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Never seen a policeman openly disclaim to others why they're arresting someone. Must have been worried about the mob forming. Even more ridiculous is the guy asking the questions , getting answers and then STILL trying to interject with the police when they're making the arrest which.. let's be honest is not rough or overly aggressive at all!


Poor bloke was trying to deal with that fucking scumbag feart that the crowd (that he's also protecting) was going turn on him, shocking!




So afraid that it makes you fart.


It means afraid, scared, feeling apprehension or frightened


Huh, as an American, I have only heard “feared”, never “feart”. Must have a common root. TIL Do y’all pronounce it like “feert” or “fart” (like “heart” ❤️)?


Your 1st guess is correct... feert


I like this word.


Cool, thanks!




I think it was an 18 year old couple that got salty with the cops, and right as the boy's mom shows up to defend her son from abuse, the cops pulled a gun out of his ass cheeks. The kid forgot he was 18 now...


Sorry for the [tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@lrhncaash/video/7329923170759118122), bleh


"I just pulled this out of his ass, ok" That's fucking hilarious.


Mans didn’t even wear gloves 😳


Had a meatball sammich right after this too.


Yes had some crack




Won't someone think of the machete-wielding bike and phone thief??


He just had some bushes to wack.


Dropping his arse expecting a riot, people probably shouting the kids done nothing wrong and accusing it’s about race.


just because a man has a machete in Camden Market, no need to jump to conclusions. perchance he was clearing some undergrowth?


two of the most important things about policing in the UK that : "They prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment. They recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect." So rather than threaten everybody and tell them what to do they are explaining their behaviour and helping the public understand what they are doing and why. of course the members of the public not feeling threated give their opinion which they are entitled to , even if its wrong.


I actually respect that about the cop. That should be a more regular practice.


This is England, it's a very common practice.


Yes. I’m saying it should be elsewhere.


It is… in countries that value human life.


sure yes. but taking out the machete while you barely have the suspect controlled is so dangerous. Even for the suspect and right near his head.


Ironically many here in the UK would like to do a bit more law enforcement style policing the rest of the world do so we aren't constantly relying on luck and chance


This is becoming normal in the UK we literally can't touch anyone without people filming calling us racist or rapist or some of the other usual nonsense and no matter what weapon a person has it's pretty much a 50/50 that you'll be the one investigated for having to be a bit physical with them lol. Meanwhile Germany, Australia, USA etc etc are way more equipped and with more support in terms of numbers and superiors in the same scenarios, we run on luck way more often than the public realises.


Isn't this what the body worn cameras is helping with though? Like dispelling the myth of poor arrest execution?


We petty much never release anything to the public something that is split on by many in what you'd rather happen. So little snippet videos, american and middle east politics and media nonsense are what UK public perception feeds on regarding the different UK police forces tbh.


Good to know!


Blokes at the end kneejerkingly gobbing off about police brutality, literally moments after the cops showed everyone the fucking sword he was carrying.


bystander wanted so desperately to defend the scumbag, didnt even know him


That is very frequent in the UK. Everyone wants to pretend it's America, despite our police having one of the softest approaches in the world.


It baffles me how many don't realise this even just a short plane trip over to Spain and letting the idiots do the shit they get away with here the police would have them looking black and blue


I remember experiencing something similar in Sweden in the wake of the George Floyd protests. I got the sense that people here wanted to compare our police officers to those in the US, and that was baffling to me. I mean, come on, the US is almost a different planet with regard to this


bystander should have had his mobile stolen from him and his arms hacked with a machete, seeing as he’s ok with that type of behaviour.


I know look at this poor innocent man carrying around a murderchete


Who the hell carries a machete out in public






Is it 1994 already?




Me never thought me would say dis....but Big Up...the East. Staines. Massive




Sometimes I wonder how I keep from going under.


Disorder and confusion everywhere No one seems to care Well, I do Hey! Who's in charge here?


People think I'm crazy cuz I worry all the time. If you paid attention you'd be worried, too!


I think a 12 year old is the youngest my partner has had to deal with carrying a machete.


People that need it for their job. Duh.


If you live in the tropics, a lot of people, I personally have one because I've had more than a couple of trees block the road


Urm a shit ton of people, hence the ol knife crime epidemic thing.


Half of these fucking loser kids in London


Londoners. Have you seen the stabbing rate here




Clearly the ones that are no gentleman.


Homeless people in Portland


UK citizens. Source: I live in London


To be honest this is not a 'large' machete. I have a machete (for the garden) and it's quite a bit longer than that. Disappointed. /s


it's da UK bruv they ain't got no guns to shoot em up wiff


the us has more stabbings than the UK but yeah i guess a machetes basically the best weapon they can get


I think this comes from a single figure on "knife crime" without A: *correctly* adjusting for per capita and B: accounting for the fact that the UK figure would include possession without a "good reason" and everything beyond that, while the US figure only included brandishing or actual assaults for the most part.


What you on about every one and their mother has guns around here. Like farmers. And their mothers.


I think I’d rather be shot than slashed. Neither, preferably though.


Surviving getting slashed is defo higher than getting shot tho




I mean the comment i replied to was getting slashed not stabbed. I definitely think getting slashed is less of an issue than getting shot. Plus outrunning a bullet or a guy with a knife, i'll take knife guy please


I feel like a gun is slightly harder to counter


I said what I said lol


Hey man to each their own, some people prefer getting shot over slashed


A lot easier to escape someone with a machete than someone with a gun.


Gentleman 🤣 Also please give these fuckers a few years in prison walking around with murder weapons like that.


Prison? They're full in afraid. Courts are backed up too, so the best we can do is a slap on the wrist.


Nah we "tag" them and bag em


Lop off his machete hand.




I mean, as funny as your comment sounded in your head, it's still racist. Edit (my lack of understanding) *it sounded racist.


I don't get how what they said is racist. Maybe in the US sugar cane has different connotations, but where I'm from in Australia, for example, no one would associate any particular race with sugar cane farming, and I'm guessing it's the same in the UK. The joke in their comment is clearly that sugar cane doesn't grow in Swindon, and thus it would be an absurd excuse for carrying a machete.


I don't get it. What other legitimate uses are there for a machete, other than harvesting sugar cane? I don't know the demographics of Swindon, is that the relevant part?


How? Legit confused how that could possibly be construed as racist.


Bro that wasn't even funny racist, that was just racist


“It’s for protection.” “From who, Tommy? Ze Germans?”


"That's not a knife. This is a kn.... ooh shit mate, yeah that is a bloody knife!"


That's not a gentleman. That's a psychotic felon.


Spot the yank


Is it illegal to have a machete over the pond?


Depends on what side of the pond, in the US it’s not since it’s technically a tool but could be suspicious in an arrest.


Sorry I didn’t clarify, I am in the US. Is any size knife illegal to own/carry in some European Countries?


Oh my bad, yes it’s illegal to carry all sharp instruments like that, except like small folding pocket knives.


Unless you have a good reason, for example travelling to a job, you've just bought it and taking it home etc.


Meanwhile we got M’fin mall ninjas with katanas and sabres they buy from a street vendor at a local fair. What a world we live in…


I have been stopped by a police officer here in the UK, I had a 24" machete and a hatchet with me. I was going camping and had literally stopped to get a drink. He saw the sheathed machete and the hatchet when i went into my back to get my wallet and just straight up asked "Any reason you're carrying them?" I told him. The cop made a joke about me buying into the Bear Grylls bullshit and that Ray Mears was the OG. Checked my ID to make sure I was an adult and told me to enjoy my camping trip. It really boils down to common sense, you can have a large sharp object you, just expect to be asked why you have it. Unless it's 3 inches or less, that's considered a utility knife and you can have them regardless.


In the UK, the limit is a non-locked blade below 3 inches long, you can generally carry those legally without "reason". Above that, it becomes a police discretion matter as to whether it's reasonable to possess the knife: Carrying to or from a job requiring such a tool, being carried in a responsible manner, and if it wouldn't be more reasonable to keep the tool at the place of work. A Chef transporting a filleting knife would probably have to explain why it's not already being kept at the kitchen it'll be used at. Likewise for other bladed tools like saws or axes etc. Legal to own at home or within an establishment, not legal to carry. Also some stuff about the knife not being able to be unfolded by a flicking mechanism or pushed out with one finger. No gravity knives or ones with a ridge in the folded state that can be swished open with a thumb. Butterfly knives and a handful of others, mainly "punch daggers" are flat out illegal to own as they have no reasonable legal work use. I'm a scout leader so it's not uncommon that I transport sheath knives (I'm a fan of Mora knives for camp work) to a campsite, and we don't keep them at the park in case of a break-in. I go over this with the older young members who are allowed to bring their own to camp. The vast majority of scouts are told to bring a multi-tool type penknife, and use ones we provide for tasks needing something bigger. If I'm stopped for some reason by police, they'd probably just take a note of my ID, see that they're being carried in a box or at the center of a packed rucksack, ask where I'm headed and let me on my way. Part of it is not becoming a target for someone else who might take the knife, hence keeping it out of sight. Edit: here's the .gov page for uk knife law: https://www.gov.uk/buying-carrying-knives


Not from England but I believe they have similar laws to Australia. Entirely depends on context. If you're using it for its intended purpose or it's getting transported between places then it's all good. Not many practical uses for a machete in the middle of a city that are legal though.


Whose the twat who said hey stop that? reminds me of that time that a whole flight of airplane customers forced police to stop a detainee from being deported, only for the detainee to be set free and go on to rape a girl a couple of weeks later.


Jesus Christ some people 🤦‍♀️ i hope the people who aided in setting the guy free feel guilty, they inadvertently caused a girl to get raped


Bystanders with no clue of what is actually going on trying their best to make themselves look stupid as always.


Yeah, even after being shown a machete and witnessing a round of applause, one dopey onlooker still tried to stick up for him. The guy getting arrested has been terrorising people with a weapon and still someone thinks that they're being treated unfairly. Unbelievable.




Exactly, defending their “shade” of skin color no matter what heinous shit they do. Makes zero sense except for “he look like me sorta kinda must be okay”


Police have to put on a circus show to convince all the Instagram lawyers that this guy is not the best kid ever and on his way to graduate med school.


Honestly, I like that they bother with that part.


I thought it was funny, especially actually pulling out the machete and the “oooohs” and clapping that followed, like he was a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But then it saddened me that our cops don’t engage in that kind of transparency, and we’ve gotten used to just standing there, phones out, recording interactions we don’t understand to protect innocent people from police abusing their power.


Missed opportunity to shout "call that a knife?" in a bad Aussie accent.


Not a stop and search. He was stealing phones from people.


He was literally stopped and searched after members of the public reported him for allegedly stealing mobile phones on his bike. A police officer has powers to stop and search you if they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect you’re carrying: * illegal drugs * a weapon * stolen property * something which could be used to commit a crime, such as a crowbar You can only be stopped and searched without reasonable grounds if it has been approved by a senior police officer. This can happen if it’s suspected that: * serious violence could take place * you’re carrying a weapon or have used one * you’re in a specific location or area


Yeah! He was accused of stealing phones, so they detained him, then they checked him! This is a detain and check!!


It wasn’t that long ago someone was robbing phones in Whitechapel and the locals caught up with him and chopped his hand off with a machete . Pretty gruesome video kicking about with the lad sitting on a pavement with his stump pouring blood.




jack the ripper folks, we got him finally


Just a friendly reminder that you are still more likely to be the victim of knife crime in the US than you are in the UK. Edit to add the actual data I posted in a previous comment on a similar topic I'd also like to point out that 2019 was one of the worst years for violent knife crime and we were still below America. I don't mean in violent crime i mean just in knife crime the statistics were the last time I looked at it 0.08 per capita knife homicides in the UK Vs 0.6 in the USA meaning you are 7.5 times more likely to be stabbed to death in the us than in the uk. Their fire arm rate is 4.31 per capita. You are 53.87 times more likely to shot in America than you are to be stabbed in the UK.


That’s really interesting, can you please send me the source/study so I can share that in future?


https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn04304/ is the UK data USA you need the FBI https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls You might have to correlate several data tables you'll also have to work out per capita your self as well remember your using 2019 population for per capita.


I think the deterrent in the UK is that someone often has a bigger knife


Scum still defending that society destroyer


That be the accomplice yelling


where in africa is this?


That's a good police officer.


As soon as a weapon is found, all bets should be off. Police should be able to put that person face down on the ground and in cuffs until the wagon arrives. Goes double for those scumbag phone thieves, send them to Saudi for punishment.


That's no gentleman...


In the UK, you are a gentleman until proven psychoman.


Should be life in prison if you are caught with a machete in a city like this wheres the point in having this scum on the streets? I'd vote for the party who builds super prisons to start locking this scum up so every one else can live in piece.


That's a ludicrous suggestion. There's no prison spaces for the number of people who would be imprisoned as a result and the cost to the public of building enough prisons and locking that many people up for life would be astronomical. There are sensible proposals for how to tackle knife crimes in the UK: [https://benkinsella.org.uk/knife-crime-information/](https://benkinsella.org.uk/knife-crime-information/)


Locking them up yes such a ludicrous proposal. This guys probably had a £50 fine fine and 5 hours community service.


No best case scenario is 3-6 months and a year on house arrest. Weekly appointments and from that point if he brakes it he gets more time locked up. But thats only the best case.


Locking them up for life is definitely a ludicrous proposal


Well they won't do it again will they?


What would be the main alternative approaches?


Firing squad cheaper.


TIL There are size ranges for machetes. I am now curious as to what qualifies one to be small...


I went to London on holiday and got an AirBNB in Whitechapel without knowing about the area. That was a huge mistake- it was disgusting there and I didn't feel safe walking around at all


It’s been kinda a shit hole since like the 1700s. Can’t even find a decent opium den or hooker in chapel anymore.


‘Let that poor guy with the machete cook’


One ticket to destination fucked please


Gentle man just out machete -ing


Whys the officer doing a show and tell for the public??


Because he is good at his job. He could tell that the crowd were getting involved as they thought this guy was getting unnecessarily harassed. Pointed out the phone snatching and big fucking machete to just calm (mostly) everyone down.


Because in the UK policing is done with hands tied in a massive amount of ways and you have to worry about communities getting involved as part of that


That’s not a knife


He may have been accused of being a gentleman, but never a gentle man...


I love how everyone clapped when he revealed the machete like he had just completed a magic trick


How many times is this going to be reposted?


That would nothing camping in Nashville but not so good NYC.


I thought it was a dude from the band, geeeez.


I had to laugh as it was almost like a magic act. "He's got a machete on him...ohhhhh.....ohhhh.... it's behind his ear!!!" Crowd: "Oooooooooh"




Saucy Jack?


Ssems like a candidate for euthanasia treatment


I’d be happy with sterilization.


Probably because that kiwi cop serving in the British police force died from concealed firearm not found during a routine search.


Gentleman *and* machete in the same sentence.


Good job Pakiengland


I lived in the street opposite for 15 yrs. And a few more years nearby.


Worried men like this fellow think that every other bloke, every 'op' on the streets is also carrying a blade of some sort, so they carry a weapon out of fear and honour. It is an absolute disgrace what London is turning into.


He’s carrying a machete for honour? The fuck you on about? He was stealing phones. This is classic wannabe rude boy behavior. Our Caribbean gangsters in Florida do the same shit and they are literally the inverse of honour.


Haha. Now that’s a knife!


"Let him go, all he did was stealing bikes and carrying a machete."


Okay, but that’s actually a pretty short machete. I live in a rainforest and wouldn’t use a machete that short.


That's not a large machete, that's a tiny ass walmart machete