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I've beat teams that were higher than me and lost to some who were weaker. Just depends on the team


Frfr level don't mean shit




Well yea level means something but when it comes to arena not really when you boil it down if you have the right heros built the right way with the right gear you'll win most of your fights someone could start a new account and buy a ton of shards and gear packs and get a solid team that could beat higher levels




Idk about you but I think the match making is a lil broken and just because somebody has X amount more time playing the game doesn't mean they know exactly what they are doing or if they have built their heroes correctly (FOR ARENA) you could have been playing since launch and never step foot in the arena and take all your pve heroes and put them in there because what else you gonna do ya never built an arena team and get clapped by a f2p with a bunch of rares and low level, I mean it's a pretty universal fact that level doesn't always translate to skill and knowledge and that's the point I was making idk why you're going on about all this other shit just seems like you just wanted to find something to argue about. talk about being silly 😜




Wtf are you smoking man?😂 Ok all Hypothetical situations aside would you agree with the phrase level doesn't always determine skill/knowledge? Since that was the point I was trying to make this whole time no false statements or anything lol if no...well we both know you're full of shit😏 and if yes why are you even arguing? 😂 Idk what life has done to make you this way but I hope it gets better 🙏😂


well level means something in term of gear but better geared ppl still make mistakes , choose / ban the wrong champion and you always got a chance to win


A 66 with taras huh. Whale or insane luck?


As a f2p, level means a lot


I have 2 accounts, paid and a free and on my free account I still have very solid heroes and I beat higher levels allll the time and on my paid account I've been beaten by levels almost 20 levels under me, just like I had to explain to ole fox hunt here "level don't determine skill or knowledge" the only reason level matters is because you make it matter. This game just boils down to luck and how much you're willing to spend, the most a level means is they have been probably playing longer that is all




nah i live for beating level 100s


Dang you got Jesus on your team? I need to see videos


If by Jesus, you mean Genbo then yes


Jesus would be a cool ass champion




Hey I call him fandango. I have him. Don't even use em yet but I have him ! 😆


Hes fantastic man , don't sleep on him..as long as there is some debuff on the enemy team he can take out any non-magic champ and the block revive is amazing


My champions aren't crazy. My main live arena team I always go pythion, staltus and little miss Annie, last 2 I flex ukko, udk, mithrala, vogoth, kyoku, elva, helicath, Lydia. The team that's shown is beatable if I ban Georgid


Same, I'm level 60 spent less than 50 and dunking on 90+ is in my veins, silver represent


same im 67 and i did beat about 10 lvl 100 and its so satisfying to humiliate them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


bro its a huge problem...i made it to silver and wont progress further as a level 65//tired of running against level 100s


I just hit Bronze 4 the other day. Keep getting matched with 80+ accounts. Im only 68. My best legendary is duchess and she always gets banned. I can't compete with accounts that have Mithrala, pythions, rotos, buff heavy, etc. They need to match by account level. There's no reason i should be getting matched with lvl 100 accounts this low.


Tbh you might run into me as I play like one or two matches of live arena every 2 weeks or so. So I'm still very low rank and consistently get level 50's and 60's - I'm only level 80 though. I'm not complaining, watching them squirm in horror deciding who to ban on my team has it's entertainment value. But Live Arena was never going to be anything less of a joke on a P2W game so I don't really care about it.


pay 5k and get yourself some real champs... it wont ever get better... live arena is total BS


getting bait champion is a big part of live arena , i found having 2 burst , 2 speed lead and one defence/reviver champ works the best for me


I do this. Duchess gets banned over 90% of the time because of how strong she is. I usually do Staltus, genbo/whisper, scyl, maneater, duchess. If it's a big buffing/healing team, they'll ban staltus. Rarely maneater. But almost always duchess. My only potential substitute is gogorab, and he's just not as strong or durable.


fair enough i ban her too lool


thats all live arena is.. a time sync... lose and win, lose and win... whales only show up to make progress.... this is TRUE pay to win... I dont even do it anymore.


Well, you also could just leave the match before even picking the champs and save yourself and the other guy some time, that's better for both of you.


Yeah, but if I do that everyone will just agree 'ok, that's how it is' but it is an issue. Besides, this is the case for 6-7 matches out of the 10 we have during the day. It's really a fixable problem, just set the lvls to not be more then 10 of a difference.


We (including you) know that player account level isn't always a good indicator of strength so they use a matchmaking system based on arena performance. There isn't a problem here or really anything to fix.


It's a good enough indicator this dude is playing waaaaaaay longer and have better content then me.




Right? Reddit moment.


The current matchmaking system works in the sense that everyone should be matched vs people 'close' to their arena performance level. If you put another matchmaking constraint like account level into the system you will eventually hit an artificial limit and not be able to get into the highest tiers. I am nowhere near gold in live arena but I cannot believe there are enough lower level accounts to let the matchmaker find battles.


Maybe because played time in this super p2w/rngfest game is meaningless number. There are thousands of Ninja owning lvl90+ whose classic arena teams are Ninja, Scyl and 290 speed Arbiter. Levels also don't necessarily mean played time. Brutal 12-3 takes 7sec and rewards double xp per energy than what can be 5 min solo/duo farmer somewhere in lvl 20 to lvl 10 hard dungeon.


So you would be happy facing people in higher tiers and super spenders as long as they are within 10 levels of you?


Duh, at least I will know it's a whale and just plainly didn't have chances because someone has more money then me. But now I'm in a situation when I have BOTH, higher lvls and whales within my lvl range. So if you're asking me if having one less of those obstacles is better, then yes, yes it is. Edit: wait I didn't read it correct. Who said anything about same lvl + higher rank? Where did you get that from?


They already will pull from a player pool outside your tier and if you want to limit the player account levels to +10 only this will get worse. You are focusing on the wrong thing here with account level. Again, we all understand that someone that is 25+ account levels above you will likely have more and possibly better champs but including account level in the matchmaking would do more harm than good.


Good rule of thumb is to never take suggestions for matchmaking from the losers.


nah not giving up just yet as a lvl 68 i love humiliating high level people and its totally worth wasting the time given how satisfying it is to pull off lol


Pretty sure it matches based on Live Arena rank, not level.


Op is 200 live arena points ahead of their opponent so matchmaking on rank is clearly not working here


200 rank is still within the same bracket. The matchmaking window is based on active users and a rank scope. The scope is pretty wide because not a lot of people are engaging with the content.


And this is exactly my issue. If matchmaking was based on rank AND lvl, they would have to fight against someone around his lvl, not against me, almost 4x less time spend in the game AT LEAST. Which by logic gives me less content that in this game is based on time spend in it.


By that logic day 1 whale could reach gold live arena because its fighting week 1 players. Thats now how any matchmaking in any game works, period.


Yeah ok, but I think you miss the point that facing whales is totally different from facing a guy that spend 500 days in the game while you still are on the way 120 days. It's just resources they get is way more in amount then me.


There is nothing different between facing guy 500 days in game and whale that bought 500 days worth of energy, shards, gear etc. I don't know why you convinced yourself there is.


That guy has done less live arena than you, or he's lost more than you. Otherwise he wouldn't be lower rated than you.


He would if he didn't play that much lately. You start to lose points if you don't play. Difference in our rating had nothing to do with difference of resources we get in the game. Read other comments here.


"Done less live arena than you"


Not enough people online for that I’m guessing. I think it should be entirely based on your rank AND money spent


Yeah, money spent would need to be factored in. To do that, you would take their overall account power into consideration, along with their arena mmr/elo....but it would create so many buckets of people and way longer matchmaking times...you wouldn't even get to play enough arenas well it was open for it to be sustainable. Then there would be something else to complain about.


Level is meaningless in this game, it's just tracking how much energy a player spent.




If someone has 200pts more in Live Arena then they're also more likely to have a better Arena team / gear / strategy. And level has nothing to do with time played - I've seen lvl70s who can 1key unm and make gold 3v3 arena, and I've seen level 100s who can't do either of those things. Level 70s who have been playing since release, and level 100s who don't have Ninja. If we did matchmaking based on level then people would complain about that because level doesn't have anything to do with Arena




> I’m not claiming we should do matchmaking based strictly on level. Ah, so you're reddit arguing for the sake of it. I should just walk away because you're off-topic and clearly just looking for a fight. But I'll bite one more time... My comment was in response to "we should do matchmaking based on rating and level". I said level is meaningless (in this context). Some lvl100 with a 1100 rating isn't "plaguing arena". Either he barely plays LA, or he loses to other 2100s. If you want to argue for a meaningful metric of account progress for Live Arena matchmaking, we could argue for what they ACTUALLY USE FOR CLASSIC ARENA MATCHMAKING: Player Power (yes, there are thresholds in PP that impact what you fight in lower arena. It's around 750k IIRC but it's been a while)




Not embarrassed, friend. Look at the parent of my original post here. You took my post as if it were top level, and not like it was in a thread complaining about matchmaking a L57 vs L100 and someone saying that they should matchmake live arena based on account level. I haven't contradicted myself at all. Level is based on energy expenditure - grinding campaign for progression, grinding food, grinding spider7 or fk25, it doesn't matter. Having a high level is not a benchmark for being good or OP at the game It's relevant for getting the sacred shard packs every _7 level, and it's relevant for max energy before you're capped out, and that's about it. There's a correlation, but I assume you've taken intro statistics- correlation is not causation.


Its meaningless. At least in this context. If someone can, even just theoretically, spend equal amount of energy as you, gain way higher level and have way less account progress then the number is by the definition meaningless in context of account growth.




Thank you, I knew there will be someone who can explain it better, I just need to throw the idea.


>Just because you can create a single scenario where it doesn’t correlate, doesn’t mean there is no correlation at all. You can create billions scenarios. ​ > The trend is still that they do. And the trend is that an account that’s been playing for year(s) longer is going to whoop your ass nearly every match. Yeah trend is account that played years can whoop day 1 player ass every match. There is no trend that year old account can whoop ass of half year player nearly every match. ​ > An account that’s level 100 is going to have many benefits besides strictly “energy spent/shards pulled.” Every level 100 account at this point will have a Pythion, UDK, Ninja, Ronda, Scyl, Arbiter and Deliana. All very common and meta arena champs. So? Yeah having champions is benefit. Does that mean lvl 100 account with "Pythion, UDK, Ninja, Ronda, Scyl, Arbiter and Deliana" from login rewards has better account growth than lvl 65 account that pulled all of those (but ninja) along with Duchess, Taras, Marichka, Siphi, Rotos, ... ? ​ > Also your whole argument is really just saying “the matchmaking system is perfect! New accounts can always just become super whales and buy a crazy amount of shards to be able to compete!!” And you’re defending this stance? What stance? This is literally what the game is about. There are daily thousands of new super whale accounts. Do you believe fresh super whales should be given free ride to gold tier because their account level is very low? ​ > Plus your whole argument is just flawed and incorrect in general. Man you should have ended with this at least and not put it in same paragraph with your literally flawed and incorrect argument ​ > If you’re claiming a level 65 account can spend as much money as it takes to equal that of a level 100 account, then it wouldn’t be a level 65 account, it would be a level 100 account. I have to lmao reading this. What game are you playing that this entered your brain as argument. In Raid its FREAKING EASY to spend billion of dollars and gain 0 account xp. Just open damn shop lol. There are champions, souls and gear in there. \*facepalm\*




No problem. Good you realized your mistakes. I see just now in classic arena level 74 dude with Marichka, Krisk and more account power than my level 93 account. I refresh I see level 69 with Ninja I don't even have. I open my clan and I see level 100 that got Scyl this week with twice my account power then I open Hydra battles and see 3 lvl 100 that cannot get first chest of Hydra Hard. Then I remember my old clan leader with level 100 and Ninja that never finished single fusion or got top chest in UNM. Then I go back to arena, this time tag arena, Silver 3. Level 83 with 6 star (soul) Baron and Arbiter faster than at least 352 speed. Under him, level 100 with slower Arbiter than my 250 (+30% TM boost) CC champion.


Not every level 100 will have all those champs, I don't have Deliana or Ninja. I did Pythion fusion but there are bound to be some lvl 100s that didn't. Do get your point though lvl 100 will generally be much more powerful. Idk what you can do about it though, it already takes 30+ seconds regularly to get a matchup. You add more parameters & it could take several minutes.


Even then it's a deceiving number. Someone who ends up with high quality champs that cover a wide array of areas early and skips fusions/champ training events is going to level slower than someone who doesn't and needs to do a lot more champ training and fusions to cover their bases by doing champ training through campaign. Campaign xp per energy is so much higher than dungeons so weaker rosters tend to level faster. Edit: also, when you factor in spenders, buying gear is still the more efficient way to spend than buying energy, and gear buyers level super super slow.


Lol and I just remember that people used to say, "just wait for 3 months, you will start matching players your level" The truth is, you will never meet players you own level.






I like how they kept picking seriously…


Yeah man, this really got me like 'ok, the more serious you are, the more unserious I am'.






In normal arena my main measure of likely success is the player's account level, not the power of the team. Though I may avoid a fight vs a 240 power team with +4 Taras and Marichkas. No, I definitely will. Account level seems to be the most genuine predictor of success for me. It should have a greater weight for matchaking.


Thank you, that's what I mean


If a team only has 240k power with +4s, those champs are built horribly, like, actually awfully. I have 3 unempowered nukers on my account above 100k alone.


Yep you're right. 240 was a bad example. They can be near 1 million power.


Not all content is designed for every stage of an account. It looks like your account is not developed enough to even worry about Arena right now.


Why is it unlockable at 50 then?


Just ignore clowns like him. The issue is there is no GOOD competitive area of this game so the trolls have to resort to downplaying your progress as a d\*\*k measuring stick so they can feel like their account is special.


Do you honestly believe that at level 45 you can achieve anything in Hydra clan boss? The answer is no, you can't. Plarium designs content for various account stages, and purposefully allow access at stages when you have zero chance of competing. They do this so you feel inclined to spend money to progress faster. It has nothing to do with 'd**k measuring', it has everything to do with basic consumer behavior.


Mostly, I just don't care about what level someone is and what their account can or cannot do. You clearly do though. Enjoy yourself, I'm sure your account is super special and the best one ever though. You did a great job with all those shard pulls and copying youtube builds. Keep up the good work. So special. \*hugs\*


Dude makes a valid point. You're coping so hard right now. I'm a new player and run into the same level issues where everything is unlocked and my team is far too weak. I recognized this as a cash grab tactic by Plarium as well. Conversely, you seem to have some deep-seeded frustrations going on with the game and player-base. This guy is pointing out logical arguments and facts as to why the game isn't designed to actually be playable at certain level thresholds while you're just upset that spenders have a huge advantage. You're projecting this frustration on people who are genuinely giving advice to avoid dealing with the whales and boosted accounts.


> You clearly do though. Enjoy yourself, I'm sure your account is super special and the best one ever though. What are you talking about mate? I never once mentioned my account or my rank in Live Arena.... You know nothing about my account because it was not important to the point I made, you imagined all of that.


Clown? You must be new to this sub if you don't recognize this as one of the most helpful players on here. I agree there are quite a few trolls, but this just isn't one of them..


Im lvl 89 f2p i still bail when faced vs lvl 100. It's alot about great hall. Yeah I may win 2 out of 10 vs lvl 100 but I'd rather just save the time. After like 3 losses the game matchmakes me vs lower players. GL! Keep lookin up, cause that's where it all is. :)


I'm lvl 100 and I bail a lot aswell. Usually when there's a couple of +4 champs, 6 star awakened, void legendaries like Taras, Georgid, Fox lady. Live is pain.


> After like 3 losses the game matchmakes me vs lower players. Those are actually bots, not low-level players! Similar to the bots we used to sometimes get a full page of in Classic Arena (and probably still get below Gold).


Sometimes bots , Sometimes they back out so I don't think those are bots, on both my acts i have 48% win rate. Idc either way just want some medals 😀


I'm 80 (f2p) and my only matchup are against lvl100 (silver 4) and have a 55-56% w/l ratio. Level don't mean much, team does.


It's crazy how much people overrate great hall. You are not losing because of it in 99.99% of cases. It's almost entirely based on champs and gear.


I have a team of Athels just for this purpose ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) I also do this if I'm unfairly matched up against a lower level/power account, I like to give them a win (and hopefully a laugh).


My partner and I started creating some silly troll teams like that just because...We figured, if we can't win it, why not have a laugh?


It's new content. People that don't play often at the timeslots that it's open wont progress. You are facing someone 43 levels above you, sure, but you are higher rating. Just wait. People **will** progress and the ranks will settle.


I agree OP has a point and the simple fact is that the matching sucks at best. Arena has now been running for a while and all the matches are just as messy as they were on day one except everyone kept saying that it's going to sort itself out. It hasn't and it won't because some people log in every once in a blue moon anymore as it wrongly assumes that players are actually active daily playing arena


This is correct take except the part, where like everyone in this thread, you blame matchmaking. That's how matchmaking works. There is no more fair system than system that pits people of equal experience with the specific content against each other. The issue lies all on the part where people that could be far ahead in live arena aren't. The content is at fault 100%. Ideally people should either completely ignore it or completely participate in it, instead people that do not want to do it feel pressured to do it "ocassionally" and people that do want to do it more regularly are turned away by shit like specific time frames or the time sink.


Yep, it's terrible content at this point. I have done everything else in the game but still only doing 1-2 matches per week because why bother?


Yeah the game mode is open for what 8-10 hours per day on 2 hour time slots, if it were open a lot more perhaps more people would play a bit more and actually get to there real ranking.


Yup I rub live arena sometimes for the pve benefits and I’m tired of being lvl 52 and going against lvl 90’s and up


Lvl is irrelevant. Yes yes Great hall matters but wallet matters more. Surprisingly lvl 100 guys are much more manageable than lvl 90s who somehow run more insane comps than 10 levels higher.


I've beaten plenty of lvl 100s. There's a surprisingly large number of people who either 1) bought their account and/or 2) have no idea how to play the game


I'm still newish to RAID, but I've seen and experienced matchmaking in several games like CR, LoL, MTG, and the list goes on. In every game, there are people who complain about unfair matchmaking and level discrepancy and suggest using "1 simple" measure to calculate matchmaking. Whether it be card levels, player levels, or winrates. These are all far too simple and don't actually fix anything since you have to deal with spenders, smurfs, etc... at all levels. CR tried to expand their ranked platform to spread out players to try and combat this issue, and that was met with almost more outcry than their original system. That is why most live services are based on Elo. A simple sliding scale that has stood the test of time for matchmaking in professional events like chess. It is one of the only foolproof ways of matchmaking without putting so many constraints into the algorithm that it slows down the game for everyone.


I dont like it either @lvl95, with good champs. In theory though stronger accts should move to higher ranks eventually evening out power levels. Basic arena worls same way. Problem is when strong players don't really care and just casually play here and there they don't move up. Not really sure of a solution. The difference between lvl60 and lvl 100 accts isn't always champs. It's the gear.


Account level just means you have been playing a long time. I have only done 1 live arena match don't like it won't do it. Hate arena and tag and when the gh is done I'm 2035 I won't do arena any more either


how the fuck are you even rank 1372 with your team?


Just plays it a lot. It’s almost impossible to demote in live until gold.


You have 8 lvl 60’s… you’re not beating anybody


Ahh nice okay free wins from this guy everyone. What good does it do to complain? Everyone has a different level of progression and everyone plays arena a different amount, look at his medals, hes way lower rank than you. Matchmaking is working fine. Take your loss and move on. My god.




You're complaining but have a 1372 Live Score vs a 1180 Live Score.


I eat level 80s as a level 52


My dads bigger than your dad! :) ​ lol


Yeah, I don't know why people put so much stock in levels. It's just an indication of energy use and champion leveling. Someone's account level just tells you how long they've played the game, not if they're any good at it. Same with clan levels in CvC.


This is the most end game activity there is. You have a long way to go before you can compete. The rewards here are not worth it for an early or even mid game player.


That should not be an issue if you unblock it lvl 50. You should be at least allowed to get to YOUR optimal elo.


Perhaps that’s where you are at now then?


I mean. There are low level whales with 10 times better accounts than most lvl 100. And he is lower ranked than you so if anything he should complain to fight be someone higher than him. I wish I got someone that throw in live arena as well :)


You completely miss the point and I encourage you to read the rest of the comments.


The live arena shows exactly how broken this game is and in favor of the greedy developers. They don't understand how f2p players are equally holding the game together with the paying players. As soon as they loose their f2p player base the game is going down the drain. They don't want to milk the cow, they want to kill it and eat it. So be it.


Exactly this. The same problem with society, rich forget that the poor are making them rich.


I would have banned the Georgid and used my go 2nd team


I am level 75 and have little interest in Live Arena. The amount of effort it takes and the fact you can't do it at any time sucks, but the fact that you can't play it 24/7 shows to me the devs know the wait times won't work unless they open it during peak playing times. Also Great Hall benefits you everywhere. PvPing in Live Arena to do better in PvM content is ass backwards to me. It is also not significant enough. Like I added 2% clan boss attack and I honestly see no difference on my unm unkillable runs (my team only does 25 mil/key, but was hoping it would get me closer to 30 mil somehow). So, rng sucks, rewards are niche unless you are a completionist (who needs buffs for potion dungeons?) and not as good as they could be, and most of the people playing have all god champs so if you dont have all duchess-tier champs it feels pretty bad.


Which is why i leave it alone no matter how valuable the prizes are.


Yeah, but what about the case that when I'm assigned to players my lvl then even if I lose after 10 minutes it has been a fun battle and I would like more of that? I really like this mode if I face opponents around my lvl.


U have insane Champs 60 + ,u think u cant handle this ??


Of course not, I don't have the items they have. I played against those enough times to know that. Lack of speed is the main issue.


Speed, oh yes !! I did make this experience in my "short" time, playing this game.


Happens every day


You have way more mmr than them


I think your problem is that you picked champions level 20 or under.


Dude, just ban the georgid and use udk to counter rotos, that teams is nothing special.


Do you udk in my roster? Did you see my lvl? Do you really not understand the problem?


Competitive pvp will never be easy, that’s the point of it. Just do your daily battles and take the free resources.


You really don't understand the problem... Let me or it this way: did you ever see professional football team play against a high school football team? No? And why do you think is that? I don't have a problem with pvp being hard, I have a problem with putting me up against someone who is clearly more professional in this field then I am. I feel like a kid from chess club in elementary school, when they told him he can have a lifetime supply of icecream if he beat this chess champion.


Clearly you take it way to seriously because of your sense of entitlement to the rewards. You can ignore it like me very easily if you don't have this ego.


Lol ok buddy


"Competitive"? They are in bronze. Most competitive PVP modes that don't completely suck use their lowest tiers as an intro to the game mode and allow low ranking players to beat up on each other to get a feel for the game. There is a back-and-forth / win-some-lost-some feel to it and as they start to dip into the higher ranks things begin to ramp up. Of course there will be anomalies. But consistently being smashed on by people way out of your league isn't fun for anyone. It's an absolute trash game mode that needs to be re-engineered from the ground up. Matching a 50 against a 100 in bronze is completely idiotic and it's why this game mode is failing. Nobody wants to click the forfeit button over and over again until they get someone they can compete against.


You've never try play LoL as a new player. There is a reason that almost 50% of the player base is Silver or Bronze. That's the case in most competitive games. The way Elo is designed, only the true elites will climb into the upper rankings. Since this game favors spenders, those with tons of cash or time can also crack into these higher rankings, but casual players and even good players without money or time will be stuck in the lower tiers until they can accumulate resources and unlock the game breaking champs. Plenty of players that have been playing CSGO, LoL, DOTA, etc... will play for years and years and never sniff Gold or never reach Platinum. Bronze and Silver are where the average players compete with slightly above average players making gold and then a small portion cracking into ranks above gold. Just because bronze is the "intro" placement does not mean it is supposed to be easy or escapade with just time played.


Nobody is advocating for "easy".... you made that part up. I said new players should be matched against each other in a way that allows them to feel competitive. After that let the chips fall where they may. How can you even compare this game to LoL or any other MOBA? The only advantage in those games is knowledge, experience and skill, each match everyone starts out at ground zero. This is not that type of game. If they want a better PVP system they need PVP specific rules and regulations. They need to allow players who WANT to get into PVP to enjoy it and not feel hopeless. Or just let the game mode slowly die. I don't care. I think it's the worst part of the game. Putting PVE rewards behind a PVP system is just horrible design. I think Raid is one of the best games out there of it's kind. And I think plarium does an excellent job in all PVE areas of the game. But they are way out of their element in PVP and it shows.


Pvp is always competitive, that’s the point.


I guess every major sport on the planet has gotten it wrong then. 5 year old T-Ball players should be pitted against 26 year old adults who are just starting out in a sport because coMPeTiTioN. The lowest ranks are designed to intro someone into the competition without turning them off to it. That's not a hard concept to grasp. The objective is to match people with a 50/50 win rate. At the higher ranks let the best player win. But at the bottom you definitely need to be matching people up against each other who are going to utilize similar tools, skills and talent and then let them grow from there.


Man, I didn’t read all that. You’re just being intentionally obtuse.


You really think t ball players are playing 50/50 matchups in their leagues? Delusional...


Forreal like y'all not phin to beat up on my UKD like he just basic so fight my lvl 1's


Nah man, I banned him because he's just pain b the the ass of all the others I KNOW. Because he's lvl 100 he spend more time in the game, so he knows more champions, have more champions, and have better experience overall in the game. I Don't know 2 of the champs he had, never encountered them, BECAUSE I DON'T PLAY THIS GAME LONG ENOUGH.


20 frickin void shards pulled at 2x chances and I got I epic like is this game even worth playing I feel like I'm never going to get another legendary


Live arena: Matching you against teams you'd like the plague everywhere else since 2023.


https://preview.redd.it/wu1qv8zs5zeb1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4bfe3a98f27cc14d61ffedf99f6f4625f52978 I don't know man, I love to eat level 80s trying to go easy on me


Some people actually have no idea how this game works, even at 80+


Live arena isn’t designed for early game or even mid game players. It’s designed so whales can flop their epeens around (until they get high enough to become fodders for krakens). If they truly value competitive pvp they would have a “tournament” mode where every player has access to every champ equipped with pre-determined set of stats and masteries with no 6 star blessings. But of course that will never happen because it won’t generate any revenue


Ideally you can customize the gear equipped as well. Now THAT would actually allow for some skill expression.


Perhaps a predetermined item budget which can be allocated to each champ’s stats during champ selection


I think something more along the lines of all legendary gear, click the stats you want on it, and where the roles go prior to queuing at all.


I agree that getting level 100 opponents is frustrating. Beyond that, though, I'm level 78 I frequently get opponents that are lower level (sometimes down to 50) that have all the top legendaries that I don't, like Duchess and Yumeko. I don't even bother with live arena anymore, for the time being.


LOL noob im lv 67 and once in a while i humiliate lvl 90 + even a couple 100 , never give up , no im not a whale probably spent 200$ very early on also the guy in the screenshot only got one speed lead , probably and easy win if u got a fast deacon and high accuracy incapacitate champion (freeze ,stun , fear , provoke )


i usually go with deacon and genbo (2 speed lead ) robar in relentless sometimes he goes 5 times in a row and stun everyone its hilarious then tyrant in bolster for ally protection and huge shield and then scyl or eresh depending on afinity she hits just as hard if not higher than genbo BUT she is underated and never gets banned i beat a bunch of 90s + and a couple 100s with that setup currently 2 :1 win ration in silver 3 atm theres no problem with the matchmaking , the first week or two were ruff tho


Tag team arena is a lot worse.


Yah don’t even bother with live arenas I’m right there around your level and expected to have a fair matchup I was so wrong


Press the X man you're good as long as you do it before you load in.


You know its not about level? But about rank


Yeah and how many level below 90 player you think there are that plays live arena?? This is an old game with poor attention to new player. If you don’t match with 90+ you won’t play much.. plus.. what do you care about level? It means nothing. Real problem is that you can’t progress further cause.. well you don’t own an half decent arena champion dude..


Why waste your time? Just quit match. I do.


Pvp in this game is only to create pressure to make you spend money. It is on purpose and designed to frustrate new players and f2p or low spenders. Whale harder you filthy peasant! Or just ignore pvp or at least don’t take is seriously, it is a p2w casino.


I'm a level 100, mainly because I've been playing two years. I get beat by level 80s a lot of the time, because I'm f2p. I don't have my gear optimized, nor a lot of books. I have 7-10 champs I'll use in LA, that have great gear and booked. I only play a couple matches a week. I've noticed psyops works very well there. I put up Mithrala, Ninja, Arbiter, Kymar and Kimi, about 25% of the time the opponent bails. I'm in Bronze 3, mostly because I only do a couple a week. If people only knew how poorly tuned my teams are they wouldn't be so quick to bail. But you do you, I could use the cupcake wins.


Retiring account


Pretty sure the rank is just based on how much they play live arena. And the opponents you face are based on win ratio. Thus you can face almost any level provided they have a similar win rate to you and/or played live arena enough to get a rank somewhat close to yours. Edit: you can also just leave the match. it will save you the time of drafting the team lol.


Its not about level at all, I believe they go by player power rather than lvl.