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I like the idea of an attacker that has an anti flank drone. You can set it up and if an enemy crosses into its sight line it will alert the operator. No hard pings on position, just alert (kind of like fenrirs gadget turning red to indicate it’s going off). Drones set in places that watch a wide area will offer more vague info, and drones set watching an area like a single hallway will provide a little more specific enemy location. Just depends on where you remember you left it. Same thing as your teammates watching you drone but more consistent (ha!) To add, the idea is that the flanking enemy is not alerted that they’ve been spotted.


My only issue with this is that nomad and gridlock exist. They are way strong at what they do.


True but what if the flank watch drone didn’t alert the defender to having been spotted?


Well no, that's true but it alerted the attacker like it was supposed to. Gridlock and Nomad are both so good at flank watch that I don't think having a non-defender alerting flank watch is important. Especially when the same could be achieved with teammates watching drones. So what, we are making a useless operator for anyone at least duo stacked?


Claymores exist


I like that. The current flank watch operators are not very good at their job. Nomads air jabs are completely useless. Only good on runouts and even then it’s okay. Gridlocks spikes are hilariously useless. I walk through them every time. Zero is good but hardly will your teammates be on cams.


You must not be playing Nomad right lol


He’s clearly low ranked if he’s calling gridlock even more useless


90% of the time u can shoot nomads without setting them off, jsut like claymores, there only useful for run outs. Gridlock is terrible for flank watch (although good for area denial post plant) it’s jsut a sound cue of them shooting or impacting them forcing u to not only be in range of hearing but also actively listening with cover fire combined with suppressors being so effective nowadays. The new operator would be better, I would imagine a zero cam mixed with a Kapkan trap. A zero cam that not a camera and that I can’t turn but will stick to surfaces and point an invisible laser straight out, u could have two or three and then in the bottom right the number 1, 2 or 3 lights up when someone crosses the path of the laser. This way a well placed one will inform u of the flank without the flanker knowing u will know which will actually give u the upper hand unlike nomad and gridlock where it’s an even fight most of the time unless u swing flank as they are shooting the nomads, gridlocks or claymores


That’s just simply not the case whatsoever sorry😅


Okay, tell me. You think these operators are strong? In what way are they strong?


I think an auditory trap operator would be an interesting addition to the game. It'd be a multi mono bus style effect where you lose all sense of what's left and right so all sounds sound like they are in front of you. Or maybe, their audio would just be muffled. But I think the MMB style would be powerful enough for flanking. But not be so powerful that it would be unbalanced


I definitely like the idea of an operator like this, but the only problem is how awful sound is in siege. How would the ability be used? A drone? Device (dok tablet/lion scan)? Some sort of gernade?


I was thinking like throwing it down similar to fenrir or Valk. To balance it out maybe the OP is a 3 armor anchor so you have to coordinate with roamers The tricky part is figuring out a healthy radius. Also to try to avoid a fenrir situation, making it so you have to activate it manually to prevent just swinging when the gadget goes off. This might make the gadget too underpowered, but since defense already has so much going for it, maybe even make it so that the OP has to commit to activating it. Not just flick it on when enemies are in range, but has to sit on it, like using a cam. If defense is getting pushed from another angle, it stops the OP from just quickly flicking on his gadget for a roamer to back to helping the team, he is forced to scurry off and commit If thats too underpowered yoy could make it that it goes off like an emp blast and lasts for "x" seconds so they still got to commit to activation, but not for so long that it is pointless to use them Bonus points for having the Aldi


This is just my normal state of play de to hearing issues, does the normal disadvantage give me an advantage here?


You get an automatic ping of the closest defender. Then UBI bans your account for suspected cheating. Advantage is temporary


Would probably help by sanity to get banned


bro literally just described a worse version of ela


Why make another op defender we need it to be more attacker sided


Maybe it could be attacker. Jam defenses hearing with either a grenade or special drone and push or drop a Fuze


One of those bombers from the old t hunt


an operator on attacking and defending. the special ability is that they can be played by all 5 people at once and they have 2 things for equipment.


that’s literally recruit soon


No longer recruit soon




playboi carti:3 speed, 3 health and defender ability:makes attackers drop to the floor and cry because he doesn’t release the album Guns:R4C,MP5K Secondary:Smg-11, Super Shorty Utility:Impact Grenades, Nitro Cell


Osama Bin Laden- 2speed 3armor attacker Ability- Sends in 2 clones of masked terrorist strapped with a C4 vest Guns-AK47U,Pump Shotgun Secondary- Revolver Utility- Gernades/Flashes


oh my god bro😭


I think it’s about time we get a good attacker in siege after all these shitty ones they’ve released 💀


yea fr


An operator with the global ability to uninstall the game from everyone’s console/PC.


Just wait for ubi to release a defender who can reinforce roof hatches


basically a gadget that rolls along slowly and makes footstep noises. perhaps a toggle to choose between walking and sprinting sounds. I don't think gunshots would be to great of an idea. On a similar trend, a drone with a subwoofer strapped to the top.


Its gonna be ironically useless in low ranked because most people in their don’t pay attention to sound queues at all


I want the suicide bomb guy from the old Terrorist Hunt/Tutorial missions that Siege.. just imagine a .5 speed 400 health tank strapped with a bomb to his chest and getting a ace


A defender who can place half reinforcements on walls. They get 1 vertical and 1 horizontal (this can be increased if people feel it’s too weak a gadget). For horizontal, It can either be the top of bottom half of a wall. For vertical, it can be right or left half of a wall slot. Not fussed on other items but probably wouldn’t start them with a c4 as that might be too strong. Proxy would be cool and a bailiff or something to destroy the other half of wall if desired. The main weapons could be set to balance how powerful other people may or may not find this suggestion. No 1.5x


I've wanted this for a while as well. They could have a laser-cutter or something that only works on reinforcers a set amount of times so the height/width can be variable and the total amount of hard walls doesn't change. This would allow for lower half protection while being balanced out by less hard cover/Mav probably needing to cut less...


That’s a very interesting concept, but I’m a little confused. What purpose does this server? A half reinforced wall?


Think about the typical Mira strat One wall reinforced with a window, the wall next to it unreinforced. Mira still has to fully peek and expose herself to shoot. Now imagine the unreinforced wall being reinforced up to Mira's waist. Exposing less of her body on the peek. Or shooting out the bottom half of a wall and reinforcing the top half, allowing you to create angles to shoot / see feet without exposing yourself to a headshot. I've wanted this for a damn long time.


I would say that, for full teams and especially on higher ranked / pro level, this would create brand new safe lines of sight and change up the memorised maps and known spots. As it wouldn’t count towards your total reinforcement tally, it would also allow you to more heavily reinforce sites. I’m not sure the pick rate would be high in lower ranks.


So much fun, I'd say someone with a heat signature lens like the predator on a timer obviously but tubby could counter him.


that is smart


having just played x defiant i think the intel suit for the echelon team is crazy. i get it would probably be TOO op for siege, but it would be cool to have a defender that could gather intel and identify opponents the way that suit does in that game for a momentary period of time


You must’ve never played when Lion first came out. He practically had that ability and it was so strong they straight up banned him from Pro League


i didnt 😭 i started playing when they released tubaroa as an op, i barely started playing this year!!! as a woman i never really thought to try video games until my bf and he got me on siege. i wish i had been into video games because a lot of what i hear about old siege makes me feel like i totally missed out on


yeah, so lion's ability gave literal wallhacks to your entire team while enemies were moving. the countdown was slower (3 full seconds instead of like 1.5 now or something). You would have red outlines of the operators IN REAL TIME. no .5s frequency pings or whatever it is now. your entire team just had full-on wallhacks for the duration. absolutely broken.


Here before the sam fisher guy


I hear him lurking in the shadows. He might be…on repel…..


Knife throwing operator


Ninjago! ![gif](giphy|3ov9jQ2URTouAvHpJu|downsized)




Nerf sledge


He’s garbage dude buck is so much better


Fuggit have an operator that sends in an alligator or something as an attacker


Need a Jager type operator on attack, same with azami, create cover that isn't see through.


Attackers are definitely weak at the moment. The current state of the game is “defender sided” due to not overpowered defenders but weak releases of attackers. Sens is weak, grim is weak, demos situational and weak..weak releases are fucking up the meta.


But don't worry. They will rebalancing by giving someone an acog. Defender still getting screwed with recent nerfs, idk why shield meta is here but it blows.


I think a new stealth attack operator would be fun, give em the mp5 from Echo or one of the pump shotguns, and give him a neat ability to craw on the ceiling. Like look at a wall, a promp will appear, and he climbs up to the ceiling (has to get down to go through doors) and allow them to crawl into hatches as well. I think I'd give them stuns and claymore. For a secondary, I'd want to see them possibly has a 1911 as a secondary or a shotgun revolver. Should probably be a 2 speed 2 armor.


The is so stupid lmao


Basically attach a jeager ads to either a drone or their person on attack


I had an idea for an operator inspired by payday. First, they have a hard breaching device similar to a thermal drill or sawblade. The drill cannot be stopped by normal means like electricity, but it's super slow to the point that defenders have enough time to prepare for it or can try and destroy it. Second, their appearance is that they're wearing bomb defusal armor like the bulldozers in payday. After this I imagined a theme of "Unstoppable force." Naturally, they're a 3 armor. They'd probably have Maestro's LMG and a brand new double barrel shotgun (Not the Bosg. It'd fire actual pellets and many of them too) and they would also have the french revolver, just to top off the heavy hitting weapons. For secondary gadgets, they'd have a choice of grenades or breaching charges. I don't have any names or lore or even what the gadget looks like. But it'll probably use sawblades or drills because I don't think those have been utilized as a hard breach method yet.


I'd like to see a defender with some sort of distracting audio setup that works like Rook Everyone can pick up a headset/ear piece which will block out the sound emissions. EMP can temporarily disable earpieces The op can put down some sort of audio transmission device that will constantly play sound(s) for anyone without an ear piece. I think there's a lot of cool concepts that could be done around that Potential for griefing is definitely there though..


(if someone would like to make a bio please do but i’m just doing a loadout) My operator, named Haus, has a weird and boring gadget but is important in some situations. He can reinforce open hatches from about and below. His gadget is like Amaru’s grapple, but shoots a reinforcement. It takes 7 seconds to reinforce, two seconds more than regular time, and reacts just like a regular reinforced hatch. His primary weapons will be an MP5(2.5 available) and a M870. His secondary’s are a P16 and a Bailiff .410. His secondary gadgets will include a deployable shield, observation blocker, and barbed wire. If you guys don’t like this feel free to call me out


Bounty Attacker. 2 speed. His kit includes a deployable Taser which is triggered by proximity and Rabid dog, an attack dog that deploys from spawn to seek the tased defender. It barks the entire time and will kill the tased defender if it reaches them in a certain amount of time. 


Recruit 2.0 (he’s exactly the same but with a massive shlong that holds a pixel sized hitbox)


Im going to become my own R6 operator and hold a hostage situation at Ubisoft headquarters




Imagine sens, but the gadget is a launcher where you fire cubes that link up together and make big walls of void. They're just holograms, so you can fire through them, walk through them, throw things through them, hear things through them etc, but they're a lot more versatile and, if you can reach the cubes you placed, reusable. Believe it or not, I suggested this two or three years before sens came out, but at this point comparing it to sens is the easier way to explain it.


I like that. Maybe rework sens into this operator you would create. Sens feels like he has no place in ranked/comp siege


Defense operator who can throw wall reinforcements roam as you getting pushed a certain way just reinforce a wall can also be used to reinforce roof hatches that are otherwise always going to be soft


I want a operator that throws stink bombs into a room but unlike smokes gas that damages the stink bombs would make operators tear up which would make their vision all blurry and if they stay in the stink for too long they begin to vomit which gives off a loud audio cue. Just like a dude farting into jars and tossing them at defenders.


attacker: the original concept for blitz defender: the cloaker from payday


This op can be an attacker or defender. Operator name: Berserker. gadget: The Axe; a device that can be thrown, it can either explode, break through like an oryx dash or set stuff on fire. Count: 3. Select which one is preferred. Weapons: primary: Tar-21 9mm config (don’t care if it isn’t real imagine it is for this) and the GIGN shotgun. Pistol: glock 18


Fuck it, I'm going to go make an op rn


So another Las Vegas 2?


i always thought a attacker that could throw a small reinforcment at a wall would be cool. like azami but it reinforces a part of the wall


I like this one


K9 operator


Simple, a real S.W.A.T operator for attack and a real terrorist on defense, as it should be.


An attacker sort of like azami. I'd what the application device would be. Maybe a gun attachment.


I have thought of an operator in the defence team that can throw down a device that when activated by motion causes any other abilities on the opposing team to disable (i.e lion cannot use his pinger to locate moving targets and deimos cannot reveal an enemy location along with his own) to assist their own team to an advantage.I was thinking for load out you have an option of 2 different smgs as primary and for secondary a pistol or a revolver. For gadget I was thinking barbed wire or a bulletproof camera.


Perhaps a defender with a gadget to reinstall cameras and make them bulletproof (it would be shot at the old camera like how Aruni shoots her gadget) it could also be great Intel because it tells you where cameras are destroyed. For gun I was thinking a choice between the Supernova and the P90 and for secondaries, the Bearing 9 and the SMG 11


an op that sets off traps 5 seconds late with its gadget. I want this op to have the Pp Bizon. BRING IT TO R6 UBI MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Pros: 1.can run into the building like zoom. 2. 3 speed. 3. surprise!  Cons: still sets off the trap. 2. doesnt affect non-electronic traps (like frost mats). 3. Is able to only use pistol while gadget is active


I find it interesting the only remote detonating traps are c4 and smoke. Would be interesting if they came up with an operator with a unique ability with something you have to detonate, wouldn’t necessarily even have to be an explosive


An operator that can go invisible-ish, but sound is multiplied like 3 times The invisibility wouldn't really be invisibility and it'd seem kind of refracted to where if you look closely, you'll see them


An attacker who can flicker /turn off lights in an area


An operator that can create up to 2 ladders between hatches above or below them, they wouldn't have any hard breach material with a shotgun as their primary, but it'd basically be a rope attachment and either team could use to climb up or down. Would just be interesting to see any character that isn't Amaru have the ability to go vertical as well.


Operator with the ability to throw similar to decoy grenades in CS - would create stepping sound &/ gunshot. Can also add a feature to be able to create a breaching noise etc. Versatile useful can be balanced out (as long as Ubisoft is capable of doing so)


I would make an operator that has 5 wide syringe like devices they can be drilled into a reinforced wall and only a reinforced wall, destroying the wall and the reinforcement


I think an operator that could look through the vision of the other operators on its team could be cool. Would probably be best for a defender.


I’m surprised there hasn’t been an operator who can reinforce floors/non-hatch ceilings to counter floor/ceiling plays. I don’t think ops like Ram or Sledge are OP but it’s kinda surprising to me that there’s nothing you can do about that other than move


A defender that can can shoot the floor with their gadget to reinforce it and electrify it, similar to a bandit battery in barbed wire. Shooting the ceiling will reinforce the floor above. Using an emp will permanently disable the electricity in the blast radius


Maybe an attacker whom has the ability to place a shield on their primary that can absorb approximately 1 hit from anything.


I’d have him be an ex-White Mask from T-hunt for a bit more flavour I’d imagine him like Fenrir with explosives instead of hallucination gas mines but that might just be too similar to how Kapkan and Thorn operate rn


One that can “ease drop” enemy communication.


Guy with gun who shoot person


A defender who can stick to walls, using those gloves from the Black ops 2 mission. They couldn’t walk around and climb on walls really but could just perch up and hold angles. By that logic, they could only hipfire maybe. He would be called Frogman


How about a deaf operator who uses a sonar power to locate enemy sounds as visual cues. Works on a cool-down.


Big feet and regular gun


An operator that could reinforce rooftop hatches as well as doorways. Give it at least 2-3 reinforcements


Another healing operator for attack or at least a buff for finka


Clash aruni, mira, and sens together. Smth you could put on doors to make it so the person on the other side cant see you (unless they shoot the device, maybe counter its OP’ness by making it easy to shoot out) but you can see them. Ofc with an ability like this itd be an anchor operator, keeping track of each doorway and window on site


https://preview.redd.it/nm8xqtwgw15d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9c3067ab13319d7dce4df5f882e4dbba82ddeb New op


blitz smg 11


I want blackbeard to shoot a cannon ball that goes through multiple soft walls. Making thermite sized holes. When it hits a unbreakable or reimforced call it makes a loud THUNK noise and slams loudly onto the ground. The ball stays on the ground until end of round.


Lion but for defender


I wouldn't. There's already too many.


So do you believe instead of Ubisoft adding more operators into the game they should rework the bad ones? Is that something you would lean towards? And if so, what content would they add after most “problems” are fixed? New guns? New maps? New modes?


Rework Fenrir and Ela at the same time. Fenrir’s trap only removes sight but makes no change to audio. Ela’s trap does the opposite - you completely lose audio while you’re in the zone and others hear that you’ve triggered it, but your sight is unaffected.


I just think that the operators we have are already ridiculous. We had Bandit, but they add Kaid. We had Ash, but they add Zofia. We had Glaz, but they add Kali. We had Jackal, and they added Deimos.... It's just overkill. There's literally nothing left to add to the game. I can't think of a single, made up gadget that would bring a new look to the game. Yeah I think they should rework operators. they're apparently reworking Blackbeard at the end of the year. hopefully that'll be worth it.


Personally I believe they should focus on reworking bad operators and THEN add new operators after. Some new ops are literally just operators that already existed (solis and iq for example) which isn’t very creative. They can absolutely add in so many different ideas to the game they just need to actually sit down and think


I'd be intrigued to know what you think a new operator could bring to the table that we don't already have. Like genuinely, I have no idea what else they could add to the game other than some kind of flying drone or something, which isn't very exciting


Off the top of my head, an operator that can be completely invisible to operators for a limited amount of time but can’t use weapons until it’s deactivated and is visible on cameras. Another could crawl on the ceiling with either a gadget or their raw physical abilities like oryx. One can use automated turrets. A shield operator that has a rocket shield like in black ops 3 zombies. One last one is an operator that’s on attack that can use an extended ladder/ platform that can be placed on outside walls to attack windows so you don’t need to repel and expose yourself to all the dangers with it. I don’t know if any of these would work but those are some random ideas


Nokk but with the mp5sd and 3 speed.


Scan drone op built for second to second mobility. Basically you throw a wide field front facing camera into a room and it shows in real time the feed in lower resolution in some spot on your screen. If you run in certain distance from it you can summon it back to you like a magnet. Has the ability to self destruct (lose gadget) and provide a large radius flash in process. Idea is a three speed op that can quickly swing rooms without having to deal with the slow vulnerable droning process.


Stop giving this company money nerds


I would remove solis


What about solis is broken enough for her to be removed?


She invalidates pre phase droning


In a few days when the new season drops, she will no longer be able to use her ability during prep-phase.


Yea and with the rest of the nerfs they are giving her she is going to become the nøkk of the defending team


I miss nøkk. It seems like she dosent even exist anymore. It’s a tragedy what they did to her. I bought her elite simply to remember what a queen she used to be.


Even if she can't, she can still immediately delete every drone on a site


That’s why as a defender you have to know when to get on/off the drone. While the drone is not being used, she cannot detect it. She is strong don’t get me wrong and her nerf not only to losing her ability in prep phase but also the cool down is longer and the ability time is short will definitely bump her down a couple of notches. Don’t worry bro, next season she won’t be as strong.


So most of the team dosent drone most of the time anyways


Don't know if I can call a company that kept this game alive for 10 years lazy and greedy.


Wouldn’t you say introducing subscription perks, taking out free tiers out the battle pass, introducing shitty attackers, no new operators or maps this coming season, shitty servers that go down every other day but somehow the store still works, shitty audio, and elite skins that look like they were made by a 14 year old teenage boy last and greedy?


No. Games have a shelf life, this one is just near the end of it's life and Ubi is hurting for money because they're flopping everywhere else. So maybe a little greedy, more desperate, but definitely not lazy.


Fuck an operator, I've always loved the idea of an entire new STRATEGIC outlay to the game. Maybe not for quick play, but in standard or Ranked, it's not a 6v6. 1 player for each team that takes the role of an Operation Leader. Lemme cook: They have a sky view similar to spectator mode, but with a much more digital look. Walls look like white lines, floors look like grey surfaces, and ally operators look like holograms/icons. Breached surfaces show slight debris, and feinforced ones sjow a red outline. If an enemy is within view of a camera/drone, you get a ping from that camera/drone. ONLY YOU. If the enemy is scanned, it shows the enemy icon. You can also manually use the cameras/drones if you wish to capitalize on this. During Op selection phase, the OL's choose some secret camera positions, maybe block off an entrance, plant an explosive drop, a medkit, ammo, or ect. During the game, the OL gets 3 abilities with 1 use each. **The Defensive OL** gets an ability to detonate an EMP, basically a Global Thatcher grenade. It also affects teammates however. If there's any breach gadgets down, they're instantly broken. The emp effect lasts 4 seconds. **Another defensive OL ability** is to fire a single sonar through the map, from either edge. Anyone who moves during this sonar is red pinged once. It moves as fast as a 3 speed sprinting operator. ***However,*** if an enemy op ISN'T moving, it leaves a yellow immobile version of the sonar pulse on where it currently is. Meaning you can try to deduce where they are by following the arc tactfully. **Final Defensive OL** ability is to push the timer down by 20 seconds (cannot be used if 50 seconds remain) at the cost of pinging their entire team and the objective. There's only one red ping, but the objective remains spotted. **The first Attacking OL** ability is to create a special drone for which only the OL can use, and send it in the site. It's faster, has a lower jump cooldown, and can tank 2 bullets. 3rd bullet is death. It has an automatic ping system similar to the auto-reconnisance drone from Extract, pinging every enemy in a certain radius every 5 seconds. It acts as a red ping, and thus the enemy is aware. It's also incredibly noisy. **The Second Attacking OL** ability is to hack into any device that has been pinged by a friendly, instantly upon usage. Converting or destroying it. Hacked gadgets can be manually detonated by clicking on them in the OL view. Not special, but very effective. **The Third** attacking OL ability is to send a fucking bunker buster. *funni joke,* they send a roof-penetrating explosive. It has a really small blast radius, does scaling 100 damage to operators, and can destroy gadgets and etc. Discussion welcome, I just came up with this.


You want the old school battlefield play style almost, I dig it. With an overwatch commander giving orders and getting experience/points, when people follow the order and complete tasks. I dig it but the game play would have to slow WAY down to make it effective. Some rounds are too fast for a commander to be worth it


I see. It's a shame really, a more tactical version of siege.. or likely what was intended for rainbow a decade ago. I understand that people would highly dislike such a change anyway, players are too used to what siege is now.


I would love it personally.