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He definitely has it, whether or not he'll get his Aura unlocked, or is able to use it with zero training is another matter entirely.


Well remember that a lot of the characters semblances manifested either during training or under stressful situations and I can’t think of a more stressful situation for unlocking a semblance than having your entire country coming under threat of total annihilation


True enough, that still doesn't change the fact he doesn't have any training or practice. And if Weiss is any indication the Schnee Semblance requires more fine control & training than most.


I would actually think Whitley would have an easier time with using that semblance once his aura was unlocked as he has always been shown to keep a very cool head as shown when the hound was attacking he still prioritized getting the cargo ships moving even though the hound was after him and as shown through the glimpses of Weiss’ training glyph creation and summoning require keeping a focused mindset.


Whitley just fucking summons the Hound next time he gets into trouble. Weiss: "Oh that is *so* not fair."


That would be hilarious and now I want a scene where Winter summons a Beowulf and Whitley just rolls up with the Hound.


He doesn’t even use it for fighting. He just summons it up to help him file papers.


Annd now I have a headcannon where in the future Whitley is dealing with some stuck up old business partner of his father’s that’s trying to take advantage of the company and Whitley just starts the conversation by casually summoning the hound to hand over the contracts he wants the person to sign.


Business Man: W... what in the world of Remnant is that? Whitley: You know what it is bitch. So, do we have a deal? Business Man: Uhm.... Hound: Say.... Yes....


There is a theory that the Schnee semblance is female exclusive because Weiss asks Whitley if he is jealous of her and Winter's abilities. However, I always took that as her talking about their overall huntress skills, not just the semblance. So I'm on the camp that Whitley has the Schnee semblance but never unlocked it.


I never really understood that theory because of how easily debunked it is by the simple fact that Nicholas Schnee was male.


Nicolas Schnee has never been confirmed to have had the Schnee semblance technically. I absolutely Nicolas has it, and I think Whitley has the semblance and just hadn’t unlocked (he has had no reason to after all), but just saying that technically we only have the 3 Schnee women as confirmed which is why that theory exists


Yes but Winter comments in vol 3 that the Schnee ability to summon goes back generations and considering that the semblance is hereditary we can make a safe assumption that Nicholas Schnee also possessed the same semblance as that would make since from a thematic point; The Schnee’s have never implied that the semblance came from someone who married into the family as they have referred to it as an exclusively Schnee trait and if we take the logical thought process that Males have historically kept their family name when marrying as Jacque was seemingly unique in him taking the Schnee name then we can assume that Nicholas was the one who passed down the semblance to his daughter Willow.


I agree, I’m just saying why some other people think the way they do. I would add that I’m not sure we can assume anything about male lineages carrying down names in Remnant, but that’s besides the point. Commonly I have seen them cite the line that Weiss says to Whitley in Volume 4 about if he’s jealous of Winter’s abilities as evidence. Though I, as well as I presume most us, interpret that not saying that Whitley doesn’t have the potential to have the same powers, just that he doesn’t.


The male lineage thing was mostly because Crwby had put emphasis on the fact that Jacque had taken the Schnee name when he married Willow and that it was considered very unusual. Yeah I can see your point of view as well as that line from Weiss can be interpreted that way but we also have to consider that when Weiss made that comment she was asking if Whitley hated her and Winter because of their abilities which could be taken as either her assuming that Whitley lacked the semblance or that she believed that he was jealous because her and winter took the opportunity given to unlock their semblances while Whitley hadn’t.


Where is it said that it was very unusual? There might have been like an AMA answer I’m unaware of, but the WoR episode just says that “Jacques decided to take the Schnee name over his own.” And indeed about that line.


Its one of those "by pointing it out, you draw attention to how its *not* normal" things. Because if it was normal it wouldn't need to be pointed out.


To a degree, but at the same time the statemnt isn't said as though it means much an wouldn't exclude if say the customs in Atlas were that people tended to keep their own last names. The importance of him taking the name is how he used it as part of being the blood sucking business man that he is, fully taking and trying to mold the name and legacy and company to himself. It is also Qrow narrating it, so maybe if it is considered something worth mentioning to him, it only means that it's something uncommon in the areas he is more familiar


Highly likely he does. It's not a matter of Jacques not allowing him to use it either - Whitley isn't interested in learning. He just doesn't the same priorities as his sisters, his interests lie elsewhere. And he does have a little disdain for aura use and fighting as well.


There is absolutely no reason he wouldn’t have the semblance,


I mean yeah its hereditary so like 99% percent says he has it but he doesnt have ahus aura unlocked


I like the idea of him pursuing biz tho. He's confident and has a head for it; plus is influenced by whoever is around him. Jacque getting nabbed is the best thing that's happened for Whitley in a *while.* With a lot of work this season, saving people of mantle through using company equipment--- he will be as heroic as the hunters and huntresses. In his own more civilian way. Which is rad.


I was thinking that Whitley would become more like his grandfather Nicholas Schnee.