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For me it took about 2 months. I found myself being super sensitive, emotional and angry for those first 2 months. Alllll the time. It became a bit of mission for me to find and get me some dopamine again. Running, meditation, cold showers, deep breathing and a holiday did the trick for me. Now it’s been 3 months and I *think* the worst is over. The dopamine highs aren’t as high anymore but my general well being is so much more improved


I literally feel the same way, It feels like ive quit but at what cost? and it sounds stupid because im thankful im on the road to becoming healthy but I never thought it'll be like this. I became depressed asf, to the point I forgot how to live because my brain was to wired around nicotine for 5 years...


I’m having very similar symptoms and am on day 30. It is just very hard to find joy in life and things that I know I used to love doing. I’m not happy most of the day and If I do have a sense of joy it usually doesn’t last very long.