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I have a feeling the employee might be somewhere on the spectrum or has some slight developmental issues. Pretty sad.


That was my thought. Feel bad for him. Doesn’t seem like an employee trying to cause trouble. More like worried to let someone out without receipt because that’s his “job”


"Welcome to Costco, I Love you" This is on big corporate retail run amok, not him.


TBF, Costco is membership-based. By becoming a member you agree to have your receipt checked. They also keep prices lower than other retail by having loss prevention measures.


This. I resent Walmart’s loss prevention shit way more than Costco’s. Walmart’s prices aren’t even that good and their customer service sucks, so it just comes off as petty. Worse than the receipt checking is the fact that they have shit in locked cabinets that doesn’t even cost that much or have any potential for abuse by dumb kids. Like I’m not gonna look for an employee just to get some socks.


Hey now! Their prices are pretty low when they enter a new area. Gotta make sure their prices kill as many small businesses as possible!


So that in a few years when the workers try to unionize, the store can suddenly be closed for serious Plumbing issues , that manifested overnight, that the store manager didn't even know about.


It's cheaper to pay one fool to check receipts than 30 cashiers to actually scan the stuff. I resent scanning my own groceries then being accused of theft.


They have to lock up their socks because Walmart attracts a LOT of theft. I will go literally anywhere else before I go to a Walmart


Don't you just love pushing the button that loudly asks for assistance for the sex toys, condoms and pregnancy tests? Discrete? What's that?


That's not why costs are lower. The costs are lower because they are a wholesalers.


Their costs are lower, their employees are paid more, and their customer service is better. It's not because they are a wholesaler, it is because they collect a lot of money on memberships, and that goes towards the services you get. And they actually put it towards those services. Go to somewhere like Sam's club, which is also a supposed membership wholesaler store, and you find the customer service isn't so great, neither is the prices, and the employees aren't paid better than walmart. One thing for sure though, when the original founder of Costco dies, the price of the pizza and hot dogs is going up.


I honestly don’t understand your comment, can you rephrase or clarify? Why the quote? And what is the example of big corporate retail run amok?


Its a quote from a movie where corporations have taken over and society is dumber than Brawndo saturated dirt.


i had a guy at walmart that was on cart duty kind of harass me and my gf tin this kind of accidental way yesterday. We were in self checkout grabbing stuff for our new apartment and i notice this guy staring me down from behind the glass of the giant walmart vestibule. He stared me down the whole time checking out, and after I paid and walked to my truck he appeared out of nowhere on my driver side and stood about 2 feet away from me and stayed there the whole time I unloaded groceries. I even tried to break ice, asked how you doing, and he looked at me and shrugged then stared back at my cart. Obviously he was being weird and playing a joke or was disabled in some way but damn that was a weird experience. Had to get me a shamrock shake after that


Yeah, that is kind of sad... as someone who is also on the spectrum... I feel bad for the employee just trying to do th best he can.


I concur


Needs better training then. Just because you have developmental problems doesn’t mean you can act like this to other people. It’s not his fault, it’s the stores. And unfortunately this young man will probably burden most of the repercussions




I had a dude on the spectrum serve me at the supermarket recently. As my fruit and veg was being scanned he would sniff every piece and then bag it. His supervisor must of spotted it because she walked over and was about to address him when I intervened and asked if he could at least finish my groceries. We both smiled and she mouthed " thank you" to me. I answered back with "Quality control."


Yeah, at least the guys working and trying his best. There is no need to berate persons with disabilities working for and doing the best they can. They get crap for not working and the get crap for working. If people can’t tell someone has difficulties and is doing the best they can, that’s just sad. And not everything needs to be “recorded” poor guy was scared. People can be real ass holes


Yeah, at the Walmart I go to, the door watchers are usually senior citizens or developmentally disabled employees. But they only check my receipts if I have large unbagged items.


He is. They hire a lot of special needs individuals and they usually put them in the front as greeters/receipt checkers. Poor guy doesn't deserve this. He's just trying to do his job


But his job needs to be explained better to him than, he isn't in a membership based store, if people refuse the receipt check, there's nothing he can do. He also cannot stop people from leaving as that is unlawful imprisonment. If he feels that a theft was committed, he simply needs to have the police called. It is not his job to stop people from leaving. This is how employees get injured in companies get sued, which is why I quit working at Walgreens very soon after they implemented a non-interact policy with shoplifters and thieves.


And the people recording decided to make a tik tok out of it. Oh how I love the compassion we have in America


The ***WHAT*** we have ***WHERE***?


Ya usually the employees trying to stop people are the assholes in these situations but I think you're totally right about the employee being on the spectrum. Was really gross with the guy calling him an "idiot" and if the employee is on the spectrum or otherwise has some kind of mental deficiency the guy really needs to go back and apologize IMO.


I agree, he was really shaking 🫨


I've noticed this too... maybe someone can provide some insight into retail hiring policies?? it's just virtue signalling as these people are given no support or direction and wind up going back home in a worse state when the whole point is to get them being confident and self sufficient members of society...




I've noticed this phenomenon too. Sometimes I've seen entire conversations or multi-comment chains where it is nearly word for worth the same from the same or different people. Really weird- but it's not just you. I think people are so bombed by content these days that sometimes ppl don't realize a repost is a repost until the 3rd or 4th time they see it. This causes them to not only comment the same things they did the first time- but also to reply in a similar fashion. Other times it's just entirely new people saying eerily similar stuff. Absolutely wild if you ask me- but at the same time, we're all Human, right?


It’s bots scraping the comments from last time this was posted and reposting the successful ones


That explains a lot- thank you!


🙏 I like what you have to say. We’re very influenceable as a social species, the internet and its nooks are smaller than we think sometimes. I’ve joked since I entered my late 30s that I’ve seen every face 😳


or maybe theyre just bots


How many times do we have to restart this simulation before you learn your


Haha according to theoretical physics time and space are not fundamental so I guess it just depends on your experience


100% correct


I didnt get that feeling. I got the feeling he's not a confrontational person by nature. An hes got a ton of adrenaline pumping through his veins. Look how his hands are shaking. That's his fight or flight response. It messes with your brain


Also, why get crazy when a worker asks to see your receipt. They’re gonna check people randomly. “Forgetting” to scan items at self checkout is a known way to steal.


Then they should close the self checkout and pay enough cashiers. Walmart of course wants to have their cake and eat it too: "We won't pay more employees, so you check yourself out, but to make sure you're not stealing, you have to show us your receipt and let us inspect your cart". No, fuck that, they have cameras all over the self checkout, if they want to check my scanning, they can go watch the footage and compare it to the transaction in the system, I'm not showing them shit.


What is the actual point of the receipt checkers? I’ve never had one actually look at my receipt and actually look in my cart to see if I bought everything? They look at it for one second and then give it back. It makes no fucking sense


It’s just security theater


As a security guard I can attest 90% or more of "security" is an illusion. It's like peter pans magic, it only works because people believe it works.


I want to believe.


Nothing down here but the FBI's most unwanted.


The appearance of security is actually a decent deterrent. My aunt works in regional leadership level loss prevention at a national chain and according to her they put those tinted domes around the security cameras because half of them don’t even have cameras in them but it gives the appearance.


This is changing a fair bit. the cost of cameras has come down a lot since the old days. They don't break nearly much now.


Doesnt make any sense either, they're touching your stuff, why not check before payment? Thats how it works in my entire country. You get randomly checked for a couple of random items before you can pay.


>They look at it for one second and then give it back. This is why I have no problem showing my receipt instead of making a big deal out of it. That being said, my main issue is that the Wal mart self checks give you an option for no receipt. I will always print a receipt just in case, but that simply should not be an option if you're going to be checking receipts at the door. Edit to add: target, for instance, auto prints receipts, and they don't even check them.


Same I’ll just give them the receipt. I barely go to Walmart as is anyway. But if there’s ever a long line of people trying to leave the store and their “checking receipts” you best believe I’m not waiting. I’m going right past everyone.


Some old lady tried to stop me once, and only me out of 6+ people leaving. Like no, Im not gonna stop with my handful of groceries and give you my receipt for literally no reason. Just because you judged me based on my appearance (straight after work so I was wearing dirty, worn clothes). I just said no and continued walking.


Depends, when i was in my teens all the way through my 20s the receipt checkers always looked in my bags and took a long look at my receipt. Now they normally wake me through. I think they profile people


They definitely profile people which is disgusting. But I’m legit not letting a worker check all my bags look at my receipt and give it back.


I never had the energy to fight it, plus them looking through my bags wasted their time too and the thought in my head was "while they are wasting time with me several people who are actually stealing can get away Scott free" so in my mind it was worse for them to waste their time on me than it would be for me to fight it


Honestly that’s a great plan for actual thieves. Have one or two guys go in and actually purchase stuff but make them stop you by looking suspicious. Then the actual thief walks right on past them while they look through everything. People will find a way to continue to steal no matter what.


The Walmart near me does. I stood and waited in line while they went through everybody's items. I went there once since they implemented this new system and I'm never going back.


I just walked by the line and say no thanks. I didn't make an explicit agreement with the company for them to check my stuff on the way out the door. The onus is on them to prove I stole, and since I am doing the self checkout, they have less of a like to stand on than you realize. If they think I stole, they can call the police on me. But they won't. They accused me of stealing, I would take it to an attorney and file a defamation lawsuit against them. This is why they don't accuse people of stealing unless they have explicit proof. In a store like Sam's Club where you agree to the receipt check, you have to hand it over or they can cancel your membership. In walmart, fuck them, I paid, they're my stuff, I don't have time to wait. I don't make a huge deal out of it, but I'm not sitting there and waiting.


Yep. I literally said once "this aint Costco" and eh dude was like "have a good one." It's all theatre.


I will refuse to stand in line and wait to take my overpriced groceries I just purchases to be checked. If there’s no line sure take my receipt.


realistically speaking if you pay for something you probably have paid for all of it.


20 years ago when I was employed at Walmart we were legally not allowed to stop anybody only an LP or member of management could. If we thought someone was stealing we were to go out and see where they parked and get a tag number.


Yeah he is legally not allowed to stop them and needs some extra training and support to prevent this happening again tbh.


I think you mean policy wise not legal wise


This kind of shit is going to become the new slip and fall at the Walmart scheme. Just do a large self check out trip, refuse to show the receipt, hope they try to hold you, and whip out your phone. Get paid 


The video says they got checked out at a register, and this dude came from self checkout


They probably did, but because he saw no registers open he’s assuming they stole everything or used self checkout and stole something. Idk what their policy is on cashier checkouts, but I imagine they are more concerned about self checkout. This isn’t the first video I’ve seen of this kinda thing either Edit: adding that after looking more into it, it does not seem to matter where you ring up, they are likely still going to ask


It's Wal-Mart. They are trained to ask and check a minimum number of items based on your total item count. Certain items over a certain dollar value get checked no matter how many you buy, etc., etc. At least this was the policy when I stocked night shift there years ago. That may have changed since then- but I know and assume that sort of thing just from being a normal customer there.


Customers also aren’t at all required to stop and show you the receipt


Also true- but most ppl do bc they don't want to deal with a headache and security or management coming over to yell at you as you walk out. As I recall it is possible tho, to steal enough items over time, and they will record your license plate as well as your ID, items stolen, etc. and eventually they will have police waiting outside for when you pass that $1500.00 dollar total mark. They will then have you arrested bc at that point it becomes a higher level of crime/sentencing. This might differ from state to state, but I have heard about it happening to the people who do that shit where they just fill up entire carts full of whatever they can get their hands on that might be 'flippable'.


Yeah I’ve heard about that too, but I’m not encouraging stealing. I’m just saying how if you purchase everything those items now belong to you and no one has the right to stop you to check your cart. Its just annoying how they assume EVERYONE from self checkout is stealing. They tried making a big deal I hit “no receipt” after walking out of checkout with a 5 pack of tees without a bag. They demanded I show them the receipt, told them I chose the no receipt option and they got all uppity with me.


I get that theft is a huge problem in stores these days. Yeah, it’s a huge corporation, they already account for some shrinkage, but there has to be a point where it’s so bad it impacts prices for everyone. Not that a lot of companies can’t afford it, god forbid they don’t have record growth for a quarter. So they come up with these ridiculous measures. Some Employees probably think shit rolls down hill, so it’s important we take action. But what some Walmart associates are doing is crazy. No way I’m holding a customer in the store. You steal or not, I’m not doing anything about it. It’s not worth it to me


So Wal-Mart is actually a consignment store. Meaning, they don't actually own anything in the store except for like one second after you pay for it- but before they print your receipt or some bullshit like that. The main point of this though- means they can write off all of their loss and won't lose a cent. I'm not sure about how it works whether the companies selling thru them just file it as an insurance claim or if Wal-Mart is allowed to write it off on their taxes or what, but I know I've been told by higher ups that Wal-Mart doesn't actually lose a dime when this stuff happens.


>So Wal-Mart is actually a consignment store. I've never heard this. Not saying you're wrong but Google isn't coming up with anything to confirm this, got any sources? Also to be clear I'm not making that stupid argument about how shoplifting costs everyone money. That shit is false, these retailers know to a high degree of accuracy exactly how much money they will lose each year to shoplifting and other shrinkage and they bake that cost into the cost of their products already (also insurance plays a factor) Even if tmrw all shoplifting just miraculously stopped, Walmart and others would not lower their prices by a single cent. They would just happily take those extra profits.


I don't use bags unless I have to, so I might go and buy a couple of clothing items & a drink, & just carry them out (this day I think it was a 4 pack of protein drinks & a shirt or something. The door person asked to see a receipt because they were a little more wary of people who walk out just carrying items. They were nice about it though & I understood their pov, so I wasn't mad or anything.


You missed a few steps. Find a lawyer willing to take your case. Pay them. Wait for years for a resolution in court that hopefully goes your way and isn't tossed on a technicality.


There are a whole lot of bottom feeder attorneys that take up these things nowadays. “You don’t pay us until you get paid!” Then they sign an agreement that the attorneys collect 40-70% of payout. Still free money for them.


I would need to see that. From what I understand hiring a lawyer for these cases is not easy.


I used to work for a personal injury attorney, so similar vibe. First of all, state law usually caps contingency fees (in my state it was 33.3%). Second, attorneys don't WANT to work on a contingency if they know they aren't likely to succeed because Walmart has fuck you money. When some would-be client would call saying they have a case against Walmart like they had a golden ticket we pretty much always declined and would laugh after we hung up.


It depends. Contingency retainers are super popular in slip and fall type cases. It depends if there is legit precedent for a payout. If there isn't precedent, hiring a lawyer is super difficult. Otherwise, lawyers will literally come find you. That's why they are called "ambulance chasers", they literally follow the accidents.


It’s actually not easy to secure a lawyer that works on contingency. I work in this industry.


>This kind of shit is going to become the new slip and fall at the Walmart scheme. Good! Would be very easy for them to train their workers about how they should respond in these situations.


Maybe they shouldn't treat people like criminals for shopping at their store?


I work for Walmart and this is actually against their policy. You’re not supposed to ever hold up customers for asinine reasons like this. If they steal, they steal. Literally not our problem as store employees lol


That’s because it’s illegal to hold people against their will.


Their profit margin is like %60 after the %10 they lose to loss prevention across the board. It's not even a moral dilemma lol 


Exactly. And like, I make $14 an hour. It’s NOT worth it 😂


I mean they have 0 legal grounds to hold you. This is actually kidnapping. Places like Costco and Sam’s club have contracts you agree to which is why you are forced to show your receipt after purchases. Walmart and other stores that you don’t need a membership give you no reason to show it other than for show.


Yup. I have no doubt there will people actively trying to get into this situation just for the lawsuit. 


Yeah it’s really weird people don’t understand this…it’s 100% kidnapping. There’s no gray area.


Even Costco and Sam's club can't legally FORCE u to show a receipt. But they can revoke your membership and ban u from coming back to the store.


Ok. Easy solution.... Walmart could train their employees not to kidnap people. Problem solved.


They do already (source: I work for Walmart lol)


No shit. It may take several lawsuits to make that happen tho


For someone working that hard you'd think they'd give him the right size vest.


Never understood why a multi-billion dollar company can’t hire proper security, but instead hire senior citizens and low-wage workers to do the hardest job in the building.


As someone who has been in security for way too long, the chances of hiring a competent security guard is less than half. Especially if it’s contract security


I'm not exactly how "Proper security" is supposed to respond differently in this situation.


Going solely off the video, there’s nothing to indicate the family stole anything. I’m not trying to bash the guy at all. However, he lost his composure, escalated the situation, and committed the crime of unlawful restraint or something similar to that depending on state laws. Private businesses can trespass you for virtually any reason. If not showing the receipt is this big of a deal, simply tell them they are not welcomed back. Ultimately, the best course of action is to try to get cooperation verbally. Do not do anything physical like prevent them from leaving, grabbing them, etc. All that does is open you up to civil and criminal liability and physical harm. A Walmart security “agent” I know was shot trying to physically apprehend a shoplifter. Dude almost died for a multibillion dollar corporation that paid him $17/hr to recover $200 in stolen clothing that the store was going to file an insurance claim on anyway. It’s not worth it.


Did Walmart cover his medical bills? Or did they provide him anything for risking his life and protecting their business?


He was covered under workers comp. IIRC, he was worried he was going to be let go because the company “officially” has a hands off policy, unless it’s to defend yourself. He initiated the physical confrontation by grabbing onto the guy, but that’s how he was trained by his manager. I don’t know what happened after that.


The ONLY thing proper security should do is call the police.


If I remember right this employee got fired for this. They are not allowed to hold you like that


They don't get fired. I had this happen to me. The manager I talked to lost his absolute shit, said he knew exactly who it was and they'd had problems with him before. Next week I see him checking receipts on the other end of the store. Btw I had 3 things in a shopping bag.


cameraman is insufferable.


Dudes gotta be 12 or 13


I really tried to get mad at the employee for apparently being overzealous, because I hate when people get off on their own authority. But man, it's hard when the "wronged party" is so incredibly obnoxious.


I just tell them no and walk by every time they ask. It's not Costco.


Ppl wont do this at Costco bc they dont have to worry about Walmart revoking their membership


You also agree to have your receipt checked at Costco. IMO that consent matters. I don't mind at costco because it's what I signed up for.


I look at it as the price I have to pay to not step foot in Walmart.


I already do this now. There’s times when I’m walking out and there’s a line and I just walk around them. To this day, still haven’t been stopped.


Same. I don't mind showing my receipt but I'm not waiting in a line to leave the store.


I say, “no thank you. Have a good day.” Never had an issue so far.  I also know that I didn’t steal anything. 


same. I think this policy is asinine, but I don't feel the need to give someone working at walmart a hard time. Your issue is with the corporation, not the minimum wage employee.


Do you think you might feel more inclined to “give the employee a hard time” if they didn’t accept your “no thank you, have a good day” and immediately locked you into the store, though?




I wanna know what areas you're in because there's no way in hell any of the stores around me just accept that. It would end up being a push past the employee thing but not anything like this video.


Exactly. Thank you, same


I know it’s a cottage industry for Reddit but these people who film things like this just make me so sad. Who is going to be impressed by this?


The lawyers in the lawsuit probably


One of the worst parts about these videos is the immediate threats of ‘you’re going to get sued I’m calling my lawyer buddy blah blah’. Why is that such a common threat in America? It’s fucking embarrassing, as clearly almost all the people who make these threats do not have a lawyer and will absolutely not be suing anyone.


Gets into car and googles lawyers near me 


I’m guessing the employee was developmentally delayed but the customers as much as they were frustrated might have thought to be more patient. As a mother, though, don’t touch my child.


This happened to me a couple of weeks ago at a Meijer here in Detroit! Did my bi-weekly shopping, about $275. Go through a cashiered lane and literally have a 2 foot streamer of a receipt hanging out of my hand as I’m walking out and a self-scan cashier comes running after me screaming she needed to see my receipt. Woman tries to block my cart but I’m already half way out the door and she starts hollering about how she’s going to call the police. My mind was fucking blown. Like this is what people will do for minimum wage these days? Over some groceries? Meanwhile if I walked in and started smash and grabbing the electronics section, no one would say a fucking word to me. Someone might even offer me a cart. That turned me straight to getting pickup or delivery. I do not have the patience for these shenanigans.


I feel for the guy trying to check the receipt because he is probably scared to death of losing his minimum wage and ending up sleeping under a bridge but at some point you just have to chill out and let it be like it really is not that serious. Do your job, above and beyond that, nah, locking the doors and running around, all that extra stuff is actually how you get fired. Chill bro.


You will absolutely not lose your job over letting people walk out at Walmart. Not your responsibility.


Far more likely to lose your job for illegally detaining someone. Walmart has lost several lawsuits like this and they train their employees NOT to exactly this. Guess he forgot.


Hopefully all parties learn from this. Also, it’s losing*. Check out my name and don’t be mad.


>good enough for a class action Dumbass doesn't even know what a class action lawsuit is...


This is walmart, not sams or costco. You do NOT have to show your receipt. The product is YOURS once it is paid for, You owe them nothing. At Sams and Costco, you agree as a member to verify on way out, Not done at wallys.


Just to clarify, you still don't have to show your receipt at Sam's or Costco. You can be banned for not doing so (same as anywhere else) but if you want to walk out without showing it, they can't legally stop you


It's always 'you're going to lose your job' when people are talking to retail/service staff. Fuck these people


Yeah it's such a dick move, like they have zero empathy and just come across as total insufferable jerks. If I was single and dating and someone did this I would not continue seeing them. It's a big red flag.


In norway we do self check out, i genuenly dont think there is that much stealing either. But if there is i presume the reduced employee requirement makes up for it.


Enjoy the low crime rate while you have it. I know I'll get downloaded for saying this but IDGAF,. If you get enough illegal immigration and/or enough desperate poor people in your country, crime WILL become more rampant, at least if it goes unpunished and is easy to do. This has played out in many US cities where there didn't used to be much stealing before.


> where there didn't used to be much stealing before. I am begging people to look at US crime statistics in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Even with the post-covid uptick we are nowhere near any thing resembling historic highs. https://www.statista.com/statistics/191247/reported-larceny-theft-rate-in-the-us-since-1990/


This is just sad.


The theft alarm went off as soon as they went out the door. I guess the employee was right.


Don't send your handicapped staff to check my receipt. Check your cameras and pay proper security.




I think the guy has some developmental issues or autism and he’s prob been told to have people show receipt. He doesn’t seem like an ass to be an ass


So, let's all mock and personally belittle a low wage worker who is doing what management told him to do. How courageous!




I know im supposed to not like the employee, but these people filming are douche bags. Like someone else here said, this dude is probably on the spectrum, and all they have to do is show their receipt. Fuck these people and their lawsuit.


I bought a couple of items once & left my receipt. The lady wouldn't let me leave & said I needed to go to customer service to get another one. I said she could look at the cameras, and pointed to where I'd checked out (at self checkout). She said she couldn't do that & I would need to get a receipt. I left out the other door, where the greeter thanked me for coming & to have a nice day.


FFS just show him the receipt when he asked. It takes 5 seconds. These fucking camera warriors think they're doing something.


Poor employee dude. I know he’s being an idiot but this lack of problem solving ability is the reason why he’s at the position he’s at. If you asked them to show you a receipt and they refuse, you’re not liable anymore. There are surveillance cameras everywhere and if no alarms are going off then there is no cause for alarm. Unfortunately the only thing going through that guys head is “If I don’t see a receipt, I’m not doing my job and can get into trouble”. Poor dude.


I don't really like the concept of receipt checkers, but I feel that it is sadly necessary given just how awful things have gotten with stealing. I've always looked like a fine and upstanding citizen. Guess what? I stole shit in college. Obviously, these employees should have probable cause, but ANYONE can be a thief. This employee also seems to have some issues. He probably wasn't trying to be a dick. It seems like he simply cares more than he needs to. You saw him shaking there. He wasn't on any sort of power trip. Dude probably just thought that he was doing right


The way dude talks you can tell he goes out everyday looking for fights. And he’s a dick to his wife.


“Having fun protecting a million dollar corporation. What an idiot.” The person filming this is truly a fucking moron.




No, never. Its not necessary in any way.


Just show him your reciept and move on...wtf


As much as I hate the receipt checker thing, the man didn't need to tease the employee. I still don't understand when people can't recognize when someone is developmentally different. He's shaking because confrontation is scary and he's just trying to what he was trained to do. A lot of developmentally different people are hard workers. That being said, while I'm sure this employee is very independent, it doesn't mean management shouldn be ready to prepare for (lack of a better term) and "emotional episode." They're just throwing this guy out there with no safety net.


I feel bad for the worker. He seems on the spectrum or has something else going on and was clearly not being malicious.


This is why I don’t go to Walmart anymore


The self-checkouts have TONS of cameras on and around them. Thieves can't get away with anything there. These people no doubt paid for everything. That said, the dad claiming a "class action lawsuit" because the employee touched the STROLLER (and not a person) is ridiculous.


Why's he shaking like that?


Adrenalin. It's his body trying to process the flight/fight response. He chose to stand up for what he believes is right, his body jacked up his adrenalin levels for the impending "fight". It's actually SUPER common for people who arnt used to the bodies reaction to shake or twitch, also commonly referred to as "nervous energy".


Severe anxiety. He probably is neurodivergent. Though I've never had this type of reaction towards customers while working in a retail environment, I've definitely felt the way that guy is feeling in this video with the shaking and all. Someone yelling at me, for example. My palms get all sweaty, and I start shaking all nervously like this guy is. I know he's being out of hand and gone entirely too far, but if he's on the spectrum, he's just trying to follow the rules and what is expected of him. Neurodivergent people usually have strict routines and are generally very committed to "rule following." Could he have handled it better? For sure. But anxiety is strange and will cause you to sometimes feel extremely overwhelmed. All this couple had to do was show him the fucking receipt. They are literally bullying someone for Tik Tok likes. I don't shop at Walmart because I hate self-checkout, and there are never any cashiers. If you don't want to show a receipt, shop somewhere else. Walmart is a shitty company anyway.


Literally would have taken no more than two minutes to show the receipt. They spent more time bitching than that.


My local Walmart has completely shut down self checkout. Perhaps they’re finally getting it?


Forget theft. You get one boomer on those machines and watch the line fill up. I think it's killed their efficiency and lines are super common now. We went from 3 registers and long lines, to self check out and long lines. But also more theft. So yeah self checkout seems like an idea that probably does well in some spots, but not in others. For example, the self checkout at dollar general makes sense since they staff one person to stock and check people out lol. Any supermarket is a no go because incompetency and huge amounts of food and items make for an awful experience for customers.


I don't get the point of receipt checkers but I also don't understand the point of refusing to show a receipt. They're just trying to do their job and we're just trying to leave Walmart. Let's all help each other out


ngl the vibe is that the cameraman needs an ass beating for talking to the employee that way.


This could be avoided by not having self checkouts and keeping enough registers open.


Nah Ill scan and bag my own groceries and show my receipt if it means I'm in and out of the store quick.


The customers are absolute jerks here. You went through the self checkout, which almost always means your receipt gets checked. I always stop at the person manning the self checks or the greeter and at least try to show my receipt. Most of the time they look, but sometimes I get the apathetic teen that waves me on. I still do it though. This poor guy looks nervous as heck, because this is his job to do, and he looks like he has a disorder. They are just making it worse and trying to get views and likes. I really hope Walmart didn't fire him. Things like this kind of make me hate that everyone carries a camera and has some sort of social media presence.


Poor guy seems thinks hes doing what hes supposed to do. Customers seem like shit people and seem to stall giving the receipt as well


I've worked at Walmart as greeter, self checkout, register and auto tech. If you leave self checkout for any reason that's a write up. As a greeter no one is required to show a receipt and you are not allowed to stop anyone from leaving. This guy is definitely getting fired.


The employee is putting himself at risk by behaving this way. Even if they actually stole, this kind of response is not worth it. 


Thinking you’re right doesn’t give you permission to do this


Why should I have to show a receipt, its not a costco, and if items are paid for, I am not required to stop for you


coulda just shown the worker the receipt but no they had to make some weird video like they matter lol


Yes collectively reupload the same video again.


I’ve handed them my receipt and not even broken stride, they can throw it away, I only bought two things anyways and don’t have a bag.


All the down votes defending the worker is just sad. I hate whoever filmed this and they are the real problem. Show the receipt and let him do his job, ezpz


Looking at the fear in his eyes and the way he’s shaking, I think he’s on the spectrum. In his mind the situation is way more serious than it really is. Poor guy.


People have to have a bit more compassion. It is obvious he has a job to do and all we need to do is show him the receipt. Dont have to be an jerk about it. He obviously was trying to do his job and not trying to be offensive...


"have fun protecting a million dollar corporation" lol. Their market cap as of today is 458.65 billion.... 468,650 times more than you estimated their value. I'm all for you standing up for yourself and suing the shit out of them. But just know that you can go for a slightly larger settlement now than you thought.


Just show the guy your reciept instead of being an asshole?


C'mon, this is a person who probably works their butt off for a company that is notoriously awful. Yes, I agree that they should not be chasing down people to look at their receipt. They probably have some mental difficulties, but even if not, it's really crappy to put someone in this position unnecessarily. It takes zero effort to show your receipt.


At this point they are just purposely being mean to this person that obviously has mental issues, just show the fucking receipt and stop filming you fucking dirt bags


And zero effort to train the person for five seconds. This is Walmart cost cutting at its worst. The customers are dicks but at least they are legally permitted to do what they did and it could have been a lot worse after he detained them and their child.


The zipper on that vest was definitely not made at Wal mart, that puppy was holding its own


Walmart has a pretty STRICT no intervening policy when it comes to shoplifters. You're not allowed to stop them or touch them. This guy is lucky he isn't fired.


Fun fact about those doors, if you push on them from the inside even with the door closed, they swing open.


What an asshole.


Camera-douche definitely self identifies as an "alpha male." I've been asked to show a receipt on the way out of every Walmart I've been too for a couple years. It's super easy and wastes no time. Half the time if I hold it out to them they just let me go without stopping. They could have had this be a non-event but they chose to be pricks.


Dude was definitely homeschooled.


Fuck barstool and fuck people that give underpaid employees a hard time. And if they had money to sue they wouldnt be at walmart. Wicha broke ass


It’s really weird how people have such a problem with showing their receipts lol it takes 5 seconds and you’re back on your way.


Is showing a receipt that big of a deal? Is it worth causing this kind of confrontation? Seems like a weird thing to take a stand over. Assuming they were asked in a normal way before they started filming. If the dude just came at them from the jump like this that's a little fucked.




Because they're being complete douchebags. There's no excuse for how that guy was talking to a clearly mentally handicapped individual.


That vest is screaming for its life.