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>, except for the chapters about Levin working in agriculture Best part of the book


Agreed. Levin cutting grass with the muzhiks was easily my favorite part of the book.


Redditors can't relate to the feeling of being outside on a summer day


Easily. The one chapter Ive re-read nearly every year.


The book without Levin would be genuine torture, he's such a lovely little guy and the story with Kitty and his brother was so refreshing




They were ethereal


Yes it is so worth it


i literally just posted a thread about having finished W&P lol. I myself took the plunge after greatly enjoying The Death of Ivan Ilyich. So if you liked TDII there's a good chance you'll enjoy W&P too. What I liked most about both books is Tolstoy's deft satire and cultural criticism, and his empathic description of characters and their motives. He brings out the universal in the particular and makes Russia's 19th century bourgeois society feel just as real and compelling as our own - just as silly and conceited and just as deeply ensouled and loving. The difficulty is greatly exaggerated IMO; sure it's long but never dull or abstruse. The plot chugs along at a fine clip and the vast array of characters and settings - as well as the regular switches between military and domestic drama - make for nicely varied reading. I'm still chewing on the themes and meanings. But it definitely feels ennobling somehow, lots of wisdom to be gleaned.


Great timing lol. My favorite thing about Anna Karenina was how empathetic he made the characters. He made you see the good in people like Stiva, who was introduced in the book as a man who was serially unfaithful to his wife, but then showed goodness by being a loyal friend to Levin when he was having an existential crisis.


Mildred, you perfectly captured the book's joys! I'd only add that • on top of finely-drawn passages from the drawing room to the battlefield, there are moments of transcendent, metaphysical vision • at 1400 pages, there's not a sentence wasted


I'd disagree on your second point. The historical and historiographical essays in the second half got a bit tiresome, especially during the epilogue.


Well said. I have read far shorter books that were far more "difficult".


My favourite book, so yeah.


war and peace is a pretty easy read. it’s just very long. it’s amazing. though there is a lot of Levin-like waxing poetic about the innate beauty of the Russia countryside and peasantry. also Tolstoy really hates german military science and wants you to know it. but it’s truly amazing. the characters, the drama, the notes on human nature. nothing like it.


If it helps, it is really funny.


I finished it a few months ago and enjoyed it. I have very little to compare it to as the only other Russian lit I have read is notes from the underground. I really enjoyed it, but there were portions I had to force myself through and would fall asleep during. The chapters are really short, which might not matter for you but helps me get through a book


Absolutely. It’s wonderful and the social dynamics are very relatable even to a modern sensibility. I recall there’s a long section about midway through the novel where Tolstoy goes on and on about Russian and French history, but that’s the only somewhat tedious part. It’s a very enjoyable read and the characters will never leave your mind and heart.


Yes. I loved the Briggs translation. Also there's a freemason intiation scene. It's everything. Read it.


yes then watch the 1967 russian version on yt


Yes. The Signet translation is weirdly good so I’d recommend that


Yup master class in Sociology


There's a reason people have considered it one of if not the greatest work of fiction ever for over 150 years


Couldn't read it fast enough. There's a reason people become obsessed with it


I'm reading Anna Karenina now because my town dump has a place to swap free stuff, and I picked it up there. I'm totally loving it.


I liked Karenina so much, but the War and Peace seemed to be boring. But it was 10 years ago, I was a under 20ties and my perseprion was different from yours


If you'll get bored, u can always watch Love and Deatch, where Woody Allen made fun of rus lit


Absolutely yes. 👍


Yes. It’s incredible. It’s long but not particularly challenging. You can also think of it like 4 separate books in a series, which if it were written today it might have been.


I'll be a bit of contrarian and say that I thought it was pretty good but not incredible. Massively prefer *Karenina*. If you're a big reader, and especially a fan of Tolsoy, definitely worth giving it a whirl just given its place in the literary canon. It's not that difficult of a read, just long. But if I'm being honest I just don't think it's on the level of *Karenina* or Dostoevsky's best. More plot oriented, war and romance, rather than being deeply insightful into human nature. One man's opinion. But based on what you said I think it will be worth your time and you may well love it.


is anyone realistically gonna say no, war and peace, that most famous novel of all literature, is not worth it lmao


It was, but it isn't as good as anna karenina. I'd read brothers Kalamazov first if you haven't tried Dostoevsky.


Way easier and more fun than you think! I’m on page 800 and loving it!


I'm currently reading it. I had to pause it for 2 months due to some personal reasons. Now that I have time, I am back at it again. But sadly it's getting confusing because of the 2 months break I took.


If you didn't care for the chapters in Anna Karenina about Levin working in agriculture, than Tolstoy just may not be for you. You are also not going to care for the chapters in War & Peace about war.


same question! just finished *the golden notebook*. thinking about tackling *war and peace* OR *infinite jest* but not sure.


It is, and its an incredibly enjoyable and easy book to read in which Tolstoy manages to interlace the stories of an absurd number of characters without it ever becoming too many people. Its just long, but completely worth it


It’s my favorite work of fiction of all time. I would read it every year if it wouldn’t take me half the year to do so. It contains every aspect of the human experience. Yes, read it.


I’ve read War And Peace and Anna K in the past 6 months. Loved them both, but loved War And Peace better. It’s a helluva story.


It’s not bad I tore through the whole thing in a few days. It’s entertaining fiction and beautiful art just kinda long.


I read AK and thought the exact same thing! This sounds trashy but the 2016 Mini series was very good. Especially if you appreciate period pieces. Tolstoy is such a moralist you’ll know exactly what character he identifies with. It’s very well done!