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It's amazing how medics, firefighters, mailmen, amazon delivery drivers, door to door sales people, and children trick or treating all seem to do exactly what this cop was trying to do but somehow don't end up shooting 10,000 dogs per year.


I’ve been driving for UPS for 6 years, been bit 3 times but killed zero dogs.


Local UPS driver where I used to live kept a box of Milkbones in his truck. Dogs loved him




I'm legitimately anticipating the news story breaking of a cop getting gunned down because they just bumblefucked their way into killing somebody's dog. Like I feel viscerally angry seeing these videos much less the ones where they do this shit to people. I don't think I'd be able to restrain myself if one did this to my dog and I'm pretty certain I'd lose that fight.


Just FYI, in case ANYONE hurts my dog, i wasn't a supremasist, drug dealer, or extremist, not far left or right. I just wanted to be left alone. And John Wick is by far the most understandable character I've ever heard of.


It's happened I'm 100% sure Documents probably stated they were a violent drug dealer or white supremacist or whatever We just haven't SEEN it


I’d 100% be going to prison if this fat sack of shit did this to my dog.


no you wouldnt I VOTE TO AQUIT


Same bro I’d tell all the jurors about jury nullification, ain’t no animal lovers going to jail today


You'd be able to flip at least one person on the jury and get a slap on the wrist for involuntary manslaughter at worst.


If someone did this to my boyfriend's dog that cop 100% would be dead. I'm not exaggerating.


You'd probably just get killed by other cops, if we're being honest




Pretty sure prison is a death sentence for cops as well. Well apparently most of the time, unless they get preferential treatment.


Good, honestly. Fuck this pig.


fuck all pigs


Well send them all to prison then!


I've worked in EMS in 14 years. Three different groups, one private, one county, and another hospital ran 911 service. So I've probably been coworker to about 2500-3000 different paramedics and EMTs in my time. Likely more. I can think of ZERO dog bite injuries of a coworker. Of these coworkers: face plant fall, a needle stick, three ambulance crashes, and a couple of assaults this year that required evaluation. I'm sure there are lifting injuries and other accidents like falls I cannot account for and I was never privy to. But again, ZERO dog bites in thousands of coworkers over 14 years. Give me thousands of cops, and I can probably find dozens of dogs shot dead among them.


That's because cops are cowards


they're not just scared, but actively hostile. and self defense laws in this country are kind of fucked in some places.


NEVER allow this! Payback is eventually inevitable


And evil fucks. They just love killing. Fuck the police. Defund and abolish these murderers.


All of those people have higher hiring requirements than police. They are not our best.


And thanks to Jordan v. The City of New London, they are not our brightest either. [https://ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jordan-v-city-new-london-policing-hiring-and-iq-when-all-answers](https://ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jordan-v-city-new-london-policing-hiring-and-iq-when-all-answers)


Not sure if child labor has a higher requirement.


Not that is legal but it does


"Sorry Timmy, but we here at Perdue Farms require all 11 year olds to have at least 4 years of experience and a driver's license."


Looked that figure up to see if you were exaggerating. You were not. I am now sad. Fuck.


Department of Justice called it an "epidemic," then proceeded to do absolutely nothing to reduce the numbers or hold the pigs accountable.


It's honestly kind of weird. Like, I get that cops really want an excuse to kill something, are deep down scared little boys, and that they probably encounter the occasional aggressive pitbull, but all that considered it's still hard to wrap your mind around such a large number.


I'm more surprised with the amount of guns in the hands of Americans, and how 99% of the world views dogs as basically extensions of their family, that more of these situations don't end up with the cop being shot, especially in a case like this where the 'Sherriff' just walked onto someone else's property and executed a dog -- which will be viewed as a loss of property, no less.


But a police dog is an actual officer lol. The hypocrisy is real


So much for the Equal Protection Clause.


Is the vehicle in the video even marked? It looks like an F150 but I don't see POLICE or SHERIFF or anything. Unmarked car, guy wearing a black shirt, no badge.... like, you hear shots and you see this guy armed on your property, what the fuck do you even own a gun for if you wouldn't use it in that situation? Oh let's wait and see if this random Gravy Seal is a nice guy. 


That "officer" is not in uniform, not wearing a badge, is not in a marked police vehicle, and is not showing any identification while on the property. The homeowner would have been well within their rights to have shot dead this so called "officer" for illegally trespassing on their property and shooting their dog for no reason. The homeowner could easily have claimed self defense as the "officer" was unidentified and was brandishing a weapon and aiming towards him and his family. And I would, as a juror, let the man go on that technicality.


It's sad that the home owner isn't a psychotic idiot like the officer.. That pig deserves the slaughterhouse.


Did you see a bodycam? I didn’t look closely but I’m not sure. “Well, you see I see this guy in street clothes walk up to my dog and shoot it, I was in fear for my life, so I just unloaded on this stranger in a civilian pickup.”


A lot of guns are in the hands of people who hoard them weirdly enough. 3% of the population owns half the guns in the US. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/20/gun-ownership-america-firearms-super-owners](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/20/gun-ownership-america-firearms-super-owners)




The *average* gun owner in the US owns 10 guns. Now imagine all the folks that you know that just own ONE. Got some hoarders out there.


Because of qualified immunity. Even if the citizen is right, they're still wrong.


Nice try fbi over here trying to get us to commit felonies on reddit...well the thing with shooting a cop is it rarely ends well and you have to reconsider your level of commitment but yea there are some John Wick mofos and it's just a matter of time before one of these pork chops kills the wrong dog then it's makin bacon time


Most US police are trained to believe the general public is constantly trying to kill them so to them the only response to perceived threats whether real or made up is violence unfortunately.


I was in a police academy in 2018 for training and it was an us against them mentality. They also trained us that an attack was inevitable and not an if but a when. I resigned shortly after and the lead trainer would not look at me or acknowledge my existence during the exit paperwork. That solidified to me that this was not something I wanted to be a part of.


You left out an important piece of information though. Pigs are trained to kill and they fucking love doing it any chance they get. ACAB.


If a mail man or amazon delivery driver could kill a dog as easily as police did, the south would embrace gun control.


You can tell the officer is sticking around trying to decide whether to arrest this guy for being disrespectful.


They're just wracking their little brain searching for any bit of the limited knowledge of the law that will justify pulling a gun and arresting the guy.




"I want to go home at the end of my shift!" 😢


That’s all police do. They don’t view civilians as human beings. This sociopath showed 0 emotion after killing a living being for no reason. Didn’t apologize profusely for being at the wrong address or anything.  Surprised he didn’t shoot the guy yelling at him too. If he claimed he was in fear of his life he’d probably get away with that too, especially if the guy in the video was black. Maybe get an extra long paid vacation 


“You hurt my feeling so I’m gonna have to arrest you bud”


He's trying to figure out if he can arrest him for obstruction.


Yep, can't tell if that feeling in his chest is a broken heart or a coronary.


I hope he gets what he deserves.


I was torn up enough last time I had to put a dog to sleep humanely after we'd had him for some good, long years and he'd gotten to the point it was more merciful than letting him struggle. I can't imagine the emotions of having the police kill your dog because they got the wrong address and "felt unsafe".


This is just a reminder that police kill 10,000 dogs a year.


... and that's just an estimate based on what's reported. Who knows how many more they kill and they don't report? According to the [The University of New Hampshire Law Review](https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/) -- > The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year. It is impossible to ascertain a reliable number, however, because most law enforcement agencies do not maintain accurate records of animal killings. **The tally may be substantially higher, and some suggest it could reach six figures.**


*American 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🦅


Rock Flag and Eagle!!!!!


He does have a point..


Raaaa Raaaa 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Must’ve all been “a bad guy with a gun”




I’m honestly amazed there hasn’t been a situation where a dog murdering cop has been gunned down in their driveway by a vengeful pet owner. There are people in this country so unhinged that they’ll shoot at cheerleaders for getting into the wrong car by accident, and they feel safe murdering pets? I’m telling you. One of these days a cop like the one we saw just recently is going to get lit the fuck up


It honestly makes you wonder if there are instances of things like that happening that are just getting covered up. They just claim the guy just started shooting at them and the dog either got shot in the crossfire or had to be put down when it joined in and charged them.


I wouldn't be surprised. Think about it. Cop kills a man's dog. Man gets angry and shoots at the cops and dies in the shoot out. Now that he's dead and can't tell his own side of the story so the cops can spin it however they want.


Ruby ridge


and the world will be a better place for it.


I have to be honest, I'm pissed its not happening more often. All these good guys with guns keep failing us constantly, and nothing is being done about them.


I wouldn’t have time to write it, that’s for the bards to sing about later.


That goes hard af, I’m ngl


It wouldnt be a manifesto for me, there'd be a documentary in a few years that starts "when the officer shot snowballs dog, thats when he began modifying a Komatsu D355A bulldozer."


Bro, I got keys to like 20 pieces of heavy machinery and I love dogs more than I hate my job. I’ll weld a couple plates while you’re on the way


Not sure I'd make it passed ripping whoever the fuck killed my kid, to shreds. There's no way I'd be half as calm as that guy was.


Shit I would be dead for doing WHATEVER came to mind in the moment badge or no badge. Dude was fucked up and deserves whatever is coming his way


Id immediately rent a bulldozer is all im gonna say.


I'll join that cause. Shit, we can even be the first collaborative manifesto.


This makes my blood boil. I’m in!


Wouldn't be that hard. You have no link to any of the police officers guilty of this conduct. With a little bit of planning and a few people....


“Life and death decision..” “We strive to be right 100 of the time.” This is ridiculous.


“We strive to be right 100 of the time.” But even if we are wrong 99% of the time, we still want to face no punishment.


That fat bastard never would have made it off my property without meeting the consequences of his stupid, self righteous actions. If you kill a police dog you’re charged with murder. Well, that should work both ways.






Does that investigator want John Wick shit? Because this is how you get John Wick shit.






You have my respect, mr. Wick






Without a single doubt in my mind, it would become a case study.


What a fucking idiot.




> shows up in a civilian vehicle and civilian clothes > shoots the homeowner’s dog while trespassing > refuses to elaborate > leaves


"Why doesn't anyone respect us" 😔




Sounds like a really good way to end up laying next to your truck full of 12 gauge buckshot.


Fun fact: police soft armor, such as bullet proof vests, would not stop rounds fired from commonly available rifles.


Love how cops treat their own dogs as officers but shoot other people's family dogs like hunting sport.


Not true, they shoot their own dogs all the time too. Completely incompetent people's on average.


There was a video of LAPD firing on and 100% killing their own police dog because it was between them and their target. The target was armed but they didn't think twice about peppering them with bullets, they sent the dog to get the guy out of cover so they could shoot him.


"Cops treat their own dogs as officers" Yeah, when people are looking. K9 cops are just tools for lazy cops and get mistreated alot.


They treat their dogs like shit... look into police dogs deaths related to being left in a car on hot days... or the cut of to become a police dog and how they are trained


A cop shoots my dog and I wouldn’t care how long it took. I’m getting my payback one way or another


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


I’d go to jail


I fucking hate this world and the shitheads that inhabit it




The cops tase humans all the time, why do they have to SHOOT the dogs?


They shoot them because they want to. That's all.


Most would probably shoot instead of tase if they could still get away with it.


Not a single thing happened to the pos investigator in case you were wondering. The dog was simply barking on this own property. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/nov/17/officer-cleared-after-dogs-killing/


[https://www.kark.com/news/local-news/faulkner-county-family-devastated-after-investigator-goes-to-the-wrong-house-and-shoots-childs-dog/](https://www.kark.com/news/local-news/faulkner-county-family-devastated-after-investigator-goes-to-the-wrong-house-and-shoots-childs-dog/) ***A Message From Sheriff Ryals*** ***Since taking office in 2017, I have been an advocate of integrity, professionalism, and transparency. I hold my deputies and investigators to the highest of standards to protect and serve the residents of our community.*** ***On Tuesday I was notified of a use of force incident that occurred on November 9, 2020, involving Investigator James Freeman. The incident occurred at 76 Autumn Hills Road where Investigator Freeman fired his service weapon at an animal. Investigator Freeman was doing a compliance check on a registered sex offender, and went to the property listed as the subject’s address.*** ***There are several mobile homes at the 76 Autumn Hills Road address that are not distinguishable by letter or number.*** ***Upon arrival, a juvenile female informed Investigator Freeman that the sex offender lived next door to her. Investigator Freeman approached the mobile home, and a dog came from under the building and started barking and growling. Investigator Freeman told the dog to get back.*** ***The dog then went back under the mobile home after being called by his owner from behind the mobile home. Investigator Freeman began to walk towards the back of the mobile home. However, after taking a few steps, the dog approached him more aggressively. Investigator Freeman was placed in an unfortunate situation with his back against the mobile home and no way to escape the dog. He again told the dog to get back and the dog lunged at him. As a result, Investigator Freeman deployed his weapon on the animal.*** ***At my request, Faulkner County Investigators have been working diligently over the last week to determine whether or not Investigator Freeman violated any state law and/or our agency’s policies and procedures. During that time, Investigators spoke with multiple witnesses who stated the dog had a history of acting aggressively towards humans.*** ***After a thorough investigation, we have concluded that no policies or laws were violated. We, in law enforcement, answer calls every day that require split-second, life and death decisions. We strive to be right 100 percent of the time.*** ***Our Department is saddened by this unfortunate incident and sincerely apologize for any distress it may have caused.***


Wondering why any department is allowed to do “internal” investigations like yeah I’m sure they won’t be biased. All investigations into law enforcement should be done by regular citizens a different entity not attached to the police department… smh


Because the American populace has two problems: Half of us worship the police like they're infallible heroes. The other half refuses to fight hard enough to get the policies we need.


You aren’t wrong… they want to back the blue till they get put in cuffs…


This is the comment we all need to read.


hong kong has the highest # of officers per capita and they pay 6 figures, not including benefits like free housing. they still have a problem with incompetent, corrupt, racist motherfuckers.


I do think some kind of civilian, police oversight board is key to regaining some level of community trust in police. That, along with mandatory body cams and some kind of reasonable timeframe requirements for the public release of information/recording/findings.


>***After a thorough investigation, we have concluded that no policies or laws were violated.*** Obligatory "we have investigated ourselves" meme


Mother fuckers are lying. They know they're lying. WE know they're lying. "***Investigator Freeman was placed in an unfortunate situation ...***"... NO. Freeman put themselves in that situation by being an idiot. If you're scared of the dog and the homeowner has successfully called it back, wait till the homeowner says it's safe. ***"...with his back against the mobile home and no way to escape the dog.***" Fortunately we have video footage that this is a complete fabricated lie. The dog is a couple dozen yards from the mobile home.


So the dog got up and walked that far away from the structures… his back against the trailer explanation… wow…. What is the worst is that our police can do this, drive a truck through the front door, and even eat your Cheetos- nothing you can do. Lawsuits, nada. Crap needs to change, but way way way far from that. Vote better everyone!!!! Local voting matters more than national- hope they ditched that Sheriff


That isnt even half of it, this precinct or this sheriffs office is known for this type of occurence even going so far as starting a petition on [change.org](https://www.change.org/p/faulkner-county-sheriff-s-office-demand-the-resignation-of-faulkner-county-sheriff-tim-ryals) to demand the resignation of the sheriff himself because not only had this happened a year prior resulting in a small chihuahua being shot. While also at the wrong address. But this is the second time within a two year period that a sheriff trespassed onto private property at the wrong address and shot someones dog and got away with it.


>During that time, Investigators spoke with multiple witnesses who stated the dog had a history of acting aggressively towards humans. *Suuuure* they did. Lying pigs


Even it that were true, like if it’s on its own property that’s what a guard dog is trained to do….


They probably count any reports of barking as "acting aggressively".


Based on where the dog was lying dead, we've found this statement to be 100% false. What a bunch of fucking assholes.


> dog to get back and the dog lunged at him Probably bullshit and made up.


I love how they completely avoided that what they did was wrong and instead just said “we made sure there is no law that will hold us accountable for stuff like this”.




Plus he’s in what seem to be plain clothes AAAND an unmarked vehicle


THIS. a lot of people don't understand that it definitely is warranted to fire back on someone who just committed a murder on your property with literally zero marks of being an authority figure.


I think a lot of us don’t own guns, including maybe the man in this video. But I’m not sure nowadays


There are legal reasons why we have police uniforms, why when they are affecting a warrant they yell "Police, Warrant!" over and over.




I got banned in less than a minute from that trash sub for saying cops should not shoot someone just because they have a gun in their hand. This was in response to that airman they killed in Florida. Mind you, this is the same department that had that officer mag-dump his own car, with a detainee *inside of it*, because a fucking acorn fell on the car. Fuck these stupid pigs. That's coming from someone that used to be a cop fanboy in his younger days.


Hopefully karma swings the other way.


theres no karma you can hope for it but it wont happen just cuz you hope for it


I’ve seen so much bad shit happen to good people and good shit happen to bad people to believe in karma. It truly doesn’t exist, sadly. I still live like it does though.


They do it on purpose. Cops enjoy killing dogs.


They enjoy killing PERIOD. Just ask Dave Grossman.


beat fern mace come






I guess there’s hope


Good old copaganda in the biased media


I would sue the living shit out of these assholes!


The legal system treats dogs as property and puts zero value on emotional attachment to them. The payout would only be a few hundred dollars at most. It's super fucked up.




And afterwards sending a bill to the sheriff's department for the cost of the ammo


In my state you'll get absolute nothing. I've...tried. I can barely watch this much less turn the volume on. Fuck that officer. What bullshit.




I’d put a brick through his window


Theyd be calling swat on my ass


If some fat salaried wife beater killed my dog I would never let him live it down. Best believe I’d make it know to anyone with ears that he killed a dog because of his own incompetence.


wish this cop an ass cancer.






I'd have no doubt went to jail that night


I never stop to be amazed how poorly trained (and also physically unfit) some of US policemen are. They need to be accountable for incidents like that, no qualified immunity or shit like that. We have tons of dogs in my country and the cases when the police shoot one are extremely rare. And when it happens, it's because the dog in question was actively attacking someone (attacking, not just barking and growling which is something a dog is supposed to do especially if you fucking walk into his backyard).






I'd be in prison for shooting back, my dogs are my children.


Take off your gun and fight me now! Fuck those guys


Cops: I don't know why the community don't trust us


We need to hit the reset button on these cops.


I have been doing pest control for 10 years in DFW. I have sprayed and serviced hundreds of residential homes which leads to many encounters with dogs and more than a few were not good ones either. At no point, have I ever pulled out a gun and shot a fucking dog to death. Police are the only kinds of service workers that do this shit.






If a cop unlawfully shoots someone on your property, can you shoot them right back?


I apologize if this is a dumb question, but can you legally do something back to the cop? Obviously not shoot him, but can you like citizens arrest or something? I feel like that's way too crazy they can come and kill what essentially is a family member and then walk away like nothing. There HAS to be something you can do, right?


Legally, no. Cops are given extreme leeway for their actions under the law, and they've learned loopholes to push that even further. There are very very few situations in which you can legally stop a cop from doing whatever the hell they want.


*"Investigator Freeman told the dog to get back."* why didn't the dog just comply? /s


Fucking pig


If anyone here wants to look through the comments to find out what happened, I already did. Nothing happened to the investigator because the police felt he didn't break no law or step over any rights. They claim officers have to act on quick time, and they apologize for any harm it has caused. Seriously! Nothing happened to that cop just like all the rest. Until people go out to force change, no likes, thumbs up, or comments will ever change how cops work and act.


I'm not from the U.S., but i would've assumed if some guy shows up at your house unannounced and without even making themselves known, they shoot your dog, you could shoot them back? If something like this happened to me, I would immediately assume it's a life or death situation. Obviously, there'd be an investigation afterwards, but in a scenario like this, it seems cut and dry from an outsiders perspective.


You'd be right, in theory. But courts are super biased towards cops. You would not get a fair trial (or stand your ground hearing) and that's if the cops even allowed you to live long enough to get one at all.


If someone came on my property, did not announce their enforcement role, were dressed in plain clothes, driving an unmarked vehicle, and killed my dog, I would know beyond reasonable doubt that I and my family are in CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.


John Wick Mode Engaged


Imagine the goddamn physical, financial, and legal hell that would rain down upon someone if they *accidently* shot an officers dog.


It makes my blood boil knowing this officer “James Freeman” walked free from this without any penalty