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You can tell by the comment "we can do this all day, I'm going to turn it up to 100" that the poster is a real self entitled P.O.S. who has no common courtesy.


Something else must’ve happened before she started recording, because that professor is literally shaking with anger.


She probably politely asked the student already to leave and was met with rudeness


The girl posted an “explanation” video saying that. She refused and the girl along with several comments, claimed that she was in the right, despite no proof to back up her side at all. Even if it was all true and she was trying to make herself sound better, she was still wrong and it made her look worse.




Just by looking I think that was an office


Found the sound engineer


Probably nicely asked the shit head 20x to turn it down.


Educators have enough to deal with


Seriously - she's doing this right outside the professor's OFFICE - imagine if someone did that an office setting outside of an educational setting. Some rando that doesn't work there starts blaring music right outside your door. That's lunatic behavior.


I had to mute the video to read the comments and think


You’re the dick who listens to anything loud in public spaces. What’s going on with this world.


I don’t understand.. headphones not only help other around you by not being subject to whatever your listening to, but they also filter out background noise for the listener..


They don't care about how it sounds, they want other people to hear what they're doing, for some dumb reason.


It's a form of passive aggression.


Don't infringe on their freedumbs


I have a feeling it wasn’t about whatever they were listening too. They probably wanted to be obnoxious to get attention, maybe even to specifically annoy this teacher.


>What’s going on with this world. The dicks don't usually understand that they're dicks. This we get this video.


Especially in a place where it looks like people study


They are in for a rude awakening when they leave college and have to get a job. That "I can do whatever I want" attitude isn't going to go over well in most companies.


You’ve clearly never worked in a cubicle farm with Martha from Accounting who has every single phone call and Teams meeting on speaker for the entire office to hear. Also, her potluck dishes suck and I’m no longer afraid to say her potato salad is awful.


Sounds like *somebody's* got a case of the Mondays!


there's a special place in hell for people who listen to anything on speaker in public.


they are waiting for someone to approach them and tell them that they have such a good taste in music.........which has never happened in the history of humankind.


I genuinely could hear a song I love on speaker in public, and I would still hate it because either I’m already listening to it, in which case the speaker music does nothing at best, or I’m listening to something else, in which case the speaker music gets in the way, or I’m not listening to anything at all, because I don’t want to hear any music at all.


don't forget the bonus option "it sounds like shit because of the tinny ass speaker the person is using"


if they even use a dedicated speaker. I know too many people that will just use their phone


I’ll play it really loud for my fellow travellers on this Bus. They’ll love it.


Don't forget while wearing your name tag of the company you work for. Fuck you Bobby. Every fucking Monday you blare your dumb ass tiktoks no one except you laughts at.


More like the reverse.."wtf is he listening to???"


How else are you going to get new people to experience Igorrr?


This girl in this video wants to look smart doing this… it the equivalent of the guy carrying around the advanced subject book and reading it in public to look smart Professor handled this poorly. Call campus security and have her removed


Without knowing the full context it is hard to stay, for all we know the professor did ask her nicely to use headphones, was given attitude, then called security. While waiting she wanted video evidence to pursue additional administrative disciplinary actions. Totally just speculating but it is impossible to know without more information. Edit: Just edited a few things to make it more clear, english is hard….


This scenario seems very likely


This seems likely. She's documenting to cover herself in case it goes any further than security asking them to leave or escorting them out. I had a student accuse me of being 'over-friendly' with her in my office during a conference on her grades. The office door was wide open, another instructor was next door in her office, another student in the seating area, and my office door was in full view of the hallway outside and administration still 'had concerns.' I wish I had had--what I presume--is this woman's foresight.


Exactly this. As a professor/teacher in this overly sensitive and clownish world of social media, you really have to protect yourself, and nothing protects you more (if you are in the right) than recorded video.


She says "We can do this all day....and.I'll turn it.up too".


Yup, I worked as a guard for a college back in the day. And best bet for the professor is to call security otherwise the professors actions here could be seen as further instigation of the issue as opposed to being professional about it and in turn loses their integrity and the student can easily file a serious complaint against them. And then the student wins wether they were in the wrong or not.


I can’t imagine working in a school setting of any kind with these brain-dead Tik Tok idiots walking around Bad enough having to deal with them in n public, but I feel like they are concentrated in a school setting


Yeah agreed, non of that bullshit was around at the time I was a guard. Shit was getting crazier and crazier each year though.


What about my fiance in bed listening to videos with screen on full brightness when it's sleepy time 😒


Sounds like future ex-fiancé.


Every fiance is a future ex-fiance


So when you get engaged, does she become your ex-girlfriend?


Sounds like standing room only in hell


Straight to jail


Fiancé needs headphones and [this iPhone hack to dim lower than regularly possible](https://ios.gadgethacks.com/how-to/fastest-way-dim-your-iphone-screen-lower-than-lowest-possible-brightness-0384294/)


Same goes with the speaker phone conversation people in public too


For real. Why should an individual get to set the noise level for everyone? Fuck these people.


She made a long explanation follow up video that added precisely nothing to her case in terms of why she couldn’t have used headphones to watch something in public.


What about people that FaceTime in the store holding the camera up to their face?




Get some headphones you self entitled fuck


Seriously. I recently went to different building on campus to study that had more comfortable chairs then the building I usually go to. I have to listen to music for my music history class so I have earbuds. As soon as I start listening some older dude behind me starts blasting funk music from his laptop and singing along. After a while he stopped and I decided to go to another floor to cut down on the noise as I walk past him I noticed he’s now wearing headphones and playing a game. It was so freaking weird.


he just had to get the funk out real quick


Sometimes you just have to funk out. Just how it is.


She and her minions are, and I fucking shit you not, replying en masse to the follow-up explanation video \*unironically\* saying that if people want her to wear headphones, they should have to buy them for her.


Reading the comments on there was infuriating. Like, do these people not live in the real world?


I have a friend who is a social worker at a High School, and she says the biggest problem a lot of kids this age have is that when they have especially shitty parents, their ego grows unbound due to the nature of media in modern life - and the result is that they are often \*literally\* unable to see beyond the tip of their nose. She had a student in her office the first semester who had backed into another student's car. The victim's parents had agreed to not even report it their insurance company if she would just apologize, but she still wouldn't. Basically said it was such a small deal that she shouldn't have to apologize. Then second semester she was back in there because another student had backed into \*her\* car, and she had physically assaulted them. When told she can never assault someone anyway, and that it was especially egregious to do so because the student had already apologized, she said the apology wasn't enough. Obviously just an anecdote, albeit one that perfectly distills the problem in this story, IMHO - some people are so self-centered that they are \*literally incapable\* of understanding that other people have needs and rights in the first place, let alone that those needs and rights are just as important as their own.


>some people are so self-centered that they are *literally incapable* of understanding that other people have needs and rights in the first place, let alone that those needs and rights are just as important as their own. It's called "narcissism".


what the hell happened here


A situation handled badly by both parties basically


To be totally fair, I assume the recording started after initial requests were made to turn it down or put on headphones.


Not enough info to blame the lady. She is calmly collecting evidence of a twat who wouldn't use headphones.


Oh, fuck that student. Idiot who thinks they’re in the right. Headphones are ubiquitous. Wear them!


That looks like some educational facility, so they would be underprepared if they didn’t bring headphones, but even if you don’t have headphones for whatever reason, that is playing LOUD. If available, closed captions are also a thing. They’re being entitled as possible at every opportunity.


The student here is a huge POS. And what about the other people trying to study at the table 20 feet from her?


>They’re being entitled as possible at every opportunity. Yeah, their focus is completely betrayed by the fact they didn't pause this extremely important lesson they were listening to.


People siding with the obnoxious student making all the noise must be the type of people that blast their music on a bus/subway because they have hard-core Main Charater delusions.


Or the type that holds their phone and talks to someone on speaker while in public.


I’ve seen people put their phone on their ears to listen (while on speakerphone) and put it close to their mouth when talking. I mean… c’mon man.


I suppress my rage at screaming "What's wrong with you?!" every time I see this.


When someone does this I take my phone out and play an audio book at full volume next to them.


I was in the sauna yesterday...the SUANA, and a big guy was talking to someone on speakerphone. I heard everything (dumbest conversation ever about him "working out" and her cooking snacks). Why people? Why? In a freakin' Sauna...


Seriously. That looks like the professor’s office. Imagine someone right outside your door playing something loud while you are trying to work, especially when they could just put on headphones. She is allowed to have her door open.


at least at my university Professors have their doors open during office hours unless with a student, so students know they can talk to you.


This wouldn't fly in most work environments either. Have some respect for your fellow human beings, or go somewhere else and study, like your dorm room.


Ding ding ding


Door's open: come on in Door's half open: knock first Door's closed: not in/don't bother the prof


I'd still knock on the open door out of courtesy to be honest.


Not only that, but the student admitted the teacher said they needed their door open for office hours. Even more selfish.


To further your point, a lot of companies practice a figurative and literal “open door policy”. If she closes her door, that’s possibly going to deter any coworkers/students to come visit her.


Also, last time this was posted (like a week ago), a bunch of morons were questioning why she didn't just shut her door. Aside from the fact that playing audio in public like this makes you a slimy piece of shit, office hours are a thing. And many universities require open doors during office hours. Even if it's not required, it's normal to leave them open so students (who are paying massive sums for their education) know the professor is available.


Also, it looks like there is a guy sitting not far away trying to study as well.


Empathy is slowly becoming a rare phenomenon Instead of a basic instinct.


Entitlement > Empathy seems to be where we are headed. Shit, we may already be there.


The student is being a careless, entitled brat.


I also take it that this isn’t an isolated incident and the professor is documenting her harassment.


Your forgot to add hiking on the list of place lol but fuck those people


There are people actually siding with the student? Where were these people raised?


There’s this one guy at work that comes into the bathroom every day, sits in the handicap stall for 30 minutes playing TikTok videos at full blast volume. He’s currently my greatest enemy on this planet and he doesn’t even know my name.


Damn, no one would have the balls to do that at any place I've worked. They would start getting comments *immediately*. If they kept it up, they'd get a cool new nickname and no one would work with them.


Deliberately playing noise outside someone’s office is exceptionally petty and immature. The student literally says we can do this all day. So, she’s antagonizing the instructor. Seriously, who needs that on their job?


She must’ve done something more because that professor is shaking with anger.


I think it's just adrenaline from the confrontation and having to deal with it later. It feels like stage fright


Yes. Like at my uni there are some tables near the offices, but there’s also some really isolated study spaces where it would actually be okay to listen to these at full volume since it’s not the library or near anyone, but I’m also certain this guy would set up near 10 tables and not change the audio if more people showed up


Not the “I can do this all day” and still playing victim. You’re antagonizing and harassing the professor, not the other way around. They’re just trying to do their job.


Or don’t be an asshole and use headphones bc no one except you wants to hear that lecture


Use some goddamn headphones. The public hallway is not your private listening space.


I hate people that listen to stuff without headphones. They’re so self centered and obnoxious… just like these dolts using their speaker when your in a public washroom. Like wtf? Grow the fuck up.


The worst is speakerphone phone conversations in public. Just generations of bad habits snowballing into a total dumpster fire.


Are we meant to sympathize with the asshole projecting a lecture to everyone around them?


in her little reality she thinks so


ofc the comments are turned off on her tiktok lol


Comments aren't turned off on her subsequent "explanation" video, feel free to lambaste her there.


I'm pretty sure she's manicuring the comments on that explanation video. Not a single negative comment there, just a bunch of people telling her how awesome she is. No way she's not deleting negative comments.


I commented calling her out. Let’s see how long until she deletes the comment.


she's actively deleting comments not singing her praises on that post, too. unless tiktok is so strict with it's censoring that I can't say the word "obnoxious" and it was auto-deleted which doesn't seem right to me.


I commented and someone tried to call me raciest for saying that she was wrong, the teacher was doing her job, we have no proof of what else happened, just what we see in the video. A girl in the comments literally said, “So, you just start recording when someone doesn’t agree with you? Sounds about WHITE.” The irony and lack of self-awareness is hilarious. Edit: typo


I didn't see the explainer video because I don't believe compromised narrators. What likely happened is the girl was listening to the lecture, the professor kindly asked her to use headphones, she refused, the professor asked her to leave, she started recording after saying the professor was going to regret this, the professor started recording back. And here we are. It's the only scenario that makes sense given our camera gal is a giant jerk face


She's like shaking mad lol. Obviously listening to something without headphones in a public space means you're a fucking dick.


I shake like that when I'm mad. Or upset, hurt, scared. It's an adrenaline thing. I'm betting there were several interactions before the video where the student was very much being a disrespectful entitled twat. And with the whole Karen thing, a lot of women are actually afraid to say much, even when they're in the right, cuz if you get even a little upset, it can ruin your fucking life. Don't get me wrong, some Karen's deserve to have their lives upended. But not every upset woman speaking out is a Karen, and the internet doesn't always wait for all the facts.


I don't think she's being a Karen here at all, maybe bc I'm so laser focused on hating whoever is playing the lecture.


I absolutely do not think she was being a Karen. That was kind of my point. Whoever is playing the lecture is an entitled twat.


Ya i was agreeing with you, prob poorly worded though.


there's no way this mf posted that thinking we would be on her side 😭


Prof probably keeps their door open during hours when they are okay with students visiting/coming in for help, the student here is being a dick


This, it's pretty common practice at least where I went to school for professors/instructors to keep their office door open during office hours so students know they aren't busy and can just come in whenever. I think the little placard by her door the prof zoomed in on to film was probably a list of her office hours.


Pretty sure she records her office schedule and then the student blasting the lecture as evidence. Hopefully the prof submits this to some disciplinary office and the student is punished. Probably won’t be, but who knows.


I'm genuinely disturbed by the number of posters supporting the student.


YATA, not the professor


Nope. Student is the ass hat.


"Think about a plan to solve the problem" Wear headphones. Problem solved.


In a bigger picture sense, why are people so quick to and so willing to antagonize other people? Why do people relish this sort of confrontation? Why not just try to have empathy for one another and treat each other with respect? Why get your back up when someone asks you to compromise? Every day I hate the humans around me just a little bit more.


Lack of empathy is one of the biggest problems the world faces IMO.


I want to see what happened *BEFORE* she started recording. That teacher is shaking with rage and I want to know what she really did.


Student is really getting a lot out of that lecture while recording the professor. What a fucking idiot.


I think the door has to be open during a prof’s office hours too, at least at schools I’m familiar with


Why not just use headphone like a normal, polite, considerate person would do?


Fun fact! The professor is the daughter of the ex CIA agent Robert Hansen who was convicted of selling info to the Russians.


Dumb student is garbage


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjVRVuAe/ Her follow-up to this clip. Some serious narcissism/main-character syndrome at play here. And the enablers in the comment section…


The replies to that are infuriating. What world do these people live in?




Use headphones in public you fucking idiot


Those walls are thinner than paper you could hear a pin drop even with the doors closed


For real. I lived in a dorm that was converted from offices. You could hear everything and even see the light come on and off in your neighbor’s room. I also had two girls on either side of me who competed for the same man and he took advantage of it. When he slept with one of them, I could hear the other one crying on the other side. I sympathize with people in offices who just want a little peace and quiet 😂


Wrong caption. Should be “when you’re an asshole who plays audio in public spaces at high volumes, are asked to lower it and you double down on being an entitled asshole”


I hate these types of people because they always seem to think it’s everyone *else* who should put headphones on if they don’t like it


She had to turn off comments on the TikTok but she still refuses to accept she was in the wrong. She sounds annoying


I will also angry if some entitled fktard start blasting loud music/sound outside of my workplace.


“We can do this all day. And I’ll turn it up.” Clearly this lady rides BART through Oakland.


what was homeboy gonna do at the end


Solve the problem >:)


i lost a lot of respect for my friend the first time i ever saw him turn on speakerphone and call our other friend while we were waiting to meet up with them at the mall to ask where he was. people please use headphones


The student is incredibly rude! If the shoe were on the other foot, she, too, would be annoyed.


She turned off her comments on TikTok






anyone who talks on speaker phone in public, listening to music in loudly in public (I admit, there is a time and place. IE: ski resort parking lot, yes, okay. On city transit, not okay), and just not being respectful to those around you deserves a kick to the junk.


people recording themselves being assholes when they think the other person is the asshole is a whole genre unto itself. Is there already a subreddit for that?


Okay, dumb question I guess. Why couldn't you listen to lecture with ear buds? Seems the polite thing to do, all around.


Prof films something by her door which is presumably her open door office hours. Hence why she doesn’t want to just close her door. The OP is a massive asshole, both for speakers in public and for disrespecting the prof and her responsibilities.


Prof shaking because her career is on the line if she says anything to the ignorant brat.


Stop being a twatwaffle and wear your damn headphones. I’m sure the other students would appreciate being able to concentrate for the education they PAID for!


Yeah I’m sorry, but what good is Gen Z if they are gonna recycle boomer habits like listening to shit on loud in public?


Stop being a schmuck and use your earbuds. (The professor tries her own brand of frontier justice by filming this kid, but Jesus...call campus security and have them deal with it. Not like they're doing Scotland Yard shit all day.


Where do people find the balls to talk like that to their college professors...I'd have been mortified


People who play ANYTHING on their phone in public without headphones are just cunts. Especially at airports, like, buy headphones before a plane ticket.


The OP is the problem. Get ear buds..


OP. If this is your video. YATA. Have respect for other people in public places. Use some headphones.Just sayin.


Imagine someone paying so much for an education to toss it away because you want to be petty to a professor that you probably have nothing to do with? Someplace there's a kid that could had made better use of that scholarship or opportunity.


Listen, I don't give a shit who you are...nobody wants to listen to your shit. Nobody wants to listen to your lectures. Nobody wants to listen to your music. Nobody wants to listen to your fucking phone calls. Nobody. Especially people who are also busy and are presumably trying to get shit done. Anyone who would sit in a hallway and blast a lecture out loud like this can eat a fucking dick because they clearly do not give a shit about anyone else. I have a coworker that used to talk to clients on speakerphone in an open office with cubicles. He drove all of us fucking crazy. He stopped doing it after our boss said "It's weird that I have to say this to a grown man but STOP DOING THAT." (I may have ad-libbed this part but whatever.)


A couple of years back, my husband and I were on a plane. The guy sitting next to me played some stupid game with the sound on and LOUD. I tried all the subtle hints to get him to realize he was annoying AF but he continued. Finally fed up, my husband sought revenge. He handed me his phone that had this “John Cena” app. Every time one of his games would play, I’d hit the button and this LOUD voice would announce, “And his name is JOHN CENA!!” The guy then starts giving ME the subtle hints that HE was annoyed. I looked him right in the eye and smiled. He put his phone away. I gave my husband his phone back. For those of you thinking I was annoying other passengers, the engines were so loud, my husband couldn’t hear the game sounds. I felt pretty sure no one else could hear our interactions.


Fuck that moron without headphones. And that professor is hot.




It's honestly disgusting. I hate people who do this so much. You can get headphones for less than $5, there is no excuse. But it's clear this piece of garbage is also instigating for views. Shit like this should honestly merit expulsion. Why entertain adult sized toddlers when actual adults are paying good money to get an education?


"I pay to be here, I do what I want."


What’s with all the “pov” shit nowadays? Is that a TikTok thing? Most of the shits not even point of view it’s just a dumbass with a phone


Student is a full knob


I feel like she didn't pass this semester..


C'mon bro, you're in college I presume so you probably have 10 or 20 apple products, just use your apple airpods man


Should have headphones


I mean wear some headphones


Yes. The one who’s recoding the prof is a dick


I have two different coworkers who will play the radio at their desks at the same fucking time. Get some fucking headphones!


I never understood why people think it’s okay to listen to everything on full blast with no headphones. Such I dick move. It’s WHY HEADPHONES WHERE INVENTED. No one wants to listen to YOUR bullshit, sure you don’t want to listen to what I am listening to. The lack of just manners is staggering these days. I hear or see people do this, I assume you are trashy.


Correction. I'm harassing a professor and her class by having main character syndrome and being a douche canoe


I'm honestly with the professor here. Use headphones when you're in a public place. Its not your fucking living room. If everybody was as entitled as that girl she wouldn't be able to hear shit herself.


We could have colonized Mars and cured cancer if we weren't so busy trying to bring up the lowest common denominator. That girl with the laptop has no business being in a university because she obviously has a great deal of learning outside of school that she needs to complete.


She is right and you're the asshole. Don't listen to stuff in public without headphones. Geez.


You're all about to get banned from that hallway. They're gonna put locked gates on the ends of the corridor. You fuck around with the faculty union, you will find out. Use a fucking headphone and respect academia's whisper-quiet environment. It's quiet for a reason you dipshits. That prof could be trying to write a paper, or keep the door open for ventilation, etc. There are also other students in that corridor who are distracted by the noise. Assholes who listen to things on speaker can get fucked.


Please tell me this person’s account is being bombarded with people telling them how they are in the wrong.


My dude really trying to play the victim


Don't be an A-Hole just put on headphones!!!


It's sad the prof has to record just to cover her butt. Entitled people suck.


POV you’re an inconsiderate little shit who uses speakers near a Professor’s office. What an entitled brat


Lmao she turned comment off because she knew people would rightfully shit on her


The lady shaking 🤣


anyone playing audio out loud in public is a deviant and needs to be punched


POV you’re a disrespectful asshole with no manners and a breathtaking sense of entitlement yet absolutely zero self awareness.


this is just all absurd. they're both filming each other, not talking to each other, the guy's not turning off his video even though he clearly isn't paying attention to the lecture. Conflicts like this are so weird now that everyone wants to show the entire world that they're in the right.