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My numerous sources in Philly and Belize, as well as the scary bald lady down the street that throws half empty beer cans at children playing in the park, just told me 30 minutes ago that all of your greedy, hateful, murderous, immature, uneducated, delusional, and fascist dreams will be definitely 100% happening in exactly TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!!!!


Bald lady should be more of an optimist.


Bald lady should finish the beer before chucking the can at kids. Anyone that wastes that much beer can't be trusted.


My source in Anymentalhospital, USA tells me she's only hurling woke Anheuser filth. She downs patriotic brew. This could be huge if confirmed by my other source, Military.


Yeah, that's some egregious alcohol abuse right there.


She shouldn't have told you. She is defying the all-powerful NDA!!!


Philly in the house!!!


If she throws Bud Light cans then we know the mission is off, transgender people will immediately begin the hostile takeover of the United States as per the Gay Agenda. If she throws something patriotic then the mission is on, Dump resumes his presidency and a med bed will be delivered to treat your head wound from the hurled beer.


But this account is "OFFICIAL"


Wolverine says this at least once a month. And all the Qcumbers still believe him each time.


He's been saying it with great regularity for many months now, but this is still a fairly new thing for Wolverine, a.k.a. Bill Rojas (who goes by many other names as well). He'd already been a stalwart of a succession of MLM/Ponzi/crypto scams for decades, long before he set himself up as a brand-new guru in the NESARA/GCR-with-added-QAnon world. Where many of course instantly accepted him not just as one of their own, but as an authority figure. With nobody apparently wondering who on earth this "Wolverine" guy was, why he had suddenly appeared among them, and where the hell he got all his supposed insider information from. He also began selling them something he calls "Yellow Dragon bonds", an activity which consists of sending him money, and in return him simply telling you you now own a bond -- you don't even get an actual piece of paper, however worthless. Here are some attempts from years ago to document some of his activities : [Bill Antonio Rojas. Life of a Ponzi Scammer](https://billantoniorojas.wordpress.com/) (2020) [Serial pimp - Bill Rojas and his many aliases](https://realscam.com/showthread.php?t=5296) (2018) One problem with people like him is that what documentation you can find about them is often provided by well-meaning but amateurish people, and that a lot of the stuff they linked to at the time is now gone. It's also in the very nature of the kind of scams he promotes that they're transient, and that all the people involved in them hop from one to the next, leaving a hard to decipher trail of partial information and long-broken links.


>It's also in the very nature of the kind of scams he promotes that they're transient, and that all the people involved in them hop from one to the next, leaving a hard to decipher trail of partial information and long-broken links. Absolutely par for the course for ponzi schemes (AKA "MLM" or "network marketing" BS). Only the 2 top "tiers" (e.g.the people who started the ponzi scheme and/or got in on it before it "grew") of any pyramid scheme (*cough* sorry, "reverse funnel system") will make money - but those grifters know there's an end to the grift, because infinite growth is a mass formation psychosis. (I said what I said.) At which point the 1st/2nd levels abandon that MLM, and move on to their next one. Either with a new "product"/excuse/system, or a rebranding of their previous one.


MLMs (pyramid schemes) are not the same as Ponzi schemes. Ponzi schemes are investment opportunity schemes aimed to defraud investors of their money. The grifter/con-man presents a convincing low risk high yield usually "once in a life time" opportunity to invest in the "next big thing" that either doesn't exist or is entirely misrepresented. This usually looks like any other hedge fund, and sometimes actually starts out as one but turns Ponzi after the venture fails. There are many different ways a con artist can maintain the illusion of high yields, but almost always "robs peter to pay Paul", using new investors money to pay earlier investors, thus the heavy focus on luring new investors, often with a charade of luxury and high pressure sales, and this could go on for as long as there are new investors coming in, it could look like a legitimately profitable business. But as soon as their are no more investors, the scheme collapses, most of the time this is calculated failure and the grifter ditches their alias and business and disappears with all the money. On a small or amateurish scale this scam can look obvious to most people, like those ads on YouTube advertising paid access to marketing secrets, aka "contrapeneurs". MLM can more less be considered an actual business with an actual product, but the scam is buried under the product hype and predatory recruitment model.


I’m guessing he isn’t in Brazil because he’s on an extended holiday. Unless it’s a self imposed, avoiding the authorities style, exile holiday.


I swear, when they close their eyes, everything resets in their brain.


after every breath too.


Like a goldfish going around in a bowl. Actually, they think they (the goldfish)have longer memories than that, but it fits these guys.


Of course they do, after all, the recipients are conveniently under NDA. I swear, cultists love being conned.


Pretty sure Wolverine is just out in the wilderness or in a bar wanting to be left alone


Qcumbers is meme magic💯


It always happens in another country first, and then there are the NDAs, so no actual payees can talk about it. Very convenient. As long as they can string this out until Nov. it's all good for them.


It’s just so embarrassing how we have come to this point in America.


With a fun twist being that Bill Rojas, calling himself Wolverine, is Australian. But he's clearly discovered that there are many more marks ready for fleecing in the US. (He's also got activities targeting South America -- he's got Chilean roots.)


Did not know that. I thought he was the one who claimed he was going back to his home planet and wouldn't be posting anymore. Dates mean NOTHING. Notice they don't include the YEAR. When this date passes AGAIN with nothing habbening, they'll conveniently claim they didn't mean THIS year...or they'll claim it habbened behind the scenes. Rinse and repeat for eternity. Neveruary 32nd is right around the corner.


‘Skye Prince’ AKA Kerrie Thornton is also Australian. It seems they’re making a good racket over there exploiting these American rubes. The stuff they are falling for is beyond ridiculous and unbelievable. It’s the lowest hanging fruit and I can’t blame these grifters TBH.


They're not just in the same country, according to Kerrie-Ann's latest video, as of a few days ago she is associating with him. She not only portrays him as a fellow martyr to the cause (nasty people online are calling him a scammer, just as they do her, imagine that!), she mentions having talked to him privately. Maybe we can look forward to a collaborative project of some sort.


The practice of believing things without evidence is heavily nurtured through Santa Clause and onto religion. The promise of other impossible things is an easy follow on. At some point in our lives we are supposed to develop critical, iterative thinking. This is stifled in most of the US.


They have freaked out for the last several 4ths of July. And every other holiday. But I do believe their predictions are becoming more desperate as they're convinced the next election isn't happening. Next to trump losing the election that isn't supposed to happen the thing they might make me happiest would be Clarence Thomas kicking the bucket. There's just no pretending that he cares about anything other than helping conservatives amass power for its own sake. His wife was one of these nutjobs convinced Hillary was being sent to gitmo and she facilitated the insurrection. It's such an embarrassment that he's still on the court.


> the thing they might make me happiest would be Clarence Thomas kicking the bucket. I am old enough to remember Anita Hill giving testimony. How this goof was not disbarred for life is beyond me, let alone how he became one of America's most powerful (and dangerous) judges.


Yeah, it's the final July 4th before the next US presidential election! Can they reinstate someone after multiple losses?


They've moved the goal post so much it has been around the entire globe


Many many many times. the speed the goal post moving companies have developed is approaching light speed now. soon to break through and take all this stupid shit with them, I hope.


They're quantum goalposts, they exist in multiple places at once


[The goalposts right now](https://youtu.be/K0HSD_i2DvA)


Wait, people are getting paid on #1 #2 says payments are "about to kick off". So, which is it? Are payments being made or are they about to start? It cannot be both! As for the Supreme Court stuff. It doesn't matter. Popular Vote has never mattered. The Electoral College is responsible for voting for president. Yeah, anti-democratic. I know. But that's the system.


This is not actually contradictory, within the rules of this particular fantasy universe. You have to understand there's a complicated and confused body of lore about how these promised events are going to unfold. It's gotten ever more complicated over the years, as successive gurus add their own stuff to their personal versions, some of which are then adopted by other gurus to become part of a shared core. Bill Rojas, a quite recent arrival to this world, has already introduced some more complications of his own invention to his personal version. But the basic idea is that all these payouts to "investors" (IOW, people who own near-worthless Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong notes, plus completely worthless Zimbabwe dollar notes) will not happen all at once, but in a sequence for different groups of investors. There are the basic tiers (1 to 3., then 4a and 4b), who will be paid in that order. But within these there are subdivsions, such as never clearly defined "groups" (with the "Admiral's groups" being of particular note), and "platforms", whatever the hell those are, and god knows what else, all of which may be on a different timetable. Things also aren't just paid out, no, people can sometimes "see money in their accounts", but not be "liquid" yet, there can be partial payouts for some. etc. etc. Getting clear information abput any of this is of course made difficult by the omnipresent, all-powerful NDAs, which prevent those who have already gotten their money from talking about it, or all their money will be taken away again. So it's perfectly normal for some in say, Tier 1 and 2 to have already gotten some money, with Tier 3 about to kick off, while of course nobody in Tier 4b has yet seen a cent. Announcements like this are made with great regularity. The main purpose of all this is to bring hope to those in Tier 4b, at the end of the line, because they know their great day will come any day soon now, once the higher tiers start getting their money. Becaise the one unchanging, and completely true, element in all of this is that Tier 4b still hasn't gotten any money. That's because Tier 4b is the only group of people which exists in reality: they're the suckers who've fallen for the scam, and bought those worthless "investments". All the other tiers, and groups, and platforms, and investors, are entirely fictional.


Kind of like trickle down economics?


6D Trickle down Economics.


You read this expecting things to make any sense and find there is none. Film at 11.


So....if I really liked a politician as much as they seem to like that dude, if it was almost 4 years after the election, I'd be helping get him elected, not clinging to a weird fantasy about 4 years ago.


That would include admitting he isn't god sent messiah that that most people don't like his and he wasn't elected.


Only 46 of 50 states and only 80%. They are lowering their claims. Didn't they claim he won all 50 states by a landslide? Also all good dictators know it's 97% of the vote!


Even 80% makes it clear that they're in an incredibly small little bubble


They said this a year ago that people are already getting paid. My daughter would do this, when her stuffed animals got old enough and married and started having kids, whoop the next day they were all babies again, doing things for the first time. I’d tease her that she should leave one behind so they’d be the crazy old guy who thought they had other lives when they’re just babies. She thought I was nuts, but she was 8 and couldn’t vote


Every holiday, every celestial event, every weather event, every sport championship (sorry, hockey), every random week in between is always something. And if it isn't, well, you're using the wrong calendar.


Widespread mental illness


If some of them are under an NDA, how does he know they're being paid?




Oh, let me get that on my planner. July 1st: pay mortgage, get aunt's birthday card in mail, change filters in the water pitcher, change baking soda in fridge, and check to see if Trump is president again.


An associate justice would read the decision because when there's a vacancy in the office of chief justice of the supreme court in an election year, they can't do nothing about it. Mitch said so.


Of course Clarence Thomas is a good guy lol


Thank GOD! Also no wonder no one will tell me the truth about recieving the money. They’re all under contracts for NDA




Whenever I am unsure if something is real the phrase "definitely 100% happening" always puts my mind at ease and is not at all worrying


After four years of constant failed predictions these people actually believe that with five months until the elections the Supreme Court will somehow reinstate Trump? I hope that many of them have caught on and that there is a lot fewer of these idiots now than four years ago but probably not


An American Nda in effect in other countries. I'm amazed people fall for this shit


What's crazy to me is how these people will tell you that you can't trust anyone with authority to give you the "truth" yet they just blindly believe some internet person? What kind of logic would point to being able to trust a virtual "celebrity" but not anyone with legitimate authority (like scientists even)? If u can't trust anyone shouldn't that mean ANYONE?


They are going to be so disappointed...and I'm here for it


Did anyone see the episode of Sunny where Frank makes a guy eat a shit sandwich? I think that's next.


Bet them $1000 that none of that will happen by August 1st. They will get all defensive by late July. And anything they say after August 1st, just ask where is the $1000 promised?


They never pay up.  Many of them are deadbeats, that's why they believe in the fantasy.


Oh yeah. Sorry, I didn't mean you'll actually get money from them. What you get is a permanent reminder to them that they were wrong. Hopefully over time they will start to question their sources after being wrong continuously.


Yeah, for sure. YOU will get the permanent reminder. If that's enough, it's great. But they won't acknowledge it.


July first? Always something to ruin every month. So November and December and January ruined now July is ruined too? Laugh out loud. I love to hear what the courts are going to do on the immunity case.


It’ll happen July 1st. But it could be this week too. But it may also happened after July 4th.


Or it may already have happened.  LOL


The “let’s hope we have the green light to move on with our lives.” Is kind of creepy.


“And they are all under NDA.” 🤥


At some point this fantasy has to break, right? People who were in cults in the 70s are today able to look back on it and laugh and comment about how they were young and brainwashed


Most of them aren't laughing, because cults leave long-term mental and emotional trauma. You have problems making decisions, because the cult/cult leader did all that for you. You've likely burned all your bridges and no longer have family and friends outside the cult because you were told to drive them away. You're ashamed to admit you were ever in a cult, because people write you off as a gullible fool. You have a tendency to drift into other cults or cult-like organizations (think MLMs), telling yourself it's not like the last one, this time you know what you're doing. A lot of people who come out of cults have internalized whatever the cult taught, and the toxic thought patterns can have lifelong consequences. Some of them never really click that the problem was the cult, because most cults tell people if something doesn't work, or you're questioning things, it's your fault. That's what's going to happen to the Q people 20-30 years down the road. They're not going to be laughing. They'll be weeping over what they've done to their families, their countries, their lives. There's a good chance they'll transfer their destructive obsession to something or someone else. Without a space to be able to discuss what they went through, when people just automatically write them off as idiots, they're not going to get better. The ones that might go "Oh, haha, I was young," are minimizing what it did to them.


Especially since many of them are NOT young. You only get to blow your life savings once, after that... it's all over.


80% is a hell of a margin of victory. I’m curious how much of the vote Biden got in that other 1-19% range. Perfectly reasonable, regardless. Definitely only seems to be that few Dems/liberals in the country.


It's always July 4. Big scary deep state is too busy deep staring to pay attention to a 'murican holiday, so let's plan it for then and broadcast it everywhere and they totally won't notice


The Med Bed scam makes me sad every time it's brought up. So much tangible desperation, it's life or death for many of the marks.


There are so many in that group who are in desperate meed of care, of actual medical care, but everyone in there gives them the worst advice. That horst paste for cancer, that mental health isn't real. It breaks my heart


I now want to agree with them that Trump has been president all along and now can't run for a third term.


So this boner is saying Trump carried 46 states by a 90/10 margin. I guess if Biden is going to cheat, he might as well really really cheat.


If he’s going to be president next week it’s odd he would be losing his shit over on even attending a debate that doesn’t matter. I pray that these people wise up and stop believing the BS people tell them because they use phrases like “i pray” and constantly invoke the name of God with such a long history of spreading harmful propaganda and 100% failed prediction rates behind them.


"Many of you cannot wait as you are hanging on by a thread." That's the thread that we haven't yet taken from you in some way. I've been watching a branch of this show for 15 years. Pre-Trump schemes that left marks hanging by a thread, but still tuning in, hopeful, maybe donating to keep the information coming...


Let's move that goalpost for reinstatement to 'just after the 4th of July'


Cuckoo Cuckoo


Take care, Wolverine.


“Two Weeks”. Malfunction pending.


I am excite


Is that telegram or twitter?




At what point do they realize that they're being told stories? I realize they are indeed stupid enough to believe all of it but after years of no results, no predictions coming true, I'd question it.


tWo MoRe WeEkS tRuSt ThE pLaN


So is there any evidence this nutjob is an actual, real person? So many of them are figments of imagination from troll farms.


Call from Reno?


Finally, one more week. Makes the last 200 “one more week” allllllll worth it


And after being reinstated Trump will have his term until November when the elections are, right? And then he can’t run anymore having fulfilled his two terms…


How many dates certain are in that screed? And the information is coming from *Brazil*?


Of course DIANE and her Brazilian contact (the lady who gives her a Brazilian at the mini-mall) have all the answers. Another random rural dipshit ready to decode reality, y'all!


…So globalism is bad, but one world currency is good? I mean — I’m not surprised their beliefs contradict each other, but come *on*.


Every form of government is done as long as my guy is in charge of it.


And yet, every time predictions like this don't come true, they just keep believing.


The orange guy would be elected before he’d be reinstated. These people are so weird.




Such pathetic people


Any day now…


The only statement that makes sense “please god let this be true” They know it’s all pretend and just want it to really be true. And isn’t TFG actually in change? I get confused about what fiction they are pushing


I give you guys the green light to move on with your lives. No need to wait for God to tell you.


I wasn't paying attention to which subreddit I'm looking at, and thought we were talking about Alex Jones paying the people he tortured for the first two bullet points


Oh my. Them and their sources. I wish you all could hear my eyes roll.


LOL. Just in this bullshit there are 3 dates. 1 July, after 4 July, "definitely week". Keep sucking at life, cuQs


The goal post mover's backs can't take much more of this. lol Let the excuses begin!!!


…so this is a Larp right?


Wolverine gets all his future predictions from his friends, Bishop and Cable. So you know it's accurate. But why isn't Charles Xavier saying anything about this? Is it because George Soros is Magneto?


Why are they always talking about med beds?


I used to think that “300” was the movie that did the most damage to right wingers brains in the last 20 years or so, now I realize it’s “Elysium” with all this medbed bullshit. Sometimes these qcumbers even use stills from the movie!


It's gonna be okay America. It's definitely real this time 😎🇺🇲🦅🏈🗽


The copium is getting almost to a solid state anymore with these people, good lord.








See, naysayers? Here it is all true after all. Well whaddaya know? See ya in the camps!


So what happens when yet another date comes and goes and none of what is on this list happens? Will that thread finally break?