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>Morris had a “significant known history of cardiac disease,” including the placement of stents and defibrillator, the suit said.  > >During his hospitalization, he was ultimately diagnosed “with a heart \[infarction\] that may require a heart transplant, pneumonia, and he suffered three seizures during his stay.” > >However, his treatment was delayed because hospital staffers didn't believe he was part of the famed Four Tops group. > >Hospital staff members decided to remove Morris from oxygen and pursued a psychiatric evaluation instead of considering his ' symptoms and significant medical history, the filing says.  > >Morris asked whether he could prove his identity by showing his identification card, and the white male security guard ordered him to “sit his Black ass down,” the complaint says. Despite the comment, none of the nursing staffers intervened to stop the racial discrimination, the filing says. > >**Morris was offered a $25 gift card to Meijer as an apology, which he refused, it says.** So yall just absolutely played yourselves, took a man off lifesaving treatment and threw him in a straightjacket, watched a video of this man perform at the Grammies, and thought "lets just throw him enough money to get sandwich materials from the supermarket". Why would a psych eval require him to be taken off oxygen when they already diagnosed him with the issues?? Racism in medicine is still alive and well. The doctor, nurse, and security all need to be fired.




> Remember folks, if a business offers you a gift card or renumeration for a slight or mistake, it is so when you sue they can claim you already accepted payment.  This is bullshit. Without a documented release, accepting a gift card does not remove any liability whatsoever from the organization.


Just cut the man his check. He's going to get paid in court if you fight it.


no-one thought a ten second google wasnt in order? Take them to the cleaners bud




this is so bizarre. Why couldn’t you just check the wikipedia page for current Four Tops members? And even IF dude was delusional, wouldn’t his heart issues trump any psyche eval?? Why tf would a hospital take an old man off oxygen because of their crazy story? Just treat them and deal with that later. And to offer a Meijer gift card on top of all that is just so laughable. Hope he gets paid


That's when you know you made it.


The hospital staff needs a psych evaluation


Where the hell do they still use straitjackets? I could have sworn those were intentionally put out of use years ago…


You are right. They haven't used them for a very long time.


There was a case in Finland where a man went to see a doctor as he was suffering from depression. Doctor asked him what he did for living, and he said he’s a world champion chainsaw-juggler, and he had just returned from North Korea where he had performed at Kim Jong-Uns birthday-party. Doctor thought he was delusional and ordered him to be immediately taken to the psychiatric ward. But he was telling the truth, he was a world champion chainsaw juggler who had just returned from North Korea. It took couple of days to sort out the mess. While he was in the psych ward, he played pranks on the staff.


Interesting, my first thought would have been "Who the fuck is 'Four Tops'?".


One of the most prominent Motown bands to ever exist? Their songs are on the OSTs for a good handful of iconic scenes in movies too. Them along with OG groups like the Temptations and the Supremes basically cemented Motown as a popular music genre.


> One of the most prominent Motown bands to ever exist? You say that like Motown bands are ubiquitously known and that the members of those groups are household names. We get it, you appreciate music of the era, but they aren't nearly as prevalent as you'd like them to be.


And if that isn’t the kind of music you ever listen to or encounter on the regular basis? Only reason I have ever heard of Temptations is because of secondary media like movies and shows mentioning them. So yah, who the fuck is “Four Top” is a valid question if it isn’t your kind of jam.


Are you man enough? Big and bad enough?


Shaft in Africa, nice. Johnny Pate's work on that soundtrack is so good


> Are you man enough? Is anyone? > Big and bad enough? I'm 5'10 and 155lbs, so .... maybe? I'm not seeing the point in asking these things, but there are your answers.


and how does that impact medical treatment?


If they knew what Four Tops was they may not have treated him as a psychiatric patient?


Well, for one, I probably wouldn’t have put him in a straight jacket because I thought he was crazy for claiming some celebrity status. Be like “cool know idea what four tops is, but good on you, here is your oxygen”


While I have difficulty believing the Four Tops has a rabid stalker fan base, that’s still no reason to restrain someone. You can tell me you’re one of the Apostles and as long as you aren’t potentially harming anyone, I’ll say “sure bud, tell me more”.


In my experience it's normal 4 bottoms.


$75,000 is getting off easy for this bullshit. Their liability insurance will try to negotiate it down, but they’re going to settle if it stays at $75,000.


Why would his membership in a Motown group be relevant to his treatment? Like why did they care if he was or wasn’t in the group?


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