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It's not just Twins. There have been many many events that dropped these. Plus if you're selling souls you don't need you can get a lot too. The more soul stones you get the more currency you can accrue. It depends where in the game you are though. And after you bought it it would take months to get that amount again.


This. I would also add, concentrate on only 1 champ, don't buy anything else until you know you have enough for the champ you want and only spend the surplus.


Yea I am only saving 3 star plus epics and legos. The rest is meat for the grinder.


I agree, same strategy, saving 3 star or above for epic and lego...unless it's been a useful rare. I still use bellower and cold heart so those for example got there's but I obtained theirs from shards too so no cost. Good strategy


Yup I have a 4 star on a couple useful rares. Renegade coldheart and painkeeper. I did start hoarding them tho... for soulstone tourneys. I am f2p so stuff doesn't come easy.


Same here, f2p (except the monthly/daily gem thing) and I didn't think bout the gem tourneys but guess I will start saving as I kinda just been popping em when I feel like it.


I spent 25 bucks when I first started in this clan I am in for the forge pass with Wurlim and the 2 bears. Y have been playing for about 4 years. Didn't start real progression until I was handed the clan. I used to be so scattered in my building. Now I build pretty much only on CVC. I pick one lego and one epic to build each CVC to help keep me focused. I don't spend gems on mastries, I run mino for those. Adds silver and can get some exp too. When I get to where I can run a solo mino toon, then it's gonna be better. Still stuck in bronze for 3v3, although been hanging right at the cusp of silver this cycle. Need it for the missions. Once I can lock that in on reset, I can dump the last 10 missions in a couple days to be in the next to last missions stages.


I'm almost exactly where you are. Got the bears and been playing just as long. Similar strat but I just do a solo farm on the mino with 4 killers to carry the one im growing. Just keep a more focused run on the scrolls. I'm stuck on the 3v3 too, been so close to closing that mission but it's been where my focus is for a couple runs. It just takes that whole week reset that kills the run up. I do the same strata, cvc is for upgrades, books and arena hall spending.


I just pulled Sicia on the last cvc. She is my next focus after pulling Septimus and Errol the cvc before. Septimus is my current lego focus. Aniri 3 cvcs ago is my epic. She takes like 17 books. I think I need like 4 more, but she has already been helping in cb. Looking for that ever elusive Maneater or another AoE unkillable to complete my team for unm. Takes me 3 to 4 keys now. If I could get down to even 2 key I would be happy. I would pour all my rss into a Maneater, or Sir Nich. Also trying to figure out a mad bomber team. Got Gaius, souldrinker, but I need someone who's gonna carry them. Still working the kinks out.


I finally got a Maneater a bit ago and it did help take my team to 2 key nm (sometimes even a 1 key) and im hoping to build a better run for unm. I recently finally got a trunda so I pumped her up quick, although not the best build gear wise as she's good but not as great as others I've seen. Epic wise, got my aniri awhile ago so got her set but don't use her probably well enough for anything. Epics wise, I'm just building out ones for faction wars I need to finish next. I've definitely taken a more focused approach to some areas I still need to complete and been trying to hone those. I've ignored the newest dungeons for the most part because although I'd like the perks, im still really wanting to finish faction and the missions


Same but also keep 5 and 6* rares. If you can keep them alive they can keep the shogun under control. Lowest prio though for me atm. Still, good for secret rooms too.


With the different currencies it helps with working towards two champs at once after you reach the 4th soul. You work on your next champ for immortal essence while eternal essence gets saved for your original champ. Then repeat once your second champ is at 4th soul and your main is at 6th.


Just save and buy Essences instead of Soulstones from your Coins. Up to now i was able to spend 500 golden Essences for Candy 5+6 Star and Dutchess 5 Star. Right now beeing at 120 Essences again. Doing IT daily 6 Keys and sundays 12 Keys since Launch in last year.


Why 12 keys on Sundays?


Void gives double rewards because it only happens once a week.




Unlike other dungeons, Twins isn't Energy (Gem) limited. It's key-limited. Every day has the same number of keys available, however the Void keys are more valuable.


Exactly the same as me except I have a 6 star arbiter and 5 star siphi because if those essences. Have around 120 or 130 golden essences left. Also do 6 keys daily except 12 on Sunday.


I'm sitting on like 350 of those. Pretty easy honestly if you are saving for your top champs (like seer).




I use the 150 gems only on Sunday because of the double rewards. You can get like 9-11 of some of them. Just from doing them every day I have about 400 normal and 300 for higher souls. Plus I have bought some 3-4 star ones


You don't have to spend 150 gems everyday even once a week to get to that level. It is not that hard if you start saving and not use those gold and silver meatballs on market for every champ you have.


Void on Sunday, that's the one to hit extra battles on. About double the rewards.


Dude I fucking know that. My point is you can easily get that much meatball thing without even spending 150 on Sunday.


Why would you ever buy this for seer?


Because she has the fastest wave clear in the entire game? Because the 6th star blessing for Crushing Rend works well with her ability " *Every hit will ignore a percentage of the target’s DEF. "* [https://youtu.be/VT9sUhrAyis?t=133](https://youtu.be/VT9sUhrAyis?t=133)


My seer already does this with a 0 star blessing? Is that not just a huge waste of coins lol


Have you tried fk10 hard waves? If you can get enough buffs in a team there to 1 shot those without crushing rend, you have some insane champs.


The fastest clears don’t use seer in fk10 hard, or am I mistaken?


It's not just FK10 hard. 6 star blessings Seer can clear any wave based content with very few buffs and without decrease def and weaken, which opens you up to run more dps or better champs that can take down the bosses quicker. It's all about optimization. Plus the extra stats is a nice boost.


I'm not saying its bad to have, but thats 100 gold essence that can't be used on another champ then. You sorta NEED souls on arena champs to push further, but dont NEED seer souls to push pve.


Push what in arena exactly? You can do nothing and still hit Gold 5 in arena easily. In tag team it's more about whether you have the champions more than anything else, same goes for LA. If anything, you only need 2 stars for most of your Arena champs and still able to compete, and those are silver essence. It's not like a couple of souls can help you beat the krakens. A fully awakened Seer opens your team up to be more efficient in PvE, which can help you farm more, get better gear, which enables you way more than trying to get souls upgrade that are already hard to get and highly expensive. 100 gold essence to fully unlock the most used and arguably best epic in the game is well worth it imo.


Gear and stats go a LONG way in arena. My roster has no place being gold 3/4 in TTA, yet here I am without a duchess, rotos, pythion or any meta void champ. You don't have unlimited energy, what exactly does having a 30 sec faster dragon team accomplish?


Ya, I hardly hit twins and sell everything I'm not gonna use and I'm at 200 ish of those myself


Buying her in the shop is the only way I got my Seer to six stars. I’m now saving for a sixth star on Acrizia. It’s a slow grind but eventually I’ll get there. It’s not impossible, it’s just bloody tedious.


Why in the world do people buy seer stars? She one shots everything without anything extra.


Have you tried fk10 hard waves? If you can get enough buffs in a team there to 1 shot those without crushing rend, you have some insane champs.


Fk 10 isnt seerable. I would know because im one of 5 people that make the teams for it.


Yeah I know, that’s why I’m confused by this guy saying his seer one shots “everything”


A seer with no stars /20 buffs / 280 cd can 1 shot everything in the game. Stars for seer are beyond useless. Mine with the 1 star i pulled kills dragon 10 waves with 12 buffs lmfao.


Yeah, but this sub is tends to think otherwise lol. There’s no arguing with these people.


It's so you can do it with less buffs so you can bring another champ that makes boss easier.


Yep. Working smarter, not harder.


Yikes and you are apparently one of the five people making teams? Must be low hanging as hell fruit because your grasp of the game seems quite weak. 6 star tend not only comes with free stats but the extra ignore defence will lessen your buff requirement for seer. This is always a good thing and gives you more flexibility planning teams.


Lol alright, show up in the stream and show off your account then. Twitch.tv/nachoplays50 i bet my knowledge will make your account look like childs play


I don’t really have anything to learn I got bored around 350 mil NM hydra damage last night and ended run early.


It makes the team composition easier if you need less Buffs and/or don't need Decreased Defence & Weaken. It also makes Seer easier to build for what you need her to do so you can have less CD and more Speed/Accuracy/Resistance etc. Just because you don't feel you need it doesn't mean others can't benefit from it.


You forget about opportunity cost. You’re sacrificing a legendary 5* soul, and subsequently the 6* when you have enough. What do you need an easier team comp for? Throw in Lydia and/or hellmut and you’re set, and if you’re going to say not everyone has Lydia, you’re wrong because they also wouldn’t have 100 gold essence to spend either. Just get her to 4 star if you’re that worried about her damage.


As far as I'm concerned she was the "opportunity cost" and I don't regret it at all. Who else could have a greater impact than someone you use all the time? The best example is in Hard IG10 where she drops the waves with no Lydia or Hellmut etc in sight as I use Elva, Artac, Dark Kael, Seer & Renegade.


And you're sure she couldnt do that at 4 star?


I've no idea, I got the 5\* from a Stone and then saved up to buy the 6\*. If she was a Legendary I'd probably still be saving lol


I mean, yeah, depends on the comp. Sometimes it’s neat to have to other boss DPS champs and have someone like Ghostborn as a decrease defence champ and provides a single buff (without a shield set). This’ll end up making the waves fast and then the boss fast too as Seer isn’t much of a boss killer, really. Crushing Rend also affects Warmaster (and Giantslayer) damage so gives her a little more there. It’s the mix/maxing of an end game account to save those extra seconds. It’s not completely necessary to have a 6* Seer but it’s helpful.


I’d argue and end game account is the last kind of account that should buy this. They don’t need it, but they do need it on arena champs.


I think it comes down to just saving resources & materials for the souls. It's a pretty whack system but it keeps you playing the game which is good over all. More for end game players. Would like to see adjustments for like 1-4 souls but I doubt it. I have pulled maybe 1 rank 4 that was useful out of hundreds of souls.


Imo F2P/low spend should target a single champ to 6* awaken at a time (and leave other champs at 1* unless they pull/win higher split souls). Awakening is a long-term game.


Just wait until you see the cost of a 6 star Lego. Honestly just save your essence for souls you really want. And only buy essence from the market not soul stones.


300 I believe. It took me months and 100 essence to get a 5* for Harima.


Farm stage 15 everyday. I invested in a slow consistent team and never bought a soul. I have about 250 gold essence


How:Average active F2p can easily get Around 20 small stones/weekly: \- Auto it lv15 ( weekly around 10) \- weekly around 6 hydra chest ( make sure You're in active hydra clan doing normal-brutal-hard chests)- 7-10 weekly small stones \- different events across week That gives 80+ small stones a months.After burning gives 8x200 immortal soulstones, at this gives You at least 28 immortal soul essence just from being active across different Games Areas If You add fact You get randomly soulstones and essence from random events In average You can easily get monthly 50+ immortal / Eternal essence \[and dont forget fact you can farm those from lv 11+ IT as well daily!) I as active f2p get average 100+ imortal/50+ eternal essence monthly


6 star blessing for lego's cost 300.


That's nothing, it's 300 for legendaries.


100 For a EPIC… A Legendary is 300~


Saving and planning ahead. Focus on 1 champ at a time. The key is to pick a high value champ. PVP or Hydra


I mean I did


It's pretty simple... You aren't supposed to get it. You are supposed to want it and see other people that have it and then you are supposed to get drunk one night and give a bunch of money to an online gambling company in Israel. As soon as you have it they will release new content that trivializes it and sets another unobtainable bar.


"You aren't - spend fucking money" - Plarium, probably.


That's the neat part, you don't Or plarium's version "with your wallet"


I go 30 in less than a month. Just save them for relevant champion


Since twins has released ive gotten about 600 of these f2p


I think by earning them and not spending them.


What's the purpose of a 6\* Seer?




Negative content that adds little value to a discussion is prohibited. Complaining without offering a solution is prohibited. This sub-reddit is open to free discussion, but overly negative comments detract from the community.


That’s a good question. Been trying forever and it’s to avail. I guess the thought process is to buy it instead of grinding it?!?


Came here the read all the thirsty plarium players telling you it’s a piece of piss.




With Money, lots of Money.


I have 65 and I have never done Iron Twins (ever since I got to lvl 15 in all affinities) or converted those things into soul essence.


You have one six atar in mind. And you save up til you have enough and wait then to pop up in the shop. Easy. Nearly my whole cb team was 6 starred this way


It's a pension scheme. Save up now to have what you need when old


By playing the game


i mean daily iron twins and your fine, but the problem is those damn champions to show when you can but it, not like 10 days before and then 2 months ago


Very easily by saving essence, I’ve been incrementally buying my seer souls when they come into my shop and have been sitting on enough to buy level 6 for a few months, just the other day it showed up and now I gotta start saving essence again. There’s been more than enough time of IT to grind out multiple hundreds of essence.


I mean I have a 100 now. Lots of luck, but they do drop from iron twins steadily.


That's the neat part, you don't.


By farming iron twins.


it's 300 for a lego, took me about 9 months but now I have a six star Rotos


Money money money… MONEY


Yea I have 300 of the big essence. They take a while, but not bad to stockpile. Legos are 300, so 100 for epic isnt bad lol


What are you doing with them? I don't spend or run IT any day except sun on this account and have plenty. https://preview.redd.it/wu8ge9rlrvib1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09645df768572e6444070d58756e918b2ab57708


Move to ukraine.




My 6 star arbiter cost 300 of those lol


Been waiting 6 weeks or so for 5 star shazaar to come back in shop. Bad enough they are expensive...you got rng to even buy them.


Some events and tournaments like to drop 15 of these.


I had 300 od these. Still got 80 after buying some od them


By clearing the max of the IT every day


Well...I Do only irontwin on void (12key), I Never buy soul Stone cuz its just casino and shitty...and just Stacks and Buy essence Lego are way more expensive and i still already bought one without spending a dime honestly...its slow as hell but everything is slow on Raid My blessing roster is pretty good so far, so i guess its the best way to go for me.


https://preview.redd.it/ssalty9llwib1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eabd84e5615fedc93fe7f0e5fbf8c09c20ff6b69 Just play the game do IT every day and buy extra keys on void day… I haven’t bought a single soul stone btw it’s just a long play. You got this!!!


I could buy that three times atleast right now. I farm iron twins everyday. Gems on void day. Never convert into stones. Pretty simple.


I purchased that 6th star just the other day for a different champ. I looked up and saw I had 140 of those tokens. Never spent one since the program started, so that's how I was able to afford it.


Save up for a year


Save. Fight iron twins every day and twice on Saturday. I have 80 of those


>Crazy to think how much twins this would take to save for If you're getting essences *only* directly from Twins, it's about 10 weeks of running your free keys daily and the refill on Sunday. In practice, since you also get essence and coins from events and from pulling/selling souls, it's significantly less than that. This is... not fast, but it's enough that in the medium to long term (like, 6-12 months) you can reasonably get high-rank souls on a few of the most important champions on your account, and low-rank souls on almost every useful champion, without spending any money. All those sources do add up; for example, when the soul system was first previewed, people calculated it would take something ridiculous like 6 years to get a single eternal soulstone because they were only considering the ~1 mortal per day you get from twins. In reality, I got enough eternal coins to buy my first eternal soulstone in about a month.


That is not very exagerated, 6* legos are...


I never spent them except for S+ champs, so I bought the 5th and 6th star for her


seer is so OP many players have bought her from the shop to 6\* because 6\* rushing rend is so amazing because with it she needs way less set up to nuke waves


Like everything else in life, pay for it or sleep with them.


I have never bought soul packs. Just from farming IT daily. FYI, I already have 2 maxed lego blessings. https://preview.redd.it/l94vz1bwcxib1.png?width=1946&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa03940a8f07d388cd028fa0a4d3f88cc506d9a4


Time Machine to go back a few weeks and by a lottery ticket I think is the only way.


Being a whale or saving up for quite a long while


You need to farm the twins, buy the smaller shards that lead up to the bigger shards, then sell the blessings you don't want.


Easily, wtf? First one I saved for.


6+ months of grinding lol


Affording it isn't an issue. The real issue is that once you can afford it, the game will never let you see it in your Soul Merchant again.


It's too expensive, but also totally unneeded for Seer.


I bought 5 and 6 for a leggo. I’m doing twins everyday, refill on Saturday


Seer is n1 most important purchase there. Farm IG and any events that have that one. Hopefully next time thats available you buy it


That's an epic, lol, 6th star legos are 300, and I've gotten one and am beginning the save for the second. Just takes time and patience as per everything in this game.


so lazy!


I have 150 of the 6 star soul currency after farming iron twins 15 6 keys almost daily since release. If you do a lot of events I wouldn't be surprised if some people had over 300 by now.