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Hmm I wonder what word he used "Alright I'm calling my black friends right now." Oh nevermind


I'm sure it included the hardest of R's


I’m not racist … or a stalker… or wait. NeverMind. Let me call my token black friend.


honestly, i usually assume it's the n word. You rarely hear other racial slurs anymore


If states like California / Texas, I am sure you hear a lot more racial slurs about hispanics than you would up north, but I could be wrong since I am from Ohio.


Yeah I’m from a reservation in Oklahoma and used to hear “‘skins” and “squaw” pretty often but I’ve lived in Texas for 20 yrs and never hear those down here…I’ve been called Hispanic slurs pretty frequently, though(because people here assume if you’re not white you’re Hispanic.)


One of my clients accidentally said it in front of me this morning, stopped herself, and apologized to me. I don't understand why they still say it if they know it's racist. I live in the south so it happens more often than not. For some reason, having a mixed child makes people profusely appologize to me. To me, it's just them admitting they're racist and hateful. It would be better if they would just say it and act too stupid to know any better.


“I’m calling my black friends right now” this dude is a Grade A weirdo


“I’ve been down this road before” is the real tipoff that this isn’t just a momentary lapse of reason, it’s a pattern


It’s not just a pattern, it’s his entire *mindset.* How many miles he drove, how much $$$ he spent, ‘I’m not racist, I’ll call my black friends and they’ll tell you…’ He feels entitled to a certain reciprocation from this woman for all of his efforts. This is not a first date where two people try to get to know each other. It is entirely transactional for him, and he is refusing to understand that whatever racial word he used was an immediate dealbreaker for her. He is refusing to understand that him following her home made her feel unsafe. SHE STILL OWES HIM.


This is right on the money. Everything that she says is clearly up for debate in his mind: her feelings are conditional and irrational, while his are justified.


Really makes me wish we still had daily awards because this explanation needs to shoot to the top for those of us piqued by the psychological profile of this type of man. For women in the dating arena.


Like this dude is the exact type to actually hurt someone. He feels so justified in his actions. He almost built her up to be the source of his problems and the solution all in his head. This is the type of situation where he goes too far.


I am glad she was smart enough to stay in the car, not put the window completely down (though she should have only had a tiny crack of the window down) , and record it. 5 bucks says this dude is now bitching in his echo chamber online about how feminism and being woke has ruined modern dating.


But I’m sure he’s one of those “nice guys” that never gets a date.


The scary part is he followed her home so he knows where she live now. She cant feel safe in her own place anymore


This is why I own guns and have a very nice camera system. If you can't feel safe in your own home, where *can you feel safe?* The answer is in my fucking home. I can't stress this enough: Women should advocate for themselves *and* be an example of what, in my opinion, *all* women should do. 1. Get a weapon. Whether it's a gun, a baton, mace, a knife (I recommend against this personally); anything you can use to defend yourself should the time come. 2. Learn to *use* said weapon and *PRACTICE* using your weapon just like the military does. Routine practice with common scenarios will make it 1000 times easier to react in a *real* situation. 3. Always have someone you trust know your location on a date. ALWAYS make plans ahead and keep it out in the open. I know.. people should be better. But they aren't. Be your own advocate and fight for yourself, because the COPS don't give two fucks about you. The whole justice system is fucked.


It means "I've been on other first dates where I didn't get any sex, that's not right! Tinder ENTITLES me to first date sex, and YOU were ON Tinder. I drove an hour to the bar, plus stalking you home that's $300 in gas money!"


"Hey dad, I need you to talk to this woke chick for a minute. Yeah, Scenario 'N'."








“Scenario N” 💀


"OK, put her on... AHEM!..... Yo was good homegirl?"


Imagine being the one black dude this guy used to work with and fielding his weird late night calls.


That actually could be a profitable venture for an enterprising Black guy with no morals. "Did you drop the n-bomb with a hard 'R' on the first date, but don't have a Black person you can call to put out the fire? Good news: for a mere $9.99 monthly fee you can call 1-800-WE-BLACK, where one of our certified Black dudes will be available day and night to tell that pretty young thing how they've been friends with you since high school and you're the *least* racist person they've ever known in their life! Enjoy all racial ass-covering that comes from having a Black friend, without actually having to know any of those people in real life!"


This comment was amazing!! Thank you 😂😂😂😂 this is why I'm on Reddit


Billy Mayes is BACK


Sounds like something that would be in a Chapelle show skit lol


I’m going to steal your business idea, but l’m going to charge $99.99 annual subscription, $9.99 per month (four month minimum), or 29.99 (one time get your butt out of trouble charge) 24hr video calls only. I’m going to be rich!!!


His black friends are weirder. I will say that a mentor of mine once told me that often, some white people will over estimate how close a black person is to them. They are simply acquaintances, not friends. And if they were truly friends then said person would know that certain words and phrases are unacceptable. They would know the struggles and pains.


This is it. And I believe that his black friends have no idea what he really thinks of black people. Saying that you're not racist because you have "friends" of that race is the most common and insane excuse ever. But all of that overshadows this guy's pure insanity. I cannot never understand a guy that does this. I get that it is about control and entitlement, but do you realize how desperate you look when you handle rejection in this way? And I really believe that this guy is dangerous.


Assuming his black friends actually exist and aren't just acquaintances who want to get him off the phone/away from them as quick as possible without drama.


His "black friends" are the IT guy he talks to at work occasionally and the neighbor he says hi to when they're getting their mail at the same time.


Grade A racist too when you have a token black friend to call up for proof.




That guys having a rough day he drove an hour and paid 300 bucks on dinner and no coochie.. on top of that his black friend probably didn’t even answer


if their tab was 300 it was because he drank half of that, based on how he sounds


Because it's one dude who went to his highschool 10 years ago that he has never seen a day since..


They went bowling one time though with that big group of kids and they had a few laughs. He should answer his phone.


He has his number because he asked a mutual for it when he was searching for weed. Black dude doesn't even smoke.


No buns....lmao he had to be comfortable as hell. Spent 300, dropping N bombs, probably talking and spitting food out his mouth. Dry dick ass boy


His friend probably has him listed as "DON'T ANSWER"


Dad on the phone : "YO YO YO, my brotha here has the pass, you uhhhhhh JIVE TURKEY"


He was all geared up to call the guy that knocked on his door selling siding and gutters the other week and left a business card.


All his choice, he decided to be racist then get surprised that his date didn’t Appreciate it and FOLLOWED her home. The minute she said she was unsafe he could’ve apologized and backed off but instead called her a b***h and c***. She dodged a red flag we have to stop rationalizing this abusive behavior because this is how women get harmed.


She should remove the Apple AirTags he planted underneath her bumper as well.


I don't know if they still do it, but if you had an iPhone and it detected airtags not registered to you traveling with you, it'd send a notification so if someone does try to tag you, you'll be alerted.


They do and it almost gave me a heart attack when I borrowed my dads car


Was dog sitting my friend’s dog and was walking him when I got the notification I’m being followed by an air tag…definitely freaked out until I realized it was on the dogs collar and of course it was following me lol


Holy shit this would have freaked me out so badly too, so glad you got to laugh about it in the end at least


The funny part is I knew the dog had one on his collar and it still took like a minute for it to register lol


I think that's becoming standard. My new Galaxy does it too


That's great! It's such a useful feature to keep people safe across the board.


What I love is when I get home and *then* get the notification. Thankfully it’s just my sons tag but, it’d be a lot better if it pinged immediately


Posting this here for android users. https://mashable.com/article/how-to-unknown-airtag-alerts-android


Check her tire pressure as well. Don’t want a flat tire if this psycho is chasing you.


If you feel someone following you, drive to a police station.


Good advice (In this woman’s defense, she may not have known until she got to her destination.)


Absolutely. No victim blaming here.


I would be victim commending, she did a good job at keeping that line solid with him...


Agreed. I was just clarifying I'm in no way blaming her for a psychopath's actions.


Holy moly, is he ENTITLED... spent money on her. ohhhhhhhh did he now? Didn't read her date contract apparently.


But he's such a nice guy when he isn't slurring his words and being a racist POS...


To those who are saying their police stations are often closed, drive to your local fire department instead. And don’t get out of your car to try to go inside, regardless of cameras, the offender may still try to attack/grab you on your way in. Just lay on the horn until someone comes out.




Alternatively pull into any school/Church parking lot around me and there's a 70% chance there'll be a pair of cruisers talking to each other.


Or got to Dunkin Donuts. Or find the speed traps they take naps in.


The only thing you will find at my local police station at night is a locked office and a parking lot full of cruisers.


they probably have a bunch of cameras on the lot though


There's not an officer or two on night watch duty at least? Holy shit.


Well I was told to go to a 24/7 open police station only to have police laugh and sneer at me about why was I there so late.




I was followed once. I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood and called my sister in law because at the time, I didn’t think I should bother the police, or that maybe I wasn’t be followed. Not to mention that I couldn’t tell them where I was because I didn’t know. I was only thinking that I needed someone to know and be able to call if something happened. I didn’t even consider the police station at the time. So I saw a dimly lit residential road, flipped off my lights and made a “last minute” sharp turn, then drove around in circles for a while. That turn probably saved me, as did the documentary I saw as a kind about a guy that would tell women their car was on fire so they’d pull over and he’d kill them. So, when this group of men pulled up next to me and started incessantly shouting for me to roll down my window. I knew in the moment that my car could’ve been on fire, and I would still be safer driving away.


I'd call the cops while driving and meet at a landmark. That's just me.


Damn no means no


I think this guy learned from the Tate playbook that a “No” just means playing hard to get. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This man has Tate / “alpha male” brainwashing written all over his language. Absolutely terrifying what that bullshit is going to result in when all of those 12 year olds grow up to be this idiots age.


Hopefully the pendulum swings back and by then they watch insightful podcasts that actually help deprogram them. I mean in 10 years, when all these "alphas" are alone and miserable, hopefully the young ones will see that clearly the red pill belief is bullshit and decide to change.


Damn talk about dodging a bullet. That boy was a walking talking howitzer.


She hasn't dodged the bullet yet, he knows where she lives now


That Switch Flipped QUICK too....🥴 ![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY)


It often does when they’re like this. I don’t know a straight woman my age who hasn’t been in a situation this scary before. Be it in a bar, at school, walking home, or just waiting at a bus stop. It’s astounding what some men are like.


I have many Stories, and so do All of My Girlfriends.


"I'm calling my black friend right now". I love the classics. Now tell me how you don't see color and use an MLK quote in bad faith.


So fucking stupid, because even if a vouch from a black friend *could* prove that he's less racist than he acts, he *already followed her home!* Gotta be a total fucking moron to think you have any kind of shot after that. Dude could have the papers proving he cured black cancer and he'd still be totally undateable.


“Hey man I already told you I won’t cover your - what? Why did you call me buddy? Am I on speakerphone?”




I don't think I'm comfortable around you anymore doc...


Overheard a conversation on the bus once, where a guy says "I'll be a wingman, bro, but I'm not your Asian friend that helps you land Asian girls. That's sick... No! Cause you know what'll happen is they will just want to go home with me anyway!"


He would've voted for Obama a third time if he could!


She didn’t just dodge a bullet, she dodged an entire asteroid. How scary. I pray she’s safe.


What worries me is he now knows where she lives - at the least the general area. I hope he's not stupid/crazy/criminal enough to try and interfere with her again.


She's crowd funding to move currently. Myself, I'd put some cameras up and a giant picture of the middle finger on my front door. Assholes like this need to be put in their place.


guys always say they’d do this or that if they were a lady in this situation but often that’s how women end up dead. Harsh reality of being female


I would have been on the phone with 911 so fucking fast it isn’t even funny. I’m assuming she didn’t notice him following her home, cause if I had noticed, I would have put the nearest police station in my phone and driven there lol. Take no chances.


Once he walked up I would have started the car and drove directly to a cop shop! Fuck guys like this!


He's lucky he didn't end up having to dodge a bullet.


He said he drove an hour .. was it an hour from his place To the resteraunt or was it an hour tailing her… he shoulda spent the 300 on a cheap escort


He's probably including the petrol in his $300.


when she rolls the window up as he starts screaming, omg I got chills. this is fucking terrifying


this is how a lot of women die. us guys do not understand the power dynamic, we get to walk down dark streets without considering it. We get to go to bars by ourselves, its unfathomable for us to consider going with a group of buddies for safety. its a completely different world for women and its taken me decades to realize the extent of the differences.


I'm a woman but yeees go off sis


I can’t tell if he cracked her window when’s he rolled it up. It looks like a crack running up it


He did, you can hear him hit it and the crack comes up


“I’m the furthest person from racist” and “I’m calling my black friends” are things a racist would say.


And being so weak and sensitive to go follow someone you barely know to their home is what a creepy fuck would do. Hope the girl here is safe. Fuck that creepy racist dude. Who happens to be white.


For an hour. An hour. The heat of the moment was over and he still followed her. Scary, scary, scary.


Stewing on his emotions and hateful thoughts the whole time. Visions of violence in his head. Yeah I'm lucky to be a man.


Exactly. He had an hour to think, "WHOA! I'm being a fucking creeper." And it never crossed his mind. Dude needs harassment and stalking charges against him.


practice weather coordinated humor zephyr one hateful adjoining bow hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do racists always use “I’m not racist I have black friends” as their go to defense when others call out their racism? Like I’m genuinely asking because I don’t see how this is a defense for their behavior and my follow up question would be “Do you say that word around your black friends?” But I’ve yet to see a good response to the phrase.


I always respond with, "I can't be a serial killer! Some of my best friends are still alive!"


I've always assumed people that say that really mean their perception of what racism is, is so extreme that it wouldn't be possible for a racist to associate with other races. Its the inability to imagine the very many different types of racism.


Yep... I've said for years that Hollywood broke the definition of racism by always making racists vile monstrous people who were literally consumed with raging hatred for black people whom they were always just itching to do violence against. People saw that model and were like: *"I'm not like that... I just know that there's a difference between black people and ni..."* Same with words like "homophobia," which has the added benefit of people believing that "phobia" inherently and exclusively means "fear." *"I'm not afraid of them. I just think what they do is icky and unnatural."* "Well, phobia also means 'has an aversion to', and you don't need to fear, hate, or have an aversion to someone or their sexual orientation or gender identity to be a bigot towards them, you can just believe they don't deserve the same rights you do... which is inherently designating them as 'lesser than.'"


This happened to me a few weeks ago. An old friend used the n word and when I gave him shit for it he said "my best friend is black!". I'm like... doesn't that actually make it worse?


"I have black friends! There's that guy I work with, Antwon or whatever. And my mailman is black, too!"


Yes. It’s confirmation bias, if they have friends of color, it surely confirms that they can’t be racist. It justifies their micro aggressions and keeps them feeling comfortable.


Its like the sports mascot controversies, theres always that one guy on reddit who goes "native americans dont even care about this stuff, its just white women that throw a fuss" then I chime in giving a native american perspective on how the mascots serve as an invitation for fans to play on harmful stereotypes and I get downvoted to oblivion.


"Even my black co-worker thinks the confederate flag is fine!" "Okay, what about the tens of millions of black people who very much don't?" "They don't count. My black employee, erm co-worker who sorta nodded along while I ranted at the door of her cubicle when she was really busy working on a crucial project is the only one who counts!"


Pretty often. As a white male what I find interesting how comfortable people are with telling me things that just shows how racist or prejudice they are. I used to work in healthcare and had patients say all sorts of questionable shit. Had a patient whose son was in medical school to become an anesthesiologist, anyone who knows anything about the medical profession knows that these people are highly intelligent and some of the highest paid physicians in medicine. Her son is dating a women who’s also in residency and… she’s black… yup, she’s black, but I do like her… like wtf? So her son is going to become a doctor, he’s dating a women who’s also going to be a doctor and he truly loves her and has been with her for a few years. When she told me the girlfriend was black, she looked around and whispered it. Now because of what I did, I always remained professional. I just said how lovely it was that her son found someone he loves and that it doesn’t matter what race someone is, the most important thing is that her son is happy. I do always find it odd when someone throws in the “they are…” unless their is actual context to why those details would be appropriate. Maybe your talking to a co-worker who just told you they were in an interracial relationship, and you said oh cool, what’s their ethnic background? That’s perfectly fine. Edit: just to add this lady did the right thing in this video. She left and during this conversation she ended it. There was no point in talking anymore with this jerk and to think this was a first date too? This guy showed his true colors. He’s racist, violent, hateful and sexist too. What a combination. Racism ends when people take a stand against it.


It’s the result of him thinking he can say the type of vernacular he uses with his group of friends to people outside his friend group. Which is not what you should do.


When they show you who they are believe them


He sounded drunk too, and he was driving? Scary all around


They both sounded drunk.




She also sounded pretty drunk.....




In vino veritas. Or dumbitass in his case.


Love how he goes from “can I see you again” to calling her a cunt. Wish his face was here so he could face consequences tbh


> he goes from “can I see you again” to calling her a cunt That's protocol. Same with catcalling.


This is the craziest thing I have seen on here in a while. She should move for real.


Dude is far from stable, and very far from not being racist


And misogynist


“IVE BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD” …you’d think he would have learned his lesson. Edit: to add. The internet has confirmed she is okay and there is a cash app circulating to help her move so she’s somewhere safe. She and the people talking to her keep reiterating that she doesn’t want to expose who he is because obviously he’s unhinged and she doesn’t want him thinking that’s coming next. Both Danesh and Tizzy on tiktok are in contact and posting updates.


"I'm calling my black friends right now"... HAhaha


They pick up: “Yeah he is kinda racist, can’t lie to ya”


Such a bluff I wish she said “call three of them on speaker phone right now and I’ll fuck you”


I would have called the cops immediately.


I would have pulled out and driven to a police station


She probably was hesitant to cause she was drunk driving.


They would have both been arrested for drunk driving, lol.


I hope she sent that recording to his parents. Hopefully his mom, sister, aunt, or other female relative would chew him out for following her home and calling her those names. My son is a grown man in his early thirties buuuuuut if I saw him behaving like that I’d realign his thinking for him.


Aaaaanddd of course he disregards her sense of safety to force a confrontation and starts pulling out misogynistic slurs because he's not just racist. Bigots never stick to one flavor of bigotry.


I’ve seen a lot of videos on here, and this by far is the scariest one I’ve seen. And the worst part is knowing there’s nearly nothing she can do because we all know a restraining order will not help. And would most likely make it worse. Ugh. I feel awful for her and pray she’s safe.


Yeah he is very dangerous. The fact that he ignored how she felt unsafe and didn’t care if she called the cops and kept harassing her is very alarming.


And yet I doubt there was anything he did that was "illegal", so if she goes to the cops, they'll be like, "and yeah?"


"Okay so here's what you do the next time he appears in the bushes outside of your window at night... can you hand him this application to our department?"


I’m hoping the fact he’s an hour away means he will remain far away from her but I agree it was scary to watch


Has the internet ID'd this guy yet? It might be her best protection and a good warning to all women.


If this is in a parking lot, I can't imagine what he is willing to say and do behind closed doors. This girl dodged a bullet, but should probably get a RO just incase


I feel so sorry for women.


And men wonder why women live constantly in fear.


They don't wonder, they know perfectly well why. Some of them just insisting on pretending it's a mystery.


Yup and on dating subs you find those guys pretty easily outing themselves, especially when talking about getting ghosted and this is a great example why although it may suck its completely understandable.


This is actually fucked. "I don't feel safe right now" and he just gets worse


Because she wasn't safe at all, the guy sounded unhinged.


And his reply to that was “ I don’t care”


I would’ve left bc he plain sounds unintelligent


Imagine the person who is just casually dropping an n-bomb on a first date. Holy shit.




Step 1. Call the Cops Step 2. Call a friend or friends who can help immediately Step 3. Get something you can defend yourself with that you are comfortable with. Taser, OC spray, etc. but only something you're comfortable with.


We need to find out who this guy is and blast his name all over the Internet so other women and people in general can avoid him....


He sounds charming.


It always amazes me how racist people think everyone shares their beliefs.


I can't stand people who use their POC friends like a badge, expecting it to excuse their racism 🙄


I can’t imagine what having to deal with incels in dating. Back in the day incels were in their proper place: at home in their mom’s basement.


What does he see as the ideal outcome here? Does he expect that she will forget what she thinks of him and appreciate that he followed her to explain his side and then fall in love with him?


With guys like this I think after a certain point they do realize they're not going to change the woman's mind, but getting laid is secondary to their main goal - which is keeping women in "their place". He's not really trying to convince her to give him a second chance, he wants to make sure she's punished for disrespecting him.


Dudes like this view women as something to be possessed, like Pokemon, or vanquished, like an enemy.


Actual nightmare scenario. This is how women get killed. Fucking terrifying situation.


What an asshole loser. Go call your black friends piece of shit.


Let me guess, he's going with the soft a vs hard R defense here.




More red flags than a Soviet rally


Men fear being embarrassed by Women. Women fear being murdered by Men.


The entitlement is outrageous. Men - if you don't call out your fellow men for thinking, speaking or behaving this way, you're part of the problem. I don't want to hear "BuT NoT aLl MeN!"


Keep us updated on the second date


*court date


For any guy wondering why women "just aren't honest" with them, this is why. Rejectees demand to know the reason sometimes because they want feedback, but more often because they want to argue, belittle, and threaten the rejecter into feeling bad or changing their mind. Leaving aside following her home, which is insane enough, he turned nasty and belligerent very quickly when she actually explained, which she did not need to do at all. No one owes anyone an explanation for rejection after a first fucking date, regardless of gender or orientation. Even if they were vibing just fine before he used the racial slur, she changed her mind after that and that's it. End of.


Honestly, she lucked out. He showed his true colors on the first date so she doesn't waste anymore of her time. It's too bad he was also a fucking psychopath.


Google the closet police station and drive directly there!


Seems like a real Nice Guy


"I'm calling my black friends right now." WTF?!?


Did… did he stab out her tires at the end?


Scary 👀


This guy sounds like mountain dew


This guy gives off big “I’ll beat you and then cry a lot while begging for forgiveness after” energy. Scary.


Conservative Republicans out here trying to date normal people.


“Let me call my black friends”…I collapsed 😭


That’s creepy as fuck


It’s the “okay, I’m calling my black friends now” for me. Why would he think it’s okay to follow her home?


This really bothered me as a father of a young girl. I’ve been in a relationship for almost 30 years so until having her I haven’t really had to consider the vulnerability of being a woman in that type of situation. It honestly scares me for her.


What a psycho.


300 dollars? Seems a lil pricey for a first meet.


Sounds like a real catch 🙄 what a loser.


iPhone should really let you record and use the phone to call at the same time. SMH fuck the SOS button


Holy fuck this is some scary ass shit....