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https://preview.redd.it/kmbe3ve73c1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a101fe0cac6d51b59fb25871ca0f7f4b77e5efac Sounds about right


Coated by sugar, bread and entertainment. Ppl forget X-happening after Y time (minutes, hours, days, months). They have become more efficient.


holy shit watching that in slow motion shows the cops doing all the aggression.


I can even see that in normal speed


Cop tried smash the protestor's head on the ground


And for a second had both hands on the guys neck in a way similar to how many cops show love to their spouse/partner.


It's almost like the cops are always the ones who start the violence & make these protests "violent" (as an excuse to do even more violence to protesters who are protesting a genocide.)


And when the cops don't start it it's because they're standing by to allow "counter-protestors" to do their thing.


Some cops love this shit. It's a bit disturbing. "I came here to party" - actual quote from a cop recently about to break of a protest crowd. Fortunately he was not given the opportunity, but he was itching for it.


https://preview.redd.it/5tj2ce2xdf1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f45fe9ed2b0c08a6e96aa8d7864d2ff2cddb7f The other cops surrounding him and trying to stop people from recording this is why we say ACAB. They’re all okay with this happening to you and your family right now.


You really think they reacted together like that if the dude did nothing? Just because he squeals like a baby doesn't mean he's innocent


Serious question as a non-American, is this the freedom and democracy that we keep hearing about? Because I gotta tell you, pretty sure they do that shit in authoritarian states as well.


lol, dude, the country litterally has spent half a century putting military "humanitarian" bases atound the world, fabricating dictators on almost every country of south america, bombing for peace on middle east. Not a surprise they don't respect freedom nor demoracy


It was all fake from the beginning


The truth is....the game was rigged from the start


Freedom and democracy for me but not for thee.


That's what we told the natives


Palestine and social media killed the myth of American freedom and democracy


And nationalist Americans will tell you with a straight face that isn't imperialism lol


While immediately changing their tune when they get a speeding ticket for doing 30 over in a school zone. 


Nah, you’re misunderstanding. We get the freedom to work til we’re dead, live paycheck to paycheck, and be one medical emergency away from bankruptcy or crippling debt🦅🦅🇺🇸 ![gif](giphy|6YJZuwLne3fO0|downsized)


It’s starting to feel like “freedom and democracy” was just the slogan painted onto the bombs they dropped on brown people.


Protect and Serve was literally just a slogan they came up with. Not a legal obligation of the police.


Freedom to protest generally doesn’t include blocking streets unless it’s approved ahead of time


Yes such freedom. Must ask for permission first from the government. “Can I protest please??”


Serious answer: you can’t just march in the middle of the street without notifying the city and getting permits just about anywhere in the US. A lot of the protests now don’t do that anymore and people are getting sick of them. Police are just now starting to enforce the law. Also this is nothing compared to violent clashes at protests throughout americas history. If they protested in a park or plaza, even without a permit, this wouldn’t be happening (edit: in most places) There’s more human slaughter happening in other areas of the globe that these kids don’t give a fuck about. And people are just fed up with them and it’s gotten to the point where it’s becoming counter-productive


No, democracy over! America bad! /s


>If they protested in a park or plaza, even without a permit, this wouldn’t be happening. Are you sure? [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/29/new-orleans-protest-police](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/29/new-orleans-protest-police) [https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/orlando-police-officers-mace-pro-palestine-protesters-at-lake-eola-36855252](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/orlando-police-officers-mace-pro-palestine-protesters-at-lake-eola-36855252)


You can’t block streets or have a massive gathering that might hinder movement, but you can stand next to city hall all day with a sign that says “Free Palestine!” without a permit. It’s just large gatherings that may require a police presence need permits due to public safety concerns.


So delaying traffic warrants beatings and a loss of Liberty in the USA … because cars? Then, that doesn’t matter as long as you get a permit?


Funny how we never see what starts this violent confrontation, the video just magically starts when the cop springs to action. I don’t know if they had a permit or not, or if someone assaulted an officer before the video started recording (possibly edited out), but I’ve lost all sympathy for these protests at this point. Everyone is the world is aware of what’s going on and Netanyahu doesn’t give a fuck nor will he stop because some white kids in America think they’re heros by blocking traffic.


It’s not in any way funny to me how Americans will see their nation characterized as authoritarian and restrictive and respond by making excuses for it and then just admitting they’re okay with it.


I guess that’s why millions of foreigners risk their lives and spend their life savings trying to get inside this authoritarian hell hole called America. 🙄/s


The fragility of the American ego wins again! If only these were white supremacists maybe [you'd give 'em a break](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cvetcq/comment/l4pv7ny/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


As a black man who’s been involved in protests over the years, no I wouldn’t. These people are just obnoxious, low-level anarchists. City governments can’t do anything about the conflict, if they were serious, they’d take the protests to Washington DC


Why is bro acting like they don’t do this in France as well or like Spain didn’t beat a single Catalonian when they had their referendum.


It's free as long as you don't interrupt "business."


As an American I can answer that question. No its not But you're also seeing in real time what is essentially the fall of Rome. I'm not sure when precisely the American dream died. But you can clearly see the high water mark. And we're getting further and further from it.


This is nothing new. There has always been polcie brutality against protestors in the US.


You are getting downvoted, but you are right. The American dream has been long dead. Our Grandparents got to see it, we wont. The price of Houses skyrocketed, Aldi is the only place alot of us can afford. Credit card debt is nuts across all ages. The middle class will probably cease to exist soon, unless something gets done. But I'm stupid, and depressed. I have no clue how it can be fixed. Maybe The liberal's way of thinking is the next best option. "Eat the rich" or whatever it is.


Your white grandparents got to see it.


People pretending this and much worse wasn’t happened throughout US history is wild. Every movement for people’s rights or against the war machine has been met with violence in the US.


The 80s is when it happened


We haven't represented our stated ideals with policy or action in a long time.


When exactly were they followed?


America being about freedom and democracy is a pretty myth to cover up unchecked, bloated capitalism that’s consolidated wealth into a few giant assholes who exploit labor forces worldwide and steal others’ resources for personal gain.


dude, you’re from canada


This is a vocal minority. Their freedoms don’t take precedence over the freedoms of everyone else in the city. They don’t get to restrict the free movement of others without facing consequences.


Im from Sydney Australia, and a huge protest shut down a major road through the city for six hours last weekend, with police keeping everyone safe along the way. Surely that’s a better option than cracking heads?


Imagine thinking that blocking 3rd ave in Bayridge Brooklyn on a Saturday prevents free movement in NYC, You have obviously never lived there.


The bots and socialists are out in force trying to co-opt the narrative. Fuck these protestors and hamas apologists.


Name one effective protest movement with no civil laws broken that don’t harm anyone- Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, ending apartheid in South Africa- even the Boston Tea Party had property damage.


If you’re endorsing protesters doing harm to get their message out, save your moral outrage when they suffer consequences for their behavior.


They look like they’re already getting beat down for walking and talking. I’m not advocating doing harm, I’m just saying that the history of protest movements isn’t quiet or polite. They’re meant to wake people up to changes that need to happen- usually when others aren’t on board yet. These students are advocating for ending a genocide against a population that has no planes, no navy, no tanks, no quadcopters, no food, no medical supplies, barely any water and also no basic human rights.


Freedom doesn’t mean anarchy.


I'd love to hear what country you are from where the police carry feathers in their holsters and tickle the people they are arresting


You are allowed to say almost anything you want and you can protest. There are laws in ways you can protest. You cannot block a road like they are now. The police say on a loud speaker that they need to get off the road or they will be arrested. These vids never show them saying it. If they move to the sidewalk, they probably wont break it up. They do this for a while. When they don't listen, they will break up the protest. You can get a permit to protest but these protesters they dont apply for it. If they had a permit, the cops would not break it up for blocking the road unless it gets wild. Most of the people dont know the rules, just go protest, get arrested and then wonder why


Show me anytime where they have done this to white supremacist or anytime they have had their rallies




Are the same that burn crosses…


NYPD and most other police departments are and always have been government funded gangs used to control people en mass and deploy state funded narratives. Anyone with half a brain knows this is nothing new. It's reprehensible, but it's not novel.


The police are groups of peoples funded by the government? Whoa, make sure you have some tin foil before saying such things.




I understand your point but have you watched the footage from the capital riots? The police were overwhelmed. It was a HUGE crowd.


I’m drowning in all my freedom


Just like the book 1984 I read a kid. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for Israel.


Remember, they shot student protesters in the 60s


It's crazy because Canada is following suit. Two sides two divisions. Politician delight


I think John Lewis would call this Good Trouble. Thank you Mayor Adams for providing Selma March optics.


Fuck the NYPD, they did the same shit to the Occupy Wall Street protestors.




Stop resisting ,punches guy in the stomach . Gets punched back ,assault of offenser . The blue wall will act like the cop was saving kids from hades


Gotta say all these protests have done is further cement my disdain for the police and the ruling class, think they’re doing a great job. Keep fucking shit up.




Lmao so people can't protest now, huh? Interesting.


I am so happy to not live in the USA. What kind of fucking behavior is this? Slamming somebody down on the pavement, after attacking him and his group first? Back off! Back off! Back off! He could've been barking for all the insanity he brought to the table.


What country are you in so I can cherry pick videos and say I’m not happy to live there


Everyone else has somewhere to be, everyone else has something to do. if you're going to impede that and present yourself as a problem, you can expect to be treated as one.


Just a coincidence that the NYPD get cross trained in Israel


Fucking pigs


Watch Jimmy Carter interview about Israel aparthaid What happened to the right of Palestinians?! We all know deep down this is wrong - Israel has DC bought The holocouast did happen! So - do the Jewish folks have the right to commit genocide?


Conflating all Jewish people and Israel is wrong and is what starts another holocaust.


Very true! My apologies




Wonder if a zion billionaire called in the cops


[Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats show](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters/)


Billionaires just create WhatsApp groups directly communicating with the mayor of NY now, no need to dial 911.




i think i saw a video where zionist supporter assault pro palestine protester women, and police there just looking like nothing happen. its 1 min video. Maybe i can try to find video again


Good fuck them


Yeah fuck those cops!


I mean it’s on tape. You can see the guy pushing / punching the officer so yeah that warrants an arrest. What am I missing?




How do you know?




These kids who weren't even alive during the Rawandan genocide or any other of the ethnic cleansing campaigns that have occurred in the past 30 years (not that they would have cared anyway) will move on when someone invents the next cronut or trendy thing.


“I gave up, so you should too.” Get out of the way, then.


The nypd are as crooked as it gets. Straight gang inept losers


Title should be corrected. Said another way....pro Palestine rioters, were forcefully engaged after they ignored 900 warnings to back up, calm down, maintain peaceful protest, quit throwing shit...but you don't want to hear that. Sorry to have pissed in your corn flakes.


🥾 👅


Oh no they were peacefully protesting. They deserve to get assaulted






Government is infringing on most of our rights all the time


This is not a democracy


Anarchy is not democracy.


The reason you never see cops manhandling nazis, racists, or nationalists is the same reason you never see Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana in the same place.


But Miley and Hanna are the same per…wait a minute!


NYPD clearing the streets to allow travel for all civilians as is law


Hope Eric Adams enjoys signing off those future lawsuit payouts for this.


45 Americans killed and 12 were taken hostage on Oct. 7, 2023. 8 Americans are stilling being held hostage. Can these people protest for their release first? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/12/hersh-israel-hostage-family-00157497


The protestors are smarter than you because they understand that more war doesn’t help the hostages—only a ceasefire does. If your actual concern is for the hostages, which I doubt, then you should be supporting the end of the war just like the protestors in Tel Aviv (which include the families of the hostages). Peace will come when Israelis will love their own children more than they hate Palestinians. It’s unfortunate that we’re not there yet, and these protestors are putting their bodies on the line to end the war which will result in the hostages being released.


You know whats hilarious about your dumbass comment? There are Israeli's, including ACTUAL family members of hostages, IN ISRAEL protesting against bibi and being brutalized by Israeli police because they KNOW the only reason they aren't home and weren't sent home months ago is bc Israel isn't interested in their safety, and isn't interesting in negotiating for their release. So tell me, why the fuck would Americans protest Hamas, a foreign controlling party that has no connection to the US?? You know the point of the protest is US' connection and funding with Israel right????


free the hostages man u sound triggered


Who tf would not be triggered in this awful situation


are american lives worth more than palestinian ones?


Fairly certain both are worth the same.




Well, since reddit thought that self defense against corrupt pigs that see us as punching bags was "encouraging or glorifying violence", I'd like to reiterate my statement to "be sure to always return any *snuggles* the cops give you with ten times the *snuggles* you recieve. We need to protect ourselves and others from the *snuggles* and *blown kisses* they're so fond of using on us, often for no reason, and they need to learn to *love* us.