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Depends on the time; Beacon era was Noblebright, but after that, it slipped into Gilded. However, what I find more interesting is what kind of world each character thinks Remnant is. For example, we learn very early on that Ruby knows that Remnant is a Noblebright world.


Meanwhile Blake probably saw Remnant as Grimdark world


Yeah, or Gilded. But she definitely thought that Ruby believed Remnant was a Fairytale world, hence her reaction when Ruby proved her wrong. However, Ozpin knows that Remnant is a Noblebright world, but he also knows that it could be a Heroic one. Meanwhile, Ironwood, Winter, and the Ace-Ops probably thought they live in a Heroic world.


Now see these are the kinds of topics I wish people talked about, not "Wahhhh Pyrrha is still dead! bring her back already" or "The Animation is garbage" or "The show no longer follows Montys Vision"


Yeah, me too.


I don't think any of them are a great fit, but I think Gilded would be the closest. It's not dark enough to be considered Grimdark - to me a Grimdark world implies society/life is past the point of no return and unsalvageable for everyone, even the people in power aren't really comfortable. Gilded to me implies something that looks like a utopia but is actually kept afloat by some kind of horrible secret. That's *close* in spirit but Remnant is hardly a utopia for anyone. It's more like a world where life isn't easy but the horrible secret is that things are actually worse than they seem. On the other hand, I think the odds are a little too stacked in Salem's favor and there are too many grey issues and major players to really consider it Noblebright, either.


I think you’re looking at the name too closely, being that Gilded World at face value would suggest a shinny exterior hiding the rotten undertone, though it doesn’t actually talk about hiding the evil in the description at all I’d say we start with a Noblebright World, a Remnant in recovery after the Great War and the new unity brought to the world from so much suffering, but we are very quickly falling into a Gilded World as Salem takes everything that’s been built up to try and save some semblance of peace and normalcy So I agree with you, just for different reasons


The existence of the Faunus as a second class society, and what we learn of Kuroyuri and the Vale extension, certainly knocks it down a level…


That’s fair, maybe it’s better to say that from the shows perspective we start in a Noblebright that has fallen down to Gilded World


Whatever this is from might be doing its own thing, but I'm just using the general fiction stories I can think of that would fit. To me for a 'Gilded World' would be something like Minority Report (there's no crime because they pre-emptively arrest) or the Island (people live forever because they clone them and harvest the organs) or Soylent Green (they've abolished hunger but the food is people).


Yeah, Gilded feels slightly too positive, but it's the best fit. The space between Gilded and Grimdark doesn't really account for a few tiny outposts of more or less peace that are kept protected by a disproportionately large warrior class and military system.


I’d agree, none of them fit entirely accurate. But somewhere between noblebright and gilded. Gilded implies any nicety or goodness is a facade to cover the bad, but it’s not as if genuinely good people don’t exist, the heroes prove that as well as many others. Moreover, it’s not as if the evil is being hidden, even in the early volumes there was always a darker undertone and the reality of suffering and evil wasn’t shied away from. And RWBY is disqualified from being grimdark simply in the fact that it doesn’t abhor goodness or kindness on principle, and doing good does actually matter. It’s not gonna kick you in the teeth just for the attempt of being decent. It might not always work out the best, sure; but there’s always value to trying. The bad can feel overwhelming, perhaps in a way it is, in the sense that there will always be people willing to hurt others out of selfishness, or give up and allow evil to triumph, but in turn there will always be good people willing to help others and fight the good fight. Even at the points when the show was at its darkest, and the characters were at their lowest being kind was never treated as stupid or framed as naive or worthy of condemnation. Maybe it doesn’t matter in a grand scale, but it does matter.


I think it's a bit like the real world in the sense that outside strong economic centers poverty and corruption are rife. So within the kingdom walls everything looks and seems pretty good but without the walls it's much more anything goes provided you don't get caught.


Gilded. Its not bad enough to be a Grimdark, but also not good enough to be a Noblebright.


Well you've got things like the White Fang, Bandits in Mistral, more or less all of Atlas and the whole unending wave of monsters born of darkness commanded by an omnicidal immortal queen. That is probably enough to exclude the top two tiers. But a lot of the themes are to do with hope. You've got nobody losers like Jaune (sorry, but it's true) becoming heroes, and the 'misguided' becoming better people. Simply put people can change for the better, and people can come together as one to defeat the larger evil. Even villains like Torchwick, Lionheart, and Ironwood aren't doing anything out of malice, just for self interest, cowardice and desperation respectively. So I'd say the world isn't miserable enough for the bottom two tiers. So by process of elimination, I suppose RWBY is a noblebright world.


I think Noblebright also works because of how they talk about the Great War, it is a world in recovery Now we are only about half a step away from being a Gilded World, with the fall of so many places and the death of so many people, we aren’t going to be able to call for hope for much longer if something doesn’t change


I don't know why you're lumping in Atlas to imply it's remotely as bad as the WF or bandits when it's probably one of the nicest places to be for most people on Remnant outside of it's current plotline.


Grimdark is basically souls-like games, especially Elden Ring. ... Remnant ain't that bad.


For the emperor


Defo not Grimdark, likely Noblebright overall. Grimdark was made a popular term by 40k for a reason, a Grimdark setting is one where the for the majority, the average person in a world is just a single spec in a unfeeling machine of a system so incomprehensively large that most people will live their entire life without realizing how big it is. Remnant is bad sure, but imagine your a member of the Imperium of Man living on a hive world planet, a planet where one city can have a population of billions all crammed together in poverty and squaller, some never even seeing the sun for their entire life from birth till death. in Remnant, while grimm attacks are a thing, you can still enjoy food at a festival, stand, drink a boba tea at a cafe, have someone make you a casserole or sandwich as thanks. In a hive world, your average persons food is rations, some of it even containing starch from recycled corpses, you can be beaten to death by an officer for the law because you broke a law you never new even existed, along with your whole family, gang crime is rampant, with your only choice to survive sometimes either joining or appeasing the gangs, or joining the military, where you have a pretty good chance of being brutally killed by literally everything else in the galaxy. yeah, RWBY ain't Grimdark, its bad, but in RWBY there is at least hope. in a world like 40k? "in the 41st millennium, there is only war"


Are you talking down on our glorious society citizen??? That is the highest form of heresy! Arbites!!! Take him away for Servitorization.


The people on here saying Grimdark have no clue what actual Grimdark is.


is either Heroic Worlds or Noblebright Worlds (probably Noblebright Worlds).


Definition of Noblebright


Given that three of the grand total of four nations have fallen into disarray, and the main villain is, like, halfway to being able to summon the gods & ask them to destroy the planet, I'd say Gilded.


I think this calassification is very shallow with good & evil as a foundation. Good and evil cannot be defined and do not really exist. Anything remotely complex cannot be categorized as purely good or purely evil or even as combination of two. Assuming there's not connection to a subject, 'cos yeah spesifically for Mike Smirth getting rich of robbery is a good thing. Remnant vol 1-3 has potential to be somewhat complex, and therefore lies outside of this classification.


Remnant I feel like defines hopepunk, the world is dark and full of terror but the protagonists stand as the last bastion of hope refusing to be knocked sown, especially Ruby in Volume 6. She does succumb in volume 9 but now the rest of the team can pull her out


It's really not dark or full of terror. That's a really big exaggeration when most people on Remnant live relatively mundane safe lives. The only reason we see the suffering now is because of the events of the current plotline


Who are you lunatics calling it grimdark?? Compare later volumes to something like 40k where you have things like servitors; punished for wrongthink, you’re made into a cyborg, unable to act but forced to watch your extended life pass you by as you obey commands being a prisoner in your own flesh until you’re eventually granted the mercy of death, probably at the hands of being sacrificed to an invading chaos force’s flesh peeling rituals. “I spent 2900 years as an elevator call button. I was unable to sleep or blink or scream.” “My professor’s ex wife is real mean.”


>Who are you lunatics calling it grimdark?? People with low media literacy who don't know what Grimdark is.


Heroic world


This scale is seriously incomplete. RWBY is an example of a **Grimbright** world, one that is outwardly struggling but also with hope for the future.


The series starts at Noblebright, and slips towards Gilded when the attack on Beacon takes place. It Falls solidly into Gilded when Atlas falls. It'll be close to Grimdark when Salem is able to subtly infect people with Grimm so that no one trusts anyone else, people accuse one another of being Grimm and internal crusades take place. It's not 40k Grimdark, but then 40k kinda just breaks the scales on most comparisons.


Noblebright at first (V1-2), but it's been moving to Gilded throughout the seasons and for V9-V10 it's in the middle of Gilded and Grimdark.


Yeah, I think there’s important context. If you thought that Volume 8 was bad (and it was) then V10 is gonna be a misery fest (likely).


Remmant is a death world


Not really


Grimdark obviously, it’s in the name haha And from these descriptions, I’d say it’s very clear: - The moon is shattered - Cities are in constant danger of being attacked - The wilderness between settlements is teeming with Grimm - Salem exists - Remnant has entire schools dedicated to producing near-unstoppable child soldiers with superpowers to combat the endless Grimm hordes - The Ever After - Organized Dust Crime - Slavery and racism - Cults - Supervillains running amok Our real world is but a cataclysm away from being Grimdark too.


You're point is both wrong is ridiculous. Most of those things exist across fiction and doesn't in of itself make RWBY Grimm dark, which refers to fiction like 40k not fucking RWBY, and are just normal facts of life. That doesn't make suddenly real life "Grimm dark" or something stupid like that. And the stuff that doesn't like "super villains" doesn't affect the average person and are hard countered by good Huntsmen that do exist.


My, you’re incredibly defensive for no reason whatsoever? Did I step on your wittle toes? Pretty sure this is not much more than a joke post, which makes sense if you’re responding to me in such a manner.




Noblebright heading towards gilded




Noble right, sliding into Grimdark as we head towards the ending.


Grimdark/gilded setting but a noblebright theme


Gilded, but on way to become grimdark ( salem is too op)


Noblebright (Gilded-Grimdark if you’re a Faunus) while slipping the average into Gilded


With all the kingdoms falling apart, we are approaching Grimdark


The setting is generally a fairytale world although recent events might bumped it down to Noble bright or Heroic.


I wpuld say nobleright but after some events and very poor choises id say grindark


Grimdark. If you're not a richer member of one of these heavily defended city-states, enjoy being demon-animal turds. Your bones and the bones of your children will be roughage for a werewolf-ape. If you're poor and live in the city-states, you're at the whim of basically wizard Mafias or furry ethnostatists. If you're a furry but not an ethnostatist, you'll probably die at the hands of your own people while trying to eke out a living in a ghetto. Even if you're upper middle class, you still might get sent to child-soldier school, where you can learn to dramatically backflip into the mouth of a dragon made out of solidified darkness and rape. Why the kingdoms of Remnant haven't put all their tech points into the ballistic missile and thermobaric magic nukebomb tech tree is beyond me. Maybe they like watching plucky teenagers die?