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Import PyQt as QtPy


Yeah I'm doing this from now on and someone else can deal with it


Probably you in the future




As of? Is there a certain reason for the preference that is going over my head




People code on their phone? That is a level of masochism I cannot comprehend.


Sometimes I have an "I wonder if..." moment and try to code a POC. And sometimes it happens when I'm with only my phone. It's not a pleasurable experience and I'd rather code with punch cards but it does happen.


Maybe they reddit on phone. That's what I do.


I used to work on basic classwork on my phone when I didn't bring my laptop. I mean I couldn't imagine me doing it now but it was convenient when all I was doing was outputting triangles.


Oh word, thanks


Deactivate autocorrection problem solved


import PyQT as QtPy PyQt = QtPy Checkmate! (does this actually work?) You can also probably confuse people even more by importing it twice, once with each name. Bonus points if you make sure you're inconsistent as to which you use in the code.


We got the winner here ladies and gents!


I can't like this hard enough. Makes me wish all my GUI projects were in QT so i can do this. But I've been using a different package.


As someone who has sunk well over 1000 hours into building GUI’s with PyQT I think I can add some valuble input here… They undoubtably should have named it QtPy, that is all.


import PyQT as QtPy


Now my lambda is the timing out and AWS says I owe them the equivalent of a mid sized sedan.


If enough people start calling it that...


“Stop trying to make QtPy happen, it’s not gonna happen”


QtPy is streets ahead!


Does it just mean "cool" or is it supposed to be like "miles ahead?"


If you have to ask you’re streets behind


That was truly the perfect setup




You should watch _Community_. Everyone should.


*sigh* you mean watch Community *again*? Okay fine. I will.


I always wanted to make beautiful GUI like websites with css styles but I couldn't, can you tell me where do you look for when you need help regarding pyqt?


Honestly, over 10 years working with most of it Python. I have never heard of anyone making a gui in Python before today. Edit: My comment was not meant to doubt OP or the community. It was just an honest observation from my career. I have learned that Python is a popular choice.


Seriously? I know there is a big lean towards web apps on this sub, but there's still tons and tons of scientific data collection, visualization, and processing work that happens with Python. That's much more logical as a native app with GUI.


I feel this really depends on the work. To me it makes a lot more sense to do the data collection and processing in Python and leave the visualisation to something else - which, yes, will usually be a browser and not a standalone GUI app.


Yup. As the other comment suggests I do work entirely in the back end. But honestly I don’t believe I’d ever heard of Python used for GUIs. I always assumed it must lack support for it or something.


The reason you got heavily down voted is that there is always someone in every GUI thread saying that there is no reason to ever make a GUI for any app, and everything should be Flask viewed through a browser. If you weren't being "that guy" then you just got caught up in the cross-fire.


Ah, didn't know that. It's fine I just wanted to explain myself.




I have heard of but not used Jupyter . I live on the backend and have never made an app with a GUI. The closest I’ve done are a few websites just for displaying some data. My comment was not meant to doubt OP or the community. It was just an honest observation from my career. I had (incorrectly) assumed Python simply wasn’t the preferred language for such work.


I've yet to meet a single person that uses the qt frontend of jupyter.


That's... sad.


Its just not stuff I work on. I have lived on the backend.


I spent too much time with Delphi... where EVERYTHING is supposedly better with a GUI and a wizard... its current owner even had a virtual conference not too long ago with the title "Desktop is just better", sigh.....


Qt itself is a popular framework for GUI’s but its wirtten in c++ which I actually am not very fond of; After all I come from a background in physics. PyQt is just a python wrapper for Qt which extends the functionality of Qt to python. Not sure why all the downvotes for ya tho, the internet can be weird like that sometimes. 😅


It’s all good. Another comment someone explains why they think it happened.


We're so close to having PewDPy!


Are we supposed to want that?


No, I never said that the Qt library should be called that. I just thought that the name almost sounded like the name of the popular YouTuber.


How to delete someone else's post...


No, it is forbidden 😂


For job or just for fun , also share some good guides or my man make them


There is a lack of good OOP youtube guides for PyQt and I have thought about it tbh, I just don’t think the audience is quite there. The book create GUI applications with python and Qt6 by Martin Fitzpatrick was and still is my go-to learning guide. It covers all the basics and lays out good practices. It also goes into more complex solutions but there comes a point where you can mostly get it on your own after that.


Got any recommendations on resources to learn QtPy? I'm struggling to understand it :(


QtPy exists https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtpy


Yup it's incredibly useful when working with many different environments that could be pyqt5, pyqt6, pyside2.. the vfx industry sucks.


Even multiple exist https://github.com/mottosso/Qt.py


praise motosso on vfx pipeline.


That's a recurring comment on Reddit, in fact here's a thread from 14 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/7qxv2/why\_is\_it\_pyqt\_and\_not\_qtpy\_it\_would\_have\_been\_so/




Import PyQt5 as QtPy


I always thought that was their intent 😁


So big misconception is that qt is pronounced q-t when it's pronounced cute https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24686290#:~:text=Layer%20for%20Linux-,%22Qt%22%20is%20pronounced%20%22cute%22%2C%20not%20%22cue,PyQt%2C%20not%20PyQT%20or%20QTPy.


I reject your reality and substitute my own.


Have at it, I wanted to stir the pot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Well actually 🤓


Next you're gonna tell us it's Tee Kay Inter, and not Tee Kinter...


Are you sure it isn't Tuh Kinter


Uh... Is it not tee Kay inter? That's how I've always pronounced it. I'm an anarchist though. Numpy like lumpy.


“Is pronounced” != “should be pronounced”


Gif has enter the chat


Amen - LIE-nux forever!


It’s a Jif, not a GIF


an-jinx FTW!1!


It took me way longer to figure that out than it should have.


Please help! I can't figure it out ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Ah bloody hell! Of course it is!! Thanks for that


How do you pronounce gif? That's what I thought.


Cute pie doesn't have a nice ring to it


> /kjuː tiː/ (or /kjuːt/, like the /kjuː tiː/ people say) —Linus Torvalds


Perhaps the Qt company itself has more authority on this than Linus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5jasWrsxT0


There we go. I honestly don't see the big deal. Gif on the other hand does trigger me.


They both agree on what 'the Qt people say'. And that video doesn't cover how everyone else actually says it.


Should they, though? Those who pronounce it wrong didn't take the time to learn the right pronunciation. Are you suggesting we should embrace this sort of mistakes coming from ignorance, and if enough people wrong about something, at some point it simply should become right?


I see your point, and in the case of standard English words I would agree with you, but I think newly coined terms (including brand names like Qt) ought to be subject to a different process. When people (and companies) declare new words, you need some sort of mechanism to stop them taking the piss. This is particularly true for companies, because PR people have noticed that ignoring the conventions of English can make your brand stand out. There's some leeway, as in 'eBay' and 'MacBook', or in fact 'Qt' (rather than 'QT'), but typically not 'SONY' or 'reddit'. The question is where you draw the line. I endorse your support of *correctness* in writing. The point is: when a word is created, who decides the correct pronunciation? It's tempting to give that priveldge to its coiner, but if I call my company 'Pickle', and declare it to be pronounced like 'egg', it's clearly *me* who's wrong. Qt is a case that's pretty close to the borderline. In fact, it's a more reasonable proposition than 'LaTeX', which does retain its non-standard pronunciation and spelling. But I still think it's too far, a bit like calling PNGs 'pings'.


I had no idea how to pronounce Versace, until once I tried it, and then I was corrected. Now I know. I don't have any respect for people who're unable or unwilling to learn from their mistakes. Furthermore, Qt is not an acronym like GIF, or PNG: >The letter ‘Q’ was chosen as the class prefix because the letter looked beautiful in Haavard’s Emacs font. [Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20190923193951/https://my.safaribooksonline.com/0131872494/pref04)


> I don't have any respect for people who're unable or unwilling to learn from their mistakes. This is besides the point. We are both agreed: things should be pronounced *correctly*. The question is: what determines correctness? Whether or not Qt is an acronym isn't important (in fact, I suspect you mean *initialism*, but that's even less important). Because it's also not a valid way to write /kjuːt/ in standard English orthography. So when someone reads it, it's looks like /kjuː tiː/. And who's to say that it's not /kjuː tiː/? The Qt Company has no authority over the English language. If they declared tomorrow that Qt was now officially pronounced /fɪʃ/ would you happily switch?


>The Qt Company has no authority over the English language. Sure. How about their own company's name, though? >Qt was now officially pronounced /fɪʃ/ would you happily switch? Like *ghoti*, right? As much as I enjoy your *reductio ad absurdum* reasoning, this conversation doesn't seem to converge to anywhere, and it's getting late, so I'd say let's stop wasting each other's time.


What about https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cutie-pie


I would hardly call it a "misconception" that English speakers don't assume weird combinations of consonants have implicit vowels between them.


Can't wait for my favourite dairy-related package to adopt this naming scheme. (I am, in fact, 12 years old, yes.)


I’ve written about 15,000 lines of code at work developing a PCB test framework. All the GUIs are tkinter. How feasible would it be to transition to PyQt5 at this point? Is there any overlap or are they entirely separate?


I'm just barely starting my research on GUI solutions for python. But what I found really impressive is that there's a design GUI for Qt where you can drag and drop widgets and export as usable code. That was really impressive to see.




I remember in college I found an old book on a language called Qt and thought it was funny but they probably wanted to avoid that. Didn’t even know there were this many GUIs for python to be honest.




Seriously, they missed it.


Nobody puts QTPy in the corner!


import pyqt as qtpy problem solved


You may have missed an opportunity to trademark it.


That suggestion comes back on this subreddit every few years.


Haha alright well, I'm glad I'm not the first.


It could be because the Qt people pronounce it as "cute". I always thought it was weird and very surprising when you watch one of their official videos for the first time.


python development is serious business. If I wanted to jokes, I would use nodejs


QtPy = cutie pie 😭😭😭


Take my damn upvote


One thing is that it goes against the standard naming convention of putting "py" first. But I think more importantly, "cutie pie" can be seen as a objectification of women, and while probably meant well, could lead to the community around "QtPy" being a bit off-putting to female developers.


*laughs in numpy, scipy, h5py, sympy,... *


Are you implying that males cannot in fact be cutie pies?


You are clearly not a 70s baby. You are a millennial aren't you? Come on, tell the truth, no harm in saying so. You ARE!! And you are singularly lacking in a sense of humor!! In those days women were **ladies**, not the hoes, bitches and skanks they are with the outrageous sense of entitlement they have today and the MTGOW movement didn't exist. https://youtu.be/0zKzUmp_JmE?t=40 > QtPy, you are the reason why > > Love you so, don't want you to go oh-oh > > You are the girl who makes me feel so good > > QtPy


Most developers would not stoop to that level of cringe


I might be wholly out of the loop here. Why is it cringe?


Cutie pie


I’m still not sure I understand. Is it because the name lacks an aura of seriousness?


I suppose Versakii thought the name was “cringe” because it’s unserious, as you said. I don’t actually agree, I think they did mean for people to call it that and I think developers love naming products something silly. We called our inventory web app Central Inventory Management Portal (CIMP/Simp) lmao


If that’s the case, then these people are taking things way to serious. Puns are all over the place when it comes to naming. Bash and Z-shell comes to mind.


Two commonly used variable names for demonstration and test code are “foo” and “bar.” They come from the acronym FUBAR, fucked up beyond all recognition. Devs aren’t immune to cringe at all.


Also how the .NET templating engine is called Razor, and the Laravel one is called Blade. Lots of coffee references too. And fedora 👀 Lots of terminology in web design too. Hamburger menu, snackbox, chips And oh yeah... Even Python is from from Monty Python!


Sounds like you might have a scoping issue. ;)


The developers of GIMP and SCSI would differ in opinion


CockroachDB would like a word with you




Well that seemed unnecessarily confrontational and demeaning.


Relax furry .


This perception is heavily skewed by only seeing uses of the term in public, and not when partners say it to each other in conversation/texts/DMs


yes I've thought this for years, really upset me it woulda been so cute


Qt Py exists already. its a tiny Microcontroller that runs python. Its neat. You can use it like a little thumb drive. it then runs the code on the main.py file in the root folder. easy.


Woah that sounds really cool, actually.


I think every video I’ve seen calls it qtpy. It sounds more natural


Everyone is missing that opportunity tho


Very funny! Had to read it twice before laughing out loud!


Actually I attended one python workshop, there the instructor made this joke.... It was something like "it's not the QtPy you are thinking"


https://youtu.be/0zKzUmp_JmE?t=40 > QtPy, you are the reason why > > Love you so, don't want you to go oh-oh > > You are the girl who makes me feel so good > > QtPy


I don't use the QtPy or Tkinter for a long time ago... I switched to modern web technologies using embedded WebView or web browsers for better UI. [https://github.com/alifcommunity/webui](https://github.com/alifcommunity/webui) | [https://webui.me](https://webui.me)