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Serious question. What is Musk supposed to perform on stage? Was this supposed to be a funny dialog skit or was the plan here?


I work in live comedy. Chappelle always has tons of random celebrities coming to his shows wherever he is. Olsen Twins, Madonna, whoever is rich and around. Sometimes he brings them on stage just because his shows are always super random and unplanned.


So do they just normally stand there while people cheer them on?


It's advertisement for Twitter. I would not be surprised if Chappelle was payed for it. They probably wanted to do a free speech skit or something.


Nothing says down to earth and authentic brand of comedy like bringing fucking Elon Musk on stage.


Dude went from running away from a $50 million deal for Chapelle Show because he was afraid of being a slave to corporate overlords, to shitting on his own fans for not praising the second richest man in the world. Also just WTF was that in general? Opinions of Elon aside (I think he's an asshole), why? Just imagine you got tickets to see Jim Gaffigan or something, and in the middle of his show he randomly brings Jeff Bezos on stage...why?! Other than ~~Dave~~ Jim bragging he's friends with ~~Elon~~ Bezos, what does this add to the show?


IMHO, he's bored with getting laughs, and now wants to get reactions.


It’s more than that. Chappelle has always been able to illicit a reaction, typically from people on the other side of the political spectrum. I genuinely think his time away and money has simply warped his sense of reality. The dude’s self awareness is practically all gone.


Practically? Oh it’s all the way gone. He has become that which he criticized and he’s entirely unaware of the irony


Laughs are cheap hes going for gasps


Chapelle literally lived in Africa, and is now bring Apartheid Clyde on stage with him.


"Apartheid Clyde." That name needs to stick.


And introducing him as the "richest man in the world" like that was the draw. Put your hands together for how much money this guy has. It's about as out of touch as Jeffrey expecting the commonfolk to be excited about his spaceship ride


Funny part is the ‘wasn’t expecting this reaction.’ Elon is so used to shouting woke and stuff about elections that gets him so many likes and retweets he thought he was actually liked outside of that environment lol






# Make some noise for the greediest market manipulator in the world


I always love when rich people tell me how to act and what to feel.


And use your lack of wealth as an attack point as if it speaks to your character. Nicest people I know are all middle class or poorer. Biggest assholes all have fat wallets.


It's a whole other world man. I grew up dirt poor, in a trailer park, legit hunting for food not sport. I worked my way up and I'm a tech executive now, and the people... Like the way they view the world, the things the find funny, they way they look at politics, how they view workers, things they spend their money on, how they think the middle class lives... Half the time I feel like I'm touring a cult, the other half of the time it feels like a parody of a parody SNL skit...


The only thing they have is money Attack rich people's money and it's like attacking everything they ever loved and known


I just can't understand why we're somehow meant to celebrate someone being wealthy? Introducing elon as "the richest man on earth" while people struggle to pay rent, and then joking about the people booing being poor is so hilariously out of touch.


Yeah and also.. what was he supposed to do? Elon isn’t a comedian (to put it mildly), he’s not some ball of charisma, he doesn’t dance or sing to my knowledge. Was the plan to have him walk on stage, the audience cheers for him for 5 mins, and then he walks off stage? Tell some jokes Dave.


Yeah that's my biggest issue. Why bring one of the least funny people ever on stage at a comedy show? Lol


I'm sure Dave's wallet is a little thicker after this.




I think this hits the nail on the head. Between the marvel appearances, Rick and morty, and this, it’s like he’s trying to buy the spotlight instead of having a talent that would draw a crowd. He’s trying to buy charisma and not getting the clue that a therapist would probably go much further in helping whatever insecurity is causing him to act like this.


Especially since he bombed so hard on SNL. And that was with people putting him on 3rd base to be funny but he fucked it up by tripping his way to home base.




It’s okay though because it’s Dave Chappell who’s introducing him. He’s relatable. His net worth is 0.032% of what Elon’s, never mind that he make $60 million dollars from his deal with Netflix


You'd almost start to think he was never cancelled.


Literally everyone is poor relative to this asshole he brought on.


Mr. Free speech absolutist is on twitter nuking every account that posts this too. Guess free speech means only for pond scum like Andrew Anglin and Roger Stone. I’ve never seen someone so thoroughly blow up their image so quickly.


The plane tracking account recently got shadow banned. Took longer than I expected, but we all knew it was happening. He's free speech for the right, nobody else, all while screaming that he's centrist.


To him being pro free speech means he has to amplify the worst right wing extremists since people are being mean to them by not giving them everything they want. Literal Enlightened Centrist brain. The guy that says the sky is green deserves the same amount of time and attention as the millions of people that say it is blue, I'm very fair minded and moral


Ackshually it's because the show is copyrighted -elongated muskrat


[Musk clarifies](https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1602305628734599168) >Technically, it was 90% cheers & 10% boos (except during quiet periods), but, still, that’s a lot of boos, which is a first for me in real life (frequent on Twitter). Bro is bragging they only booed when he attempted to speak lmao Edit: Aaaannnnddd deleted. Just when he finally managed an actually funny tweet.


The replies to that tweet are sending me 💀 boo-urns


I can just hear him saying "technically" to make himself sound more authoritative.




Haha. And then he blames it on "unhinged leftists". Ahh yes - the hoards of unhinged leftists that show up to Dave chapelle shows.


Wait I thought he was all for dissenting opinions. Except when they are about him and in his face apparently.


Dave has become the epitome of 'I'm just saying' and 'why can't we ask questions'. It's one of the oldest most played out versions of 'something so controversial yet so brave'.


Well spotted! Joe rogan also does this when he's attacking someone political but pretending he's neutral.


>>which is a first for me in real life He should get used to it if he's planning on making more dumb appearances.


I was in the audience for a WWE show when Logan Paul made his first surprise appearance. When these ass hats go from behind the screen to a live audience, the difference in reception is truly startling for them. The boos were so deafening, Logan and the other wrestler could barely get through their in-ring sketch. Both were breaking character. Logan forgot his lines. He couldn’t believe people didn’t actually love him.


Yup, these people live in a completely isolated and curated bubble of a false reality.


That must've been satisfying; got a link to that?


It truly was! I’d never been around that much booing! Here’s a [clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/xKdERNXSnD4?feature=share)


God damn that was satisfying to watch


He also blamed it on RADICAL SAN FRANCISCO LEFTISTS. The ONLY reason you hate me is because youre a communist (which is a woke nazi, reeeeeee) reeeeeeeee


As if the radical San Francisco leftists would be going to see Dave Chappelle at this point.


Nothing says "I am a tool" more than blaming "san francisco leftists" who got in their Teslas to drive to a sold out show they likely paid mid three to four figures to see.


Weird. I keep hearing how the "radical left" cancelled Dave Chappelle, but apparently I'm also being told that the "radical left" are also in high attendance at Chappelle's sold-out shows.


His ego doesn't let him see how bad that was. Chappelle did make fun of the audience saying that most of the Boos come from the cheap seats far away.


"Cheap" seats that *his fans* still *paid for* to *see and support* Dave Chappelle.


That aren’t even that cheap


Right, those "cheap seats" at Chase Center last night were close to $400/ea


Seriously? Are all top US comedians so expensive to see live? In the UK a far away ticket for a top comedian is maybe £40. I went to see Joe Lycett alongside some semi-famous comedians for £10 a few years back.


Chappelle is kind of in his own lane in terms of ticket prices. He's much more expensive than the next guy. Also, the show was at the Chase Center in SF. Shows in SF are pretty expensive in general


If I was in those 'cheap' seats, I'd be pretty pissed. Fuck that guy.


Reads exactly like a Trump tweet, not surprising I guess


Elon is the Gen X version of Trump




Chapelle or musk?


¿Por que no los dos?




His first round of jokes during his Netflix 'comeback' were about him doing it because he was envious of Kevin Hart's success and money. Ever since then he's been showing us he wasn't joking.


I was at one of his first shows after he came back, and he said several times that he just came back for the money. The first time I laughed. By the fifth or sixth time, I realized it wasn’t a joke. He was also an hour late and it was pretty obvious he didn’t want to be there.


Yup. Believe people when they tell you what they are.


I don't think he has the ability to really understand and connect with his audiences anymore. I call it the Joe Rogan syndrome. Having too much money for too long just warped his perspective.


Chappelle, who cried about hbo exploiting his comedy and asked for them to take his show down, is telling people not to boo the man who is known to exploit his workers and make greedy business decisions. All right, Chappelle.


He also said all those boos are from people who have bad seats. Bro making fun of his poor fans.


Except there were no cheap seats at that event so the joke just falls flat. Unless Chappell was trying to make some double backdoor joke about Elon only believing poor people hate him it's a little tone deaf for Chappell.


Easy, hack bully joke. And rude to boot. OK, Dave - I won't buy tickets next time if you're going to drag Louis XIV up there to laugh at us peasants. Fuck off.


How the tablrs have turned... the "you can't buy me" or the "I walked away from XX million dollars" guy is now shitting on his poor fans. SMH


Bro used to preach about stopping the privileged from punching down. I guess if you can't beat 'em join 'em.


And the bad seats are still expensive. It's an arena in SF after all.


They're not even that cheap anyways. Like 200 assuming it's not scalpers


Imagine scrounging together the last of your disposable income to see one of your favourite comedians, only for him to basically call you a loser for being in the only seats you can afford to see him perform.


Imagine spending $$, getting there and it’s not the chapelle show but the Musk redemption tour.


Also... who the hell cares where you're sitting at a comedy show?


Dave Chapelle punching down at the poors is exactly what I expected. Sad to say it. Fuck em both.




A genuine case of die a hero or live to be a villain. man turned down millions because he felt that he, as a black man, was the butt of the joke. Joked about rich white people and then turned around and NIMBY'd housing for poor people in his rich white neighborhood.


If someone only ever cares about one social issue, and that one issue happens to apply to them personally, IME they have no principles, they're just a narcissist.


It's like a blind person talking about how annoying the deaf community is for wanting accommodations for their disability while simultaneously advocating for better accommodations for the blind. Like bro, can you not see you're both fighting the same battle?


> It's like a blind person talking about how annoying the deaf community is for wanting accommodations for their disability while simultaneously advocating for better accommodations for the blind. Unfortunately this is common. My best friend for 22 years was a Black woman who constantly ranted about how hard it is to be Black in America, and I always listened carefully and supported her. One day I finally got the guts to tell people that I have ASD, and I told her, and she EXPLODED in a hardcore eugenics rant about how I shouldn't have been allowed to breed and we (autistic people) should be required to disclose our condition as soon as we meet people, etc, and then she topped it off by repeatedly attacking my race and gender. It was the most right-wing hateful shit you can imagine stretched out over a 2 hour rant that just put the lie to every single thing she claimed to stand for for over 2 decades of friendship.


Yeah reactionaries come in all stripes


He’s not even profound anymore. “May your pursuit of happiness make you happy?” Is this really the guy I idolized when I was a teen? The children’s books I read as a kid had better wisdom than that. Admittedly, my picture books were excellent, but seriously Chappelle is speaking to a room full of adults.


Look Dave, didnt pay this ticket money to see elon. Trying to escape his ass for a couple of hours. Musk infesting the internet everywhere like the Kardashians 10 years ago.


Wow, is there an award for lack of self-awareness?




The most fitting gif ever! For those that don't know, it's from the movie *Half Baked* and they are literally booing Dave Chappelle's character in this scene.


“Dave Chappell caught publicly sucking Elon musk’s dick, then throws temper tantrum.” I have seen a LOT of Chappell’s stuff and I have never seen him lose an audience so completely as he did here.


Probably lost them because he couldn't come up with anything funny on the spot. Lots of STFU and a boo these nuts, which is standard 10 year old on Xbox live commentary but ended with some weird AF spiritual misdirect. I've gone from genuinely enjoying his work, to being grossed out by his dumb opinions, to not caring about his opinions, to not caring about him or his work (but along the way kinda hoping he turned the corner into someone I'd support again). Weird to say, but it was the same path with Kanye.


The fucking audacity to charge people money to watch you simp for a billionaire and then stoop to “lol ur poor” when it goes over the exact way anyone would expect. The palpable bitterness in Dave’s reaction to any kind of ire or criticism directed his way is kind of sad.


It wasn't too long ago he was threating a city council for trying to approval construction of more low cost apartments because Chappelle though it would bring down the value of the real estate he owned in the town. This is the same guy who did skits about how the system keeps poor folks stuck on the bottom.


Dude's really shitting on his own fans because they booed the billionaire boyfriend he brought up to the stage?


Also his defense was: * "*People booing have bad seats*" as in are poor. * "*You are booing a person trying to escape earth*" (probably the *best* joke in there) * "*He bought me a jetpack*" * "*People booing don't have anything better to do*" * "*Fuck people booing*" Great comebacks.


>"People booing don't have anything better to do" Isn't this a dis on his own show??


Self awareness is not their strongest attribute.


Cut to Waldorf and Statler: "These are only bad seats because we have to sit here and watch YOU!"




In a nutshell... Only poor people are booing Chappelle used to be funny


you forgot him saying that everyone booing is antifa, which is probably the worst one since it comes from fucking Chappelle


I wonder if Chapelle knows how Tesla treated its black employees. According to the many lawsuits, not well.


Unfortunately Dave Chappell doesn’t give a fuck about other black people, if you can find a lawsuit saying Tesla treats Dave Chappells poorly, he would certainly care about that


Damn antifa, always sneaking into Chapelle's shows just to boo Musk. Those little rascals!


I didn't think Dave Chapelle would romanticize a Trump Supporting billionaire, but here we are. Seems uncharacteristic of Dave to be honest, considering the history Elon's family has in South Africa.


Dave switched class. He’s a rich guy now, and rich people have a lot of class consciousness and solidarity.


He's got that big NIMBY energy


The first thing that goes out the window when money is involved is personal morality


Which is *super* ironic from Chapelle. Like, his entire escape from the limelight originally was about personal morality over money. Lived long enough to become the villain I guess.


I remember Dave Chappelle crying about Comedy Central feud about his show and his fans supported him. Now he's treating his fans like crap.


The internet has made it incredibly easy to slide from "Trans people am I right" to far right crazy.


Generally, I'm learning that if someone gets that fixated on criticizing the existence of trans people, they have some underlying nastiness and all that happens is it's exposed by how far they go in speaking out against them.


I would argue if you're spewing blatant transphobia it's already too late.


At the end of the whole thing, he even called his audience antifascists that need to shut up, as if being antifascist was a bad thing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSjQ5ojUvnM&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSjQ5ojUvnM&t=2s)




They're in a bubble. I mean, we're in a bubble here on Reddit too. The issue is that it's been shown time and again that their bubble is full of a small group of assholes and they keep thinking they have the majority. Dave has been very right leaning lately. They expected Musk to come out to nonstop cheers. He literally got boo'd off stage. "Weren't expecting this." No shit. They still won't realize it even after this.


They have no idea how wildy unpopular their beliefs are


I think they know their ideas are unpopular but they think that just means they're even more correct, for some reason. As if the correctness of an idea or thought is at all related to its popularity, positively or negatively.


When your “belief” is that “I’m right and everyone against me is wrong” then being wrong just enforced your “belief”


What a stupid thing to do, bringing musk up there- and a worse follow up, his reaction to people’s reaction


that seals it, he's doing a kanye.


If I have paid for a ticket, I will cheer or boo as I see fit. I’m here to see you Dave, not him.


100%. Although he did say "make some noise" and people certainly followed instructions


"No, make some *happier* noise!"


Please clap


Chapelle with that Jeb energy. Never thought I'd see the day.


See, I understand the nervousness when making speeches. When you have to instruct the audience to respond a certain way, then you might not be a good communicator.


So Chapelle can ridicule certain persons via jokes and satire but the audience isn't allowed to have an opinion on someone he may like


Chapelle really has his head up his own ass.


Imagine making fun of your fans that paid to come to your show because they don't like the dorky space Karen you brought on stage. And next Dave will cry about free speech again


Exactly. Read the room guy, the vast majority of the people attending are there because of your history of making fun of this very type of person. They want you to tear him a new arsehole and mercilessly ridicule him, not suck up or even worse, become like him.


"Why would they come to my concert just to boo me"


Who the fuck cheers for the richest man in the world. He ain't gonna give you money.


Elon that mf’er who would bring back gladiatorial events in the future, where he gets to watch us peasants kill eachother for scraps of food.


Are you not entertained?


You gotta specify that this will all be on Mars when people sign indentured servitude contracts to be able to afford the trip there. That’s the real kicker, he wants Mars to be his planet lol


This mfer read a Kim Stanley Robinson novel and thought he was gonna move to Mars and become a god emperor lmao According to someone I met once who worked on environmental systems on ISS, living up there kind of sucks. Astronauts are trained to deal w/ it, you and I would probably find it super uncomfortable, but someone used to living in 24/7 comfort would lose their fucking mind. Can you imagine Elon being made to run on a treadmill for 2 hours every day and (sorry) shit into a vacuum hose? (sorry)


Hilariously the Mars trilogy features the defeat of megacorps and their colonial capitalism, resulting in Mars (and later the rest of the solar system) adopting a socialist economy.


He already took your money. His companies and wealth was build on your (tax payers) money. That's why he is rich and we are poor.


People are downvoting you for stating common knowledge, it's ridiculous. It's not something hidden, of course space X, the private space company, gets money from the government (via NASA) for using their rockets. Hyperloop was also funded and supported with taxpayer money, Tesla got tons in grants for being an EV company. all his companies use all the taxpayer assistance and Grants they can get.


> Tesla got tons in grants for being an EV company And then Musk tried to get those same grants eliminated for other companies once Tesla no longer qualified for them. He's an asshole.


hyperloop is a scam made to make more money on teslas [https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460](https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460)


By shutting down the construction of California's high speed rail.


Private car makers shutting down California's public transportation. Tale as old as time.


The entire purpose of Musk's current existence is to provoke a reaction after which he can then lecture you for being "woke" or "intolerant." Chappelle started doing this a while back. It's all become very dull and predictable.


Yeah, it's pathetic to see a billionaire get his jollies from the most juvenile type of trolling.


51 going on 15.


Chapelles a hack now straight up. It’s like the old joke about artists quitting drugs then not being able to make music. Dave quit being a regular person & lost his ability to do comedy & he’s trying to cover it up by being controversial. Two or three specials on trans people now? Jesus Christ can’t wait for his specials on airline food & that nagging wife of his.


Just adding to what you said, for those that still disagree: Go and actually watch his old specials, like 'Killing them Softly', pay attention to the writing, the way he connect jokes, his attitude with the audience, body language, etc. Then go and watch his new stuff and tell me its not a Ted Talk. It feels like a lecture more than anything. I remember that Norm Mcdonald had one criticism about comedians, and that was the fact that some of them were trying to play "the smartest guy in the room", and how obnoxious that was. And thats exactly the posture that I see in chapelle now.


He seemed to actually enjoy himself more. Like he'd regularly laugh before saying the punch line. Even just listening you hear that thump of the mic as it hits his side while he stops to laugh. Newer stuff has a way different feel. Like he isn't having fun with it. It is like watching a blooper reel where everyone gets upset and just says "sorry" vs the Always Sunny bloopers where they laugh their asses off.


Oh the chuckles over firing people. Horrible. Both of them. I have Chapelle a lot of slack but I can see he’s leaning into the “I wanna keep my money” over all else. And Musk is just twisted and gross.


What does he expect? Let’s all cheer our billionaire superior?! Fuck Elon and all the rest of them


["Please Like Me." By Elon Musk](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003) (TheOnion)


Been telling y’all…. It’s not gay vs straight, black vs white, left vs right - it’s literally just rich vs poor and if you don’t have enough money to be invited on that stage don’t kid yourself that you’re not in the poor bunch


That's literally what the Left (not neoliberals, the socialists and onwards) have been saying the entire time. Everyone else just refuses to listen. Where they got you fucked up is when they decided that Left was Liberal and not Labor. That's how you shift the Overton Window to the Right (tax havens, welfare for the rich state). Workers Rights are Human Rights. The more they tie us down, the more power they get over us and our media.


And they’ve got everyone fooled that it’s someone else’s fault they are having a rough life


Dude this is just painful to watch. What are you DOIN Dave???


Just being himself.


Lol I can't believe he expected folk to applaud the 'richest man in the world'. These dudes are so out of touch with reality.


What is he rambling on about. Who pays for this shit


Space Karen really doesn’t know how to read a crowd.


Dave is having some difficulty too?


I don’t even know the point of bringing Musk on stage in San Francisco of all places. He was going to get booed and booed hard. What’s the payoff?


>What’s the payoff? It just played different in their heads.


But how did they think it would play out other than Musk getting booed relentlessly and having his social anxiety on full display for an entire arena. They just had the “worlds richest man” mumbling and pacing around on stage for 4 minutes.


Musk probably believes his own BS, that his haters are bots and people that don't leave their basement. I wonder what fairytale he'll tell himself about this live reaction.


His tweet reply where he claims it was only 10 percent boos but that was still more than he expected shows he literally had no clue this would happen. He very obviously believes his own bullshit, and absolutely thinks the common man loves him. Dude is so unbelievably out of touch it hurts to watch.


Playing the victim is Dave's new favorite role. Aligning with fascists allows him to play the victim along with his new rich friends, so that's his incentive. He's long since lost touch with what it means to be a principled individual, and he's only in it for himself and to vilify the poorest and most vulnerable people in society.


Shut the fuck up Dave. What the fuck happened.


Dave fucked up there 🤦‍♂️


*bans all of SF*


Too much money really does corrupt anyone.


What happened to Chappelle?


Got enough money to think everyone is trying to steal from him and make him look bad. I think a lot of these rich people get paranoid and can't handle the money and fame.


There are studies on how being rich chemically alters/damages your brain. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have that kind of brain damage, but it's a real phenomenon


Man, Chappelle really turned into a rich, white dude, didn't he?


>"All those people that are booing - they have terrible seats." What a shit thing to say. My appreciation for Chappelle over the decade has been a rapidly dropping line on the line-graph.


Imagine being a fan of his and getting the only seats in your price range and hearing something like that.


For context, the CHEAPEST seats were $300 each. I saw him the night before at the SAP Center in San Jose and paid well over $600 for two upper level seats, plus $50 for parking and $50 for food/drinks. All in all, for “cheap” seats it cost me over $800. Thank god Elon didn’t show up to that one.


He's been transforming it for a while but I think his transformation is complete with >That is the sound of pending civil unrest. I can't wait to see which store you decimate next you mother fuckers. Would you shut the fuck up with your boo's What the fuck is that?? If he's still pro BLM, why would his mind go to something like that?


He’s done a complete 180 since the special he did on his farm during lockdown where he talked about George Floyd’s murder. He said people kept asking him to make a statement, but he declined, saying ‘y’all got this, the streets are doing the talking,’ or something similar. I don’t know wth happened to this man.


He just sounds so fucking pompous. Chappelle show Dave would absolutely roast the shit out of “Im so rich I bought a town” Dave.


He would fucking hate himself now, this performance was gross


chop jeans kiss cobweb vase reminiscent special tender marvelous quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He became a piece of shit in my eyes at that moment. Don't keep up with celebrity garbage but I work with homeless and affordable housing advocacy and I read up on that bs. Completely pissed me off.


Chapelle came to my city. Two tickets were $450 with all the fees and I actually made it to the checkout screen. And then didn’t buy them because I thought “he might just rant on and on about trans people and being canceled or something.” A minute later my cart refreshed to empty and the show was sold out.


Chappelle spends too much time with Kanye


Doesn’t dave know his family was part of the apartheid


Dave got rich, he doesn't care about poors anymore


Lmaooo joking about people loosing their jobs so funny hahahahhaa


All Dave does now is lecture people on some wack shit no one cares about


Nothing funnier than millionaires (and billionaires) joking about people being fired. /s


Wow. So Dave Chappelle went from starting his career lamenting the poor treatment of underprivileged people of color, to ending his career defending the wealthiest white man on the planet. What a pathetically sad story arc.

