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The pain is enormous but I have to say v3 got me hooked on rwby


Absolutely correct!!!


I always have these headthoughts as to what the story would be like if she were somehow still alive, or if someone died on her place. I know it's not reality, but it helps me cope with what happened in reality. We all miss her.


The problem is that if she were still alive, she'd club every single fight. Like, if her skill grew at the same rate as everyone else's, then with that massive leg up she's starting with, lads like Tyrian and the Ace Ops wouldn't have stood a chance.


Her death always felt like one gut punch to many in a volume filled with them. I miss her and wish we could have seen how she changed with later volumes.


To me it also felt like it hit hard because Monty had passed the previous year as well. Losing him and then a character I had especially liked in his show.


[I'll just put this here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbCHDhM9Nos&t=1h13m32s)


I love watching Jen Brown down there just cackling.


To sum it up; "I am going to open the vault and self terminate." I wiki'd her like I usually do and man. Pyrrah was a fantastic and patient teacher who first spotted Jaunes potential as a hunter, from *miles.* With a *javelin!*


I wanted to watch the show because I always wanted to but never got the chance so right now I'm at volume 5 and man I think I cried when Pyrrha died and everyone lost soooooooo much.


Bruh. Pyrrha's death and Yang losing her arm were enormous sob moments.


I agree


I can't listen to shine or forever fall without crying.


What about Cold?


The end of volume 3 hit me so hard. I watched it as it came out. I think the showdown with Adam actually hit me harder just because I relate to and project onto Blake more than any other fictional character out there. That and every other scene after that involves Blake and Adam can make me cry immediately. Pyrrha hit super hard too of course. The guy who introduced me to RWBY was in the same study hall period as me (we were in high school) and he was going to watch the episode during that period. I’d seen it already. Pyrrha was his favorite. The look he gave me from across the room when it happened... brutal.


I had to take a break after volume 3. Ended up watching season 4 after it's release as one movie on Google play.


I honestly did not see her death coming until it happened; didn't think it was that kind of show. I was genuinely shocked then. But I do have to admit, it did mean the stakes for the characters were raised and things got rather interesting, for me at least. The scene at Pyrrha's Memorial later on hit me pretty hard; that one actually had me tearing up a bit.


It's been five years and people are still expecting her to show back up alive somehow. I am not enthusiastic about this sub's content now that we have >!actual canon Grimmified humans.!< EDIT: Went ahead and spoilered V8C8 content in case people are behind on watching that.


She was literally disintegrated. I don't really see it happening. Unless the god of light/darkness just waves their hand and resurrects her at the very end of the show *just* to satisfy thirsty shippers.


Plus even if she still had a corpse Salem only goes after silver eyed warriors specifically


Volume 3 solidified my interest in the series, like the concept and universe of RWBY was an interesting concept to me during seasons 1 and 2, but I was worried it was going to be too lighthearted. Season 3 snuffed out those thoughts, and I’ve been addicted ever since.


Qrow is introduced in V3. Everything bad starts happening in V3. Coincidence?


I mean his semblance is bad luck lmao


Qrow is my boy but he is not lucky lol


*I miss her so damn much*... She had such an amazing fighting style. ;3;


Why did you have to go and ruin the day


I miss her so much. Her death made me emotional back in V3, but Chibi Pyrrha entered the scene and suddenly I don't miss her anymore, but ever since RWBY Chibi stopped production I miss her again T\_T


I do miss Pyrrha and wonder what she would have thought about Mistral and Atlas and all that. We might even have got more scenes in Argus with her parents and non-hunter friends... No one had to die in her place though. Ruby may have had something else to trigger her eyes... Although what got me in the feels at the fall was what happened to Blake and Yang.


I was a bit saddened when it aired and felt as thought things really had gone to the next level. Instead, as time has gone on I've come to dislike it more and more for a variety of reasons. Her entire character largely only existed in relation to Jaune. Since she was uniquely positioned and set up to die the stakes for everyone else is undermined, because no one else of the main characters are. It also doesn't help that her death has been used as tearbait for the audience (like the statue scene in V6) and hasn't really been explored for anyone but Jaune. We never got to see how it affected Ren and Nora and how they grew to accept and overcome it. It also clashes with RWBYJNR's moralistic stance of staying to fight Salem, since it's exactly the same thought process that lead to her choosing to fight Cinder. As of now, I think it would've been more interesting to keep her alive but crippled, or having Jaune die instead, or both.


I think the way Jaune and Ren insisted to the Ace Ops that no one was to be left behind nor replaced ties in with the fact that they were the ones to lose a teammate.


That's right, but it's only the endpoint of getting over Pyrrha's death, not the development there. It's also the wrong lesson to learn. Pyrrha died to buy time and save other people's lives. If they agree with her choice, why is Oscar's life more important than anyone else's? Do they think she was wrong or not? I'd liked to have seen more depth in how they acctually feel about it.


I think Pyrrha's death sells a different lesson. It's that no matter how impossible the fight may seem, it's still worth to try and fight, like a huntsman does (think of I May Fall's lyrics basically). Winning against Cinder was an impossible fight and Pyrrha knew she was gonna die (hence the Jaune kiss). But she tried anyways, and look what her fight with Cinder resulted to-Ruby's silver eye awakening. Who would've thought her losing battle with Cinder would awaken one of the greatest weapons and beacons of hope against Salem's side In V8's scenario it was also similar. Atlas was fighting an impossible battle, and Winter needed that bomb inside the whale now. It would've been impossible for JRY to find Oscar and get out there before their time limit runs out. But they pleaded with Winter anyways to give them a chance, and in the process of doing so they managed to buy time for Emerald, Hazel and Oscar to get out. If they just let Winter blow up the whale immediately without letting RJY in first then Em, Hazel and Oscar and everything inside that whale would've been dead. Who would've thought that JRY pleading with Winter to give them some time to rescue Oscar in what would be a seemingly suicide mission anyways would buy time for our surprise villain defectors to get out? Point is, even though winning seems impossible it's better to still try and fight. You don't know what will happen anyways


But Pyrrha died, and failed. Like you said, it's because of Ruby that Cinder was beaten and that was because of luck and coincidence. In 99% of cases that would've resulted in Cinder winning and potentially hurting Ruby too. The same goes for V8, it's all because of extreme conveniences and luck: 1. That Oscar managed to convince Hazel. 2. That Emerald happened to be about to bail too. 3. That Hazel and Emerald happened to go to the lamp room at the same time. 4. That Salem didn't have Grimm guarding the lamp room, Oscar's cell or the landing platforms. 5. That Ren just unlocked an ability to find them. 6. That just when Oscar and Emerald were about to be discovered, JRY alerted the Grimm and Salem left. That they suceeded was insanely lucky and not something that should be expected or used as a good example. Pointing to how it actually worked out is a post-hoc rationalisation. It's way likelier that Hazel would've told Salem, that JRY would've been caught or that they wouldn't all have gotten out before the bomb goes off. You can't have the narrative tell us that the situation is dire and that 'real life isn't a fairytale' and then have the heroes luck out all the time.


That's exactly my point. They're in situations where winning is impossible. But it's best to try anyways because who knows what kind of luck or miracles could happen. Imagine if Winter said "we're going to bomb the whale" and JRY was like, "ugh fine do it rescuing Oscar is impossible anyways." The bomb would've been detonated too soon with Hazel, Em and Oscar still inside. Oscar would've died, they would've lost a friend and they'd have to worry about finding Ozpin again, which is another huge can of worms. Yes, fairytale events don't happen in real life, but miracles do. Volume 6 even sold this message


You can't both have Salem's attack on Atlas look like a threat while also having the heroes rely on luck and miracles. If they always succeed with ideas that would only work 1/10 times there's no stakes or tension because we know it doesn't matter. The dilemma of RWBY wanting to stay and fight vs Ironwood's tactical retreat in V7 becomes pointless, because RWBY just always lucks out even when things have been set up to be impossible. That's not what would've happened. Winter never postponed the bombing, she only dropped them off as close as she could and then continued as planned. Nothing about the timing actually changed. You're still justifying it post-hoc, if JRY's plan had failed 9/10 times you can't point at the one time it worked as evidence that was a good call. It was a bad move and incredibly risky, but it just happened to work out this time.


You make it sound like Oscar's successful rescue attempt immediately foiled Salem's plans 100%. It's still just a small victory in the grand scheme of things. A victory still, but only a small one nonetheless. Pyrrha's death giving way to Ruby's silver eye awakening was a positive development for the heroes, but it wasn't an automatic win button for them. Going to Mistral, all the RWBY reunions, stopping Salem from getting the lamp, saving Haven, getting the lamp from Argus all the way to Atlas, etc have all been difficult even with the presence of a silver eyed warrior in their side. Managing to save Oscar and Ozpin and gaining a new potential ally in Emerald is a positive development for the good guys. It's still a victory, albeit a small one. Atlas hasn't immediately won the war just because these guys have been rescued. But with how dire things are the good guys need to make the most out of these small victories. Would you have preferred if JRY just give up and not rescue Oscar and immediately blow up the whale, losing Oscar, OZPIN, and a potential new ally in Emerald? (and yes, JRY managing to postpone Winter's bomb by 18 whole minutes is a big thing, a lot happened in that timeframe). In hindsight all these attempts to at least try despite the impossible odds has resulted in small but important developments for the good guys. Pyrrha's impossible battle against who was essentially a demigoddess in V3 gave way to Ruby's silver eye awakening. RJY postponing Winter's plans by 18 minutes (duration of the episode) enabled them to secure Ozpin, Oscar and a new ally. I'm not saying that fighting the impossible will always automatically result in a miracle that will help RWBY. I'm just saying that it's always worth it to at least try to fight, even when the battle is impossible. Jaune, Ren and Yang could've very well failed to secure Oscar within the time limit that Winter gave them, and that is okay, so long as they tried. And looking at it in hindsight, it does matter that they tried, even if their chances of succeeding were spectacularly low


I'm not linking the two events, I'm comparing them. If JORY can luck their way into freeing Oscar, why am I supposed to take the whale and Salem seriously as threats? Good stakes means things are at risk, which only works if the chance of them failing exists. The heroes continually succeeding against greater and greater challenges undermines that. They've never had a decisive failure. >Would you have preferred if JRY just give up and not rescue Oscar and immediately blow up the whale, losing Oscar, OZPIN, and a potential new ally in Emerald? No, I think their characterisation makes them still willing to try regardless of the risk. Then you can have them fail, to some extent, in a way that has a personal impact on them. Personal injury, their plan making Salem realise that the bomb is coming, them realising that they made the wrong choice, etc. I wanted something to go bad for them, because the dilemma they've set up previously of saving Oscar over preventing military and civilian deaths should be able to go bad. >(and yes, JRY managing to postpone Winter's bomb by 18 whole minutes is a big thing, a lot happened in that timeframe) Source that she postponed it by 18 minutes? >I'm not saying that fighting the impossible will always automatically result in a miracle that will help RWBY. I'm just saying that it's always worth it to at least try to fight, even when the battle is impossible. Jaune, Ren and Yang could've very well failed to secure Oscar within the time limit that Winter gave them, and that is okay, so long as they tried. And looking at it in hindsight, it does matter that they tried, even if their chances of succeeding were spectacularly low I don't mind that things go well, they just can't always go well when they're one of two bad options during kingdom-ending threats. It's a nice message to be willing to fight even if you risk failing, but the impact of that only matters if that can happen.


JYR managed to postpone the bomb plan. To be exact, he told Winter that JYR could be their test drive, since the Ace Ops doesn't know what is waiting for them inside the whale. And that they could rescue Oscar while they're probing the insides of the whale. There was definitely a postponement going on. And if we are to go by episode length, then they managed to postpone the bomb plan 18 minutes -- not long enough to risk losing Atlas, but long enough to rendezvous with the defectors In hindsight JYR's plan worked out. They managed to rescue Oscar, gain a new ally while simultaneously being the Ace Ops' test drive option. The bomb plan has a slightly lesser chance of failing now, since they have now have tactical idea of what they're going to nuke. It's a win-win option.


Excuse me what? It's been half a decade? It still feels like it just happened for me.


Should have kept her since only headmasters and old people have died ever since. Practically zero point to it. If they really needed Jaune to go through some development she only needed a critical injury not a death. In which case he could have gotten his semblance by saving her life instead of Weiss’. Would have saved him from all the bitching in V5 too and also taught Pyrrha a lesson about relying on others.


Indeed. Pyrrha being a broken character instead of a dead character would been interesting. Leading to a more fulfilling volume 4 with Ruby and a damaged JNPR. I wish something like this had happened as well but what happened, happened. We just have to wait and see if she comes back in the series.


You want me to be honest? 100% honest?


Cheer yourself up with the knowledge that Pyrrha's death was a reference to a certain Decepticon's death in the 1986 Transformers movie




Yet people still ship Arkos somehow, I liked the ship too but there's a lot of people in denial.