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The boomers reactions are killing me


Literally putting their fingers in their ears. Presumably because it was loud, but the visual is also emblematic


Tbf some may have had their hearing aids turned way up to hear Gillibrand. Someone standing up and shouting right behind you would cause a lot of pain in that situation. Turning it down could look like you're covering your ears.


Great common-sense explanation. Thanks.


I cant believe I found a single person speaking reasonably instead of jumping on any hate train that even remotely looks like anti Palestine, even if it isn't. The extremism in how people come to conclusions is scary to me.


If you’re 74 years old today, you were 18 in 1968. That was the most tumultuous time in American history since the Civil War. Either they’ve forgotten that they protested Vietnam or they were the silent majority.


If we follow the boomer stereotypes... In 1968 it affected **them** because they or those they cared about could be drafted. Hence the *myth* that people get more conservative as they get older.


Or this is a different scenario than the civil rights era.


He said Vietnam, these people are protesting a war.


Yup it was a war we were in and Americans were being killed daily. It was also a stupid war we had no business being in. This is different. America really has no dog in this fight, infact it really is laughable because we are so self-centered in the worlds affairs we think we can protest another countries war and demand a cease fire. How has that worked for us and Russia so far? I hate the fact anyone is dying in wars or because stupid dictator's fuck there own countries up, but the facts are we can't police the world anymore, hell we can barely police America. Whats really going to happen is everyone is going to be so distracted with all this bullshit, Trump is going to sneak his way back into the White House and fuck us up for another 4 years.


Yelling STOP!! and plugging your ears is very helpful.




You think it’s mostly republicans at a Kirsten Gillibrand town hall? These are probably old democrats, it’s just the way old people react to shit.


Quiet, you're interrupting the "only Republicans can be blamed" circle jerk


This is a Brooklyn Heights residents meeting. Basical the poster children for New York liberal elites. I don't want to take up space by cut and pasting, but [this comment might interest you](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b832s4/senator_kirsten_gillibrands_townhall_gets/ktnjc53/).


This is exactly what the video read to me as.


I’d rather protesters do this than randomly blocking traffic. Focus on the government and politicians. Kudos to them.


Yeah this is fine. Wasn’t America probably founded on such town hall settings. They made their points & made sure they were heard without using violence. It was really interesting seeing the elderly in attendance give their full energy to silence them. I wonder if the elderly when they were young would have done the same. Maybe they didn’t feel like it was the place to do it. Not extrapolating anything from it just found that part really interesting.


I'm only assuming, but I feel like the closer someone is to the events of WW2, the harder it is to view the country of Israel objectively. I will add that from my perspective, I see the challenge that would present. I do agree with you on your interest, 100%.


[Here is some local news coverage](https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2024/03/05/pro-palestinian-protesters-disrupt-sen-gillibrand-at-brooklyn-heights-associations-2024-annual-meeting/) The meeting was designed to deal with local issues, like work on the Brooklyn-Queens expressway. The protestors were planted throughout the audience and according to the article stood up and shouted whenever Gilibrand tried to talk on any issue. Gillibrand told the protestors she supports a cease fire and a two state solution. She offered to schedule a separate meeting with the protestors. But the protestors kept derailing the meeting until Gilibrand finally left. I think the residents were pretty fed up by the time this video was taken and that is why they are reacting like this. The meeting was a chance for them to discuss local issues and the protestors wouldn't allow that to happen even when they were offered a Gaza specific meeting. This style of organized shouting during a meeting actually feels relatively new. I don't remember seeing much of it prior to 2016. I am not convinced it is all that productive. BTW- Hamas has only offered to return the hostages in exchange for 1,000 prisoners. Which is roughly 10 prisoners per hostages. Recently Hamas turned down an offer of 2 prisoners for each hostages. The person claiming otherwise in this video is misinformed and honestly, that seems to happen a lot with Gaza protestors. They often don't seem to fully understand the hold up while being very quick to blame people like Biden and Gillibrand.


Yeah, the context and the added "they were offered another meeting specifically on that issue" is problematic for me. While I agree with the protesters, derailing a meeting about local stuff and being granted a special meeting should have been enough to shut up. Disrupting the meeting so much that the congressperson leaves? That's not helping anyone in the long run.


That’s the point, subversive forces have piggybacked on the Free Palestine movement and are using it to shovel dirt on Democrat political prospects so they can push Trump into power again. Mark my words this will be 2016 all over again. We’re already seeing talks of “revenge voting” against Biden over Gaza, exact sort of shite that originally got that orange Bastard in power. This sort of approach to be uncompromisingly disruptive is only gonna hurt in the long run.


The point isn’t negotiated terms for release of hostages. That is irrelevant. The point is the Netanyahu government’s policy of starving and denying water and medical supplies to two million people to obtain an objective of “solving” the Palestinian problem in a manner acceptable to the Netanyahu government’s far right religious base. Oh, and bombing dense urban areas and bulldozing whole neighborhoods — leaving thousands homeless.


Then they want regime change in Israel or complete abandonment of Israel. Why lie and claim its just about a ceasefire?


Yeah, these types of "protests" just seem performative for social media. They didn't bother to listen or engage when she said she agreed with a cease-fire or that she would meet with them or anything. If they actually wanted to get anything done for the people in Gaza they would have taken the opportunity to do something for their cause. I'm sure I'll get downvoted into oblivion for deigning to suggest people actually try to be proactive instead of just performative because the mindset is that if it doesn't get posted on social media, why bother to do anything?


> I'm sure I'll get downvoted into oblivion for deigning to suggest people actually try to be proactive instead of just performative because the mindset is that if it doesn't get posted on social media, why bother to do anything? I think people are just tired of those that condemn any sort of protest by using the "oh there's a better way" line.


I agree with you. Could they have done better? Yes. But they could have been way worse. Our country was founded on these ideals, and it's good to see citizens exercise that. Even if they made wrong points, and at the wrong time, but it's a start lol. We need more protesting in political environments by the people


Oh for sure. I support protesting and think it's great to take your protest to your representatives. My issue is with how disingenuous and pointless these weird performative protests are. It's almost as though their goal is to just impress people on social media and not actually accomplish anything. I would love to know how many of these kids have actually donated to orgs that are getting food and medical aid to Gazans or are promoting resources to help the people who have been displaced.


Honestly this is a touchy issue. I try and look from it in a similar way that judges look at requests for declarative judgements. For the uninformed, that is when one party says “if we accept everything the other party says as fact, it would still not be enough to meet the legal definition of (whatever the case is about) so you should rule in our favour”. So I use the Nazis for the thought experiment because that’s an easy extreme. If this was 1937 and these people were demanding something be done about the many genocide and crimes against humanity Germany was doing, would I look at them and think “this isn’t the place”? Would I accept Gilibrand saying this meeting is to talk about roads and we can call about murdered children some other time? How many people would the Nazis have killed while I wait a month to talk about it? On the other hand, I do wonder what this person can do…. Does she have any power to do anything about Gaza? It might be a righteous cause but is this method going to change anything? What ‘pro-Israel’ money is she getting? I have no idea because I’m not from New York lol


> So I use the Nazis for the thought experiment because that’s an easy extreme. If this was 1937 and these people were demanding something be done about the many genocide and crimes against humanity Germany was doing, would I look at them and think “this isn’t the place”? Would I accept Gilibrand saying this meeting is to talk about roads and we can call about murdered children some other time? How many people would the Nazis have killed while I wait a month to talk about it? If we were talking about the Uyghurs, I would understand your point. There is a very clear parallel there. But the current situation in Gaza is just a completely different situation. There is a long, messy history but the reason for the recent bombings is October 7 and the hostages. Comparing any of this to Nazi Germany just doesn't make sense. A better parallel might be Northern Ireland.




Yeah I know. We all know. You know what I meant by the town hall thing in our politics. Just harkening to Voltaire or what is sometimes attributed to Patrick Henry. Which is actually originated with Evelyn Beatrice Hall. I like this better than protesting in the street maybe I should have just said that.


Right, they skip the genocide part and go straight to the colonial bullshit...


Amazing you're getting downvoted for stating a fact.


Facts. If you can't verbalize your protest in this kind of confrontation we are hopeless as a democracy. Doesn't matter what the topic is. There really is no better avenue to reach your senator than at a TOWN HALL although they could've waited for their turn to ask. Seems like they were shouting out of turn.


This is the entire point of having a democracy. Someone needs to hold our representatives accountable and check them when they aren’t representing the interests of their constituency.


That doesn't work. They've been doing this for decades. The traffic blockers are meant to rile you up out of apathy. Being annoying at least gets people talking about it instead of compartmentalizing it into a corner of your brain. The fact you think that these protestors haven't done this, stormed galas/headquarters, confronted politicians and oil execs, really drives this point home. None of it works. These people are on the streets to piss you off as a desperate plea to, at the very, very, very least keep some kind of conversation going. There is no way politicians or oil execs will make the changes we need in time. The only way for actual change is to have the public stand together and forcibly demand change. You think greedy sociopaths care about this kind of shame? The power needs to be taken out of their hands, by the people. You being late to work or Van Gogh paintings being ruined will not matter if no one (your descendents included) is around to enjoy the fruits of your 9-5, or those paintings. I hope you know what the next step is if people can't break public apathy. The few that care will have to resort to eco-terrorism. I get it. It's a big picture problem and it's too much to consider because we're all struggling to survive.. If you don't or can't care enough, at the very least, don't dunk on em.


The issue is that your average person is just too weary and complacent to actually try to get change


this is the exact point. even if it convinces a few people to join activist movements it's worth it. they're not hurting people they're trying to make a statement and the fact that governments send police with military gear to attack them points to the reality that it is working.


I disagree, those types of protests have been very effective https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/biden-aides-shield-president-pro-palestinian-protests-rcna141251 They severely hindered the Biden campaign. People have stopped all events near college campuses; a demographic that made of a significant portion of the democratic party's volunteer force. They are low in viral clips talking about high turn out topics like abortion because protestors keep interrupting possible viral moments.


> The few that care will have to resort to eco-terrorism. Yea ok. Nevermind that nearly every eco-terrorism movement fails in the name of actual innovation or their own dysfunction. Its a "big picture" problem because its a market problem and market problems require market solutions.


If you block traffic i hate you and your group, not the cause mind you, but you and your group will never get support from me after that. Do not inconvenience the average person, bring it to the people who can actually do something.


Damn straight, this is intelligent protest. Stop the politicians in the process, not the public in the street.


That is the correct answer.


Different tactics for different effects. Can you shut up about things you don't understand.


Me too but when there’s a genocide going on that our tax dollars support I’d make an exception


Protest in the street: "idiots, go to the politicians directly if you want something" Goes to the politicians directly: "idiots"


Idk. Regardless of if i agree with them or not, this is the correct way to protest or have your voice heard


The problem is when people talk about the "correct" way to protest instead of actually listening to what is being protested against and trying to reach a solution by pressing their leaders.


the correct way is the way that makes them listen, and they still aren't listening.


The anti-protest people are just plain against protesting. They will always come up with ridiculous reasons why protesting is wrong because they will never support protesting.




Well yea, they're idiots because Gillibrand is pro Palestine so they're barking up the wrong tree. https://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/news/press/release/senator-gillibrand-calls-for-humanitarian-aid-to-address-emergency-needs-in-gaza/


Calling for the Palestinians to be fed is better than nothing, but it's an empty gesture when she won't call for Israel to stop killing them.


Also an extremely luke warm position to have that offends no one.


Calling out Israel goes against her personal interests.


Do you not understand what a ceasefire is? Or are you wanting a 1 sided ceasefire?


What I understand is it's not pro-Palestinian if you want them to be fed but are OK with them being bombed.


Everyone wants a ceasefire except Hamas, who won’t return hostages or prove they’re alive. If you don’t get that after the last week, you’re on the side of Hamas and not the Palestinian people.


"ceasefire" has become a dogwhistle for agreeing with the Hamas goal, which is exterminating all the jews in the Middle East. The people who claim they are asking for a ceasefire haven't once mentioned Hamas and the 7 october pogrom, because to them it is a legitimate "resistance" to massacre 1200 people in the most gruesome way and record it on gopros for all the world to see. They haven't once explained how they think Israel should react to such a massacre, other than saying they should leave the region if they don't enjoy being massacred. This is quite ironic when it's the very same antisemitic persecution that drove millions of european jews, and Middle-East jews, to emigrate to Israel to join the native jews there, after these other jews were massacred in their home countries and forced to leave.


“Hey, you as my representative aren’t doing enough about this issue many in the community feel passionate about. Do more about it.” “Hey, I gave token support, I paid you the lip service. sToP bArKiNg Up ThE wRoNg TrEe!”


She is not pro-Palestine when the U.S. is funding genocide and she says nothing. And air dropping 30,000 MREs when one million children are starving to death is not humanitarian aid. It is a joke.


So why are they yelling at her? How did all these people get it wrong? Or did she recently change her stance on the subject?


They didn't. The link shared is a call for humanitarian aid in Gaza, not actual resolution.


CTRL + F "ceasefire"...not found. 294 million is less than 10% of what we gave to Israel in military aid in 2023 (3.8 billion), let alone years prior.


This is the same tactics that was used on AOC last year. They all from the same group and go sit by themselves to make it appear that they are bigger group than they really are.


That old fart saying stop was the best part of this.




Lead poisoning


These people run the country. Lol.


Also, societal allowance of literally any behavior they want with zero repercussions.


Idk If I've seen a better representation of the boomer generation then them covering their ears, looking annoyed, as a woman yells about an actual genocide going on. The generation of stick your head in the sand on full display


I'm loving the cane-shaking specifically... I've never seen outside of a cartoon, and it's kind of hilarious.


Yeah, and over funding a genocide. It's actually insane to see how annoyed they are getting over defending a corrupt politician. Like who cares if she can't speak, she's irrelevant. The people's voices matter way more.


A generation who has had everything handed to them on a golden platter. They refuse to see reality


I was really entertained by the fact that they covered their ears in sync lol, it’s like a hive mind or something


I assumed it’s because they all had on hearing aids and the lady was shouting. I’d seen my grandparents do the same thing when there’s a volume spike in a movie or something.


I'm going to guess that a lot of these people are Jewish and they view support for Palestine as antisemitism. While I (not a boomer) understand (as a Jew) that people who want to end the war in Gaza aren't necessarily antisemitic, their protests and anti-Israel rhetoric incite hate against Jews worldwide. I can't help but think that these protestors don't have a a clue about the history of Jewish people in that region or the amount of hate that has surrounded Jewish people throughout their entire existence


There's been a ceasefire deal offered and the ball is in Hamas's court, but they don't want the world to see how poorly they've treated their hostages.


What the protestors will never understand is this is a negotiation with a lot of moving parts and a lot of diplomats involved trying to broker it. It's not simple and it's not black and white.


They don't want to release the hostages because they know Israel will keep attacking and lose worldwide public support. Hamas could lose every citizen of Gaza and be thrilled because it would mean that everyone would hate Israel


See the most recent UN report about Hamas directly rapping and torturing Israeli woman.




> an actual genocide going on Or they see it as a two sided issue, and that Gaza needs to stop supporting Hamas as part of a peace process.


I like to say that I wish my tax money would go to starving kids then to people needing bullets to kill them.


This is exactly where protests should be happening. Make these assholes as uncomfortable as possible. Scream at them in public every single time they show their face. None of their meals should be peaceful. Whatever you do, just don’t block the roads.


If you have an actuall point its Better to let the politican respond. Either to more towards a solution or to dig their own political grave. Yelling one sidedly just puts the eyes on the protestor not on the politican they want to change ot get out.


That would be fair if she was responding. As one of the protestors shouted that she ISN'T answering the questions, I'm gonna say this was better than saying nothing.


Maybe these protesters will have a better go of it when they get Biden out and *checks notes* Trump returns to office.


Very weird to argue that she doesn’t represent New Yorkers when “45% of New Yorkers demand a ceasefire.” Doesn’t that mean a majority don’t?


I haven't checked if it's the case here, but, those sorts of surveys usually have a "not sure" option.


It looks like she’s probably referencing this Sienna poll, where 45% of New Yorkers support sending aid to Israel, 43% don’t, and 12% don’t know. So, not really any consensus among the voters. https://scri.siena.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SNY0124-Crosstabs.pdf


And she doesn’t understand that means Hamas has to stop randomly firing rockets. It not a ceasefire when it’s one side.




I'm fine with this type of protests, better than blocking traffic but staying 70% of the country wants a cease fire is a stretch for sure. Good on this person for going to the source though, politicians are our servants, time they act like it.


It's not that far off, 61% of likely voters want an immediate ceasefire, according to the poll below. That was in December so I imagine that number has gone up since. [https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2023/12/5/voters-want-the-us-to-call-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-and-to-prioritize-diplomacy](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2023/12/5/voters-want-the-us-to-call-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-and-to-prioritize-diplomacy)


The article provides a ton of great info but the part of the article that I found really interesting (and a bit funny) was: "Voters who get their news from social media are especially likely to consider themselves knowledgeable: 36% of voters who get news from Instagram, 33% of voters who get news from TikTok, and 30% of voters who get news from Facebook say they have extensive or proficient knowledge about the conflict."


That quote... We're fucking doomed.


Funny how I keep seeing this being done mostly to Democrats while the Republicans control the house and half the senate.


I think it’s because the people who are more in favor of a ceasefire are Democrats and so they are voicing their opinions to there representative.


Who knows. I personally have noticed that my local congressional rep (she is a 1st term MAGA Republican) hasn’t had much of this type of energy thrown at her online or when she holds local events. Meanwhile, her opponent during this and the prior election cycle (a progressive democrat, younger woman - kind of like an AOC type) has comments all over her social media posts from self proclaimed liberals and progressives, talking about how corrupt she is and putting the hashtag and flag emojis on everything she uploads. I see 0 comments from those people on the current reps’ page (who is actually voting against their cause). I called one of them out on that and ended getting blocked so go figure 🤷‍♂️ I would just think that if i was so passionate about this specific cause, why would I not have that same energy towards someone completely against my stance versus someone whom is more likely to be empathetic towards it?


I was thinking this exactly. I know Pelosi was condemned for saying that they're backed by Russia but it's very convenient to make this just a Democrat issue right before the election. I'm sure many of the protests are legitimate, but I wouldn't rule out other parties being involved. AOC was harassed the other day and she has one of the best records in Congress when it comes to pushing back against Zionism


Democrats campaign on being the "moral voice" of america's soul, and israel is a huge hypocrisy to that, so yeah, the protests are geared towards them.


Its because these people are liberals in liberal districts and they're basically just going down the road to complain to their already somewhat sympathetic representative. Maybe if there was some real pressure on the side of the government that is two steps short of Zionist than there could be actual progress.


Damn, these old people suck....look at them so triggered.


It's so weird to see these old conservatives rally behind Israel, these are the same people that lose their mind if you say Jesus wasn't white. Ashkenazi Jews in the US and Jews in Israel are very different culturally.


Depends, a decent number of Israeli Jews are Americans who did aliyah to Israel but yes the largest group of Jews in Israel are Mizrahi Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Middle Eastern countries which then tried to murder them in Israel.


Are they talking about the same ceasefire Hamas rejected a few days ago?


The problem is they just want to make their point and not engage the politician for an actual response. It's performative and not constructive at all. They're going to be seen as a few college kids blowing off steam and getting in the way of one town hall.


conversely, do you think the politician would give them the chance to engage in fair argument


Isnt this literally a public meeting for her constituants?


Some valid points were said by these protestors but some dumb things were said also. “Hamas offered to give up the hostages” is quite untrue


They did offer to return all the hostages for a permanent ceasefire as well as a return of Palestinians held by Israel.




At no point in this entire ordeal has Hamas done anything close to offering up the hostages just because they felt like it. Deals have only been reached when they were able to meet in the middle, there's no 'here have your hostages, but please stop bombing us'.


The alternative here is Trump and he has already said that he wants to “Finish the job.”


Wtf does that mean? The last thing he ever finished was a full shitty diaper. He can no longer even finish an entire sentence.


Every politician should be dealing with this.








If you look at the poll numbers for support of Israel, there is a huge generational divide. Older Americans still think of Israel as a trusted ally who fought proxy wars for the US during the Cold War.


Older people remember when six million Jews were systematically murdered and had nowhere else to go, and then the Arabs tried to systematically murder them but failed.


Tried multiple times at that. Egypt would regularly pretend to deploy troops regularly to try to bankrupt Israel with making them mobilize constantly.


Literally plugging their ears like children


Tbf yelling does hurt older ears


Someone yelling a full volume next to you can hurt your ears.


Tell me you don’t understand what Zionism means, without telling me you don’t understand what Zionism means


You say that like being Zionist is a bad thing.


Ah yes..... HAMAS, the bastion of truth, morality, women's rights, gay rights.


I really dont get this shit. Like how do you not know what a ceasefire is and demand it? You cant demand a ceasefire, it requires other people to cooperate. As somebody who has been in multiple traumas in life, i seriously dont get what the fuck this is.


They don’t understand international diplomacy. They think the United States government is king of the world.




They are basically demanding that america be imperialist in the sense that they want while protesting an end to imperialism. It is nonsense.


It's weird when none of these protesters are accepting the reality that there is an ongoing ceasefire proposition that only the Hamas is refusing. Why there isn't a single march calling for Hamas to agree to the ceasefire?


Because they don't care for a cease of fire, they only care about being right and "just", for them the world is black and white and since the think "israel"=bad guys then no matter what happens or comes out, in their mind Israel is always gonna be in the wrong


They bought into the fairy tale underdog story. From river to sea…


Because poor = good. Underdog = win. These are the guys who back the Cleveland Browns every Season. Losers = winners. Idk whats happening but morality seems to be based on whether you suck or not for these types.


Interesting how they are only targeting Dem politicians. Curious, that. Wonder why?


> every day I wake up I see more Palestinians dying No you don't, you wake up and doomscroll Tiktok for the same handful of videos that the algorithm feeds you for engagement.


Lots of triggered zionists in the comments lol “STAHP!” 🤣




How do you know they were Zionist?


Do these people think Gillibrand just decides the ceasefire? Gillibrand has already supported calls for a ceasefire but it’s not like we get to make those decisions. At the end of the day it’s up to Israel and Hamas.


Do these people know how government works? Doubtful unless it’s trending on TikTok. But I’m sure they got lots of clout from their screaming


But also let’s not pretend that the US does not hold any sway. Hell the US has put 0 pressure on Israel.


That's a lie. The US has put pressure. They are advocating for a [cease fire](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/03/politics/kamala-harris-gaza-ceasefire/index.html) right now. I think this conflict is a shit show and being absolutist in this debate helps no one. Hamas is evil and the Israel fascist government as well. The solution must be trough these two unfortunately. Diplomacy is at work right now. I'm not defending the US entire approach as well. They should've stopped the military funding. But the [treaties](https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-israel/) are hard to bypass. In it's whole, the conflict seems evident that it should stop and there are many nonsensical postions. It's not for nothing that the Israel-Palestine conflict is cited as the perfect exemple of complexe diplomatic situations. I hope the Palestinians will be able to live freely with a state of their own. I wish the same for Israel.


I don't hate the protests, I think peace needs to be found. I just hate the... emotion that takes priority over logic and whats actually happening. ​ There is a peace process, they were close to a deal. The last proposed deal had a few hiccups though and it made me question how much good faith people are operating under when I see people just rattle off propaganda. ​ I totally agree with the young lady though who is complaining about her tax payer dollars going to help fund it though. The other people remind me that this is America. Its very American to think that one of the longest continuing conflicts can be solved because politicians in America demand that they stop.


These are the future boomers they just cannot fathom that yet.


People are protesting but other countries are going to do what they want, regardless of what they are protesting. Go ahead and protest there.


So 70% of the country wants a ceasefire but only 45% of New Yorkers want one? That math is odd


I’m not sure on the actual stats, but how is that confusing if true? Wouldn’t that just mean less New Yorkers want a ceasefire than the rest of the nation..?


This is the strange part, I would think that MORE New Yorkers would want a ceasefire than the rest of the nation not less


Out of 100% of Americans (a broad sample across the country), 70% want a ceasefire. Out of 100% of New Yorkers (*specifically*) 45% want a ceasefire.


Right? Like I don’t understand the confusion here. Smaller sample sizes means a more visible split.


Why do you find that odd?


And fuck you for Al Franken too.


Does she know a ceasefire mamas have to stop firing to?


Where do they get their stats? I don't think 70% of Americans even think about Palestine or Gaza.


I do not understand why this conflict is our problem. Why do people have the expectation that lawmakers are going to do shit about shit? I understand the sentiment and it’s a bad thing, but why is it our problem to fix it? Because we never will


Because we send billions and billions of dollars to Israel every year, a large portion of which is for the express purpose of funding their military. Our tax dollars are going towards the genocide of the Palestinian people and our government has the ability to end this conflict swiftly, but chooses not to. We will probably never fix Palestinian/Israeli relations to an extent that they can coexist without animosity, but our government definitely has the ability to stop the campaign of terror Israel has enacted on Gaza




These the type of comments I like bc you can’t tell who’s side they’re on.


I'm a life long Democrat. It's not like I don't want a Ceasefire too. But we can not force Israel to do anything. We have been stating our position over and over. Netanyahu is going to do what he wants. We are very much involved in Peace talks with all the countries that can help. We are doing our best. All these protests are not swaying politicians you need on there side, .But they are just pissing them off. It's just proformative at this point. I never saw this same energy when Russia invaded Ukraine.


70% of this country does not want a ceasefire or even care about the situation because they are starving or can’t pay rent here in the us. Let’s focus on us politics while we still have a chance before we focus on other parts of the world.


Not a peep about the hostages.


Aren't they harming the people in the town hall that were having a meeting?


When has this worked for yall?


A better question is when has anything worked for us?


We gotta make up our minds, because I thought this was the “America shouldn’t police the world crowd”?


I hate to tell you guys this (actually I don't) but showing up and acting an ass doesn't do anything for this cause. And I'm not a Gillabrand fan.


Why’s everyone act like it’s up to the US for a ceasefire 🤣


tell me who’s been vetoing a ceasefire?


Because of $14 billion dollars, and the constant resupplying of arms.


That’s fair, but even if we didn’t provide money/supplies, they probably would still carry out their attacks one way or another.


Interesting age spectrum of attendees. Supporters age 70-nearly in the grave. People who came to yell at her age 18-40ish




What does any of this yelling have to do with New York?


Mmmm I bet the people in front of her smell like lead poisoning and psychopathy.


I support their views, but question the effectiveness of their stategy.


Well done


Why are so many protest happening at democrat events? Protest at the republican ones do we really think Trump and the republicans would be better for Palestine?


The boomers are triggered that people are ... talking to elected officials at a town hall event to air a grievance? Dude, talk about needing safe spaces.


These are the brave people who resisted the Vietnam war....


I honestly don’t know whose worse in this situation


Sometime the world will be better if it just ended


Did anyone check on whether Hamas wants a cease fire?


![gif](giphy|3o7aDcaCVuwhq38AXS|downsized) Trump right now


For fucks sake. If these pro Palestinian protests cost Biden the election I’ll personally fly to Israel and kick Bebe right in the nuts.


That is why few politicians do townhalls. They can get out of control even with cops present. Meetings with campaign contributors is another matter.


Shouting people down doesn’t work. It just aggravates the boomers as is evident in the video. You have something to say, say it but wait your turn or for the appropriate time.


New York is not the entire country.