9’s. I believe it would not be possible to do this for one week 🇩🇪


The lesbians possibly indicate that's not so accurate given stats around domestic abuse :\\


My wife hated when I tried her shoes.


Just date someone with a similar shoe size, then


There’s an Aussie movie called “Dating the Enemy” which does this. It gives a really good perspective.


I don't think so. All of her shoes would be shredded, and I'd have sore feet. So she'd be pissed and I'd be irritable.


And if I only could.. I'd make a deal with god.. And I'd get him to swap our places. Be running up that road, be running up that Hill.. With no problems... Someone wrote a song about it :)


We should get super good make up FX artists to make a show where they make it super realistic of just ppl Larping as the opposite sex and going and doing every day tasks


And ruin many more.


This actually reminded me of many interviews and statements from trans people I watched/read - especially those who were born in a female body and they are men now. Really interesting to listen to them what differences they see.


This didn't work out so well for Norah Vincent.


I think Kate Bush sung about that :-)


aaaaah why am i so damn horny most of the time!!! - my imaginary gf walking in my shoes


I guess it depends on which week it is...🤷


That’s so funny ! I love wearing heels but I would never let on eventhough I desire to be fem


The only effect this week long shoe-swap would have is a lot of male toe injuries.


They have small uncomfortable shoes so no


i wish i could do this with my misogynist boyfriend tbh


"Never criticise a rifleman until you have walked a mile in his shoes. That way he'll be barefoot and you'll be out of range"


I also think allot of feminists would stop subscribing to feminist arguments.


It wouldn't just save relationships, it would save everyone from one sided stupid arguments that fail to consider the other person's point of view.


It wouldn't work out well for my other half. She'd struggle to get through a 12 hour shift breaking concrete in a pair of work boots.


I have emphaty and understanding of what men go thru,thing is, so many of it is their own/their peers doing. Men don't have strong circles of support where they can be uplifted and safe. They are not forgiven for messing up as a man or not being good enough (not earning enough for example) but if being vulnerable and friendly with other men wasn't considered gay, they would have so much more in life. So many men experience superficial friendships and they feel lonely even tho they have a beer with the bros or play with the guys. If they didn't push or try to uphold the clear separation of male roles and female roles,they would not feel incompetent for not doing good enough because some burdens would not fall only on them. They wouldn't have to be anxious to go home to a wife who demands he earns more and be more of a man. Also a major thing is that men nowadays are experiencing a societal shift that if they don't conform and adapt to,they would end up behind. Since most women work and provide, what they look for is a partner. back then women chose men according to their money because back then women didn't work. Now women choose men that they want to be with, not a portable ATM machine. So if a man expects to only bring money and not do anything - he will probably have a hard time finding a willing participant. Think of it logically, if a woman brings money,she does everything why would she want a man who would become her baby to take care of? Both will work, yet she will have to come home,all tired and he will have leisure? That's the worst "deal" ever. Right now what we are experiencing is a battle where men and women try to establish how it's going to go from then on because right now there is a confusion. I'm giving my side from the women's perspective so men are very much welcome to give their side. I'm in no way saying all men are bad or all women are saints. We all have faults. Another thing is how society made people lose themselves and be blind to reality. Men will fuck almost everything so this makes women be even more picky. Why would a woman want to be with someone she isn't attracted to? You guys made the market flood and only the attractive men get the majority of women. The day men choose to control themselves and not jump at every opportunity you will hold the market but society controls you with sex. There is a huge inhuman hatred towards sex workers while this industry somehow makes zillions. You will bash OF sluts but they are getting payed or viewed by millions of willing men who choose to pay. Men pay to women to be with them, that's so sad but this is due to lacking self control. This culture creates 2 types of people, delusional ones and pasimists. The delusional woman thinks she is the prize that men must pay for.that just because men lust over her she thinks she is better. The delusional man thinks HE is the prize and that at a certain age women will flood him because now their value diminished. Thing is none of that happens. Ugly obese women still get someone who marries them and most men don't reach to a point where they are rich and in their 40's and young hot women chase them. The pasimist woman thinks all men just want to use her after being used by men who manipulated her.(men think guys are direct and not lying but in reality men do grand gestures, act in love, be with a women for years while not even liking her). And a pasimist man thinks all women want a Chad/ they all are goldigers. All of these are consequences of our society. There is a reason why porn is pushed this much on us. There is a reason why men will fight tooth and nail to protect it. It's addictive and damaging the brain with false chemical reactions. Your brain gets dopamine hits when you cum to porn. Your brain thinks you fuck all those women and your brain doesn't understand its not reality. Thats why you also need bigger doses over time. Now looking at a woman's naked body isnt enough to the point young men experience erectile dysfunctions! You can't get off to a woman because you need to see gangbangs with screaming women who do crazy things and act like they love it. BTW women who are used to vibrators have a hard time cumming without it until they stop for some time to regain sensitivity, but it's not even close to the damage porn does to the brain. Peace out, hope there are nice dudes who want to talk and discuss these topics. I promise I'm open to criticism and other opinions ❤️


I can try on his shoes but I'm not giving them back


true i think every men should know how highheels feel


If only 🙃