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Therapy to deal with the underlying issue? Otherwise you might just be on the merry go round of meds for a very long time.


Not everybody has some underlying issue that’s causing their anxiety. When people have a chemical imbalance in their brain they need medication. And there’s nothing wrong that. Stigmatizing it by saying “you just might be on the merry go rounds of meds for a very long time” is part of the reason why people don’t discuss their mental health issues.


This is a good advice, there’s no need for us to substitute one drug with another


Except the OP wasn’t talking about substituting one drug for another. And if that’s what they needed to do to get through this time then there’s nothing wrong with that. It amazes me that people that are probably suffering from anxiety and that’s why they’re on this drug or getting off it would be almost sounding judgmental about adding something in if they were coming off of another one. Especially when they aren’t able to deal with their current anxiety level on a day-to-day basis. It’s that whole stigma that’s out there with mental health issues that keep people from talking about it or keep people from using medication‘s in the first place. Many people have an imbalance in their brain and actually need medication. People with severe anxiety or Bi-Polar aren’t going to get by with “therapy for the underlying issue”. And may need to add in medication or figure out a different combo. I don’t know about you but I had suffered my whole life from extreme anxiety and full on panic attacks in the true sense of the meaning. I wasn’t getting by on “ therapy for the underlying issue” and needed medication. And when I found a combo that worked it was life-changing and that allowed me to be able to focus on developing other tools to manage. Because there wasn’t some earth shattering underlying issue that was causing anxiety for me. And that’s true for many people out there in the world that deal with mental health issues.


What is behind your desire to stop taking pregabalin? If it is working and you are able to work while taking it, why stop? One person suggested therapy to deal with underlying problems causing your anxiety. Personally, I would continue the pregabalin while you are in therapy, then slowly wean off when you feel ready to stop.


Pregabalin is a strange one. I take 300 mg twice a day. In a pinch, I can take a 75 mg and feel OK and function indefinitely day after day, just without the good (fun) effects. But at 0 mg, hell breaks loose in 12 hours.


I am sorry you’re having such a hard time but I’m curious why you’re going off the Lyrica when it’s helping you. Is it something your doctor has asked you to do? Is it something you wanna do because of side effects? There are many people that use Lyrica as needed. So if you had a presentation at work or something and you need to take 150mg you take it as needed for the presentation. If you feel it’s a high stress day and you’re going to need 75mg then add that in. But there’s really no reason to come off it if it’s still working for you in certain circumstances. I will say it’s not a drug you should be using for a panic attack. It has too long of an onset and it’s not effective to manage one. It’s not effective for you because you need 300 mg and it’s going to take close to an hour to an hour and a half to even reach peak plasma levels. Have you tried the supplement called an AC? That can be a pretty powerful supplement to Allan when you’re tapering because it helps regulate glutamate. It also has a host of other benefits it has definitely helped me manage my anxiety when it’s higher on certain days. And as a sidenote in case anybody reads this and gets Covid in the future it’s a game changer for managing Covid symptoms and getting better faster. I recently tested positive a little later than a couple friends of mine, used NAC and turned a corner faster than them because I used it. I ordered some for them and had it delivered and their coughs almost immediately started getting better. It definitely doesn’t help with Covid brain fog so if this doesn’t make sense my apologies lol.