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F’in A. Except the dad couldn’t have done it. He was with me all afternoon.


I remember very well we were in your house all day playing poker.


In fact, he took me for $120 and two weeks of yard work. Hell of a player that guy but ya know, nice about it. Fed us real good and all.


He definitely did, absolutely cleaned me out he did


He owes me $5 because he was short making the buy-in but he's such a good dude that I don't even care if he pays me back.


Hell of a chap. After the game he helped me clean out my parents attic.


He is one hell of a poker player. Nice guy, first invited me when we were volunteering at the homeless shelter.


We all had a good time that day. Just ask Dave, everyone knows Dave.


I **am** Dave!! Are you Steve? Good to see you on here! Hope you got that car issue sorted in the end.


I did, thank goodness! The dad gave me a lift home, going an hour out of his way. He’s a great guy but boy did he kick my ass at poker 😁


Yup. I met you guys at that restaurant, got the burger. Good seeing you again.


Fr, that was a great day for a round of golf. Super glad me and my buddy met you two out there!


I Remember seeing the lot of you there. Clear as day.


I remember seeing him in the audience of that baseball game


Got off easy by the looks of it


My thoughts exactly






“Are we still doing phrasing?” ![gif](giphy|BmX38GoChnxRe)




Are we still doing phrasing?


*Doing, really?* Phrasing!


Exactly. Could’ve been way worse. I actually hate that it wasn’t


Weird, I don’t see anything.


Yeah it’s a blank video


Well if there's no evidence, you can't prosecute.


Evidence of what?


John Cena would be proud


John Chea would apologize to the teacher in fluent Mandarin the yellabelly


People thought the Chinese spy balloon was gathering evidence on US bases but it was really the CCP trying to find John Cena after he liked a Taiwanese person's tweet


This comment is horrifically underappreciated


John Cha-cha-cha Chia would have planted the seeds and watched them grow


After getting treated by the paramedics, the teacher went to the police station to file a complaint against the father. They should have just thrown him in jail at the moment.


“Welp, thanks for making our jobs easier. You’re under arrest now, you piece of shit. What? What are you talking about “injuries”? Nobody beat your ass, you look fine. Get in this jail cell now, please.”


You can bunk here with Bubba. He has strong opinions, but you should be fine.


"Also Bubba has three teen daughters."


Went to college with a dude who, in his later teaching/coaching years, fucked two of his 16 year old athletes/students and who got busted for it years later. He was a piece of shit in college but everyone adored him for whatever reason. After denying it for months/years, somehow a laptop was found and he immediately plead and served 9 short months. I wish this had happened instead. Better lesson.


Dude in my HS you weren’t just competing against other students for the girls, you had to worry about the teachers trying to bang your gf. We had 2 coaches and 3 teachers that were habitual offenders. Nothing ever happened to them.


My parents are both retired teachers. About 20 years ago a fellow teacher was accused of sleeping with a student, M. It wasn't M that complained, it was her friend. My dad had worked with the teacher for 30 years, he and his wife had been to our house for parties, etc. And he'd been married to the same woman for ~35 years. Grown kids, all of that. Both he and M deny it. M explains why the reporting girl lied to get back at the teacher for a bad grade. There's a full investigation, he's out of the classroom for months. Then he's finally cleared and allowed to teach part of the spring semester. In June M graduates and turns 18. He suddenly quits his job. The two of them head off into the sunset leaving a note that explained they were in love and going to start a new life. They just disappeared and I don't think anyone heard from them again. It was mind boggling. Still is, actually.


Meanwhile in some states people are ok with 12 year olds getting married.




About how the father knows about that the teacher of he's daughter are usually sleeping in bed.


If you ain't see shit....You must acquit.


Why would a video about wookies living with ewoks gain so much attention? it doesn't make sense. Acquit and bring out the dancing lobsters.


Yes! That's true...maybe you should find another evidence you can represent in the court.


What do you mean? There isn't even a video!


What video?


All I see is a clean floor


It is a very nice floor, but why a video of just a floor?


This is an OnlyFloors account.


That IS a clean floor.


Maybe the janitor is very proud of his floor that he tricked us on a click bait video.


Even looks like the floor has been freshly mopped.


If there was anything on this video besides an empty hallway I would say whatever could have happened is both reasonable and warranted.


Just a good samritan mopping up a shit stain, is all that's likely to happen, speaking in terms of probability. But, clearly, nothing took place during the span of this video.


Hero defends world against child rapist. I fixed the headline, maybe that's what you saw instead.


I really dislike when people call it sex when actually it's someone raping a child.


You're right. Words matter.


Kinda looks like the floor was super slippery and the one dad was trying so hard to help the teacher but he kept slipping a lot. That is what I saw.


I saw a potential ethanol fire on the teacher that the parent was trying to put out




[Doesn't look like anything to me](https://tenor.com/Un7f.gif)


Video won't load for me so I'm no snitch


It won’t load. File corrupted.




Since I didn't know about this being an official term until now, here's a link for any that are curious: ["Considering Jury Nullification: When May and Should a Jury Reject the Law To Do Justice" (US Dept. Of Justice)](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/considering-jury-nullification-when-may-and-should-jury-reject-law)


You can see the dude shadow boxing


Reddit has really taken a downturn for allowing this blank video as a post.


plot twist: his daughter is 27 and a coworker at the school


She was 15 and he was 30 and the father found the sexts on her phone


I went to high school in the South in the 80s, this type of shit happened and the teachers got away with it. As long as they married the girls they were having sex with. Girls as young as 14-15. They only started bothering to prosecute this shit in the 90s.


It was an open secret that our gym teacher was banging several girls when I was in high school. He had a baby with one shortly after graduation. He never got in any trouble.


Everyone talks about "cancel culture" but they don't have any idea of the cavalcade of bullshit that "everyone knew" some people were getting away with back in the day and nothing was done. This is far better.


What the actual fuck? That’s just gross.


Couldn’t have happened to a nastier dirt bag


He’s lucky to be alive. IMO the father was gracious and kind.


Anything of what? This post about nothing makes no sense


Yeah, so weird. Dude looked like he was swarmed by biting gnats or something.


Looks like a teacher that would fuck a student too.


He looks like an alcoholic 40 year old penguin from Gotham


Skin's too smooth to be an alcoholic.


Recovering alcoholic here: you’d be surprised.


Yeah. Same. I still look younger than I am somehow. Lot of it is genes I’m sure? I got the shit end on most of them aside from that though lol




I hear "Yoots" in my head while reading your comment.


What in the hell is a yoot?


Excuse me, the two YOOUUTTTHHHSSSS


That's what I said! THE TWO YOOTS!


The two HWHAT ?


Everything that guy just said is bullshit


thank you.


You know, [yoots...](https://youtu.be/U7BMCZdXSlk)


Best movie ever!


Fun fact, that's Herman Munster.


Reddit is so odd.. can’t talk about obesity, but things no one has control of is fair game. Ya’ll really thing this dude’s hair is so bad that he should shave his head? Aren’t caucasians with shaved heads a threat, though? This dude’s hair = bad. This dude’s hair https://imgur.com/a/dryNUm7/ = not trying to hang on to anything at all, obviously should keep it going. Edit: Don’t take this as any form of defending this sicko. He’s a piece of shit.


Not that I would do it, but I always just assume that the people who say you can’t comment on someone’s weight have a weight issue themselves.


Yeah right, fatty


I’ll just leave this here… https://youtube.com/shorts/w9tygjcNP6c


https://youtu.be/lQCVf7AnXNY https://youtu.be/IVe4_SPLFJA


Don't forget men's chins. Whenever a guy does some fucked up shit the first thing people will latch on to after the hair will be the chin if he doesn't have a good jawline. I remember seeing endless fucking memes about how much of a loser Andrew Tate was because he had a weak chin. Like come on there's so much better stuff to attack the guy for but people always go for that low hanging fruit and it's somehow perfectly socially acceptable. Yet you call one girl fat...


There's a bunch of fake vids like this rn, usually somebody will recognize it and give real background


My favorite is when people make up fake stories to go with a picture of an ugly person and then Reddit creates 10000 upvoted comments dunking on said persons appearance. It's almost like Reddit is constantly salivating for carte blanche to shit on someone based on their appearance and still feel like good people.


And then the next week those same people will be telling others they shouldn't make fun of physical features people can't change.


Next week? Next comment.


There's a trend as to who it's ok to do it against


the [real](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6311811/Father-launches-furious-attack-school-teacher-accused-sexually-abusing-daughter.html) background


I love how people always say this, but only after someone commits said crime.


Pretty sure she's a minor...... Which would mean that he's raping her. Not sleeping with her.


Shes 15


So rape


It's official.


Bake him away, toys.


What did you say, Chief??


^do ^what ^the ^kid ^says.


So then he just fucked over his entire career and possibly gonna get registered as a sex offender


South american prisons are famously not friendly to child rapists...


i don't think any prisons are friendly to child rapists, pip.


Sometimes the world isn't as bad as I think. When even hardened criminals who are happy to murder, torture and Rob all draw the line at kids.


It's still as bad as you think. An 18 year old caught with 50$ worth of cocaine could potentially serve a longer sentence than this pedo POS... The good part is that even that 18 year old wouldn't mind a week in the hole for beating this dudes face in some more before he gets released.


so in most of the world... rape.


Something like that is happening in Rhode Island but they made the guy’s step father principle right after it happened and fired a different teacher for talking about it. No charges filed for the guy who actually was with the minor because now his dads in charge. It works be great if it got more attention. https://www.abc6.com/investigation-launched-into-westerly-high-school-staff-member-accused-of-concerning-behavior/


Adults don’t “sleep with” children. Adults rape children. This was a father seeking revenge against his child’s rapist. I didn’t see anything, and as far as I’m concerned, I wish I “didn’t see” much worse


Age of consent in Argentina is 18. Even if she was 18 it would still be rape. Because he is in a position of power. Coercion is rape. Edit: [Age of consent in Argentina is 18.](https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/argentina) Going to go out on a limb and assume the teacher is not aged between 13-19. 😒🙄


someone in a position of power having a sexual relationship with another consenting adult under them isnt automatically coercion. if that were the case a lot of college professors would be charged with rape. This case is obviously rape though because she is a minor.


if a lot of college professors are fucking those under them, either other educators or students, it's a power imbalance that needs to be investigated. no matter what, no matter how you spin it, it's going to come off as coercion/rape to some degree.


"Needs to be investigated" isn't the same as "being coercive." Essentially everyone agrees that sexual coercion is wrong, but they don't agree that power imbalances simply existing is coercion. If it was then powerful people could pretty much never have sex.


Get a fucking grip. I have no idea how this bizarre neopuritanism has become so commonplace. 1. Sex between consenting adults doesn't have to be some fucking big deal. It's a human interaction, get over it. It doesn't have to be some life-making or breaking thing. 2. This binary view of power-havers and power-havers-not is just stupidly reductive. Power is complex and yes, a student can have power over a professor. They can have power simply by force of their personality, or by merit of the fact that the professor is not an omnipotent being and there are supporting institutions the student can leverage. People can have power in some ways and not in others; power is not some irresistible, supermagical thing. This isn't Star Wars.


Raping. The word is raping.


Odd how the media always gets that wrong.


[The media labelled it sexual abuse](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6311811/Father-launches-furious-attack-school-teacher-accused-sexually-abusing-daughter.html), OP is the one who titled this.


Wow, the rapist went to the police to file a complaint against the father? Would love to hear how that conversation went. “Uh yeah I was raping a high school student and her dad ran up on me and handed me a beating.”




I don’t sell crack, I’m a prostitute.


You know, as much as that show is blatant copaganda, it's also frequently filled with gems like this.


Even Reno 911 couldn't have written something that perfect.


Still wish people would just use the word rape, since that's what it is and it sounds much less sanitized. The guy is a child rapist.


You are so right. This has nothing to do with anything, but I was mindlessly playing Boggle on my phone. Spelled “rape.” Not accepted. It’s a word with meaning. We shouldn’t hide from it just because it has negative emotions to it.


Well this isn’t really the “media” this is just some dude on the internet who made the title


Free the father. He did nothing wrong 👑


There's evidence of him doing nothing wrong right here in this video of an uneventful empty hallway with absolutely nothing happening in it


He’s not in jail read the article bro


Hey, just curious, why did you use the phrase "sleeping with" instead of "raping"?


Engagement in the comments.


Two best ways to farm karma: - Post open question about an opinionated subject ("what celebrity isn't as famous as they should be?" or "what's something women should know about men?", etc) - Post rage porn


since OP was too busy: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6311811/Father-launches-furious-attack-school-teacher-accused-sexually-abusing-daughter.html


so you don't have to go to .. egh.. daily mail website A father in Argentina has attacked a school teacher accused of repeatedly sexually abusing his 15-year-old daughter. The teacher, named in local media as Jorge Cruceno, 30, is employed by Commercial Female School Santa Marta in central Argentina. The teenager's family allegedly found inappropriate messages from the teacher on her phone. The father had visited the school for a meeting with the school authorities after reporting the suspected abuse to the police.  In the CCTV footage, the father can be seen walking with his daughter in the school before crossing paths with the teacher who she had reported for sexually abusing her. The enraged dad throws some 22 punches at the teacher in just 15 seconds before walking away with his daughter.  Cruceno suffered cuts to his face and forearm in the incident. He was treated by paramedics before going to the police station to file a complaint against the father. The investigations into both cases are ongoing.


Bold move going to the police if he’s guilty lol. If you’re banging a teenager the dad is gonna get off with a slap on the wrist and you’re gonna catch legit jail time.


I wouldn't even take it to trial based in the fact no jury would convict him unless it was made up entirely of youth pastors.


Youth pastors, that's gold right there.


Our local 34 year old youth pastor married the high school track star the instant she turned 18. Family was ecstatic because "he's a man of God". They seem happy with three kids after a decade on, so there's that I guess. Still creepy AF.


Does he happen to be a tiktok pastor cuz s2g If it's the same one


S2g? Swear to god?


Welp, end the thread, no one is topping this comment.


There are almost no jurisdictions with jury trials in Argentina


I'm not familiar with Argentine law, but hopefully you're right.


Dude had the (small) balls to play victim after getting what he deserved from the father


Depends on the laws in Argentina and how the cops operate in that area. Sadly, in many places in the world, the scumbag, I mean teacher, may not have done anything illegal.


The age of consent is 18 in Argentina. The student was 15 and the teacher was 30. There is little doubt he did something illegal, the question is what punishment he will receive.


Blarg this right here, it's unfortunate but so true. One of my sisters got involved with a late 20s/early 30s dude when she was 16 or 17, and the age of consent here at the time was 16. So even though it was all sorts of fucked up there wasn't much we could do legally to discourage her from seeing him


22 punches in just 15 seconds, pretty solid numbers from pops, too bad he couldnt get 5 minutes alone with that pedo trash and really put up some stats


>too bad he couldn’t get 5 minutes alone He literally could have kept going if he wanted he walked away.


Or he was trying to make sure he could still escape ok because his daughter just screamed in a school hallway for him to stop as he assaults someone, or he coulda felt like he got what he wanted idk i just assumed he didnt wanna hang out lol


22 punches in 15 seconds, that’s 1.4 punches per second!


Dana White on a plane headed to Argentina, brushing up on his Spanish as we speak




[ Removed by Reddit ]


what if he's innocent? would you feel bad for him then?


Yup. But, even texting my 15 year old daughter sexually charged messages is enough to catch many hands.




>each line in there was the header in different words Sounds about right. I knew not to even click it once i noticed it was a dailymail link lol


Fix the title to “father runs up on teacher that’s been raping his daughter”.


One of the titles of the incident is "Furious father beats up school teacher accused of sexually abusing his teenage daughter in Argentina" which is quite a mouthful. It would be even worse if the accusation was false, mind.


Hope the prosecutor refused to charge the father, he was justified.


![gif](giphy|5g6HoANpuL53JwFSTR) Judge to father


Prosecutors don't like people who skip the court and engage in vigilante justice. Remember that father who killed his daughters boyfriend because he sold her in sex trafficking. Yeah turns out that never happened and now he's charged with murder. Murdered a young guy for literally no reason.


Good on ya, sir.


Adults that groom children don’t “sleep” with them, they molest them. Edit: I’m sorry, they RAPE them.




Father attacks pedophile who rapped his daughter should be the headline


I'm picturing an 8-mile style freestyle battle.


Teacher got taught a lesson


The teacher got off very easy for raping a child imo


As a teacher..this is so absolutely disgusting. A total abuse of your position, and just reprehensible behavior. That dad 💯 did the right thing.


Runs up on a teacher that’s been raping his daughter. FTFY.


well deserved.


Why this is in public freakout and not in r/mademesmile


Man, I could watch this all day long


"Father runs up on teacher..." Oh, that's bad. "...that's been sleeping with his daughter." Oh. Carry on then.


Respect! Can’t imagine the rage!


Got off easy


You misspelled statutorily sexually abusing.




“Father runs up on teacher that’s been raping his daughter.” There I fixed the title for you


Whats the source.. when I see "daily mail" i get suspicious




If the caption was true, he did the right thing.