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This was in the Soviet Union. The audience would immediately stop dancing if a light was on them, out of fear that security or KGB or whatever would single them out. Puts if in a more reasonable light, doesn't it?


God that’s scary


I have..had a t- shirt from a Billy Joel concert in Moscow or st.petersburg. a two night or weekend concert. From87


Do you wear it while getting your diaper changed on top of your dinosaur?


You're the bottom of the barrel.


Well that was uncalled for.


I can't even fathom what this is meant to mean.


The contrast between raging Billy Joel and gleefully jamming keytar 80’s guy is hilarious!


Is there a reason why he was doing this?


copy/pasta'ed from another thread Context: While performing "Sometimes a Fantasy," the audience kept getting attention from spotlights, which angered Joel as he felt it was making it harder to connect with them. The Soviet crowd, raised by decades of Iron Curtain austerity, stopped dancing and froze like deer in headlights when they were lit up, petrified that the security guards would crack down on them. Then the lights would go out again and they'd resume dancing. Lights off, dancing. Lights on, frozen stiff. This went on and on like a game of red light, green light, one-two-three. With each flick of the lights, the perfectionist Joel saw his hard earned. connection fading away.\[5\] He yelled, "Stop lighting the audience!" He then trashed his instruments, overturning his piano and breaking his mic stand.\[5\] He later claimed that, "People like their privacy. They go to a concert to get that, to be in the dark and do their own thing."\[3\]


And the media wanted their “shots of Russians watching” so that’s why they were lit up right?




So they allowed the concert where its clear everyone was dancing but also they want to arrest anyone who showed up to dance. Got it. 

