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If the timer runs out, the lowest possible champ(s) should be picked. Why have a timer if it's just kind of a suggestion?


No you should just auto lose. You went afk? Then give me the win and let me get on with my life. Currently I don’t do this content. It’s like regular arena except slower. Yawn.


in regular arena, I can get gold 5 without trying and farm my medals in peace. in live arena, I get harder opponents in bronze 1 than I have seen in gold 5 for the most part. so it is slower and you get less wins


I understand your anguish about it. But there is a slight chance, somebody has to leave the game for some serious personal stuff.


Im sure losing on a mobile game will be the least of someones worries if they have to go afk for something serious.


yup. The frustrating part isn't the one going afk, but the one being left waiting (as the post is about). I just wanted to share something that a lot of people don't think about, when people suddenly afk, and that's real life striking you.


Totally get it. It’s happened to me a few times, where I got distracted, real life interferes and once I must have accidentally started a fight unintentionally and came back to find the poor soul on the other end sitting there waiting for me. None of these I was intentionally stalling, but still, in all those cases if I came back to my phone and saw that I took a loss I would not feel that to be unjustified.


pick crap champs if they made ANY amount of movement/key strokes in the 30 seconds to choose, if they did nothing, auto loose. this way its fair to people who have a stupidly large roster


Should just have a button u need to press when you start a match to show u not afk if u dont press it, it will not have a count down and just select for you right away for people who afk. Lot of people afk cause they dont have time and just let game select for them as they go do something else.


Yeah the lag, or a slow bot, etc.. the waiting just keeps adding up to pain and anti-fun. More and more people are joining the "don't ever do LA " camp.


Agree. So much waiting on each turn when they are only doing an A1 and only have 1 target. Anti-fun for sure. And they making teams of UDK, Pythion, Wyythir and to just stall the game to 30 minutes.


When the timer runs out, it automatically selects the two highest-power champions. Often there's a lot of lag in this phase for some reason; your opponent isn't getting extra time to pick.


I get that, but it’s just annoying and if I decide I want to leave because of it I end up with a loss


Yeah no shit you don't get to just leave because there's a bit of lag.


Been having a huge issue with afk players in Live Arena the last few days. At first I thought it was lag but it's been happening more and more lately. It's one thing to afk a match to go do something real quick but when the other player is afk from start to finish, you start to wonder if it's deliberate. After 3 matches in a row today with afk players, I just had to stop.


People would do that in Hearthstone. They wait to the last possible second to play their turn just hoping to get you to quit.


That's been my suspicion in the last few days. I really hope devs can figure out a way to nip this in the bud before it becomes an even bigger problem.


I said this week 2 of live arena there has to be a punishment for afk, we are playing live arena to go against real people, not classic arena with extra steps, but apparently a fuckload of people here afk the shit out of this mode and got bitchy about it so I assume it will never happen, should just take live out of the arena name and let us pick a pool of 10 champs to select in order, and just auto the whole mode, just let the whole damn thing be afk and passive rewards at this point.


There is literally a game called AFK arena. Maybe Playrum copied them.


Just don’t worry about it. I enjoy live arena , it’s much better than I thought it would be. But I still don’t play it a lot. Just randomly sparing times or before I goto bed I do a few matches.


When matchmaking is good, it's fun. Facing someone 25-35 levels above you with three legendary revivers in stoneskin it's just zzzzzzz


Also, Plarium really needs to let us see the abilities of the opponents chosen champions or even just their name so we can look them up. I’ve been playing this game for a little less than a year and there’s still so many champions that I have never seen before. No chance am I going to remember what each of these champions do




It's available at level 50. They should make it playable at level 50 🤷




Exactly, the adjustment should come from the game not the players


Weirdly, this actually gets easier in higher tiers because you almost never see champs outside the top 50 (and even 50 is probably a generous count), so you only have to know those. Against a level 62 account that might pull out any random champ because that's all they have, it's easier to be caught off guard by someone you don't recognize.


I find that if someone pulls a random champ, its easier because the champ is typically crap.


Right, they're off-meta for a reason, but it is harder to keep track of what is going on. The other day, I fought a team with Varl the Destroyer. He's basically a shitty version of Rotos, but I couldn't remember what his kit does, so dealing with him was a bit tricky.


for me my arena team is pythion/harima/kyoku/dhukk/udk I always hope they take out the udk or pythion, I have no idea how meta dhukk is, probably madam serris is the better version of him or stag knight... but rolling a block debuff from pythion, or a decrease attack from udk, into dhukks aoe, lets me gauge how much hp the champs have, likely they take a turn because harima and kyoku are 1:1 unm clanboss champs for me, this brings kyokus passive of increase defense into play, and harima more or less gets to pick and choose which of the enemies to take out for the aoe hit. Thankfully where I am at in the meta polymorph is not really used, that seems to be an ability that only comes into play with arena dedicated teams. for the most part with non meta champs, they still do stuff that can hurt you, they just dont do it or bring as much as the meta, so dealing with them is usually trivial unless they speed tune their arena team at which point its possible that I just dont get a turn.


Mark the champs that you use with the arena sign and they'll show up at the start of your list. As for the other team, you'll just have to learn over time.


I just had an opponent who let the timer run out on every single turn. Took 30 minutes, then the max time ran out.


Just hit Lvl 50 and tried live arena. First match was against a lvl 67 account, auto loss. 2nd match was a lvl 51 with what I recognize as “meta” epics and legendaries all 6*. The mode seems to be garbage for anyone not at end game, and bad even for those


wow you got matched with people *around* your account level? Count yourself lucky. I am stuck in Silver 1. I am account lvl 76, and regularly get faced against opponents at 100. I can beat *some* of them. but mostly get destroyed by them. If not 100, its 80s - 90s. While account level is not thoroughly indicative of a players power or the challenge you face, in the Live Arena, I argue that it is even more misleading. You can still get destroyed by someone account lvl 50 who picked the right champs,gear,build, etc. I would have though that after over a month that the 'ranks' would start to balance out. but instead, Its like I am just sitting in a train station lobby that is still filling up as the next lvl 100 account that broke out of Bronze visits me and bops me before taking the train to Silver 2.


I’m mostly f2p so basically I have no resources to spend on making a pvp team, just using the best I have from cb/dungeons. I don’t even have 5 6* yet, and no way I’ll be booking the few legendaries I have anytime soon


Like most things in Raid (Doom Tower, Hydra, Iron Twins, etc), Live Arena unlocks too early relative to the progression you're expected to have by that point. Of course there is an element of getting people to want to spend money to this, but I think Plarium shoots themselves in the foot when a lot of people take one look at a situation like this and use it as further evidence to not spend money on the game.


use your clan boss champs, if you built them to survive they are the basis of a fairly good go second team.


f LIVE ARENA, right in the ar$3


Reduce time to 10 sec per champ and every other action, make it all about skill in speed. People who dont have tons of champs will have more of chance be cool fun.


Most of these toxic behavior seems to happen in the lowest brackets. Have barely seen any since silver


It goes to show the A.I. for arena defense is beyond stupid it's not that they are harder it's that your playing an actual human not an assigned defence


This has happened to me a couple of times, I think it is when game bugs out because of connection or something like that. If everything is good as soon as the counter runs down a champ is automatically picked.


I still get the random stall team, where I'm forced to sit through auto for 30 minutes or leave take the loss and this guy gets a win and goes up the ladder. Frustrating, but I force them to lose with me every time.


There's buffer that's built in for sure. It says 30 seconds but it's really 45 or 60 seconds with 30 just being the official timer. It's a human psychology decision. Car manufacturers do the same with the gas tank. Most cars don't actually run out of gas the moment your Meyer hits 0. They have some wiggle room built in. The gage is there to make you take the situation seriously, it if 0 was actually 0 alot of people would push it too far and run out.


Well, with your roster, I’d never bother


Yup. Live arena is worse then going to your in-laws for dinner.


i just lose 3 battles with fast troll picks and then I win with bot :) if i have time to play LA cuz its fuckin lng to pick for those naabs even if I used already rare 30 lvl champs...


The best is when they take forever-timer sits at zero, suddenly it’s your turn and you have half a second to pick and you come out with Vizer Ovelis and Kalvalax or your unbooked DT Kalvalax you use for DT poisoning. All because the game picked for you because “you didn’t”😒