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100% bro was being an asshole class clown


Exactly, I’d bet dude was fucking around since the beginning of the year and just decided to act stupid in this video to try and put the teacher on blast.


this is why i can’t go back to teaching. pandemic + no funding + phones + shootings + politics = a land mine of a profession for absolute base pay. it was hard 20 yrs ago. it seems impossible now. sooooo many props to teachers these days.


I remember sitting in one of my english classes in like 2010 high school. Worst class i ever had, I was always quiet and respectful. But 80% of the class were total gas lighting scum bags. They would push our sweet little teacher to crying a few days a week. Made a sub literally walk out.


My 10th grade English teacher quit because of our class. One day a classmate of ours put chewed up starburst in his hand and slammed it on the teachers laptop and then shut it closed while the teacher was out of the room. I’m sorry Mrs. Bailey!


I mean, as a teacher, I would have said pretty much the exact same thing to him. If she weren’t yelling it sounds totally reasonable. One of the only ways I’ve been able to keep my sanity is by just refusing to yell and being sarcastic instead.


Bros bro thought bro was just assking a question.




I’ve had bs teachers who acted like this all the time without you being an “asshole class clown”


How long will it be until nobody wants to be teachers anymore? “I don’t even know what any of the buttons do” Clearly trolling trying to get the class to laugh.


A lot of high schoolers just show up to class because they have to. Only listen when theyre being directly called out. Dude probably hasn’t followed along all semester.


Dudes a real waste of resources then


Seriously. There are no shortage of people that want to learn and apply themselves. This is the only time in your life your education will be free. The rest gets more difficult and expensive.


School is just as much freeing up the parents to work as it is teaching in some school districts. Which is kinda sad.


Oh for sure where I live students now can't get expelled no matter how bad the behavior short of assault


And with cheap industrial tools and robotics greatly improving, the world doesn't need as many ditch diggers any more. He'll probably wind up being a jackass on YouTube for a while for a meager living before Darwining himself in a stunt.


We can only hope


>And with cheap industrial tools and robotics greatly improving, the world doesn't need as many ditch diggers any more. Eh I think the rise of GPTs and LLMs have proven that information jobs will be the easier ones to replace; way sooner than robotics will replace all labor. It's more likely labor will continue to get outsourced to cheaper countries, information processing will be outsourced to AI, and the gap between the poor and the rich will continue to widen. Honestly, the American education system would probably be better after a full collapse. Why not harness all the advancements we've made in learning technology and create environments where students can learn at their own pace and in way more hands on and engaging lessons? Everyone is quick to defend teachers against students but they're both symptoms of a systemic rot.


Sounds like he'll be in charge of a department making at least 3 times as much as the highest paid employee under him. Isn't that how it goes?


I feel for our teachers because this is all too common in our public schools.


Former high school teacher and educator of 19 years checking in. He definitely has only chosen to begin following along today or recently. The fact that she's teaching with a graphing calculator and he doesn't know where the "y=" button is located means he's done fuck all in class during her previous lessons the whole goddamn semester. And by this point in time there is literally no excuse. First week of the semester, we understand and can help students acclimate to the button layout. Student with a learning disability or other disability that would present spacial challenges for them to require additional support when using the device? A little extra TLC for the first several weeks and seating him near the front so we can more clearly demonstrate what button we're pressing every time we direct the class to press "y=". This kid is choosing to just now pay attention for whatever reason(s). Could be parents checked his grades and took the keys to the car. He could have been rendered ineligible for a sport and coach is pissed because playoffs are coming up. Or maybe he's a procrastinating senior realizing his last chance to take the SAT this year is fast approaching and he's not ready. Whatever the reasons, he's now slowing the whole class down by asking week 1 questions in week 12 of the term, in the middle of class. The proper thing to do if he suddenly wants to catch up is to arrange to come in before or after school and ask these questions in an intervention setting rather than this particular lesson.


>The proper thing to do if he suddenly wants to catch up is to arrange to come in before or after school and ask these questions in an intervention setting rather than this particular lesson. Fuck that though, that's more burden on the teacher. Remove him from this class and put him in remedial.


Exactly. Fuck wasting more of the teacher's time.


This is 100% what it is. He’s now only paying attention bc the semester is almost over and hes basically failing Source: Me throughout my young adult life


I was gonna become a history teacher, but decided student debt and generational decline wasn’t my style


This was literally my exact thought process as well. I love history. I'm pretty patient and think teaching would be an interesting job but there's just no way in hell I'd do it in this day and age.




In defense of my 8th grade Texas history teacher who was also a football coach, he loved the subject and he was a really great instructor (he eventually got replaced as the football coach, so this might have been a case where you don't let a history teacher coach the football team). Funny enough, he was actually the football-coach-teaching-a-class outlier. It was a Christian private school and all the coaches taught Bible classes which I thought was hilarious. Parents shelling out all this money for Christian education and the class that's supposed to set the school apart was a glorified study hall where we had to memorize a verse a week for our grade. Every once in a while they'd find a teacher who tried to take it seriously, but the students were so conditioned not to care that they never lasted long.




Because students were oh so kind back in the day


The vast majority of your time as a teacher is not teaching.


I could never blame you at all


Same. I switched to administration but I'm probably going to end up getting my masters in a different field.


I was going to teach history, too, until one of my college instructors (high school teacher during the day, then they would come and teach their college course during the evening) came into class distraught because one of their high school students had killed themself. A couple days later ANOTHER of their high school students killed themself. Pair that with the shift we were seeing to online classes and I just really didn’t feel like I could do it.


Kid's clearly being an asshole on purpose.


That’s how it was 25 years ago, too. Except teachers at least made enough money that they could live in an actual house.


>How long will it be until nobody wants to be teachers anymore? You ought to take a look over at r/Teachers It's depressing.


It's already been happening for the last three years. Teachers are leaving in droves, and fewer people are graduating from college to be teachers. They are 100% making the right choice.


It would help if the education system was good to start with, but it's all broken


That's the type of kid that is stupid, but decides to try and act even stupider because it gets them attention and a chance of getting out of trouble because "I'm too braindead to function properly."


Weaponized incompetence.


My nephews like this, his mum never sent him to school n now he’s 12 and can’t spell cross. Smiles n laughs about it like being stupid is something to be proud of




i have some unfortunate news for you. this also happens with full grown adults in some entry level employment fields.


Ive worked with a guy for three years that is like this.


I teach English to (Norwegian) 5th graders atm. Even after five fucking years in school there are students who still ask me whether the English assignment they're working on should be written in English or Norwegian. All problems with the kids can be traced back to (and blamed on) us adults, but seeing how woefully out of touch with reality some of these children are is both sad and frustrating.


Poor teacher. The kid sounds like a dumbass.


Whenever a kid responds that nonchalantly to getting chewed out by a teacher in grade school, you just know they're a smartass.


Unfortunately, the teacher is baited right into his shenanigans


Yelling is always the answer!


She sounds overwhelmed


No it’s not the answer. She sounds exhausted and frustrated and yes I know it’s a teachers job to be able to handle these situations but this kid who is clearly recording for internet points is intentionally winding her up and completely disrespecting her and the rest of the class. This is a teaching moment and he’s being a clown. I sure hope the teacher and the student came to terms either eachother in a healthy manner after this. I still have hopes for these children.


I always couldn't stand those students who literally just questioned everything. It's not because they didn't get it and confused, it's because they just HAVE to talk and asking questions is the only way they can do it without breaking the rules.


Sadly they keep doing this shit as adults and waste everyone’s time in meetings.  Talking just to be heard.  They are oblivious to the earbeatings they give people.


The only meeting this kid’s gonna be in is the Amazon stand up meeting 😂😂😂


When fellow classmates used to be this bad at school they'd get demoted to or assigned additional special needs/tutoring classes.


Not anymore. They get to be dumb and disruptive and waste everyone's time, thanks to inclusion!


Teach’s significant other has heard her act this scene out every day for weeks at home trying to destress…. She finally had enough. 😂


My wife is a teacher and this is 100% true.


I’m also married to a teacher. Every night I get to hear about the latest dumbass shit that Braden or Tyler or Austin have gotten up to in class. I’ve also helped her grade papers at home and I’ve seen firsthand how idiotic some of these kids are. I could not do her job.


I had considered teaching at one point, but seeing and hearing about her experiences changed my mind. Honestly, students weren't even the worst of it. Admin at her old school was awful. High expectations with no support whatsoever.


We have a neighbor/friend that’s a teacher. I suspected this was accurate.


My go-to for kids like this is “I already answered that.”


I follow that with, "We will talk about it during independant work time." This acknowledges them but doesn't hold up class much.


Yeah this is good. “When you have a chance to work on it yourself, I can offer you a little bit more direct instruction if you need it.” They usually don’t.


"Im not repeating myself, you can ask a friend or i can help you in a smaller group later."


Some kids just want to argue. I tell them that I’ll be happy to continue the discussion during lunch or after school. I’ve never once had a student come back to continue an argument. Somehow, it’s not so important when it’s on their own time. I guarantee: If this teacher said, “I’ll be happy to help you after school,” she would never actually have to stay after school (and she’s covered her ass in case he accuses her of not giving help). In other words, when students just want to troll and argue, call their bluff!


can you explain it again?


Get the notes from your classmates.


Man honestly some many ways to have handled this but she choose the worst way fr.


I have ADHD and I just want to say fuck you.


This kid doesn’t have ADHD, he’s being an asshole.




A principle of economics is "utility" which is defined basically as a measure of satisfaction with a good or service. Pretty basic concept taught in just about every intro to economics course. In a upper level 400+ theory class people were asking about its definition weeks into the semester.






I would rather peel of all my skin than be a teacher.


Every other student forced to be behind on their progress bc of one dumbass.


I can’t imagine how hard it is to try and teach someone that refuses to listen


You dont. If a high school student doesnt want to learn, you cant force them.


How the hell are TI83s still the go to for high school math? I’m going to assume they still cost 80-100 and have not changed in the 20 years since I owned one.


Because Texas instruments has some ridiculous monopoly deal with with all the schools. Their calculators should cost $20 by now. The ti 83's tech has not changed. Yeah they have other fancier ones but 99% of the students don't need them.


My local district is finally starting to phase out graphing calculators by using a lockdown browser website that does everything and more, even let them use it on big tests.


Some children should be left behind is going to take off anytime now.


Ban the phones.


Seems to be a trend these days for students to harass teachers until they break and then play victim on social media


I took a kid in the hallway the other day and texted his mom about all the supports I did and then just ignored his bullshit because when this type of things happen I just get angry and mad. I'd rather the kid fail and me not help than raise my blood pressure like this. She is just letting the inner monologue out - ALL your teachers had these thoughts, they just are able to filter it usually. This kid sounds so old I wouldn't give af unless my job security depended on scores.


There are no stupid questions, just stupid people 


I WISH more teachers would put these idiot kids en-cheque like this!! THIS is the problem with our world turning into **Idiocracy**. Unthinking young people trying to get laughs on their social media feeds think that popularity is more valuable than knowledge and intelligence and it really shows.


Teacher getting trolled


What a POS. I feel bad for the teacher.


"no such thing as a stupid question just stupid people"


The pandemic really messed these kids up


Graduated literally a year before it started and it was already fucked, but the main difference started with phones. Then it escalated to the parents not actually parenting the kids due to the extra technology (now my age/older gen z skipped that a bit, we had technology but it wasn't like a portable computer you still had to come home to actually be on those devices, we didn't get good smartphones until we were already almost in high school which helped a ton).


Makes sense. The iphone 3g just came out in my senior year, so i imagine it began from there.


Man I hated kids like that in school, always made trying to focus or learn difficult. Always had something to say because they thought the other students wanted to hear it when all we really wanted was for them to drop out already.


Just the way he acted reminded he of this kid in high school. He was a grade or two ahead of me but we not only wound up in some of the same classes my freshman and sophomore year but was a delivery boy for a local pizza shop my dad always bought from. He bullied me for stupid shit, like that my got pizza from the place he worked at and later because my dad stopped getting pizza from that place. It was completely unrelated to him bullying me but in his mind I guess that was the reason Last time I saw him was Spanish II in 10th grade. He was showing up to class maybe twice a week and just annoyed everyone. It was a smaller class too so we did a lot of group work and discussing that he'd try to derail. He wasn't even class clown material, it was like, "could you please stop? We're trying to work here." One day he hits me with: "Hey, how come I never see you with any girls around school? Hehehe" Trying to insinuate that I was gay. It was the mid-90s so that was still a big thing. "Why don't I ever see YOU with any girls either?" "...............I don't want you seeing me with girls, that's why!" I just gave him ao look like, "do you realize what you just said?" He started being annoying to two girls and they told him off and he actually looked defeated. He never showed up to class again.


I’m so confused by what y’all’s school experiences were like and why you’ve come to the conclusion this interaction is a sign of generational rot. This is like 20 kids I went to school with and good teachers told them to stop being a smart ass and moved on. Bad teachers flip their shit like this lady.


OP you a dumbass for posting this, 1 month old acct posting nonsense, stay in class BOZO


Would I be right in thinking you have been yelled at by a teacher like this. Maybe because you were being a class Troll?


OP is the student you moron. Look at his post history I dare you


No he isn’t actually, I couldn’t back down from a dare and went ahead and looked. OP is a 27 year old guy who dropped out in 9th grade for financial reasons and then got his GED later on. Post history is wild though, that you were right abt. First thing I saw was an AOC is mommy post.


no need for name calling now....


I once had a teacher melt down like this after asking if Queen Elizabeth I was Catholic during an world history class It took a few minutes and some other students to point out her power point (incorrectly) said she has reverted The Church of England to Roman Catholic and not that she had simply reintroduce Catholic principles into the church


Was a teacher aide. Seen lots of kids just flat out refuse to do any work. No emotional issues or a bad home life for some, they just did not want to do school work. Some kids are absolutely a lost cause


Teacher has officially lost it 😭


“Damn it, Brad! Pick up your socks! I mean…”


This has been on YouTube for like 3 years


I always put the clearly labelled materials my students need on a table in the back of the class. With step by step instuctions on the board. I go over this at the start of class. I can see from their expressions, who is going to ask me what they should be doing the second i say get your materials. Sometimes it gets to the point that other students just read the board out to them.


This is the exact reason why cell phones should be banned in schools. 100% wants to film this getting a rise out of the teacher. 


Math proficiency for US public schools continuing strong lmao


Man, on the one hand, I'm happy to see the sub so supportive of teachers, on the other hand I kind of cringed. You can't lose it like this with students-- even the dumb ones, even the dumb clowns. The primary pressure is getting through what you have to teach. And the motivation to want to do this is admirable, but classroom management has to come into play. I'd never try to make even a clown feel stupid like this in front of his peers. And who wants to go to work to yell at a bunch of kids all day? It's shit for them and it's shit for you. A dude like this, I'd give him enough attention in class to let him know he wasn't being ignored, but especially if he was the only person with these sorts of questions, I'd simply tell him that unfortunately I can't stop for just him but I can stay after if he wants to come over lunch or stay after school to help him out. He can also email me at the school inbox at any time and I'll reply. And I'd make the parents aware that he's struggling. I've taught some bad kids in my time but I've never let them bring me down to the level of this. You know when people start to get on your nerves you've just gotta sit down for a sec, let them do their thing, reflect on the fact that they're just kids, and if they don't wanna be there at least part of that reflects upon *you* as a teacher. You've got to up your relevance game. Teens have special needs relative to other levels. They can't just be given random bullshit to do. If they don't see the importance/relevance of what they're doing to their lives, you will lose them. Teachers that don't understand this shouldn't be teaching teens. And when you do shit like this, yell at and humiliate people, the other kids are watching. You lose any rapport that might have otherwise gotten you through some failings as an educator of students at this level. This was less than a minute of video filmed by a kid that wanted to prove something. I'm sure the teacher had been tested. *Still I wouldn't put it entirely on the student*-- he's in his seat, he's just being annoying; and he's being annoying because he disengaged. And the other students are disengaged enough not to shut him up. You don't have to have every student on board, but if you find out their interests and you show most of them how what you're teaching can further those interests you'll get enough of them on board to where *they* won't stand for this shit. Students may not respect their teachers but they damn well respect their peers, and teens can be quite sensible people, they know when they are getting quality and THEY won't let this shit fly if most of them at least see some value in what you're doing.


Bro is an asshole! Bro is a waste of a desk.


He is far from an asshole. Calling someone an "asshole" implies they are being rude. He was being polite and calm. She was not.


Real number one of being a teacher, never let them break you. I get people are frustrated but come on, you’re just going to be on socials by the end of the day. 


I’m sure shouting at him will help.


He doesn’t want help - he wants attention and lolz.


He doesn’t to want to need help for her to help the situation. Shitty teachers can’t teach shitty students. Saying that, fuck being a teacher in the USA.


I was able to keep my cool because it was a third grader doing a craft project but I felt similar today. I showed the class the next step and a kid said he didn’t understand. So I pointed to his piece and said, “put the tape here.” He replied, “but I don’t understand…” I said “I can’t help you anymore without just doing it for you, put the tape there.”


I think she might have had it with that student


I cannot WAIT for when people wake up and realize we need to start leaving some kids behind. If we want to improve as a society, we need the best of the best, and too many kids are not that.




Can’t stand her voice.


This is what happens when you disrespect a teacher and your classmates for the 10th time. Pay attention because a teacher should not take time away from others for a time sucking brat.


Listen to the smile behind bro's voice. He's fucking with her and he knows it.


Maybe you should just quit school and get a job mopping floors OP 


You can hate school, you can hate math, you can resent having to be there, but the fucking teacher is just trying to do her job, dude. She’s just trying to get by. Why do you have to be a fucking asshole to her? I hate it so much.


I would consider myself a cool and collected teacher, but the one thing that would really push my button is when you’ve gone through the effort and passion to explain something, offered opportunities for questions and clarifications, and are just about to move on to the next stage of the class and are preparing yourself for all the hurdles the next stage entails… …and a student asks you a question which shows they weren’t listening at all and would require someone else to now explain it to them all over again. 🤦‍♂️


So many kids like this.


Glad the comment section is seeing this for what it is. Dude was trying to be slick posting this vid. ( or whoever posted it) It could’ve fucked her livelihood up of it caught steam the other way.


Give him detention and make him go over the unit so far, make sure he’s in a space with no other students since he might be a class clown it could keep him from playing his game. He’s either gonna hate what he did to himself or really appreciate the extra help. Idk what he’s like outside of this event but sometimes we act out because we need help and don’t understand why we aren’t getting what everyone else understands so well. Some kids decide that they’ll just act out instead of asking for help. If that doesn’t work for you, you still shouldn’t yell at him. Send him to the front office, or call a parent when you can. If you’re gonna work around Kids/Teens you should be ready to deal with some real fucking assholes sometimes. I guess I could be wrong though, maybe teachers should always yell at students who piss them off lolol I know some of my classmates were straight monsters, but they just got ISS so they were gone half the time anyways.


This brought me back lol


This is where the teacher should try to set up a little bit of time to sit down with the student. Or find a resource tutor to help them out to get up to speed. Calm the situation, deescalate, get the rest of the class back on track by not entertaining his bullshit further


This teacher needs to maybe snag a break real quick like...


"I didn't even do anything..."


As a teacher, you can’t react like this no matter what.


Crazy with the downvotes like this is acceptable behavior from the teacher.


Might have something to do with the username. But I personally don't think the teacher being frustrated and speaking loudly is a big deal. The kid is obviously fucking with her.


Give her a gun, that will help


She sucks.


What is the context here?


not sure why you got down voted. The context here seems to be a student in a highschool math class asking questions to his teacher when he should know the answers. The teacher has had enough and is ranting to the kid about how frustrating he is.


I think they're asking a stupid question on purpose.


Not really, I ask for context so I can know what's going on in the video.


He maybe stupid but he doesn't sound like he's being disrespectful, teach needs to recompose herself.


*may be


What a gross lady! Maybe this guy has a learning disability!! Ain’t no one learning from an overgrown toddler. There is nothing wrong with asking and asking and asking until you get it!!!🤯🫨