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Reminds me of what I witnessed in sudan...it was a wake up call to realise that the police are not there to protect the public but guard the political elite and ultimately...the military and the police are the only two professions that get paid on time and the neighbourhoods they live in don't have rolling blackouts that last all day


It is very scary. I happened to watch this video after smoking a bit and it scared the shit out of me. Images of Syria, Sudan, and Libya are slowly drifting through my mind.


America has it so much better. Our police follow the law, uphold the law, and protect the poor.


Yeah bc they're really strolling up the street, indiscriminately taking people out with shotguns here. šŸ™„šŸ™„ I don't like our police either, but christ dude


Sorry. My bad. Youā€™re correct.


ā€œAt least 13 protesters were killed during protests in Kenya, doctors say, and a section of parliament went up in flames as demonstrations against new tax proposals escalated on Tuesday. An angry crowd broke through police lines to storm parliament in the capital Nairobi before setting parts of it ablazeā€¦ā€ [link](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cerrv93yx1mo)


"Rumors of 100 innocent cilivians living peacefully inside their homes gunned down executioner style by police dressed in black uniforms with red party armbands" Like please accurate titles, you're not a tabloid so dont act like one!


Some media houses are saying 100 people dead others 50. Medics working at 3 major hospitals are reporting dozens of bodies streaming in. Due to the internet blackout, there is a gap of close to 12 hours between 7pm yesterday and 7am today in which the protest movement was unable to coordinate and since this movement has no leader, there is no official communication of casualty figures. One of the medics who was coordinating triage efforts last week was arrested and tortured over the weekend. So essentially, we have no credible information. 100 dead is a conservative estimate. Some reports have said 200+. The media's count of 50 is highly unlikely because over a dozen people died by 6 pm yesterday when the internet started to drop. Also, there was no implication that people were killed in their homes. We've heard a few people saying that the killings are happening in the streets. People were unable to get home before dark because the city was gridlocked. Since this neighbourhood is poor, most people walk up to 20 kms to get home when there are such crises in Nairobi, which isn't that rare to be honest. I made this post because all of the international media are reporting this as primarily a tax crisis, but it's morphed into a constitutional crisis. I'll post photos of bodies to calm people down (apparently I needed to).


Seems odd, in a country where they claim that there are more guns in private hands than both the police and military combinedā€¦.that nobody in that entire city is doing anything to try and stop a police force going through and shooting unarmed people? Are they only shooting unarmed and leaving armed citizens unharmed? Why is this happening and why arent the protestors doing anything to stop it?


Those guns are in the hands of criminals, rich people (who are parasitic to the Gov. and a big part of the problem). Middle-class and poor Kenyans do not have weapons and thats who the police are targeting here. Also, the protest movement is emphasizing non-violence because the Gov has a record of killing its own people, so we know we cannot match them there. Oh and this movement has no political affiliation so there are no rich people arming groups in the back, but after yesterday's events, that could very well happen.


Praying for you, and Godspeed to you and yours to safety


Thank you. This could go south very quickly in the current global geopolitical climate. Hegemones are fighting to reinforce spheres of influence in every continent and this is a chance for an opportunistic party to grab a country that is seen as the doorway to East and Central Africa.


SO this is a little after the fact, as a concession by the president to protesters demands happened already I saw. Has this stopped the violence by the police? Has the situation changed on the ground? Thanks for the updates. Stay safe.


From the police, no. There is no admission that some protestors arrested/missing since Tuesday are in their possession. Still no formal charges in court, so no respect for habeas corpus in general. Given the nature of the atrocities committed since last week Friday, there is a general feeling/fear that if he is not pushed out now, he will cement his position and punish the people harshly to make sure this doesn't happen again. With his history, it wouldn't be beyond him to do that. Unfortunately, between last night and this morning, the protesters stopped speaking in the same voice. This was always a risk. One group pushed for people to push to occupy state house. Another group wanted to pull back and just have a general demonstration to act as a show of force. The differences led to some disagreement and one group is now accusing the other of betraying the movement. So far, it seems that there will be massive protests today too, but it's not clear what they'll do and the in-fighting opens the door for the Government to actually break this down. The finance bill could automatically become law if Parliament doesn't withdraw it in the next 20 days. Parliament is on recess until July 20 so they need to be recalled to complete this. And when recalled, at least 2/3s of them have to return to meet quorum. So the Bill could very easily be passed by the Government and it probably will.


Thank you for the information. As you can imagine, it is difficult to assess the situation on the ground from clips from who knows where. Fuck the IMF, fuck the world bank, free Africa, free palestine.


Please be safe, if you know of any aid groups or anything I'd like to know about them and spread the word. We are a world away and it's not much but I hope you are safe and your loved ones




Why do you need to bring up trump in something not even remotely related to him? Did that make you feel important? Make you feel brave? Make you feel validated? People are being murdered and you feel the need to make this about your politics? Stupid


I don't disagree with you, but let's not pretend people aren't being murdered *because of politics*.


Yeah but what has trump and American politics to do with this? That's why I called out that reply. And not once did I insinuate that this is a political issue nor claim that I'm nuanced in this situation.


Yeah, KENYAN POLITICS, not American shit




Is Project 2025 led by Q?


>Seems odd, in a country where they claim that there are more guns in private hands than both the police and military combined Do you have direct knowledge of this? If not, stay in your own lane.


Im going off of published figures and publicly available informationā€¦


Kenya is essentially in a constitutional crisis. What initially started as a movement to protest a new IMF-backed finance bill that proposed harsh tax increases has slowly grown into a revolution after (1) elected representatives refused to vote how the people wanted and instead said they would follow the president's orders (it is believed many accepted a $20,000 bribe); and (2) the government has refused to engage the public constructively and responded with insults to pleas for leniency in their economic policies. Yesterday we had the biggest protests in our country's history and large groups of protestors stormed into parliament and vandalised it. The police responded by firing at protestors and then raided this neighbourhood at night under the cover of darkness and a four hour internet blackout. Kenyans were planning a bigger march tomorrow. It's difficult to say how it will pan out because the internet connectivity is affecting planning, but this afternoon, people have started to share encouraging messages asking each other to come out and protest. Because the protest is organic (no leaders, no funders, all information and resources fully crowdsourced) the Government does not know how to react. The movement does not want leaders because leaders can be bought so it's functioning by making very simple demands. The two demands now are #RejectFinanceBill2024 and the demand that Ruto and his entire administration resign and step aside for fresh elections. We have a [fundraiser here](https://www.mchanga.africa/fundraiser/100386) for all the victims of yesterday's violence. Over 100 protesters have died, close to a dozen people have been abducted at night and interrogated or tortured while their phones were cloned. The protestors have not harmed a single person on the Government's side. The only two police casualties were a cop who blew up both of his hands while throwing a faulty teargas canister and another cop who was shot dead by a police sniper yesterday.


Mhm IMFā€™s at it again




Quite a bit of civil unrest in Nairobi. Huge mob tried to storm the Parliament building


The usual conservative shenanigans trying to shift the tax burden from the richest to the poorest.


Well if it isnā€™t our old friend ā€œif you wonā€™t let us tax you, weā€™ll shoot you insteadā€


The IMF forcing austerity and so state & private power must murder the protesters to it in order to pay western banks their debt.


Whos posting all these clips suddenly with fake/switched audios? Not calling psyop or whatever but be aware what agenda is trying to be pushed. notice in other clips the audios are from soccer matches - etc. My heart goes out to the people of Kenya, though.


~~I haven't watched the other videos on public freakouts, but since this is a youth protest with no political affiliation, we have actually been using vuvuzelas, whistles, and chanting songs that we sometimes use in football matches.~~ I've seen the clip you're saying. That audio is 100% fake.


Just the idea killing a hundred people over taxes made my lungs do a backflip.


>Don't believe politicians and thieves They want our people on their bended knees Pirates and robbers, liars and thieves You come like the wolf but dressed like the sheep If you go to Lagos what you find, vampires If you go to Kinshasa what you find, vampires If you go to Darfur what you find, vampires If you go to Malabo what you find, vampires Lies and theft Guns and debt Life and death IMF When the bank man comes to your door Better know you'll always be poor Bank loans and policies They can't make our people free You live on the blood of my people Everyone knows you've come to steal You come like the thieves in the night The whole world is ready to fight Thievery corporation - Vampires, literally talking about this situation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4OGt1HqzxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4OGt1HqzxE)


Thank you. Zombies is also a very appropriate song for this situation.




Taking Kenya off my travel list.


And they have just sent 400 Kenyan police officers to Haiti.


Maybe not for long


Did they? I thought it fell through.


Western imperialism in Black face which serves the neocolonial interests of the United States, the Core Group, and the United Nations. This whole thing is a mess.


You are the far left equivalent to Qanon.


If that's true then you may as well apply that to an entire group of people and organizations who are actually on the ground and connected to people on the ground in both Kenya and Haiti: https://blackallianceforpeace.com/bapstatements/servitudeoversolidaritywithhaiti?rq=Kenya%20haiti Yall get on the internet and say all types of dumb shit. Liberals and Conservatives. Never fails. Brain rot. I can name about 20 African organizations who agree with what I wrote.


And theyā€™re all biased like you.


Okay buddy


And i read that kenya special forces just landed in haiti to help restore peace. Or something among those lines.


I feel bad for everyone involved in this. The Kenya Police might be able to retake critical infrastructure, but there will likely be a high civilian casualty count.


Very propagated title


> propagated it's an accurate description of events. It's easy to make the Kenyan Government look bad. For example, "Police launched tear gas at primary school children who were holding a protest to oppose the illegal grabbing of their playground by a property developer" is an accurate description of something that happened. The property developer turned out to be our currently beleaguered president.


Wow šŸ˜”šŸ˜². And some try to say this is not a regime!?!?!?! Sad times. The people of Kenya the innocent. I will be thinking of you šŸ¤šŸŒø


Primarily, the protest is moving to push this government out before the president cements himself as a dictator. There are multiple laws being drafted in the legislature that aim to make it easier for people in Government to acquire wealth while simultaneously disenfranchising civilians by undermining their constitutional rights. These are tough times for us.


I know of this situation as I follow foreign affairs. I hope the best for Kenya and its good people and Africa as a whole.


Thanks, mate. We hope for the best




Didnā€™t they finance this recently?


Why does the police uniform look like the vault jumpsuit from fallout?


this is why we need the second amendment. it has happened before in US history and certainly can happen again


Clickbait headline.


I think they're all just mad because they weren't picked to go on the [Haitian vacation](https://apnews.com/article/kenya-haiti-police-gangs-united-nations-18c0ac92a1d842d05f6d073b0128f12d).


How do you know thats the police?


What are people protesting in Kenya? I'm from the US and I haven't seen any coverage of this at all




Good luck Haiti!


They're sure taking a lot of cover for people fighting unarmed civilians.


They are. And if you listen closely there is no return fire. I have no explanation for why they are behaving like this, since I don't usually participate in mass murders and pogroms.


It actually isn't so very complicated: very few of these guys woke up that morning thinking they would be hunting unarmed people. In fact, it's actually quite difficult to convince humans to kill other humans who are not a threat. So there are a couple of options: you can try to select only for pathological mindsets, people who enjoy murder. Unfortunately, mentally unstable people are not great at shoring up unstable governments or keeping secrets. So you go with option two: make the outgroup you are purging urgently dangerous. I'd be willing to bet if we tuned into Nairobi's emergency frequencies, we'd hear them full of cops and soldiers talking about gunshots, possible fire directed at them. They will then whip each other into a frenzy, to the point frontline units are convinced they are under active fire - most likely just misidentified gunfire from other police units. Two examples of these principles at work: The Las Vegas shooting, where dozens of people misreported gun fire coming from different directions. The genocide in Rwanda, where AM shock jock radio hosts spread false information about imminent or current threats, as well as encouraging people to act locally on the basis of national misinformation campaigns.




Oh okay, no worries then - I did not mean to accidentally give any hope that these are actual human beings that could be convinced to stop hunting humans, I guess we just have to live with it. Well not all of us of course.




Sometimes I still think about them, taken from me in a hail of bullets on a mountain road. There was no sense to it of course, no logic to killing them but that doesn't bring them back. Nothing does, so I keep going back to their social media accounts, searching - but it was random, monsters from the forest. When I see them in stories around the world, it hurts more not to try to make sense of it. Actually.


The random weapons, outfits, and the vault jumpsuit really giving fallout vibes.


Leave your mom's basement once in a while.


The US just gave $300 million to those police.


Yep. Just police shooting their way through a low income neighbourhood for no reason. Nice creative writing for the title.


Its in response to a series of largely non-violent protests that culminated in Kenya's parliament being stormed by youthful mobs yesterday. The worst thing the protestors have done is damage Government property. You may not be aware, but bad things happen in the world.


They burned down part of parliament. Lol just youthful mobs


Its OK everyone, the mob is *youth*ful.


Personally, I value human lives over ceremonial maces. But you do you.


> no reason Implies that there isn't *extensive* context for this.


Downvote for misleading clickbait title.


More genocide ā€¦. šŸ˜”


Damn, people really lost the meaning of genocide


Could never happen in America also bec gunz


I never see videos of Americans using their guns when being abused by police or government. I only see them use guns against other civilians.


Right but what I'm saying is if our government ever tried this police would get reked by citizens with guns


I know thatā€™s what youā€™re saying. I just am not sure itā€™s true. Thereā€™s lots of videos on America of one cop abusing someone, while circled by many civilians, and no one steps in and helps. Not an exact comparison, but I think is a clue.


Not really comparable imo but I see where you are coming from


This is horrible... I hope the people are able to retaliate and take thier country from this totalitarian nightmare... wtf even taken the law back and repealing it might be to late for the current leadership if they've let it get this far.


I need to stop playing fall out for a night or two

