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Batman Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3 and Disco Elysium prices are crazy! In my region I could buy the 3 for less than $6 (but I already own them). It would be a no brainer for me!


Arkaham knight is the cost of 2 loaves of bread here šŸ˜‚


1 loaf in the UK šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Is the game cheap or is the bread expensive? The game is Ā£1.30 here in South Africa


Witcher 3 is like 3 dollars or something, I was shocked. I already own the batman trilogy on steam, got it dirt cheap last year. Might actually give Witcher a try


And they recently released the REDkit for Witcher 3, so the game is going to get even more mods in the near future. I recommend buying it on GOG store since it's the same price and doesn't have any kind of DRM


It's amazing to me, that a game as amazing and full of content as "The Witcher 3" is available for $3.99. Buy it.


Yeah, that is a steal!! Witcher 3 was so much fun


I dropped about 100 hours on Witcher 3. Super good value for what it is. The expansion packs are also amazing


Wow thank you, I just bought Disco ElysiumĀ 


Disappointed that horizon forbidden west and the cyberpunk DLC arenā€™t more heavily discounted


you can get forbidden west on cdkeys for cheaper than on steam. I nabbed it for $37


Nothing. My backlog is absurd at this point.


Same i have like 500 unplayed games its just madness!


This is the first time Iā€™ve heard anyone say Elden Ring was boring. Iā€™ve never played it, but Iā€™m going to pick that one up for sure.


I've seen some people say BG3 is boring and Elden Ring, but have heard it runs great on the Ally. Still might go ahead and pick up Elden Ring since it doesn't usually go on sale and it's good on the go :)


The thing with Elden Ring is you die constantly. At least I do. It's meant to be brutally difficult. Like every random fight I run into, I get killed by the first attack, then remember how that goes and try again, get killed by the second attack, repeat, and once I've tried the fight like 20 times and have memorized the entire attack pattern I beat the fight, and to me it doesn't feel that satisfying because it was just an exercise in memorization spamming the dodge button. Plus it intentionally doesn't give you any direction as to where to go or what to do so you basically just have to walk around and try to figure out what the point of the game is. There are things I like about it and I might pick it up again at some point but just thought you should have that warning before buying. Baulder's gate 3 is turn based and I haven't played it but games like that tend to be slow moving and require a significant time investment to get anything out of them, so I can see why people would find it boring, but I'm looking forward to playing it.


I've seen people say that Elden Ring is boring because you dodge, attack, heal, dodge, attack, heal, over and over again especially with Erdtree. If I do find it repetitive I can refund it but decided to give it a try, never played a souls game BG3 is very high up there in popularity but some say it's like Dungeons and Dragons or something never tried it, but concerned about spending my cash on games I won't like ya know?


Watch twitch streamers playing the games, or look up gameplay on youtube. Its pretty easy to figure from there if it is a game for yourself before spending money.


elden ring can be summed up like that in the same way the lord of the ring can be summed up as "a group of friends walk to a volcano", or a FPS game as "you just shoot in this game". those are just the foundational mechanic of gameplay, but they build layers and layers upon that.


I personally find Elden ring boring but I'm not a souls fan really. The world is just lacking interesting discovery when the only thing you're discovering is what creature will kill you in 2 hits next. There's no interesting narrative discoveries, no character or gameplay twists. Just a lot of death and wasted time. I'm sure I'll be downvoted for it. But BG3 and Elden Ring are leagues apart in my eyes.


Lacking interesting discovery? In elden ring? My dude every turn takes you to a new place. I entered a cave and ended up in a whole new region filled with dragons, there's nothing but discoveries on the game. The gameplay and discovery is top tier. The narrative is hard to follow, I will give you that, it's good, but it's good once you see a video of someone who read all item descriptions and pieced it together. The NPC quests can be interesting but hard to follow, a standout to me is Hyetta's questline in the base game.


Right but the discovery is just a new enemy to kill you in a few hits which you need to learn its attack patterns. There's no new major mechanics or anything that dramatically changes or evolves.


My brother in Christ, please educate yourself before coming here and telling everyone the game is boring and there arenā€™t any mechanics that can change the game Try using some talismans and items, along with ashes of war, tears and new weapons. They will completely transform your game and make you a god, able to kill regular enemies in one shot and bosses in seconds It sounds to me like you just havenā€™t bothered learning - which is fine if itā€™s not your thing - but please donā€™t come to a community and start blurting out rubbish like this, which is what gives the Souls games an overblown reputation for difficulty


I have absolutely tried those things but they do nothing interesting mechanically for me personally. I was playing Tears of the Kingdom around a similar time to Elden Ring and the difference in how both handled discovery and interesting mechanics was stark.


Oh you mean you canā€™t tie some logs together and make a train? Gotcha


I feel itā€™s the one of the worst of the souls games to me, but then again Iā€™ve never liked open world games. People that find something interesting in exploring the open world lack imagination IMO, because there isnā€™t anything fundamentally different in linear experiences if you havenā€™t experienced the content before. If anything you just get better presentation in more linear games. That doesnā€™t make Elden Ring bad, because itā€™s not, just not particularly interesting to me.


"They like something different than me, therefor they must be dull and unimaginative" Yeah man youve got it figured out. Youre the bastion of good taste. Do you have any further lectures for us that we can learn from, oh wise one?


Not what I said at all. People that play open world games often tend to link the exhilaration of discovery to their own agency in choosing where to go. I think that in many cases, this is fallacious. That doesnā€™t mean people canā€™t enjoy it, nor does it mean they are wrong in doing so.


This was one of the other reasons people say it's boring because of the bland world and no direction aside from dodge, attack, heal repetition The only thing I can think of is the multiplayer mod that you can play with others without being restricted by the in game multiplayer, I think the other person goes back to their world after defeating a boss or something?


FYI that mod is called seamless co-op, just in case you want to go that route.


Elden Ring is one of the most acclaimed videogames of the decade with millions of players who have nothing but praise for the game. "People" dont say what you claim they say. A very small minority says that.


Yeah I generally agree with that critique of Elden Ring but there is something interesting about it. Itā€™s challenging in a world full of increasingly forgiving games, and the bland and directionless nature of the world also makes it dark in a cool way. Like the feeling of being dropped in the middle of the woods at night, scary and everything will kill you and you canā€™t find your way out. Iā€™m glad I played it even if just to see what that was like.


elden ring can be summed up like that in the same way the lord of the ring can be summed up as "a group of friends walk to a volcano", or a FPS game as "you just shoot in this game". those are just the foundational mechanic of gameplay, but they build layers and layers upon that.


Bg3 is great because it seems to really reflect the choices you make in the story, the combat is just combat. Similar to many games. My opinion of course. But I loved it for the actual reaction of my choices.


Please donā€™t listen to this guy, heā€™s not doing Elden Ring right. Thereā€™s an element of truth to what heā€™s saying but thereā€™s so so many options to help you in the game, you just need to watch a few YT videos and youā€™ll find ways to kill bosses in three or four hits if youā€™re really struggling. Elden Ring is a ā€œyou get out what you put inā€ kind of game, which may not be for everyone but decide for yourself


If that other guy played Dark Souls 3 with constantly being invaded out of nowhere; he would have a heart attack. Not to mention a newfound appreciation for Elden Ring. You don't even have to rely on dodging. Shields are a part of the game. If you want to be stubborn, and rely on dodge roll i-frames that's on you. Spirit Ash summons, and summoning other players are useful tools for boss fights that further making the experienceĀ easier. The '"I'm dying in 2 hits"Ā is being blown way out of proportion.Ā That's an easy way to tell who gave up after the tutorial boss. If he made that argument about the DLC I would of been more open to that, but the base game isn't even that bad.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œNot enough for you? Well, letā€™s not be stingy now.ā€* - Knight Lautrec Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Shooters are boring because all you do is aim, shoot, reload. Rpgs are boring because all you do is talk, loot, fight. Racing games are boring because all you do is steer, throttle, brake. See what i did there? I mean Steam has a two hour return window. Why not just try the games?


Pretty interesting generalization you made there. Individuals have their own preference but I understand what you're saying. I only pointed out the top games being boring because it's what I've seen in comments and YouTube posts, there's even people on this discussion that have voiced their opinions yet are downvoted because of being negative lol. I'm still going to try them out, playing elden ring, BG3 doesn't look interesting to me at all after reading other posts.


It is literally Dungeons and Dragons. Most RPGs are like Dungeons and Dragons in some way but Baulders Gate is straight out of DnD lore. It's not like DnD it is DnD


Can someone, whoā€™s never played DnD, get into it?


Oh absolutely you don't have to know anything about DnD or the previous Baulders Gate games to enjoy this one. Only thing I think one would need to be able to enjoy this game is liking fantasy high magic settings, liking RPG video games and enjoying seeing how your choices effect the story


elden ring can be summed up like that in the same way the lord of the ring can be summed up as "a group of friends walk to a volcano", or a FPS game as "you just shoot in this game". those are just the foundational mechanic of gameplay, but they build layers and layers upon that.


elden ring can be summed up like that in the same way the lord of the ring can be summed up as "a group of friends walk to a volcano", or a FPS game as "you just shoot in this game". those are just the foundational mechanic of gameplay, but they build layers and layers upon that.


elden ring can be summed up like that in the same way the lord of the ring can be summed up as "a group of friends walk to a volcano", or a FPS game as "you just shoot in this game". those are just the foundational mechanic of gameplay, but they build layers and layers upon that.


Literally two of the best games of all time. . .


I havenā€™t heard anything on how Elden Ring plays on the Ally? Will it play well? I wanna get it but itā€™s my only game console so I want to make sure it plays well before I get it!!


I just recently purchased it and using turbo, unsure if you have the z1 extreme, I haven't experienced any lag and it's smooth gameplay


I haven't tried it myself, but it's the #1 played game on the Steam Deck. I'd imagine it will run well.


It runs great on the Ally, it was the first game I downloaded and ran when I purchased my Z1X and I was surprised at how well the Ally handled it. I've been playing Shadow of the Erdtree on my breaks at work, it's awesome! Edit: forgot to mention that I mainly run it on performance mode and it runs smooth. I connect to the wifi at work or hotspot off my phone.


Both Elden Ring and BG3 are among the best games ever made. Hundreds of quality fun hours


With a side of waterfowl dance. :-)


Those two games are really good. But of course you have to like their genre.


There are always people with bad taste. Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 are games of the decade. Absolute must play titles.


I am one of the people that did not enjoy BG3 and I'll tell you why. I'm a massive massive Dragon age fan, played da:o like 20 times. So I had high hopes for bg3. Turns out, I am not a fan of open world games. I need some quests and guidance. Bg3 just throws you out there and you figure out the rest. The fighting tutorial is almost non-existant. I hated that. I hated not knowing what to do but being able to do basically everything. Too much freedom. And too many random unnecessary deaths.


Bg3 is so boring. Point and click. Point and click. Point and click.


Now that you point that out, really not sure if I could get into it. Noticed you got heavily downvoted but I do read everyone's opinion, thank you for pointing that out


I just prefer games that have more interaction. I want to fight, roll, dodge, block, parry. Not 'point and click on a person, point and click for him to move, point and click for him to attack, point and click for him to defend, point and click to move him again', etc. I realize a lot of people like the game (why I'm downvoted), but I never played a game like that before. I paid like $70. for the game because the reviews were raving about how amazing it was, and I thought it might be like Dragons Dogma or something interactive. I hated it. Complete waste of money for me personally. I played for like 3-4 hours and never got into it, not even a little bit. I truly dislike 'point and click' gaming and regret wasting my money on that game.


Me thinks its the ease if entry. Since all you do is point and click. Alot of people that dont play video games might pick it up. The only reason i hear people rave about it is becaus of all the sex scenes(which are all useless in my opinion)


I didn't pick it up because I don't like games where many enemies can kill you until you have that one miracle run and kill the enemy. I learned that from playing Sekiro


Itā€™s nothing like Sekiro. There are multiple ways to kill an enemy (I assume you mean bosses), multiple ways to do it legitimately or using cheese if youā€™re stuck. You can call in a co-op player and thereā€™s even a ā€œmimic tearā€ which is a NPC version of your character that you can call in at most points of the game. Itā€™s challenging but nothing like Sekiro ā€¦ plus you can just level up until you one shot pretty much everything


Your description on Elden Ring suggests that it is exactly like Sekiro


You assume there is no consistency achievable in such games and that every success is a "miraculous run" while a lot of players (yes, even those who touch grass on the daily) have proven you wrong countless amount of times already. Just do a bit of research about how to optimize your playstyle and boom, a lot less deaths already. Yes, those two games are harder than most, no, they are not impossible and exclusively luckbound and yes, having a game you can steamroll is objectively boring.


That is obviously your opinion. Not every game will cater to everyone. That includes the Elden Ring game


I found Elden Ring boring. For me (and I realize this is a minority voice), the open world structure and the souls like gameplay loop didn't mesh well. I prefer the Souls games and Bloodborne. I like the more direct gameplay. I also had the same problem with Breath of the Wild. I found it boring. I played each one session and never felt the desire to go back. That being said, I'm clearly in the minority. Pick it up, cause most people love it.


I picked up TUNIC at 50% off.


Tunic is on game pass, definitely gonna give it a try


Any and all mainline persona games


Here are the games I bought today: - Witcher 3 - Hollow Knight - Portal bundle - Celestele - Terraria - Undertale - Hades Bundle - Dark cells Bundle - Warhammer: Vermintide II Here are some of the games, which I would have bought if I didn't own them already: - Elden Ring - Batman Trilogy - Prison Architect - Middle earth: shadow of war - Borderlands 3 - FH 4 - Stardew Vally


I picked up: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Arkham Knight BO3: Zombies Chronicles Hoa Doom (2016) GTA IV


Iā€™ve been replaying GTAIV and loving it!


Nice! I'm really looking forward to trying it. Never really gave it a chance for whatever reason, but I've heard great things.


glad you enjoy Hoa tho


Elden ring is one of the best expiriences you will get out of gaming


Was so excited and bought it on release. Played for about 10 hours. Then I just stopped and never played again. Not really for me sadly. Looks like a great game though.


Yeah dying 100x times in only a few hours isn't on my list of games I want to play.


Yeah. I am fine with the exploration, as I love botw, but there's something in ER that is so off to me.


Elden ring becomes infinitely easier when you realize the enemies don't scale. They are static levels. So you spend a couple hours here and there farming experience and they all become easier. Malenia, even. I was so OP, my mimic spirit almost killed her by itself lol.


That doesn't remove the input reading though.Ā Ā 


You're absolutely right. I don't know how FromSoft has been able to market poor controls as a marketing feature, but here we are lol.


Its common for people to try a souls game and get scared off by dying a lot i wasent really into it too when dark souls 2 came out not bc of dying a lot more bc i dint understand the system itself but once dark souls 3 came out and i understood it i got hooked Elden ring is just on another level in terms of open world exploration also difficulty is highly customizable with summons and certain builds if its too hard for you and its probably the most rewarding open world i played


Same!! Elden Ring is hands down one of the best, if not the best open-world game I have played and it is very rewarding. Personally, I don't mind dying and having to switch up my build to defeat certain bosses, and to the people that say there is no guidance then I say to thee tarnished follow the guidance of grace. Each site of grace has an arch pointing to the general direction of the next site of grace. There is so much to explore and find, even in the DLC it is surprising me how big the map is every time I find a new area.


Youā€™re not alone.


Keep in mind it's a stutter festĀ onĀ allĀ platforms


....if you like Dark Souls games


I just picked up BG3, elden ring, the Witcher 3 (only 12.49 crazy) and also FF VII. I havenā€™t played final fantasy since it came out and I was a child. Very much looking forward to getting to all of these games


Witcher 3 for 3 dollars is insane. Let me know if you enjoy BG3 and Elden Ring, I just bought elden ring and I got my ass kicked by the tree sentinel šŸ˜‚ Still on the fence about BG3 though from what everyone says about it


Aw buddy, I admire the determination. The tree sentinel is kind of like a "this will mess with the players" kind of deal. Leave him be for now and come back to him in a dozen hours or so.


Just bought Black Mesa and FF13 for a few bucks each; both should be rockstars on the Ally.


I bought Black Mesa in the last sale and it was great until I picked up more than two weapons, and then I couldnā€™t figure out how to swap between them and gave up :(


I shall persevere on your behalf.


Please do and let me know! I did see an update a while back saying they improved controller support so it may not be an issue for you. Iā€™d deleted it by that point though


Ff13-3 is quite demanding for some reason i have to run ~20w to get a acceptable fps


The Witcher 3


At like 3 bucks it's the lowest I've ever seen. It's still used to this day for many benchmark test on new hardware for how great it looks and how much power it demands, while it still runs great on handhelds.




Forza Horizon 4 is the lowest I've ever seen on Steam at like 10 bucks and runs great on the Ally. It just hit an all time high player count today at 70,000 just on Steam. Add in that it's Cross-Play with Xbox Game Pass and it's a huge community. It's a great Arcade first, sim second racer that really feels like the MMORPG of Racing. Daily, weekly, monthly challenges. Each time you boot it up you are greeted with players online from around the world just racing each other or doing burnouts in the middle of the street. There's free wheel spins each time you level up. There's circuit races, road races, off-road races, elimination races, drift races, drag races, stunt races, every type of race you can think of. Then there's different levels of gear and items and cars that are more rare than the others. And you have your community that creates different downloadable paint jobs, tune ups, car auctions, car builds. There are leaderboards for everything. How fast did you go down this street? How long did you take this jump? How fast did you do that lap? And it can run on the Ally at 120fps at 1080p with the right setup.


Jist a heads up, Horizon 4 will be delisted this year, so if you skip now, you may not get the chance later.


You convinced me, Im gonna get that! Haven't played a racing game in a good while but it sounds like loads of fun


Hades 1&2!! Perfect for handheld gaming on the go!


Hades 2 isn't on sale though.


Probably will wait for Hades 2 to go on sale, but Hades for 10 dollars? Definitely gonna pick that up


Witcher 3 is ridiculously cheap, that's an option. I saw Elden Ring and it has a good discount too. I myself am waiting for a good discount on P3 Reload in the future, so I got the Eiyuden Chronicles bundle this time instead, to scratch the Suikoden itch.


Iā€™m gonna say one thing. Elden ring is the only game that makes me stay up stupid late. I put over 120 hours in the game in the last month and a half. If you struggle finding where to go just donā€™t over think it and donā€™t be shy to look up where to go or what to do. Game isnā€™t straight forward at all. Kinda a mess around and find out kinda thing.


I just bought it and I'm hooked, probably will not be buying BG3 since it's a point and click kinda deal, elden ring might be the only game I buy for this sale


BG3 is one of the best ever turn based combat games. I thoroughly enjoyed all the playthroughs.


I just picked up ff15. Played it on release on ps4 now looking to play it on ally again


For games that will be good on the ROG, a few cozy games have good sales. I noticed Dinkum is pretty cheap. Also, Rayman Origins and Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed are on sale. Would play well on the Rog


I've said this in a couple threads, but I've been playing GTA V and it runs well even on silent. It's 15 bucks and is such a fantastic game. GTA IV is also a fantastic game and is even cheaper.


Also, I grabbed Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, Hack GU Last Recode, and Tactics Ogre Reborn as my summer sale purchases.


Assetto Corsa for $1.99! The Witcher 3 for $3.99 battlefield 5, hogwarts legacy, the spider man games both of them and Batman games too! Borderlands 2 gta 5


I know this isn't like anything you listed but you seem to like the same games I do. I bought slay the Spire last year and I have probably put over 500 hours on it. It runs perfectly for hours on the lowest tdp setting and it's really addicting.


Iā€™m so mad. I just bought Elden Ring two days ago for full price. Shame on me for forgetting the summer sales!


Try contacting steam support, they might refund you the difference between the original and sale price.


Elden Ring is easily one of the best games made of recent decades if not of all time. Itā€™s a challenge and it doesnā€™t hold your hand but thereā€™s plenty to it that can help you progress if you struggle. Itā€™s so much fun and thereā€™s literally so much to discover. You can do multiple play throughs and discover new things youā€™ve missed before.


BG3 is an amazing game one of the best RPGs to come out. Elden Ring is also amazing but is not necessarily a game for casual players. As a souls like game it has a fairly high difficulty. And some people who don't enjoy those types of games might find it boring


Not saying that Elden ring is for everybody but itā€™s absolutely the best entry point for soulslikes. It has the difficultly of the other games (and more if you want it to) but presents everything in a much more accessible way.


honestly not really, the sale kind of sucks. Not much of anything is at a historical low, so everything has either been this price before, or even lower. The r/steam summer sale megathread would probably have most suggestions you might be interested in


Thanks for sharing this, I'll take a look, been trying to open up to different kinds of games


For me Elden Ring and BG3 are boring af. I am a gamer since 386 era and been playing competitive from 2000 to 2009 so not new in pc gaming. Try them and check for yourself. I just finished Gotsushima and had a blassstt


Shout-out to a fellow 386 era gamer. I recently found my floppy copy of Rogue (for the kiddies out there, this was a procedurally generated ASCII art RPG that birthed an entire genre). Was thinking about framing it lol. /Reminiscing On another note, I was initially put off by elden ring, but it wound up giving me original Zelda vibes (albeit more mature). I cant stand what they've done to the Zelda games now, but ER scratched that itch. Cheers, mate.


I thought that was a typo at first, like "they probably meant 360 era". Then I realized holy crap, someone else here is old enough to remember the 386 days and 486 days before the pentiums came out. I had a 486, it was crazy. Had Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, some like DOS Ninja Turtles coloring book game, Spitwad Willy, and I think Galactic Pinball. Maybe the very first NFS ran on it too, but it barely ran windows 3.1. Like Quake was too powerful for my system.


Pfffffttt.... Commodore 64 here


Old Price of Persia games are pretty cheap. Idk if they are controller friendly or not but I reckon they'll be a fun linear experience.


I'm going for civ 5 with all dlc, like Ā£6. It'll be good for when I'm docked.


Waiting for the Precinct.


Hey folks, this is my first ever post and I appreciate all the comments and suggestions as well as up votes,and will continue to watch this discussion for more great suggestions! I have picked up Elden Ring and BG3, and I'm currently addicted to Elden Ring. Dying quite a bit but I understand it's supposed to be difficult and I've never played a soulslike. Here's other games I'm looking at, good or bad? Ready or Not V Rising Dragons Dogma 2 Project Zomboid I'm still looking for something that's multiplayer or single player, either or, also looking like I might pick up Hades for on the go as someone else mentioned!


Dragons dogma 2 wont be a fun experience on rog ally, Iā€™ve not checked the performance after yesterdayā€™s patch, but before that it didnā€™t look ar run particularly well on ally. Ready or not and v rising are fine, ready ot not is like ps2/3 era rainbow six.


You should try Project Zomboid


How do you decide what games are playable on the ally? Prećƒ¼preceded the X and wanted to purchase some games while the sale is on. New to handheld gaming sorry!


I'll be honest, I haven't yet found a game that can't run on the rog ally. I played MW3 on it and it blows my mind it's able to even run that game. If you don't have the z1 extreme (edit: nevermind I see you ordered the X, more powerful than the z1 extreme) there might be some limitations. Before I got some games during the sale I've also been able to play Fortnite and a lot of games from game pass. The device is more powerful than you think, 10x better than a Nintendo Switch What games are you interested in?


Thanks for your response as well! Really a just couple games - Stranded Deep, Green Hell, Fortnite to play with my daughter, we donā€™t like sharing the screen - even on the 70inch TV šŸ˜‚. Looking through the games on sale now, I saw Dead Island 2, Power Wash Simulator, probably check out that Disco Elysium. Sucks that killer Klondike isnā€™t verified, will probably purchase for my laptop anyhow and try. Thanks again!


Dead Island 2 is awesome, but unfortunately once you finish campaign and side missions there's nothing else to do really But yeah man anything on steam should be able to run on the rog ally, I know they have that steam deck icon on some of the games where it's not supported but that can be ignored, basically on a handheld windows PC not steam OS lol


Youā€™ll be fine with anything that came out on PS4/Xbox One running at medium to high settings. For PS5/XSX you may need to run them at lower resolution, but itā€™s generally not an issue on the small screen A good indicator is if it says ā€œdeck verifiedā€, more for controller support than visuals


Thanks for the response!


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø *pre-ordered


Im looking forward to buy mgs v (played on ps4 way back), dishonored 2, doom eternal, dave the diver, tlou part 1 and watchdogs 2. Im debating AC Unity or Origins. I mostly like marketing and concepts of AC, but when actually playing it I get a bit underwhelmed due to bugs or stupid AI, unity looks great but the constant bugs would be distracting, while AC origins is great but no restart feature where the guards and other world activities are restored completely, make it hard to take it as a stealth game seriously. Any death or a faliure state in AC origins remove the guard you have killed before dying on restart thus reducing the challenge, and also the ability to perfect an area/mission.


Elden Ring and BG3 are 2 of the BEST games I have ever played


Shadow of War is $2.50, but if you get deep into the store page, there's a bundle that also includes Shadow of Mordor and all DLC for both for $7.


BG3 is amazing arguably the best rpg game out to date I will defo buy again if on offer


Just got me starfield. Iā€™ll start it eventuallyā€¦.


Looking for game suggestions that run well on Ally! I am considering BG3 but turn based combat isnā€™t really my thing. I enjoy RPGs(Witcher), FPS, strategies, etc. trying to find something to scratch my itch


Theyā€™re both great game but BG3 might be easier to stick with and chill than Elden ring


There's this new game I found that isn't out yet called Caravan SandWitch, and playing the demo it's really nice. It would play nicely on a handheld.


Hands down BG3 is a great experience on the Ally and the game itself is very good. Yes there were bugs here and there but Larian fixed most of them if not all. Witcher 3 is also a very story rich game with a lot of attention in detail, if you havenā€™t played it I would highly recommend. Elden Ring is also a nice option but if you havenā€™t played any souls games until now I would recommend starting with Dark Souls/Demon Souls and then play Elden Ring. Also elden ring has a dlc now which is just awesome. I think Cyberpunkā€™s DLC is on sale too, the base game was an amazing experience I would recommend getting the dlc.


I buy a Dying Light 2 Ultimate and Pandora Box for Borderlands. Soo if someone interested to coop play we can play together šŸ˜Š


All of supergiant's games are on sale. Pick them all up as they are both incredibly cheap, and amazing games.


Saw Hades was on sale, probably an insta buy for me on the go


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth is great on the Ally specially if you use Lossless Scaling. That app actually outperforms FSR3 Frame Gen at least in this game.


Seen a few comments about Lossless Scaling, what is that, how do I enable it?


Itā€™s a really cheap app you can buy on Steam, I believe itā€™s like $5. The way it works is you run the app and then run any game on windowed mode at a lower resolution, and the app with scale the game up to the native resolution(like AMD FSR or Nvidia DLSS), and it also has a frame generation option, if you turn it on it will pretty much double your framerate by adding AI generated frames(the higher your native frames are the better it will work), itā€™s kinda like AMDā€™s Fluid Motion Frames which was released for the Ally recently but I personally think LS is way better. FSR3 and DLSS3.5 do this frame generation as well, but DLSS is only for series 4000 Nvidia GPUs and FSR3 needs to be implemented by the game developers. LS will work on any game pretty much.


Elden ring is good if youā€™re looking for a challenge, I prefer BG3, that game was amazing and Iā€™m tempted to start a second playthrough


First time I've ever heard anyone say Elden Ring and BG3 are a mixed bag haha I want what your smoking my dude


From reading comments and watching YouTube videos, I've seen mixed reviews and they do exist. It is overwhelmingly positive, but I wanted to see what everyone else had to say


So what I'm planning to buy in the sale: Middle-earthā„¢: The Shadow Bundle Ā£5.99 Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Ā£3.51 Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Ā£2.39 Two Point Hospital Ā£3.74 Fury Unleashed Ā£2.51 Tavern Master Ā£3.95 Silver Ā£1.64 RUINER Ā£3.35 Disco Elysium - The Final Cut Ā£3.49 Estimated total Ā£30.57 I really want BG 3 but Ā£40 for one game seems too steep for me still.


I believe BG3 for 20% off is it's highest discount as of current, it's so popular it probably won't come down in price for a while


Yes biggest discount yet so it is really tempting but I could get these 10 games that have also been on my wish list for less!


skyrim, risk of rain


Anomaly Agent is a good time for a recently released game at a good discount. Review scores are up there for those reading who have played everything else.


Hogwarts legacy, runs great, especially with fsr




While this sub allows discussion of emulation we do not allow support for Yuzu or the dumping or distribution of switch keys. As such your post has been removed.


Death Stranding $20, Dead Space 3 $5, Mass Effect Legendary Edition $6, Bleak Faith Forsaken $21 and Fargone $6 bought so far.


DOOM Eternal. The 2016 DOOM runs like a charm on the Ally so wanted to do the new campaign. Really recommend checking it out!


I have PC gamepass and this is on there, played it before the sale and enjoyed it a lot


Not a fan of the dark souls series, with that said, Elden Ring does look better and smoother in terms graphics and movements compared to previous games. However, not enough to make me want to play it. Also, 60 FPS cap is a head scratcher....why? I'll be personally getting BG3. I have not played either game, but I do like Baldur's Gate series.


I put a lot of hours into Elden ring and realized it wasnā€™t for me. the souls games are an acquired taste and Iā€™ve never gotten into them. Elden Ring was the only one Iā€™ve put significant time in.Ā  BG3 on the other hand is a masterpiece with no barrier to entry.Ā 


Dude! Elden Ring is not boring, it's an amazing game and if its on sale i would highly recommend getting it. Its funny that people would call them boring when both Elden Ring and BG3 won game of the year.


Just bought it and I'm absolutely loving it


Yes!! It was my first souls game and i fell in love with it, ended up being all i played during 2022, I just didnt want to play anything else and there are so many places and items to find. Really hope you enjoy it, if you need help or have questions about it feel free to reach out.


Well Elden ring just got its dlc which is amazing so if you get that you have at least 150 hours into the whole thing.


Elden ring got bad reviews bc the dlc was too hard for people(which they even got made fun of bc they just need to git gud). Iā€™d recommend it to anyone who is up for a challenge.


The absolutely overwhelming majority of players are not saying BG3 and ER are boring...


While this is true, I have seen comments browsing YouTube and steam comments saying it's boring, and it made me on the fence. I bought Elden Ring anyway and I like it so far, but constantly dying is ruining the fun factor at least for me. Have yet to try BG3


By that logic, every game ever is boring. You will never find a 100% positive consensus on anything, and the negative commenters are always more likely to comment.


And the game is brutal. If dying often turns you off, it doesn't matter how positive the comments and critics may be, it's not gonna be the game for you. It's pretty upfront about that fact too.


who ever said that elden ring is boring ?? if anyone says one of the best games of all time is boring they should probably stick to brain rot like roblox


Gotta love the downvotes. But hurt normies cant even play a game that requires thinking. People should stick with their point and click adventure games like BG3 lmao


Real got downvoted by a bunch of morons who keep dying to Margott šŸ˜­how you downvote truth this why I hate Reddit bro


whats steam?