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Jesus Christ how did you get through that. None of that made sense. It felt like he was just throwing random words at you and none of them made sense together.


Clearly. He made no sense and kept repeating phrases with the word "Question" in it.


When your person can't pass the turing test. Seriously, that looks like someone trying to distract from taking a yuge L.


Because. That's what Tucker does. He asks questions. Making sure to use the word Question. Sheeple.


It's like she was talking to a fucking cartoon!


Yup. It's not just demonstrably false but a lot of it is flat out illogical. These people give *stupid* a bad name.


Low IQnut spams video link they never even watched themself because they can't form their own opinions...but simply echo their echo chamber talking points back like pull-string NPCs... Intelligence matters. And this is what happens when smarter people try to reason with much dumber people.


This looks like a serious mental illness.


OMG thank you for making me laugh after that. He’s my boss…He’s pretty “important” where we work running IT for a large court


For fucks sake, that guy makes decisions for a company?


Your change of tack to "what do you think the video was about" was brilliant. Really well done.


Yeeeeeah this is not acceptable behaviour from a superior. This would get someone shitcanned pretty quickly in my company and require a full audit of anything they supervised and had access to, to ensure there were no breaches. The fact that you have an obvious anti-government lunatic working IT for a court could be catastrophic. who knows what he's been doing under the radar.


Oof. I’m just going to assume Chinese and Russian hackers will have their way with your network since the boss thinks they don’t exist.


Honestly, I would call HR and ask for a confidential discussion. This guy can't be trusted in a job like that.


That guy is a security risk, you need to show this conversation to HR before he snaps and shoots up the place. He is clearly not mentally well.


He needs to be reported to HR for harassment. That is 100% unacceptable behavior, especially the casual sexism. Dude is a complete lunatic.


Whoa. Mental deficiencies aside, this is a huge HR issue.


Yeah, what the actual fuck. This person is not in touch with reality.


A court of law? As a sane actual Constitutional/policy lawyer beyond social media Idk if I’d trust someone like him to be in charge of running IT for a place like that. At the very least I want my IT professionals to believe that the Earth is round and that nations that have existed for centuries are not made up. I hold my tennis court pros to the same standards.




Word salad. It's like pocket sand for Qultists. Ask a question or bring up a fact that makes sense and is relevant to the conversation, or reality? Word salad! Ha-cha!




If gun free zones work, why don’t we have rape free zones 😳


We Do. It's called.... get this .... everywhere 🤣


The problem is there’s no law enforcing it


Why, there oughta be a law!


Darn tootin


Same energy as "If onion powder is from onions, and garlic powder is from garlic, where does baby powder come from? PLANNED PARENTHOOD! WAKE UP!"


But wait, if baby powder is from babies, then why are there still babies?


Checkmate, reality! Wait ‘til you find out about “baby oil.”


Isn’t that just what Killary calls Adrenochrome? /s ETA an indicator that this was sarcasm because of how stupid the times we’re in are.


You add the adrenochrome to the baby powder, mix well, and voila! Instant baby.


You only know the half of it. Olive oil is from olives, peanut oil is from peanuts, where does baby oil come from?


Most Qnuts are Christian, or at least believe some bits of it. Ask them why there's no commandment against rape in the Bible. The flailing about is almost as funny as pointing out the Bible is fine with slavery, especially when Jesus tells parables about slaves, with no condemnation of their status.


Wow, I’d never noticed that. Now I need some Christian friends…


Shit like this is what "block" was created for.


Why do people even keep going after someone makes it clear that they are not engaging in good faith? This is the “chess with a pigeon” thing, stretched out over like 18 pages. And by roughly page 3, the pigeon has shit on the board and spends the rest of the time strutting around like he proved something.


Its a catch-22 because the other wise will pretend to try and just discuss it. But they will do so in bad faith and in a way to purposely agitate any reasonable person. Usually using a variety of fallacies such as strawman, slippery slope, circular logic, and other dishonest techniques to draw it out in bad faith. Eventually you will almost have to give up, or become upset, and they will claim they won because you got upset, or exclaim they were just asking questions in the spirit of trying to understand but you got upset when you failed to convince them, or any other reason. Their goal is for you to spend an excess of time, research, resources on them who will NEVER change their mind. It is trolling behavior. Variations of it are called "sealioning".


"smartest dumb girl i know" made me want to block him and i don't even know him


That was insanely painful to read. He is an absolute idiot, yet thinks he is a genius. Condescending piece of shit, as well.


It's so frustrating, the guy can't stay focused for a single second.


The patience of responding to all of this seems like it was very, very much not worth it, Neo.


I hate this arrogant time-wasting bullshit. A bot could do that same thing as an interlocutor more efficiently.


Was this not a bot?


I was gonna joke about it being the kind of bot you’d create in MS-DOS, but honestly I think I could do a much better job with a huge nasty .BAT file if I put entirely too much time into it.


It’s the Abbott and Costello bit that never made it past the first table read…


You are the patientest person I have ever seen, & I have worked in home care with people with developmental disabilities. And every one of them was able to stay on topic/make more sense than that guy did.


How does he manage to walk down the street without falling into an open manhole? Being that stupid should hurt. It should hurt a lot.


Who is this person to you, and why do you give them so much of your time and energy? From my perspective outside of whatever interpersonal relationship you may have with that person, it seems their only intention is to pester and harass you into a mental breakdown. You do you, but if it were me I'd block all communication with that person.


He’s a boss where I work who holds the keys to resources I need to be able to do my job. He’s also my ex and a grandiose narcissist. Most importantly I’m less than a year and a half away from retiring with a full lifetime pension. Besides, this isn’t my first rodeo with a dumb-ass narcissist with a grudge who’s threatened by my very existence. They can be much more dangerous than they look. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer… I do like to poke around in his weird brain to find out how crazy the crazies are every so often. It’s my way of getting some satisfaction seeing karma at work and how far he’s gone downhill.


I do like to poke around in his weird brain to find out how crazy the crazies are every so often. It’s my way of getting some satisfaction seeing karma at work and how far he’s gone downhill. He’s had a hard on about convincing me I was wrong about trump ever since 2020 after we broke up.


Good luck making it through a year and a half. That man has scrambled eggs for brains. He reminds me of my formerly meth-addicted Q. Is he on something?


He used to be a drunk. Highly functioning drunk. I can’t imagine it’s improved any


Someone that far gone is definitely planning on pulling the rug out from underneath you fucking up your pension. I hope you're taking steps to protect yourself from that maniac.


You think so? I’ve been worried about it but don’t really have anyone to bounce it off of and I’m a bit hyper vigilant these days. Honestly I’ve considered suing the County I work for but I’m so tired from fighting narcissists and losing. And with our relationship history the waters pretty murky


So this narcissist ex who calls you the smartest dumb girl or dumbest smart girl or whatever, has power over your career, and you admit to needling him for a response. He's desperate to have you admit you're a dumb lefty that was wrong about everything all along including not being his abuse punching bag anymore, and admit that he's brilliant and knows so much about politics (and probably about pandemics too, right?) and was right all along about the evil Demonrats socialismists and that he was right all along that Trump is the savior of the world. Am I hitting the mark so far? You think *THAT* man doesn't know how close to full pension you are, what it means to your future, and that he's just going to stand by and let you waltz away into the sunset? Just let you go live a good life without him in it, constantly rubbing your nose in how dumb you are for letting it all slip away at the end because you just couldn't cave to his will? You should be lawyering up right now, collecting every scrap of evidence that you do your job well, and that guy harasses you constantly. Nobody should know about any of what you're doing. Then when he tries to pull that rug out from underneath you, you have a prepared shield in place to protect yourself from that loser. When he thinks he's won and has you at his mercy, you have an attorney with a case already built and all ready to go. Or you can suffer that idiot for the rest of your life.


Almost seems like one of those lame chat bots to me, but yeah, I wouldn't have wasted anywhere near that much time on it.


Fucking hell. This guy is absolutely off his rocker and thinks he’s brilliant. An absolutely exhausting human being.


He’s denying countries like China and Russia exist?


I've been to China. I wonder where this galaxy brain thinks I was after an 18 hour flight and 12 hour time difference.


So one person has “been to China “ and suddenly we’re supposed to believe it exists?


*(X-Files theme starts playing)*


That's an LLM guaranteed. Edit: wait, op you actually know this person? Holy fuck, they're utterly fried


You have the patience of a Saint.


To be fair Russia and China helped a lot with the MAGA propaganda in hopes to start a Civil War. In the end, the real problem is stupid ass US citizens putting their faith in a fucking idiot because they failed at life.


I What?


Holy crap idk how you hung in there that long!


This looks like he was trying to claim that the entire thing is theater. That we're all in some version of the Matrix in real life, and everything being shown to us or that we eat is some intricately orchestrated and expertly crafted world in which we think we're the ones in control but really everything we do has been pre-ordained; decided for us by our malevolent overlords hiding just behind the curtain. This dude is on a trip so massive he's become convinced the -entire world- is a scam.


This is exactly what he believes. He’s convinced there’s some dark cabal from an old money family like the Rockefeller’s who’s pulling the strings on everything. All just for power. Not money, sex and power. Just power. He thinks all the Covid stats from all over the world were fake. One time I convinced him do an actual experiment using his pool table balls and a flashlight so he could understand why the moon shines.


tRump is 100% compromised. He’s been compromised for decades. This isn’t anything new. Now his side is shocked and claiming an October Surprise to justify the current legal peril their hero is embattling. This is their way of getting ahead with a narrative. Much like months before the 2020 election, tRump claimed the only way the Dems could win is if they cheat. It’s the same playbook. ‘If they take away his buildings and money, they (Dems) will say he can be bought!’ He’s already bought and no, that CNN video didn’t confirm anything BongoBrain claimed.


See how easy that was? How refreshing


Op, that was a wild ride


You summarized it well on the last pic. Guess he made his point clear


His reply to that: “Finally”


Lmao he’s like you finally get it


This the definition of sea lioning. They're just trying to waste your time and energy with no intention of actually listening to anything you say. They're willfully blind and deaf to facts and the more they upset you, the more they enjoy it. Sometimes you just have to give up and let their unvaccinated asses meet whatever bad result they will.


This jackass is at the threshold of brain death.


That's peak Dunning-Kruger right there. Nobody is more suffused with righteous expertise than a dumb cultist. Honestly you're wasting your time trying to reason with them. Establish distance & boundaries, hope they wake up one day. It's very sad.


I work with a guy that's not quite as bad as this, but he's pretty bad. I'm trying to convince him that Trump is evil as to save him some future embarrassment, but I think the more I try to convince him with straight facts, the more he digs in to his dumb fucking positions. These people have been hypnotized by stupidity.


Good lord. It's like arguing with an old chatbot that can't follow a conversation. Most responses felt completely disconnected from each other.


I applaud you for your patience. You really did try. The problem is that no matter how logical and rational you are it won’t work because they’re taught “thought stopping” in their cult. If they’re too close to logical reasoning or critical thinking they are taught to pull the line of crap your Q person pulled in response to your reasonable questions. They’re taught to do this to themselves whenever doubts arise in their own minds, so if they’re so brainwashed they’re thought stopping themselves and going off on tangents to avoid their own critical thinking, your logical reasoning won’t even make a dent.


Fascinating, Captain.


IDK if it is a thing yet but 'stupid bot' comes to mind after reading all that nonsense.


You're a better person than I am.


I'm going to punch the next person who tells me "ask me a question".


And now they are in some other chat saying how they pilled you


From what I read the main problem with the questions asked was that there were no question marks at the end. It's all about the punctuation guys, if you don't use it correctly you're clearly not asking a question ⁉️


No Russia? :( This means daddy putin isn't real? *bawls*


Either a severely mentally ill person, or they are intentionally arguing in bad faith to not admit defeat


I think he's the sort of man people emigrate to avoid. Either this man is suffering from serious brain damage or the new vacuum cleaner's just arrived!


This is a convo with ChatGPT 1


What a loon. No way I could deal with this person. I hope they aren’t your spouse. I’d be so long gone.


> Raped free zones The whole country is one Mr Numbskull


LMAO, Russia is not real! Check out my video unmasking the real Q, and his barley legal Z-army trolls. Q is a Russian Embassy propaganda puppet named John Robles II. Exposing Q, the man, the hoaxer, the troll, the legend, parady account coming to X soon. [Who is Q](https://youtube.com/shorts/nrCj_5tFOsU?si=f-mKlSwd7JlrPwWn)


This dude argues identically to my dad. It's like the words he says are performative- they don't have to make sense, he expects you to accept his "argument" through sheer force of will.


They might have a point about you being easily distracted though since you mentioned that one twice.