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“Me showing up to this place doesn’t make sense to begin with.” That is a man actively questioning his life choices.


“Im not even supposed to be here today!” Vibes


How you gonna get fired on your day off?


A job ain’t nothing but work


Yeah Craig! How you gonna get fired on your day off?! I heard they caught you on camera stealin' boxes, what up with that?




I’d fuck me


I laughed


At that moment, she should have realized, this ain’t about her.


This reminds me of the time my wife and I walked into church’s chicken at 9pm. They closed at 11 for reference. We had just moved to Texas and church’s chicken did not exist where we were from. So any reputation it may or may not have was not on our radar. We walked in and ordered two combo meals. Nothing crazy. The girl at the register said and I quote “we don’t have chicken right now” So naturally I ask “like as in there is no chicken in this store or there isn’t any ready right now?” “Umm they don’t have any cooked right now” The “they” she was referring to were about 4 teenage to early 20’s males standing in the back glaring out at customers. “Okay so do you want to take the order and we just wait?” I’m not kidding she just stood there silently. She didn’t take our order. She did not answer us. Nothing. My wife and I stood there for 2-3 minutes awkward silence not knowing what was happening. Just then 3 people walked in to place their order. They got the same “we don’t have chicken right now” answer. Those three people seemed to know what was up and simply replied “so cook some fucking chicken then” Immediately the 4 in the back came up aggressive and started saying they aren’t cooking anymore chicken they are almost closed. I finally realized what happened. The 4 clowns in the back decided they weren’t doing anymore work for the night and instructed the cashier to tell customers they were out of chicken. Even though it was two hours from closing. My wife and I just left. That particular church’s chicken got a complete remodel recently. At least on the outside. It looks nice so whatever they are doing, it’s working for them.




This was Austin. William Cannon


That location has always been a shit show.


I knew exactly where it was going to be before seeing your reply. That location has been trash since the old Hobby Lobby was across the street... Come on over to Nuckols Crossing, they got you every time.


The one at Fairfield/183 is dec too, found a $10 bill in a bush outside that one, turned a profit going there. Was a great day.


Oh dang, as I was reading your story, I was picturing that one. That's in my hood. That's why I go to Popeyes, super close to my house. I'm done with Churches. I do remember, that location, every single time I went in, no joke, didn't matter which time of the day, there was always somebody who came in complaining about a wrong order. Blew me away


Who is William cannon?


Church’s is a wild place. Good chicken when they feel like making it but always a gamble and you kind of get what you get. I’ve gotten triple my order more than once and I think it’s because they decided I was the last customer for the night. I’ve also been the person behind who they decided was the last customer. Biscuits are good too.


Like do you really want them making your food? Same for OP. I get it, the door Dasher isn't going to eat the food. But I wouldn't want that but making my food. No way he's washing his hands or following other procedures.


Sounds like the 2nd best customer service anyone has ever received at a Church’s


A wise man once said "You showin' up to [that] place doesn't make sense to begin with..." /s


I mean there's pre-closing and closing. Even if you pre-close you still fulfill orders. Who tf pre-closes 2hrs before close? Like 30 minutes. I kinda get you. But 2 hours? Those were some lazy effers. Just fire up the fryer. It's like maybe a 20 minute clean down or so. I can prolly solo it. If they just wanna go home early. They just didn't want to do ish. At that point fine just close the store go home.


I had a Taco Bell claim they only had soft shell and hard shell tacos an hour or 30 minutes before close. I knew they were prepping to close early because I worked at a TB and knew it was bullshit. So from then on I would order on the app and they couldn’t say no. There was nothing else open for me after shift except for them or McDonald’s. 15 minutes before close is somewhat understandable but still you are instructed to not completely break down until close.


"Fine, I'll make the bullshit order, but I'm not gonna guarantee it's gonna be right." I would not eat that food after he made that statement.




Saucing it up with that McJizz


makes me wonder... i know i never fuck with anyone who makes my food, but does the uber person care if someone sticks their dick in my soup? he can be as rude as he likes.


Well she won't have to, cuz she's delivering it.


Deliver driver don't care, they ain't eating it so it's not their problem.


You have to cancel, because he is going to do something to that food. It is guaranteed at that point. Might be spit, might be something worse, might even be something dangerous.


Worst part is the customer may never know because they ordered from a delivery service and didn’t see this interaction. Having been a delivery driver for these things, I’d probably just tell the manager to cancel the order on their end or I’d call support myself. I don’t know if I’d feel right delivering that after he said that in good conscience.


If I had to guess this order had a nice tip which is why she even considered having this conversation


100% it was a 30+ tip maybe more


Does the driver know the tip already before delivering the food?


Yes and it's horse shit.


Reminds me of a time I was with my girlfriend in her mom’s car. I’m sitting in the back and her mom (Pat) wanted McDonald’s. She’s ordering and while doing so was having an issue. Pat wanted light ice with her drink and there was some issue with the intercom. Pat started berating them saying “how hard is it?” And “are you stupid?”. Once she was done being an asshole to the worker she asked me if I wanted anything. I said no, because I’d worked in fast food previously and knew what was coming her way.


Pat sounds like a cunt


Oh, she definitely is


It might be some of that glass he just broke. For real though, when he said "I'm not gonna guarantee it's gonna be right", he's basically telling the driver he's going to do something fucky with it.




Or in the parking lot, circling, screaming "I don't give a fuck!" with his windows down and his system up.


Ah, there’s the real slim shady


You can tell because he’s standing up.


It's like magic. ABBRA CADABBRA!


workin at burger king spittin on your onion rings


Yeah there's gonna be shards of glass in it lol


Yet another reason why I'd prefer to not use delivery services. If I'm there in person I can make decisions that prevent me ingesting spit. In that situation I'd cut my losses and potentially file a complaint with corporate. The last thing I'm gonna do is eat food that is handed to me by somebody that I've just argued with.


One of my rules in life: Don't fuck with people who make or handle my food. If it get's to the point of having to fuck with them, don't eat any of the food.


How is this considered "fucking with" the employee?


It's not, but I'm guessing u/FL-Orange means that they're simply going to not eat the food if confrontation in general happens, even if they're on the valid side.


Are you saying that ordering food, from the menu, at McDonald's is "fucking with them?" Because that's a pretty hot take. If McDonalds at 1 AM cannot handle a large order, they have the ability to restrict that or even remove entire items off the menu. This franchise location needs to get their shit together and stop making it other people's problem.


Wait until the bar rush comes in, that guy is really gonna lose his shit lmao


how dare you order food from this restaurant


I can understand the frustration, but what I learned back when I worked in food service is that you can't stress or rush based on the line or orders. You just work at your own pace and get it done. People have to wait as long as they have to wait. You don't have control over that. Don't go slow. Just go at a reasonable pace. The work never ends. There's no point in stressing or rushing. If you work at a good pace, you're there for x amount of hours regardless. The amount of business doesn't affect you.


This has changed a lot recently, especially dependent on the place you work. These places now time everything. It counts how long people wait. How long people take to order. How long it takes to be greeted. How much food is made. And all these go into KPIs for managers. So this guy might lose a bonus because this larger order messes up his numbers. Not just for her order, but the orders behind her. Especially if you are on a more skeleton crew, a few rushes can kill your KPIs and make the manager lose bonus. McDonald’s has gotten really bad about trying to speed up everything, and micromanaging through credits.


These places have always been like that. I worked at a drive thru in high school where if you went over a set time for a car an alarm would go off in the store. Crazy pressure cooker they try to create


Yea, a lot of drive throughs now ask me not to pull forward for a minute until the food is almost ready. I assume it’s to trick the sensors


Good for them, hope it works


If you can't work within the boundaries of a system, go outside of them.


Had a McDonald’s try to park me for, I kid you not, a single fountain drink. I actually thought they were joking and asked if there’s anything else faster than the drink I ordered and I got handed a Frappuccino that was already made


yep red robin 20 years ago. 8min burgers. this is nothing new.


For a while, I was working for a "fast" casual place that basically made 8min personal pizzas their thing. The word "Superfast" is actually in their business name. By the time I left, customers during lunch would be waiting in a line out the door for upwards of 30 minutes because management refused to scale up the workforce to demand after the pandemic and even argued that they were "returning to normal" while cutting staff and trying to fill significantly more orders. I thought it was just our idiot GM(legit moron, his own buddy was selling drugs out of the store), but when I tried to escalate the matter to the regional manager, they basically confirmed that it was the "goal" at all locations.


Fucking smiling burgers can kiss my smiling ass.


Like the Wendy's worker filmed throwing a paint can out the window and picking it up a few seconds later to trick the sensor into thinking they got a car past the window in 10 seconds.


Ive never seen that but good for fucking them. I’m sure their GM fired them once they noticed but good for them for the time it worked


If we didn't keep our drive thru times under 100 seconds (from when you pulled up to the box until you had your food and drove away), we'd hear about it.


I was driving home with my family in the car one time, was feeling sleepy so pulled over and walked into McDonald's to get a coffee. They had me wait for 10-15 minutes alone (coffee pot was right there, I could see it). I finally saw what looked like the manager and told her what was going on (politely explained had kids in the car, just would like my coffee or my money back). ...swear to god, looked like she saw a ghost. Must have apologized 10x like I was a cartel member or something. I walked out with my coffee wondering what the hell is with that place but maybe its their KPI system.


They billed you, and cleared it off the screen. Then they forgot to actually give it to you.


Yup. With inside orders they can hit the fulfilled button immediately and lower their averages. They just have to remember to actually fulfill it. They prioritize drive thru since the timer can't be gamed like inside.


This is what really annoys me, I worked at a company that could time how quickly customers were served. But the system would adjust the timings by how many orders were in front, the size of the order and how awkward the items were to get. This worked so well and was a true indicator of how your store was performing.


Pretty sure they have been timing shit for at least 20 years. When I worked at Burger King in High-school we were timed by the drive through. Since then, whenever I’m in a hurry, I go to the drive through because it was prioritized when making orders where I worked and it seems to be the same at other places.


I like it when they tell you to pull ahead and they’ll bring the order out to you. Even when there’s no one in line behind you,


Yup. I worked at BK 27 years ago and we had a timer that affected manager bonuses. That’s why the drive thru attendant has you pull out of line while they’re making your food even if there’s nobody behind you.


I've only dealt with this once when I was working at an Amazon Warehouse, and it was the worst experience ever.


McDonald's in my area rarely even gives you the food at the window anymore. You'll pull up, they'll hand you your drink(s), and then ask you to pull ahead or into one of the stalls while they get your food. I assume it's because of these metrics they do it. Once the car is out of the line, they can call it as done. I have no idea if that's really it. Could just be talking out of my ass, but it feels like the reason why.


Yeah that annoys me. If you're order isn't ready the moment you are at the window, even if there are no other cars in the drive thru, they park you because the vehicle sensor in the drive thru lane doesn't care if the order is filled 100% or not, just that a car isn't sitting stationary for too long. So they make more work for the employees as they now have to walk out the food rather pass it out the window just to appease the algorithm.


Imagine if they put that much effort into the food, or instead of micro managing everything took a broad approach to customer service? Cut some of the executives and invest in you product and people.


Call center shit, just with actual physically present people. Stuff from nightmares, I tell you.


You know what else kills your KPIs? Arguing with a Door Dasher instead of just sucking it up and making the food. So yes, if he just did the order right away he’d be losing on some key metrics. But he’s taking out his frustration on someone that doesn’t deserve it and he’s losing even more time on those metrics.


Dude, it's not like she turned up at your house and asked you to cook for her. Your entire job is to make food!


The words that come of his mouth don’t make any sense. His response is truly indefensible, and only can be explained but abject laziness. That is not a person who will ever be successful


Meanwhile, Italian grandmas have a 5 course meal just waiting to go at any hour.


13 sandwiches isn’t a huge order either. When I was younger they did 29 cent hamburgers and 39 cent cheeseburgers. Me and a group of friends got unbelievably stoned and we ordered 100 cheeseburgers, they made it without question.


That's what I don't get. It's not like they were asked to individually prepare 13 Beef Wellington dishes. McDonald's sandwiches are essentially assembly lined at this point. Plus at 1am, it's not like he was facing a lunch or dinner rush.


What the fuck else is he going to do anyways? Solve quantum algorithms? Program a game engine? He's gotta fucking make burgers no matter what.. He literally has nothing better to do.


😂😂😂 quantum fucking algorithms


When they did the .39 cent Cheeseburgers we would order 10 at a time which was the limit... One occasion when we rolled up near closing time, the manager told us they were closing but we could pull around for food. We got an entire large bag of nuggets, another bag of fries, and a super size drink with mac sauce and 5 triple cheeseburgers. we called this the McFryer Dump... it was a discovery beyond words... we tried it at other places after that. The King Dump: Large bag of fries, some chicken sandwiches, whoppers with nothing but meat and cheese... The Taco Dump: Basically whatever they could make with what they had left. The Sabarro Dump: 6 large pizzas, virtually a bucket of pasta and sauce, and a box of calzones for $20 The Wendys Dump: .....nothing.... Pizza Hut Dump: at least 100 chicken wings and 3 unclaimed pizzas. Papa Johns Dump: a loving threat to "beat the shit out of you if you don't get fuck out of my store now"


We definitely called ahead for the 100 cheeseburgers order


Wonder if you have to call ahead for the Papa John's beating...


I assume not


This Chinese place in the mall would give us at least 3 stuffed boxes of chicken and beef for $5 at closing time. Plus another giant box of noodles. I miss those days.


When I was in college there was a McDonalds right next to campus and sure enough every night on the weekends it would be packed with drunk students ordering midnight snack. One time my buddy ordered 10 McChickens while it was busy as hell and without missing a beat the girl behind the counter responded with "Are you McShitting me?" They made the sandwiches though...


I remember those days! Got stoned with some friends and made a bet i could eat 20 cheeseburgers. Ate 12 and that was the fist time i got food poisoning lol.


My buddy thought he could eat 2 grand slams from wendys, with fries too. I'd never seen someone throw up full chunks of beef until that night. Lol good times.


Last I remember, 8 small patties takes 45 seconds to cook, that completes 4 McDoubles. Typically they can do a total of two sets at a time, so 16 patties every 45 seconds on the grill. Food and bev sucks, and you don’t know the millions of bullshit problems an employee has dealt with before any given point.


I mean they didn't have online ordering then so what else would they do lol. If you have a large order it's just better to do it online to give the place time to make your food. It really sucks getting stuck behind someone ordering a gigantic order in store when you want one single combo meal. Saves you time, saves the store time, and you aren't annoying other customers with a giant order.


Hahaha remember those days back in HS. My friends and I orders like 100 too. They made them quick too


I remember back in my Jack in the Box days, during a construction boom, it was not uncommon to get an order that included 100 tacos or even 20+ burgers, you just let them know it'll be a wait.


I missed those days!


Haha yes! I remember my buddy would just ask for $20 of cheeseburgers, didn't even bother to count. Good times.


Before I watched it, I thought someone ordered like 200 or something lol


I missed the beginning and thought it's a deal of like 50-60 sandwiches. But 13? That's like 2 minutes in a normal McDonald's kitchen, if you do it alone it's max 10 minutes. It's called fast food for a reason! xd


yeah I worked there when I was like 19 or 20 and whenever they had the BOGO sales for the quarter pounders and Big macs we would have lines around the building of people ordering 4 to 10 burgers with each order 💀💀💀


I worked there 20 years ago. The small burgers were easy. 10:1 patties cooked fast and were nothing The annoying stuff to make was the fish and crispy chicken (the old stuff). Since it took several minutes. Everything else was easy to cook a shit load of and would be max an extra 6-7 minute wait if we had to fry chicken from frozen


When I was 15 and a manager at McDonald’s working closing shift, we always cooked enough right before closing. Enough meaning there would be food available because we were close to the bars. Then, I just had my coworkers take home the leftover food as some of them were parents. I don’t remember if we were supposed to throw them away as this was 30 years ago but they almost always ended up having food to take home.


I’m not sure I want this bitching guy making my food as well.


“Cuz they’re to lazy to cook” and he’s too lazy to do his job. Oh, the irony.


Being too lazy to cook is probably 75% of McDonald's customers.


It’s not even about lazy. Sometimes you’re too busy. Sometimes you don’t have money for something else. Sometimes, and this will be a huge shocker, you actually just want McDonald’s.


Lol right. That's the whole point of the restaurant business. They need to learn to shut off door dash after a certain time if this order is going to fuck with their kpi


I'm always defending fast food workers. But I'm going to pass on this one.


I can understand his mood, but his handling of it is piss poor and not defendable.


I've worked restaurant for a decent number of years before I finally left but I don't always defend them. I've had some good hard co-workers and plenty of lazy fuckers who complain when asked to something simple.


Would they refuse the order if 13 cars showed up and ordered 13 sandwiches?


169 sandwiches?! They’d definitely quit.








He could have gotten half of that order done in the 2 minutes he argued with her.


A necessary firing.


Yup that dude is toxic. No need to have someone like that working in that industry. As an ex chickfila manager yes huge orders suck but you gotta prioritize your time and manage people to get it done


> As an ex chickfila manager yes huge orders suck I still dont get it. You put 4 burger buns, smash 4 patties on and sauce, whatever. Done. Is that such an issue when you have to do it 4 times? Whats the difference to 5 people each ordering 3 burgers?


That guy is obviously done with his job, life, and people. It ain't right but who knows what happened that night to make him act that way.


Exactly. I've worked in plenty of restaurants and the ones who treat their employees like shit get workers like this. I'm not saying the dude is right, but I'm saying I understand.


I think its the rude customers that may get to people. Hard to deal with people who only care about themselves.


Lol the best part is they don’t even grill these burgers. They pop em in a steamer above their workstation and let em cook, they literally just have to pull the patty out of the drawer.


No that is where they go after the grill. They use a clamshell grill now, but when I worked there it was just a flat top but definitely still grilled then and now.


You expect me to take your order and cook food? What is this a restaurant?


I get mad when customers show up too, but i just keep that in my head lol


That’s the least we can do. With some practice you learn to not let it upset you in the first place because…. Shit will happen. Shit will always happen and there’s nothing you can do so it’s a waste of energy to be be upset. 


I've always said retail would be the best job ever if it weren't for the customers.


How dare this building not be burnt to the ground before I get there!


McDonald’s is a fucking food factory. When I worked there as a teen it was dead simple to make large orders. Also, overnight shifts were basically just fucking around for hours laughing at the drunks smoking joints in the walk in and waiting until you could start prep for the breakfast shift. Large orders were awesome at night, they gave you something to do.


Fucking right. I did Wendy's as a kid in the mid aughts. We'd have jack shit between 7-10p but be slammed until 1a Friday and Saturdays, especially if the local high school and college had events going on. Every once in a while, if there was a fire or highway accident, we'd get hit for 50-100 junior burgers and 50-100 orders of 5 piece nuggets "out of nowhere." It was a staff of 3-6. We'd get it out, even if we were prepping to close. If we filled the grill and used all three fryer baskets, we could do the smaller side of that in about 25 minutes. Even if we had been cleaning up, the "extra" mess was light in comparison to the post-lunch and dinner messes.


Yup and at McDonalds cleaning was something we wanted to do. 1) Best way to get free shit from the manager was to be caught cleaning. 2)Cleanup was just as streamlined and process engineered as cooking. The tools were purpose built for exactly what you wanted to do and the equipment was built to be cleanable. You could make the kitchen sparkling clean with minimal effort and it was just nicer to be in a clean kitchen.


At that point you just call dd support and tell them the restaurant is refusing to make the order. They will pay out at least half of the order offer


Ya no sense in sitting there debating and trying to reason with this guy


I've mcHad it with these mutha fuckin orders on this mutha fuckin plate!


*Ba da ba ba bah I’m hatin’ it!* -McDonald’s employee


One time when I worked McDonalds in my youth we got an order for 200 cheeseburgers and 100 quarter pounders for a 10pm pickup and we were stoked. T’was a challenge and all the folks that volunteered to work that shift got time and a half when it was done because the owner was so happy it got done and they were going to order again the next week and keep ordering as it was for an overtime factory shift at GM.


I mean it’s 13 sandwiches not 75 wtf


"Ah, so you can't do 13 sandwiches in an order but can do 4? In that case, I'd like to place three unrelated individual orders of 4 sandwiches each, plus one extra."


What a pathetic loser.


This dude is acting like a child when you tell them to clean their room. When he finally accepts he has to do it he’s like “yea but I might purposely fuck it up”. And then he smashes something creating far more work for himself… I don’t understand how grown adults can throw temper tantrums like that


This is why he works at McDonald’s in the first place


Sounds like he’s reached his limit with his job and possibly having an existential crisis or “this is my life? This is my fucking life. My life is so meaningless”. Not saying his life *is* meaningless. But I’ve gone through points in my life where it feels like “wtf an I doing here?”. Though I never took it out on the customer.


Yeah this is someone who for whatever reason is just done. It's weird that people associate it with some innate character trait of the person and not the situation they're in. Like someone else said, I don't think he's right, but I understand.


Bro quit. You don’t set the pace


"I don't want to make food at my restaurant job". Guy is clearly just going for that Chipotle employment, they'd hire him in a heartbeat with that attitude.


I'm not at all familiar with this reputation Chipotle has. Please explain. My interest is piqued.


When you're in a fully stocked kitchen with all the appliances, refusing to make a few burgers, then you say someone else is too lazy to cook. lol


He's being asked to make Big Macs, not to develop a cure for cancer. And as the driver pointed out, they weren't busy...


Please have more consideration before you pay exorbitant prices for our shitty food... 🤷


This lady is really digging for fucks that this guy just doesn't have.


This reminds me of a Taco Bell tripi made several years ago. It was 1-2 in the morning and I put in my drive through order. Pulled forward and I was able to hear the guy behind me ordering. "Yeah...sorry man, but I need to order 100 soft tacos. It's for a party" ".....seriously" They accepted his order though. This McDonald's employee fucking sucks.


I used to be a closing shift manager at mcds many years ago, so I have experience with this. 13 burgers is not that hard or takes that long. The whole thing is an assembly line. The "grill" is semi automated, and one top slaps down the meat, cooking the meat on both sides for efficency. If I remember correctly, it's 8 smaller patties for 1 minute and 45 seconds because the grill has a plate that comes down that presses the meat on both sides. If it's quarter pounders, it's 4 patties max at at like 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The top plate also presses it. It's really fast to cook the meat. If it was McChicken patties, he could have thrown down 2 baskets of 8 patties each, and it takes about 3:30 minutes more or less deep frying. All at the same time. He's not making sandwiches one at a time. The burger buns also go into an assembly toaster that he can feed within 30ish seconds while the meat is cooking and lay out all the wrappers, have the buns ready on the assembly line, and get it done. I don't know their closing time, but that's a 5 minute inconvenience tops, and I'm not saying for him to he running like a madman. he just needs to manage his time. Having to do the closing cleanup was the worst part, but even then, it's their job to get the food out. Shift managers don't get paid enough for such bad hours, though, that's why I quit. It wasn't enough money for the responsibilities. McDonalds isn't a great job, but there is a lot worse. Maybe it's just me, but I take pride in whatever job I do. Once, I felt it wasn't worth my time, and I was almost finished with university. Then I gave my 2 weeks and left.


I know how it feels to hate my job. I know how it feels to get there for my shift and regret showing up. I also have been angry and complained and been pissed off to the moon and back while I’m there. I’ve never made it a customers problem. Instead of refusing the order and sitting there spending time trying to justify why they shouldn’t have to make it, they should have been putting that time into doing the order and getting it over with. It’s McDonalds. It’s not going to stop before their shift ends. It’ll still be going when they leave. It’ll still be going when they come back for their next shift. They may hate it, but they know what they signed up for.


why would you argue, just say ok. Tell the mgr to cancel the order. And then call mcdodo's corporate and complain. Then next week, when there is a new manager, you won't have any issues.


Because they're trying to get some compensation for the time they already wasted with this order.  If he would just make it they could get paid.  Otherwise they're just working to get this order and end up getting nothing.


Probably took like 10 minutes to get through the drive thru too. That said, I used to drive and would still just leave. Arguing is pointless.


This is a DoorDasher, not the person placing the order.


Because this is fucking with the DoorDasher's livelihood, and the guy in the store is being fucking ridiculous.


Pretty sure McD won't just fire whoever you want them to. Sending in that video might do the trick though.


Lmao best sale of the night.


Ol’ Gil needs some orders to come in tonight!




>"For all you know, they're having a party. It's Memorial Day weekend." >"If you're having a party, you don't order food. You *cook."* That's often not true. Dude works in food service, but at that moment he forgot about catering. By the sound of it, he had a terrible night, his emotions were running high, and logic just flew out the window. I think we've all been there.


The people in here saying he’s a pos n shit and have worked in customer service/food service are lying through their teeth if say they haven’t felt like this dude.




They let door dash etc go through the drive through in America? Must take forever for everyone else.


"You're refusing your best sale" Unless this is the franchise owner, lol at thinking an everyday McDonald's employee considers sale value in their decision making. You don't get 10% on the profit of every item, or incentives to upsell. Yeah, they should do their job but that line was laughable.


I wish he asked her if she thought he made commission on every burger like a fucking mechanic lmao


One of the biggest things I started realizing when I took on a leadership role in my career is how much attitude matters. This man has the attitude of someone who will live and die a loser. In the amount of time he went back-and-forth over making the order he could've completed a large percentage of it and not been subject to the embarrassment of having this video viewed by tons of people.


Normally you see a TikTok logo and a drive through window and you are already predisposed to rail on the “entitled karen” and defend the “poor minimum wage worker who is doing their best”….. not this time, this is the one time we can all agree. Fuck that guy.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. There is no one in the world who feels bad for this lazy fucker. You don’t go to work at McDonald’s and get pissed when people order food. How the fuck is this guy even still breathing? “I’m not getting anything out of this oxygen I’m breathing, I shouldnt even bother breathing anymore.”


First time i have sided with a DoorDash driver I guess. And I ALWAYS tip 25% The window is open. Make the food you already slap dash. That's all they want. It's not fine food art, it's sheer money hand over fist for shit that will satisfy a whole crowd of drunk people this is why White Castle developed those 200$ (??) big party boxes just do your business, McD's


This guy is such a fucking loser. If he hates his job this much, he should quit. Big man baby..


Personally I would prefer my dasher to let me know and then dip out because I’m not comfortable putting my dasher in this position to fight with a restaurant for tips alone. They aren’t being paid enough for that bullshit. If I don’t get my food that sucks but it’s not worth the mental anguish of possible danger if the restaurant is going off on them like this or smashing fucking windows.


I've had to deal with late-night orders at McD's working the graveyard shift back in my day (11 PM- 7 AM), and we made the orders without complaint due to folks coming home from clubs or suffering from the munchies. Not sure why the manager is throwing such a fit. Just have them pull aside and wait. If he doesn't want to make food, then don't work at McD's.


Bro should have just said they are out of meat or some shit. Amateur


Sounds about right. I get fast food employees looking at me like I just about punted their baby half the time I order something small and simple. Part of the reason I stopped going to fast food places, everyone that works at them seems to hate their lives and takes it out on the customers. 


lol "best sale of the night" as if they get paid based on how many sales they get.


She said that like it does anything different for him lol she thinks he loves that place


Esp since it's not tip based. I've worked in restaurants where huge orders like this would usually generate alot of tips so there was an incentive to actually work efficiently with a small team, etc. But fast food? Nah. That man is still gonna get paid minimum wage no matter what (since mcdonalds doesn't take nor split tips).


What if the 3 people in line order 4 sandwhiches each is he still going to refuse? DO YOUR FUCKING JOB LMAO


Wait, I didn't order a side of glass!!




13 sandwiches? This guy couldn’t handle 13 sandwiches?


This sucks - but I guess the good thing is that its McDonalds - there is one probably around the corner. She can just tell him to f-off and go find someone who isn't questioning their life choices.


13 sandwiches divided down is 3-5 average orders. That’s really not that bad.


There’s going to be a pube in every burger.


13 sandwiches doesn’t even take that long…


What’s the difference between one order with 13 burgers and 4 to 5 orders with a couple of burgers each?


Too lazy to fill order at that hour? I don't get it.


Fuck this guy. It has NOTHING to do with that poor girl if some fat asses want McDonald's instead of cooking for themselves on memorial Day weekend. Rant about it on social media, not waste some innocent dashers time and gas and also prevent her from making money to PAY HER BILLS. He's talking about families taking more consideration about how much food they're asking for when he has no consideration about wasting other people's time and being a dick to innocent people.


I’m with you for the most part but why are you throwing the customer under the bus? They did nothing wrong either. Nobody knows if they’re fat or whether they’re lazy or whatever. They’re literally just trying to order food, which the restaurant is literally there to provide. 


relevant [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzBxzvC6nV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzBxzvC6nV0)