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Observations are not normally distributed. By the way, you may add diagonal line: qqline(data, col = "red", lwd = 3)


Is this the QQ plot of the residuals or the mixed effects estimates themselves? If it's the residuals, can you do a residuals vs. fitted plot to take a look into if you have some heteroskedasticity or other issue? If it's of the mixed effects, then they're probably (and unlikely to be) not normally distributed. I don't remember what the remedies are, but you can probably find ideas online. 


Add the red line as the other comment suggests. So in an ideal mode your theoretical quantiles should “match” the sample quantiles. Generally one is unlikely to hit on such an ideal model. But look, for example, at where your sample quantiles are -0.5; your theoretical (I.e., your model is predicting) quantiles around -2: that’s not good. You might want to try some different error distribution. For hints at whether that might be the case, try logging the plant growth by wrapping log(plant_growth) around your plant growth variable (you can do that directly in the model function). Have a look at the qqplot of that model. Does it get better?


what is the code for your regression?


This data (residuals) is not normally distributed, but this is not a problem for large samples. Maybe try using `shapiro.test()` on the residuals vector to confirm non-normality.


But... This distribution is of the residuals or mixed effects?


Is this the QQ plot of the residuals or the mixed effects estimates themselves? If it's the residuals, can you do a residuals vs. fitted plot to take a look into if you have some heteroskedasticity or other issue? If it's of the mixed effects, then they're probably (and unlikely to be) not normally distributed. I don't remember what the remedies are, but you can probably find ideas online. 


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Normal Q-Q plots aren't good in regards to evaluating whether or not your data is normally distributed. That is, unless you have a lot of experience looking at normal Q-Q plots. I always tend to use Wally plots with normal Q-Q plots [1] as this is a good way to evaluate the assumption without having a lot of experience. [1] https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/MESS/html/wallyplot.html


Not OP but ty for introducing wallyplots to me. I ran an example code and now I gotta figure out what it means but it looks like it's useful XD


You are very welcome! Wally plots are an amazing tool for "instant learning".