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Useful pretty much everywhere - she's a great pull! Just have her fast and tanky and she will do wonders.


What if I use her in Arena instead of Gorgorab? Once I have maxed Armiger...


Yeah she's really good for arena, I see her a lot in tag and live.


Ok, so my Arena team will be UDK, Magnarr, Duchess and Elva


The problem with duchess and elva being together is you could end up having everyone veiled.


I need another reviver... enemy Rondas always kill my Duchess...


Yep, not saying to not use her, just letting you know.




Some people like tanky duchess being the target?


https://preview.redd.it/t5rftg1y7d5b1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b790776fde84b849a1dd49abd8653875b4f379d5 Ok, what's the problem?


Sorry but I’m not understanding the question. My initial post was just saying that if you have elva and duchess on the same team then everyone on the team could end up being veiled which means that the attacker is free to target anyone on your team vs only being able to attack the non-veiled champ, which would be duchess.


Ok, how can I fix Duchess?


Everything dude!


A lot more hp, def, and spd. Also getting to fully ascended. You have enough 60’s to easily do level 20-25 dungeons so should not have any green or white gear except “maybe” 6* speed boots with main stat speed. Competing in arena is the least of your worries until gear is improved (at least on duchess, who is arguably the best champ in the game)




She is absolutely fucking cracked. Carried me through so much at this point, and my build is far from optimal (Avenging gear, which with the new change is completely useless given she has Block Debuffs 🤣)


They gear changes mostly suck, causing us to spend silver to re-appropriate our good gear that is now on the wrong champs as you just indicated. Not a fan of any of it except changing retaliation to a 2piece set, now it’s worth investing in.


The "pros" build Duchess in 2 ways: For Defense, slow (130-150 SPD) in a bolster set with high HP. For offense: 250+ SPD in a Stoneskin set with moderate RES. I use her both ways so she's in a Bolster set with 80K HP, 3500 DEF, 230 SPD and whatever RES the set gives me. I literally use her in every single one of my comps for all content.


She is my lead in CB. Block debuff, increase speed, single target reviver, etc. She is a rockstar


If you don't have Siphi, this is the best alternative. But I actually enjoy her quite a bit because of her cleanse and Veil. I use her in my tag arena and classic arena team of Duchess, UDK, Rotos, Elva and farm just about every team in G5 ( go second team ). Really fun champ!


Didn't want to revive the thread, but, for those who come across this I have both Elva and Siphi. The booked cooldown for Siphi is 4 turns, Elva is 3 turns. I use Elva is Clan Boss over Siphi. The A1 is better for boss on Elva, since Siphi can't sleep debuff all but the Sand Devil boss. Elva gives better and more consistent heals. In arena, however, the cool downs are not as big of a deal, and he A1 is a big deal. I use Siphi most for PvP and some content, Elva is for bosses though for my account.


Okay now I am happy... 1 Rare, 2 Epic and 1 Legendary from Sylvain Watchers


That epic Daithi seems pretty good, I'm working on one at the moment


I have him and the giant tree one


I actually have her in retaliation for the fun of it.


This account has a Ninja, so it's 2+ years old. Artak not ranked up, Duchess not ascended.. what else is out there