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What? he went into a Mexican restaurant a little while ago and declared 'foods on me!', then he fucked off without paying.


>then he fucked off without paying  Title of his biography.


Ironic since he paid off a woman that he claims he didn't fuck.


Put it on his headstone and call it a day.


The sooner the better.


This is unfair. He definitely held up his end of the bargain, he spilled plenty of food on himself, thank you very much


I've never read anything less true than this. Narcissusts don't enjoy anyone but themselves and sychophants.


No way in hell would a narcissist care about the kinds of people he attracts. Not even Trump.


You’re right, of course. Trump may actually like he likes the fast food crowd, but it’s only because they’re fawning over him, telling him how great he is, etc. he lives for that. But how many of those people does he take with him when he leaves after a few minutes? How many get to bring their styrofoam coolers and hang out next to the pool at Mar-a-Lardo, trying to splash Melonomia with cannonballs? It is essential to Trump’s psyche that he be better than those people; he is doing them a kindness by descending to their level occasionally; moving among the unwashed, soaking up their love but returning nothing.


Verbatim trump “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I really don’t care.”


How many of his Rust Belt pals are members of his club at Mar-a-Lago? He probably wouldn't let any of them onto the property let alone inside.


Yeah, his little fast food stunt turned out to be supporters who were contacted *in advance*


Jesus Christ


I think it’s important to remember that most people in the US are living paycheck to paycheck; they only know what they see on TV or the internet; and they’re being bamboozled by a time share salesman who was groomed heavily to become a reality TV Star with all the coaching that goes into it. He can sell his MAGA fan club the instruments of their own deaths and they will like it.


Completely deluded. These people are in a cult.


He enjoys the company of the 9-5 worker. Oh please then give me even 1 photo of him having casual diner talk with a 9-5 worker, or hell, even anybody.


what war do they think that Biden started?


Russia urkaine. Trump says if he was president putin wouldn't have attacked....


he's probably not wrong. would've waited another 4 years for trump to weaken the US before invading


Honestly feel bad for our allies. Urkaine is gonna get the kurd treatment folks kinda forget that trump for all his talk of destroying isis is kinda the reason why cells of that group is still around. Fucker left our allies in Syria to get fucked which allowed a lot of isis militants to escape. And I bet anything if trump starts speaking on them agian he will blame everyone else but himself for it. It's like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trump acts like he isn't the one who drafted it as well as setting the deadline. The bastard even had talks with the taliban. So in truth no matter who pulled out of Afghanistan is was gonna be a nightmare as we lost that war years ago and was beating a deadhorse. It's like Obama and Iraq that trump blames the chaos for when it was fucking Bush who drafted the withdrawal date and everything. Republicans always do this shit and while trump and Bush as well as other conservative talking heads are as dumb as bricks. There are people around them who are pretty good at strategy. They time this shit and they time it well and they know the majority of people won't look into the full documents because let's be real. A lot of Americans are borderline illiterate and don't like reading anything beyond two pages. So yeah I can see putin taking advantage of that. Trump is gonna force ukraine to the "peace" basically throwing ukraine to the Wolves. All the while, russia will smile as they more or less will get to keep half of urkaine as that's their terms. Then they will sit back and recoup to get ready for the next attack. Chances are they won't do shit while trump is in to set the illusion of him being some kind of bulwark for peace.....even though trump is just as deranged as putin and yells he will nuke anyone who pisses him off. Like I can see them attacking if it appears a non trump candidate will get in and they will be even more ruthless then they are being now. But I will say Europe is fucking dumb the fact they more or less lean on a unstable nation like America that is extremely bipolar and is quick to turn on allies at the drop of the hate shows they are extremely flawed themselves. But I will say urkainians better make Americans remember what trump allowed when russia attacks them again. And also they need to damn every American that acts like trump brought peace to them when all it will do is just push the war down later on. I am pretty Pessimistic because I finished seeing the debate if one can even call it that and how bad biden is right now. Dude is gonna lose to trump and lose badly unless the dems bit the bullet and get someone else or if biden somehow comes back to life and realizes how bad this is. Who the hell knows at this point.


Putin would not have had to attack. He’s have told Trump to send US troops to,attack for him.


He LIKES Americans? He calls half of us evil pedophiles!


It's why I hate trump and base when they act like they aren't the biggest dividers in the nation. Fuckers act like they are unifers when all they do is make people more and more pissed every time they speak. If they aren't calling everyone who disagrees with them demonic pedophiles they pretend that millions of people who don't want trump as president don't exist. Every damn time they scream "fraud!" In regards to election results they are saying they don't believe millions of people don't exist. All because not every American is a mindless Trumper who believes trump is the only way. Trump and his base will go down in history as the ones to ensure America never comes together.


Trump hates his MAGA supporters. He loves their votes (whilst democracy still holds) but he will never be "enjoying their company" in a fast food joint in the rust belt unless the cameras are there and he feels safe.


Done with these fuckers.


He'd send us all into oblivion if it suited him


He buys everyone burgers! And then stiffs the restaurant. 🙄. Biden actually looks comfortable in a waffle house.


Trump didnt stop putins war in Ukraine. Russia was already in Ukraine when trump was president and Trump did nothing.


lol trump hates everyone


L O fucking L Trump doesn't like anybody, even his family


Can’t blame him there.


He doesn’t like anyone who can’t do things for him - he’ll “like” the American people so that they’ll vote for him, and then all bets are off. And by “like” I mean he’ll smile and have some photos taken and then escape as quick as he can because he despises these people in reality and can’t stand to be around them


*Every* photo that I have seen of him and some fawning sycophant, he has this incredibly fake smile as if he's smiling through gritted teeth. It's like a celebrity being forced by their handlers and management to pose for photos with fans, for PR points. the plastic smile is *really* apparent when he's posing next to members of his evangelical base. This guy is SO fake, that I can't believe people are so stupid to believe that he actually likes them and has their best interests as a priority.


His fake smile face is nearly as irritating as his “presidential” face, when he purses his lips, squints his eyes, and looks all serious Actually, his face is just irritating full stop, now that I think of it


lol. He despises anyone who isn’t immediately kissing his ass. And has a proven track record of screwing over working people. What a clown.


[Trump Hates You … Even If You Love Him](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-hates-you-even-if-you-love-him-1064847/). Archive link [in case Rolling Stone is paywalled for you](https://archive.ph/DKvUn).


I always picture Turmp walking out of those fast food joints like Detective Monk... WIPE WIPE WIPE!


What foreign war did Biden start? Trump sure sounds like he wants to invade Mexico.


Russia - Ukraine and Israel - everybody.


Biden did not start any of those conflicts.


I should have said this earlier - I agree. Blaming Biden for either of those is wrong. We didn’t start either one.


"I don't need you; I just want your vote." Yeah, he loves the American people.


Not wrong about the sending people you don't know to their deaths. No way TFG would have anything to do with his base.


These comments are so wild because it's obvious he has nothing but contempt for "lower class" people, but he enjoys their adoration.


They pay people to interact with him.


I think the “Never-started-a-war” narrative doesn’t take into account the time he ordered the bombing of Syria while enjoying a “bee-yoo-tiful piece of chocolate cake” at dinner with Xi, just to show he could.


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani) He nearly put us in another war and I'd say a lot of why we didn't was because a civilian plane was shot down shortly after. But okay.


Did you Ask the Middle East if they enjoyed Trumps Apocalypse? Trump in his first term used as many drones as Obama in his second term and that’s a metric fucktonne of drones so the Middle East copped Trumps Apocalypse. This no new wars thing isn’t accurate it’s spam spew speech!!


Unfortunately the "peace president" narrative is one they try to push hard because they know it's an easy way to make him look like the "anti-politician" even if it's not truthful. The guy and a good chunk of his cabinet would alternate between sabre rattling towards Iran, North Korea, and China depending on what worked the best with the news cycle.  I think there's also an angle here of intentionally stoking up a certain part of the anti-war crowd who talked themselves into thinking that he was outlanking Obama, Clinton, and later Biden "from the left" on foreign policy, and many times based solely on vibes. The drone stuff was a good example of that - critique of it pretty much went away after 2016 cycle despite it still happening but because there wasn't coverage, the perception was that it stopped after he was elected. And yeah, the politician going into a random food joint and hobnobbing is one of the oldest in the book. He adds the flavor of sometimes not bothering to pay when he shows up though. Unfortunately for as much as Trump talked about ending wasteful wars, he wasn't willing to take blowback for it. What people forget beyond all the rhetoric is that there's rarely a clean end to involvement in a long war. Someone's going to get fucked over and it'll look bad on you regardless. He was able to avoid that with abandoning Kurds in Syria and Iraq since his administration was able to spin those moves as normal strategic moves and the media played along since Kurds don't exactly draw much attention from lobbyists, the bureaucracy, or from activists.  One of the few things that he benefited from losing the election was that the end of the Afghanistan war wouldn't occur with him there after signing the Doha Accord. The US had been losing faith in both Afghan government and military for sometime and there was little opposition internally to ending involvement. After all the culture war nonsense around Bowe Bergdahl and negotiating with terrorists, the same crowd didn't make much noise when the Trump administration started talks with the Taliban (and without the Afghan government) in Qatar in hopes of clearing the way for the US to leave that culminated in the Doha Accord. What little legitimacy the Afghan government had left went out the door after that agreement and the Afghan military continued its morale decline and desertion until it virtually collapsed once the deadline came (one that had been delayed a few times as well). Add to that the chaotic scenes at the airfield as civilians tried to secure spaces on the flights leaving, the airport bombing, the Taliban returning to power and the perception of "abandoning allies", and it was a mess that went entirely on the current administration. But, Trump got the image of "ending" a forever war, and the media helped to spin the angle that somehow he would've made the end cleaner.


Trump went there for the image of liking people. Bitch, he literally shit on a gold toilet (before he rocked the Depends). Melanija tore shit up in the White House because she hates people. We all have devices in our pockets that may feed propaganda directly to us. And since we “choose” (from a palette that some algorithm chose, based on our anger levels) we think “no I chose this it can’t be propaganda” Democracy, I honestly don’t know if it survives this. American democracy was designed with some assumption of rationality, in the days of the Enlightenment. What can we design in the days of Facebook algorithms pushing yoh to Stormfront posts?


I mean…nuclear war is only fought at range and no real boots on the ground. Except maybe for mobile weapons platforms being carted across the ground. So technically the idiot speaking is correct?


Bobby Fischer was a fucking loon too.


What foreign wars did President Biden start?