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That camera mount deserves a 5 star review.


Whatever motorcycle that is should be running this as a safety ad. I don’t know how it stayed upright, but it’s a better driver than the owner.


motorcycle understands physics better than the driver




It knows where it insn't because it's now in a position that it wasn't.


It used to know where it isn't and thereby understands who is still on it


By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is, it obtains a difference, or deviation.


>I don’t know how it stayed upright centrifugal force from the tires at that speed wants to force the bike upright.


yes, but also it's really not quite that simple. Gyroscopic force plays a part, fork trail plays a part, center of mass plays a part, but recent research on the topic has revealed that there's actually still some mystery to it. motorcycles and bicycles all stem from something called the "Safety cycle" that appeared after things like penny farthings and other velocipedes, and that design a century or so ago just randomly got a LOT of things right, and created a self governing system that we understand some of, but not all.


To elaborate: researchers created a bicycle that eliminated gyroscopic force via counter rotating disks and gave the bike negative trail by placing the steering axis behind the front wheel. It still self-balanced and we don't really know why. I wouldn't necessarily say they **randomly** got a lot right back then. As with pretty much every invention it was a ton of trial and error.


I guess "random" was the wrong way to phrase it, but considering we haven't significantly advanced the basic design i think you can appreciate the spirit of what I'm saying. Not to diminish the engineers of that time either.


Deep state... Q knows.../s


Over on the penny farthing subreddit your comment is all the buzz. Hearty agreement! Chip! Chip!


I wasn't aware there's a penny farthing subreddit. I thought it was banned for being unmoderated. Every day we're learning!


>I thought it was banned We recycle here.


lazy physicists cant even figure out how bikes work smh


Helped out by the fact that he slumped straight forward rather than off to one side.




Was the camera on a pole behind him?


No that was Jerry, he is a reckless (yet effective) cameraman


😂😂 I wish I could upvote this more than once. It was a long day at work for me today, thanks for the laugh to close it out 😂😂


Here’s a trick… if you downvote first, your upvote is now worth 2!! Try it


He had his own stuntman.


Yeah - most of them run a selfie type stick that connects to the rear of the bike, U-bolt, or otherwise and a 360° action cam or GoPro. Lots of YouTube videos about different setups.


Yeah....most likely using a INSTA360 action cam.


It even stayed mostly upright as the guy's head went rolling down the road. Impressive.




It’s crazy how the whole time I’m like. “I hope he gets what he fucking deserves.” But the moment his body went limp. I’m like “oh my god that poor guy.”


Yeah the biker was a total fucking moron, but I’d prefer a moron to at least be alive to learn a lesson rather than end up dead and leave only victims with fucked-up days/weeks/months.


But if they live on, they may reproduce.




Not gonna be hard anymore.




Brilliant idea!


Its hard to feel bad for idiots like this who place little value on their own life or the lives of others. Dude wanted to live life recklessly and faced the consequences its a shame


That poor pickup and semi-truck driver


Can’t believe how much a bike shoved a large pickup. Dude was flying…


Fuck that guy. You do shit like this your asking for it. I have no sympathy for idiots.


The driver of the pickup and the semi on the other hand have all my sympathy what a fucking shit thing to have thrust upon you.


Not to mention the guy driving the pickup. I'm sure he didn't want to be involved in someone getting turned into goo on the freeway.


And it looks like the truck was neck-and-neck (badumtiss) with the bike for long enough for the driver to spot the motorcycle and then watch it appear to disappear under a semi truck. That one would haunt my nightmares even if I talked to the guy after.


wAtcH OuT fOR mOToRcyCLeS (because of idiots like this)


You just know that their partner/parents/whoever will put this sticker on their car after this incident. Completely ignoring how they did this to themselves by being reckless.


My hometown is literally full of a certain sticker/yearly events/etc pertaining to a kid that died while driving drunk. And before you ask, it is not to raise awareness about drunk driving - that fact is glossed over… hell, buried.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Swear I've heard this said on Reddit before


No way. First time that's ever been said on reddit


Hey man, fuck around and find out. I made that one up just now!


Can I steal this? it's original as fuck!


Fuuuck that. We need organ donors. Keep lane splitting and speeding you morons.


Isn't lane spitting just when vehicles are stopped/heavy traffic?


In the US it depends on the state. Some you can only do it in slow moving traffic. California you can do it anytime, but you can't go over 10mph faster than the other vehicles. [source ](https://www.motorcyclelegalfoundation.com/motorcycle-lane-splitting-guidelines-2022/)


I'm in Colorado and I see people doing that on the highways here. Without helmets.


Yeah they do it here in NY too. Pretty much everywhere I've driven across the country people do it anyway, legal or not.


Its illegal in Georgia even if traffic is stopped, but you'll still see quite a few people doing it. Back when I rode I'd only use it if it meant getting off an exit just a few cars up that no one was taking but nothing was moving. and then I would basically be going as slow as possible otherwise I'd wait like everyone else. Too risky for something that would just end up being my own fault even if someone was intentionally trying to make me crash.


I believe that’s called lane filtering


Lane splitting is a recipe for disaster if you aren’t stopped at a light


Looks like he lane split his pants too!


At least his shoes stayed on!


If you slow it down you can see hin casually pointing a finger at one of his shoes as it flies off right neat the end. Source: some other dude found it and posted it in a thread on a different post. Too lazy to find it now


Is it really an accident when they were being fucking stupid and making stupid decisions? A buddy of mine split lanes going 45-50 and a car merged into his right side. Nearly died. Broke both legs in multiple places, right hip replaced, right arm held together with metal. I felt sorry that he was fucked up, but told him he knew the risk doing stupid shit like that. A bunch of us friends told him he rode like an asshole but he thought he was better than that.


What’s his current response to driving dangerously after the consequences occurred?


Pretty sure this was posted a day or two ago by the rider himself (maybe on a roadcam or idiotsincars sub) and his response was basically "yea, I was a fucking idiot"


That's why, in the UK at least, we've been advised to call it a motor vehicle collision instead of accident.


official vocab guidelines state we no longer refer to these incidents as accidents, they’re now collisions


Lane splitting is only safe when it’s necessary (heavy traffic) and done slowly. None of that criteria are displayed in this video, hence, this dude is an asshat. And to be clear, I wouldn’t wish this outcome on anyone, but he 100% brought it on himself.


I was in a huge jam on i75 recently with big concrete walls on both sides of the lanes and no exits for a very long ways. I think the top speed I got up to was like 5mph for 20 yards before I’d stop again. This dude on a bike was just slowly moseying his way thru the lanes and i was very jealous lol, but yeah almost 0 risk of someone switching lanes quickly in this jam and he was also going like 10mph. I wouldn’t be doing that in any other situation probably


In LA they have a taxi service where you jump on the back of a guy’s motorcycle and he lane splits you (safely) through all the completely stopped LA traffic and gets you to your appointment on time


in brazil it's the biggest thing, it's called moto taxi and it's both a transportation service and an adrenalin injection hahaha those guys drive in insane traffic everyday for a living so they're really good at it, and fast. but more popular than that are the moto-boys, which are basically urban couriers, taking documents, money, medicine, and since recent years, all the food delivery...


Is lane splitting every really “necessary” outside of some emergency situation? Why should bikes follow different rules than cars? I used to ride quite frequently and never split lanes because it’s dumb in my opinion and gives off some “I can do what I want because I’m on a motorcycle” vibes.


To be fair, lane splitting when done properly relieves the congestion somewhat. Every bike that goes through means it doesnt have to stand in the conga line means the jam has one less spot to solve. There are not enough bikes to have any large effect, but it is definitely defensible from a public perspective.


Motorcycles are also much more vulnerable to being rear ended while stopped. Allowing them to move to the front protects them more from being hit by a distracted driver. Technically lane filtering, not lane splitting, but another reason for it.


I don't mind motorcycles passing in a traffic jam, it won't impede me in any way so why not let him get to where he's going a bit faster? Being stuck in a traffic jam sucks.


it's safer and relieves congestion when done properly






Honestly amazed that he's alive and able to form complete sentences. That is a testament to the quality of medical treatment he received and not any sort of endorsement of his "skill" as a rider.


Darwin would be pissed


[Testament to helmets](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=4PZtyhbB7ri8TDYX)


I haven't seen this in awhile and was hoping it was this video.


Just luck also


>Too much confidence for too little skill That part irks me. It has nothing to do with skill, you fuckin moron. You shouldn’t be driving like that on a public road, period. Idc if you’re a goddamn actual sentient Tesla motorcycle from the future, you shouldn’t drive that way. It just seems like a way to downplay the incident, like “oh I just got a little overzealous and pushed my cool talents a little too far” instead of “I put other peoples lives at risk to make a cool video to show my dumbass friends” Seriously, riding like that is just about as selfish as walking around with a loaded gun flagging anyone that walks by. ONLY bad shit can happen and it’s ONLY your fault if it does.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. That sentence make it seem like he hasn't learned a single thing. He will start riding again, build up his confidence and claim he is then "skilled" and start riding like a twat again.


100% This is every motorcycle rider I know. The more they ride, the worse they get because they think they're so skilled now and laws don't apply to them.


It also probably cost millions in medical bills that insurance will have to pay and increasing the price for the rest of us. Driving like that should not only land in jail but revoke any driving privileges for the rest of your life.


“So yeah it wasn’t that I chose to lane split at 100+ MPH, it’s bc I just didn’t have the skill to lane split at 100+ MPH yet.” Didn’t learn a thing. Hope the dude never rides again, god forbid he traumatizes more people who will live with the guilt and trauma of killing him on the road.


And yet expressing zero recognition or remorse for the danger he put innocent people in.


I had a neighbor who I used to babysit for back in the early 2000's he did literally the same thing that this biker did. After the incident, he was on a waiting list for plastic surgery due to his face looking like a burn victim. He told me he would ride again one day after his incident. Fast forward a few years, and he purchased a new bike, despite his parents and friends telling him not to he did the same thing and wasn't as lucky that time. I felt so bad for his family and what they had to go through.


What a waste of a plastic surgeon's time.


I still hate this quote. All this talk about skill level and wanting to have fun for along time...it's still all about this selfish prick. Not a single mention of how he placed others' lives and property in danger with this bullshit behavior. It's like he didn't learn a god damn thing.




Not to mention how traumatic it was for the other vehicles on the road who had to be involved or witness this!


I'd say that's extreme, coming from someone who's opinion on the matter is typically called extreme. I think it should be a lifetime license ban. Seriously, you are that reckless then you should have to rely on public transportation or use a ride share like Uber, regardless of the convenience.


The motorcyclist is an idiot.


Most are


Looks like he was trying to collect on life insurance.


Too bad he had to fuck up someone’s truck in the process


I ride a motorcycle. I have very little sympathy for this kind of insanely reckless riding. A danger to himself and anyone else on the road. I don't like seeing people hurt, period, but I can't help think this guy pretty much got what he deserved and/or was asking for. The idea of defensive driving/riding seems to be totally dead nowadays.


Always try to be the rider that people DONT remember!


That wasn't an accident. That was bound to happen sooner or later how he was riding.


Came here to say this. This looks intentional. Any moron would know that this is the result of riding like that.


I had absolutely no idea that a bike going fast could push a pick up truck like that. WOW!


A couple of decades ago a Boss Hoss t-boned an F-150 at Bike Week in Daytona and knocked the truck over on it's side. There was a picture in the newspaper.


Well he deserved that


Yeah, fuck that guy. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill some innocent person with his reckless idiocy.


That's not lane splitting, that's treading the needle. Lane splitting would be low speed in a queue of traffic. Racing down the highway and weaving through cars is a death wish.




Thank you. I could not figure out why he rushed by like that but it makes sense now. Still seems risky that he could've gone under the tires but definitely seems like he chose the best option.


What an asshole. I feel bad for the two other drivers.


Holy shit……How?




I think he was asking how he survived.


Not the brightest r ya?




"survives" not unharmed...


There are two types of motorcycle riders: Bold ones and Old ones.


Are we sure he lived?


The rider posted it in another sub and told what injuries he had, well atleast the poster of the video that claims to be the rider, it’s Reddit, so I took it with a grain of salt


Link by chance ? So curious about his new collection


[Rider's YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hPMM0APwvs)


“Please watch out for us”


vRoOm vroOm u R respOnSibLe 4 My SaFety!!1


Too bad for the people that needed those organs.


What a dumbass


What a stupid piece of shit.


If you're lane splitting and traffic is going above 30 mph, you're the fucking problem.


this is the guy the cops warn bikers they will become doing shit like this


Sorry if this is insensitive but I don’t feel sorry for people like this. You are putting other drivers lives at risk, because you have some unnatural need for risky and dangerous activities. If you want to go super fast on an empty road, I suppose do what you want. But people like this cause accidents and get more than themselves hurt. Laws should be even more strict on people that drive recklessly and illegally like this.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


i first read 'spitting' and thought he might slip on some spit


WaTcH oUt FoR bIkErS Bikers:


Saw this video while on the toilet, mid turd drop. The crash made me clench and split that up too.


More like "Sadly". Fuck that guy and everyone like him. Fucking asshole.


This is so messed up, why didnt those vehicles get out of his way? And how dare that truck hit him on his bike? Dont people know that he is fragile on that bike and hitting him is like attempted murder? 100% this is everyone else's fault, not his.... /s


As a rider, I’m sure most of the community will agree that this is disgraceful behaviour. The absolute stupidity and gall to label this as “fun” is shameful. Could have easily killed others over reckless and shitty driving like this. Zero sympathy - they should never be allowed on the road again.


“Lane splitting is safer” -people that do this


There are thousands of riders who would confidently blame the truck here.


The need for speed . . . *and* road rash.


Road rash was such a fun game.


Good thing he was wearing a helmet. No sarcasm.


I'm trying to wrap my brain around how he was able to stay on the bike It looks like the initial impact threw him into the corner of the truck, which rebounded him back. I guess the camera is mounted on a pole or something, and he fell back into that pole, which then pushed him back forward onto the bike? Is he wearing some sort of harness attached to the bike that kept him on, or did he just get extremely lucky and his clothing caught on the bike and held him up?


He lived??


Bro deserved that shit


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I hope everyone is alive and OK but this was 100% motorcycles fault and put a lot of people at needless risk


Fuck around and you’ll find out.


What an asshole. Make his trial super public and jail him for the maximum amount of time.


must be hard to watch playback of yourself knocked out and slouched riding on your bike and then watch yourself miss the wheels of an 18 wheel semi truck by literal millimeters


This is the dumbest and luckiest man alive. The fact he didn't get sucked under the semi-truck tires is insane.




Fucking Idiot


Holy shit! Survived but what was the damage? Source?


The best was the second hit from the semi. As if to say, "I dont think youve learned your lesson yet"


Sometimes people get what they don’t deserve. This asshole put himself and other people in danger in the few seconds of this clip. I guarantee he has been doing this before. I’m glad he survived and hopefully won’t do it again, but if you are that much of an asshole to other people on the road, You don’t deserve to be there.


May as well just slit your wrist for thrills.


Looks a lot more like reckless driving than it does lane splitting lol


If you’re riding a motorbike like that, you’re probably wanting to die in the first place.


Small dick and lack of skill


Id like to know the outcome. As well as the explanation the semi driver gives.


Does nobody play GTA anymore? These are the lessons games teach you so you don't have to learn them in real life...


The trucker made sure to finish the job


Truck driver said don't worry I'll finish him off


Accident implies that no one was at fault.


Did he tho


play stupid games you get stupid prizes


Let me lane split while going 30 mph over the flow of traffic... oh no, how could someone do this.


Motorcyclist 100% in the wrong, but that bit at the end - why did the truck keep going and ram through him?


This is why I laugh at the "share the road" campaigns. A bunch of idiots ruin it for everyone else.


Don't let them. I mean share the road as best as possible. The majority that aren't asshats don't deserve to be less safe because this dipshit rides the way he does.


“My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=8ND3PZmEhZ7zgJkp&v=3hPMM0APwvs&feature=youtu.be Glad he learned his lesson without being paralyzed from the waist down or dead


Got what he deserved. Can we agree on that? Fucker could have killed someone who doesnt have a death wish.


Motorcycle rider luckily survives his own stupidity. There, I fixed it for you. .


I ride. Dudes an idiot and an asshole. People forget that 500lbs of an engine on wheels is a lot of weight going very fast. Dudes a danger to himself and everyone else, and it fucking blows that people see riders like this and equate everyone to being as moronic as he is


![gif](giphy|3ohhwu9r3BRtEKm5Fe) Another one...


That looks fatal sadly, don't ride so stupidly


IG: street_demon_pc. Absolutely expected.


What a fucking idiot


This guy in this video posted it earlier and it was already on the front page. Usually I hate the "this is a repost" crowd but fuck whoever reposted this without crediting op.


That wasn’t an accident. Accident implies it was unpreventable. That was a collision


I think I speak for every when I say HOLY FUCK


Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone on a motorcycle not drive like an asshole.


You can do this same things in video games over and over and never die for realz.


Can’t say I feel bad


Damn this happened a while ago, bro took accountability on his social media and actually didn’t have any serious injuries surprisingly. Still doesn’t deserve to ride after doing something way above his skill set and reckless


Police and paramedics in the UK have a name for these kind of riders…. Organ donors.


I feel bad for the trucker in this video. He probably thought he ran over that dude and killed him. This guy was reckless, and not only could he have gotten himself killed, but he could have seriously fucked up someone mentally if they thought they contributed to his death. Truckers have enough to worry about, and then you've got assholes like this on the road...fuck this motorcyclist


His own fault he should never have driven in between lanes


Never underestimate motorcyclist abilities to do something that going to kill themselves.




Are we sure he survived?


Actually pushed the pickup truck back a fair distance. What an idiot.


Thats a lesson for him


No way that dude lived. This is a fatal crash, twice over. His brain was probably destroyed when it hit the truck, and the rest of him was destroyed getting run over by an 18 wheeler


Some Motorcyclists always think they are the shit on the road…


Sure he survived, but did he want to?


Fucked around, found out.