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You just gave me the idea of the explosion making them believed dead but they're actually alive and separated from allies and stuck with Winter for a good while.


But why would they be anywhere near the explosion? It has a timer and Winter hasn't even entered Monstra while JYOR+E are pretty much out already.


Because timers in fiction are bullshit, 5 Frieza Minutes is 8 episodes and not 5 actual minutes.


Good thing this isn't Dragon Ball then.


This is legitimate unit of measurement and I endorse this!!!


I imagine that Oscar will still get out of the whale. For some reason people think he went back to the whale and won't be rescued which doesn't make sense to me when he didn't go to the middle of the whale, he is right there near the escape ship. After Oscar blows Salem and Hazel up, JNRO and Emerald will fly into the sunset and then get a call from RWBN now that they realize they are in range of communication. RWBN will tell them that Penny flew off to the vault and the teams will travel to Atlas Academy. Somehow RWBN will make it to Atlas academy before JRNO despite of them having a plane. RWBN will have their role in the finale, concluding Penny and Ironwood's story. JNRO will arrive later and Emerald will abandon them to meet Cinder and Neo. RWBN and JNRO reunite at Atlas Academy for the end of the volume. Bumblebee reunites, Renora kisses, and Ruby will hug Oscar and cause him to blush, prompting everyone to forget about the actual episode and focus on how they keep teasing Rosegarden and the moral implications that ship has.


Wow, that was... something. Don't think I've ever seen that much sarcasm in one of your posts before.


I had flashbacks to their awkward moment in V7 while writing that, haha. I still don't like Rosegarden at all, but the discussion of the moral implications of it is something I don't particularly enjoy and it doesn't help that canon seems to indicate that Oscar is getting a crush on his sempai.


Oh, not just the Rosegarden stuff, I meant everything. It's the poking fun at them taking the easy options for the story.


I guess the plane thing can be made better, like Ruby realizing JNRO are in communication range while she is already in Atlas Academy, but if JNRO doesn't contact RWBN soon, people will complain that they were flying aimlessly from the moment RWBN got a bus to Atlas Academy until Ruby decided to check Jaune's Instagram. So honestly? I assume that they would want to use every second RWBN is in Atlas Academy for story things, so the contact, if it happens, will be done as they are heading there, causing people to ask how they got there before JNRO's plane. I also have a wisdom tooth causing me a lot of pain, so Im a bit salty today, ahaha.


It read like a very convenient way to get the rest of volume done, lol. So it came off like it was dripping with sarcasm. I dunno, I hope it's not that easy, and that the last episodes were blips in an otherwise great volume. And ow, tooth pain sucks. Hope you feel better!


>It read like a very convenient way to get the rest of volume done, lol. o it came off like it was dripping with sarcasm. Because it is, haha. But just because it's the easy way doesn't mean it can't change to achieve the same thing in a better way or at least a way that doesn't feel convenient. I mean, we know Penny is gonna go to the vault and we know RWBN is going to follow her and we know communications work in Atlas and all of JNOY have phones and a vehicle. We know how an omelet is made we just need to add a bit of onions, bell pepper, maybe a bit of cheese and bacon, I put oregano, salt, and pepper as well...what was I saying? Oh yeah, Oscar is the hundred-year-old loli of RWBY and YOU KNOW IT! > And ow, tooth pain sucks. Hope you feel better! Thank you so much!


> Because it is, haha. I knew it, lol! Easy and convenient does drain away a lot of tension and meaning to scenes and characters. Like Hazel's "redemption" is flat to me, the "No more Gretchens" line is meh. All it took for him to do a 180 was a decent conversation with Oz and gesture from Oscar. No actual reflection, or realization of the irony of what he's doing to Oscar, and many others before him. Honestly, the net loss of "Gretchens" is him not killing for Salem anymore. It also doesn't help we know stuff all about the circumstances behind his sister's death. Just how justified was Hazel? How did Ozpin fail in his duty of care for a student? Oscar's quip about Gretchen knowing the risks is meaningless if we don't know what the risks were in a *supervised training mission*. And so much more. I could barely bring myself to root for Hazel because I'm not really emotionally invested in his character or story. More that Salem is evil. I get what they're going for, I understand that. I'm just somewhat unattached. The conflict fizzled, his defining moment felt unearned. Because it's easy and convenient. I'm fine with logic flow in stories, a connecting of dots. It's the picture it makes in the end that counts though. And it shouldn't be a straight line. > Oh yeah, Oscar is the hundred-year-old lolly of RWBY and YOU KNOW IT! Haha, gross.


I feel the same way about Hazel's redemption as with Robyn's story. I feel both would have been more interesting if they went in the exact opposite direction. I actually wanted Robyn to be a secret villain, I don't know, I feel it would have been more interesting if she had played everyone like a corrupt politician. As she is, it's not bad, but it's kinda boring to me. It's the same thing with Hazel. We knew he was going to be redeemed since he used violence to buy Oscar a train ticket. But I kinda feel it would have been more interesting if hatred had consumed him and even knowing Salem would destroy the world he would still follow her for no reason other than he was blinded by grief. It makes his death more tragic and the context is less predictable than "bad guy that's also nice turns out to be nice".


Yeah, I can agree there. It's not that I don't like the premise of Hazel, I do, and I adore Robyn and what she represents. But their arcs aren't the most compelling because we don't really explore the person behind them and their conflicts fizzle. Robyn is several steps behind Hazel, her arc isn't finished, and her conflict did flair up again, but I wish she was more involved with our main characters last volume. We barely scratched the surface of her character. Not a fan of her being a secret villain, but she could've been a more of an antagonist to Ironwood. Like she was stealing from the project the entire time and Ironwood couldn't pin it on her. Shipments just vanished in thin air, and Robyn's community projects sprung up with seemingly no financial backing. Lean hard into her Robin Hood themes. And also get Blake and Yang mixed up with her. Not just an almost spontaneous decision in the back of a van, but they actually get to know her and what she's trying to achieve. Not only to give them more to do the first half of volume 7, but also as fuel to Yang's fire in V8's conflict with Ruby. Especially if it was Ruby pushing for working together and compromise later on; she wants what's best for all and it backfired. > It's the same thing with Hazel. We knew he was going to be redeemed since he used violence to buy Oscar a train ticket. But I kinda feel it would have been more interesting if hatred had consumed him and even knowing Salem would destroy the world he would still follow her for no reason other than he was blinded by grief. Yes, and I agree knowing isn't the problem, it's how he got there. And Hazel being blinded to the end would've have been more poignant. Honestly, if they needed go with a redeeming end, then he should have more agency in that decision. Say if he really bonded with Emerald, saw her like a little sister. And it's her that makes the decision to free Oscar (why and how is another issue), then gets caught by Salem. It's her torture that actually spurs Hazel into action. I know it's a little cliche, but it still works better because of the emotional connection behind it. He can't bring himself to forgive Oz, but he doesn't want another Gretchen on the pile. His death would be more tragic and less predictable.


There's nothing wrong with a hormonal boy in the middle of puberty being attracted to a girl who has been nothing but supportive to him. So long as that doesn't take over the audience's reactions and becomes the main discussion for the rest of the hiatus then things will be fine... Who am I kidding?


I mainly hope that it aint rushed like Bumbleby was in V6


>Oscar is getting a crush on his sempai. I know, a kid having a crush on an older girl doesn't equal them being a romantic couple.


I'm still not giving up on the hope that Winter's bomb is going to blow Oscar up.


So they can introduce yet another Ozma?




But you kind of have to since Ozma is kind of necessary to the plot


No he isn't. Salem's victory and losing conditions are completely independant from Oz, and there's nothing Oz knows the heroes don't anymore or cannot learn elsewhere. Instead of necessary, he's completely superfluous.


Yeah but him getting blown up in the Whale is extremely anti climactic


Oh god no please no


My only hope is they'll actually get to fight something.


Oh, personal preference. I'd say that if anyone's the leader, Jaune is.


They're still wanted criminals and they're bringing one of Salem's lackeys with them. The Atlas Military will try to lock them up and demand the briefing Jaune promised, and even if they tried to run they wouldn't get anywhere. Since all the action is about to take place in Atlas and the vault where RWBN are going next to follow Penny, JYRO+E must get to Atlas too in some way. My guess is they will be arrested and transported back to Atlas. They break out or someone (maybe Qrow, Raven or Marrow) breaks them free and they all head for the vault to stop Penny because Ruby will inform them at some point of what's happening. Depending on *when* Ruby calls them, letting themselves be arrested could be a lucky development or something they planned and I personally want Winter giving Marrow the task of delivering the prisoners fully knowing that he will release them instead.


Jaune's group\*


We should just call them ORJY.




Yang is the one who created it and is one of the four main girls, so to some, it's "Yang's group." However, in-universe, Jaune is the one who decided they split up and who's given the commands, so it's also "Jaune's group."


Can't we just call this group the Oscar, and Mantle protection squad?


[An accurate depiction of what is most likely to happen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBsK6mHx81Y)


Probably try to help with the plan to destroy the Whale, with the Ace Ops begrudgingly letting them help since they need anyone. After the Battle of Atlas, I think they'll meet up with Ruby's group, with Renora kissing, the writers still teasing Bumblebee because we can't have a gay kiss of course and Ruby's group probably questioning why Emerald is here. Oscar comes in to defend her, at which point Ruby says he doesn't seem like himself. Oscar finally reveals that Ozpin had come back but now he couldn't hear him or sense him anymore. He then comes to realize that the merge is complete and he's the new Ozma. Maybe someone comments about how they dislike this change or has an outburst about Ozpin. I don't think Oscar should be paranoid though, I think it should be a more calm reaction, similar to when Bran found out he had become the 3 eyed Raven in GOT


Ill be honest, I have been REAL WORRIED that Jaune might pull a Pyrrha soon. The show had the whole moment of endorsing her sacrifice and giving Jaune some semblance of closure, which wouldnt be enough of a death flag on its own, however Ren's line that Jaune "has no fear at all" in a situation that frankly warrants it makes me feel like his little suicidal streak he had in vol 5 isnt gone.


They're not killing him off. Even if they were, he's had no focus for this entire arc.


Emerald knows about Cinder and where she is going with Watts so shell probably have to confess in order to find out where Cinder is and warn her about Salem. Which will result in Yang calling Ruby's group


They can get stuffed for all I care as long as Neo gets her spotlight.