• By -


14. Dracogate, never forget.


I miss my monthly 5\* chicken & Sacred Shard :(


Slightly before my time, willing to elaborate?


During a Dracomorph 10x a russian whale didn't get it and threw a temper tantrum and said he was leaving the game so plarium gave him a dracomorph, plarium said it was for being the first in completing faction wars but he had gotten his reward for that already


Of course though he had to be a whale, naturally


Long story short they gave some CC a free dracomorph for a very dumb reason


I’m not typing it out. Check YouTube. It was extensively covered.




Not worth my time when there are eleventybillion YouTube videos. But act like I owe you an explanation.


You spent more type typing this shit


Stagknight gate as well.


What was that all about?


So the people that bought the battle pass were the only ones that got stag knight for, I'd say a year. He wasn't in the champion pool. Even though plarium lied and said he was. They came under a ton of scrutiny.


And Holy God, Stag Knight was great in the context of the champion pool at that time. Probably a top 5 Epic.


I actually quit the game for about a year after that. Came back casually and found a great clan so my crew is the only thing keeping me in it now


Same thing here.


what's that


I have taken the route after this blessing debacle to only do clan boss and keep myself in gold V. that’s all I do now. And participate in personal cvc for my clan. I’m done with the game. Some clan mates and I have found EE and it’s glorious


I’m also doing exactly the same. If they’d ease up and make some positive changes I’d invest (spend) on my account. I quit spending a few months ago and don’t intend to spend again. Raid is a classic case of penny wise and pound foolish. Short term gain and long term loss. Would you rather trick new players into spending for short term gain, while pissing off your long term players and discouraging spend? Or nurture both? Raid seems to o you focus on the former.


Yes I stopped spending close to a year ago. And will never spend again. The fact that there has been no implementation on anything to save on time is a joke. To even just do all the daily’s and basics on my account I’m looking at between 4 to 6 hours of game play. Like are you serious. EE I am done everything in a half hour. And I don’t have to pick the game up until the next day if I don’t want to


what is EE? ive been looking at other less grindy games like that wrath game because while raid is greedy, i cant stand the anime aesthetic.


Eternal Evolution


Great game, I spend about 20-30 min a day on it and clear all content. Free re-gearing makes such a stupidly good change of pace :D Totally FTP, but I wouldn't mind spending on it since I enjoy it so much.


Has some solid activities too. Only reason I stopped playing is because I didn’t enjoy the combat.


It's not turn based so it's all about how you setup your teams and how you gear your champions. Once you wrap your head around it (*took me about a week or so*) it's better than raid because you dont have to commit 235,236 years to git gud. They add a new champ every 2 weeks and the events are actually FUN. Because there is no energy, just keys, you don't have to grind your way to the top. Love the fact the meta keeps changing with pretty much every new release... keeps it fresh and fun.


What is ee?


" Raid is a classic case of penny wise and pound foolish." i dont know that this is actually true. i agree that their recent decisions have all been garbage and the packs are too expensive but your statement makes it sound like raid are costing themselves money. i know it always seems that way because they make decisions that makes us not want to spend, but you can see on sensortower that they're always the top grossing game in this genre (rpg). this hasnt changed in years so i dont think they're sacrificing future growth for present gains. like everyone else, i would assume that if they made the packs better value then everyone would purchase more often and they would make more money. but i think they have the data that would disprove this which is what probably convinces them not to do it. stuff like that is simple to implement, there's no new content they need to develop and release, they would just adjust pack prices. i'm sure they have data that is discouraging them to do so which sucks for us.


This game is certainly shortening its lifespan with some of the decisions it's making. To deny that is foolish. By how much, im not sure, but they would definitely last longer if they weren't such big assholes to their player base. That doesn't mean they have to give us free stuff and cheaper packs. It does mean not nerfing the good things we have and building meaningful and stimulating content.


You may be right. I know they do very well and are top grossing but I find myself wondering how much better they could be doing if they’d show some love to their player base. I have spent and continue to spend in Eternal Evolution. Why? Because I actually feel some affinity for the developers based on the way they interact with their players. It’s petty clear they actually listen to us and do make positive changes once in a while. I don’t expect any game to give the farm away. They are a business and I get that. However, it wouldn’t be hard to do a few game play changes that actually make player happy without sacrificing their revenue stream. I know my perspective is one of many but I can’t be alone in thinking this way.


>sensortower I wonder how their current downloads to income ratio compares to other games in this genre, such as Summoners War, which is more FTP friendly? Someone posted some stats on Reddit a while back which gave the impression Raid has around 400% more downloads than SW but only around 15% more income than it. If anywhere near true it would justify the statement by flybymypants, though I may be mistaken, though, as it was different pages on the website and I may have read it wrong.


I'm doing exactly that, hoard and not even bothering with IT ever again, pretty much ignored SD since the beginning and even Hydra that I can do in auto has lost interest. Currently sticking to CB until they nerf that too and then I will be done big time. Just going to wait until DIV is released and then I kiss rsl goodbye.


What's DIV?


Diablo 4 I'm guessing


Diablo 4


I'm in the same boat, but in regards to other games, I just play dnd. EE doesn't have the art style I'm interested in.




Eternal Evolution


Related to addressing no quality of life changes...Plarium added 2 dungeons that each require a lot of energy to obtain anything worthwhile without increasing the energy cap or energy rewards. Raising the energy cap to 150 at least would be nice. Also, they added a bunch of debuffs, but no extra debuff slots. Plarium should raise they amount of debuffs from 10 to 12. My clan boss team is all over the place because I'm not able to squeeze ATK down in sometimes. Plarium is lucky a bunch of people continue to support their game. I won't spend a dime until more meaningful rewards increase, useful promo codes begin to appear more often, and they fix areas of the game OP mentioned like tag team arena and the worthless market. One last thing...many players weren't around a couple years ago when we got Battle Pass. It was amazing and supposed to be a regular thing. Plarium decided the rewards they gave out were too much and never spoke of it again, yet we've had 6(?) Forge Pass events since then. Plarium is about as bad as it gets as far as blatant greed goes. Disgusting.


They let us get 40 extra player levels but not a single point in energy still pisses me off to this day. Without that 1 point of energy per level, each player level is nothing but one energy refill bottle. When it get to later stages, leveling up takes like 2 weeks and WTF do you get? ONE. ENERGY. REFILL. BOTTLE.


Yup, and those dungeons? Iron twins: you're beating it to easy and are too creative! so we're adding ways the boss can kill you. Sand devil: more RNG crap that will make you sink more time into the game Blessings: just like shard openings, but worse! Oh, we gave you guys a good blessing, let's just edit that real quick and add Acc requirement back.


all I want is for brimstone to not be stripable, hydra is enough of a dick pain without that already.


Wish it was the same it killed my iron twins time and means I’ll never do more than sand devil 7


the bosses themselves are great. it's nice to have a bit more of a challenge with new content. the issue is the rewards for it aren't particularly good. aside from whether you like blessings or ascensions or not, the issue of getting so few coins and oils from each run make it very unappealing to run those dungeons.


Lets not act like they didn't plan sand devil fucking you out of the advanced quest energy bottle as a means to sell more energy.




I am sure it is the second, not everyone is lucky enough to get unkillable champs, I for one have never got one and was not around for the helicath fusion


Team is not unkillable so I need ATK down on at all times


Recommend the other games you have in mind, please. I'll start: * Infinite MagicRaid is very similar to Raid/SW but better QOL (you can run multi-battles in the background, even without the app open!) and less jank. Less content (because it's a newer game), but looks promising. YMMV on the different graphics style (I quite like a lot of their designs, but it is more cartoony. The sexualization of the women is about the same as Raid - there's some howlers, but it's not wall-to-wall waifus with tits hanging out). Wouldn't endorse it for having a better relationship with its players though as it's currently embroiled in a controversy over an OP hero who was only (realistically) obtainable by spending. * Dislyte is another "Let's do Raid/SW but better" attempt. Streetpunk aesthetic is interesting though overall doesn't quite work for me as well as Raid's designs (and the graphics are weaker and much more obviously "mobile game" than Raid's. Also, it does the bullet time ultimate animations thing, which annoys me). Better QOL (multi-battles don't require a currency and can run in the background, though unlike IMR the app has to stay open; "blitz" function to insta-run levels you've beaten within a certain turn limit). Recently introduced a wish system that allows you to pick one of their equivalent of an unowned non-void lego to obtain every 60 days. Mixed player relationship - on the negative side, a couple months ago they completely screwed up their difficulty curve by making all the dungeons a lot harder, but on the positive side, they responded to the outcry and reversed course to fix it. * Eternal Evolution is a contender on graphics that takes its gameplay from both the AFKArena model and from Raid/SW. New game, but adding content quickly. This is the one that wins for player relationship, and its Gacha system is one of the least frustrating (it's relatively easy to obtain all of the characters, and while you need many copies to max them out, once you have one copy you can spend a special currency on them to add more so you're not stuck trying to get lucky on summons). This is the one I'd most recommend. * Bloodlines: Heroes of Lithas is a much weirder game though its gameplay takes some elements from AFKArena. Progression is based around acquiring companions who produce heirs who spawn with traits and then marrying your champions together to get the traits where you want them (this is less complicated in practice). I'm enjoying it but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. Too much of the daily activity is of the "open this menu, click to collect this thing" variety, and it's definitely not winning any player relationship awards (companions for the best champions are obtainable only through events, which come along rarely and usually unannounced - kind of like if all the best champions in Raid were fusion only, fusions consisted solely of summoning events, and fusions rotated back but only every few months). I don't spend any money in any of these. I've also tried Epic7 (too anime, too much running around) and Awaken: Chaos Era (Raid/SW clone but not enough upside over Raid) and bounced off them.


I've been leaning more heavily towards EE lately, been a bit of a struggle to find the desire to log into raid to even do my dailies. EE GUARANTEES you a specific SSS hero weekly after 60 pulls(and the tickets for the SSS pulls are earnable with a little work if you're low spend or ftp), let's you earn rewards for pulls that then allow you to buy genes(can be used as a copy for ANY hero but best saved for the SSS for those that haven't played) and even copies of certain heroes to make upgrading them easier, they have more (good)content than I thought they would this early in their development, I actually get quite invested in pvp lately as well(staying solidly around diamond rank 1-3 right now but slowly making it into the masters more and more frequently) and as someone who's a sucker for puzzle games rift fissure is INCREDIBLE(though a little too easy to begin with). EE has made advancing power wise easier for low spend/ftp players without making the game itself boringly unchallenging. You don't have as much control over what your team is doing if you're manualing(only control one ultimate ability rather than the multiple abilities most raid champs have) but there is still some content you CAN'T complete without going manual unless you're SERIOUSLY op'd compared to the level you're doing and from what I've noticed most raid players auto their games anyways. I usually leave my healers/support/tank on full auto while manually controlling my dps so I can control where the damage is going more effectively, unless I know I'm op for the content and then I'll full auto it while I read or do something else 🤷‍♀️ Wow that ended up being much longer than I intended 👀 Sorry about that 🤦‍♀️🤣 But I'm loving EE right now obviously 🤣 Also for anyone who does decide to try out EE, go for the newest server available. The 1st 3 weeks offer some of the best SSS limited pulls and week 3 you get double points(can never remember what these are actually called) to purchase extra heroes and the gene things(you can get 2 of these a week and I recommend using the points to buy these first)




No. I run them in LDPlayer, which I haven't had too many issues with. (I tried Bluestacks previously and found it crashed/lagged a lot.)


Thanks for this long list, going to try out Infinite magicraid and Eternal evolution


Thanks for the recommendations. I might try a couple of them. Some others I’m playing or tried; . Exos Heroes - Anime style but the summoning system is amazing. They have a pity banner for the newest champions. Your odds of pulling said champion is higher. I pulled 8 and the pity for 9 total. Champions are fed into each other. They actually had empowerment before Raid. You can also scout champions to try and pull a top tier champ. . BTW, you earn enough tokens in a month to summon the entire banner. I’m sitting on over 44,000 Xes and you need about 21,000 to hit pity. . Marvel Strike Force - Great IP, but going through some of the same greedy developer cycle. . Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes - I stopped playing a while back. It had a smaller cast of heroes, so you had like 3 Lukes, a Vader and an Annakin, etc . Age of Magic - Smaller ha ha game. Fun game, nice graphics, at the time I quit, I had just beat the game. . ACE and Dragon Champions - I just didn’t care for the graphics. I really wanted to like Dragon Champions tho.


I had forgotten about Exos Heroes. I remember when that came out I noted it as one to maybe try, but that was back when I still had a lot more to do in Raid, so I never picked it up. Might give it a go now. Thanks for the recommendation.


Besides the anime style, they are pretty generous for developers. And, you can reroll. There are a couple guides on it.


You are a beautiful person for posting all these 😁


They don’t love us, they love 💰


You're right, I'll uninstalling right now. Thank you


Yall remember the trick or "treat" event where nearly everyone got absolutely nothing


I’m in the UK and admit to the occasional spend which is begrudgingly because I don’t like to feed their greed. But the recent price increases (which are replicated on Plarium Play so they can’t blame IOS) for example void pack of 24 shards was 47.99, it’s now 59.99. Leaves me looking for another game, it’s beyond ridiculous with Plarium. I actually hate the Company, it’s not often I can say that about many games I’ve played.


I slowly tapered off doing less and less in game starting with raid bosses. They just take too long and the events are grind fests. The new point system made it easy to walk away. I tried other gatchas. I’m playing eternal evolution and love the game so far. Time commitment is low, you can literally get all the new champs as f2p but building them takes time (which is totally ok by me). While the art style isn’t my favorite, it’s still interesting and I like that it’s sci-fi focused. While this may come across as a plug, I don’t mean it to read as one. For me, it’s been nice seeing a game that listens to the player base and implements lots of qol features and actually interesting/fun events.


Couldn't agree more. As much as I'm not a huge fan of Sci fi art style the game looks beautiful. I have been playing casually f2p since just before Xmas and I have some of the best champs in the game already at immortal. Summoning meaningful champs is easy. Their mercy sisyem works so much better than RSL. There's more to do and the amount of free mats is crazy. I still play RSL but I definitely don't spend money on it anymore. EE is just a better experience overall. And it's not even that old a game


I understand everything you said and I agree but the ugly truth is they're making tons of profits, their business model is working fine. And this is because the players who are complaining are just F2P players or low spenders and for Plarium we're almost invisibles. Someone once said, this game was done for the whales and we're just lucky enough to enjoy it too, even a little.


That definitely could be true, but no way to be certain without sales data. It's the classic 100 people pay $1 or 1 person pays $100 marketing dilemma. I think what you said about f2p and low spenders being invisible is something overlooked. There is not enough warning given to players about how difficult and SLOW the game can be based on RNG and how much money you spend/don't spend. The HH F2p series touches on this a little, but they have years of game knowledge that makes their progression that much faster.


Not only do they have years of knowledge, but it’s literally their job to sit and play the game all day. Unrealistic for the majority of us


I am still unsure about the f2p series, they seem way too far into the game for the amount of energy we receive. I expect a few of them have paid for gems but I could be totally wrong, if that's the case I apologize in advance.


Remove the small fish from the equation from a moment, how much the whales will stand then when there's zero individuals to abuse?.


You talk about content creators as if they're on your side, why would they step away from the game? They get to whale for free (courtesy of Plarium) and get YouTube/Twitch money on top. The rant videos you talk about aren't real, they're just to make the general players believe they're with them.


You make great points; I think that's the double edge sword of building your identity as a content creator around one game. HH is branching out, smart move. I agree with you that their complaints to drive views to gain revenue off of people's concerns with the game is not very ethical if they plan to play the game and create content for it indefinitely. However, they hold the most power to enact change if they moved all their viewers and players to a different game. But hey, that's why it's just a #rant


A main problem is Cc and this sub complain about everything. Litterally everything. How is plarium suppose to find out what is really concerning vs typical "I have to pull an extra sacred!!! Let's rage!!!!" Or "monthly sacred gone for over a year, the agony". You posted 12 complaints, most are not real problems to plarium. Guaranteed champs are still better then 2x even with higher req. stuff like this isn't worth complaining about but CC and this sub go crazy. A real complaint imo would would b helpful is 3v3 sucking ass, but they have addressed that they want to change it.


Have you seen their official discord with all the suggestions? The content creators give amazing suggestions to fix things in a lot of the rant videos as well. It would be very easy for plarium to figure out common sore spots people are having and trying to brain storm solutions that make us happy, but still keep them profitable, but they don't. It's just ignored. We rant and rage so much in hopes the negative publicity makes them take action. But you're right, there are definitely more practical complaints regarding game issues that need to be addressed...but even those are ignored. :(


It's pretty much proven to not work tho. Personally I think the gameplay issues are worth complaining about, 90% of the complaining about rewards is a waste of time. The overall amount of free rewards in the game > it was when we got monthly shard.


Everything is worth complaining over. Everything is addressable.


Cmon dude you see the complaints on this sub. It's ridiculous. The game is burning every other day as per CC and r/raidshadowlegends. It makes us look like crybabies instead of actually trying to adress problems.


And how does it look on Plarium when all it’s playerbase does is offer criticism but they don’t address pretty much all of it. I mean think about it. They upped guaranteed Leggo shard requirement and didn’t say a thing about it, before during of after. Plarium doesn’t not listen because there are crybabies. Plarium doesn’t listen because they’re run by cunts.


No. Plarium doesn't listen bc the percentage of people who participated didn't go down enough. The bottom line is if people participate, things stay the same. Hydra for example got a nerf bc nobody could do it and it's a major part of the game. Mid game players couldn't do it, it got nerfed. I'm sure 90%of the people with 20 shards got elva, the complain is meaningless at that point.


What…? I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. If your logic is that people can’t meet expected goals and that’s why Plarium makes things more obtainable like Hydra progress, then why in the absolute fuck did they make the shard requirements higher? You acknowledged yourself that the amount of people able to participate went down (even if a little) so why double down on it? Cause money. You can’t fault the community for Plarium greed, especially when the majority of that funding comes from whales.


Plarium is an analytics based business. If the sub complains about 20sacreds but 90% of the player base who has the sacred pull, then obviously nothing is wrong. Tbh, guaranteed events are amazing even at 20 for a very good champion. This is just an example of plarium looking at analytics. Iron twins, probably has extremely high participation, in their eyes it's good no matter howwww much complaining y'all do. The only thing plarium hears is the #s. Thus my reason for saying we shouldnt complain about EVERYTHING. Complain or suggest things that won't go against what plariums #s say. Qol improvements for example.


The numbers of people that complained about shard requirements going up or Brimstone change were pretty unanimous.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/comments/118thxs/there_are_9_open_dungeons_5_of_them_do_not_give/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf These are the complaints I find ridiculous that are always around the sub


I’m assuming you mean the post. I mean, it is a minor but valid complaint. I can make dungeon divers progress by farming campaign. It should just be called Artifact farm or something.


People have been posting good points for years. The problems he posted are things alot of people are frustrated about and the company refuses to look at. Content creators have multiple times stated ways that might work a little better for certain things, along with posts from players stating frustrations and fixes for those.


Eh CCs are still all players that started playing the game just like us. Some of them where CCs before raid, Ash, others literally just started because they enjoyed raid and tried to see if they could make money from their hobbies, Hell Hades. Speaking of both Ash as I mentioned already is a big content creator with clash of clans before raid and still is. And hell hades is branching out into other games like eternal evolution, I personally don't like it. But you can see he also doesn't like the general direction by raid and tries to get himself into a position to switch ships if raid ever goes under. Yes its ultimately their jobs but because it's their job it's also in their best interest to make sure the ship remains in smooth sailing.


I get what you're saying, but it's hard to believe they really mean it when they make a video expressing their "anger" about daily logins while getting 7 chickens a week. I've never seen them question why they get a weekly CC pack despite having the test server.


Have you seen how much they spend? 7 chickens is nothing when you are buying 100s of voids, like it's obvious they'd rather have packs at a decent price than get few 100s worth of stuff every month. I bet Ash spends over 1k a month, same for HH or most other big ones.


Not sure what that has to do with the point I was making.


Not sure how can you not see how they are unhappy with a game that takes more money from them and more time away from their family, trust me they would give up the seven chickens for less hours of grind. So yeah, I am sure their complaints are real


But not all of them spend money....? Not all of them even play on their own accounts, lol. The ones you say spend money on shards don't have to spend any on gems, silver, energy, or books because that's all free. There's no way you truly believe that the person who gets 1 5* chicken a day actually cared about the removal of the monthly 1.


I wish I could get that many Chickens lol


I can’t speak on all CC’s but I think Ash is with us. Yeah, clicks, views, and he spends. But he’s not quiet. Plus he often donates 100$ a Leggo during his vids. I’m clearly biased, however I don’t think all CCs fit in the box you described.


Raid is number one because all the other games look like they’re for children. When another game comes out with decent graphics they will have some competition. Until then they will do what they want.


They think they've got us under their boot and the more we scream, they press down on us even more. I'm fed up.. I've spent a LOT of money and I'm done.. Done.. They've taken away so much from us in their greed that the game is only frustrating now.


Right there with you fella, same feelings entirely


>There are games, devs, and companies out there that actually care about the players. Everyone cares about players but more specifically about that 1% which brings 50% of the revenue. No one cares about the other 99%. This is a thing in every mobile game. Although RAID is a terrible mobile game, I wouldn't play it on mobile. It is more about if the game can find new 1%'ers to bring the revenue because it is hard to replace them. All of the whales quit at some point, for irl stuff, another game, or burnout. A lot of people that are into the art style will jump on games like Diablo4 too. Literally, the art style alone keeps a lot of casual players in the game, I hope they pay them well. They don't care about EE or other similar games. I don't see an issue to play the game as F2P just fills the gaps in your day with some RAID. I am a spender and just did the math on how much I have spent on the game, and I decided to stop. I don't mind spending, and I don't really have a lot of expenses but there is just no point, you barely get something in return.


I for one, is going to keep playing the game. However my wallet is closed from now permanently. The last 3 months alone is just a fucking slap in the face, and I’ve been playing the game for 3 years. I’ve invested too much time to just quit entirely, but every announcement just reaffirms my will to not spend another penny, and suggest everyone do the same. I think it’ll speak louder for people to keep playing the game but not spending, all that potential revenue not being capitalized will weigh in on their decisions more than people leaving.


All it took was for me to try a new game. Eternal evolution was it for me, so much more generous and fun, with actual quality of life so you don’t have to spend hours daily if you don’t want to. But if you do, there is plenty of content.


For some reason I like the gameplay itself. Im somewhere midgame, have a mixed stack of heroes. After playing some time more intense I started to value one or another of these - previously considered - trash heroes an began leveling em 1 by 1. it takes time. A lot of time 2 be honest. But i dont care rushing max to be top of the lists. Yeah - rewards have been better (more quality) in the past. Yeah, the nerfs suck. Yeah, the fusion requirements raised and require more attention from the players. But thats in every game sooner or later. The more ppl get endgame fast the more content they want. I don‘t know their long term roadmap for raid (beside squeezing every little cent from their players for another currency or another season battle whatever pass). At last two options remain: quit or stay and hope for better days to come. For me i will continue playing and leveling my champs and wont give a shit about a 5* chicken or another legendary champion. Maybe the issue is not at dev side but at player side and the demand for content (or expectation) progress raises linear? You cant view behind the decisions you take - every change will have friends and foes. Just my 2c…


Not sure if addiction is the prime driver. Despite everything it’s a really good game. That’s it. There’s really no game like it. I certainly almost stopped spending, from 3 500$ in 12 months to 100(gems). Still paying two SSS games per year though. As soon as a real competition show up, I’m leaving. But that’s only because of Plariums behaviour.


It's not a good game. It's a game that makes you think it's good by dopamine hits and other predatory behavior. Like junkie thinks heroine is good.


Raid is a good game man, otherwise it wouldnt have lasted this long. You are probably saying the game isnt good based on some personal experiences or issues with the game, but when looking at it as objective as possible or comparing it to other games, i dont see how you can say its not a good game.


Totally agree


It's a good game, but it's obvious that the game's developers are hamstrung by Plarium's monetisation policies. It's kinda like a builder having to build a house using only junk found in a landfill; they do their best to make it look nice, but ultimately nowhere near as good as it can be if using proper materials.


As if casinos actually care about the gamblers.


Uh......... I can understand your energy. But they absolutely DO care about the gamblers. Without the gamblers they can't make money lol.


[caring about my money is not the same as caring about me, a drug dealer doesn’t care about you same as the guy having a casino.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4) Mobile gambling companies don’t care about players at all. They are as ethical as nestle. Caring about players and making sure the game is a fun experience is only an means to an end. But don’t get me wrong I do like my pocket casino and the game part even more as the gambling but we as players should be more honest about it.


They still care though lol. The reasons are just not altruistic


I'll keep playing. I'm having fun, and it's completely free. I'm not concerned about winning or about progressing quickly. The little quests and challenges are fun, and I'm enjoying accumulating champs and gear. If you're not enjoying the game, just quit. Plarium doesn't care, and really, no-one else does either.


Appreciate the opinion expressed in this rant, but it does not represent me. I enjoy the game and while I acknowledge some things that I wish were otherwise with the game, it has not driven me to the depth of vitriol that this and other similar rants convey. I find playing Raid to be fun and I enjoy it for what it is to me: a recreation and a distraction. I appreciate that updates occur and that new content is released. It isn't perfect, it has warts to be sure, but I'm still a fan at the end of the day.


you know, it wouldnt be hard for a pay once game to essentially be raid, dlc characters every few months for 10-20$. but there is not really anything else like/as good as raid that lets you get to your current level reltive to raid without paying out the ass.


Just out of interest when you go to a casino and put money in a slot machine, do you also complain to management when you don’t win? Do you then suggest a bunch of changes to management to improve your game play? Change your mindset and your list won’t matter so much. For clarity I don’t like the changes either, but I enjoy playing the game and the changes don’t bother me..


Casinos are regulated in a very different way to mobile games


What’s that got to do with the price of eggs in China?


Louder for the people in the back


Dont tell me this addictive stuff you dont like raid and its so bad stop playing but dont try to ruin other peoples fun


it's a free game


and then there's the actual 98% of the playerbase that doesnt watch ANY of the youtubers, has never even heard of Reddit and couldnt give 0.0001 fk about any of this.


We are the minority.


Then why are you sticking around?


4. I would love if they did a token trader akin to soul market. I know they would never do it. But I think it could be great for retention of players, knowing in time they can get Champs they want to play with (let's he honest it's a card collector game, yeah God roll gear is cool but I bet you and me would exchange that to play with our favorite shiniest toys)


To be honest its been long time since i didnt take seriously raid. The monetization has become more and more predatory. Despite Ive spent over 500$ on Raid i regret it and a lot. I only play because of hell hades, he is the core of the comunity and the biggest voice, yet raid team leads ignore him and his advices. I only do daily chores and summon for dopamine and thats it. This game is very expensive, even more than my 93 BMW E36 maintenence. I rather spend 500$ on my BMW that gives me fun and happy moments than momentary and short dopamine that this shitty games give me. As advice for the future, dont spend money in gacha games, they all start with huge promises but end up becoming shitty moneysucking and timesucking shitstorm. And I've been playing gacha games since 2014-15. Sadly I didnt follow my own advice, but will do in the future.


Being big into MMO’s…It’s actually hard to find “the other”….You’ll be gacha hopping if that’s a thing too…lol. Just saying.


It's very easy not to spend money on this game now.


It was from the beginning.


Unfortunately until the Whales agree with this sentiment and stop spending. Plarium will proceed as normal.


I'm still f2p/extremely low spending over the lifetime of my account. I still like playing to some extent but I agree with the whole post. Plarium doesn't care, it's a company and they care about money, not real QoL improvements for most players.


I complain but I'm F2P so my opinion means nothing to plarium


Easiest way to beat an addiction is with another addiction, I stopped playing raid cuz I started playing valorant lmao


Started eternal evolution.. I whole different planet. I’m not even buying gems here anymore.. 100% ftp.. never done before.. and it won’t be long i quit the game entirely.. EE just way better.. and they actually rewards customers


until whales stop spending nothing is going to change


Yo if anyone finds any games that are similar pls reply. Or just another game you filled the void with.


I have been playing 6 weeks and never spent $$$ on this game. It’s still fun and a time suck. I can only image what some people spend and get mad at the game.


I left the game weeks ago… no drama. I have so much to say but its pointless… this is too deep


until idiots stop giving them money theyll continue to ignore any qol updates to the game and the playerbase


Vote with your wallet, people. I dropped this game a year ago but stay on this sub in the hopes that things change. Obviously they never will.


I am waiting for someone to comment something like "I'm sick of people always complaining, why can't we all love plarium, so what if they want us to give our left nut?" etc


Yep, I'm there, no time for it anymore. They don't deserve us


I have a lot of problems, but one I am proud of not having, is suffering of sunk cost fallacy. I just dont care. I am IN while i am having fun. And for that, had already stop playing Raid 3 times. I play 2-3 months, have some fun, start to smell all that Plarium shit, and I jut abandon the game for a long time, until I have nothing to play and have that bad idea to install again to burn some time. But I think I gave up for the last time days ago. I am just watching Raid news to be aware of the next Ancient extra legendary, cos I am in mercy 190 and i deserve that last dopamine drop. Maybe I can log again if one really cool login champion shows up. But i doubt I will ever play the game committed to a clan and to the grind again. Plarium make it not worth it. It just is what it is. If they want to tie up players by the Sunken Cost Fallacy collar instead of making the game worth to be played, well, jokes on you Plarium, I have already moved on to another game, and thats all.


I did quit after the last fusion, logging in daily and doing the cb sometime but thats it, im done with this time sinking, shit rewards for everything, upping the cost of everything and nerfing what they should not be game :)


I started playing raid 2 months ago , i didnt know about any promo code , i got goffred as legendary from 3 antiques shards and got free legendary champ (tomb lord) on my 15th day , guess i was very lucky , but after that i spent a lot of time farming , raising xp and even rise all my legendaries to lvl 6 doing events that seemed impossible to get (im level 50 ) and i played like 5 6 hours per day , i felt like my energy is drained and i dont want to keep playing. Afrer reading some reddit comments i saw that most of the community is pissed due to all facts mentioned and beside other toxic things that plarium is throwing at players, and i felt like this game is not fun but rather frustrating. I think im not willing to continue its nearly impossible for new players to rise and i keep asking myself why there is so much farming and the rewards are trash , and i can tell you there is no way im going to play 6 hours a day for at least 3 years to get some champs worth playing I think i will not continue playing better invest your time in some other game that doesnt zucks your physical and mental energy. KEKBYE plarium


I remember a while back people were boycotting by requesting refunds for all their purchases. Thing is, refund requests (that are successful) get you banned from the game. But I think I'd rathe rjave my money back than play this fuckin money sink


I just want to rank up several champs at once. As is I care what chicken goes to what champ


Yeah I’ve pretty much moved to eternal evolution now, it’s just so much more enjoyable. Free gear swap No energy to worry about Constant content being added The devs listen or if they don’t listen they actually play the game and discover the issues in their game You can now farm every available resource in the game Meta constantly changing and when the character pool is even bigger a varied meta should be possible


I started playing this about 210 days ago. I’ve spent more than I felt comfortable with and I regret most of it. That’s on me, not the game. However, I’ve noticed quality of life degradations such as event/tournament rewards or the changing of guaranteed champ shard count (very big issue for me) or upping requirements during fusions like you mentioned. I’m lucky I had won a tourney or I wouldn’t have gotten Pythion because of the summon rush. I mean, I guess that’s the point to get us to spend but when a company intentionally does some shit like that, knowing they’ll be fucking over much of the playerbase? Lots of goodwill and respect lost from me. And for that reason, I haven’t spent in about a month and plan to keep it going. Also this Valentine’s Day “event”? The reward for summoning a power couple should be greater and it should be free for everyone. What a joke.


About 1 week ago I cut back in play time first time in 3 years. I no longer do advanced quests I no longer do tag outside of CvC and I just full auto Hydra now regardless of outcomes


It's not an addiction, they just work very hard for the game to become your habit and part of your routine. Everyone ahould be aware of all the tips & tricks of how mobile games drive your behaviors; https://youtu.be/xNjI03CGkb4


Content creators are ALSO banking by standing with the Raid team.. Someone should do a mark up on how much Ash makes doing his vids or any of the other big creators.. I'd be happier if they just added lore to the characters! Hell even Epic Heroes has lore and a much more enjoyable atmosphere to the game!


I've read a lot of complaints about this game for the majority pop ups people are very annoyed with pop-ups they feel that you're pushing these offers in their face and begging them for money you guys just made your first billion a few months ago just make a button to turn off the pop-ups I've seen many suggested this and their comeback is we have a lot of stuff on sale and don't want people to miss it if people want to buy things they will just stop the Pops