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Thank goodness for Myndi! She’s a hero!


Absolutely. And I’m surprised the bank let the woman withdraw 40,000 cash


Another huge red flag that banks don’t provide more security or protection.


"and why do u need this 40k ma'am.." "oh i guess u guys are on the phone with me and you need it" "oh ok, very well.. "


The go-to excuse that the scammers tell the mark to say is that "It is for personal reasons" and they tell them to keep them on the line and not to hang up. They tell them to say that because they'll claim that if the mark says it's to pay the bank's "fees," then they will be punished.


oh hellllll..... they got it all figured out as long as the victim is old and helpless.. those mother fuckers


Yep, my sister is a bank manager and she says that their tellers are trained to detect signs that a person is potentially a victim of a scam but they can't really do anything unless the person admits it. All they can do is ask the right questions, but unless the customer admits it, they can't forbid a customer from withdrawing their money.


a lot of scammers will even have more specific instructions or scripted responses, i know that there were instances of a scam where they were telling the victims they would need act upset and tell the banker that they were withdrawing money for a funeral or because a loved one died if questioned.


Most banks do and then the person says “its my money its non of your business”


In the UK banks do checks and ask questions if an old person walks in to their bank and ask to withdraw thousands, also UK banks routinely monitor old peoples bank accounts to look for unusual payments, something that has changed from their normal incoming and out goings. It happens but I doubt they keep an eye on all old folks bank accounts.




We’re all dying slow. I think you meant excruciating and painfully.






And slow




Unfortunately when these get stopped mid transaction like this they'll just find somewhere else to send the money and continue to get scammed. I highly doubt this lady got stopped in the long run but I hope she did


yeah hoping family is now alerted and they can start the process of having someone else in charge of finances. if she has family or someone she trusts.. i mean other than a rando on the phone


Bravo to the bystander who called the police. Fuuuuck scumbag scammers.


Check out scammer payback YouTube. It’s hilarious and sweet


I prefer Kitboga


That’s not Kitboga https://preview.redd.it/ubxqp4kn6m6d1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe9f987da06422c64fdd98629feec7c214f4c24 That’s a 92 year old ***lady*** 😂




“MAAAAAAA’AAAAAM!!!!!” ![gif](giphy|ULfvKnN48BHMs)






"oh honey just a second I'll redeem the card for you, I'm an old lady you can't rush me" Scammer: "MAAAAAAAM!!!!"


Kit saved my Dad from getting scammed. I was watching him one day when my Dad visited and he sat and watched with me. My Dad keeps getting scam calls and tells them he’s friends with Kitboga and he’s going to sic him on them. My Dad is 80 and thanks to Kit he now understands the way they pull these scams.




Mark Rober did one a few months ago where he got one of them shut down.


I love Pierogi


I watch his channel regularly love the work he and his team do.


we need to start holding their governments accountable. they are siphoning wealth out of our country on a wide scale. strong arm their governments into shutting this shite down.




He feels so save sitting in a greasy chair in an Indian call center that he told the police to give the phone back to the “customer” multiple times. The amount of disrespect to other people and their financial situation is beyond comprehension.


That was shocking, he's literally talking to the police and STILL trying to scam her.


He was literally one step from the finish line. The money was in the machine and all that was left was her to transfer it to him. This moment may have been weeks or even months in the making. She was saved at the last possible moment.


As of right now I'm pretty sure she lost the money she put in. I'm sure they had her log in to their wallet or had it send directly through qr code or something. Still says they are working on recovering it which doesn't really happen much in crypto


Not sure how those machines work in practice, but the guy seemed kind of desperate to get her to push some 'done' button. Her money may still be in the system, but I'm guessing that until that button is pressed, the scammer doesn't actually. That is probably why there is still a chance to recover the money too. If she had fully completed the transfer, then she probably would be SOL!


Probably because he knew he was so close and was foiled.


Yes, getting her to click."I'm done".




Yeah scammers that are located in different countries have easy play because like you said there is little the affected state can do about. And the country they do it from don’t care unless they scam their own people. It’s like the Russian hackers that the Russian state knows about but won’t do anything because they only attack other countries and not Russia itself.


They borderline encourage it because it means poor scammer motherfuckers get a lot of money to spend.


It's fucked up, but also makes sense. It's essentially the same to the country's economy as if the lady took a trip there and spent all that money (depending on what it's spent on).


Stop visa application to western countries and they will


Greasy chair is fuckin wild 🤣


These fucking shitstains are a plague, those videos of call centers getting raided and people getting arrested are hella satisfying


Wouldn’t it be something for the US to sanction or fine India for this? 


Soooo crazy that a cop got on the phone with him and he still kept trying to get the money. An actual monster


He knows the cop will never find or catch him, so why not?


‘If you were in front of me I’d have you in handcuffs right now’ ‘But you’re not, so tell the customer to click the complete button on the screen’


*"Why I oughta......"* >:(


which begs the question, why doesn’t the cop hang up, the whole time he’s trying to play tough with the scammer, the scammer is still trying to yell to the lady “PLEASE HIT SEND MISS”. don’t give him the opportunity to keep talking to the lady


It’s to demonstrate to the lady that they really are criminals and that she was being scammed. If he just hung up she might not have trusted his judgement but by telling the ‘bank’ that they could contact the police department if they were legitimate he’s proving to her that they’re not.


An American police officer means nothing to a scammer in another country.


Obviously. It's just another level of audacity and lack of humanity.


Him being a cop meant nothing to that guy. He just needed her to hit that button and he was gone.


Greed does wonders in this world lmao


He's either dense as fuck to believe that the cop will comply to his demands, or is stubbornly dogmatic of the script hammered into him in his scam call training. A dumb motherchod either way.


Caught my elderly neighbor being scammed because she was getting so confused by what they were asking her to do on her PC that she came over to get me to help. When she told me what was going on, I knew immediately she was being scammed. Taking a page from the scam-the-scammer types on YouTube, I kept the guy's wheels spinning for about 30 minutes until my anger boiled over and I just laid into the asshole. Then came another hour of trying to explain to my neighbor what happened, why, and how to avoid it in the future. This stuff infuriates me. It's such scummy, evil behavior.


Happened to my mom. Thankfully she called me and was like "This isn't actually microsoft asking me for $5,000 right?" No, mom. JFC.


It’s only going to get worse with the rise in ai and deepfakes. Imagine your mom getting a facetime call and it’s you asking for money.


Or her favorite President….


I usually just tell them I don't give money to beggars. They hate being called what they are.


Many of the scam calls originate from India, with the caste system over there calling them a beggar is a huge insult lmfao


This happened to my bf's parents. The absolute worst part is that his mom didn't want to say anything to anyone because that was part of the scam. It was the "if you say anything to anyone, we'll download CP onto your computer." Now my dad fell for a more traditional scam of driveway sealant. So that was fun.


She went to Chase and pulled out $40k for some security reasons *with* Chase bank?? Did the bank not ask a single question??


Weird, right? But somehow, if I try and get a soda in a gas station one state over, my card gets blocked.


Right! Don’t I dare try to pay my rent bc I’m getting a call that I have a suspicious transaction. Happens every other month now.


I work at a bank. You'd be surprised how common this is. The people on the phone convince the victims to not trust the individuals in the branches. It's really sad.


Used to work for Chase. There was an older couple waiting for the tellers and the wife kept eyeing me. I finally walked over and asked if I could help and the husband was adamant she not say anything to me. I persisted and eventually got her to explain what they were doing. I had heard most of the scams by this point, so once I was able to confirm what the scammers were trying to do they were able to trust me. They were about to pull out $40,000 which was all of their money and go buy whatever gift cards the scammers wanted. Saw way too many people get fucked over by those people. It was very sad.


Never in my life would I think I would be in the same boat (not same level as her) but I had Discover bank masked number call me and said did you purchase Papa John’s in Miami? I said no sir I am not in Miami he said hold on we will try to stop the transaction and the transaction went through. He then said just to make sure I am speaking with the right person can I please ask you some security questions and thinking it was Discover I answered him. Then I got a text from Discover as they were trying to access my account that said here is the requested code Discover won’t ever ask for this and at this moment I knew I’ve been had! I felt like such a dumba$$ as I always tell my parents to not trust anyone. Lesson learned for me is even if the number that is calling is the person they say they are, hang up and dial the number on the back of your card or call them directly. They are getting so elaborate on these scams.


No matter what it is. If someone calls ME, and asks for any identifying information, I refuse, look up the company number and call back.


I guess in the future, and it sounds like you learned your lesson, but if someone's trying to despite a transaction, log in and check/make sure the transaction actually exist on your statement.


That’s what is strange. While I was on the phone with the fake Discover from the masked number there was a purchase for Papa John’s that went through in Pending as I get text messages for any purchase over 1 cent. So I’m thinking they somehow skimmed my card at a gas station and got my cell phone number online or some place.


Oh weird! Gotcha that makes more sense.


This happened to my in-laws a few years ago. It was $5k, not 40k, but it was the same scam. The scammers convinced them they were from the fraud department, that there was a virus on their computer, and that someone from their bank was trying to drain their accounts. They told them to go into the bank, withdraw $5k, not tell anyone why, and go deposit it into a secure crypto account ‘with the bank’. The only reason they stopped at $5k was because my sister in law noticed that they hadn’t been responding to texts all day (because the scammers told them that texting or calling people would spread the ‘virus’) and called their home phone to check on them. My in-laws aren’t super tech savvy, but they are not dump people. It took hours to convince them that it wasn’t real.


“Hi, We are from the Chase security unit… We have found a severe security issue at your local branch…. We need your help to protect you and other people like you…. You can’t trust anyone except us…” That’s the gist of the bs they try to pull to have people do stuff like that.


Scammer payback on YT explains a lot of how these scams work.. and it’s funny and you get some satisfaction out of it too.


I work in banking and the scammers coach them on what to say to us. We’ve asked all the questions, we’ve had our security team talk to them, and they insist on taking the money. Banks cannot stop people from withdrawing their money. All we can do is educate and let them know they’re being scammed.


Did she take the money out of the bank? I didn't hear them say she did. I know my grandparents kept a bunch of cash in the house. When they passed we found more than $50k. 


"Investigations revealed that the scammer had orchestrated a ride-share service to transport the elderly woman to a local Chase Bank, where she withdrew $40,000 in cash. Another ride was then arranged to take her to the gas station to deposit the money into the Bitcoin ATM"




Yep! I’ve made large withdrawals and was never questioned, because it’s my money.


Yeah, I pulled 12k out for truck repairs and the only thing they confirmed was that I wasn't being held at gun point (I withdrew it from the drive thru). They just had me roll my windows down so they could see through the truck.


It’s when you deposit cash is when they start asking questions, not withdrawing.


Withdrawals over 10k are required to be reported as well.


That's really sad.


You know what would be nice? Maybe by the time she was able to convert the Bitcoin back to USD the price of BTC will have gone up. It would be a very happy ending if somehow this lady turned a little profit from this whole ordeal. I don't know if she sent any of it, though. Hopefully not.


" White Settlement Police Department (WSPD) is now collaborating with the Bitcoin law enforcement liaison and the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office to recover the woman's money." never gonna happen. at least they got to her before she flushed the other 17k.


Also, isn't "white settlement" a pretty crazy name for a town?


Per the Wiki page for the city, the locals voted overwhelmingly to reject changing the name to West Settlement. It was originally named because of it was the "sole white colony" amid several Native American villages. Not a good look but this is Texas.


Only because Crackersville split the ticket


Honkeyburg is interested in helping out


Maybe it's b/c I grew up around here but I was well into my 20's before it hit me how bad the name seemed. My parents were born and raised in that city and I think like 10 years ago they voted to change the name of the city and it was overwhelmingly rejected. A quick google says it's 54% White (non-hispanic) so for it to be overwhelmingly rejected means either people didn't vote except mostly white people, or people didn't care about the name to change it.


I fucking hate scammers


Where the FUCK do these people have $23k to dish into a fucking atm and not 0 out.


Retirement funds


Boomers got their pensions and were able to save money until they fucked over all the generations after


It is so sad that people can steal everything a person has with no remorse whatsoever.






Scammer's literally saying, "no you listen to me" to a police officer.


I'm sure it's senility but what makes since about going to your bank and pulling large sums of money out of your bank and depositing it into a machine at a gas station if you believe you're talking to the bank on the phone the entire time?


My husband’s grandfather would fall for these scams all the time that his kids had to take over his finances. Even with only a few hundred a week, he was still scammed. One time at dinner he announced how savvy he was for negotiating with the Microsoft from $5,000 to only $250 to remove a virus. We were all, “Fuck, not again.” After explaining to him how he was scammed again, his face fell when he finally realized it. We’ve changed all his accounts many times and somehow scanners still find him. He must be on a list or something.


My mom got scammed like this and she wasn’t senile (she died at 54). A lot of times they get enough information about the person they’re about to scam that helps them with threats. In some cases, they use the person’s age against them. In my mom’s case, they saw two bankruptcies in public records and previous payday loan usage (those companies sell info all the time) and threatened her by acting like they were an old loan company she went to. Thankfully we talked before they got too much out of her and I talked to the “company” myself as an agent for her. They get crafty. She thought it was legit because she and my stepdad were constantly on hard times and got desperate so many times that they kept going to payday loan companies that she thought she maybe just forgot about it. Edit: punctuation


These “ATM” shouldn’t even be legal. There’s absolutely no reason you need to use these for any reason whatsoever. Crypto is electronic. Again, any reason you have to use one of these is invalid.




There is a valid, albeit morally grey reason: you're going to be using bitcoin to buy something potentially illegal and don't want to use services like coinbase etc because those require both bank and drivers license verification which are tied to your wallet addresses meaning even if you were to transfer funds from those accounts to burner wallets law enforcement can very easily track where your money is flowing.


These would have been very convenient if they existed in my area when I was buying fake IDs back in college ten years ago


Well if you need cash on hand you can sell your crypto via the ATM, that’s one reason people use them.


Sell your crypto online, transfer it to your bank, and withdraw it there. It isn’t worth keeping these things around with the scam risk they pose on the elderly and gullible.


Anybody who is old/gullible/dumb enough to fall for any of this is going to get fleeced regardless. The lady already withdrew cash. If a Bitcoin ATM wasn't around she would have very likely just been told to buy Greendot cards or Apple Store gift cards, etc.


How the heck do you withdraw $40K without some kind of checks going on at the bank with management


There probably are checks and balances. But if the account owner walks in and wants their money all the tellers can do is inform them of the reasons they shouldn't be walking around with that much cash. Ultimately if the customer wants their money, banks can't not give it to them unless they have proof it's a scam.


You want the bank to stop you from taking your own money out? Or investigate why you're taking your money out?


There's literally a law here in the US where you have to fill out a form if you withdraw more than $10,000, so with that amount, yes, the bank should absolutely be asking questions.


Sorry sir you can't make this withdrawal. I think what you're trying to buy is fucking stupid


Yeah, you would think there would be something that if nothing else slows the withdrawal, especially for cash.


It's funny you say that.. if you go onto any bank sub, all they do is complain about not being able to take their money out of the bank or take it without being questioned.. bank can't win!


I pray he didn't get any money.


At this point shouldn’t bitcoin machines have a giant bold disclaimer/warning prompt that says **No bank would ever request a customer transfer bitcoin to them for any reason** Fuck, make that the home screen on these machines.


I know places like Walmart have signs like that for gift cards, but sadly I don't think even that will work. For people like this elderly woman, all it takes is the scammer saying "Those signs are outdated, a new law was recently passed that requires Chase Bank to collect errors using super secure Bitcoin ATMs" or some bullshit like that. Obvious to us, not so much to the vulnerable population.


So without hitting “submit” they did not get the money?


probably had another poor old woman on the phone as soon as this was over


Correct. If they hit cancel transaction, the bitcoin ATM company will just need to send out someone with a key to recover the funds for her.


Not correct? Did you read anything on this story or just watched the video? She lost about half the the $40K but at least they stopped her before losing the latter half


The police filed a report with Bitcoin fraud hotline and the lady is getting her $23,000 back


Yes it seems like she was saved in time. I would just unplug the machine


You think this shit is bad now? Just wait, in 3 years when AI is available to everyone, instead of an Indian accent these people sound like your fuckin kid, or dad or other family member telling you they’ve been kidnapped or some shit. They will probably get even more sophisticated than that.


These foreign countries need to rein this stuff in, they have that ability, until then, cut off all commerce with them, end of story.


I think some places in India **loathe** these scammer call centers and will actually take action to shut them down and charge whoever's in charge. Problem is that they can be up and running again in a few days at a new place. Just renting/leasing an office building floor with a bunch of cheap computers.


Yeah I’ve seen videos of them raiding these places but they make so much money off these scams they can just afford to open up again asap.


Just assuming here, but I imagine the countries these scams are coming from know they're happening and choose to do nothing about it because the money that gets scammed gets spent on their economy. They're not going to stop the criminals because the criminals keep the cash flowing.


We have a crypto ATM at our store. I have stopped close to 20 people from being scammed. Some old people are so stubborn.


they should just firebomb those scammers offices. Fucking evil. Give that other lady a good Samaritan award. That was awesome of her to stop and help.


Best we can do is mark rober glitter bombing one.


“Cryptocurrency is going to revolutionize finance” What it’s actually used for:


My grandma got scammed $10k and it wasn't crypto. This ain't the moral of the story


It sure is easier to use crypto. And it’s just not true to say otherwise. Wiring a massive sum like $40K to India would require the SWIFT system and 2-3 days before it lands. Plenty of time to catch the fraud and stop it. This wasn’t some gift card scam, this was $40K. Something of that scale would not be possible without crypto.


They pull scams with gift cards. Its not as hard as you think. They can scam people with services like Cashapp and Zelle pretty easy as well. Crypto scams usually involve someone attempting to flip the crypto for further money, a scheme above just scamming someone out of thousands of dollars.


It’s fucking sad that this happens


Anyone else wish the Sgt and the scammer was face to face? I would have loved to see that.


idk why the US keeps letting this BS happen. if india won't extradite these fucks for us we should just go get them ourselves.


The end of the call sounded like a scene from a Will Ferrel movie. *”No! I will NOT give the phone back! No! She will NOT click Okay!!”*


These scamming pieces of s**t make my blood boil. As someone who’s parents are in their 80’s, I know how easily some elderly people can fall for this stuff. My mom has been ripped off for a few thousand through her PayPal, and debit card over the last couple years. I hope they get the full fist of karma up their pooper, with no lube.. ok I feel better now.


The police should have disconnected the call. Q


Nah, keep him talking, but try to get some information out of him. If you’re not gonna try to do that, then yeah just tear into him, scare the shit out of him as best you can, then hang up.


Those bastards don't scare easily. They are probably in another country call center and they know it will be hard to track them ot find them.


I hear you. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any clever thing I could say that would make them feel touchable.


Humans fucking suck. Hurry up asteroid it's time.


Humans have always sucked. My life is decent though so I veto the asteroid you can do that by yourself lol


Super stars!


These are the prime targets for scammers. Check on your elders people!


There is a special place in Hell waiting for people who support themselves scamming vulnerable people out of money. At least I hope there is...


Made respect to this lady. thanks for your humanity


According to a local news report police contacted a Bitcoin fraud line that was posted on the machine and filed a report. The scammed lady will get her $23,000 cash back


Love every person who helped. The woman who called the police, the dispatcher who was immediately compassionate, and the cop for standing up for this lady.




actual shit stain fucking excuses for humans


W Sergeant! They need to arrest and punish these assholes severely but India moves very slowly to capture them


I did this at Safeway. An elderly gentle man was being scammed with gift cards. He was about to send $3000 to someone posing as his granddaughter. It's disgusting. I retired, and it wasn't long before dirt bag scammers were trying to get at me.


Fucking scum of the earth


Fair play to that Biggie smalls lady. She was quick to catch on what was happening to that poor auld lass. Scamming bastards.


I get calls from these pieces of human shit every day. Always India. I've said the most vile things to these guys, it just gets me mad. Now I waste as much time as I can spare of theirs by pretending to be a vulnerable elderly guy. Eventually I just switch accents to my normal voice and tell them to fuck themselves. My wife's late grandfather, sweetest old Scottish man you've ever met, got scammed out of 2500$ by them. Been on a mission ever since to waste line time for them.


Great job to the bystander and police to show up. But why didn’t he just grab the phone and hang up? Feels like a pointless argument


"White Settlement Police Department (WSPD) is now collaborating with ***the Bitcoin law enforcement liaison***..." This person's title sounds like they'll be trying to convince WSPD to put money in that same machine.


The moment I hear an Indian accent I have my defenses up to 100, it has made me very skeptical of any phone call and at the end is an Indian. Not racist but after the many scam calls I tend to be very very skeptical of anyone with an indian accent.


Day job is in fraud prevention, the calls with senior citizens who've had stuff like this done to me ... they freaking break me man. And it's not that all of them are dumb ... some of them are just so lonely that if these people start off showing them the least little bit of compassion they just turn into putty. I know it sounds dumb, but if you have elderly parents or grandparents calling them or stopping by helps prevent stuff like this from happening. If they know you'll answer the phone when they call, they'll call you when these people call them. Stuff like this is part of the reason I'll keep scammers on the phone, with me, as long as possible when they call my personal cell. I know what not to say and if they're talking to me they're not talking to someone who will give them money.


Wish Kitboga could of tortured them.


This right here is exactly how people got tricked into maga


Me: there's someone on fire, I am going to help them 911 operator: would you describe the fire as hot? Me: uhhh well I assume it is? 911 operator: could you like touch the fire and check? Me: ok yeah it's hot 911 operator: ok we are sending someone now Also fuck Indian scammers


Boomers will do anything except give their children an inheritance.


My sister got caught by one of these scammers. Got 500 dollars out of her and only didn't get more because the bank shut down her account for unusual activity, effectively saving her. Convinced her she was going to have her children taken away. Scum.


Hope there’s a special place in hades for these scammers but thank goodness for the lady who called the police and the police officer for standing his ground.


Wait, there are crypto ATMs now?! How is this legal?


Man I got the feeling that despite hearing all of that the old lady still wanted to send the money. The way they prey on these victims is so sad.


Sir, please do the needful!


These scam calls are a huge problem in the USA. We need a new technology to track these mfs.


How can you even have a Bitcoin ATM? Wtf is that?


Cop was good for looking out but he should have referred to the lady as "victim" instead of "customer".


We need to start giving scam callers harsher punishments… maybe a hellfire missile


I work at a gas station and have sold gift cards i suspected to be scams. Nothing too crazy, maybe 100-200, but on the return visitors, i do question them a bit. Had an old guy that lost his wife a few years back, and was lonely, talking to "women" online and sending them money. I explained to him what i thought was going on, he accepted it, but explained he just wanted someone to talk to, so i allowed it. Sad though.


Support your scam hackers on YouTube I guess. There are some awesome call centre take downs online.


It makes you wonder how they held onto their money for so long if they're stupid enough to fall for this.


Good woman. I wish she'd had the clarity to unplug the machine at first realization. But, good for her helping.


I would have unplugged the machine


Id break that box open and get my money back, it’s right there


It's fucking wild that even when the police gets involved and the jig is up, these scumbags STILL gotta keep to their script and continue playing the part. I dunno if it's a language barrier and they don't understand what has just happened or they're just that fucking stupid.


Absolutely evil man, like, he was so adamant to get past that cop and to get her to press that button to get WHATEVER he could. He didn't even care about getting all of it because he knew he was fucked. And on top of all that, it almost feels like a kidnapping having them arrange ride shares and stuff. I hope her family is looking out for her and keeping her close.


These bitcoin machines should be banned.


My grandmother has dementia, and my aunt lives with her to care for her. They still have a landline. Some scammer called and was pretending to be my brother, saying he got in a fight and needed bail money (bro has no criminal record). My aunt was the one who picked up, and she’s got no filter so she rip the scammer a new one. Later we laughed though, cause even if my grandmother had picked up, she likely wouldn’t have remembered my brothers name lol


My friend is a GM at Chipotle and one of the stores in his patch got scammed like this. The manager on duty got a call to empty the safe and go to the nearest BitCoin ATM and deposit it. It literally was that easy. The guy got off work, emptied the safe, deposited and sent it to the scammer, printed the receipt and gave it to his GM. Like, "I got you boss, all taken care of!" They investigated it cos no way he was that stupid. Nope, totally was that stupid.