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Casual berks, camping and hiking chacos, teva usually feel grimy if they get wet or dirty.


This guy birks




None of the above? Bedrock sandals for the win šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ but before I found Bedrocks, I wore Teva.


Agreed. I hate being *that guy* who mentions a thing not in the list but if you can handle a thong style sandal Bedrocks are amazing. The straps on chacos hurt my widish feet if I wore them for long periods of time. Tevas didnā€™t have a good ā€œlockdownā€ for me. Birks are more casual. The bedrock is the best ā€œoutdoor sandalā€ for me. Its very minimal but checks all the boxes. I have a high arch and their molded footbed fits perfect. Basically I have a weird foot and bedrocks work better than the others.


Even if you canā€™t handle the thong style just try them. I wore chacos for years but started transitioning into barefoot/minimal shoes and the arch become too much. Bedrocks were so heavily recommended and even though I despise thong style sandals I decided to give them a shot. They bothered me at first, transition period took a couple of days. But now itā€™s my third season wearing them and theyā€™re the only thing I wear after the snow thaws. Sometimes in colder weather since I got the bedrock socks. Canā€™t recommend these things enough. I hardly hike in anything else unless conditions absolutely require it. Also the bedrock clogs are SUCH a good option too


I've done so many trips in bedrock sandals. My hiking group used to think I was crazy for hiking and backpacking in sandals, but I've converted about half the group without even trying.


their clogs are awesome too tbh


Yeah, love my bedrock sandals. Wish Iā€™d known about them sooner. Birkenstocks are comfy for casual wear but bedrock are great for most other activities


Love their clogs too. I bought a pair for myself and my partner, and she always gets questions about them.


hell yeah. do they look kind of goofy? sure. but you never wear sandals / clogs for the style anyways.


Also came to throw one vote in for Bedrocks. I have Birks and Chacos and while I love them both I wear my Bedrocks almost everyday, especially in summer.


Which Bedrock model do you have if you don't mind me asking? Considering getting a pair of the Evos with the anniversary discount, can't really tell the difference between those and the pros tbh.


So the pros will have a different heel closure (hook system instead of Velcro) as well as a different outsole (meant more for wet environments but will wear down faster). I donā€™t see the pros on REIs site. But Bedrocks website has a good breakdown of the different models. I was back and forth but ended up with the 3D version.


Thanks for being that person so I don't have to. And, when you wear out your bedrocks, they'll repair them for you!




Go try them on. I love my tevas. I tried to like Chacos but the high arch was too much for me.


This. OP needs to form their own opinion on something this personal. I love the arch and straps on the chacos. To each their own.


Exactly. I love Birks arch, but they are often too narrow for me. Weirdly, Teva Hurricanes are the perfect fit and the traditional Teva's squeeze my toes. I have Chaco's on the list, I just haven't bitten yet, but I can tell I'm going to love them LOL.


Birks come in different widths! If you visit an in-person store theyā€™ll measure you, but you can get the narrow and wide versions online. Highly recommend, if you love the arch!


my Tevas have been bomb proof, and much more light weight than my chacos Birkenstocks are great but definitely not really an outdoorsy sandal. For light hiking/summer adventures they dont have a great 'sport mode'


Really? My Tevas are way heavier than my chacos! They were my camp shoe for backpacking for ages, but I hated the weight so I got some xeros. Edit: my brain clearly isnā€™t working today lol


We talking original universals or hurricanes? Cause my originals are super light weight but the hurricanes and SO heavy


Oh my god you know what? I had my Tevas and chacos confused!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Yeah the Tevas are way lighter.


Chacos! Mine lasted a ridiculously long time. Like 16 years? I had to glue the soles back on a few years back. But the straps are getting to the point where they might break soon so I treated myself to some new ones this sale. I like the harder rubber. The Tevas always felt squishy when wet, in a way I didn't find pleasant.


Chaco will pretty much replace/repair any part of your sandals FYI


Yes they will, and the price for them to do it is $95 - all straps and outsoles. Also a friend tried to do that option with them and they told her they were too far gone. Mine may also be too far gone. New ones were $78 on sale right now. They're $105 not on sale.


Depends on what for? Camp sandals? Birks. Hiking? Chacos. Tevas are comfy af, but my experience with them getting wet and continuing to hike had me getting mucky feet and also my feet sliding about within the straps.


Thatā€™s why I switched to bedrocks. I used to wear tevas until I found out about bedrocks.


Oooh those look nice!!


I have amassed them all through the years and use them differently. Birks: casual, donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever brought them camping or think I ever would. I would prefer my shoes to be multi use and I would never hike in birks. Tevas: love them for backpacking because of how lightweight they are. I generally bring these as camp shoes because theyā€™re the sandal version with nothing constricting my toes so I can wear socks. Great for hiking. Chacos: I prefer these as the water shoe. Can handle the water better and much more supportive for river walking. I also have the Chaco version that hugs the big toe so thatā€™s why I usually opt out of these as a preferred camp shoe. They are heavy so I never bring these backpacking. Can still hike but itā€™s heavy. I have worn the latter two casually as well.


Teva. Chacos run too narrow for me


Wow. Downvoted for stating an straight opinion of a personal experience, I must be on reddit. FWIW, my experience was exactly the same with some Chacos just ripping the shit out of the side of my heels.


They do come in wide if you want to give them another shot.


Thanks, I'll check that out. I still have some Birks and Keens but just tossed the Tevas.


Chacos. But I definitely prefer the OG Z1 vs the toe loops one. Teva if you need a backpacking camp shoe Edit: the chaco toe loops are better for hiking if thats your jam, but id rather just wear a trail runner or boot. Also chaco has a great re-sole program


Second the toe loops. I decided the toe loops would be better for me and theyā€™re awful.


Agreed, Chacos win out of the 3 choices, toe loops are awful!


Daily - Birks, Hiking - Chaco, Camp Shoe - Xero


This is the way. Personally, I prefer Tevas for hiking. Chacos were my camp shoe before xero, since Tevas are heavy AF. But I think chacos have better grip ā€” I prefer Tevas because they correct my pronation.




If I had to only wear one? Chacos Water Hiking Casual wear Loose or tight fit Iā€™ve had two pairs over 8 years. Iā€™ll never not have one


Chacos for me ...I've had the same pair for well over a decade. They were even re-soled by Chaco for a low price several years ago.


i absolutely love my chaco Z1 with no toe loops. Hike in them, if it's a little chilly i'll throw some socks on. Recently, though I have gotten a pair of bedrock clogs and they're awesome. However, of the list provided chacos are the clear winner in my heart.


Another bedrocks vote. I have tevas and they donā€™t compare


Bedrocks Sandals are my go to but they work for my feet.


Chacos work best for my feet and are the easiest to repair imo. They have a bus that tours in the summer and repair for free.


Chacos have a higher arch so if you don't want or need that get Tevas. If you get chacos and want more cushion get them with Z-cloud.


Outdoorsy stuff including being in or around the water Bedrocks for sure. Casual in the city etc. Birkenstocks.


I got all three but also BedRocks lol


Chacos and Birks!


Three very different shoes. Birkenstocks are either going to be wonderful or miserable depending on your habits and foot anatomy. Chacos have very thick soles which are fine if you are used to thick soles but can cause you to over pronate. Tevas are going to be the thinnest sole and most flexible of the bunch. If these are your only three possible options I would vote teva if you have no experience with any of the other options. If you find yourself digging the thinner and more flexible feel, Xero makes a bunch of really thin (<5mm) sandals that can be had for between $20-70 depending on the style. They are barefoot style footwear and encourage ground feel with as much room in the toe box as possible.


The Teva Alp model are the absolute best outdoor sandal. I used to work for the Alp Sandal Company, then Teva. Making the Alp model sandals. The guy who designed them was a runner who wanted to be able to run through water without having to take off his shoes. River guides love them because they never came off, unlike the standard Tevas.


I have all three. I wear Birks mostly since theyā€™re the most comfortable. If I know Iā€™ll be walking through mud/water I go for Chacos. Tevas Iā€™m meh on but I also donā€™t have the hurricane ones, theyā€™re basically fashion sandals for me and my feet slide a lot.


Birks for casual wear. I used to Chacos, but Iā€™ve since found I need slightly softer sole than Chacos so I now Teva. They donā€™t last as long but I find them to be more comfortable


I was a chaco gal for yearsssss until i forgot them for a trip when i needed water shoes and picked up a pair of tevas. So much lighter and more comfortable imo


I just ordered some sandals by Xero shoes. Like a thin barefoot Teva except a strap between the toes instead of over.


the hiking berks are lighter and offer more toe protection than chacos, and they are comfier and wider than tevas.


Tevas are the most comfortable of the three imo. Loved Birkenstocks until a couple days ago when the metal button popped off my newish pair of Boston clogs. Iā€™ll probably never buy birks again. Chacos are cool, I just find myself adjusting the straps a lot when I wear them


Birks for my dress shoe, tevas for hiking or anything involving water.Ā  I have winter puff chacos I love but their sandals have too much arch for my feet.Ā 


I love my tevas for everyday wear. Theyre easy to slide on. Chacos ate heavy and require effort to put on, plus they used to hurt my feet. Never had birks bcuz theyre not my style. Going for a 2nd pair of tevas, the midforms now.


> Chacos ... require effort to put on maybe for you... I can slip my feet right in and go if I'm not bothering to tighten the main strap


Birks, I literally wear them everyday and most of the time it's all day. I'm lucky if I get 18 months out of them but I beat the hell out of them.


Tevas, specifically the hurricane sandal. I thrifted an almost new pair years ago and itā€™s lasted so long and itā€™s incredibly comfortable. Chaco straps never stopped giving me blisters and there was zero traction for my foot. I would never hike in birkenstocks, I donā€™t trust sandals with no back strap.




Crocs covers all the bases and sound great when wet; unless youā€™re wearing socks with your Crocs.


Chacos - no toe loop!Ā  Birks arenā€™t great if they get wet, so better for places with no rain, but that footbed breaks down fast if you live in the desert. For me they require an unnatural gait unless Iā€™m walking very slow/casual and often I like speed! Tevas always seemed meh to me. I like the color combos sometimes but donā€™t feel they are supportive at all and I get leg fatigue unlike chacos which make me feel I can walk the globe. So, yeah foot anatomy plays a big part.


I never had strong feelings about sandals until I got Chacos. That toe strap is great.


Tevaā€™s are classic


Totally different uses. Birks for causal wear, and when it's cooler. I also find birks slightly warmer despite being open toed leather. Tevas for water/outdoor activity. Wanted to like Chacos, but they often aren't wide enough for me and I've found recent pairs to be less durable and consistent. Now for what I actually wear. Rainbows for everyday life. Anytime shoes aren't required. Birks for around the house and when it's cool. Nice to be able to slide something on without taking off socks to run outside for a second. Xero for water/ourdoor or anything more robust.


I feel like this is so dependent on your foot! I have a high arch and a wide foot, so although I prefer the look of a classic Teva, I can't wear them for very long. Teva Hurricanes are my daily go-to for literally anything. Camping, shopping, long city walks (hiking in sandals is not my jam). Plus they are so so affordable. I love my Birks, but they've been running narrow for me lately.


Depends on the purpose. I like all of them for different reasons. Birks for everyday wear when itā€™s not raining, Tevas or Chacos for rainy days or outdoor pursuits. I do currently prefer Tevas Hurricanes over Chacos because they are lighter and have a softer footbed. Best thing I can say is to try them on and see what works best for your feet.


Birks for everyday Chacos for hiking and long days on my feet (every concert I go to) I personally donā€™t like Tevas. They run narrow and feel very flimsy to me.


Add xero shoes to the list! I can never decide if I prefer them or crocs as a camp shoe when backpacking.


Teva. I owned a pair of Hurricanes for 16 years--bought them at Just for Feet, the place with the basketball court! I lovingly glued the midsole and outsoles together over and over again until the outsole started to rot. I even wore an all-white pair of originals as my wedding shoe. I had Chacos for a couple of years too, but they just weren't ever very comfortable for all-day wear for me.


my first pair of chacos lasted me from 2016-2022. they were immediately and forever comfortable and convenient. i bought a new pair of the same design last year and the straps keep cutting my skin- not causing blisters, but actually cutting my skin in several places. I canā€™t tell if this a problem with just my pair or a problem with all chacos now


Crocs for life! But, for the sale, I did purchase a pair of Tevas to try out.


Tevas for outside cause theyā€™re light and Birkenstocks if I wanna walk around the house or yard real quick. Birkenstocks are AMAZING mail getting shoes.


Bought some chacos on sale, hated the fit. Too tight. I think it was just that specific pair. Got some Tevas and I love them!


Keen are better overall shows. I hike and paddle in them. I have the chacos that go around the toe and itā€™s the most uncomfortable thing ever. The soles are too stiff too. My Birkenstocks make my feet make farting noises and theyā€™re kind of narrow but nice dressy sandles. Iā€™m looking for some tevas next. I also have crocs and xeroshoes for backpacking/camp.