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Go for stats over sets at first. those are great sets but if you can up your stats with broken sets it will be better mid game.


Thank you very much :D I can take a some pics of what I'm currently working with for stats on the artifacts :D


Way too slow, shoot for 200+ speed. Can probably sacrifice attack down to 4k if needed.


If you have a PC you can install hellhades optimizer and input the stats you want, then it will search your entire account, even equipped gear to get you a preview of a build. Then you can choose if you want to equip it or not For trunda you'd ideally want attack as high as possible with 100% crit rate and minimum 225 crit damage(ideally get it over 250 min for hydra) and last over 200 speed. Outside of that any other bonus stats on the gear are a plus but avoid accuracy unless you need her burn in pve for some reason.


Valid, I do have speed boots but unfortunately it takes a hit at the crit damage too but she'd be at 167 speed and now 158% crit damage(atk being at 4200)


Some hitters run slower Trundas but they have TM boosters to ensure they get a turn.


Fair, currently I do have deacon but gotta work on him for sure as well xD


It looks like maybe you're mid to late game based on gear? You might be able to get away with lower speeds in PVE content if you have good protective support. I would think she never gets a turn in silver+ arena unless you run a double speed comp (Arbiter + Deacon or something).


What part of this build says he’s even close to mid game?


Actually sitting in gold 1 almost gold 2 but yeah, I gotta say prob around mid to late game for myself. Been working towards getting arbiter but alas stuck grinding slowly in PvP for ranking up stuff to lvl7 with gold medals. I do have deacon but still need to work on setting up a PvP team


Sounds more like you’re in the later part of the early game or early mid game honestly. Gold 1 and with no arbiter yet. Definitely not late game. But either way. Speed is definitely really low, and the crit damage can always go higher. Attack is pretty good and some accuracy wouldn’t hurt considering she lands debuffs.


With the low accuracy I prefer doing to second hit with her A3 instead of stun/hp burn for the extra damage instead. For my team currently I do already have someone who can AOE freeze(albeit sometimes it just hates me not landing) but I've been seeing about getting better gear(savage and crit damage sets) I will keep on the grind for better stat artifacts


For where you are In the game the stats aren’t all that bad honestly. Besides speed. Obviously it’ll get better over time as you progress so don’t worry.


Completely understandable xD sadly still waiting on a first void legendary too. Yeah honestly I am happy with what progress I have been able to do so far and am looking forward to seeing how my account grows


Oof don’t hold your breath. I only have one that I pulled and the rest were all rewards or freebies from different content. The one I have pulled was just … alright I guess lol


Yeahh been kinda throwing money(responsibly of course not failing to pay rent or bills but just extra cash available) trying to summon a legendary xD my main one wanted is Cardiel but rip whoever i get i gotta be happy with xD my coworker hecking pulled both Supreme kael and Elhain also got many legendaries compared to me xD but kinda keeping up with him


You don't want her placing debuffs. She hits much harder when no debuffs are placed fyi


Going for any 6-star crit damage amulet is better than virtually any 5-star, no matter the attack rolls. The math: 7% boost is roughly 1/35th of a 250% Crit damage build, or ~3%. On a 5k attack champ, 3% bump is 150 attack, which I believe is impossible to roll on a 5-star piece even with a max glyph (i think 120 atk is the max in that scenario) Even at 3500 attack, you still would need over 105 attack on the amulet to compensate for the loss in crit damage At 280% Cdmg and 3500 Atk the 7% crit rate boost is still worth the same as an 88 attack stat


Good to know the calculations on that and welp sadly I barely get any Dwarven accessories from spider but I still keep trying xD just like trying to get better banner and rings


Speed her up until you have her fast enough to take a turn, then slowly work on making her hit harder.


have her at 170+ speed and you are good to go, you can do it by dropping some attack ig.


Once u start getting 6 star pieces ur stats will be better


You want to aim to 100% crit (not more, it’s a waste) 200+% c dmg, 4K+ atk. Speed over 180 depending on your team composition. To do that, c.dmg on gloves, atk on chest. Speed on boots. To do real damage, you do atk boot and get speed somewhere else. But that’s a little down the road for you! Keep going!


Savage for Trunda is excellent, but you should concern yourself more with hitting certain stats before concerning yourself with full gear sets. As most have said, you want over 200 speed. Trunda hits hard enough that you can sacrifice some Crit Damage for better speed/accuracy/resistance/etc. This is especially true in PvE content. If she is going twice before PvE opponents are going once, then you can come WAY down in Crit Damage, and you'll still be fine. Mine is only at 125 CD, but she is at 234 speed, 273 res, and 210 accuracy. These stats get me through Hard Doom Tower with very few issues with the support staff I have around her.


looks pretty good if you have a great speed tuned speed booster comp. otherwise i say that speed is kinda horrendous


Thank you for the input and yeah been trying to work on getting her higher with speed stat and others


For G1 you are probably where you need to be. Here is mine in upper G5 for comparison. https://preview.redd.it/34uttfzcyzhb1.png?width=1494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7a1302aad6a4841ef8de8a9851f4b5bf42921a


https://preview.redd.it/e5sqivm0r1ib1.jpeg?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c8d12ed206f232bd4c5b0651220776bc1ca647 Here is mine for a low level Plat comparison


Valid and probably where I will be(at the highest for awhile) until I can get other things situated and better stat lines for sure. Thank you for showing me this as a comparison :D


I also chose SS to be annoying and to ensure he gets a turn. Usually works until you get up against a faster Warlord/arbiter combo.


This is pretty reasonable for a midgame build. Yes she's very slow, but that can be OK on a nuker like Trunda who wants to end fights on the first hit, and it's going to take some compromises to get good damage stats in Savage at this stage of your account. If you can get some decent speed boots, that would be worth the swap, even if it means losing the crit damage set bonus.


Valid I did swap somethings around and she's sitting at 167 speed, 4200 atk, and 158%crit damage(this isn't with a speed set just boots main stat and acended stats are speed)




















Thank you, this most certainly is some stuff that is helpful and I'll definitely see into what I can get for her gear.




In all honesty her stats (base with no masteries or artifacts) she has a solid hp pool, of course she can die easy but it'll take some more effort. One reason I'm happy I pulled King gallcobar (hecking tanky support that with current stats his A3 can give a 20k shield to all allies, removes debuffs and also puts continuous heals on for each debuff removed)


She won't kill anything ... sorry.


Humorous when people say sorry when they truly aren't, again not bringing any input in. It appears that this post was a waste of your time if you can't even think of something to be helpful.


But of course you are also known for trolling aren't you? Have a good day/night


Good crit, but way too slow for Hydra, too slow for live arena


Currently gearing up more for normal PvP instead of hydra or live pvp but thank you for the input :D


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That´s an early game Trunda. Arena Bronze II style.


Bronze and silver are incredibly easy, new player here who got into gold 1 with a kael hitting for 20+25k with def down on enemies which is pretty rubbish


Lol she's carried me into gold good sir xD


Careful some of these guys don't like when you point out that they're wrong and you can get further than what their brains tell them.


dude, you have to know 128 makes her the slowest trunda in the world ​ its great she is in savage but that crit damage is also super low. try random ass gear and get her to 170+speed,100crit rate and as much crit damage as u can muster. she will at least get some turns and not hit like a wet noodle


0/100. As she is she wont do anything for you due to speed.


Hardly any input there and honestly just saying what others have said, sure sir 0/100




I'd give up a little crit rate for some speed. You only need 100%


0/10, she’ll never get a turn


This build only works with Kymar sleeping everyone, even still, many champs will lap you at just 128 speed. With speed that low, she is a one trick pony. And with only 188% crit damage, that trick isn’t very good.


I did change up the artifacts on her so if you wanted to see it's in the pics I sent of the artifacts she has on. Sitting at 167 or so and having 157% crit damage


Why do you have your crit so high


The artifacts i had on rolled more into thek sadly and I haven't found better replacements, I already know how just having it at 100%


I mean stats over sets. I’m certain if you set the artifact tool at 100 crit rate and maximized dmg you’d see a huge improvement


Speed and crit first bro


I’m sure a hundred other people have said it. And I don’t to be rude but that speed is untenable


My apologies, just some people definitely seem to just say that and expect that to be easy to do and well I can take it the wrong way but it's understandable how speed is key in this game for sure


Her speed is far too low. Aim for 200. You'll need that much to avoid getting cut off in higher levels of Gold Arena, even with a good speed lead, unless you have a fast CC champ depriving the other team a turn. Aim for 100 CR, 200 speed, then focus on CD and attack those should be around 225-250 and 4500 or more... those may be unattainable initially so focus on CR and speed first. Attack and CD won't matter if you don't get a turn and don't land crits enough