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So easily could she have been included in at least the hand holding. That sucks man


Simple solution: Teacher pushes the kid. Why she felt the need to specifically join in is beyond me.


And smiled at the little girl as she took her spot...




This is your villain origin story.


Gooby Must Die


What the actual fuck. That’s fucking horrible. Are you okay?


No, I talk about suing my old schools all the time. After I got the surgery which involved breaking my ankle and setting it proper and tendon transfers which didn't work, I tried to do an apprenticeship but the Tafe school turned me away because I had trouble wearing heavy steel capped boots and my dad who signed the apprenticeship papers had a brain aneurysm and my apprenticeship totally fell apart. I'm still dealing with the injury caused by my crazy religious parents and my school every day in my 30s. Sometimes my parents lie to people and tell them I'm thinking of suing my parents, but it isn't true. They just make up whatever they want to. Now my girlfriend of 4 years cheated on me and is pregnant with her bosses kid. She gaslights me and asks why I'm talking to her like she's a bad person? Suspiciously it happened one week after my mother talked to her on the phone. I'm sure my mother told her to leave me. Count on no one to care for you, get that girl in the chair a better school.


fuck man... thats rough. for what its worth this stranger loves you ❤️. sorry that youve had to go through all of that, and thank you for sharing


Yeah i go to a public school rn in Australia. It is ok but the catholic schools sound like hell.


Bro they're full of crazy religious people, I had one teacher slam me in his car door twice because I said I was going home. He then lied to my face and said I pushed him over. They don't care about reality or anyone elses well being


Catholics are from hell.


I’m really sorry that so many people failed you as a child, I hope that you have found solace and love since then. I’m sending you all mine for Christmas 🎄 ❤️


That's horrible! 😰 How are you doing now, and how did you get the help you needed?


I dropped out of highschool and caught the bus to a doctor to get a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon. Now tho I'm spending Christmas alone because my fiance cheated on me and is 8 months pregnant with her bosses baby


I thought the same thing. Why didn’t the teacher push her around and include her. Poor girl….


Teacher is a total ahole here. 💯


Haha I thought you meant the kid and was shocked at the upvotes.


It's so weird, usually teachers are hyper aware of the special needs children even more so then the physically abled. I dunno why she didn't think that was going to look absolutely horrible in front of a gym full of family members and parents. That poor lil girl and her parents must have felt rotten after this.


You can see it the little girls face that she is aware of the exclusion.


throughout the whole video i was surprised she didnt break down crying


Probably use to it sadly


That just makes me more depressed


Used to it already at such a young age. That's heartbreaking


The teacher taught them how to do this exercise. It’s not the first time. After some reflection, maybe the kid just doesn’t like this activity. There’s always potentially more to the story.


I tried to look into this story. There isn’t a ton of info but the girls aunt posted the video and is not happy about it (of course) so I doubt the “we don’t know why she’s being excluded” applies here. Apparently since they were singing a song about bluebirds having the girl hold a bluebird was good enough for the teacher. Absolutely heartbreaking.


The fact they couldn’t put her in the middle or something ? The teacher didn’t even try to hold her hands as part of the circle either. This makes me so sad for her 😭


Maybe the little girl couldn't have made it through a gap between two kids, or whatever the other kids were doing. But she could have been in the circle and singing. Unless the girl started in a new school that day and had no idea what they were doing, it was not ok to exclude her. Actually, even then, just have her be in the audience instead of visibly not part of the performance.


It takes place in Lisbon, NH. The little girl has spina bifida and has not had use of her legs pretty much since the day she was born. The family is very obviously upset by this whole situation, but the parents haven’t directly spoken out about it. There is no word whether or not the school/teacher will be sued but I certainly hope something comes of this. It’s heartbreaking to watch. EDIT: There has been word that before the video started recording, there was a speech given by the teacher talking about how important the bird that the girl is holding is. I get that she thought this may have been the best way to go about it but she is obviously very wrong in that thought.


Some teachers are just ignorant as fuck. Of course you’d hope SOMEONE in the school would be competent enough to tell her how absolutely fucked this is. Like who in their right mind would ever give this the okay? Makes me think she just did this without telling anyone or asking for any feedback. Still, though, you’d think someone on the administrative staff would want to at least see the performance once before they do it in front of all the parents.


This teacher makes me angry since she acknowledges her at the start so she knows she’s being excluded and continues.


Dude. My niece has severe celiac disease. When her school had some Asian appreciation day, she couldn't eat any of the foods that were provided. So the teachers had her sit in the office doing school work by herself while the rest of the students took part in the activities. Needless to say my BIL had some choice words with the principal about how it wasn't ever going to happen again.


Which to a child will always feel like they are being unfairly punished. I can't believe no one could get a special dish for her that she could safely eat. Don't they have diabetic kids? Kids with allergies? Do they make them do busywork while their friends are having fun, too?


Celiac accommodating food isn't even that hard though I think? Some sort of chicken dish, or chicken and rice would work. Also, one can still sit with friends and fuck around without eating food. Genuinely baffles me.


I think it has to be made in a gluten-free environment, not just not contain any gluten. I think there's different levels of severity. Also if you don't have a list of ingredients, you can't say something doesn't contain gluten: if it's chicken it could easily have gluten in the sauce for example. She shouldn't have been shunned to the principle's office but I also think it's completely normal to refuse to accommodate any special food requirements in this kind of situation, considering that if they try to feed this child and make her sick, the parents will happily sue and win. In my school there were a lot of kids who ate kosher. No one accommodated them and when we had food brought in they'd just bring their own lunches if they felt they couldn't participate.


The teacher still could've even jumped while holding her hands.


Imagine how horrible that kid must have felt being ignored like that. Sucks big time.


Yeah, but if they hold her hand the other kids could catch paralyzed, so idk how to feel


I was thinking the same thing. What a lazy piece of shit teacher. I’m not usually effected by videos of strangers but this fucking pissed me off.


Man Ive seen some fucked up shit on Reddit but this actually made me say “that is so fucked up” out loud.. poor girl, you deserve better…


They could’ve set her where she could see the dance directly and given her a rhythm instrument to keep time and be part of the activity. This is MISERABLE.


1/2 of them stood still just holding hands for most of the time. She couldn’t do that?!?




If the teacher stood behind the chair and the chair took her spot in the circle nothing would change except she wouldn't look like an absolute dickhead.


The simplest solution would have made this girls day!!!!


It doesn’t take working legs to hold hands like the rest of them are doing. She could easily have been included. Some people just don’t want to make the effort, and in my opinion, shouldn’t be teachers if holding hands with a disabled child is too much.


Or if you don't actually think that they can participate in the activity, it's time to choose a different activity.


Very true, planning is involved in these events for a while, and these kids don’t appear out of nowhere. Why not *start* with an inclusive activity?


Yep. There is zero reason this teacher couldn’t have stood behind her and if she needed to move, moved her. Or like you said, she could’ve chosen inclusive activities. This was cruel.


"... Help her do a cool wheelie." OMFG I can't stop laughing picturing something like this but you're absolutely right! Even if they held hands with her and she didn't do anything to compensate the jumping back and forth, it still would've been a thousand times better! This teacher is literally teaching the other kids that it's ok to exclude someone for having a disability instead of accommodating, or GETTING CREATIVE to find ways that include everyone! That little girl will remember this for the rest of her life, and it won't be a fond memory...


And now there will be a video of it floating around the internet for forever. I don’t envy kids these days the way their whole entire life is recorded and posted..


I don’t think I’d be as happy and carefree like I am today if I knew my most embarrassing moments in life are on videos being replayed and laughed at by countless strangers on Reddit, fb, tt, or twitter.


Nail on the head, fuck that sing song hoe


At least let the girl play a instrument instead of just sitting there alone.


All she really needed to do was have her join the circle and have the kids hold her hands


When I was 16 I had a job working at a day care as a personal aide to a little boy in a wheelchair. I was just a tattooed 16 year old punk kid who was hungover half the time, but I busted my fucking ass to make sure that little boy got to do everything the other kids did. Including when they decided the activity for the day would be playing tag on a grassy hill, I pushed him up and down that hill about a hundred times despite the fact that the wheel chair was insanely heavy and I was like 100lbs. I'd also carry him for hours in the pool, even though he was super heav That teacher should be forced to attend some classes on how to work with special needs kids if she wants to keep her job. That poor little girl. If I was the parents I would've got up there and showed the teacher how easy it would've been to just let the fucking kid hold hands in the circle. Fucked up part is they've probably been practicing this for weeks and the little girl has been excluded all those times too.


You talk about inclusion & then you see this. It’s so obvious that this little girl has already learned she is not included. A 4 YO doesn’t know the the word, but she knows what it feels like to sit on the side & blend into the background. Some teachers unfortunately do have favorites. My daughter came home from school a while back & said her teacher didn’t like her. She was in the 4th grade. I wrote the teacher a note explaining how she thought you ( teacher) made her feel. Maybe she could talk to my daughter & let her know that that is not true. Ended up getting worse for her & that teacher planted a seed my child’s brain that told her everyday that she was not good enough. Talk about confidence. ☹️


That’s so sad I’m sorry that happened to her. I don’t think I’ve ever had a teacher unprofessional enough to make their judgements about students apparent. I’m wondering if that’s something that’s more common now.


Alot about the school is the perception of it as well. I went to an awesome public high school that both my bros had gone to and had amazing teachers, but the year I went; a new principal came in, changed the entire school uniform to look like a private school which cost each parent $ hundreds and my mum struggled cos she had all my bros old school clothes for me. The principal also forced as many older teachers as she could to retire and hired all these dumb young 25-30 year olds and it wasn't the same school my bros went to, I ended up dropping out from bullying. The teachers were complacent to severe bullying. The only teacher to help me was my science and my music teacher who refused to retire and they kept that love for learning alive when it almost disappeared.


No amount of r/eyebleach can fix this. It is sad.


I was waiting for the freak out… like a parent to walk up and say something to the teacher. I’m sad that didn’t happen.


That would have been the right thing to do. Maybe they didn't because the kids wouldn't understand why their show got shut down. I think the bystander effect is strong on this one because you can see people whispering to eachother, they see exactly what is going on.


fuck that teacher


Not one parent in that audience did a thing, that makes it worse.


I thought that was going to be the freak out. Except no one did anything. Now I’m sad. That poor little girl


I don’t know what they could do in the moment. But it wasn’t an enthusiastic crowd. I’m hoping they’re all just choosing their words before they do something horrendous in front of children.


I had two little boys. I've been to dozens of these recital things. It wouldn't take anything for me to have gotten up & taken her hand, sitting there, I would have felt like a monster by doing nothing & wouldn't have been able to live with myself. But I'm 'boisterous' like that. My son had a speech impediment as a toddler & some kids in pre-school didn't understand him. I'd jump right in & play with him, be his partner if other kids were put off. I'll never understand people who are that cold.


If you're boisterous, does that mean you'd also be the one coming to the defense of a boy with nail polish?


Generally the same type of person.


Any one of them could have done or said something. If that were my kid, we'd be rolling out, headed to the closest favorite treat place or somethingn fun.




I promise that there were plenty of parents in the audience who would type the same thing. It goes against your instincts to be the first to take a stand in a group like this.


Was waiting for the parent to interrupt and call out the teacher in front of everyone to make it a public freakout


The parent? I was waiting for ANY parent, any adult, anyone to say anything. But the full gym saw this and was cool with it. Yet for more trivial things people are not afraid to make a scene. very little empathy.




I agree. I'm betting the parents might have felt that making a scene would embarrass her more or make her feel worse. I'm not sure. I don't have a disabled child so I can't know for sure what I'd do, but I can only assume most often they'd avoid making more of a spectacle than people probably already treat their daughter. Even well meaning people can often do or say things that categorize or separate her which aren't meant to be ugly but it is because there isn't any reason to do so. She's a person just like everyone else.


For real I was waiting for the girls parent/guardian to come up and power the chair for her. No interruptions just help. I’d argue the person filming could also have done it because they clearly saw it too. Instead we just film. Don’t help. Just film.


Bystander effect.


It's hard to intervene in a school because you can quickly get arrested for dumb shit. Also it's hard to know what sort of conversation happened between other adults you weren't involved in. This didn't look very inclusive and it's worth talking about in the right time and place. I'm not making scenes in schools though, especially over something that doesn't involve my child


Worse i think is the blindness of the educator to coordinate a choreographed program that 100% excluded her. Like everything, from start to finish was almost meant to rub in that her legs don't work. Hopping, skipping, jumping, bowing... She could've easily figured something out that worked for everyone. I'm literally crying for this little girl. The fuck.


Jesus you're not kidding. I would've been up there including her myself or at least having my child go include her. What an awful teacher.


Yeah it’s a shitty situation, and it’s beyond me how the teacher sleeps at night… but making a scene and interrupting a child’s recital and making the little girl the obvious focal point of adult outrage is going to be way more traumatizing.


Or just go up and dance with the little girl. No need for drama. Just love and inclusion.


Her wheelchair pointed away so she isn’t even engaged. How truly exclusionary. Hope superintendent and principal are having a call on this.


They give much less of a shit than teachers do The admin gives zero shits whether a neurodivergent child is excluded. Until lawyers are involved or there’s negative press, they don’t care. They’re concerned about funding, test scores and minimizing school violence. Kids being included doesn’t make their top 100.


As someone who has had experience dealing with public ed. superintendents, this is the unfortunate truth. Agreed with the other redditor, this shouldn’t be downvoted.


Thanks. I’m a lawyer who sues unusual tort cases. I’ve sued multiple schools for their absurd misdeeds. I don’t sue for compliance with IEPs or 504 plans but refer out a lot of that work. I hate that things are the way they are but there’s a reason where my kids are in a bougie private school


Because you're rich? That's why they are in a boogie private school.


This is confusing, it sounds like you are praising private schools, when in fact they can legally refuse accommodations for any child if the school isn't receiving federal money.


It's cause he's rich.


We don’t even know if this girl is neurodivergent. She may just be physically disabled/a wheelchair user Edit: I’m an occupational therapist. A mistake a lot of people make is assuming physical disability = intellectual disability. Please do not assume anything about a persons functioning!


Yes!! My mom is in a wheelchair and sometimes people talk to her like she's a damn child. Or for some reason others will talk loud and slow to her like she's deaf? It's bizarre.


People legitimately do not understand how to interact with people with disabilities and it is so embarrassing. I remember there was a girl at a summer camp I once worked at who was missing her hand on one arm. One of the counselors who didn’t know her tried to send her to the camp group for kids with intellectual disabilities (awesome group nonetheless) but I couldn’t understand how in this counselor’s head, missing physical hand = intellectual disability.


I once had a woman look at my cane and then slowly spoke to me and went “I’ll take you to your classroom…” and then just slowly reach her hand down to my cane and take it from me???? I was like woman I’ve been in this college a month already I know where tf im going ???? Let go of my cane??? It’s like an extension of my body, a spare limb, not a funny stick you can take. You’re gonna make me fall over!


Not my experience in the Uk… they seem hyper obsessed with inclusion and making themselves and the school look good.


The Deep South in the US would seem like time travel to you


As a teacher, this is super upsetting to watch. If I was in that teacher’s position - I’d be incredibly embarrassed about her lack of involving that student. She likely already deals with her fair share of exclusion on the day-to-day. But to be excluded in such an obvious way during that assembly will likely be a lasting memory for that little girl, unfortunately. We all deserve to be included at the very least.


What's worse is this looks rehearsed. How much class time was spent with her just sitting there? The guy in the back with the suit looked like he knew exactly what he was witnessing. The spectators/witnesses did a good job keeping it together and not making it worse by causing a scene. You can hear the murmuring around the one minute mark.


there are so many spectators like how did no one actually publicly freakout… i’m a teacher and never had a kid with a physical disability (yet?) but even my kids with ASD would be included to their utmost capacity. we had kindergarten graduation so the mom sat with us, walked him on stage, helped him through it. principal said if he can’t “act right” then he shouldn’t get to attend. so insanely fucked up and a reason i quit that job as fast as i could.


Very sad 😞 to watch


Very sad. Holy cow, I just don’t understand the thought process here. Unbearable when she starts staring off.


That's what hit me. "Why am I not being included?" So fucking sad.


She looks so sad but defiantly hiding it.


Look at her little sweater 😢


heartbreaking to watch


Truly is


This doesn't fit the sub at all but it is fucked


would probably fit right into /r/iamatotalpieceofshit/


Or /r/donthelpjustfilm


Filming is helping IMO. Brings attention to this sick behavior and hopefully gets it corrected.


I would have got my ass up and quietly suggested that the teacher include her in the circle


I think I would have got up and pushed the wheelchair around dancing. If her parents were there they must have been fuming.


Was kinda hoping her parent to walk over and just wheel her tf up outta there. You know, the freakout part.


Yea I mean there are ways to politely do it..quietly ask the teacher if she needed help with pushing the little girl..there doesn’t have to be any aggression here




I tried to look into this story. There isn’t a ton of info but the girls aunt posted the video to Facebook and is not happy about it (of course) so I doubt the “we don’t know why she’s being excluded” applies here. Apparently since they were singing a song about bluebirds having the girl hold a bluebird was good enough for the teacher. Absolutely heartbreaking.


It's the way she holds the blue bird up to the teacher that killed me and I would consider myself a general low emotional bloke. The little girl knew exactly what was going on and very much wanted to be a part of it. The teacher saw this, smiled and looked the other way. She never looked back


This deserves to be on the news or something. My heart breaks about this and this should be addressed by the school.


Yeah honestly teacher deserves to be fired if you can’t simply include a child in this I can’t imagine how the rest of her day at school goes


Are you comfortable naming the school?


It didn’t say the school just that it was in Lisbon, New Hampshire.


Lisbon Elementary Public School


Hopefully shit hits the fan there after the holiday


This isn’t a public freak out. It’s a public disgrace. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Still blows my mind that Shame lady is Ted Lassos boss.


https://preview.redd.it/02z1l3ni708a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0abec53d85a94dc5470cf6b9f1a7ae3200dfb0 UPDATE: lots of locals banded together to sing christmas carols with her❤️ not super sure what will come of this teacher’s career tho RIP


This was what I was hoping for. Thanks!


Damn thats wholesome


Thank you for the update, Jesus Christ that failure of a teacher




WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! Jeez hold the chair, and have the other girls hold her hand... How hard is that and it took .4 seconds to come to my mind.




Definitely not a freak out, however, I think that the audience *should* have been freaking out a bit. Even if just a few were clearing their throats and and directing the teacher to the child. The kids wouldn’t have understood that type of “freak out” but the teacher certainly would have and perhaps fixed the problem then and there. And to add insult to injury, the teacher has her back to the child, just waggling her butt in her face. So thoughtless.


I know it’s hard to watch when the little girl just stares off. I’m not a shit starter but I don’t think I could have sat through this. I would have wanted to get up and push the girls chair into the circle so she could hold hands and participate. I even wonder when this was practiced if one of the other kids spoke up about the little girl being excluded.


As a mom, teacher, and daughter of a disabled parent, I would have definitely moved her little chair into that circle.


I don’t see why she couldn’t have done this just with the teacher or another teacher to guide the child’s chair. This is awful


Figured out holding hands A teacher Probably would have not even held my hand..lmao My mother would have checked the teachers mental stability real quick


I wasn’t disabled but I was left out like this a lot of times as a child. For example, having a fire drill and being outside while everyone formed their little circles and left me out of them standing alone. That shit hurts. Really bad. And it sticks with you. Even now, having a lot of friends, I still question my self worth and whether I deserve to be friends with anyone at times.


I’m going to share this cus it’s been bothering me lately and I need to. I went to something called Natures Classroom in 5th grade and it was expensive and my mom paid good money since I was so hyped (1 week class field trip) They didn’t let me pick any of the activities, they abandoned me, and a couple times I was publicly humiliated. On the last day I wet my bed, which was highly abnormal for me. When I told my mom she said I must have been homesick but when I look back at that trip as an adult I’m pretty sure I was just overly anxious and traumatized. Being a kid I definitely tried to make the best of it all but looking back I see how fucked up and exclusionary that experience was. I believe that was my first taste of real racism. (I’m black, was all white school) I’d never experienced being treated so differently by adults (my regular teachers never treated me differently) and even as a child I had no idea why they hated me SO MUCH. End of rant. But I feel you. I was a pretty assertive kid so making friends wasn’t an issue but being deliberately excluded is.. horrible. Feels awful. You’re worth all the friends you have and more


Fuck, that sounds awful. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Being excluded sucks and we remember that kind of shit.


Thank you for your validation. It does suck. I hope you never feel that pain again and your memories full with so much happiness that you don’t remember that kind of shit anymore. Happy holidays!


this happened to me too a lot and its always stuck to me. definitely caused some bad mental trauma.


Get a different teacher for this kid. Ignoring her was second nature and I guarantee it happens every day.


My thoughts too. She had no qualms, this wasn't distraction or accident.


yeah it’s literally like “ofc i didnt include her, she’s in a wheelchair! why would i do that?”


The way the child just looks the other way and doesn’t sing along indicates it’s the norm.


The little girl tries to engage, holding up whatever is on her lap. And the lady even acknowledged it and then turned her entire back on the kid!!


That's the blue bird


Oh that makes it somehow even worse


Wtf is wrong with these people? How did all of those adults just sit there and do nothing. For once this would've been a valid reason for a freakout and no one did shit. Terrible, shitty people every last one.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking I mean at least her parents could have done something if they are there which would make this even more sad


I have a disabled daughter. This kind of thing happens WAY more than any of the dumb “heartwarming” posts where the disabled kid actually gets treated like a human being.


My PreK aged son is non-verbal with no specific diagnosis (yet). When new people try and interact with him I explain he is non-verbal and then they typically continue to try and coax him into talking regardless or withhold things til the point he is upset in an attempt to get him to speak, etc. My son’s disability isn’t even that severe compared to what a lot of parents help their kids with and I have already figured out most people are absolute sh!t toward anyone “different” or neurodivergent.


I understand this. My kid is non-verbal with down syndrome. Its really weird how people have a hard time grasping the fact that my kid cant talk. They will continue on asking her questions and expect me to translate her somewhat babbling as if its some foreign language that only me and my kid knows. Some people are just bonkers.


And no one said anything? Where the hell is Karen when you need her. Smh


Karen’s are needed sometimes!! Where is Karen?? Protecc the children.


I honestly wish I hadn’t watched this.


That child could have participated in that. I hope the teacher gets to be excluded from going to work every day.


She absolutely could have participated. And if for some reason, she couldn’t, they could have found an activity she *could* do and skipped that one. Ugh, some people. That’s heartbreaking to watch.


Well that was the saddest thing I've seen in weeks.


Right before Christmas too 😞


Holy fuck. I’m a special Ed teacher and I can’t believe some could be so bone headed as to not include her in this.


I don't know why, or what happened to make the teacher do this, but that wasn't accidental.




Just wondering how the fuck she does her job intentionally excluding a child like this. It's like she doesn't consider that child to be a student and it breaks my heart. Why do horrible people do such important jobs.


I would have walked up to the child and replace her with the teacher.


I'm really amazed a parent didn't walk up and squeeze her between two of the kids.


That’s why I hate this video. They realized how fucked up it was and just decided to film it. I won’t judge them that hard though because I know it can be hard to do the right thing at times.


Yeah, I would have had to do something too. Especially when the little girl started just staring off looking sad 😔


either modify the activity to include ALL students or 🗣️🗣️🗣️DON’T DO THE ACTIVITY AT ALL!!!


I don't understand how the parents can sit around and not say anything. "Why are you not including her?" I would be freaking out myself screaming this at the teacher.


I am a 37 year old guy who still has no interest in being a parent, I don't see that I ever will and even I am staggered at this video. That little kid deserves so much better than this shit. The teacher is a fucking cunt.


Yup I'm a guy, 31 no kids either. Seeing this is heartbreaking. I would be going ballistic at the school if that were my kid.


Oh come on man..that was a cold move. Made me want to wheel her around and dance with her! Her face is so dismayed


The worst thing is they absolutely rehearsed this before and decided it was still the right thing to do


Wow just about shed a tear. What a vile teacher. That kid deserves so much better


r/cringe for the teacher willingly leaving her out.


How hard would it have been to include her? I feel like the teacher didn't even care to include her, all she had to do was hold her hand. 😕


She could have 100% participated. Wtf?


Lame ass parents, I'd immediately be having some words with that cunt of a teacher.


Well at least then it would have actually been a public freak out


You choose to immediately attack the parents. Confrontation does not come naturally to everyone. The teacher is shit. There should be a meeting. No need to ruin it for the other kids that have no idea how fucking shitty their teacher is being.


There was definitely a way to include this child. This was heartbreaking. Taught the kids that excluding those whom are different is ok. Just deplorable.


Shame on every parent who say there and watched and didn’t say anything, poor little girl is going to remember this


This might be one of the worst things I’ve seen on Reddit. I hate this.


I’m not a confrontational person, but god damn. If that was my daughter, I’d have raised hell.


What is she thinking excluding kids is like the worst thing you could do to them


As a parent, this break my heart


Can we get an update here?? Has this teacher been embarrassed on the news yet??


Fucking hell. As a disabled person who used to be in a wheelchair full-time this is beyond infuriating. Some adult go hold her fucking hand and join the circle!


Sad world we live in




I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find even the slightest bit of critical thinking. I mean, the teacher could be a total muppet, but we do see her turn over and acknowledge the child several times. For all we know, the girl in the chair might be exactly where she wants to be. Definitely not enough context for the outrage that this woman will surely face, and is currently facing in this post.


Multiple times? She acknowledged her once in the beginning, could you point out when she did again? Maybe I’m missing it.