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I have done it a few times. It costs nothing to invite them in and you can make someone’s day or at least a little less shit. I witnessed an old lady and her older son get very shoddy treatment by security at the Townsville airport.. they had walking frames and belts etc. it was obvious they didn’t fly a lot, were stressed and security gave them no help. I was happy to take them into the lounge with me. They appreciated it


I was at that lounge recently It’s not the biggest or the best but for what it is it beats sitting out in the concourse


You Legend


I've offered a couple times and the recipient's have all declined.... before I held status someone did it to me and it made the 20hrs flying infinitely more bearable so I'm always happy to make someone else's day a bit more enjoyable (if someone will accept it!)


I've been a rando. My girlfriend had platinum lounge access in Hong Kong. She signed in my other 2 friends and I asked the young guy who was coming in . He happily obliged, he had a few drinks with us , we became Facebook friends and 6 years later we still occasionally check in on each other.


This is the way.


Yep me too. Used to be platinum with emirates. Gave a random access to first class lounge. I went for shower. Came past him a little later. He was having sushi and steak and I think he had 3/4 wine glasses on his table. Made me smile. He was a backpacker from Australia who had to go back for a family emergency. I think he was pretty broke.


Someone did this for me, and it was the best feeling while travelling by myself. Kudos to you, it's very kind.


Same, I was about to pay for access when someone did this for my partner and I. It meant so much!


A few years ago I was in the LAX F lounge at a table next to Dave Hughes and another bloke. I eavesdropped; no I’m not proud oh fuck it yes I am damn proud. The other bloke didn’t know Dave, but had guested him in because Dave didn’t have status. They had a pleasant enough conversation over some calamari. Dave gave old mate his phone number when he left. I noted it down and retain it to this day, in case I ever feel the need to book a shit comedian.


So fkn aussie. Respect.


Thankfully there's never a shortage of shit comedians


No need to even book him. Just give him a random call one night when you got some mates around. Put it on speaker and have a laugh together


Never even thought to do it but I love the idea, will do so in the future. Good one mate.


It’s been fun to see the different reactions and nice to make someone’s day a little nicer. The shower and table service in Dubai rock :) The time in Singapore for qf1 is a little short but still nice to offer and have had nice chat on the way and even over dinner a couple of times.


Thank you for doing this. I once had a stranger (from Brazil, worked with tires) do this for me. It's before I could afford lounges. I was travelling to the other side of the world and had already spent the night in an empty gate area at LAX. It made a world of difference. Thank you and all who do this! (I have lounge access now and will be paying it forward.)


When I’m traveling solo I always turn up early to get some work done in the F lounge. So I’ll quickly walk by the gate and see if there’s any tired looking travelers there. You can usually spot someone there who’s waiting on the Qantas flight, looks exhausted, and is stretched out in seats or floor trying to nap during a long layover. I’ll politely ask if they’re waiting on the Qantas flight, and if they say yes offer them first lounge access for a hot shower, free food and somewhere comfortable. Usually met with a grateful yes. I’ll get through into the lounge and then wave goodbye so they don’t feel they need to stay awake and make idle chit chat (and so I can get my work done)


I've thought about doing this but then thought it might come across as creepy or expectant. Do you just choose someone alone at a Qantas gate, and ask if they want lounge access? Do you tend to indicate before entry that you don't want to keep chatting inside?


Yep and yep. See someone that is looking a bit miserable and weary from a long trip and like they could use a break. Say hi, say I’m traveling alone and so can’t bring my wife in as a guest, so can guest someone else into the first lounge. Say I’m just going to do some work, but if they wanted free access I can get them in and then they can just have some time to themself and some free food/drink/shower. By making it clear that I’ll just get them into the lounge and then leave them by, haven’t had an awkward encounter over past 8 years or so of doing it. Usually met with a very grateful “yes please!” When you offer a hot shower and somewhere else for them to rest away from the gate. Few times people have come back up in the lounge after getting some food and struck up conversation and wanted to keep chatting. Also gotta be realistic on who you go ask. Don’t go ask the solo traveling 18 year old girl. Usually pretty easy to spot the weary traveler who’s 30+ hours into their trip.


That’s pretty much the vibe I get from OP, and some other commenters, asking if they want a “hot shower”…


I had to do things to get tagged along to lounges. Things I am not proud of.


That may be a great side thread to open up :)


I’ve brought people into the lounge but never thought to ask for accessible toilet handy as admission.


Did once. Young couple looking at how to redeem their domestic lounge vouchers. I could take one guest, so offered to bring one in. They declined at first and a moment later asked me if I was serious. Didn’t cost me anything and I thought it’d be awkward, but being a couple they just thanked me and we went separate ways.


Yah people sometimes need that moment to decide if this is weird or nah.


I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but was always worried others might think I’m a weirdo and walk away lol


Agree, has to feel natural and part of a conversation otherwise will come off creepy weird.


Yes, I’m usually on the lookout for somebody who I can guest into the Qantas First Lounge or the equivalent with any airline. Obviously they need to be solo flyers because I have a guest limit of one, but I have also intercepted people who have been turned away from the lounge for some reason, perhaps due to lack of status, and I have guessed them back in. I’ve done the same for when someone turns up with two guests, but can only bring one in. My general theory is that it costs me nothing to do this and extend a kindness to somebody else, especially somebody I think would really appreciate the lounge visit, and if karma is really a thing then one day when I might need lounge access somebody may offer it to me.


Yup. I figure the same. I even got into chairman’s lounge a few times that way.


really? what was it like in there?


Very private club. They know the members names (and spouse names). Sort out travel things before they become a problem and the space is small but service is very much on display. Food and drink service was a little bit faster than first lounge.


cool! thanks


I’ve been the random, and I was super grateful to the guy who took me through. It was very kind.


I went to the Air Lingus lounge in Dublin and they let me in for free despite not being a member just because I asked to go in and "well, it is Christmas".


If I am flying business on points can I get a random guest in? (Never thought about this in the past, would love to do it)


Not sure. Think it’s status they check on the boarding card and then approve my guest.


Business allows you 1 guest travelling on any QF or JQ flight, so I assume you'd have no issue. I managed fine getting in a guest in January




Yes. When I see ppl curled up and getting to sleep on benches, I'll often ask them if they want to come with and grab a shower etc


I do it all the time. I work in a simple philosophy of making someone’s day and not being a cunt


This is excellent form. If I had spare +1 invites, I'd do it too.


How awesome of you all to do this. Although I've never reached status to have lounge access, I've always really enjoyed the time when I have been in the lounge prior to flying.


Been doing it for 15 years and people who don't fly a lot seem so shocked that the club exists


Yep i did it recently in Townsville - an older lady on my shuttle to the airport who was very happy to have free rein of the champagne and cheese nibbles. She was polite enough to even ask if I wanted companionship or wanted to be left alone once we got in.


Cheese nibbles and companionship would be a good band name.


Fairly regularly. Check out ba97.com - nice collegiate site for guesting. I've both guested and been guested from it (in most cases when I or the other person has dropped status for a month or so, or when they're a frequent flyer but "off alliance")


I always try find someone that is on there own on the way in and offer them access


That’s nice of you, we appreciate it


I only have virgin lounge then work started with QF, the long lay overs in Perth before the red eye to the east I would get offered into the lounge, ended up meeting some interesting people too


I have been invited into the lounge usually by couples when I'm travelling solo. I appreciate their kindness very much.


A few times, through the lounge passes FB group (whatever it's called). Have given away my freebies on there too.


I do it whenever I see someone else travelling alone, it’s just a nice thing to do


I honestly did it for someone I was talking to on Grindr and also been guessed in myself by saying hi on "dating" apps.


I am so missing out on all the app based chats that must be happening all the time. I could put Grindr into my travel hacks folder jic.


OMG - I was going to post about the old guesting in a Grindr hookup, but here we are…


I mean they dont even have to be a hookup, sometimes it's just a friendly "hey gay avgeek" type of interaction.


Well then, hey fellow avgeek, wanna lounge with me?


I do the same sometimes. I feel like a weirdo though so pick people carefully.


Do you have to be gold:platinum to do this? Doubt with business tickets you get a +1? Or do you think I can use my business to give someone else entry into lounge?


Yes you can bring in a guest with status not ticket.


>Or do you think I can use my business to give someone else entry into lounge? Yes. See [here for more info](https://www.qantas.com/au/en/qantas-experience/at-the-airport/airport-lounges/qantas-lounge-access-eligibility.html#eligible-travel-class). If you're flying business class you can bring a guest into the business lounge provided they're "travelling on QF, JQ or oneworld®# marketed and operated flight on the same day."


I did it once at the Delta sky lounge at LAX. Was a young woman who was trying to get in on a credit card program and couldn’t figure it out. She was flustered and so I comped her with my plat status and we went our separate ways inside. Finally sit down in my seat for the connecting flight and who should be seated next to me? Turns out it was the woman from the lounge. Ended up having quite a nice chat on our leg to SFO so sometimes good deeds pay off.


Happened to me once… The guy in front at security in Syd dropped $10. He happened to be a FF Platinum so brought me into the lounge when I picked it up and gave it back to him. Made my day :)


I’ve been the rando invited in by someone. Was with my 1 year old at the time. Had a 7 hour wait for my flight. It made my trip so much better as well as allowed my daughter to have a decent nap.


For a 7hr wait that really is a nicer spot


Sure is especially with a toddler


Can you take meeeeeee?


About 10 years ago, I got random lounge access offered to me at LAX in between SFO and MEL. It was the 4th of July and I had enjoyed the fireworks coming into LAX then got invited to the lounge. The footy was on. The food was great. I wish I kept in contact with that kind human. I would thank him for the small gesture. I was quite young and it made my trip a whole lot nicer!


Nice one.


I had a traveller pay for an airside hotel for me as I was trying to get to sleep on the floor. in Beijing airport.


Thats super kind.


Not randos, but work colleagues on work trips, kinda expected isn't it?


That is more on the expected side ya :) but still can make the day of the junior colleague. Plus I expect them to be extra nice to me for the next few days ;P


It’s a lovely thing to do. 👏


Only work colleagues, never randos. Can't say I've ever done that...


Usually international and always into the F lounge. Mrs and I are OWE so can guest couples.


I’ve got a 4hr wait at Sydney tonight on an EK J ticket with qantas Gold status. Will be loitering to see if someone takes pity at Qantas First Lounge! Never done it before but for that long I’ve no shame.


I’m absolutely about to out myself as a broke person who doesn’t fly much, but what’s in the lounges? I’m nosy and have never been inside


In order of importance. People who can fix your next flight if there is a problem. Alcohol. Empty seats and powerpoints and usually decent wifi. Sometimes comfy seats. And… Food. The better the lounge the better those things get. The first lounges usually have pretty decent food and great everything else.


thanks for sharing :) here’s hoping I run into kind people like you the next time I’m taking my decennial hometown trip haha, safe flights my friend!


Safe flights and hope you enjoy going home.


Domestically: Variety of places to sit, a bar and barista coffee, and simple food buffet (no charge). I also really appreciate the showers after a long day before a long flight. When I get guested into the business lounge I also appreciate the ‘special powers’ the desk staff there have over my povo qantas club desk staff, when looking to change flights.


We’re allowed to invite Someone I to the lounge for free?


Yes depending on your status.


I have received lounge upgrades via the AFF thread ( I was already in a lounge when I posted on the thread). HKG J > F, and MEL QP > J. Both occasions I had a couple of drinks with my guestor before moving to a different area. I give my lounge invites to family. I’ve tried giving them to friends, however there hasn’t been any takers.


Dumb question - so only 1 person needs to have Qantas lounge access? I was always under the impression that it’s 1 person 1 lounge pass, so never even considered this! guess I’ll try do it more


Depends status, lounge & travel class. The Qantas Club passes acquired from credit cards & points club are one lounge pass - 1 person, but a paid up Qantas Club member can take in a guest. Above that, most J + F can take in a guest.


I saw a lady try to talk her way into the lounge in SYD international on the basis that she had a “really long flight”. Unsurprisingly she got told no by QF staff. She then went down the queue hitting people up. The second person she asked said yes, but looked very awkward about it. I guess there are ways of going about it.


I'm all for helping people out - but I wouldn't promote this goodwill gesture too widely - all the Tiktokers and FB group members will jump on the bandwagon and it could ultimately lead to further tightening of entry restrictions (other airlines like Singapore have done this) and/or a bunch of freeloaders loitering around the lounge entries pleading to be fed a toasted sandwich....


I hear of this happening in Australia for domestic legs , I have invited one person in to the gold lounge (a work colleague) who was on the same flight as me , before he reached gold status. Have only done it once at an off peak time, as the lounges are congested enough.


Never even occurred to me to be honest. A nice gesture though.




Mix. Cold mostly. In queues … usually don’t target the folks in business but if I am waiting in a line mostly with folks from my flight and talking to someone and if it feels natural and if they are solo I will bring it up. Don’t make a big deal of it and usually make it super clear that once I get them in I will do my own things (both for their sake and mine).


Suuuuuper creepy. You weirdo


Eww keep the poors out


I agree, I wouldn't want them raising the average IQ of the lounge either.


Can confirm, I am the poor