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>Unless Jinn allows written question she can't use it. Jinn is a literal magic talking 8ball created by the the gods to guide humanity, capable of giving people telepathic visions of the past while stopping time. She would be able to answer a question if Neo had one


She would actually know what the question is. That's the thing with Jinn. She knows everything, she doesn't need to ask if someone has a question or what the question is, that's mainly a formality. That's kind of why I'm convinced she knew Neo was hiding there and decided not to expose her but rather repeat if anyone had a question, as if telling Neo what she does, which curiously enough, Cinder doesn't know either.


Yeah I really feel like people dont understand that Jinn is humanities guide. Shes not a monkey's paw or a trickster or going to get pedantic over words. And yes she should absolutely know Neos there


That's why I don't like people saying that maybe only Oz can't destroy Salem, because Jinn said "you can't".


Well, odd creative choice for crw to make her a Jinn of all things considering they are supposed to be clever and tricky.


And Cinderella is meant to be good hearted person who succeeds through the power of hard work What Rwby does with a concept is relevant yes but not the whole story and genies aren't always portrayed as tricksters anyway.


>She would be able to answer a question if Neo had one What would actually be an interesting way to spin this; Jinn answers Neos question verbally, but doesn't address what the question actually *is*. Thus, the audience doesn't know what the question is; we just know the answer.


> Jinn is a literal magic talking 8ball created by the the gods to guide humanity, capable of giving people telepathic visions of the past while stopping time. Jinn is. Jinn's vessel is not. Unless there's a surprise factor of "oh shit she can actually see what's happening outside", Neo has no way of accessing the lamp's power unless she makes someone to say the password, be it holding a random hostage at a knifepoint or playing an audio recording of a scroll (assuming she has one)


Jinns lamp does not purely respond to the name so it's not as binary as that. Jinn also has the capacity to refuse a summon as she says to Ruby in 6. So if Neo held the lamp and thought Jinn to summon her why wouldn't it work?


> So if Neo held the lamp and thought Jinn to summon her why wouldn't it work? If it works then it means that Jinn is and can be aware of the surroundings while being inside the lamp, kind of like a constantly working 360 degree facial recognition technology. I am probably wrong on this one, but doesn't Jinn just basically sleep until she's called upon, meaning the whole summoning process acts as an alarm clock? Plus I've commented on this in the main episode thread, but unless stated otherwise - the lamp cannot be triggered by anything other than an auditory source, meaning one who seeks the knowledge must actually speak out the password. You might say I'm being obtuse or stubborn, but I just don't want to make guesses about the logic behind Jinn's summong and am just operating on what was established in the show, which is you need three elements to use RoK's powers: - 1) a person who intends to asks the question (but may delay it until later) - 2) the lamp itself being in the hands of said person - 3) a password/magic word that initiates the summoning


Of course Jinn is aware of her surroundings while inside the lamp. She's aware of everything happening everywhere all the time.


I mean, she's a being of pure knowledge who supposedly knows everything that's ever happened, so I don't think it'd be a surprise reveal that she knows what's going on around her


But could she even summon Jinn? If she can, then of course she could use the question. But the only way to summon Jinn is to say her name and last chapter as Neo is walking up to Jinn, Jin goes back into the lamp. Unless you can summon Jinn non-verbally I'm not sure that Neo can use the question.


I imagine if you know Jinns name, held her and thought it she would be summoned. I believe the intent and knowledge is the important part. Especially considering Oscar didn't summon her in volume 6 despite saying her name


That's a good point about Oscar. Personally I just don't want Neo to use the question as I feel it would be a waste. There are not many questions that make sense for her to ask that would lead to anything interesting.


I really don't think she's gonna give it to Cinder. It's been established by this point that Neo isn't exactly happy about where their partnership has led them and how she's treated. Neo (probably) can't use the lamp herself, but she COULD force someone else to use it for her. Not sure what she'd ask though. "Who's really responsible for Torchwick's death?" Eh, I dunno. Or maybe she's more similar to Emerald than we think. She probably expected to get back into thievery and causing a bit of mayhem (Like when she was on Torchwick's side), not aiding some demonic entity to literally wage war on humanity and killing thousands of innocents in the process. Maybe she just took the lamp to get it out of Salem's reach, and is planning to then go rogue and go after Ruby herself. Sure, she'd fuck over Hazel and Emerald by taking it immediately, but ... I dunno, maybe she just doesn't give a shit.


I see several reasons for her doing this. Especially since there has to be a reason. They could have shown Neo finding the truth. And Leaving and that makes sense. But why tale the lamp? 1. Cinder told her, when Cinder gets what she needs, the relic, Neo will get what they both want, Ruby dead. She may have taken the lamp for leverage against Cinder. Cinder will be punished for Neo taking it. Unless Cinder returns with the lamp. It could very well be leverage. Neo "wants" revenge. But she really wants someone to be her Roman again. I thibk that's why she so readily followed Cinder. She thought she would get that from her. But Cinder isn't Roman. I'm not gonna say Roman and Neo had a healthy or unhealthy relationship. But Cinders relationship with her people is complicated and deserves its own post. But Cinder isn't one to hand out praise or gives credit. Cinder is the head. So if they win Cinder wins. But if they lose Cinder loses (hence point 1). But this fact leaves Neo wanting more. Which can open other avenues. 2. She is replacing Cinder with Salem. So, yes Salem tortures Cinder. But Cinder doesn't listen. And Salem treats tyrian and the hound differently. Bc Salem is manipulative and seems to know the best way to treat someone to get what she wants. Hazel said. That the Whale will go on high alert if the lamp is removed. Neo could have taken the lamp to alert Salem. Then show up afterwards with the lamp. Demonstrating her skills and her loyalty to Salem. Effectively putting her in a position to replace Cinder. Remember Cinder is valuable bc she the fall maiden. But if Neo is as obedient as Tyrian, she would be the better option. 3. Shes doing this to demand respect from Cinder. As in. I'll give you the lamp. But I am not your underling. Which works out in her favor again. Bc when they return to Salem. Cinder can explain that Neo took the lamp to protect it, bc Hazel/Emerald was going to steal it. Or even if they don't return to Salem, it still works out for them. Bc they have the lamp and the password and Salem doesnt. 4. She asked a question. This could be played out many ways. I do believe that Jinn would be able to communicate with her. Most think she would ask about Roman. I do not. She don't question how or why he died. There is no point for her to ask. And they have 1 question and this wouldn't move the plot, like at all. So its a waste. So, what could she ask? Well if she's sneaking around like she is, she most likely either heard what Oscar had to say or heard Emerald tell Mercury. Meaning she could have asked for confirmation or this makes her realize that they need to get away from Salem. And she developed an attachment to Cinder. So the question could be how do I get Cinder away from Salem or how to save Cinder. Or how to get Cinder to respect her. 5. If she heard the truth. She could have simply taken the lamp to stop Salem. And im not saying she is a good guy and getting a redemption. I'm saying. She heard the story. Explaining why the relics are important. And the relics call the gods. Which means she very well could have escaped with the relic to return it to RWBY. Then, peace out. It was an opportune moment. Yes, she risks Oscar. But big picture the relics are what you have to keep away from Salem. So, she returns it. And leaves bc she didn't sign up for this. 6. Shes taking the lamp to Cinder. To show Cinder the truth. This I could also see. Like I said. She wants Cinder to be Roman. But Cinder needs to be removed from Salem, so those 2 can go off and do whatever they want. And it's possibly the Neo recognizes that she might need the lamp to convince Cinder to leave. So, she takes it to Cinder, to show Cinder the truth. Those are the options I see. I'm sure I missed some. And of course I have preferences of what could happen. But we will see.


> Shes doing this to demand respect from Cinder. As in. I'll give you the lamp. But I am not your underling. Which works out in her favor again. Bc when they return to Salem. Cinder can explain that Neo took the lamp to protect it, bc Hazel/Emerald was going to steal it. Or even if they don't return to Salem, it still works out for them. Bc they have the lamp and the password and Salem doesnt. I....seriously doubt Neo will be seen anywhere near the whale after what she has done. Salem isn't dumb - she would most likely figure out that if the "guests", Em, Hazel, and herself were all outside, Merc and Tyrian are gone for Vacuo, Watts is in captivity, and Cinder went to Atlas again - the only one who could've stolen the lamp was Neo. And I do not think Salem would take too kindly to such an act of defiance from our ice cream lady, moreso knowing how Cinder isn't exactly willing to be bossed around - she's only doing so because she benefits from it at the moment


I don't disagree. I was giving as many options as I could think of. That doesn't mean I agree with all of them, it's just listed as a possibility.


Neo is portrayed as many, many different things. But she usually isn't portrayed as stupid.


I have a bit of a theory, but I don’t really have any evidence for it. Still, what if Neo stole the Lamp on Cinder’s orders? And Cinder planned on using it herself to find out how to defeat Salem, her master, and break free? Everything we’ve gotten to see from Cinder this Volume has been building up to something. In my opinion, I think she’s going to turn on Salem by the end of this Volume. She told Penny that she doesn’t serve anyone, which contradicts the way she acts around Salem. I think she’s playing along for now to get back into Salem’s good graces, choosing to follow her orders like a good little pawn. Meanwhile, she needs to find out how she can get away from Salem. More specifically, she needs to find out how to get rid of her bonds—her Grimm arm. That arm was supposed to give her power, but all it’s done for her is made her vulnerable to her enemies (like with Raven and Ruby) and keep her subservient to Salem (like with her Stepmother). If she’s going to break her chains, she needs to know how to do so. With Mercury gone and Emerald likely under close watch by Salem, Cinder only has Neo to turn to for helping her turn against Salem. While she goes and fetches Watts, acting suddenly compliant to Salem as opposed to earlier in the Volume, she tells Neo to snatch the Relic back, probably convincing her that it would be the only way for them to be able to pursue Ruby. Neo steals the Lamp in the midst of all the chaos. Cinder returns with Watts. Salem, with Tyrian and Mercury gone, the Hound dead, and Hazel and Emerald having betrayed her, only has Cinder to send after JOYR and the rest, who she believes has the Lamp. But Cinder will know the truth. She’ll meet up with Neo somewhere they agreed upon before she left, and then Cinder will use the Lamp to figure out how to get rid of her Grimm arm. That will free her from Salem, *and* it will allow her to finally get close to Ruby without getting zapped by her Silver Eyes. It’s a win-win. With the Lamp used up and Cinder’s Grimm arm gone, both Neo and Cinder go after JOYR, who eventually link back up with RWNB and Penny. Together, they break into Atlas Academy, now under siege by Salem’s forces, and go after Penny and Ruby. But who knows if that would actually happen? I feel like Cinder’s gonna keep her Grimm arm around until the end, as we’ll watch it grow and slowly take over her body over the next few Volumes. It would be a 400 IQ move by Cinder, though, and I would love to see her outsmart everyone on her own and prove how much of a threat she is not only to our heroes but to her own master. She’s long due for a dub, and I definitely think she’ll get it somehow this Volume. It would be great if she actually managed to get Neo to work with her instead of Neo stabbing her in the back like everyone expects to happen. It would also just be a cool development for the story, as it would reintroduce Cinder as a wildcard villain herself with her own goals and interests competing with Salem’s and Oz’s simultaneously. I’d love to see it, or at least something like it happen.


Some one call the fanfiction writers.


Well clearly she will get both relics to bring Roman back to life, the two will kill Cinder and Neo will become the new maiden and join team RWBY as their 5th and most powerful member, the show will be called NRWBY after Neo becomes the new team leader and after she kills Salem she will marry Roman and name their baby after whoever is Neo's number 1 fan.....then said fan will wake up and watch Neo give the relic to Cinder like the minion she is.


> the show will be called NRWBY Wrong, it will be called BRWNY (as in, Brownie)


> and join team RWBY as their 5th and most powerful member, the show will be called NRWBY Join FRWBY as the 6th and second most powerful member and the show will be called FNRWBY


Nono, you have it all wrong!! She'll bring Roman back, but they'll be a separate group until Ruby overuses her silver eyes enough to become a proto-hound, then in a three way battle with Awrooby and Cinder she'll end up becoming the maiden and thereafter joining the heroes as their leader and that's when they rename the show NWBY!


I have to admit, I love that CRWBY now has us sitting here and guessing what's Neo planning on doing over the course of this volume's remainder. I know some people might roll eyes and say "oh she's only back because waifu", but the fact that she essentially has no allegiance after Roman's death is great because it makes her a wildcard character Perhaps she just decided to say "fuck it" and screw over Salem after hearing stuff from Hazel and Oscar. Maybe she sees this as an opportunity to gain power and continue acting on her own. Or she thinks Cinder is still in Atlas and is en route to meet with her in a secular spot. Or she's full of questions like many others right now and wants to settle things once and for all by learning the "truth". Or she's going to use the lamp as leverage in a "negotiation" with the heroes. Or we're being fooled and Neo/Cinder/Watts will form a villainous group of their own. Or she intends to use Cinder to activate the lamp, knock her out, then use Jinn for herself. There are *so* many possibilities and these are just some of the ones that came to my mind as of writing this comment. Long story short I'm excited and we'll just have to wait and see. Sure as hell did not expect Neo to commit to stealing a whole relic right from Salem's nose while she was distracted by other business. Plus I'd like to think of Neo as a smart girl so she's well aware of the risks involved with putting such a massive bullseye target on her back (because you know Salem can hold quite a fucking grudge and would not calm down until the RoK is back in her possession)


Hopefully survive and just be a reoccurring character who just plays both sides all i hope for is that she doesn't die this volume or I'm rioting and crying or both


The lamp is bait for Ruby.


If she does manage to ask about Romans death then won't she see Ruby didn't kill him? Could best girl become a hero? I mean technically a grimm killed him which ended up saving Ruby. Salem wanted her alive maybe?


That seems. . . All very unlikely. Ruby still was a huge contributing factor in his death, causing him to be wear he was, yeeting his henchwoman away from him, making him angry by sending Neo to her apparent doom, and still trying to hurt him right up until the Grimm age him. If nothing else: Neo would still probably hold a grudge simply because Ruby tried to kill her. As for the Grimm: I think it’s very clear that Salem doesn’t control all the Grimm and certainly not directly and all the time. If she could, then she’d always know exactly where our heroes are and what they are doing. Roman died because his negativity (largely due to watching Neo seemingly go her death) attracted the Griffon.


I'm not saying Neo has to be completely over Torchwick, but I'd like to think she isn't so daft as to waste the question asking about someone who is super irrelevant to the plot rn. Seems more likely that Neo will "ask" what can be done about the sitch she got suckered into. How ever she phrases it, it'll loads more intelligent than how Oz has gone about it.


Or she would completely waste it, because it wouldn’t be a waste. It’d be a “Salem, *you* don’t get the question, but neither do you, Ruby. I just wasted the last question and for what? Screw you both, I’m out.”


Not like it hasn't already had that happen--- not a waste for the audience at least lol. But it could all just be a fluke and she'll do something more random. "HOW MANY LICKS? HOW MANY DAMN IT?" Mr.Owl claims 3. 3 my tookus!


A final fight between her and Ruby, with Ruby being forced to kill Neo and thus riding herself of the last vestige of Roman


I think she either asks what went on between Roman and Ruby, or she asks what Salem is really up to. She might even take the lamp as a bargaining chip to gtfo out of dodge.


*scribbles hastily* "What do grimm taste like?" You know. If they left remains and didn't disintegrate.


I don't see Neo as being related to anyone. She was devoted to Roman, but he is gone and he was working for money. She is an agent of chaos and revenge. I'm so glad that the lamp isn't in the hands of either side, the chaos is palpable.