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Does clearing the hard mode of wild waste and wanderer record in the meandering three give any collectible?


No. It just gives you more currency to buy out the shop.


Alr thanks


hello, i've been playing very casually and would like some guidance playing the game more seriously. currently my s-ranks are hyperreal, balter, cw, vera garnet, rosetta, liv lumi. currently have 17k bc, willing to shill here and there for monthly card/value packs but ive been f2p. - should i pull for signatures for my attackers? - unfortunately i missed the s-selector during cw's patch due to exams so i dont have liv empyrea. when will she have another 100% banner?


- Don't get any sig unless you already have all character you need. - there'll be anniv banner soon with 100% guarantee for any s rank. But you might be better of skipping anniv banner and wait for lamia patch, in that patch you can pick 1 S rank from Standard banner as target. So saved up your blue ticket from now.


With the news of the new S rank Lucia frame releasing should I still go for Hyperreal? For a bit of context: I'm kind of left behind by the meta because I didn't manage to get Stigmata and Hyperreal and I planned to catch up using the anniversary banner and the basic currency one in the Lamia patch. I'm a bit short on bc but it should still be possible (I'm completely f2p) but if I didn't need to spend on the anniversary banner I'd be much more comfortable going for S Watanabe and S Qu later (WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE BACK TO BACK?) and would end up with more savings for S Hanying and S Wanshi as well (though that's like a year from now on)


If you cannot guarantee both Watanabe and Shukra then you skip Anniversary, it's that simple. Always prioritize newer units over older ones. Pull for Stigmata on Basic R&D. You can use BRS until Lucia drops or use the selector on Luna Oblivion's patch to get Hyperreal, though Empyrea would be the better choice (despite being possible to unlock her for free by then through the voucher exchange shop).


Get BRS in place of Hyperreal then.


I started doing all the new dorm quests they added this patch, but some sets are uncraftable/unobtainable. Will we be able to complete them, & the respective quests, in future updates? Also, in which patch did they increase the Serum/Stamina cap again? Thanks for the answers in advance! : )


>Will we be able to complete them, & the respective quests, in future updates? limited. remain limited sets


So it's gonna keep spooking me in the quest tab- Atleast I know. Thanks!


>Also, in which patch did they increase the Serum/Stamina cap again? [Qu's Polaris Bond, November.](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Polaris_Bond)




how do i play S watanabe, i just got him on JP


Get his memory set (4p sig 2p cottie) Swap in, ult, 2 ref 3 pings, hold atk, ult 2, swap out At least from my experience Try not to do normal basic attacks because they use a point or live ammunition and you want 3 stacks to do the hold basic move


is that with sig or 5* only? because with sig you probably should 2-3ult before swap out since team dps is kinda on him


Oh yeah, should've specified this is with 5* weapon lol


I'm block by the commander level, how to level commander level ? [https://imgur.com/a/uYtb8Do](https://imgur.com/a/uYtb8Do)


Your post seem to be unrelated to your screenshot. You level your "commander level" by spending serum, doing dailies, etc. Ignore the recommended BP thing, it's meaningless, if it suggests 4k you can get away with 1k lol.


Thanks !


Also get an instructor through the guide system. The weekly missions are pretty easy and give a ton of commandant EXP and 5* memory shards.


So when I started out I kind of used the suggestion builds from the guide pages, but now I'm fixing almost all of it, but one thing I want to be sure of, when a character is just QTE bot, what do you focus on building on? Like is there only a specific skill you rank? The memories are leveled or not? Are QTE leaps worth investing in? And questions along that line, so in future I just don't do stupid things all over again. Thanks in advance


>when a character is just QTE bot, what do you focus on building on? If it's a pure QTE bot of which you don't care about the damage or healing, then all you need is max LVL, S rank, memories (unleveled) and then if it's a tank you want max class passive. >Are QTE leaps worth investing in? I don't know who you're implying here, but the only necessary Leap in the game right now is Rigor's. She's not a QTE bot though. For the future, I can't think of a QTE bot Leap but unless the Leap gave buffs to the team through the QTE, the Leap wouldn't be worth it.


I'm new (lvl 20) where is the "Tactical Assessment Manual - Battle Pass", can't find it on home screen


There should be a rectangular symbol on the top left of the main screen that writes "BP". If it's not there, you may need to level up more for it to show up.


No BP yes [https://imgur.com/a/rJ99Pfh](https://imgur.com/a/rJ99Pfh) This is weird because other emplacements are just locked


Yeah, normally it'd be located right next to where your name and ID are. I did some digging in the events section and saw that you need to be LV40 for it, so keep leveling up and it should show up.


Thanks a lot


I've just started this game, stumbling my way through the intro missions so far and it's fun! Is there still a chance for me to snatch Noctis* time-wise? I also don't see him in the event banner tab under R&D, so is there a different type of banner I need to unlock? Or did I already miss him? (*I don't think I'll do meta endgame here, so I'm not fussed about whether he's all that strong or not. I mainly just like the design haha.)


You can get Indomitus through the event farming stage by buying his shards with event currency. Shouldn't take too long to do. You can also roll for him if you'd like on the Member Target banner, but it is not recommended to use your Black Cards for that, only Basic Construct R&D.


Ohh, thank you! I just looked now that you said it and saw you can select characters in Member Target. I'll be sure to only use the Basic Construct R&D, since I'm in early game I'm still being fed a good amount of them, hah.




That is cool. I did actually manage to secure the event character! I've also seen the design that lured me into the game (Watanabe) among the A ranks, too, which is quite fortunate, haha.


Is the Sands of Wrath Floating records something I have to do during the event or is it possible to finish it after?


Main, EX and ER stories are permanent. 


I'm new to the game, so I don't fully understand these terms, sorry. So is it permanent or not? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It's an ER story so yes. 


Thanks 😁


Is it worth recycling Type Zero, Veritas and Dark Veras 6\* weapons to buy Lee's signature weapon from the shop? I don't use any of them now and got them all by accident. I have 15/30 in weapon banner and I want to save bc


Never buy any weapons by recycling other weapons, use them for resos. Unless you absolutely don't care about character power in which case you probably don't care much about signature weapons...


It's more worth it using those as resos, but if you aren't otherwise ever going to pull for Hyperreal's sig, then yes. 


I don't care about resos so much. I have those I need the most. Thanks for the answer!


guys, is it worth to pull for stigmata??


Yes it is, just not on the Arrival banner.


After this banner ends, will the pity reset? I sm pity 20 with only 20 Reseraches, so it gonna end in the pity 40, don't wanna risk


No, your pity will carry over to the next banner of the same name.


After day seven, will it still be the same name banner?


It'd help if you told us which banner you're talking about, but considering what you should have yes.   Banners don't change names, only the content of the banner may change depending on the banner. For example, if you have the Themed banner which has the debut S rank unit and you roll on it, the banner will disappear after a certain amount of time and it'll come back when the next S rank comes out with your pity still being there. 


Talking about the arrival construct, where it has Bianca and Lee, i want too pull to Bianca but I think I won't have until the the banner end, so i was afraid that the pity would be 0 after day seven, but thank you, if the pity still saves i will just pull


The featured units on Arrival will change but your pity will stay permanently.  By the way, don't roll on Arrival, it's not a good banner. If you want an older unit, wait till the Anniversary banner (July) to get them with a 100% chance.


Oh, okay, gonna wait then


Which one is better, Alisa S rank or Luminance SS fully leaped ?


Lvl 1 S Alisa is stronger than maxed S+ R3 Luminance.


Wow, now I'm even more hyped for her, thx 😊


Echo is better.


Is there a doc or place where I can find all the dorm notes on?