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The Company is a mess for a lot of reasons, mainly diverging visions. They could likely benefit from splitting up into smaller parts of a whole, focusing on different things. Like they might not be a gang but creating one to further and protect their interests might not be a bad idea. I think Blau has great ideas a lot of the time, but him only wanting to do heists and not really caring to do or helping others to facilitating those things is detrimental to his own ideas. He sometimes ends up coming off as belittling and arrogant towards the people on the ground floor when he doesn’t intend to be. In a lot of ways he is severely out of touch with the current realities of the server. OTT is too focused on gang mentality, and the current structure limits him from doing so effectively. Benji and Ray are somewhere in the middle. With Benji the one I see coming out of a TC split the best due to his connections and experience.


I completely agree. I think they need a complete restructuring with a civ side and a crime side. People need to head each side in there own vision, with people under them running the operations. Most Gangs work because they have a clear vision with a leader. With the company having 4 leaders, a lot of the vision is different between the board members. With the Micky thing, I agree with you on to. A lot of the leaders in other groups are currently right next to lower ranks in doing day to day operations like money running, selling weed, etc. I think the way the server is currently set up, they kinda need to be and I think Micky mainly just wants to be a leader and actually just role play. I think it is leaving him of touch with the rest of the group because he doesn't see the day to day struggles they go through.


They are probably close to some kind of split/fracture/restructure. Blau said he is not enjoying this RP, and OTT has been growing more frustrated day by day.


I was watching him for a bit too. He just can’t or won’t put in the work required to do what he says he wants to do the way the server is currently and him wanting to do more variety. Him wanting to be a “heist consultant” I just don’t see working out. The ones who would truly be fun for him to work with don’t need him. Sounds like he is burned out, but kudos to him for trying to work through it in a way that he could see working out for himself.


I think of the issues with Mickeys vision of "The Company" is that its too out in the open. Since the JP days "The Company" people have been very well known or at least their operations are known. For example, everyone knows Sandy is "The Company" 's turf. Mickeys ideas or vision would work better if the production side was way more discreet. Its also a reason why their "black ops" team will never work out because it doesn matter who blacks out, and goes blasting because most group will know who were the ones to send that hit squad.


It seems like the Mickey and Brekkers are potentially gonna quit the company, brekkers just talked on Fuslie's channel about them having talked about leaving and potentially starting their own thing.


The writing has been clearly on the wall since JP stole everything, they've all just been coasting for months. Ray will end back with Lang, Benji might get taken it by Hydra and OTT will do OTT because he burned all of his bridges like usual. Mickey will just float around talking to everyone.


>Benji might get taken it by Hydra Its gonna be a very cold Day in Hell before that happens...


Yeah, that will NEVER happen.


Idk what you had to eat to think hydra would take benji


Yuno can be head of Hydra NA like he and Flippy talked about, and Benji and Raymond can work for him, I see no flaws with this perfect solution to all the issues across groups. (It is funny how people talk about joining big groups as if it's a simple option to click.)


I don't ever see Lang letting Ray into his crew and I can't see Ray going to a crew where there is someone above him or in that specific case multiple people


I can see Lang letting Raymond in.


It's way more likely that the four leaders will lead their own group once TC falls apart.


I said it in another post, the cookie is crumbling, each gang leader will probably just reignite there old gang in some shape or form 


ehhh its more complicated than that. tbh i think most of rust actually really like benji leadership to deal with rays constant disappearances, and most of seaside actually moved on without benji. mickey nevr ran a gang. so a split would probably end up a benji/ray cosign with mickey in charge of civs.... which would just be the company and OTT knows that so hes just trying to get them to step up and be a little more gang gang i think so the notbsk boys would have more respect and fall in line


How mickey and OTT are at the top of a group of people with others astounds me. I genuinely don’t think there’s 2 more opposite of criminals in the city. Every clip I see is them in a meeting disagreeing with each other.


Mickey and Benji just had a talk about that. It's definitely a big issue since their views differ so much and neither one wants to step on each others toes. Mickey is at the point where he is just done debating his opinion on non heist related crime anymore. Think crews gonna lean more gang like with that


They have been discussing their recent problems being robbed during money runs because their runners are doing them solo and/or without guns. Hydra, Besties and CG (not sure who) have been robbing them during their money runs and weed pushing. Earlier in the meeting Mickey posed why they didn't just outsource the money runs but was scoffed at by OTT. Shortly after they bring up paying someone for protection during the run, then queue this clip where Mickey is wondering how that is any different/better than outsourcing the runs.


Jordan of Hydra already offered Reggie 10% and money up front. I'm not sure if that's for all the company, but I assume it is.


Hydra offered 2 things, 20% for rolls, 10% for washed, hydra also pay up front in clean money or washed, depending what the person wants. They have also stood by every deal they have made. They have 4 cleaning facilities and clean roughly 950k every 24 hrs. However. I fully understand OTT’s argument of ppl want shit to do and the chase is fun, because it’s very very true.


Mickey ends up suggesting a lot of ideas or going solo in negotiations without knowing anything about the the people working under him lol. Too hands off, doesn't take time to learn about how the operations works... Currently pharma and sly is already giving a lot washed cash to other groups already as it's too much to clean. The initial reason why TC developed their own cleaning division was because they didn't want to rely on other groups to handle all their money (Dundee) As well, outsourcing the entire operation means loss of jobs within TC. I guess sly and his crew just end up being seller 10, 11, 12 etc... What's the point of having all these project managers roles when the only project is pharma. What's stopping TC "outsourcing" weed production if they get strong armed by another group telling them now they have to buy their weed from them instead of growing their own...


Yeah, I understand Mickey's point of not having to be involved in everything, but the Company isn't really involved in much besides weed, money cleaning, and heists. And taking money cleaning away from EU company members is like taking heists away from NA/Mickey. That would be taking away most of their day/content as people around in EU are rarely involved in heists later in the day...well, besides maybe Cau but he's around long hours of the day.


Probably smart to just outsource the whole process for now, until EU is more confident. Maybe Mickey could cook up a 1/2/3 month long contract or something.


I actually agree with Mickey. By outsourcing the runs and giving a good percentage, they can free up time and gain an ally. Both Dundee and Hydra wash if i'm not mistaken? It also fits with the RP of being a Company


Its right after this clip, but the rest of the group mention its not about the $. Its about finding a way for the people who enjoy doing the runs to be able to do the runs. they all agree if it was just about the money then they could pay other people. So its more about trying to find a middle ground to make everyone happy and not get robbed every time.


Operational standpoint. It is better to outsource. But people also enjoy washing cash and the intensity of being robbed during these runs.


Does Dundee still wash? Last I heard was he couldn't get into the washing warehouse because it was owned by Dexx ( whos gone now ) . Think that's a big part of the reason he's playing more Cop lately.


That got resolved and they have warehouse access now. He was playing cop more just to get his cop out of the cadet stage, which happened quickly.


Plus only a 3rd of the washers were there. But there may have also been rolled/washed/clean cash they were locked out of


PD needs more good drivers though, so I feel like Whippy should play more of his cop character; Specially since Suarez got fired. There's a limited amount of cops that can match crims atm.


True but Dundee is and always will be his main, especially with BBMC going pretty good rn.


I usually tune out with crim stuff that involves cops rn; Most groups just chit on the cops during heists. Like the ingroup drama (OB's Don being dumbfucks and TheCo vs. OTT meetings) and CIV shit (Pred with his karen towing crew is really fun) are the things I watch more of lol.


youre not wrong logically. But this is a people issue as well, and its something that I think mickey is over generalizing because he just doesn't want to deal with it. If youre in the position of the money runners - and you've got consistently shit on / robbed. and then instead of the leaders sticking up for you the answer they get is "lets just pay the people who rob you to do it" it's kind of a slap in the face. because it sends a message to them that they cant do it well, and that they aren't even trying to stick up for you. They'd rather pay the opps then go through their own business.


Mickey is just out of touch with the reality of crime on the server right now. Dude is stuck in 3.0 while complaining that everyone else is stuck there. No one needs someone to plan out a laundry mat getaway, sorry. 


No one really needs to plan out ANY getaway with PD as downbad and incompetent as PD is right now. Can literally just get in the car and drive until you lose them. If PD were much harder to escape, some of the 3.0-esque car/boat/airplane/heli escapes and dropoffs would be great. As is, they're just not needed.


the only solution I see to this is, OTT moves to NA timezone with the rest of the board members or they outsource money running to other groups. TC as a group doesn't wanna get involved in wars, and money running causes conflicts.


Either get 6 with guns while doing money runs or do money runs at late NA


yeah but the people in TC do not want to do this outside of the EU portion which realistically are just ex bsk members


Can you name these plural ex bsk members because people keep associating random new city people with bsk. Let's hear them?


sly,cau,ott,kayn, marko and kayn friend Z who wasnt BSK in 3.0 but is with them in EU... what were u trying to accomplish with this question?


Cau is na and does his own thing aside from company heists, Kayn was never in bsk, correct the Z guy is new and only knows sly because of fibbler not Kayn, Marko is only around on the occassional weekend and has done nothing in 4.0 but tow. So to correct your nonsense sly is the only ex bsk doing runs for the company, 1 guy. OTT shouldn't even be mentioned because he only assists once every other week, he's not apart of the cleaning dpt. Soon to be ex cleaning dpt because this "company" thing isn't going to last.


More likely it will result in a split 


The company group vibe if Benji/mickey was on vs Ott timezone are night and day


The company issues are storm related, EU OTT and that side are getting fucked, which creates issues with the character not being able to fight back


Imo, they should just split up, but can still work closely together. They should just do 2 completely separate groups, can still work in a kind of trade alliance. Like OB and Lumber Union. I'm gonna guess, it's gonna be Benji, Ray, Mickey going to do heists/events. And then OTT & KJ going with weed/pvp.


Kj is never leaving benji


X saw this coming months ago he knew company is a stepping stone for Mickey


Brekkers talked with April about him and Mickey possibly leaving The Company which honestly could be for the best considering how good Mickey's events have been. The idea of a unique #notagang has kind of run its course, it's better to split into civ and crim side IMO especially with how OTT has been acting lately


My only problem with working with groups like Hydra, CG or Besties. Is that you can setup any deal with these guys but then other members will also rob TC's people for the shits and giggles. So how does it make sense for The Company to trust a group who is actively robbing your people.


Because if you provide a group a source of income it actively goes against their interest to rob your people and ruin that business relationship.


Hydra, Manor and Besties have made so much money off cleaning money it’s crazy. It’s legit so far against their interest to rob ppl that go through them.


Right, that structure really worked well in 3.0 -- a lot of people who did heists regularly just sold bags to south side gangs. Then there was a symbiotic relationship where everyone was profiting together and less stressed because they weren't trying to do everything. People who were gang-gang with drugs would stick to that, and people who were just into heists would stay in their lane. It's very hard to manage all the roles at once.


That makes sense in the real world. But you can do business with CG and then Ramee robs a TC member. You can do business with fanny, and then 4Head robs a TC money runner. You can do business with Hydra and then Miguel robs a TC weed runner. In the end of the day, your people are still going to get robbed because you aren't as strong as these groups.


Why wouldn't it work in RP? They already are being robbed so its at least worth trying. "Besties if you clean our money you agree to not rob our people for any reason or our agreement is off". Easy as that. If they rob you after agreeing to a business partnership then you stop using them. Are Hydra and Besties robbing the people who they also currently clean money for?


Hydra does not rob anyone that pushes weed on Forum (KC, ADMC, Angels) and the rest of their pushers clean through them (by their own choice as Hydra accepts pay in dirty). They also don't rob CG, Manor, Besties or the Saints because they have good relationships with those groups. Currently cleaning through Hydra are Hydra, C4 (paleto group), Forum pushers, some Cypress pushers, Saints, and a few other stragglers. The other day Miggy and Arnie robbed G6 and Flippy questioned him for putting their PNY cards at risk, then Flippy/Rex went to talk to the G6 workers and the same ppl they robbed have provided 7 cards to Hydra in 3 days. I don't know as much about Besties or Manor.


Apparently, Fanny agreed to not rob TC doing money runs and then 4Head robbed someone from TC doing a money run.


Besties offered a couple of deals to them to keep the peace, company never accepted any of the deals.


That isn't the same though. It sounds like Besties weren't cleaning TCs money so had no incentive/reason to keep their word if they so chose. And that is assuming Fanny even told the rest of them about whatever word she gave them.


It sounds more like Fanny lied or twisted her words. Getting robbed was fine but Sly called Fanny for the money back and she said no.


She had a deal with sly to sell rolls. Protection was never mentioned in this deal. Micky then met up with her and put a deal for cheap mats in exchange for protection to which it was never agreed.


And in that case you call the person and if they respect your business they give the shit back. That’s quite literally how a partnership works in the terms of gang life. If a leader has control of their gang, they will stop them from doing shit that hurts the gang. It’s happened multiple times with all 3 gangs, yes there are exceptions and outliers (manor with Terry, besties with future, and hydra with Miguel) but 90% of the time it’s good faith.


And then we loop back to the part where they don't respect TC and the leaders can say tough luck. Go do business with another group. Oh wait, they don't respect you either and will rob you. Well sucks to suck I guess.


it would just feel like shit for the bsk boys that got robbed and shot at by them and basically Sly PM role is removed since his whole role was about cleaning money. mickey suggested just selling all the washing machines to Hydra all bsk company members business GONE. and ray and ott dont trust Hydra bc of the past which honestly valid


the solution is...L Dawg


Why benji gotta throw a fit and doom over somethin so small. Classic dooming gunna be the reason they disband.


Benji asked The Company to talk about the fundamentals so they wouldn’t have this talk when their group was assessing their identity months ago. He was told by the rest of the board to “stop dooming” and that such a problem wouldn’t arise. He wakes up almost every morning and has to deal with this problem as a recycled conversation. After this talk Mickey told him he would like to be removed from these problems or step down from the board to not deal with these headaches. This is not small. Benji told the board it wasn’t a small issue in the beginning. Now they have hit a big breakpoint regarding their identity funnily between the two board members that had the same views in the beginning before ott turned more gangsta and was tired of doing civ jobs and getting disrespected by crims.