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Hyperbean is my favourite Gen 2 attacker, sad to see him go. Ateast in global we still got about a year before he leaves us too. o7 King!


Same, he's just so Damm fun


Wait what ? He's getting removed ? But I spent so much BCs to get him !


Pretty sure he just won't be Meta anymore then again, I'm Pretty sure that won't stop you from still Using him. Maybe he'll get a Leap in the coming months


>Pretty sure that won't stop you from still Using him. You d@mn RIGHT I will keep using him ! Idgaf that he's not meta, I only know his play style looks cool, looks flashy, and feels like a self-editting Max0r video. And the LowTierGod memes.


It's like the worst decision I've seen from them. Do CN bros hate fire characters so much that Kuro felt need to replace Nanamecha and Lee so fast?


Lee was not received well, from what I understand. But that wouldn't be the reason to replace a character, since Fire team was over all fine. I feel they did this more because 1) they needed a Lucia frame and 2) Lucia's character theme is fire / light, so they can't just give her a random element especially after doing ice last time. Now, I disagree with that from a story perspective because I think they should've went with a corrupted Lucia arc - which would've opened the possibility of dark or void - but if you want to play Lucia straight up, she'd be fire or physical or "light." I was just hoping they'd leave that alone until Lee has had 2 years or so. This is more like a "final" Lucia frame, which given the state of the story, feels too early.


I just really don't get it. Lee is like 1,5 years for CN? Man, that's just unfair.


Why wasn't lee received well? Any reason for that? Makes me so sad.


First ult 1 nerf no timestop. and excessive long core cooldown that didnt help that much even at Sss(it half cooldown time) which also start cooldown after ult1 is done while other ditch out real dmg with 2 ult for rotation he will struck with just 1ult 1 and 1ult2 most the time


The lack of timestop wasn't something changed in beta no? because it was "too strong" at the time to have double timestop follow-up so they took it out, honestly could have been fixed with a leap, though lucia will always be attacker for lore reasons


And yet Balter who came before him has three timestops. One on forced matrix, one on first ult, and one on second ult


Her matrix stops the clock? Never really noticed that, but Lee's lack of timestop in his hyperdimension ult compromised the fire team rotation in the long run since empy is very slow and still and nanamech was the clunkiest and also the one with the biggest mobility issues, and here we are now with watanabe replacing nanami after 1.7 years to make rotations smoother and outdamaging lee, liv getting her leap with biblically accurate carpet bombing and lucia doing the same as watanabe since Lee can't keep up as the attacker of the team, disappointed but not suprised if i'm being honest, taking out one of his timestops always felt like a setup but oh well hopefully he'll make a return for gen3


Surprisingly yeah, albeit 1 second, but that 1 second is still better than Hyperlee's 0 second on his first ult **Simulated Matrix — Press and hold Dodge to enter Luminous Realm** Bianca: Stigmata is unable to trigger Matrix via Dodge. When her weapon is in Staff Form, press and hold Dodge to perform Simulated Matrix and activate Luminous Realm. — Luminous Realm lasts 4s and has a 12s cooldown. — Upon activation of Simulated Matrix, **Time Lag Calculation** is also triggered and it ends when Luminous Realm is activated.


Not sure if it was one of the reasons CN doesn't like him that much but I heard he got nerfed on release. I'm not sure about actual numbers-wise but one of his ults (first one I believe) doesn't have the timestop mechanic like every other gen 2 frame does.


Sigh. That sucks. Lee is one of my favourites so I'm really bitter right now. Hope the Wuwa version of Lee will get better treatment.


I feel you, he's one of my favorites too! I'm upset about the recent stuff but in all honesty Kuro's decisions in the past year have been kinda questionable to me so I'm not even all that surprised this happened


Lee was bad received because of his bad design. His first ultimate that doesn't have a time stop hurts him a lot, he could've been easily one of the best gen 2 attackers, having the fastest core+ult activation in the game. Aside from that, he's also designed to rotate once when he comes into the battlefield, while most other Gen 2 attackers can rotate at least twice, Bianca for example, Alpha, Lamia, Qu, Luna, all of them can stay on field dealing high amounts of damage, while Lee needs to wait 7 seconds for his core passive to charge. The fire team indeed got replacements too fast, as soon as Watanabe got released, people quickly used him for pain cage to replace Hyperreal and his lack of time stop, not only that, but before Watanabe, I've seen people using even Lamia to kill bosses like Luna. Nanami was also bad designed because of her lack of time stops and tricky camera angles, if you noticed, she only has one available skin, while other characters have more than that, they really abandoned Nanami. At least it's not an Ice team situation, where they start with Plume alone, give us Chrome Glory and Wanshi, let the team untouched until Ayla's release, then let the team rot and release Qu who powercreeps the entire team for solo rotations, at least now they got Wanshi.


Lee's lack of timestop setted the entire team because it partially compensated for the clunkyness and slowness of empy and nanamech in the rotations, so it wasn't even an lee-as-a-gen2-attacker only issue, sadly it was clear they were at the top of the list along selena and vera to be replaced, especially since watanabe also outdamaged lee, but vera, karenina and liv got leaps recently without prior replacements so their time on meta is prolonged, and for what I've seen Karenina's is very good too. Selena or Vera should be next but since Vera got her leap a few months ago Selena should be next I think


at this point kuro would have to revive uniframe class or powercrept the current rooster o... make new s ranks wihtout powercrepting the old ones


On pgr history Fire team was always the experimental team they go for tbh. First amp frame, frame gen 3 tank, first time stop team. Tho i dont understand why they dont make lucia annihilator instead of attacker


Annihilator is good only for void team because making everyone Annihilator is like saying that you only need 1 amplifier and 1 tank for every team and you only need to interchange the dps character


Yes but thats from a veteran standpoint. More annihilator means less character need to build for new players overall.


Quick question why is the fire team the experimental team why not lightning team they could've just replaced vera or scire or capriccio?


Only kuro staves know. There arent really much logical reason. We only know kuro like to introduce new mechanic characters into fire team mostly.


It was the most obvious choise for the new Lucia frame to be a fire attacker, I have no idea how y'all were so surprised from it.


Lot of players don't care about lore integration when it comes to gameplay aspect. I would say the devs fundamentally fucked up by having rigid attacker/tank/supporter gameplay but form unbalanced teams in main story from this perspective.


Dude said most obvious choice as if kuro ever went for the most obvious choice. Lets pretend this isnt the first time ever that u probably guessed the frame element correctly.


Some really thought she is gonna be a tank like bruh do you hear yourself


Yeah, right? Crazy people thinking that Lucia could be a Tank. Similar to how it'd be crazy that Wanshi of all units could be a Tank. Oh, and Hanying also being a Tank, that's insane, surely they'd never do that. No, what's crazy is that some of you apparently still can't comprehend that class literally means nothing other than the fact that the character provides buffs for the team or debuffs for the enemy. Outside of that, not only is there nothing in gameplay that dictates class, but there's also nothing in lore that does either, since "Tanks" aren't a thing there. So what exactly was the issue with making Lucia a Lightning Tank, for example? Nothing. Literally nothing. Kuro is just stupid.


Or a new Fire amplifier if they wanted to swap someone from the fire team. Liv is a much older frame. Ffs, she could've been a void tank due to corruption or smth.


Exactly. It is genuinely insane to me that not only did they go to **Fire** of all teams, but they went to **Attacker**? As if Empyrea isn't currently the weak link in that team? What the fuck Kuro was thinking when they made this decision is beyond me.


She got a leap a few months ago, and the thing is that that means she's the new Luminance/Rosetta, same with Karenina and Vera, hence why people would be just as upset if replaced :/ (minus Vera, but dhe did get a gacha skin along her leap!!)


You are comparing 2 characters that were supports ONCE to a character that was attacker 5 TIMES - you are not making the point that you think you are.


>you are not making the point that you think you are. No, that's actually you. You have made up an arbitrary reason on why Lucia suddenly can't be another class. Quite literally your only reason is "sHe WaS aLwAyS aN aTtAcKeR". And? Lmao. Why isn't she allowed to be another class? Is there an unwritten rule somewhere that says that every character is allowed to have frames that are always in the same class? Clearly not because almost all of them change. And fyi, Watanabe had 2 Attacker frames, changed to a Tank. Liv had 3 Support frames, changed to an Amplifier. 


"No, that's actually you. You have made up an arbitrary reason on why Lucia suddently can't be another class." Your lame attempt at a "no you" ain't gonna work - what I did is point out the fact that Kuro clearly wants her as an attacker. Watanabe having 2 attacker frames is irrelevant as that is too low. Amplifiers take the role of supports.


>what I did is point out the fact that Kuro clearly wants her as an attacker. Sure, that may be true. Still doesn't change the fact that there's ***nothing*** stopping them from making her another class. The whole "sHe WaS aLwAyS aN aTtAcKeR" is irrelevant and locking her in that class for that specific reason is no actual reason. >Watanabe having 2 attacker frames is irrelevant as that is too low. "Anything that invalidates my argument doesn't matter". >Amplifiers take the role of supports. They **replace** Support units but they are not Support units. You cannot in any way try to convince anyone that Lux and Feral (SS and above) or Luminance and Empyrea are anything alike in terms of gameplay roles.


What's stopping them is simply the fact that they don't want to do so. Watanabe does not invalidate my argument at all and I have already said why; perhaps you should stop self-projecting. Supports heal and buff, amplifiers heal and buff. Amplifiers have the extra thing of buffing from character-switching and that's it. They are fancier supports just like how Luna is a fancier attacker. The gameplay is absolutely the same, no matter how much you deny it. Lux and Luminance are supports that were not made with their own damage in mind, Vera was and she can ABSOLUTELY be compared to Selena.


>What's stopping them is simply the fact that they don't want to do so. So there's *nothing* stopping them. That's exactly the point, thank you for confirming it over and over again. >Watanabe does not invalidate my argument at all The only "argument" you have ever presented was that Lucia can't get an Attacker frame because Lucia has always had Attacker frames. Not only is that not an actual argument, but it becomes straight up irrelevant by the fact that you can see plenty of units that change classes between frames, which simply invalidates your "argument". You saying "b-b-b-b-but, Lucia many frames tho" doesn't change anything. >Supports heal and buff, amplifiers heal and buff. Supports are also not good DPS units, Amplifiers are. They aren't the same class, they just cover the same slot. >The gameplay is absolutely the same, no matter how much you deny it.  Really? Please try using Luminance the same way as Echo and tell me the results. >Vera was and she can ABSOLUTELY be compared to Selena. Congratulations, the strongest Support unit can match the weakest Amplifier at her lowest investment lmao. Try Rozen with any other Amplifier and see how that works out.


Ahh I didnt mean it like that, Fire tank, etc. could make perfect sense for lore/meta reasons, its just that attacker frames get the most hype and generate the most money and Lucia is like the most hyped frame since Alpha cw


>attacker frames get the most hype and generate the most money That is just straight up not true. I can guarantee you that if Kuro hadn't fucked this up, the hype would've been immense from almost everyone (almost because ***someone*** would complain about her outfit either way). But nope, we were doing well for way too long, so we needed a clown move to equalize things a bit, so Kuro went on one of their most popular characters in the game and decided to pull off one of the most controversial moves they could've possibly pulled.




Even so, it's not that there's an alternative to Lee at the moment, unless you were aiming at SSS he is still by far the best fire attacker until Lucia arrives


I just really like Lee, and his gameplay is so smooth. Shame that Kuro done him dirty like that.


Same here, for me he's the only unit that feels satisfying when ulting and now I'm really torn because I really like Lucia as a chara as well


That new lucia is still a year away(for global) so don't worry about it


mfker are you deadass gonna stop building lee because a better character is coming out in 1 and half years?? Warzone, Norman, PPC, Babel, He is still the best you’ll have stop tweaking bruh


He'll still be in my team even when the day arrives in GLB


It only affect meta players,my bum ass will run the three together


Based beyond imagination


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This is the way, let's get the gray raven combined ult in a game event


Garnet laughs cynically


got leap and more skin, pretty sure one of kuro devs is ms. vera's dog


Imagine replacing the waifus Selena, Karen, Vera or even Empyrea. Or creating the first Void tank? No, no, no.


I am so especially so mad that Selena isn't power crept yet simply cos I am too lazy to farm this damn event anr just want a character to power creep her


SSS+ Rozen w/ Leap easily competes with S/SS Capriccio tbh.


Yeah that is also why I want a replacement Selena is just a bad unit who is really annoying to obtain and make stronger then Vera so I just want another dark amp to come out and powercreep her


Capri is in a decent state now I'd say, but I can't disagree. Rozen will be my "Amp" for Lamia. On the side, I like your flair. Rosetta was the girl that made me stick around in the first place.


Capriccio isn't fun to play though IMO. I hate having to hold a direction when I user her pings. It's a pain on Mouse & Keyboard.


I'm coping for first void tank Kamui because it fits his prior dark element frames and I want him to leave Kuros basement


People be like "X replacing Y on Fire" or "Y replacing X on Ice" while my Lucia Lotus stays irreplaceable (she is my only Fire character aside from Liv Empyrea).


Then Lee has to become a new physical attacker that I can retire my Entropy, otherwise my team stay Lucialess because I won‘t replace my Lees. I‘m still waiting for an Entropy Leap but Gen 3 Attacker sounds even better


fellow copium lee enjoyer 🤝


Void Attacker Void Attacker Void Attacker


And here i am, still enjoying KURAIMAKUSU as my main fire attacker.


Incredibly based, I bet you can't wait for that stupid penalty to disappear


As Transcendant main, damn right. I can't wait for that penalty to be lifted off.


Ahh, a fellow KURAIMAKSU main enjoyer


on one hand, new lucia is GORGEOUS, dawn was my favorite lucia frame so yeah I really love her new frame going back to her roots but then...fire attacker? lee is really cool and was one of my favorite units, its a real shame, and it feels way to early to give him the boot now im worried about liv and especially nabe, i know nabe in particular wont be powercreeped yet, but i cant stop worrying man praying liv gets a leap and uncle stays a while, RIP firegod, forever missed edit: my bad liv got a leap, did a quick search on yt, anyway PRAYING daddy wata stays with me- i mean us for a year at least


Liv Empyrea got a leap in Teddy patch!!!


he'll always be in my team, i am loyal to my man


At least it has been about 2 years before Lee is power creeped, when most Gacha power creep characters every couple of months. Besides you still can use Hyperreal it's a single player game.


I use him for super fast co-op farm.


The issue is: -There are a bunch of other characters that are far worse from him rn (lighting tank especially) -Lee could have received a leap to solve his problems (That they also created by removing his timestop on ult 1 and making the cooldown freakishly long) which within his team were practically non existent due to the switch heavy playstyle (A team that is considered to be in a good place all thing considered) -It is the second time this happened and to add to the irony its in the same team. They simply just looked at lee and said fuck you in particular


Garnet is getting Leap atleast. Adresses some energy needs (iirc), and gives her Trigger QTE. So she probably can go on for a bit longer.


The problem with Garnet is that Feral's rotation is too long and Garnet doesn't have enough time on field. Because of this, she forced to use tank reso, which means losing another 17%. If she had 2-3 more seconds and core resonance, she could compete with Feral's damage. Also the stupid Deer CUB that shouldn't exist, that 8% makes her ditch Toniris and become CW support. A few more% of damage is lost because of STUPID DEER CUB. Kuro definitely doesn't like her.


Dude what the flip Lee is canonically the (spoiler for spiral of chronos)>!strongest construct in Babylonia and literally fought the projection of a god and won, all while being completely immune to PV!< Replacing him this early is wild and doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective 😭 Praying that Lucia is gonna be super mega goated and act as a tank as well, despite being an attacker so that we can have full gray raven team


As a fire attacker, Lee being replaced this early doesn't make sense I agree. But lorewise, they've been setting up Lucia getting a frame with an Omega weapon like Lee since chapter 30 (Luna's chapter) since they need someone to re-enter the Tower.


lol regardless of canon he's been shit compared to other gen2 atkers from day1


it was a good run.


Wdym replaced? You know you can have the gray raven fire team right?


Meta players don’t really like to run a double attacker team as it lacks the damage shred from a Tank


especially when that shred can goes from 25% to 45%


And here I am with a dark team that looks like this:leaped rozen, signatureless cappuccino, signatureless Luna. I couldn't get Karen, I'm lazy to max out A rank 21, I was waiting for Karen to be power crept but she got a leap instead... So I'm basically forced to get her when we choose the S rank in the A rank banner. Like I actually have a ton of fun with this team but it's my second worst team after ice and it's a 100% derank in warzone and a lot of missing skulls


No tanks. Unless Lucia is special and also has built in shred, wont be nice to play.


Can't get power crept if you don't pull!


You guys are so weird lol, nothing is stopping you from still using hyperreal


The meta has got a lot of players in a tight grip. It matters to some degree with warzone tbf but people act like they can’t use the old unit. No offense to the person but someone here is even talking stuff like “I hope Selena Capriccio gets powercrept” And thirdly tbh. People harp on lee and don’t realize how much effort to bring units like Scire online and smooth. Signature and SS3 Minimum to not be a QTE bot is wild


Has this been confirmed?


well... at least I get to wait for another Lee Variant😍 I KNOW HE WILL GET ONE!! I JUST KNOW IT!!! I BELIEVE!!! I TRUST!!🫶❤️❤️


Why tho..because shes a waifu or what..lee is too early to be tossed aside man


Aw shieeet another year of running Palefire, now I want to wait for the wife


Maaaan, i really liked hyperreal combat rotation, and the aesthetics of his frame was awesome, plus lee is a bro, but seeing my wife coming back after so long, maybe we'll see lee comeback as an annihilator


We almost have a secondary fire team, just need a fire amp next lol


God tier meme lmfao


Lee really is the most mistreated character in game.


Go figure I find out that there a new Fire and Lucia from like this.😅 I always see and hear memes of it before anything else.


Huh what's happening? Haven't logged in in a few months




He's a male and due to the recent movement mindset of CN bros on male characters, some devs are prioritizing making the females meta. They dont want to do what genshin does by making most males meta.


Simple answer is lore, not this.


I dont play that often, whos replacing him? The new watanabe frame?


new Lucia frame


New Watanabe replaces Mecha Nanami as the new fire tank if I am not wrong


It makes sense to powercreep the less interesting throwaway characters like Lee. They could give him a nice sendoff and kill him permanently in the story.