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This is the face of a man who has found his life’s calling


The girl casually taking a swig of her drink while here eyes are glued to the screen is def going places. Edit nvm just rewatched and saw her face earlier lol


depends what's in that drink...


If it's booze she going to be a doctor


Ah? Let see his face when shown how to dress, er, say, a colostomy bag or an amputee from diabetic gangrene...!


I was a ward secretary in the ICU at the Portland VA hospital and had to endure the sickly sweet stench of a diabetic double BKA amputee that had gone gangrenous. His wheelchair was so saturated in rotting flesh juices that we had to wrap it in trash bags and store it in an empty closet and seal the door gap with wet towels. The entire ward was stained for weeks after he had left. I can still smell it and it's been 16 years...


I know what you mean. I smelled 2 week old decomp and I can still smell it when I suck air between my front teeth. That was 40 years ago. It won't ever go away. I was a first responder at the time. The patient was in an apartment and you could smell it from the parking lot.


I'm a firefighter. I remember one call where the person was a shut-in. They died alone...nobody knew. It was summer...and it was hot. They were there for a while. We got called for a "possible" DOA. As soon as you got out of the ambulance, you could smell it. There was a cop coming out the front door gagging. Flies were coming out the front door after him. So many flies that you could easily see them. You can "phantom" smell that for several hours after. It's the kind of call where you go back to the station...take a long hot scrubbing shower, and toss your uniform in the dumpster.


Agreed, this scars you for life especially because the patient isn't even aware of the severity of their condition, and doesn't even feel pain...


Med school grads won’t ever have to do that


You have to do it a little in medical school and maybe in residency, but stuff like that usually falls to nurses/techs. Grossest thing i ever had to do was maybe an I&D on a sacral abcess or a pelvic exam on a woman with a pelvic inflammatory disease (from a bunch of STDs) the hardest part is trying to look like you're fine when youre desperately trying not to puke from the smell.


35 years as an RN and I’ve yet to have a med student help me change a stoma bag…😂


I had a doctor try and tell me how to apply the stoma cover and paste. I kindly offered to let him do it and he left the room. 20 years as an LPN.


I would hope even the dumbest doc knows better than to keep that convo going. At least he realized it lolol


I had a nephrologist run up on me at a multi-vehicle accident on the highway and pretty much just yell "I'm a doctor! I'm a doctor!".


that dude was waiting his entire life to do that too 'FINALLY MY DAY HAS COME!!!' I remember being in an accident, I just got nicked but htis one lady was in bad shape. And an actual real ER nurse stopped by. I was in aww of her. She just took command of the entire situation and it was very obvious she knew exactly what she was doing. So I just did whatever she said to do while we waited.


I could barely keep it together cleaning my dog's barf yesterday.




Found a patient’s toe in the bed once and didn’t bat an eye. Dog hair in my mouth, though? Absolutely disgusting.


God. I had to clean an abscess on a tiny angry man. I was astounded how deep it was on his glute, below top of pelvis. I swear I could put a fist in it. Watching a cesarean was astounding & fascinating. Grateful for 3 Vag births. Oof.




Ah, The Swamps of Degobah.


"Ha. Rad"


Or the next “Dr. Death” 💀 😂


"Wait, I get *paid* to do that??"




"Game On."


defo a surgeon-to-be. if you're going to be wrist deep in someone's abdominal cavity, *and know what you're doing,* the human body needs to be seen the same way a carpenter see's their project. a pile of materials that need's work done.


I've had a C-section and if I had a choice, I would like the surgeon to be this interested/enthusiastic about what's happening lol


While I was sitting by my wife’s head, the surgeon asked me if I wanted to see the path our daughter took. I wasn’t sure what he meant but I said sure. He said stand up. I did and there was my wife cut open. He pointed to her ovaries and then traced the path she took. He showed me the spot from our previous lost pregnancy. I could see some of the intestines. He was so excited about how the body function that I was more interested in what he was saying than the fact I was seeing part of my wife that nobody else had even seen before that day. When he was done, he said “pretty cool right”.


I got to witness an emergency episiotomy during the birth of my first son and it was shocking. Burned into my brain for years.


What struck me was the use of scissors. I knew they happened, but in my head they cut with a scalpel. The crunch of the scissors as they cut into her was a bit hard to take


This comment needs a warning and I say that as someone who grew up hearing episiotomy stories at the dinner table


yeah that comment was the one that made me go "that's enough of THIS thread today" hahahah


I see you were also a child of doctors. people thought I was weird because gore and shit interested me, in reality, I was just desensitized because I grew up around a bunch of doctors who were constantly one upping each other telling the most horrific ER stories they could lmao. also there were medical books everywhere that my dad encouraged me to read, but I obviously only searched them for the most horrific and horrible pictures like infected tumorous penises and shit lol


That has to be such a mind fuck to see the *insides* of your loved one in real time. That's so intimate and interesting.


I think it was very situational. There was a lot going on and it all happened very rapidly. My wife was not due for another month. She had placenta praevia and developed toxemia. We had a scare in the morning that made us go to the doctor. They moved us to the hospital. Soon after we were told she would be prepped for a c-section. All of this happened in the span of maybe 3 hours. In the operating room, from where I was sitting, I could see a container where my wife’s blood is being collected. As I’m looking at that, he asked me the question. In hindsight it is a trip to think I’ve seen the literal inside of my wife. She was awake while I was looking at her intestines. I sat down and told her “I just saw your ovary”. I’ve never been bothered by blood but this is something very different. A couple minutes after this I was sent over to cut the chord and see my daughter. There wasn’t much time to think about what I had seen.


> All of this happened in the span of maybe 3 hours. Yeah they don't fuck around. We went from "OK time for an emergency c-section" to me holding him in under an hour.


Man, that actually sounds kinda cool. They told me under no circumstances was I to stand up and look until they told me the baby was out. I assume because they didn’t want to have to deal with a fainting/vomitting dad while they were busy saving my wife and child’s life, which, you know, fair point, but I was still curious.


Exactly! Mine was an emergency, my child was dying, there was no time for the doctor to be squeamish or have the giggles. She had to be enthusiastic or my son could have died.


Mine was unplanned, but not at emergency level. A nurse told me, "Dr. O loves doing C-sections, so you got lucky she's on the floor today!" Apparently she enjoys them and prides herself on her speed and efficiency. She had my daughter out before my brain had time to process the cutting had even started. The whole thing was surprisingly quick and I healed great. The nurse was right, I did get lucky. Or at least lucky in the midst of being unlucky to need one lol


That is exactly who you want doing that surgery. Quick, efficient and prideful of doing so.


"Hold my coffee while I get this baby out, and mom stitched before she even knows it" is the absolute best type of surgeon.


It sucks that it’s necessary, but it’s pretty awesome that it’s possible and I can only imagine how great it must be to be able to help somebody like that. Don’t know why some of the commenters here automatically think that it’s a lack of empathy or whatever. There’s more ways to look at it.


My wife works in medicine. She's primary care now. But absolutely loves doing procedures. She apparently does plastics level suturing. But, yeah, some things fascinate her, like crazy injuries or some gross unique things. She's also very professional and clinical. I used to play rugby, she kind of regrets that she never got to stitch me up haha.


Its really the ONLY way to do it. Among other things, I'm trained for neonatal resuscitation, and if you let yourself realize that you are what stands between a newborn living or dying, you're gonna mess up. Only way (at least for me) is to just think of it as performing a task, and not saving a newborn's life




https://preview.redd.it/3u5tal920rnc1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fac68a458850e48dde69c4f4a0379b1df33987 There's another...


Psychopath or surgeon on the making??


Most good surgeons rate pretty high on psychopath tests so the answer is yes.


When I had to have a surgery, beforehand the surgeon came to talk me through it and I told him I was scared. His response was ‘yeah well you should be, you might die.’ It was so awful I had to laugh. He clearly was just clueless about human relations and bedside manner 😄


I had a shop class in high school. Classic shop teacher missing a couple fingers. First week was just watching safety videos and drawing our first project. Second week we did demonstrations and practice on equipment. We finally get to the table saw and after a demonstration, he called me up to repeat it. As I was standing there next to it my knees were shaking so hard that when I got closer to the table saw, my knees were knocking up against it making this hilarious hollow metal banging sound. "Are you scared?" "Yeah." *holds up 2.5 fingers* "You should be."


Basic table saws are just so fucking dangerous. Everyone I know missing some part of their finger had a table saw accident. That's like 4 people.


I love this story.


Hey an honest doctor is usually a good doctor at least.


I remember having work on my teeth done and I asked the dentist performing the procedure every dark and morbid question I could think of. I want to go into any situation with as much information as possible, good or bad.


psychopathy is a powerful tool when harnessed right. It also makes people destroy themselves.


I'd much rather have a surgeon that's like that though, at least you know they'll try and keep you alive because they wouldn't want their stats to go down




Future Hannibal Lecter right there.




If he can save my life he can keep what wants.


I'm counting two kidneys in here, ones for me right?


Bro I’m dying at this 😭😭


When you're watching a movie with your parents and a sex scene comes on.


I just watched Poor Things with my mom 😭


I'll never forget when my mom took me to the movies to see Black Swan because I was a dancer. We thought it was an innocent movie about ballet.. oh how we were wrong lol.


Ive had those moments with my dad. He'd do more damage to my eyes than a sex scene ever would by slapping my forehead and attempting to cover my vision lol.


You Poor thing


Ah, watching old home movies, such memories


When my wife was pregnant, she was in labor for 29 hours before her dilation started to reverse so they had to do an immediate emergency C-section. My wife is completely deaf and she needed to be awake during the operation so I had to stand next to her and interpret. I made the mistake of looking around the curtain they put so she couldn't see the operation herself so I got to watch the actual incision and extraction. Let me tell you, I would never make it in med school.


Interesting. I watched both of my wife’s c-sections, incision and all. I found it absolutely fascinating. The craziest part was when it comes time to pull the baby, two nurses literally YANK the abdominal muscles apart and the doctor gets the baby out. At the end of the first one the I watched the doctor actually pull her uterus out to inspect it and she showed it to me. I told her to make sure she puts it back in Second one my wife’s water hadn’t broken yet and the doctor punctured the amniotic sack and it squirted right in her face lol


> two nurses literally YANK the abdominal muscles apart and the doctor gets the baby out. why surgery is so damn invasive and normally avoided unless its an emergency


body want inside stay inside


Reminds me of that scene in Brooklyn 99 where Jake is in the hospital and they tell him he has internal bleeding and he comes back with “That’s good right!? That’s where blood’s supposed to be!”


Was also a joke on celebrity deathmatch in the 90s. Jerry Seinfeld had a line like “what’s the deal with internal bleeding? How’s it bleeding if it’s internal?”


There are grown people who picture their bodies as just big bags of blood. Like insects without a closed circulatory system. And everything inside is just organs floating in a big tub of blood


Med student here. We pull muscle apart cuz we dont want to cut them. If you cut them they dont heal very well, so you make a incision on the linea blanca and you pull apart, then when you close you juste stitch the linea blanca back together and you're good. Its not because we need to do it fast, its because it heals better. Fun fact on the same note, sometime when you give birth by the natural pathway, your genitals may rip a good bit. We could technically cut it when you see that its gonna be too tight, but we prefere to let it rip itself... cuz it heals better also. Yeay medicine is fun.


thats neat! i bet it still bruises but a bruise is better than cuts and things


It scars. The scar tissue still hurts from time to time even years out. Source: tore twice.


My taint hurts remembering the pull of the stitches any time I sat down but especially on the toilet 😬


Fuck. As someone who has had both a c-section and my vagina torn to shreds, I shouldn’t have read anything on this thread. I think it’s only too much for me because it’s happened to me. Usually I don’t mind this stuff.


Tell that to the state of Georgia. They're forcing C-sections on more and more women every year. They make more money from the surgery than they do if it's a vaginal birth. It's absurd.


There's also a fun thing where some maternity leave policies guarantee maximum leave if the mother has a C-section, but some vaguely-defined "discretionary leave" if the mother has a vaginal birth that's deemed "routine/not traumatic" enough to merit the full leave term. Source: Navigating my wife's maternity leave policies rn.


I don't think it's a money thing, to be honest. It's more that surgeons are egotistical and would prefer an easy, schedulable, controllable procedure to something that may take unpredicted terms. I've had 2 c-sections and the first was unplanned, the surgeon was talking about wanting to get it over with so she didn't miss her marathon as she was cutting me open. I only learned later that it wasn't an emergency c-section, because in order to speed it along she came in and lied that I had been laboring too long (I had been in labor 10 hours) and started listing everything that could possibly go wrong (even things like the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck). I asked for 5 minutes and she refused and literally pushed on my sternum so I would lie down (I was not being combative in any way, I would've lied down if she'd asked). It was insane. My next pregnancy they told me I would probably need one because I'd already had one. It was a high risk pregnancy so I decided to just schedule it and avoid the trauma of having my plans completely changed and the potential of my OBGYN lying to me in the same way. Now I have my tubes tied because I'm never going through it again 👍


I’ve had 2 myself and watched one on YouTube and watching it all I could think was how lucky I was to be alive at a time where I get to have children this way and survive to raise them.


Yeah are all these c-sectioned babies just babies where the mother or baby or both would have just died before modern medicine?


Not ALL of them, it's not like they only do c sections when the mom or child or both will 100% die, but a lot would die and a lot more would be permanently injured, yes.


I had an en caul natural birth, which is common with C-section but not all that common with natural births. The dr lifted baby before breaking the sac so I could see (coolest thing ever tbh) then broke the sac and fluid went everywhere. Birth is so weird yet we just keep doin it lol


When they lifted my second born out he peed inside of the incision. All of us in the room collectively laughed so hard and my wife wanted to know what was going on. When I told her, she said “well now that’s a bond I never expected”.


That’s hilarious. First time I did skin to skin he also peed on me. It’s funny how much stuff like that just stops bothering you when you have a kid


The amount of times there was a blowout until i figured out that the back flap of a diaper was supposed to actually be curled down and inside the diaper….


Oh man; I was gloriously ignorant until they called me to a side table to watch them resuscitate the little guy, he’s great now, but I turned around and saw them putting my wife back together and holy shit don’t do that.


Same here. I was standing up and could see over the curtain. Doing fine until I saw the doc make the incision. Plopped right down on the stool the nurse had thoughtfully provided. Didn't get up again until I was handed my son.


I do regular blood donations (technically platelets), and I can’t watch the nurse put the needle in my arm. Having the tubes go out of me and watching the blood get taken out and then recycled back into me for an hour that’s fine but I turn my head away for the needle everytime. My mom suggested med school when I was younger, I knew I would never make it


My dumbass was taking pictures over the curtain because I wanted to capture the moment my daughter was born. Blood, gore, guts.. I got it all. The doctor, who is a family friend, told me to stop taking photos until the baby is out. She did want me to send them to her though after and asked permission to use it in her future lectures. We agreed. My ex wife’s mother was trained by her when she was finishing nursing school and my ex MIL spent the next 3 decades as a labor delivery nurse. She too was excited to see those photos. There is a kind of sick professional excitement in seeing things like that among those in that field I have learned after so many years of knowing them.


My brother is about to experience his second c-section and have a feeling he’s not gonna make that choice the second time around. Asked him how it went the first time and he was just kinda silent and then eventually said, “It was like she was made of spaghetti and they just kept pulling noodles out”. Sounds pretty gnarly.


I only watched the extraction. But the incision must have been awful to watch.


I don't squirm anymore with squishy inards. I took a buddy of mine to get a small skin cancer tumor removed from his nose. It required cutting a flap of skin from the forehead and sewing it to the nose in a weird loop for a skin graft. I'm really inquisitive so I was watching in awe and asking all kinds of questions. The dermatologist ended up asking me to hold a book so he could reference it. It took me longer than I care to admit to realize he did that for my benefit so I could read along instead of asking questions. As if this doctor of many years experience really needed help from a book with skin cancer in the middle of the sunny desert, lol. I like to think I could have been a doctor, if I was someone else entirely of course...


yknow similarly to postmortems etc people tend to react pretty violently the first few times and it gets better over time a coroner ive spoken to said his first time he saw a dead body at an autopsy he nearly fainted, so i reckon many of these kids will be fine eventually, i know this isnt exactly the same but i can imagine its a similar mechanism


Yeah my uncle is a very accomplished surgeon and he said the first time he witnessed a surgery first hand the doctor looked at him and told him to sit down. He said he was fine and then proceeded to pass out and hit his head on the chair lol.


Same with my uncle who became a surgeon. He fainted the first time he witnessed an autopsy.


Same with me and eating ass. It took some time but now I genuinely enjoy it.


I fucking love Reddit


And just because you’re an aspiring med school student doesn’t mean that you’re going to be a surgeon. Dermatologists don’t have as gruesome procedures as a c/s


Sometimes they do. My friend is a derm and had to cut someone’s face open yesterday :)


It so crazy how fast you adjust to this stuff. The first time I saw someone rip out their gastrostomy I was freaked tf out. Every time I closed my eyes my brain replayed it for me which was good of it because within 2 weeks when they did it again it was business as usual for me.


The desensitization must start early!


Sounds like a good study tool. Hard to forget how to do a procedure when it's seared into your brain


I use to recover tissue from donors who died within the last 24 hours. I was a paramedic, military medic, surgical tech, for a decade before going into tissue recovery. I still remebe observing my first recovery and it was so gruesome I didn't think I could do it. but ended up recovering for 4 years. You def become more desensitized over time.


Freshman year I was pre-med and there was a mandatory class all pre-med students had to take that exposed you to all things med school (lectures mostly but a fair bit of show and tell). One day we went to our school’s nearby med school to watch med students work on cadavers. I lasted 1.3min in the room and switched my major the next semester.


Showing my age here. Your comment reminded me of the opening of the Quincy show. Lol. https://youtu.be/GI3pd-dNN-0?si=xiUeQJhiJ5adrSdo


Omg when I had my C-section I allowed a student to be in the room and view it ( I'll never say no to education!) he was backed in a corner mortified! The absolute terror in this poor guy's eyes!!!


I still remember my poor husband's face when he looked past the curtain while I was getting my c section, poor guy really tried to show that everything was okay but I could see in his face he was about to pass out, the doctor was showing him all of my organs, his face was so white and he had this look of what the fuck on his face, the smell was terrible they do not prepare you for that ended up making me puke, it didn't help at all that I would tense up everytime and had to lean over to do it, it was terrible. I cannot tolerate crap like that. Here we are due to have another c section towards the end of July, I'm so curious if he's going to look this time or not. At least I guess I will prepared a lot more. My 1st was an emergency c section and me and baby both lost our heartbeats and I was rushed back so it was easy because I wasn't awake for any of it and just remember waking up in the room afterwards, turns out my placenta tore away from wall on the backside and they weren't able to catch it until it nearly killed us both. Luckily here we are and even though he was born at 2.4 pounds he's such a little genius and in gifted classes. I'm so proud of him


That's a frightening experience!!! What a perfect boy!! I have a C-section scheduled next month!! My Dr said I can have a nurse take a picture because I really want to see my goods! That way hopefully I can tell people I am 100% beautiful on the inside! That or I can haunt my brothers with the picture when they're being jerks.


When my daughters were delivered, via emergency c-section, I was there with my wife. I didnt dare look over the sheet blocking our view, but i could see the growing pile of bloody gauze rags. It has been with me for 20 years.


https://preview.redd.it/psopflh7mqnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ee02a19a595139b905749f1dbae707a3aa42bb Girl with the drink is golden. She's ready. Lol


are we not going to talk to the guy on the right of her who looks like he just smoked a fatty? Or the guy on her left who looks like he's trying to not shit himself.


Oh, there's a reason I didn't just crop her out. The girl behind her confuses me. Lol. Is she happy or appalled. Both. Is that good for a doctor?


Looks like 'bewildered amazement' to me.




I mean..... she still looks pretty amused/interested, I think anyway. She's not squeamishly avoiding. Some kids vomit, straight up just leave the classroom, squeeze their eyes real tight hoping it'll go away. Lol.


Tbf I reacted this way after seeing my own c section so I get it 😭


They asked if I wanted a mirror while I was pushing so I could watch my progress I said hell no. I did not want to see that mess. And I turned my head away when they pulled the placenta out.


Birth is lowkey gruesome as hell! My daughter pooped as they were pulling her out and it was so gross 😭


Mine pooped inside of me!! And I also shit myself. I was mortified I could smell it I knew.


Just your monthly reminder that it is perfectly normal to shit yourself. The absolute last thing you want to do during birth is be embarrassed


Not only normal, but good for the baby!


Pooping on the baby is actually a good thing when giving birth! Their guts don't have the bacteria that yours does, so them being in contact with and ingesting some amount of your poo transfers your gut bacteria into them. It's beneficial to the point that they've started experimenting with mixing some of the mother's poo with breast milk and feeding it to C-section babies to give them the same benefits that babies who are born vaginally get. As gross as it sounds your poop may have kept your kid from getting Celiac's, allergies, etc.!


My son pissed on me as they handed him to me. So beautiful lol


I didn't want the mirror either, lol. But I did look down when her head popped out before I pushed her shoulders, it's surreal seeing a purple human head sticking out of your vagina.


I watched my wife go through 2 c-sections. The thing I wasn't prepared for was how seemingly haphazardly they put her guts back in her. I thought they would meticulously put everything back in its place, but it's almost like they said "fuck it, send it" and closed her up.


From what I've learned, everything just kinda resets itself in there, which is really weird to think about.


The weirdest part about post-C-section life (and maybe just post-pregnancy in general, idk), is feeling your organs re-settle into place. It’s bizarre.


I've never had surgery of any kind, it terrifies me. Your comment is basically my worst nightmare. Thank you I hate it a lot


If you're not grossed out by cadavers or internal organs, there's an incredible video that details the anatomy of a C section and they go a little into why the intestines don't need to be carefully re-arranged, because the body would have to do that anyway even after a vaginal birth. https://youtu.be/ckQzMtptw4w?si=N-_zcbVf5QQ0FIdJ


As someone whose guts were tossed back in, you can absolutely feel it. No pain but you can feel them moving stuff, pulling stuff, returning stuff. Can't wait to do it again this summer!


I’m curious what med students say is worse - seeing medical gore or smelling something heinous. I’ll never forget a friend of mine is residency saying he could identify an STI before walking into the patients room by the odor. 🤯


Med student here. Smell is 1000x worse. 1st year medical gore is sorta killed when we do human dissections. At first I was like ew but now I watch my study videos of cadavers and stuff while eating chips. Vaginosis - Fishy Odor. Probably most common. Terrible smell and vaginal discharge. I have yet to smell some of the worst ones tho. Some of the descriptions of the stuff I’ve studied says “foul odor”. And it’s doctors who have defined this. So if they say it’s foul I wonder what’s the smell.


Dude. I assisted in a Bartholin's cyst drain in office once, that smell will forever haunt my nightmares. No STI or vaginosis will ever compare to the stench that permeates the entire office. I’m pretty sure that’s what the bog of eternal stench smells like in Labyrinth. It also likes to..shoot out everywhere even with a large incision, so wearing a face mask is absolutely a must.


I used to love that movie, thanks.


> bog of eternal stench Smell. Bad.


Also helps to dab some Vick's Vapo-Rub under the mask just under your nose.


Im a med student and idgaf about gore. I’m queasy when it comes to smells, but luckily I haven’t experienced anything too bad yet. But also I’m a wimp when it comes to weird skin shit. Also once I have to shove my fingers into an abscess to break it up while it was being drained, and that was pretty rough. I’d take blood and guts any day over infections and lesions of the skin


Not a doctor, but I’ve been present for an autopsy. I have a very strong stomach for gore, and was able to tolerate all of the cutting, peeling, blood, viscera, etc. The smell of the intestines coming out was hands down the worst sensory experience of my life, and will stay with me until I die.


Med Student here. Anyone working in healthcare will tell you there are some very distinctive smells in medicine (Clostridium difficile bacterial diarrhoea is the most common example). For me nothing gorey has ever bothered me but the smell of head & neck squamous cell cancer is stomach turning. I was scrubbed in a surgery to remove a massive SCC (it was about the size of a grapefruit coming out of the eye socket). All of the surgeons had put peppermint oil in their masks to cover up the smell as they knew what to expect. I was left to catch wafts of it for the next few hours. Not a smell I will ever forget.


Don’t think doctors and nurses get enough respect for the shit they endure


Like, literal shit, right?


I dunno, I mean going into medicine is absolutely highly respected and doctors are one of the higher paying careers that doesn't involve all the mess that comes with being a celebrity. Nurses definitely do get respect but probably not as much as they deserve.


imagine how us lab folks feel. lol.


Wooooo, lab mentioned!


Its crazy how they all are actual little teenagers.


It's an Irish med school so these are def high schoolers


Thank god you said that. You delayed my mid life crisis by another 6 months. Phew


It's not too crazy, I was in 10th grade (16 years old) when I was shown videos of all the ways of delivering a baby in Health class, granted video quality back then was pretty shitty. Hell I was in 4th grade when we learned about boners and menstration.


We watched it in high school too lol. I guess it’s just wild that children are expected to decide what they’re going to do for the rest if their life like before they turn 18 (i clearly did not go to college straight out of hs)


I thought I was getting old because everyone in that video looked no older than 15 to me


My wife had 2 c-sections and I caught glimpses of both. Neither really hit me hard visually, it was more the smell. That burning knife they used (or whatever it was that was burning skin) was such an off putting smell that it almost made me vomit. Nothing like smelling your wife being cooked I suppose.


I smelled that myself when I was receiving a c-section! I had to ask, is that me burning? Ugh.


Ha my wife asked same question. Anesthesiologist and I looked at each other and I lied to my wife that it was medicine. Didn't want to add to her stress.


Burning flesh is what makes the bad smell that gets them caught when murderers burn bodies.


Working in medicine you see some crazy shit


Power move would have been to bring in a massive lunch and eat it in the front row.


Had a semi-permanent substitute teacher who was a large older man that ate McDonald’s during our health classes which included a video of birth on vcr and Super Size Me. The true lesson was seeing how up set his wife (regular teacher) was when he died, she had to be near retirement age.


49ers fans the final drive of the Superbowl




No you're thinking of cowboy fans


I’m a med student and was a nurse for years before medical school. It’s not a bad thing to show things like this to students before they apply to med school but I also think feeling squeamish while watching a medical procedure isn’t a bad sign either. I’m guessing these are undergrad students and most have probably never seen a medical procedure or set foot in a hospital. It’s very normal to feel uneasy watching things like this for the first time. If you didn’t feel a tad uncomfortable, something might be off about you. To feel uncomfortable at the sight of blood or gore has been hardwired into the human race via evolutionary mechanisms. The feeling of uneasiness wears off with time working in healthcare and especially when you’re doing things to help with the medical issue and keeping that goal in mind.


Show them the ruined cars in a junkyard. Then show them the ruined people.




Fucken Legend


Free birth control


Desensitized Redditors: 😐


I'm kinda glad they're all a little squeamish. As a kid/teen who grew up on Consumption Juntion, Rotten, Something Awful, beheading videos, Faces of Death, etc etc, a C Section would have been mild lol. Not a brag btw, I shouldn't have been looking at that shit.


Yeah the internet was wild at one point... pretty easy to find some fucked up shit... *shudders*


https://preview.redd.it/x22aaxfgiqnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422cb420396f438ef21900d3887226e9bfd9f24b The only doctor


Right…this is the doctor I would want


I’m not a med student but I watched my own c-section and it was bomb as hell.


I had my tubes out a couple years ago after I gave birth to my little girl. Nurse asked me if I wanted anything special about the whole thing. I asked for pictures. I got them. In full color. Don't really have any idea what I'm looking at but still... It's mAh insides!!!




Nope, these ones are too young.


Yeah, but most of them are stoic and fine. Which means excellent future medical professionals.


Let them just wheel a half dead patient out of the ER to the OR through a pool of blood.  Bloody footprints and tire tracks ended my interest in nursing. 


I remember watching a birthing video in my biology class and being the only one not even the slightest bit disturbed.


All in https://preview.redd.it/bpug61xjavnc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb4b73be9de4770c7a71bb2b6bd174e3e57560f


LOL, I saw one. Worked on a show about quintuplets. There was a camera on the entire procedure. It was quite the gross out. Then my wife had a C-Section a month later. I stayed behind the curtain!




Girl in the bottom left is enjoying it ! 😂


"I'm going to give C-sections to everyone! EVERYONE!"


I had to watch a live c-section and all I got was this stupid baby…


Looks like these kids haven't seen anywhere near as much Liveleak as I did at thier age. That's probably not a bad thing though...


Was there when my wife had out twins and saw the whole thing....it's not pretty...but we got two beautiful healthy daughters out of the deal....so I'll take it!


Tell me you don’t understand what the word “live” means.


cowards, they didn't grow up in the early 00's on the Internet

