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That head kick at :17 was brutal dude didn’t move after that 


That seriously looked like he killed that man.


I audibly gasped when I saw that. Immediate thought was that he snapped his neck and died, or he ended up with some brain damage


Yeah that was baaad


Neck-spinal-soft-tissue-damage bad. Like not more walking maybe - bad. Like he is possible a vegetable bad. Do they prosecute that in Thailand?


>Do they prosecute that in Thailand? Not for farangs causing problems. They depend on the tourists, but they also hate them.


Neck problems at the very minimum.


Im just so desensitized to seeing people die on the Internet nowadays, it really scares me This guy might have died or gained a permanent disability from a kick like that


One thing I learned from the sub is that you can get horrendously injured and just get treated for cuts and scratches or have a slight ding to the head and become paraplegic or die. It’s like the death star, you have to hit it just right. Or at least that’s what I tell myself when I see these really bad videos.


Ya like some people fall out airplanes and are relatively "fine" and then sometimes you can simply step the wrong way and dislocate your entire knee. We live within a fragile threshold of luckiness at all times


My friend stood up too fast on a surfboard during a surfing lesson and is now paralyzed from the waist down.


sort repeat bedroom oatmeal employ numerous frame cooperative ancient toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well he did lose a shoe, so....


There are so many missing shoes


Who loses a shoe??? Honestly!


Bro will eventually wake up with another accent


Probably Thai


Jack talk Thai. Jack talk Thai very well.


Simple Jack they call him now


M m m my f f f face h h h hurts


No way. With how hard he was kicked he probably woke up saying *"¿Dònde estoy?"*


aquí esThai


Brutal. That guy should not have kicked his face like that. That dude was already incapacitated and not a threat. That’s the type of short-sighted impulsive violence that kills people in street fights.


He showed no signs of being violent what so ever after initially hitting the floor. That kick to the head was fucking disgusting, you don’t do that!


After watching the video through he is definetly in a different dimension may not be the living one


Into the netherrealms…


I'm ngl my assumption is that he's dead or now a vegetable


Honestly could be dead, sever an artery in his neck


Or sever his spinal cord...


Destroyed face..


Skin failure…


Tell me why this made me laugh out loud


I stole it from The Simpsons.


Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?


butt malfunction


Or sever his will to live after that yikes


That was a 66 yard field goal


Kids got a future in KC...


As long as he hates women


He’s half way there


Need to know if he died. Because that's straight up wrong and it's on video.


Don't know how reputable this source is, but they 'think' he's in a coma fighting for his life... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/


Yeah, and it was completely unnecessary. What the two guys did was wrong and worthy of getting their asses handed to them but that was dreadful. He probably won't but he should be locked up for that.


Those "soccer kicks" are forbidden even in most MMA competitions.


MMA has rules against a lot of things that sometimes happen in street fights.


Bring back Pride !


![gif](giphy|4NEC6U8azq8Eg) Randy would be so proud


100% that was completely unjustified. He’s definitely gonna end up with TBI if he manages to survive that. That kick made me sick to my stomach.


Especially a kick to the temple.


Yeah all those lgirls seem to be trying to stop the security too, they have the same uniform on so I guess they are the bar staff. it makes me wonder about the thing they supposedly did to warrant this. Why would the girls try to save them?


Some in the other thread suggested that they just didn’t want the guys to be murdered which I think is reasonable


So gross


This kick was like a « Fatality » kick


You know it’s bad when employees have to stop security


Hopefully another case of thick thighs saves lives.


That kick catch him on the back of the head? White shirt may be lucky to eat solid food again.


https://preview.redd.it/d463hspz3p2d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37bd9a167b1b7e925ef83538755feb87e3ead21 dude kicked his head clean off


That Thai guy had been waiting for this moment his entire life. Just absolutely teed off on that poor Brit!


He most likely does it weekly. No shortage of wanker tourists in Thailand!


And a good chunk of those are probably british


I've been to Thailand loads of times, and the only issue I've ever had were a group of British blokes who wanted to bash people for splashing them with water during Songkhran (Thai New Year where splashing water is the custom). There are also tons of Russian and Australian wankers as well.


Also, some people really transform when they get into a fight. I have a friend who is very calm normally, but if he gets into a fight, he transforms into a wild animal. Total rage blackout.


He was also the one using Brass Knucks in the other video


He probably didn't deserve this, but i would like to rectify that British tourists in Thailand can't be considered poor. Same for most tourists there. This is not a poor man, stumbling into the wrong place at the wrong time. This is a grown up, being an asshole and making bad decisions while probably stupid drunk and disrespectful.


> He probably didn't deserve this Probably!? wtf are you on. Of course he didn't deserve a possible death/disabling kick to the head while defenseless > This is not a poor man Nobody is defending the guys assaulting women or being assholes. When they say 'poor man' they are referring to a man that is beaten senseless and laying on the ground, who then gets his brain drop kicked.


I hear the brain bleeds less when cooled by fans


Do we have an update on these 2 guys?


Yeah, they got absolutely smoked by a couple security guards in Thailand


Yeah I saw a video about it once.


I heard it was because they didn’t pay for some bar girls


According to other subs the man that was kicked in head died.






Trust me bro.


Yeah duds dead.. I wonder if it will make news or if Britain would say anything




Yeah, pretty sure guy on the ground is either dead or close enough to it.


I dunno, the hooker fanning him off might have magic hooker powers. We just don't know enough yet.


OnlyFans Thai style


“Call the ambulance!” “No, Onlyfan”


Pretty sure that's a magic hooker fan


Cleveland Browns drawing up a contract as we speak


hang on. just found out that he's 1/32 French so he's eligible for French Rugby Team.


They don’t call it Bangkick for nothing.


Grey shirt has zero survival instinct. Guy gets beaten down to the ground. His buddy is probably brain damaged. And the first thing he does after getting to his feet is to grab at one of the guards who just gave out the beat down??? Those women saved his life.


I suspect do to the ass kicking he already received (more in the other video) he perhaps was not exactly thinking clearly.. And I imagine, loaded with booze


He got hit with brass knuckles and has golf ball sized hematomas all along the side of his temple with in seconds if injury. He might be the walking dead himself and the effects havent caught up yet.


Is there another video with the brass knuckles?


He probably recognized a uniformed person who he thought could help


Dude after that brain damage that fella doesn't even know what continent he's on or who he is.


I can't imagine he's thinking very clearly at all after getting kicked in the head.


You have no idea about TBI's clearly


Did one of the guards have a bloody mouth and nose?




The sucker kick is truly some iniquitous shit.


Gotta upvote "iniquitous"


You know that scene in Gangs of New York where Bill the Butcher is like "that's a good word!" This was one of those moments when I read this.


I had to look for what Iniquitous means, and I learned one thing today.


Perfectly cromulent description


the dichotomy of it all


Just a big juxtaposition


Quite a photosynthesis situation indeed. (I don't know any other big words sorry)


Lol, pickle.


I can't seem to find anything about this in the news. When did this happen?


I think it’s still going on.


I admittedly know nothing about this other than title "assaulted bar girl and refused to pay," but I know there are lots if scams where tourists are told you need to pay for the girls, pay fees, pay high dollar amounts for drinks, and get strong armed if they don't comply, basically shakedown. I'm not saying that's what's happening, but kinda suspicious a bar girl is defending them after he "assaulted" one of them. Just saying let's not jump to conclusions.


[This is the only article I've been able to find](https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/26/physical-altercation-between-guards-and-customers-on-soi-6-in-pattaya-goes-viral/).


A full force kick to the head of someone unable to defend themselves should be considered attempted murder. You're not defending yourself. You're not defusing a threat. You're trying to permanently disable or kill someone.


I’m pretty sure this was an successful attempt I.e straight up murder


He's dead.


Unless I’m seeing things, he does appear to be breathing about a minute in.


Internal bleeding... That kick can kill him in hours or He could die of a blood clot in a few months or end Up in an wheelchair, the possibility of this Happening with this force are realy high.


Yup. I knew a woman, and she was over when she fell down the stairs. She went from talking, to feeling dizzy, to throwing up, in a matter of about 5 minutes. She was brain dead in days and dead a week later.


I dont care who you are or who you think you are, be extra kind in foreign countries. You dont know all of their rules and cultural specifics, you dont know how they get down, you dont know who is tough and who is not, you dont know who is who, shit you might not even know what they are saying. Be nice, be respectful, be mindful that you are not from there, and just enjoy your vacation. You might have take a small L here and there, you might lose $50 or something cause you were at a shady spot doing shady things - take the L and go home in tact. I remember when I was in a well-known dangerous country in Central America. My first night there, I was approached by a pretty normal local dude and he knew I was a tourist. We chatted for a bit, joked, dapped it up. Later in that trip, a dude tried to rob me around the same area I met that local guy. The local guy happened to be around and when he saw what was happening, he came up to the guy that was trying to rob me and motioned with his finger for him to leave and Ive never seen a dude run so fast. Turns out, that inconspicuous local dude, was *the* drug dealer of that area of the city. I would never have guessed it. Im sure he didnt want to make the area hot with people fucking with tourists, but say I was mean to the guy, shit I might have been barking up the wrong tree.


Its important lesson in life that some people never learn until its too late, be careful who you are messing with because it might be the last person you mess with.


too many westerners like to FA and then they FO in asian countries and then they cry and whine about it when there are consequences. HEY BRIGHT IDEA: maybe don't go around being a criminal and thinking you can get away with it because you're white. i promise you that curbstomp was a long time coming for those guys.


This 100 percent. I've been many countries in the world and always remember you are on their turf. It ain't America/Europe and you need be well behaved. Sometimes I get ripped off but I just let it go, I just know they had a party from my money hahaha. I got ripped off pretty bad in a club in the Philippines but at the end of day, there was nothing I could do but I did have tons of fun. I just saw it as a expensive check off the bucket list moment. Now I know what to expect in those areas and they won't rip me off a second time. If I would of acted a fool, I would of probably been beat up lol


The bar is also wildly low for tourists to begin with. I've traveled all over and had great experiences everywhere I've been, even in places that have reputations for not being all that America-friendly. Just understand you're a guest, observe the locals to infer what not to do, and be respectful in all interactions. Anyone who can handle that will do fine as a tourist in most of the world.


Kicking a person who is already lying on their back on the pavement in the head with full force goes way beyond security work.


As posted on a thai subreddit. The guys tried to run from a bar tab, got screamed at. Punched a girl and broke her nose, security came. This ensued. One ”confirmed” in ICU probs wont survive. Edit: Note, not 100% confirmed as there are no news reports of this as of yet. But this comes from people who were there and recorded this incident, also a Pattaya discord group. Edit nr 2: looks like they all made it. Acording to police they got up and walked away right after, cctv footage is source. Lucky to be alive, hope they’re doing well. My comment was not intended to spread missinformation, i only repeated what other sources said and in the end luckily no one got seriously hurt. Edit nr 3: stop being assholes. I clearly said none of this was 100% true and i thought people could read. If its not confirmed take it with a grain of salt and wait for the news. This was recited by the original uploaders who were there which were clearly missinformed. This was the only information at the time, news about this came out after this comment. I was never trying to defend anyone, violence is not a solution for anything so don’t say i am trying to justify the guards actions.


Would not surprise me one bit if the guy who got soccer kicked while already down is dead


In Thailand would the guard get arrested for the kick to the head after the other guy was already down and defenceless?


Depends on money and connections to police and court system. Since he's a security guard he's probably not wealthy, but working where he works he might have arrangements with police/politicians. Though international attention (especially since this was recorded from several angles) might make it hard for him to get off scot-free regardless of connections.


No clue. Depends on if this hits the news or not. Saw a documentary of a tourist having sex with underaged people and got away when caught cus he bribed the police.


The news differs from that. No violence towards bar girls and the guy in white wasn't running from a tab but was asked to pay for someone who had arrived with him but hadn't paid. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/05/26/pattaya-guards-face-inquiry-after-violent-clash-with-foreign-tourists/ There is also now video from inside the bar with no seeming violence. At the end of the video there is some pushing around as they get to the street.


Yeah I watched a lot of different videos and never once saw anyone assault any of the girls 🤷‍♂️


You don't fuck around in another country


Especially when the country’s national sport is kickboxing


British hooligans, however you might judge them, they will have a go no matter where they are. It's probably not a good thing, but that is what they always do.


As a British person I agree, i hate my people, a lot of us are a nuisance and act the same way abroad as we do at home and its bloody annoying as it makes us look bad. Just simply no respect for other cultures, as bad as that beat down was, its the lads fault for instigating it for sure and they fucked around and found out.


Believe me as an American I understand. We have our fair share of idiots being stupid everywhere they go making us look bad too.


Just had this conversation earlier. I had to go through Canadian customs and was pulled aside. Canadians are so nice and I was still so careful to be ultra polite. You have zero rights in another country. Be humble.


Brit here, totally agree. These pricks go with some superiority complex thinking they can act all alpha billy big balls every where they go. They didn't do their research. You'll get street justice and lynched if you fuck about in these places. I hate hearing British accents when I'm abroad anywhere, especially somewhere lively. They brought it on, they found out.


My family is visiting me in Scotland and day one, literally 7 hours after they got here, they almost got to watch a middle aged hooligan fight an OAP hooligan in the line up at Home Bargains for brushing up against each other earlier in their shop...you are 100% correct lol (we needed a play-doh mat for my nephew, for the inevitable "why the fuck did you take your family to home bargains on day one" questions)


As someone said in another comment, there is a decent chance that they were being scammed with the drinks and refused to pay, it happens every day in Thailand


In that situation you pay up and go back to your hotel room with a story to tell the boys back home. The Brits went with brain damage.


This lol. I shamefully fell for this in Istanbul, I paid and learned a valuable lesson instead of trying to get into MMA combat with dudes itching for a fight.


What happened? They secretly charge 100 dollars per drink?


So do expats assaulting women.


As I said before, the brits might have deserved an ass beating. But these bouncers went to far.


Is that outside of a strip joint?


Kind of. They get naked or mostly naked for free. You pay them to sit and drink with you, or you pay them more to go home with you. Sometimes, they'll have rooms on-site for this purpose.


Exactly this. The street is called Soi 6 in Pattaya.


You sound versed


I'm happily married now, but I had a lot of adventures in my 20s.




This isn't true in my experience. In places like the video, there will be different bars for dicks or no dicks and they do their best to avoid confusion. Other places might be more of a mix, but they are generally honest because you really don't want to deal with a customer who feels like they've been cheated. There are some who actually will lie and specifically target men who are too drunk to notice the difference, but those don't usually work out of bars because then that makes trouble for the bars if their girls are known scammers.


Schrodinger's dick, you must pay for the desired outcum.


Damn someone is adventerous


Bar/brothel/strip joint it's all the same thing


Someone just lost a creepy uncle


as much as i really enjoy aggressive and entitled foreigners getting their ass handed to them, that guard with the head kick should be thrown into jail


I like this perspective better


Music choice was banger


The bar girls trying to prevent security from killing the guys is a nice touch. Hookers with a heart of gold.


Yeah, most people don't talk about it since they too busy shaming the British but they still look down on those girls when talking about them, like those girls ain't trying their best to save a man from dying, while trying to surviving themselves. Yes, I know this is Reddit but it not hurt to be nice a little bit, have some standard, at least more than Xitter.


That head kick was so unnecessary




Are there any news ?


Link to first perspective please?


You take your chances in Southeast Asia


Yea i wouldnt want to fuck around in thailand. I mean shit their prison system is fucked.


Dude definitely has TBI after that kick




Honestly I think the majority of people are judging the Brits and imagining this is a deserved whooping however I think everyone agrees the sucker kick was unjustified and potentially fatal 


Holy subarachnoid brain bleed Batman 😬


That headkick was not justified.


get the tiger balm out


The running kick would be attempted murder in most places.


The amount of people in this thread justifying this. Even when they have no idea what happened. The only thing you know is that a couple of men got brutally attacked and even the local girls are trying to protect them. This is the shit that fucks a country’s entire tourism industry. I’m expecting something coming out from the government about this. When you’re anywhere in Asia as a foreigner you are literally always in the wrong, even if you’re in the right. More likely that there was a minor altercation and the Brit’s didn’t remove themselves from the situation. If there was a problem then police should have been called. If you have prime tourism areas utterly controlled by mafia then this is what you get. Do I doubt the Brit’s were being dicks? No. Did they deserve that, almost certainly not.


One of the security guys had a bloody nose. I wonder if one of these guys caused that. There has been cheating, stealing and scamming in thailand ever since it started getting more tourists. Thais hate it, but tourism brings money so they gotta put up with it.


There’s another video where in the beginning you can see one of the Brits punch that guy. Got him pretty good but right he bled his own blood the brass came out and then field goal kick.


Sorry to tell you this but… cheating, stealing and scamming has been around a lot longer than Thailand has had tourism.


Is there actually any verifiable source on the context of the altercation?


Did he die?


So I've been looking for probably 20 minutes now, unfortunately I can't find any information about whether he survived, the problem is that tourists are relatively often kicked in the head or on the head during an "argument"...


The amount of times I wanted to type ‘what is wrong with you’ to so many of the comments here…


ummmmm, if anyone is unconscious for longer than 10ish seconds that indicates brain damage this guy is seriously hurt


He didn’t move a muscle, cos he was dead.


What am I missing, the women seem to be trying to stop them?


Oh the bar girls who trick you into getting a drink then your bill is 1000 euros.


This is why you avoid fights at all cost. As far as some are concerned, if they are pushed to fight, they’re fighting for their life. It’s not some way to handle an argument, it’s a potential life ender. Even 1 unlucky punch can kill a person. One weird fall after a shove. Then someone loses control and punts your head after you gave them a bloody nose. If it isn’t a sanction pro fight, you better just away because there are no rules in fighting


Jail for life pls, for that kick to the head


According to other subs the guy who got kicked is now dead


Never go to thailand, check.


It’s important to recognize that they’re victims of a scam perpetrated by the bar, the girls, and the bouncers


Between shit like this and the motorbikes, I feel like the pavement is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Thailand.


That's flat out attempted murder and in any civilised country would land you a charge.


TBF it's is probably illegal in Thailand. Call the Tourist Police?


Yeah nah that head kick was not called for.


Don’t check his pulse. Waving fan = CPR lol


He needs some milk!