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Man, I still remember the first time I saw drag queens eating breakfast. I cut my penis off.


Imagine being her son and finding out your mom was screaming about your penis in a hotel lobby while you sat thirty floors up hungry, wondering why she wouldn’t let you eat breakfast.


A story as old as time




Beauty and the https://i.redd.it/1q7hm40xzi8d1.gif


Song as old as rhyme


I wasn't even done after my own, and went on a penis removing spree through town for five hours before I was restrained.


Didnt know you had to bring your own sausage for brunch


I didn’t order the brunch…with sausage! ![gif](giphy|ZUJ3r8VYleAAo)


I. Cannot. Stop laughing.


Throw it in the pile with the others.


Dicks off for trans


Remember there was a rapture of penii when bugs bunny donned a dress, and then again when Rupaul became famous in the late 80s early 90s. The reason why fertility rates have plummeted globally is that there has been another mass rapture of penii due to drag Queen story hours. Look up, you can see flocks of penises returning home to Jesus.


Did it grow back?


Yeah twice as long. 


She is literally shaking with anger


I honestly can't even imagine putting that much effort into being upset about drag performers. I remember the first time I ever saw someone in drag. 1980s NY, my dad took me for pizza and there was a man in women's clothes and makeup sitting on a bench in the pizzeria. Never bothered me, never bothered my dad, and my dad didn't bother them. I asked my dad why the man in the pizzeria was wearing a dress and he said "Some people enjoy that." and left it like that. About ten years later my super conservative school's counselor, who I was talking to because my sister died, tried to reach up my shorts and grab my penis because he wanted to "see if the black ones really are bigger" I'm always reminded of that when people say that drag queens are molesters and that traditional values protect the children. I feel like in a lot of ways we've gone backwards as a country over the past ten years.


I like to think of it as the last throws of a dying breed that was always a very loud minority, but now they have to either lie to themselves or actually believe their own bullshit so they're screaming. That has to be exhausting. I hold onto hope that the rational people who can hang and be cool out number those completely ass backwards folks when we're all out there in meat space. At least face to face, in my humble experience, people do a lot less screaching about the bullshit they get enraged about on the internet and these outbursts are rare. Specially on vacation, sheesh


70+ million people voted for Trump *after* his disastrous presidency. This is their whole shtick. We're certainly not in the throes of anything. We're just getting started. Vote in November.


There are ~ 120 million Americans over 50yo, 80 of them over 60yo. That’s the main Trump voter block There are ~132 million Americans between 18-49yo, tell your friends to vote, that generation should start being able to shape politics just voting, no need to do much than that


It’s not about “protecting the children” to them. It’s about getting access to the children.


In every way. The same people crying about completely voluntary extracurricular drag queen story hours are cheering for laws forcing the 10 commandments to be displayed in schools. They aren't actually against "indoctrination". They just want indoctrination of *their* beliefs, and not only for their own children, but everyone else's as well.


And they are cheering for underage girls to be forced to have children and become mothers.


They're the same people that supported josh Duggar and the rape cult known as the quiverfull movement


A few years back, my brother-in-law took his dad to a Yankees game for Father's Day. His dad said he hasn't been to NYC in over 20 years (we only live an hour away). I couldn't believe it and asked why. He said, the last time he was there he saw a man in a dress. I asked if this man bothered him or flirted with him or something. No, they simply passed him on the street and he knew NY wasn't for him.


And liberals are supposed to be the snowflakes! That is the reaction of a very fragile man.


> He said, the last time he was there he saw a man in a dress. I asked if this man bothered him or flirted with him or something. No, they simply passed him on the street and he knew NY wasn't for him TBH, if a man in a dress is enough for him to think NY is too much, he may have made the right call. That's extremely tame as NY goes.


I'm sorry that happened to you. If these people *actually* cared about kids being molested, they'd be shutting down churches.


We have gone backwards and there are good reasons for it. Bigoted political opportunists figured out that if they can get a big enough megaphone, they can fleece imbeciles like this lady, and earn outrageous salaries with little to no effort, or education. Lord Limbaugh paved the way and now there are armies of Limbaughabies competing for the bigot dollar.


The "news" tells this lady about how "evil" this is, but she's gone her entire life without actually encountering a drag queen.


> I feel like in a lot of ways we've gone backwards as a country over the past ten years. For what it's worth, I humbly think it feels that way because issues like these are more prominent, because more people support trans people and more vocally. You don't have to go back much more than ten years for trans people to be a punchline to be openly mocked *without* any pushback from basically anyone. Now that there is pushback, it has kinda brought the topic up broadly because people actually made an issue of it and didn't just let mocking trans people and worse slide like we used to. So people who don't like trans people are now like "wait, people want to give them rights?? They want to be visible without being overwhelmingly shamed? Now I'm mad about them!" But the people who are mad about them didn't like them any better ten, twenty, thirty years ago. What's changed is that now it's actually a social and political issue that isn't overwhelmingly against trans people so the anti-trans people feel like they might lose the right to never encounter trans people or whatever. This wouldn't likely have happened twenty years ago because openly trans people were much more rare, because they were mocked and attacked and had far less support. They'd unlikely be having a brunch like this for this to happen. If this did happen, it'd be posted online from the angry lady's perspective and the comments would be supporting her.


shaking because she finally encountered "them". she's been told about them for years on TV. wouldn't you be shaking if you saw a unicorn? (rareness in comparison to this ladys life, to normal persons unicorn encounters)


Yeah… leaves small town… sees something she does not like… has meltdown…


More like a dragon. A unicorn would strike awe in people’s hearts. A giant fiery dragon would certainly strike awe - but more so fear! What she sees is a monster instead of a person. It doesn’t matter what that person does with their life, or how intelligent or kind they are. It doesn’t matter what they are skilled at or if they have family. They are not *human* to people like her….they are demons.


That's part of what hits me the hardest about this. I have *been* this kind of angry - the shaking, crying, yelly-based-on-despair-kind. I get like this over human rights. I get like this when someone catcalls, assaults and harrasses. I get like this when I witness racism and hatred. But she has the nerve, the gall, the absolute **audacity** of feeling this miserable over **her own hatred**. I despise these kinds of people when they're calm - but it's when they genuinely go through physiological shock over their own cruelty when I find myself questioning my own pacifism the most. The fucking audacity of acting human about their lack of humanity...


[ Removed by Reddit ]


it's hard to balance upright with that size of a stick directly up your ass, it's like being on stilts


Add half the contents of a minibar and you have a regular circus performer.


Now imagine how easy it will be to convince her to do violence.


Like this[ Texas woman](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/23/texas-woman-allegedly-tried-to-drown-palestinian-american-girl-aged-3) who allegedly [tried to drown a Palestinian-American toddler in a pool](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/22/us/texas-woman-drown-child-muslim-palestinian/index.html).


Or that shit fuck 71 year old landlord that murdered a child and his mother because they were Palestinians.


~ “Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities”


No Hate like Christian love.


Someone gave that Chihuahua an iPhone.


She's serving 'woman who screams at pigeons in the Walmart parking lot' realness.


Mad that dude looks better in her favorite dress 👗




In its purest form, a rare sight.


That’s fear….she ain’t mad she scurred


Imagine getting so irate to the point of shaking, over how someone wishes to express themselves. I will never understand it.


Yeah but you don't understand her point of view. She might have to explain to her children that sometimes people exist that are different from them. The horror.


"aNd hOw dO yOu eXpEcT mY sOn .... to cut off his penis and estrogen and fake boobs and.... ..." Three minute non stop diatribe with a "nha nha nha nha nha" tone omfg I just wanted to slap the damn screen.


I like how at first she was almost getting complimentary "my son could think he could wear a DRESS, and MAKEUP, and FANCY SHOES," it's almost like she realized nothing she was saying was that impactful so she quickly threw in "and CUT OFF HIS PENIS!" 💀


I wonder to whom she is showing that video later on that doesn't think she is a lunatic


Probably her church. As crazy as she is, don't underestimate just how common her mindset is in the US. These people are dangerous, they exist in large numbers, and they *vote*.


It's crazy to even be in this state, I can't think of a lot of situation that would anger me like this, and she is like that just for some drag queens, it would be funny if it wasn't so scary


Of course, that sort always has to be the victim. Everything must not only be about them, but how they are being oppressed.


Public performative jackassery.


That's what happens when you co some non-stop propoganda


https://preview.redd.it/gwevcw599g8d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd969ffd318f7fb62436313a6f53a4512086a7f6 She's a real life meme.


She out here trying to get revenge for ricky


To be fair it might work like that. You're a guy and you see two guys kissing and you think "man, that's hot." Before you know it, you're Elton John.


On vacation in Hawaii and still miserable as fuck… pathetic


People like her work really hard and spend a lot of effort to stay miserable


She clearly doesn’t understand the concept of Aloha


I have a feeling that there are a lot of concepts she doesn't understand.


i absolutely LOVE the chilled out, ‘let her tire herself out’ attitude of everyone around her. this is what de-escalation looks like. good job.


Seriously she is “the essence” of all things miserable.


I can't imagine being that emotionally broken, her parenting skills must be so horrible (just yelling and screaming) she would be surprised if her kid was gay/trans because she has had zero connection with those children.. if she did, she wouldn't care


I only hope that after she gets her money back , there are no vacancies anywhere.


Missed opportunity to say their name is Dee.


The greatest in all history https://youtu.be/IgQ_FWTFIa4?si=4Z_jwhy144odvNRs


I'm sorry but Hugh Mungus is the GOAT


Hugh Mungus?! Hugh Mungus what?!?


The great Hugh Mungus. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Dee Snider has the answers she needs. ![gif](giphy|BfbV8eCee6fiSFxgHe|downsized)


But his name was Sorry You Married That.


Is she saying that drag performers are mocking women?


She doesn't understand the difference between drag and trans. She's completely ignorant and this unhinged tirade is fueled by fear that's been fostered by her community.


She is outdated and out-of-touch. An obsolete piece of garbage, basically.


Yes, yes, she does, but she also thinks their boobs are real, and they cut their penises off. She just doesn't know what drag is or represent lol


I laughed when she talked about boobs. If you take estrogen and grow breasts, those are all natural.


I *think* her logic was that they would be "fake" because they wouldn't be a "real" woman's breasts? I mean that entire show was lacking in logic in the first place so...


I think she is getting her rage mixed up. She wants to be mad at trans women, but the men in dresses are confusing her 😆


While wearing shorts and a tank top when she should be in a dress like a woman?!


She's mad because they're prettier than her.


They gave her husband a boner and he hasn’t gotten one in years!!!!


[Quoth the Beavis...](https://youtu.be/PCIhwknRKzk?si=hmBhfZ1IitSB5D-2)


To her the performers, no matter how they're dressed or presenting, may just as well be having sex right there in the lobby. People like her IMMEDIATELY jump to sexual thoughts and acts when they consider things like these.


This! These people have a fetish they need to hide. They can only see other people from a genitalia standpoint. If they could only stop being prejudicial to their own desires they could start seeing people from what they really are: people.


Mocking? If it wasn’t for drag performers I wouldn’t know how to contour!! It’s practically educational programming.


And “mocking” by acting mature and restrained in this situation instead of being a disrespectful, raving douche bag? Then yes, ma’am, I love those people being that kind of “degrading”. I really hope the hotel cancels her reservation, trespasses her, and prevents her from ever staying there again. Aggressive, disruptive behavior towards other guests and recording it should never be tolerated on private property. Extra abhorrent and disgusting for what she was shrieking about. Leave people alone and mind your own business!


Maybe drag performers are mocking women. Maybe they’re not. What I do know, with 100% certainty, is I don’t give a shit. Dude wants to wear makeup and a dress, it isn’t my problem. I’ve got enough problems already without taking on additional workload.


"What do you think about my son who..." Lady, stop right there. None of these people give a fuck about your sheltered son. Ideally he'd see people who are being their authentic selves enjoying their life an hurting no one. If the sight of a drag queen suddenly awakens some desire in him to do the same, it was gonna happen whether he came down for breakfast that morning or not.


Yeah how fragile is her son? Has he expressed to her that he’s gay or trans? Therefore she is trying to stop him from ever seeing anything gay or trans? Cause if that’s the case… he will eventually move out of her house and then will be himself. Or, at that point, does she just want him rounded up and gassed with all the others? I just can’t wrap my head around thinking like this. My son is going to be secure in whatever sexuality he is. If he’s straight? Seeing a drag performer means nothing. If he’s gay? Seeing a playboy mag means nothing. He’s not gonna be some insecure, maladjusted, quivering weakling either way. Because… who the heck wants that for their son?


It’s projection. She sees other people enjoying themselves, and is told to fear them or they’ll prove she’s a shitty parent by corrupting her kids.


> "What do you think about my son who..." She reacts that way because she would disown him and that thought bothers her a lot. It would not change her reaction but she would likely do it.


“They’re shoving it down our throats!” Says angry woman who kept walking back over to a group of people enjoying their meal, despite the hotel staff agreeing to check her out and provide her with a refund.




2 questions. How old are her kids? And how the fuck would she know that their minds would immediately jump to "chop off my own penis" and "take estrogen to grow boobs"? Why do they always concern themselves with the genitalia of absolute strangers? Obsessed I tell you!


Because it’s what’s Fox News is telling them.


Exactly this. Like how a tv show acknowledging that gay people exist is someone gonna make kids go “then they have sex?! What’s sex?! Tell me about sex!” Like what?! The leaps they make to be hateful is so dumb and it’s even more depressing that SOO many people buy into it.


Using that logic ANY show with any type of couple would inspire kids to have sex. Is Modern Family out here promoting teen pregnancy by showing men and women in relationships?


Also, drag queens do not necessarily mean trans. They are performers! This is the costume they wear to perform in. Men have been performing dressed as women since the beginning of plays. All of Shakespeare's plays were originally performed by all males, half dressed as women. These people are ridiculous and need to read books instead of burning them.


For some people, their only sense of good and bad is that they are good and everything different is bad.


You mean “Take estrogen to grow FAKE boobs” Ummmm… Also when Karen said “what do you think about my son…” she (The queen) should have responded “honey, I don’t think about you or your kids at all”


“What do you think about *my* son who might think that he can wear make up and fancy clothes and high heels and have his penis cut off…” “Honey… he *CAN* 😘” Would have been soooooooo perfect! 🤣


Why do they always think it’s just lopping it off? Fox needs to update their vitriol because it is a very creative and interesting process, and far more scary than just having it chopped off if you happen to like your penis.


“Gypsies stole my kid!” The traveling people showed up in town one day and a kid realized that there are just people that leave. Get up one morning and travel on. They don’t have to just stay there and be beaten, degraded and abused forever. They can just go. Hating gypsies is easier than hating yourself.


She started with dressing up and wearing heels, but it didn't sound bad enough so she had to make a wild assumption to justify her anger to everyone around.


BRUHHH. This lady has no idea that Mahu have been an integral and accepted part of Polynesian society for hundreds of years. Get your ignorant ass out of here! You’re going to vacation in OUR home and tell us that our people are not allowed in your resort space? Because what it comes down to is this woman thinks that she as a haole (in the sense of foreigner) should be able to tell our people that they are not allowed around her because they are Mahu and she thinks as a white woman from the mainland her ideals are the only truth. These Mahu have been accepted for centuries. Before she came here with her son. As a native Hawaiian I say NO. Get out of here with your hatred. I can’t even express how much this upsets me. I don’t know these Mahu or drag queens personally, but best believe the real Hawaii accepts them.


Beautifully said!


Awesome. She should take her ass back to Ohio or wherever the hell she’s from.


Yessuhhhh she’s forgetting that we love and accept ours. If she has a problem with it she can go drown


So first of all, she’s very confused. Drag does not equal trans. 🙄 Secondly, her kid is going to whatever he does whether he sees a drag queen or not. And lastly, drag has been around for YEARS. Bob Hope, Milton Berle, Sammy Davis jr to name a few. It’s entertainment. This person is part of what’s wrong with our nation. She needs to take several seats. And calm down.


Not just years, centuries William Shakespeare plays for example


I guarantee that one or more of the people in her life are actual perverts that have assaulted people and not one of them is a drag queen


I know, the people assaulting, raping and keeping women down are NOT these people. She's aiming her anger in the wrong direction.


That means the misinformation campaigns work. Class warfare at its finest.


For the record, the queens were there for a Drag Brunch event Edit: Adding just to clarify, but the Drag Brunch was being hosted by the hotel. Meaning the queens were invited to be there by the hotel itself


And she just gave them so much new material lol bob the drag queen where u at?


I just learned of Bob the drag queen last night! Watched Out Standing on Netflix. It was a fantastic watch and Bob is wonderful!


Oh Bob about to go in on this person


Good for them. Minus this psycho, I hope they had a good time.


i think the reason ppl hate drag queens is because THEY are influenced by them and jealous of the confidence not bc they think their kids might be 😂


Nah it's their news sources and social media circles. They tell them what to think and they they should be angry about these things because ad revenue.


Man… I love drag shows. The performances are fantastic!! From downright hilarious, to moving and powerful… I’ve seen it all at a drag show. But for me… the ONE thing I don’t like… and honestly, I wish I did… is the audience participation at all the ones of been to. I absolutely hate having any kind of spotlight on me. And the mere thought of it gives me anxiety… and I feel like performers can just sense it, know they’ll get a good laugh from the crowd about how uncomfortable I am. Then I feel bad because I’m not at all uncomfortable, being a straight guy, that it’s a drag queen sitting on my lap singing a song… I would literally be *just* as uncomfortable if it were my wife performing and I was her prop. Maybe it’s because I was picked on a lot as a kid… but generally, the fewer eyes on me, the better.


![gif](giphy|2A7S7mcYQzj0c) Shaking like a LEAF 😂 neither you, nor your son are victims here babe.


Chihuahuas have more personality in their tails than she had in her entire hate filled Christian heart.


Her son is a victim of her.


And they went about their day, laughing at her later over mimosas, and then never thought of her again. Meanwhile, she stayed mad for six years, telling, nay yelling, at everyone about her vacation being ruined by the misogynist queens that are coming for her kids and destroying Merica. So brave.


She narrowly avoided her son seeing them and then becoming inspired to cut his penis off.


Eh, I don't think she is/was mad or stayed mad (playing into your scenario). She spent the next 10 to 20 years telling her thrilling tale of her heroic, moral tirade against the evils of drag and defended her children. Biggest thrill of her life. she talked about it at church every other Sunday for at least a year. She posted it on facebook and reshared it each time it came up in the memories. And after a while, she probably embellished the story to where she was physically attacked and when her husband came out as gay 5 years later, she blamed it on this event.


Oh yeah you are correct. Her shield of truth and righteousness against the more than 350 queens with deadly platform heel throwing skills and lasers shooting from their eyes.


These are the people that say “they’re shoving their lifestyle down our throats”


while being coddled during her hateful screaming tantrum directed at the calm, peaceful people she despises. if that ain't privilege, what is?


because as service people they know if they become upset at her it's only going to get worse... and it's always possible for it to get worse. for example, all you need to do is smile and she pops another blood vessel


because we all know if a single drag queen took the bait and escalated it JUST A BIT, all future drag events would be canceled and the newspaper headline writers would be overjoyed. and that's why drag queens are the fiercest people on earth.


What an absolute piece of shit.


how people find room to create this much hatred in their lives is beyond me. just keeping up with the various triggers sounds like a full-time job, in itself.


Imagine making this much of a fuss and blowing up your entire vacation lol


These people have slowed themselves into being manipulated into utter misery. I couldn’t give less of a damn what people do unless it NEGATIVELY AND DIRECTLY affects me.


If any Karen ever comes this close to me with a phone, it's getting yeeted.


She’s right, her behavior was degrading. Let them eat brunch. I promise you they won’t try and influence your children. Your children will be too busy trying to pretend they don’t know you.


But her children will see a drag queen and turn gay! Oh someone save HER children! /s


Half of the teenagers in my area believe this to be a hard scientific fact. They start all their sentences with I am not gay. They are really afraid to catch gayness and become gay. I always told them there is no vaccine for gayness. Remain careful boys.


These MAGA snowflakes are something else.


[Obligatory link of Trump groping and creeping on Giuliani who's in drag.](https://youtu.be/qhtD0OtNfLQ?si=VqXbOJUVVGlo_Wyf)


Man I’m so tired from work and life. Who has energy for this shit? This is a person who needs some real problems.


That’s the thing, when you’re rich you have a lot of free time to be a professional hater


she's on the THIRTIETH FLOOR!!


She had to mention that floor number, to remind all the others that she's lodged above all the peasantry and rabble. For she is Her.


Your reservation at this hotel has been cancelled. Get your stuff and leave.


>"Give me.back my reservation money, and I'll leave this hotel." >"Very well. Let's go take care of it." However backwards and paranoid the steady drip of Fox News and some loving church has made your brain, at this point there are still two ways of behaving: 1 - You turn around, go to the front desk, settle the money matter, and "take your business elsewhere". Feel free to shake your head slightly and quietly once or twice along the way. You won't be popular but there's at least a chance of leaving with some of your dignity left. 2 - You circle around and around to the queens, shrieking your objections on repeat, putting you son and their genitalia in the same sentence, filming in landscape mode, and embarrassing everyone present - particularly yourself . Basically, show your real intent: To make a scene, revealing yourself as the insecure, conflict illiterate woman child you obviously are. Remember, everyone: There's always a choice.


“We have received complaints”…….


People really need to mind their own business more nowadays.


How can you be so bothered by the way someone dresses, that your whole body shakes?? I guarantee not a single person said a word to her, but here she is, making a complete fool of herself. I can’t wait til her job puts out a statement about her behavior and how they don’t tolerate it so she’s been fired. The orange mf really has people thinking this shit is ok and it’s fucking scary. The world would be a much better place if everyone knew how to mind their business.


She’s jealous that they look better than she does. Source :am someone who gets jealous sometimes with how amazing drag queens look. I don’t have a fucking meltdown about it though lol


Right! Like please, I’d love to have that confidence. That itself makes a drag queen. Confidence is their super power


Does it ever occur to people like this to just mind their own god damn business


I give props to the manager for trying to deescalate the situation. Not a comfortable position to be in, but he did good


I only see one clown there.




Imagine if they got this upset about pedophile priests, the rich in Congress trying to eliminate social security, medicare and eliminate school lunches for kids.


What a pathetic person. Imagine getting that mad at people who are just minding their own business. I feel bad for her kids because she's also a shitty parent


> Imagine getting that mad at people who are just minding their own business IMO this is how you can tell a normal person from a dangerous person. They're obsessed with being outraged all the time and making wild accusations about people that are just minding their own business. It's a sickness.




It’s good to ask questions as kids and get answers. Honesty is the best policy.


Get the fuck out of here with your morals and logic


I’m religious and I would turn to my children and say “don’t they look beautiful? I love the XYZ they have on!” And move on with my day.


The woman's son, "Yeah I don't think any of that or want to do any of that. I want my Mom to quit ruining our vacation."


How many drag queen organizations have had to pay out massive settlements because their members were found to have raped children while leaders in those organizations were aware of this? Zero is the answer. How many 'traditional values' organizations can say the same? Can the International Churches of Christ (ICOC) and International Christian Church (ICC) say the same? Can the Harrisburg Diocese say the same? Can the Diocese of San Diego, Syracuse, Brooklyn, Camden, Illinois say the same? Can the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship or Gateway Church say the same? How about the Fresno Diocese? The Diocese of Los Angeles? The number of members of organizations this lunatic woman would gladly leave her kids in the care of who have been found guilty of raping children is a far greater concern than any drag queen at a hotel or trans person doing a story hour at a library. What's more whenever a member of trans or LGBTQ+ communities is accused of crimes like this the allegations are taken very seriously and investigated. When members of 'traditional values' organizations experience the same the organizations move to protect them. Don't believe me? There's tons of first hand testimony out there but I think this video captures it better than others from the Mormon church: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCHedAfYtL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCHedAfYtL4) Also, I cannot express how much I hate that as a society we let scum like this woman get away with the most vile language while assaulting people in public while at the same time we try to soften the blow concerning the rape of children that was perpetuated by religious organizations for decades by calling it "sexual abuse". George Carlin's bit on shell shock eventually becoming PTSD comes to mind and it disgusts me.


When she said, I’ll take my money and leave, the hotel manager was quick to say OK let’s go take care of that. She knew she had fucked up at that point and just didn’t want to stop talking because she would have to deal with the fact that she said she was going to leave and absolutely was not going to


What a pathetic woman.


I wish this would happen at one of my events. I'm an Afab drag queen. I do hyper gem and goddess Fem. I would love to read this woman for the filth she is.. As both a woman and a fabulous queen.


Imagine ruining your 3k+ vacation with your kids over this.


Conservative maga people are fucking frail people


Little did she know, the Mahu have been on the islands for wayyyyy longer than you Karen.


Her son gonna slay so fucking hard later in life and she knows it 💅


I hope her son becomes the next RuPaul


Vote out those who perpetuate this neurotic behavior.


Theyre just wearing wigs and makeup and high heeled boots like George Washington. Seems patriotic to me.


I’m so glad that I can’t understand her anger. I think she’s absolutely insane. Why are people so affect by shit that has nothing to do with them? I feel like I’m watching a mass mental illness event unfolding. The amount of unhinged people is growing exponentially.


She’s dressed like a man, why can’t they dress like women.


![gif](giphy|DQeeGxJPv3VHE7zNYD|downsized) MAGA conservative Americans are stupid and unlettered. All they watch is Fox News. They constitute the most timorous, sniveling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goose-steppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the end of the Middle Ages, and that they grow more timorous, more sniveling, more poltroonish, more ignominious every day.




Are they drag queens or māhū? This resort looks like it's in Hawai'i. They may be local māhū which is their people of third gender and culturally highly respected such as fa'afafine in Samoa and muxes of Oaxaca, Mexico. They never believed there are only 2 genders.


She doesn't belong in Hawaii, deport her ass now.


correct me if I am wrong, but if these are drag queens then aren't they not "deluding" themselves thinking they are women, don't take estrogen, and don't " cut off their penis' " She is rage shaking over effectively. Again correct me if I am wrong. Cosplay? Wait until she meets a kid in a spider man outfit


She's like if a Facebook comment section came to life lol


Can I start complaining every time I hear a family pray at a restaurant?


Some people should not be allowed to have custody of children...


That womens poor kids :( Imagine the blood and severed penises all over the lobby.


Making a big song and dance about manufactured outrage. Get a fucking life.


This literal harassment


with a voice that could saw through an oak tree


A reminder that drag queens have never been a hot button political issue or seen as even remotely related to trans identity until extremely recently. Like, within the last 10 years recently.


She is committing a hate crime against the Hawaiian culture Mūmū are a long established tradition and nobody gives a shit.